The team is relying on statistics in order to improve the experience

Oct 18, 2013 21:01 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer DICE says that, at times, feedback coming from some fans is objectively wrong and that the wisdom of the group can affect a video game franchise in some negative ways.

The company uses telemetry and tracking to make sure that its gets accurate statistics about everything from weapons used to places on every map where most deaths take place.

Patrick Bach, the leading producer working on Battlefield 4, tells that, “And it’s actually quite scary to see how objectively wrong people can be. Because they want to win, personally, therefore they claim the thing that prevents them from winning is a design flaw or a bug or something.”

The beta stage for the shooter has ended and the team has delivered a lengthy list of changes that it will make available before the official launch.

Battlefield 4 will be out on October 29 in North America and three days later in Europe.