His main power is focused on dropped chimes

Feb 25, 2015 16:37 GMT  ·  By

The much teased new hero for League of Legends is called Bard, the wandering caretaker, and the development team at Riot Games says that he is designed to offer yet another support option for teams, but with a new twist: a focus on movement which can make him more capable in a fight.

The team that created him has introduced an ability called Ancient Chimes, which allows him to drop the small items across the map, which will give him boost, for a short while, to man, speed and experience.

Riot Games states, "By constantly collecting his unique chimes he covers plenty of ground at all stages of a game, and offers his team both solid sustain with his health packs and unrivalled team mobility with his long range portals."

More information on the abilities that Bard can use in League of Legends can be found in the official announcement from the company.

The reveal is comprehensive and allows players who are interested in using him to learn which other heroes will work well in a team and to get some insight into the ideas that powered the creation of the new character.

League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA titles available at the moment.