Ren'Py Changelog

What's new in Ren'Py 7.3.2

Jul 11, 2019
  • I'm mildly chagrined to announce Ren'Py 7.3.2. This is a patch release to Ren'Py 7.3, mostly intended to fix bugs and address issues that people have reported. As some of the bugs have significant performance and correctness impact, everyone who upgraded to Ren'Py 7.3.0 or 7.3.1 should move on to this version.

New in Ren'Py 7.1.4 Pre-release (Feb 1, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • The new im.Blur() image manipulator can blur an image. Thanks to Mal Graty for contributing it.
  • LayeredImage groups now support a multiple property, which allows multiple attributes in the same group to be displayed at the same time. This is useful because it allows the auto-definition function of a group to be applied to non-conflicting images.
  • Ren'Py will remain fullscreen when the mouse changes desktops, and will avoid shrinking a maximized window during a reload.
  • The config.allow_duplicate_labels variable can be defined or set in an init python block to allow duplicate labels to be defined in a game.
  • The :func`Movie` displayable can now be told not to loop, and displays the associated static image when it stops looping.
  • Fixes:
  • A regression in support for imagefonts has been fixed.
  • Creating a new file from the navigation menu of the launcher now works.
  • Menu sets now work again.
  • Ren'Py will no longer crash if an incomparable type is given to Function() and other actions.
  • A case where rolling forward would fail is now fixed.
  • A problem that prevented the Steam overlay from showing up on macOS was fixed.

New in Ren'Py 7.1.3 (Jan 22, 2019)

  • There have also been a few feature additions. Some of the highlights are:
  • Transforms that are used once in a screen can now be defined inline.
  • Choice menus can now display as insensitive buttons items selected by the if clause.
  • It is now possible to set variables inside a used screen.
  • Ren'Py can now automatically detect the language of the player's system and select the correct translation.
  • The French, German, Korean, Russian, and Simplified Chinese translations have been updated.
  • Some of the more important bugfixes include:
  • A bug that caused Arabic text to display as squares on Windows has been fixed.
  • Lint now handles several cases correctly, including layered images.
  • As Ren'Py generally could not created proper android packages with a 32-bit Java 8, it now requires a 64-bit Java Development Kit.

New in Ren'Py 7.0 (Jun 30, 2018)

  • The ability to apply transitions to specific layers, making it possible to dissolve in a sprite while text is being shown.
  • A second row of ruby or interlinear text can now be shown.
  • A way of converting strings into custom displayables.
  • A French translation of the launcher and The Question.
  • An editing pass over the reference manual.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.14 (Jan 15, 2018)

  • The performance of Ren'Py has been improved in multiple ways, and the apparent responsiveness has been improved even more.
  • A new multiple character dialogue system makes it possible for multiple characters to display dialogue on the screen at once.
  • A new GUI preference system works with the new GUI to make it easier to create preferences that customize the look of the Ren'Py GUI.
  • A new tooltip system makes it easier to write tooltips.
  • Ren'Py now supports TLS on multiple platforms, making it possible to use HTTPS to connect to servers to transfer game data.
  • This release also fixes issues with movie playback and android apps displaying a black screen, along with other improvements mentioned in the changelog.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.13 (Nov 8, 2017)

  • The two games that are bundled with Ren'Py have both been remade. Both are now in the 16:9 aspect ratio and use modern Ren'Py programming techniques. The Tutorial has been rethought, and is now structured to be a basic and in-depth class in Ren'Py, with hundreds of new examples. (The old tutorial may still be used when a translation exists for a language.)
  • Ren'Py now ships with the Interactive Director, which can be accessed by pressing 'D'. The Director allows one to edit scripts from inside Ren'Py, adding and modifying the scene, show, hide, with, play, queue, stop and voice statements.
  • Ren'Py now runs on the Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi files can be downloaded and added to a Ren'Py release, though it's the creator's responsibility to ensure that their project runs in the limited memory available on that platform.
  • Ren'Py now takes advantage of Non-Power of Two (NPOT) textures to reduce memory usage when supported on a platform. Memory usage can be reduced further by setting config.cache_surfaces to False.
  • The functionality of the {a} text tag, which introduces a hyperlink, has been improved. It's now possible to use a hyperlink to jump to a label, call a label, or show a screen.
  • The say statement has been extended to take arguments. This new syntax can be used by advanced creators to provide additional information to a say statement.
  • Ren'Py now loads files in a second thread, preventing sound playback and looping from causing drops in the framerate.
  • Translations of the launcher to French and Brazilian Portuguese have been added, while the new tutorial is also available in Russian.

