What's new in League of Legends Client 9.20

Oct 9, 2019
  • Hi. Happy almost 10-year!
  • We're shipping some pretty big changes to Garen, Shaco, and Viktor this patch. Not big enough to be considered "rework"-level lists, these larger changelists are meant to excite the players of these champions, freshen up their kits, and lessen common pain points that have developed. We want to also make sure we're hitting the identities players expect of them and give them more viable and exciting playstyles that should appeal to current, past, and, hopefully, future players.
  • Other than that, we're keeping the scope of this one pretty small, as we move from focusing our work on Worlds-related preparations to finalizing changes and tuning for Preseason 2020.
  • Full patch notes: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-920-notes

New in League of Legends Client 9.19 (Oct 9, 2019)

  • GOOD GRIEF, WE'RE FINALLY HERE. It's the Worlds patch!!
  • Similar to our philosophy for last year's Worlds patch, we've been making steady changes throughout the last few patches as to not completely throw everything in flux and have the pros invalidate whatever playbooks they've been developing for the most exciting event of the year. More than completely neutralizing top priority picks, we've been working on elevating more champions to competitive viability and are continuing that work in 9.19.
  • This change process has resulted in smaller buffs or a couple of impactful nerfs across a slew of champions and more pro-focused changes that should even out the scales and create fun, diverse, and impactful picks for the next few weeks of Worlds games.
  • On to the changes!
  • Full patch notes: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-919-notes

New in League of Legends Client 9.18 (Oct 9, 2019)

  • Hey patch notes readers, want to form a contract with me?
  • We're coming down to the final stretch! 9.19 will be the patch Worlds is played on, so we're adding in some changes that shouldn't rock the boat too much, but helps get us to place that encourages champion diversity and fun times during the most hype event of the year ~
  • With that in mind, in this patch we're taking another look at Aatrox and Akali specifically to make sure they don't completely dominate the meta, since they've been seeing high picks and play time in pro throughout the year.
  • See you in another two weeks! But if you decide to die for the good of the universe, call me anytime.
  • Full patch notes: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-918-notes

New in League of Legends Client 9.17 (Aug 28, 2019)

  • Hey buff herders!
  • We're still holding off on going too crazy with balance changes until after 9.19 (the patch that Worlds will be played on), but we do have some bigger adjustments to Aurelion Sol and Kayle this patch. Mainly, we're helping them in the respective spaces they're weak in and that make them difficult to be seen as viable or reliable picks. Overall, Aurelion Sol should now be more comprehensible with more satisfying signs of successful play and Kayle should have more of a laning phase without feeling like a complete wet noodle.
  • That's all folks!
  • Full patch notes: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-917-notes

New in League of Legends Client 9.16 (Aug 14, 2019)

