Game's producer mentioned Beverly Hills 90210 and Glee as inspiration

Feb 18, 2014 16:46 GMT  ·  By

Bravely Default also launched in North America on February 7, completing the western releases for the enhanced version of the original 2012 Bravely Default Nintendo 3DS exclusive game.

Developed by Silicon Studio and Square Enix, the game is a traditional Japanese RPG and focuses around turn-based combat with two new mechanics that allow for more strategic plays and challenging high risk/high reward decisions.

More information regarding the design process of Bravely Default was revealed on the Nintendo Handheld Facebook page, where the developers confessed that they used "the methodology of American TV dramas like the older Beverly Hills 90210, and Glee as references."

"The exaggerated characters are cute, and players can enjoy them on their adventures. Basically this is comedic up to the point where you start really liking the characters, and then the drama develops," producer Tomoya Asano shared.

Consequently, Bravely Default feels like a traditional Japanese role-playing game with American content thrown in, according to the producer.