New in Ren'Py (Mar 2, 2017)

  • This release fixes a number of bugs, including one that would cause the renpy.input function to crash. It improves the console (accessed with shift+O), and updates translations.

New in Ren'Py (Mar 2, 2017)

  • This release fixes a number of bugs. It also adds and renames gui variables so that every text property can be controlled by a gui variable, and adds support for the new Ren'Py Interactive Director.

New in Ren'Py (Jan 3, 2017)

  • This fixes a bug that could prevent viewport children from becoming focused, and a bug that prevented the RAPT and Renios DLC from being downloaded properly. It also adds functionality to support the interactive director.

New in Ren'Py (Dec 27, 2016)

  • This fixes a major issue that could cause MultiPersistent data to not work on systems using non-ASCII character sets. It also fixes other bugs, and updates the Indonesian translation.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.12 (Dec 20, 2016)

  • This release focuses on improving support for new versions of macOS, by changing the macOS-specific package to support code signing and work correctly when path randomization is enabled. When run on macOS, Ren'Py can automatically sing the application, and create a signed disk image. The launcher can launch older Ren'Py applications on macOS Sierra, to improve compatibility with older games.
  • Because of this change, the -all distribution has been retired, replaced with -mac and a new -pc distribution that supports Windows and Linux.
  • The other main focus of this release is improving support for translation of the new GUI. Translating Ren'Py now translates both the launcher and the interface of new games created in the launcher language. It is also possible to change the font used by the launcher and new projects. There is a page about translating Ren'Py in the documentation, to guide the process.
  • In addition to these major focuses, this release includes a number of new features and bug fixes.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.11 (Sep 6, 2016)

  • Ren'Py now natively supports a dialogue history/readback system.
  • File pages can be renamed by clicking on the page title/number.
  • Style properties that use image filenames can take a [prefix_] substitution, which causes a style prefix search.
  • And the usual set of non-GUI-related changes:
  • Android support has been partially rewritten. It now supports x86 in addition to ARM, supports immersive mode, and fixes problems downloading Android dependencies.
  • Ren'Py supports Chrome OS by converting an Android package using the Android Runtime for Chrome tool.
  • The Ren'Py script language supports locally-scoped labels.
  • Transforms support tiling the child multiple times, and panning over the child image by an angle.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.10 (Mar 25, 2016)

  • Fixed:
  • Ren'Py would fail to start if a DirectInput gamepad could not be opened in exclusive mode.
  • Ren'Py would fail to start with an SDL error on certain Android devices.
  • This release also includes:
  • A new vpgrid widget, which combines a viewport and a grid into a single widget, with optimized rendering.
  • InputValues that can be with the text input widget to allow multiple text inputs to be displayed at once.
  • A Greek translation of the launcher, contributed by George Economidis.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.9 (Mar 8, 2016)

  • Partial playback of audio files, including the specification of start, end, and loop points.
  • A new audio channel that allows the playback of multiple sound files at once, for use by interface and game sound
  • The ability to play multiple movies at once, and to seamlessly loop movies.
  • Movie-backed sprites that use a pair of movies, one for the color channel and one containing alpha (opacity) information.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.8 (Dec 28, 2015)

