The team is aiming to reward them for their patience

Jan 24, 2014 22:46 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer DICE and publisher Electronic Arts announce that all Battlefield 4 fans will be able to get double experience for multiplayer matches starting on January 25 at 2 AM Pacific Daylight Time or 10 AM UTC.

This means that faithful gamers and casual fans will both be able to gain levels faster than usual, which means that they can explore more options for their characters.

DICE is not mentioning when the double experience period is set to end.

Battlefield 4 has been affected by a number of issues since it was launched and the development team is working hard to eliminate as many of them as fast as possible.

The studio has recently announced that it was looking for input from gamers on which balance issues of the first person shooter they want to see changed next.

More DLC for Battlefield 4 is expected to arrive later in 2014.