Incoming 2013: SimCity

Incoming 2013: SimCity

A game that might revive the entire city building genre

Incoming 2013: Gears of War: Judgment

Incoming 2013: Gears of War: Judgment

The new third-person shooter promises to deliver new mechanics and a fresh plot

Incoming 2013: Crysis 3

Incoming 2013: Crysis 3

The gorgeous sci-fi shooter continues Crytek's franchise

Incoming 2013: Aliens: Colonial Marines

Incoming 2013: Aliens: Colonial Marines

Can Gearbox prove that video game adaptations of movies work?

Incoming 2013: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Incoming 2013: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

A sign that the series is moving towards action genre

Incoming 2013: Dead Space 3

Incoming 2013: Dead Space 3

Can the new sequel manage to evolve the action survival franchise?

Incoming 2013: BioShock Infinite

Incoming 2013: BioShock Infinite

A stylish new city mixed with evolved combat mechanics

Incoming 2013: DmC Devil May Cry

Incoming 2013: DmC Devil May Cry

Capcom and Ninja Theory's hack and slash game is out this month

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