  • Tags, Layers, and Transforms:
  • The new config.tag_layer variable makes it possible to specify the default layer used by an image on a per image tag basis. This makes it possible to place an image on its own layer without having to use onlayer. The new config.default_tag_layer variable specifies the default layer for unknown tags.
  • The new renpy.add_layer() function provides as way to add a new layer above or below the existing layers, if and only if the layer does not already exist.
  • The new config.tag_transform variable makes it possible to specify a default transform (or list of transforms) to use when a transform is not provided as part of a show or scene statement.
  • The new config.tag_zorder makes it possible to specify a default zorder that's used for a tag when no other zorder is used
  • Easing Functions:
  • Thanks to Nyaatrap, Ren'Py now supports Robert Penner's easing functions in ATL. These functions speed up and slow down interpolations (and in some cases, can cause interpolations to overshoot their targets), in order to provide more pleasing and natural motion.
  • The new easing functions are documented in the Warpers section.
  • Side Images:
  • New-style side image functionality (using images with the side tag) has been overhauled. It's now possible to apply an ATL transform, and hence a transition, whenever the side image changes. Different transforms can be used in the case where the character changes and the case where it stays the same.
  • See the Side Images section for complete documentation.
  • PushMove Transitions:
  • A new type of transition - PushMove() - has been added to Ren'Py, along with the pushright (or pushleft, pushtop, pushbottom)
  • Other:
  • Fixed a major bug where Ren'Py would put an extra space at the end of each text block. This could change the layout of text (and hence other portions of the interface.) The fix reverts the change that added the space, causing it to be smaller than in 6.99.7 (but the same size as 6.99.6 and before.)
  • Ren'Py now supports HighDPI ("retina") displays on the Windows platform, displaying text at the native screen resolution.
  • Ren'Py properly maximizes on most desktop platforms. (Everything Windows 7 and below, which have a start orb that can overlap the Ren'Py window.)
  • Added the renpy.is_start_interact(), which can be called in a per_interact method to determine if this is the first pass through an interaction (as opposed to a restarted interaction).
  • The new renpy.maximum_framerate() function increases the framerate Ren'Py draws at for a given period of time. Ren'Py's Steam support uses this to ensure the Steam overlay animates smoothly.
  • It's now possible to use the config.default_music_volume, config.default_sfx_volume, and config.default_voice_volume variables to set the default values of the various mixers.
  • The new config.overlay_screens variable takes a list of screens that are displayed whenever a pre-screens overlay would be displayed, and hidden otherwise. This makes it easy to have a screen as a permanent part of the in-game interface, even if the game can be entered from multiple places (like a Replay).
  • Ren'Py now clears focus (causing unhover events to trigger) when the mouse leaves the game window.
  • The hbox and vbox displayables now support the xminimum and yminimum style properties (and hence, xsize, :propref`ysize`, xysize, and :propref`area` properties.)
  • The new PlayCharacterVoice() action makes it possible to play a sample of a character's voice at that character's voice volume level.
  • The Extract Dialogue screen now includes a number of additional options.
  • The Traditional Chinese translation has been updated.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.7 (Nov 2, 2015)

  • A new dynamic images feature that lets Ren'Py interpolate text into displayables at the start of each interaction. This should make certain common patterns much easier to implement, such as dressup code that previously required a large number of ConditionSwitches.
  • An extension to the define statement that makes it possible to define config and persistent variables. Persistent variables use special semantics to ensure a persistent variable is only defined once.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.6 (Sep 15, 2015)

