Nov 21, 2010 15:41 GMT  ·  By

This week has been dominated by the full review of Call of Duty: Black Ops, the best selling first person shooter from Treyarch and Activision, and by the Gamer Diaries we have created, talking about different aspects of the game.

We also found time for a Weekend Reading feature which talks about how history enables and also limits Call of Duty as a franchise and an EndWeekGame piece talking about what games we are enjoying this weekend.

On Monday Sony, apparently totally confident that Gran Turismo 5 will actually be released on November 24 all over the world, released the official car list for the game, showing the 1,000 machines that players will be able to guide on the tracks.

On the same day BioWare talked about the tactical battles in Dragon Age 2, saying that players will be able to approach the situation with a strategic mindset while also enjoying much improved action.

Tuesday Ubisoft talked about Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and assured gamers that the new experience, which is significant for introducing multiplayer to the equation, is good game and not just a quick cash in sequel.

At the same time an analyst predicted that diversity will push the PlayStation 3 over the Xbox 360.

Wednesday a report revealed that, despite very good sales, Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty has also been widely pirated, reaching more than 2.3 million tracked illegal downloads.

On the same day Electronic Arts revealed Need for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed via one trailer at the beginning of the new Hot Pursuit, with an official launch date of 2011.

Thursday was dominated by the announcement of Dead Money, the first piece of downloadable content for Fallout: New Vegas, which will arrive just before Christmas exclusively on the Xbox 360.

Meanwhile Microsoft said that in 2011 players will be able to enjoy more Kinect powered games for the core audience.

On Friday a rumors popped up about the new BioWare project, suggesting it will be an online shooter, while Treyarch put out new patches for Call of Duty.