The free-to-play side-scrolling RPG is playable in every browser

Mar 6, 2014 16:46 GMT  ·  By

Publisher R2Games has announced the introduction of a new playable class to their massively multiplayer online action role-playing game Blade Hunter, the industrious Mechanist.

The Mechanist wields a jet-powered hammer and afford some industrial flair to the side-scrolling fantasy beat'em up game, lending her keen intellect and wide range of combat abilities to battling all kinds of monsters.

The Mechanist joins the already existing cast of Knight, Valkyrie and Rogue, setting her hammer onto fire and spinning through the crowds or unleashing a barrage of Stormfire missiles.

The new character is just one of the many features introduced in the latest update. Just last month, Reality Squared Games raised the level cap to 120 and opened up an entirely new area, the Sprite Realm, for players to explore, with new quests and dungeons to tackle, while riding on the new mounts or making use of their newfound wings.

With the latest update, players will be pleased to find a host of new content, from a raised level cap to a brand new quest area, not to mention guild-exclusive events like Scepter Defense and many others, fully detailed in the patch notes on the Blade Hunter website.

Blade Hunter is a free-to-play game, accessible in any browser, that mixes classical side-scrolling beat'em up gameplay with role-playing game elements, for a deeper and more challenging experience.