  • HighDPI/Retina:
  • Support for HighDPI/Retina displays has been added to Ren'Py. This support is automatically used when running on iOS or Mac OS X systems that have a retina display.
  • On all platforms, Ren'Py now renders text at the display resolution, rather than the resolution the game was set to. The result is that text remains sharp even when upscaled significantly. Creators should be aware that due to variability in character size and kerning, this can cause changes in text layout and word wrap as the window is scaled.
  • To get the greatest benefit from these changes, the included copy of DejaVuSans has been updated to version 2.35, and the DejaVuSans-Bold font has been added. The bold font will automatically be used when a bold version of DejaVuSans.ttf is requested.
  • Gamepad:
  • Ren'Py now uses the SDL2 controller API to support gamepads. This API provides a standardized mapping of controller buttons to something similar to an Xbox controller.
  • Backups:
  • Ren'Py will now automatically back up .rpy files that are part of changed games. These backups will be placed in the same system-specific location that save files are placed.
  • Other Improvements:
  • A new achievement.sync() function and achievement.Sync action have been added to Ren'Py. These synchronize achivements between local storage and other backends, such as Steam.
  • A major bug in scanning archive files has been fixed. This bug often manifested as an archived images/ directory not being scanned some, but potentially not all, of the time. We strongly recommend upgrading from 6.99.5 if your game uses and archives the images/ directory.
  • If a file is not found in the game directory, Ren'Py will search the images/ directory for that file. This behavior is controlled by the config.search_path variable.
  • Screens now take the style_group property, which was previously only allowed on displayable statements.
  • Screen language statements now take arguments and properties properties, which allows statement to be passed a list of additional positional arguments and a dict of additional properties, respectively.
  • The new Color class allows conversion between color spaces and other color-theory operations.
  • Ren'Py now supports a game/python-packages directory, which can be used with pure-python packages installed via pip. See the new First and Third Party Python Modules and Packages documentation for more details.
  • Renios now supports compiling for 32-bit simulators (for the iPhone 4 and 5).
  • The Korean and Russian translations have been improved.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.5 (Jul 20, 2015)

  • This release improves startup time, improves iOS 8 support, and includes other improvements and fixes.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.4 (May 28, 2015)

  • This release adds new features. It also fixes a number of bugs and performance problems.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.3 (Apr 27, 2015)

  • This removes extraneous code that was causing problems.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.2 (Apr 27, 2015)

  • This release adds new features, including the images directory and the AlphaMask displayable. It also fixes bugs.

New in Ren'Py 6.99.1 (Mar 30, 2015)

  • This release fixes crashes that occurred in a number of important cases, including non-ASCII directory names on Windows systems, 16-bit display depths, and display rotation when targeting recent versions of Android.
  • It also fixes several non-crash bugs, adds three new functions, and updates the Spanish and Japanese translations.
  • Announcement:
  • I'm pleased to announce Ren'Py 6.99 "Here's to the crazy ones." This release focuses on modernizing Ren'Py by moving to the SDL2 family of libraries. This modernization will lead to a series of benefits, both now and in the future.
  • Perhaps the most obvious benefit is the addition of iOS support. Ren'Py can now produce iOS apps, targeting iPhone and iOS devices. To develop for iOS, you will need a Macintosh computer and paid iOS developer license, and will need to customize the interface to conform to iOS policies.
  • In addition, this release includes:
  • Rewritten Android support, based on SDL2. Among other things, Android now supports the onscreen keyboard, rotating the screen, and bidirectional text.
  • Audio playback, using the same code on desktop and mobile platforms, so the same audio files can be used on all platforms Ren'Py supports.
  • Support for Input Methods (IMEs), allowing text entry in non-English languages.
  • A high-level achievement API, including support for Steam achievements. (Steam support will be made available on request to Steam developers.)
  • Improved support for custom text tags.
  • A Russian translation of the tutorial game, and a Finnish translation of the launcher.
  • This release also includes a number of other fixes and improvements.

New in Ren'Py 6.99 (Mar 26, 2015)

  • Rewritten Android support, based on SDL2. Among other things, Android now supports the onscreen keyboard, rotating the screen, and bidirectional text.
  • Audio playback, using the same code on desktop and mobile platforms, so the same audio files can be used on all platforms Ren'Py supports.
  • Support for Input Methods (IMEs), allowing text entry in non-English languages.
  • A high-level achievement API, including support for Steam achievements. (Steam support will be made available on request to Steam developers.)
  • Improved support for custom text tags.
  • A Russian translation of the tutorial game, and a Finnish translation of the launcher.
  • This release also includes a number of other fixes and improvements.

