Delivering reviews, news, columns and Gamer Diaries

Jan 12, 2014 10:21 GMT  ·  By

This week, the Games department of Softpedia is delivering long-form evaluation of the following titles: Terraria on the PlayStation Vita, a solid port of the already classic indie experience, Tiny Brains, a cooperative title with some very interesting concepts, Don’t Starve on the PlayStation 4, a version that captures the essence of the indie title, State of Decay, a survival experience, and Baldur's Gate II in its Enhanced Edition form.

We also have the traditional Weekend Reading features: one dealing with the problems that the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 might face in 2014 and another about PlayStation Now and future prospects.

Our Incoming 2014 Games series continues, taking a closer look at the big titles that will be launched in the coming months and why each of them is important.

Our EndWeekGame piece also takes a look at our plans linked to the free time we might have around the weekend.

Finally, we deliver a selection of the most important news of the past week.

On Monday, Minecraft promised more updates and Deep Down revealed two new monsters, while Microsoft talked about the mix of games and entertainment in the Xbox One.

On Tuesday, PlayStation Now was announced by Sony for PS4 and Vita, Dark Souls 2 prepared for the launch of a digital comic and SOE talked about a new cash system for MMOs on home consoles.

On Wednesday, more pirates were delivered to Assassin’s Creed IV, GTA Online was the victim of a leak for the mission creator and Sony talked about the limits of the PlayStation Now.

On Thursday, Skyrim showed up as a possible game for the PS4 and the Xbox One, Hitman Absolution received new contracts and Steam talked about its haptic controller and DOTA 2.

On Friday, Wii U was characterized as an industrial accident, Planetside 2 teased new content and more info was offered about the new Need for Speed movie.

On Saturday, the Onslaught DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts was leaked, Everquest Landmark got a new video and Elder Scrolls Online asked testers to take part in weekend events.