The game still uses prompts to drive story forward

Mar 22, 2013 22:02 GMT  ·  By

David Cage, the leader of the development team at Quantic Dream, says that his upcoming Beyond: Two Souls will not include any Quick Time Events, although at times, the player might be prompted to perform an action.

The developer tells VG247 that, “We didn’t really have a problem with QTEs in Heavy Rain and I don’t think that players who played the game had any problem with that.”

The quantity of prompts in Beyond: Two Souls will be similar to what modern audiences have encountered in God of War, Tomb Raider or the Uncharted series.

Quantic Dream wants to immerse players in the world of the game and QTEs have always been a gameplay crutch that has broken the feeling.

Beyond: Two Souls will be launched on October 8 on the PlayStation 3 from Sony.