New in Ren'Py 6.18.3 (Oct 22, 2014)

  • This release improves prediction, adds the new screen language "showif" statement, adds minor features, and fixes bugs.

New in Ren'Py 6.18.2 (Oct 15, 2014)

  • I'm pleased to announce Ren'Py 6.18 "... through shared popular culture.". Major improvements in this release include:
  • A full rewrite of screen language that has the potential for significantly improved performance.
  • Self-voicing support that provides a level of accessibility to blind users.
  • A high-level Android in-app purchasing framework.
  • New Italian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese translations, and a new German template.
  • This release also includes many other features and fixes. It has been brought to you by:
  • Koichi Akabe
  • Civalin
  • Duanemoody
  • Helloise
  • Huanxuantian
  • Daniel Luque
  • Javimat
  • Kyouryuukunn
  • Emmannuel Marty
  • Mrstalker
  • Mugenjohncel
  • Nojoker
  • Oshi-Shinobu
  • Renoa
  • Tom "PyTom" Rothamel
  • Shiz
  • Winter Wolves

New in Ren'Py 6.18.1 (Sep 23, 2014)

  • Major improvements in this release include:
  • A full rewrite of screen language that has the potential for significantly improved performance.
  • Self-voicing support that provides a level of accessibility to blind users.
  • A high-level Android in-app purchasing framework.
  • New Italian, Portuguese, and Simplified Chinese translations, and a new German template.
  • This release also includes many other features and fixes. It has been brought to you by:
  • Koichi Akabe
  • Duanemoody
  • Emmannuel Marty
  • Helloise
  • Huanxuantian
  • Daniel Luque
  • Javimat
  • Kyouryuukunn
  • Mrstalker
  • Mugenjohncel
  • Nojoker
  • Oshi-Shinobu
  • Renoa
  • Shiz
  • Tom "PyTom" Rothamel
  • Winter Wolves

New in Ren'Py 6.17.7 (Jul 7, 2014)

  • This release updates the Android SDK to a working version, adds a low-level in-app purchasing framework, and fixes an issue with movie playback on desktop platforms.

New in Ren'Py 6.17.6 (May 8, 2014)

  • This released adds new German and Korean translations, and works around a bug that prevented the Ren'Py launcher from starting on certain macs.

New in Ren'Py 6.17.5 (May 2, 2014)

  • This release adds a new Arabic translation, and updates the Japanese and Spanish translation. It also fixes several bugs affecting the shift+R reload functionality, and provides several new features.

New in Ren'Py 6.17.4 (Apr 17, 2014)

  • This release fixes problems with Android (especially ones caused by a missing play licensing library), adds support for the Amazon Fire TV console, allows imagemaps in viewports, and prevents large memory leaks from occurring when shift+R is pressed.

New in Ren'Py 6.17.3 (Mar 5, 2014)

  • This release fixes a bug where Ren'Py would misparse properties and attributes that began with a Python operator.
  • It also rewrites the missing image code to use styles and screens.

New in Ren'Py 6.17.2 (Mar 1, 2014)

  • This release adds a new "translate language style style_name" statement, which is used to customize styles in a particular language.
  • It also improves scanning the projects directory and fixes various other issues.

New in Ren'Py 6.17 (Feb 25, 2014)

  • A rewrite of the Style system that should improve Ren'Py's performance.
  • A new style statement that makes it easier to define styles.
  • A rewritten shift+I style inspector lets you view those styles.
  • A new "show layer" statement that makes it convenient to apply transforms and ATL transforms to entire layers at once.
  • A new "window auto" statement that enables automatic management of the dialogue window.
  • Several other syntax improvements.
  • French and Russian translations.
  • The integration of RAPT (the Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool) with the Ren'Py SDK. Ren'Py now downloads RAPT using the Ren'Py updater - it's no longer necessary to download RAPT separately.

New in Ren'Py 6.16.5 (Dec 19, 2013)

  • This release adds back a missing file that is required to launch jEdit.

