Players will be able to get a look at the relationship system

Feb 14, 2012 11:22 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher SEGA has announced that tomorrow players who are interested in the upcoming squad shooter Binary Domain will be able to see what the game has to offer via demo which will be offered on the Xbox 360 via the Live service and on the PlayStation 3 through the PSN.

The demo version of Binary Domain will offer two missions from the first part of the game, set in a futuristic take on Tokyo.

SEGA states, “You’ll take command of Dan Marshall and work together with a squad of teammates from an elite International taskforce who watch and react to your every move. Gamers will have to fight highly intelligent robotic opponents and will also get the chance to try out Binary Domain’s ground breaking Consequence System.”

Binary Domain is created by the same team that worked on the Yakuza series and will seek to revolutionize the shooter series, allowing for the player to develop deep relationships with his team mates via a new consequence system.