  • Champions:
  • Pantheon:
  • The Unbreakable Spear:
  • Pantheon crashes through the enemy frontline and causes havoc in their ranks starting in 9.16.
  • Pantheon Gameplay Preview
  • Pantheon Champion Theme
  • Pantheon Biography
  • Pantheon Behind the Scenes
  • High-res versions of Pantheon's updated splash arts are available on League Displays!
  • Azir:
  • Q cooldown increased late.
  • We're opening up late game windows of opportunity for Azir's enemies so he and his soldiers can't just chase them relentlessly.
  • Q - Conquering Sands
  • COOLDOWN 15/12.5/10/7.5/5 seconds ⇒ 15/13/11/9/7 seconds
  • Corki:
  • Base attack damage and attack damage growth decreased.
  • Corki's been too present in pro play due to his all-too-reliable damage, so we're nerfing him.
  • Base Stats:
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 60 ⇒ 55
  • Dr. Mundo:
  • W Tenacity flattened. E cooldown now scales.
  • With four patches worth of smaller changes already under his belt, the mad lad's been asking for something more substantial.
  • W - Burning Agony:
  • TENACITY 10/15/20/25/30% ⇒ 30% at all ranks
  • E - Masochism:
  • COOLDOWN 6 seconds ⇒ 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
  • Ekko:
  • E bonus damage increased. R cooldown decreased late.
  • Ekko has room for more power in all areas of play.
  • E - Phase Dive:
  • BONUS DAMAGE 40/65/90/115/140 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
  • R - Chronobreak:
  • COOLDOWN 110/90/70 seconds ⇒ 110/80/50 seconds
  • Ezreal:
  • Q AP ratio decreased. E cooldown increased.
  • AP Ezreal's burst has made him a bit of a terror, so we're taking some power out of the build and hitting his early game safety.
  • Q - Mystic Shot:
  • RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.15 ability power
  • E - Arcane Shift:
  • COOLDOWN 19/17.5/16/14.5/13 seconds ⇒ 25/22/19/16/13 seconds
  • Fiora:
  • E cooldown decreased early; bonus attack speed now scales.
  • Giving Fiora more strength to capitalize on momentum she gets from a lead in lane.
  • E - Bladework:
  • COOLDOWN 13/11/9/7/5 seconds ⇒ 11/9.5/8/6.5/5 seconds
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED 50% at all ranks ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90%
  • Jax:
  • Q cooldown decreased.
  • As a melee champion, Jax will benefit from having more opportunities to jump on the ranged enemies who otherwise steadily chip him down in lane.
  • Q - Leap Strike:
  • COOLDOWN 10/9/8/7/6 seconds ⇒ 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
  • Kassadin:
  • W basic attack damage modifier increased.
  • Strengthening the aspects of Kassadin that can keep some of the shorter ranged mid laners in check, especially if they're champions he should naturally be good against anyways (AP assassins).
  • W - Nether Blade:
  • EMPOWERED BASIC ATTACK DAMAGE 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170 (+0.8 ability power)
  • LeBlanc:
  • Q AP ratio increased.
  • We're reverting the nerf LeBlanc received earlier this year since she can use more power in a way that average players can utilize.
  • Q - Sigil of Malice:
  • RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • Lux:
  • W shield increased late.
  • When we hit Lux's shield with nerfs in 9.14, we were mainly quelling the builds that took advantage of its safety. However, as a result we ended up hitting support Lux a lot harder than anticipated. We’re giving back some of that damage mitigation so she can still keep her partner meaningfully safe in the bot lane.
  • W - Prismatic Barrier:
  • SHIELD 50/65/80/95/110 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
  • MAX SHIELD 100/130/160/190/220 ⇒ 100/150/200/250/300
  • Nocturne:
  • Base armor increased. W bonus attack speed increased.
  • Nocturne has been overshadowed by other junglers as a competitively viable option, so we're buffing him.
  • Base Stats:
  • Rounded out some stats!
  • ARMOR 36 ⇒ 38
  • HEALTH 582.8 ⇒ 585
  • MANA 273.8 ⇒ 275
  • MANA REGEN 6.756 ⇒ 7
  • W - Shroud of Darkness
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED 20/25/30/35/40% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
  • Riven:
  • Q cooldown flattened.
  • We're reverting the scaling cooldown change to Riven's Q from 9.10. The cooldown increase on her E from that patch didn't offset the strength of the Q buff in higher levels of solo queue games, and our intent wasn't to buff her in that patch.
  • Q - Broken Wings:
  • COOLDOWN 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds at all ranks
  • Sejuani:
  • Frost Armor base armor and magic resistance decreased, ratio increased. Q cooldown increased.
  • Sejuani has been a dominant force in pro play for awhile, despite receiving some recent nerfs. Taking a more substantial swing at her power.
  • Passive - Fury of the North
  • FROST ARMOR 20 (+0.25 bonus armor) bonus armor and 20 (+0.25 bonus magic resistance) bonus magic resistance ⇒ 10 (+0.35 bonus armor) bonus armor and 10 (+0.35 bonus magic resistance) bonus magic resistance
  • Q - Arctic Assault:
  • COOLDOWN 17/15.5/14/12.5/11 seconds ⇒ 20/18/16/14/12 seconds
  • Shen:
  • Q empowered damage ratio increased. E base damage increased.
  • Shen could use a little more power when split-pushing in the mid-to-late game.
