The new game will take place in a world filled with narrative details

Oct 2, 2013 22:07 GMT  ·  By

The team at Bungie working on the new Destiny shooter reveals a new weapon that gamers will be able to use in the game, called the Silver Dollar, and explain how guns can be used to tell stories about the world they are creating.

The studio states in an official article on its site that "In a place made strange by the passage of time, the Silver Dollar is as relatable as a lucky coin. The age-old claim to 'ride shotgun' calls out to us from a long-forgotten frontier."

Tom Doyle, a lead artist at Bungie, offers details about how the concept for the weapon was created and about the way the design can accommodate improvements and attachments.

Destiny is an ambitious project that aims to link the action-driven sequences of the FPS genre with deep stories and a social element.

Launch is set to take place in 2014 on the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and current-gen consoles.