Gamers can test out their choices of skills and abilities

Sep 10, 2012 11:57 GMT  ·  By

Developer Gearbox has announced that it has launched the Skill Tree Builder for the upcoming Borderlands 2, which means that any player who is interested in getting the new game can now plan how they want to customize their own characters.

The developer is adding more functionality to the Skill Tree Builder and the official post on the forums gives all the information users need.

The new game introduces four new characters that offer more variety than the ones seen in the first game in the series.

Gamers can choose to be stealthy and quick or they can create a character that is designed to take and deliver damage at close range.

The game also offers a more distinct graphical style and a new take on the world of Pandora.

Borderlands 2 will be launched on September 18 in the United States and on September 21 in Europe and will be playable on the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 and the PC.