Delivering news, columns, Gamer Diaries and reviews

Feb 2, 2014 09:51 GMT  ·  By

The review section is delivering long-form evaluations of Stick It to the Man, an interesting platformer adventure with some humorous elements, Strike Vector, an arena shooter that will appeal to fans of the classics, Echo PrimeDogs of War Online and Soul Fjord.

We also have the traditional Weekend Reading features, one of them talking about the potential competition between a rumored Amazon console, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 and another about the way a gamer can make money by playing on Steam and GMG.

We also deliver the final titles in our Incoming Games 2014 series, which looks at the big releases of this year, and a set of Gamer Diaries linked to the Conquest of Paradise expansion for Europa Universalis IV.

The EndWeekGame piece talks about the various games we will play during the weekend and we also have a selection of the most interesting news from the past seven days.

On Monday, MInecraft on the PS3 was revealed as having sold 1 million copies, GTA V was rumored to support 32 players on the PC and SOE confirmed that it was planning to launch EverQuest Next at some point in 2015.

On Tuesday, Square Enix revealed a new Collective initiative and the first three titles for it, screenshots appeared taken from a new Source 2 engine and Amazon was rumored to be preparing a home console launch in 2014.

On Wednesday, the population of World of Warcraft was estimated at half a billion, GTA V pre-orders were rumored to be starting soon and an Imperial Edition was announced for The Elder Scrolls Online.

On Thursday, Hearthstone offered details about a planned adventure mode, a new update for Battlefield 4 was launched and Microsoft was rumored to be getting ready to launch a white Xbox One in October.

On Friday, Respawn explained that beta access for Titanfall was not linked to pre-orders, The Evil Within delivered more official screens and a Tomb Raider patch changed Lara’s language to French.

On Saturday, Microsoft suggested it would prosecute the leaker that talked about the Xbox One white launch and a retailer talked about a delay for Uncharted 4 until 2015.