Chimpeon Changelog

What's new in Chimpeon

Feb 6, 2019
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Area Scan Offset x and y values being smaller than -99 or larger than 99. They can now be set to -9999 and 9999.

New in Chimpeon (Jun 30, 2018)

  • Added a Radius setting to the Trigger Pixel(s) window. This enables a radius in pixels (0 to 9) to be defined around the specified Trigger Pixel, so Chimpeon looks within the radius for the Trigger Pixel. This has been implemented because the location of a Trigger Pixel can move slightly when streaming.
  • Added a "Stop If Send To Not Found" setting to the Preferences window. When enabled (default), Chimpeon stops when the window specified in the Send To is no longer available. When disabled, Chimpeon does not stop when the window specified in the Send To is no longer available.
  • Changed the Discord link on the Help menu because the previous one had expired

New in Chimpeon (Jan 15, 2018)

  • Changed the - and + increments of the Trigger Pixel Color Range so a more precise colour match can be configured. They are now -/+ 0..255 instead of -/+ 0..100 It is hoped this will help with streaming.
  • Fixed an access violation that was occasionally caused when clicking a Group's Active checkbox when Chimpeon was started.
  • Fixed an issue with Method 3 mouse positioning. It now positions correctly

New in Chimpeon (Dec 14, 2017)

  • Changed the default Method to 3 as this enables Chimpeon to work with more games.
  • Removed the default 100ms Post Delay and added a default 100ms Duration because certain games require a Duration value to perform keystrokes.
  • Changed the installer so when reinstalling/updating, the name previously specified for the installation folder is presented as the default installation folder name. For example, if you previously named the installation folder Simian, then Simian will appear as the default folder name for the current installation. Previously, the installation folder name always defaulted to Chimpeon

New in Chimpeon (Dec 12, 2017)

  • Added a warning window to the installation process. This appears prior to specifying an installation folder to highlight some of the measures that should be taken to help avoid being detected by a game.
  • Changed the installation process so the name specified for the Chimpeon installation folder is the name adopted by the Chimpeon exe, process, Start menu shortcut and folder, desktop shortcut, taskbar and titlebar.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an access violation when the Area Scan window was closed if the associated fullscreen game was minimised. To prevent the error, the game is now maximised.

New in Chimpeon (Nov 29, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the loop of Groups (and as such keystrokes and mouse button presses) to be slower. Now it's fixed, you can expect to see an improvement on your DPS! Pew pew power!
  • Fixed an issue that caused a Trigger Pixel with an OR to be ignored unless the Manual Expression setting was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented a Trigger Pixel with a NOT from working if the Manual Expression setting was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Chimpeon to become slow or unresponsive when the Wizard was being used.

New in Chimpeon (Nov 13, 2017)

  • To increase the number of games Chimpeon is compatible with, a Method setting has been added to each Action to determine how keystrokes and mouse clicks are sent to a game. This setting has the following three options, each of which is suitable for different game types and requirements:
  • Suitable for some Windows MMORPGs or Windows games where being undetected is paramount*. This method was previously used when the (now removed) RAW setting was disabled (not ticked). If Chimpeon previously worked with RAW disabled then use Method 1. You may have to select the correct game window using the Find Send To button (see below). Enable (tick) the Attach to 'Send To' setting if Method 1 does not work (see below).
  • Suitable for many Windows MMORPGs or Windows games where being undetected is paramount*. This method was previously used when the (now removed) RAW setting was enabled (ticked). If Chimpeon previously worked with RAW enabled then use Method 2. Enable (tick) the Attach to 'Send To' setting if Method 2 does not work (see below).
  • Enables Chimpeon to work with most Windows games including MMORPG, RPG, MOBO, FPS, Windows Store and browser games. However, the game must be focussed and the method of sending keystrokes and mouse clicks may be detectable. Use Method 1 or 2 if remaining undetected is paramount*. This is the default setting.

New in Chimpeon (Nov 8, 2017)

  • Renamed the Key/Button setting to Perform. This is because other options and not just keys and mouse buttons can be selected or specified.
  • Added a Play Sound option to the Perform (previously Key/Button) setting. Choosing this option allows a sound file (WAV) to be selected. This is played when the associated Group is triggered.
  • Renamed the Random Delay Between Groups setting to Delay Between Groups and also added an associated Random setting checkbox. Previously the setting produced a delay only when a Group was triggered. Now it produces a delay after each active Group is checked. EXAMPLE: GroupA [delay] GroupB [delay] GroupC [delay] GroupA [delay] GroupB [delay] GroupC [delay] etc. The setting is useful for "slowing down" Chimpeon to help prevent system instability issues and drops in game framerate. When the Random setting is selected it can also help to reduce detection by a game by making keystrokes and mouse clicks more human-like

New in Chimpeon (Aug 23, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue with the Status Hotkeys.

