The team says the entire world is designed for continuous exploration

Oct 3, 2013 09:43 GMT  ·  By

Eric Osborne, a community manager working at Bungie, says that no shooter launched for the current generation of consoles has offered the same scope that Destiny will deliver in the second quarter of next year.

The developer tells Gamespot that, “Our ambition is to build big, rich destinations that players can visit over and over again, to fill them up with great story and moments that they can share with their friends, and to deliver face melting action that leads to treasure, challenge, and discovery.”

Traditionally, shooters were made up of a single player that offered heavy doses of story and a multiplayer mode that brought plenty of occasions for competition.

Destiny is designed to focus on interactions between players, who can be rivals or friends, on massive customization options and on a large shared world.

The title will be launched on the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and current-gen consoles.