The team does not consider them to be a match for the setting

Feb 4, 2014 09:48 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Bungie says that it has no plans to introduce mounts for its upcoming Destiny, because they would not fit the period and the look of the game.

In a questions and answers session on the official site, the company explains that, “We considered animal mounts, but the weight-load of the Titan’s heavy armor kept breaking their backs, and we knew that PETA would go absolutely berserk.”

Destiny is a shooter that has complex social elements and many fans believe that it should adopt even more features from MMOs.

The game will be launched by Destiny with Electronic Arts on September 9 of this year on the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and current-gen consoles.

The game can be played solo, but most gamers will get extra enjoyment as long as they create groups to tackle the toughest challenges.