New in Chimpeon (Apr 3, 2017)

  • Added a Group/Action Wizard that allows for quick and easy configuration of Groups and associated Actions. This feature is perfect for creating combat rotations, especially ones presented by rotation addons where the optimal spell/ability icon appears in the same place.
  • Added a Manual Expression option to the Pixel Colour(s) (now called Trigger Pixel(s)) window) together with an ID setting for each Trigger Pixel. This enables more flexibility when creating Trigger Pixel expressions because brackets can be used within an expression. For Example: ((A and B) or not C) and D.
  • Added a Trigger Pixel button to each Trigger Pixel in the Trigger Pixel(s) window. Clicking this opens the Advanced Trigger Pixel Settings window where Trigger Pixels can be created in a more precise way.
  • Made the Refresh button in the Trigger Pixel(s) window always visible for the selected Trigger Pixel.
  • Renamed all references of Pixel Colour to Trigger Pixel because it is more appropriate to its function.

New in Chimpeon (Mar 13, 2017)

  • Added the ability to select a Group as an Action's Key/Button value. Group names are prefixed in the Key/Button list box with "Group:". Status Hot Keys are prefixed in the Key/Button list box with "Hot Key:".
  • Added Up and Down buttons to the Turn Off, Execute and Turn On panels in the Status Hot Keys Groups window. This enables the Groups to be moved up and down in the panels to determine the order they are performed (top first).
  • Removed the Forum link from the Help menu because the Forum has been removed due to excessive spam. Use Discord instead!
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the correct pixel colour being selected and detected when Windows scaling was not set at 100% (1:1). Windows scaling can now be used with Chimpeon, however, certain elements of the Chimpeon interface are displayed incorrectly when scaling is greater than 100%. We will try to fix this in a future release.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Area Scan from triggering the associated Group when the selected pixel colour was detected and no Threshold setting was specified.
  • Fixed an issue with Import/Export that caused problems with Status Hot Key Groups.
  • Fixed an issue that was sometimes encountered when starting a new configuration.

New in Chimpeon (Dec 7, 2016)

  • Added a Stay On Top feature that enables the Chimpeon interface and Chimpeon windows to appear on top of other applications. Each Chimpeon window has its own Stay On Top checkbox and there is an option for the interface on the Options menu. This is useful when configuring Chimpeon and for monitoring Chimpeon when playing a game.
  • Added a Duplicate button to the Groups panel and the Actions panel to enable the selected Group or Action to be duplicated.
  • Added a feature to assign a WAV sound file to a Status hotkey. This is useful for having audible notification of when a Status hotkey is used.
  • Added a No Key option to the Action Key/Button setting. This prevents an Action having to send a key/button so just its Delay and Duration settings can be utilised, i.e. Chimpeon is paused but does not perform an action.
  • Added a Reset Loop option to the Action Key/Button setting. This enables the loop of Groups to begin again - sometimes useful when targetting a new mob.
  • -1 can now be specified for X and Y mouse position coordinates used by the Left Mouse Button, Middle Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button options in an Action's Key/Button setting. This causes a mouse click to be sent to the current (real time) mouse position.
  • Added the ability to select a Status Hotkey in an Action's Key/Button setting.
  • Added the ability to change Pixel Colour and Mouse Position settings while Chimpeon is started and for Chimpeon to remain started until the OK button is clicked in the associated window.
  • Fixed an issue that caused crazy fast mouse movement in certain games on certain operating systems (mainly Windows 10). Yes, really!
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Chimpeon interface and Chimpeon windows to appear off screen.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an access violation to occur when a change to its settings was made while Chimpeon was started.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a Colour Expression in the Pixel Colours dialog to remain selected after it had been moved in the order.
  • Made changes to the way the loop of Groups works when Chimpeon is started.

