Special items available only to those who buy apparel from The International 4 are present

Jul 4, 2014 13:04 GMT  ·  By

Valve has just rolled out a rather hefty Dota 2 patch onto its Steam digital distribution service and it includes a wide variety of new cosmetic items that can be earned by buying various treasure chests but also by purchasing the new apparel gear that will be sold at The International 4 tournament this week.

Dota 2 has been receiving constant updates in recent weeks, as Valve wants to make sure it has everything in place ahead of The International 4, its next big eSports competition that will be held in Seattle later this month.

Now, a new hefty patch has been rolled out that doesn't include any gameplay tweaks, according to the official blog. Instead, it brings forth a huge amount of new cosmetic items and gear that are available either via purchasing treasures from the online store or by buying actual real-life apparel and other gear during The International 4.

The virtual items include Treasure of the Elemental Trophy, Tangled Keepsake, and Cannon's Fuse, which all have items from a variety of professional teams and players. There's also the special Treasure of the Eternal Alliance, which features items from last year's The International 3 winners Alliance.

The new update is already available for download via the Steam service and weighs in at around 400MB.