New in Ren'Py 6.16.4 (Dec 17, 2013)

  • This release fixed Android building support, the Replay function, and the scanning of save games. It also includes a number of improvements to the documentation.

New in Ren'Py 6.16.3 (Dec 2, 2013)

  • This release fixes a problem that could cause excessive texture memory usage.
  • It also improves Android support in several ways, making it possible for Ren'Py games to appear in the tablet section of Google Play.

New in Ren'Py 6.16.2 (Nov 22, 2013)

  • This release adds new Spanish translations of the launcher and template game.
  • It adds a new function that gets the mouse position, and fixes bugs, typos, and usability flaws in the launcher and Ren'Py proper.

New in Ren'Py 6.16 (Nov 8, 2013)

  • Improved Android support, including the ability to build APKs from the launcher, support for Expansion APKs, and support for televison-based consoles like the OUYA.
  • The ability to associate JSON information with a save file, and access that information in the load and save screens.
  • Save file synchronization when Ren'Py is run from a shared directory.
  • Support for a creator dumping the text of the game script, and for automatically playing appropriately-named voice files.
  • Improvements to the gallery (including a new navigation overlay) and the music room (such as shuffle, loop, and single-track toggles.)
  • A Japanese translation of the launcher, template, and documentation.
  • As well as a number of minor improvements and bugfixes.

New in Ren'Py 6.15.7 (Jun 27, 2013)

  • Fix a regression in ImageDissolve.

New in Ren'Py 6.15.6 (Jun 26, 2013)

  • This release includes improvements for the Android platform:
  • Assets are now read exclusively from the APK and expansion file.
  • Logs and tracebacks are placed on external storage.
  • Saves are placed on external storage, except when saves from older versions of Ren'Py exist.
  • The GL2 shaders Ren'Py uses have been simplified in the (usual) case where no clipping is occurring. This leads to a noticeable speed improvement on Android, and potentially other platforms as well.
  • An issue with Drag-and-drop has been fixed. Thanks go to Kinsman for contributing this fix.
  • The Skip action now triggers the skip indicator. It also supports a new fast parameter, which causes skipping to the next menu.
  • This release includes various minor changes to improve compatibility with very old Ren'Py games. (It now runs the Ren'Py 5 demo.)

New in Ren'Py 6.15.5 (Jun 6, 2013)

  • New features:
  • Additive blending, but only in the GL and DirectX/ANGLE renderers.
  • The new Flatten displayable, which combines multiple textures into one.
  • Bug/Build fixes:
  • Before this release, Ren'Py produced zip files with unix modes that were writable by all users. If unzipped by a program that ignored the umask (like info-zip), the files could be overwritten by other users, causing a security problem.
  • This problem only existed on unix-like systems that are shared by multiple users.
  • Ren'Py once again uses freetype auto-hinting when displaying fonts.
  • Ren'Py builds with the current libav (and ffmpeg).

New in Ren'Py 6.15.4 (May 2, 2013)

  • The 64-bit Linux version of Ren'Py is linked against the correct libraries. Versions 6.14.x and 6.15.0-3 were linked against incorrect Python libraries.
  • In the common case, the python interpreter is no longer locked while images are preloading. This helps prevent image preloading from causing framerate problems.
  • The new build.exclude_empty_directories variable determines if empty directories are included in archive files. Previously, this was undefined, and varied from platform to platform.

New in Ren'Py (Aug 28, 2012)

  • A major bug that prevented rollback and save from working for variables that are only updated in python functions.
  • Crashes during video and audio playback, especially on Mac OS X.
  • The version of zsync used by the updater didn't work on Windows XP.
  • Several string encoding problems in the new launcher.

New in Ren'Py (Mar 31, 2012)

  • This fixes a bug triggered (in some circumstances) by minimizing and restoring the game on Windows.

New in Ren'Py (Mar 26, 2012)

  • This release fixes a bug that can cause image buttons and image maps to not work on the software renderer. Other changes include more aggressive pruning of the rollback log to reduce memory consumption, improved handling of display initialization errors, and fixes to the loading of pure-python packages included as part of a game.