New in Chimpeon (Dec 6, 2016)

  • Added a Stay On Top feature that enables the Chimpeon interface and Chimpeon windows to appear on top of other applications. Each Chimpeon window has its own Stay On Top checkbox and there is an option for the interface on the Options menu. This is useful when configuring Chimpeon and for monitoring Chimpeon when playing a game.
  • Added a Duplicate button to the Groups panel and the Actions panel to enable the selected Group or Action to be duplicated.
  • Added a feature to assign a WAV sound file to a Status hotkey. This is useful for having audible notification of when a Status hotkey is used.
  • Added a No Key option to the Action Key/Button setting. This prevents an Action having to send a key/button so just its Delay and Duration settings can be utilised, i.e. Chimpeon is paused but does not perform an action.
  • Added a Reset Loop option to the Action Key/Button setting. This enables the loop of Groups to begin again - sometimes useful when targetting a new mob.
  • -1 can now be specified for X and Y mouse position coordinates used by the Left Mouse Button, Middle Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button options in an Action's Key/Button setting. This causes a mouse click to be sent to the current (real time) mouse position.
  • Added the ability to select a Status Hotkey in an Action's Key/Button setting.
  • Added the ability to change Pixel Colour and Mouse Position settings while Chimpeon is started and for Chimpeon to remain started until the OK button is clicked in the associated window.
  • Fixed an issue that caused crazy fast mouse movement in certain games on certain operating systems (mainly Windows 10). Yes, really!
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Chimpeon interface and Chimpeon windows to appear off screen.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an access violation to occur when a change to its settings was made while Chimpeon was started.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a Colour Expression in the Pixel Colours dialog to remain selected after it had been moved in the order.
  • Made changes to the way the loop of Groups works when Chimpeon is started.

New in Chimpeon (Oct 27, 2016)

  • Hopefully fixed an issue that caused crazy fast mouse movement in a game when Chimpeon is started. Due to the randomness of this issue it has been difficult to test and therefore confirm it is fixed. If the problem is still evident or this build fixed it for you then please contact us.
  • Made the Pixel Colour option for the Action On setting the default option (because this method of automation appears to be the most popular).
  • Added the version number to the Chimpeon setup file.

New in Chimpeon (Oct 12, 2016)

  • Hopefully fixed an issue that caused crazy fast mouse movement in a game when Chimpeon is started. Due to the randomness of this issue it has been difficult to test and therefore confirm it is fixed. If the problem is still evident please contact us and refer to Troubleshooting for a manual fix.
  • Added the "Run Chimpeon" option to the installer because this hopefully no longer causes crazy fast mouse movement in a game when Chimpeon is started.
  • Added a PDF Guides option to the Help menu to provide quick access to the PDF guides on

New in Chimpeon (Oct 5, 2016)

  • Added a Status setting to Groups so they can be turned on and off using a hotkey while Chimpeon is started (see below). Click a Status cell to toggle between On and Off.
  • Added a feature to specify Group Status hotkeys and apply off, on and execute (run) actions to them. This enables one or more Groups to be manually turned off and on or executed while Chimpeon is started - useful for changing between single target and multi-target in-game abilities, or stopping Groups so a manually pressed in-game ability with a cast can be performed without being interrupted by Chimpeon.
  • Added a Randomize Groups Order check box to determine whether Groups are checked randomly (ticked) or sequentially (blank). This helps to prevent the use of Chimpeon being detected by games.
  • Added a Random Delay Between Groups check box and edit box to determine whether there is (ticked) or isn't (blank) a random delay between checking Groups. The value specified is the maximum milliseconds of the random delay. This helps to prevent the use of Chimpeon being detected by games.
  • Added a Loop Delay edit box to determine the delay in milliseconds between each loop of all the Groups. Increasing this value may help to reduce CPU usage and resolve game lag/framerate issues but may also reduce the frequency of when keys and mouse buttons are "pressed" by Chimpeon.
  • Added a Raw check box to each Action to determine whether the raw method (ticked) or the normal method (blank) is used to pass the associated key or mouse button to a game. Select the method that works best for your game. If you have difficulty with modifier keys or automating in-game chat then changing to the opposite of what you have already set may resolve it. Having Raw not set (blank) may reduce the frequency of when keys and mouse buttons are "pressed".
  • Added a Pixel Color refresh key (Shift R) so pixel colours can be refreshed more easily (much more easily if you run your games fullscreen).
  • Added a Minimize/Maximize button to the Actions panel so the panel can be minimized (and the Groups panel maximized) or maximised (and the Groups panel minimized).
  • Add a Forum link to the Help menu.
  • Fixed an issue where Actions associated with Groups assigned to a Status hotkey's Execute were still performed despite the Groups not satisfying their pixel colour condition(s).
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused system instability issues when Chimpeon was running (particularly evident when more than one instance of Chimpeon was running).
  • Fixed an issue that caused keys and mouse buttons to be "pressed" when Chimpeon is started for Groups with the Instant option enabled, despite the Group's pixel colour condition(s) not being satisfied.
  • Fixed an issue where the Start/Stop button did not appear stopped while configuration setting changes were made.
  • Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed configuration strings from newer installations of Chimpeon to be imported into older installations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Chimpeon to be started with the Start/Stop hotkey despite a window such as the Pixel Colours window being open.
  • Fixed an issue where certain cells in the interface would turn blue (we blame Smurfs).
  • Changed the Group Description setting name to Name. A "n - Untitled Group" name is now applied by default when a Group is added.
  • Removed the "Run Chimpeon" option from the installer because this was causing crazy fast mouse movement in games. This issue appears to still be evident on Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 for some other reason and we are trying to resolve it. It can be fixed by running your game in Windows XP compatibility mode. Unfortunately this option is not normally available for 64 bit versions of games. Another way that normally fixes this issue is to run Chimpeon AFTER running the game.
  • Cleaned up some code and reduced the installer size.

