Delivering news, reviews, Gamer Diaries and columns

Dec 15, 2013 09:16 GMT  ·  By

The review department of Softpedia Games is delivering long-form evaluations for: Resogun, a downloadable only title for the PlayStation 4, Forza Motorsport 5, the racing experience exclusive to the Xbox One, Peggle 2, another title only offered on the Microsoft device, Knack, a disappointing PS4 exclusive, and The Novelist.

We also have reviews of the actual hardware of the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4.

The Weekend Reading pieces talk about the difficulty of selecting a winner for the Game of the Year award and about the differences between PS Plus on the PS4 and Xbox Live on the Xbox One.

A Gamer Diary deals with the challenges of Ryse: Son of Rome and some of its core gameplay mechanics.

The EndWeekGame piece talks about how we plan to spend our free time and we also have a selection of the most important news of the past week.

On Monday information about a new error affecting the PlayStation 4 was reported and Kazunori Yamauchi talked about the unique experience that the Vision mode was bringing to Gran Turismo 6.

Tuesday information about the coming content for Grand Theft Auto V was revealed via a leak, including story DLC set for 2014, and an analyst predicted that the PlayStation 4 sold 1.25 million units in November in the US while the Xbox One managed 750,000.

Wednesday both next-gen consoles received new update with the PS4 getting firmware version 1.52 while the Xbox One got a new version that enhanced some features.

Thursday a wolf skin and personalization pack launched for Call of Duty: Ghosts and Carmack talked about the leftover potential of the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3.

On Friday, images that are apparently taken from the new Alien: Isolation project at The Creative Assembly appeared while Turn 10 explained how the microtransactions for Forza Motorsport 5 were created.

Saturday a new DOTA 2 update was launched and Ubisoft offered information about the current state of Rainbow 6: Patriots.