The Alpha and the Omega

Jun 6, 2010 07:11 GMT  ·  By

This week has been dominated, here at Softpedia, by the launch of Alpha Protocol, a game we have reviewed and dedicated several gameplay diaries to. This edition's Weekend Reading piece is also using the new Obsidian role playing game as a jump off point for a discussion about innovation in gaming and the title is featured heavily in our EndWeekGame segment. And, after all that Alpha Protocol talk, we have some pieces news we found interesting during the last few days as well.

Monday was the day when Nintendo showed off the characters, Reshiram and Zekron that would be making the coveted cover spots for the Nintendo Black and White games set to arrive in 2011. A Project Natal game was also announced, Brunswick Pro Bowling, taking full advantage of the motion tracking abilities of the fresh Microsoft peripheral.

On Tuesday, Treyarch stated that they would be focusing on delivering as much as possible of the Call of Duty experience on the Nintendo Wii with the upcoming Black Ops. This just as Electronic Arts has announced that the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter game would be split into two parts just like the movie written based on the book.

On Wednesday, a rumor popped up saying EA had registered quite a few websites suggesting that the Sims series might be going medieval, taking the popular simulation title to the Middle Ages for a bit of an adventure. On the same day, Bethesda revealed its line up for E3, the obvious questions being what the main development studio was working on and whether we would hear anything about The Elder Scrolls V.

On Thursday, EA Sports confirmed that the Live name was being dropped from the main NBA franchise, now called Elite and would aim for a more realistic representation of the game when it comes out in the fall. Electronic Arts accepted the fact that Battlefield: Bad Company 2 would not reach the level of success of Modern Warfare 2.

On Friday, Harmonix was rumored to be working on a Just Dance-like game linked with Project Natal, while the creators of The Witcher II talked about how they could ensure that their new title was more nonlinear and consequence-heavy.