Check out some great footage with developer commentary about the survival game

Mar 14, 2014 09:47 GMT  ·  By

Alien: Isolation, the upcoming survival horror game from Creative Assembly and Sega has just received a fresh video that goes in-depth into the creation process for the game's only Xenomorph creature.

Alien: Isolation promises to deliver a much more faithful video game interpretation of the iconic movies and, as opposed to the likes of Aliens: Colonial Marines, will only feature a single Xenomorph.

Developer Creative Assemby and publisher Sega have just posted a special video with the impressive game, detailing just how the creation process for the imposing Alien happened.

Besides seeing footage from the game and various other sequences, you also get to hear from many of the developers behind Alien: Isolation, from Creative Assembly's founders to key people working on the survival experience.

In case you forgot, Alien: Isolation focuses on Amanda, the daughter of Alien movie heroine Ellen Ripley, who goes on to explore an abandoned space station, so that she can shed some light on the disappearance of her mother.

Players will have to navigate different environments and go up against all sorts of different obstacles, including the ferocious Alien.

Alien: Isolation is set to debut in late 2014 for the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.