Multiplayer matches didn't display scores, caused crashes, or didn't spawn players

Jan 17, 2014 09:01 GMT  ·  By

Battlefield 4 developer DICE released yesterday a special R20 update for multiplayer servers but the patch did more harm than good, breaking the spawning system and causing a lot of issues. Fortunately, another update is rumored to launch later today, January 17.

Battlefield 4 continues to be plagued by issues and problems even several months after launch and after many different updates and patches from developer DICE.

Yesterday, another server update for the game was rolled out, in the form of patch R20, which should have fixed smaller problems, according to Battelog.

Unfortunately, it ended up causing some serious issues, as it broke the spawning system for players after they died, caused new crashes, or didn't show scores during online matches.

A new server update, patch R21, might appear later today, January 17, according to a report on Reddit, but nothing is certain.