What's new in Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile Patch

Nov 16, 2009
  • Lots of fixes for French, German, Italian, and Spanish where strings would be missing or have extra nonsense at the end of them. We also made cheats work again in French, German, and Italian. Some messages appearing with a "" marker in them have been taught to speak proper German.
  • When running the game on Vista, you can now open scenario info screens without crashing, regardless of your user privileges. This will let you start a campaign or load a scenario without any of the fiddly rigamarole with properties and options you had to go through before.
  • Fonts are now installed in-game if needed, fixing a problem where you'd lose most text and could crash if the game was updated without your machine being restarted.
  • These patches include a fix for a bug in SecuROM that could lead to crashes when right-clicking in Windows Explorer after running the game on some machines