New in Ren'Py (Mar 19, 2012)

  • This release introduces the RAPT tool, a new way of packaging your Ren'Py game for use with Android. It fixes several bugs, including problems with hardware compatibility, non-ASCII filenames, and save file size.
  • It introduces a new text editor documentation, backported from Ren'Py 6.14. If you use an editor other than jEdit, you'll need to check out the new text editor section of the Ren'Py documentation.

New in Ren'Py 6.13.8 (Jan 23, 2012)

  • This release fixes a number of bugs and hardware compatibility problems in Ren'Py. It also includes improvements to new-style side image support, and adds the ability to run a callback after each Python block.
  • It has one incompatible change - it reverts the removal of old-style substitution support. Please see the list of incompatible changes for more information.

New in Ren'Py 6.13.7 (Oct 25, 2011)

  • Fixes a problem with substitutions in the launcher.
  • Fixes a crash on font searching.
  • On Android, merges multiple taps so as not to overwhelm the event queue.

New in Ren'Py 6.13.6 (Oct 15, 2011)

  • Fixes a crash when loading automatically-created styles. Fixes a problem with quick saving not taking a screenshot. Fixes a problem with small solid textures not showing up, on the software renderer. Fixes a crash when playing back movies on Linux.
  • This release introduces two new actions, QuickSave and QuickLoad, which are used for quick save and qick load functionality. If your game uses the new quick menu, please update it with the new code found in template/game/screens.rpy.

New in Ren'Py 6.13.2 (Oct 8, 2011)

  • Released bugfix release 6.13.2, which allows Text displayables to be instantiated in init blocks, and fixes error handling.

New in Ren'Py 6.13 (Sep 16, 2011)

  • Support reading files out of an Android package.
  • User-defined statements can take blocks.
  • A fix to lint with non-ASCII characters.
  • A fix to error handling.
  • dds error reporting when a non-string is used as text, fixes sound problems by moving to libav, and various other fixes.

New in Ren'Py 6.12.2 (Aug 1, 2011)

  • "Human Factor II" is an update that fixes several bugs found in Ren'Py 6.12.1.

New in Ren'Py (Jun 27, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem with texture upload that made games noticeably slower.
  • A better default size for windows on small monitors, like netbooks.
  • xfill and yfill now work for vbox and hbox, respectively.
  • Click-to-continue fixes.
  • Side image fixes.

New in Ren'Py 6.12.1 (May 5, 2011)

  • Updated release. Mistakes were made in the update release process, leading to a version of Ren'Py that could not switch between windowed and fullscreen modes. (Among other problems.) Those problems have been fixed.

New in Ren'Py 6.12.0 (Feb 10, 2011)

  • Improves the default screen and fixes bugs.
  • Adds main menu prediction, fixes screen bugs, improves the default screens, and fixes documentation.
  • Ren'Py did not work for non-ASCII languages.
  • libGLEW was not distributed on Linux.
  • Could not load savegames that had Renders leak to them.
  • Frames had visual artifacts on the software renderer.
  • Image prediction no longer happens when a movie is playing.
  • When config.debug_image_cache is set, output is now sent to log.txt. The format of the output has been improved somewhat.
  • GL error checks occur occasionally.
  • Ren'Py reports an exception when one occurs after shift+R, rather than having GL go into a weird mode.
  • The items parameter to the choice and nvl screens has changed (again; see below).
  • Documentation updates, including to the list of incompatible changes.
  • There is a new minimum style property; xminimum and yminimum apply to more types of displayables.
  • A type in 00screen.rpy was fixed.

New in Ren'Py 6.11.2 (Nov 9, 2010)

  • The primary focus of this release is to fix bugs found in previous releases. It also includes four new themes, and updates the included jEdit text editor.

New in Ren'Py 6.11 (Sep 7, 2010)

  • fixed a bug in the screen language hotspots, that caused hotspots to display incorrectly when selected or insensitive.