New in Chimpeon Beta (Oct 3, 2016)

  • Fixed an issue where Actions associated with Groups assigned to a Status hotkey's Execute were still performed despite the Groups not satisfying their pixel colour condition(s).
  • Added a Loop Delay edit box to determine the delay in milliseconds between each loop of all the Groups. Increasing this value may help to reduce CPU usage and resolve game lag/framerate issues but may also reduce the frequency of when keys and mouse buttons are "pressed" by Chimpeon.
  • Added a Raw check box to each Action to determine whether the raw method (ticked) or the normal method (blank) is used to pass the associated key or mouse button to a game. Select the method that works best for your game. If you have difficulty with modifier keys or automating in-game chat then changing to the opposite of what you have already set may resolve it. Having Raw not set (blank) may reduce the frequency of when keys and mouse buttons are "pressed".
  • Added a Pixel Color refresh key (Shift R) so pixel colours can be refreshed more easily (much more easily if you run your games fullscreen).
  • Added a Minimize/Maximize button to the Actions panel so the panel can be minimized (and the Groups panel maximized) or maximised (and the Groups panel minimized).
  • Removed the "Run Chimpeon" option from the installer because this was causing crazy fast mouse movement in games. This issue appears to still be evident on Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 for some other reason and we are trying to resolve it. It can be fixed by running your game in Windows XP compatibility mode. Unfortunately this option is not normally available for 64 bit versions of games. Another way that normally fixes this issue is to run Chimpeon AFTER running the game.
  • Cleaned up some code and reduced the installer size

New in Chimpeon Beta (Sep 23, 2016)

  • Added a Status setting to Groups so they can be turned on and off using a hotkey while Chimpeon is started (see below).
  • Added a feature to specify Group Status hotkeys and apply off, on and execute (run) actions to them. This enables one or more Groups to be manually turned off and on or executed while Chimpeon is started - useful for changing between single target and multi-target in-game abilities, or stopping Groups so a manually pressed in-game ability with a cast can be performed without being interrupted by Chimpeon.
  • Added a Randomize Groups Order check box to determine whether Groups are checked randomly (ticked) or sequentially (blank). This helps to prevent the use of Chimpeon being detected by games.
  • Added a Random Delay Between Groups check box and edit box to determine whether there is (ticked) or isn't (blank) a random delay between checking Groups. The value specified is the maximum milliseconds of the random delay. This helps to prevent the use of Chimpeon being detected by games.
  • Changed the way Chimpeon "presses" keys and mouse buttons to resolve key modifier and chat message issues in certain games.
  • Add a Forum link to the Help menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused crazy fast mouse movement in certain games.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused system instability issues when Chimpeon was running (particularly evident when more than one instance of Chimpeon was running).
  • Fixed an issue that caused keys and mouse buttons to be "pressed" when Chimpeon is started for Groups with the Instant option enabled, despite the Group's pixel colour condition(s) not being satisfied.
  • Fixed an issue where the Start/Stop button did not appear stopped while configuration setting changes were made.
  • Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed configuration strings from newer installations of Chimpeon to be imported into older installations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Chimpeon to be started with the Start/Stop hotkey despite a window such as the Pixel Colours window being open.
  • Fixed an issue where certain cells would turn blue.
  • Changed the Group Description setting name to Name. A "n - Untitled Group" name is now applied by default when a Group is added.

New in Chimpeon (Jun 14, 2016)

  • Added an Expression feature to the Action On Pixel Colour option. This allows multiple pixel colour expressions to be defined for Groups. As such, Chimpeon can be configured to only press a key or mouse button when multiple conditions are met or not met. For example: You could configure Chimpeon to press a key associated with an in-game healing ability only when that ability is available and your character's health is below a certain level. The possibilities are almost limitless!