Delivering reviews, news, columns and Gamer Diaries

Mar 31, 2013 11:11 GMT  ·  By

It might only be March right now, but two of the biggest video games of the year, at least when current consoles and the PC are concerned, are already out and we have full Softpedia reviews to deliver for both of them.

BioShock Infinite is the new game from Ken Levine and many industry watchers are already talking about it as a strong candidate for end of 2013 Game of the Year awards.

We also take a close look at Gears of War: Judgment, the third-person shooter from People Can Fly and Epic Games, which manages to add some interesting tweaks to both the single and the multiplayer of the series.

We also have our usual Weekend Reading features: about the Battlefield 4 and the power of graphics and about the franchise power of Gears of War.

We also have Gamer Diaries for both Judgment and BioShock Infinite.

And, of course, we talk about our gaming habits for the weekend in EndWeekGame, while we also deliver a selection of the most important news of the last week.

On Monday, Gearbox offered information about the new Psycho character that will be added to Borderlands 2, and Ken Levine talked about the range of choices included in BioShock Infinite, which will welcome alcoholic and psychopathic attitudes.

Tuesday, Nintendo delivered the 5.00 firmware for the 3DS handheld, with improvements to the eShop, while rumors suggested that the campaign of Killzone: Shadow Fall is already playable on the PlayStation 4.

Wednesday, DICE revealed Battlefield 4 via a 17-minute long gameplay video, and Eidos Montreal talked about the new Focus system of the Thief reboot.

Thursday, a new report set the reveal date for the Xbox 720 from Microsoft for May 21, and Hideo Kojima revealed that Metal Gear Solid V is called Phantom Pain and it will be separate from Ground Zeroes.

On Friday, Blizzard talked about the way Auction House hurt Diablo III, while The Creative Assembly announced Total War: Arena, a mix of MOBA and RTS mechanics.

Saturday, Bungie offered more details about Destiny and Piranha talked about the future of MechWarrior Online.