Players can see a lot of gameplay mechanics in action

Apr 29, 2013 08:13 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Quantic Dream and publisher Sony have shown their upcoming Beyond: Two Souls at the Tribeca Film Festival and fans of the title can take a look at a video that’s more than half an hour long and filled to the brim with gameplay sequences.

The length of the clip means that there are bound to be some spoilers sprinkled around and those who want to play the game without any hints for its story should stay away.

Beyond: Two Souls aims to compete with movies in terms of emotional depth and performance from actors, using all-new motion capture technology created by Quantic Dream.

The game will star Ellen Page as the main character and Willem Dafoe as one of the core members of the supporting cast.

The game will be launched on October 8 on the PlayStation 3.