All of them will be suited for a pirate and assassin

Jul 23, 2013 06:51 GMT  ·  By

Jean Guesdon, the creative director working on Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, says that the new game is designed to eliminate all problems that were associated with side quests in its previous incarnation.

He tells Gamingbolt that, “The key thing here is that all of these activities make sense in the context of the open-world—you will never feel like any of these activities are superfluous, they are all present for a reason, and they are all fun to complete.”

Ubisoft wants to make sure that the side quests are plausible as actions that a pirate and an assassin would take on in order to improve his own set of skills.

Black Flag is set to focus on the Caribbean and on naval battles, but gamers will also get plenty of chances to explore the islands and their cities.

The new Assassin’s Creed will be out in late October and early November on the PC and current-gen consoles, with versions for the Xbox One and the PS4 also in development.