The game inspired many of the mechanics that are now part of the shooter

Oct 17, 2013 06:40 GMT  ·  By

Lars Gustavsson, the leading producer working on Battlefield 4, says that some of his fondest gaming memories are linked to the original Mirror’s Edge and he is very happy that his company is at the moment working on a sequel.

He tells RocketChainsaw that, “And when the team came with the first prototype I was sort of blown away which, it’s one of those universes that I’m really longing to go back to so I’m super happy that we’re now building Mirrors Edge 2.”

The developer says that the Battlefield series has borrowed some game ideas from Mirror’s Edge and that influences for the first-person shooter series include Most Wanted, Shadow of the Colossus and real-time strategy titles.

The fourth core game will include a number of new modes and a new Levolution mechanic, which makes multiplayer matches more dynamic.

The shooter will be out on October 29 in North America and on November 1 in Europe.