  • Q - Twilight Assault:
  • EMPOWERED CHAMPION DAMAGE RATIO 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% of target's maximum health ⇒ 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% of target's maximum health
  • E - Shadow Dash:
  • BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160
  • Singed:
  • Base mana increased. R bonus stats increased late.
  • Giving Singed a little extra oomph so his Insanity can lead him to some more wins if he makes it to the late game.
  • Base Stats:
  • Rounded out some stats!
  • MANA 290.6 ⇒ 330
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 62.32 ⇒ 63
  • MANA REGEN 7.524 ⇒ 7.5
  • ATTACK SPEED GROWTH 1.81% ⇒ 1.9%
  • R - Insanity Potion:
  • BONUS STATS 30/55/80 ⇒ 30/60/90
  • Sion:
  • Base mana increased. Q base min and max damage increased; removed damage reduction on monsters.
  • Smoothing out some of Sion's rougher edges, like rounding out his base stats and removing a mechanic that no longer seems needed. Overall, he'll have more chances to brawl with his opponents in the top lane, especially with other fighters.
  • Base Stats:
  • Rounded out some stats!
  • MANA 325.6 ⇒ 330
  • HEALTH 542.64 ⇒ 545
  • MANA REGEN 8.0008 ⇒ 8
  • Q - Decimating Smash:
  • BASE MINIMUM DAMAGE 20/40/60/80/100 ⇒ 30/50/70/90/110
  • BASE MAXIMUM DAMAGE 60/120/180/240/300 ⇒ 70/135/200/265/330
  • REMOVEDREDUCED DAMAGE ON MONSTERS Decimating Smash no longer deals 80% damage against monsters
  • Sivir:
  • W AD ratio decreased early.
  • Sivir is strong. When coupled with Yuumi, she's ESPECIALLY strong. The cat is getting nerfed (spoiler alert if you haven't gotten to her section yet), but we think Sivir could use nerfs too to quell her early game wave clear and give opponents a chance to put her on the back foot.
  • W - Ricochet:
  • RATIO 50/55/60/65/70% attack damage ⇒ 30/40/50/60/70% attack damage
  • Sylas:
  • Q2 damage reduction now applies to minions and monsters.
  • Sylas has been thriving in the jungle after his latest set of changes. Following up on those by toning down his clear speed a bit.
  • Q - Chain Lash:
  • DETONATION DAMAGE 45% reduced damage against minions ⇒ against minions and monsters
  • R - Hijack:
  • BUGFIX Sylas now properly heals himself when casting a Hijacked R - Mantra empowered W - Renewal from Karma
  • Syndra:
  • Q bonus damage against champions increased. E base damage increased.
  • Syndra's weak in all levels of play at the moment so we're giving her some general power.
  • Q - Dark Sphere:
  • TRANSCENDENT 15% bonus damage against champions ⇒ 25% bonus damage against champions
  • E - Scatter the Weak:
  • BASE DAMAGE 70/115/160/205/250 ⇒ 85/130/175/220/265
  • Tahm Kench:
  • Base movement speed decreased. E shield duration decreased.
  • We're making Tahm Kench more vulnerable to ganks as a countermeasure to the safety he brings his already-safe bot lane buddies (like Ezreal).
  • Base Stats:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 345 ⇒ 335
  • E - Thick Skin:
  • SHIELD DURATION 3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • Yuumi:
  • Q empowered damage decreased late; slow decreased; slow duration flattened; cooldown increased early.
  • Yuumi's damage is too high for how reliable it is, especially when coupled with other high-damage bot lane partners.
  • Q - Prowling Projectile
  • EMPOWERED DAMAGE 50/95/140/185/230/275 ⇒ 50/85/120/155/190/225
  • SLOW 40/48/56/64/72/80% ⇒ 20/32/44/56/68/80%
  • SLOW DURATION 1.25/1.35/1.45/1.55/1.65/1.75 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • COOLDOWN 11/10/9/8/7/6 seconds ⇒ 13.5/12/10.5/9/7.5/6 seconds
  • Ziggs:
  • W AP ratio increased; cooldown decreased early. R cooldown decreased late.
  • Ziggs isn't doing so hot right now, so we're buffing up one of his less potent abilities and letting him access his ultimate more frequently.
  • W - Satchel Charge:
  • RATIO 0.35 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
  • COOLDOWN 24/21/18/15/12 seconds ⇒ 20/18/16/14/12 seconds
  • R - Mega Inferno Bomb:
  • COOLDOWN 120/105/90 seconds ⇒ 120/95/70 seconds
  • Runes:
  • Biscuit Delivery:
  • Biscuits delivered decreased; delivery intervals adjusted. Health and mana per biscuit decreased. Healing duration decreased. Permanent mana per biscuit increased.
  • These biscuits are too fresh, giving too much sustain to its holders during laning phase. Many of these changes are to the rune itself, but the ones that affect the Biscuits directly will also apply to the Biscuits occasionally acquired through Kleptomancy.
  • DELIVERY INTERVAL 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00 ⇒ 2:00, 4:00, 6:00
  • HEALTH PER BISCUIT 15% of missing health ⇒ 10% of missing health
  • HEALTH PER BISCUIT (MANALESS CHAMPIONS) 20% of missing health ⇒ 12% of missing health
  • MANA PER BISCUIT 15% of missing mana ⇒ 10% of missing mana
  • HEALING DURATION 15 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • PERMANENT MAXIMUM MANA INCREASE 40 mana per biscuit consumption ⇒ 50 mana per biscuit consumption
  • ARAM Balance Changes:
  • 9.16 Nerfs:
  • SWAIN -5% damage dealt ⇒ -6% damage dealt & +6% damage taken
  • 9.16 Buffs:
  • MORGANA -6% damage dealt & +6% damage taken ⇒ -6% damage dealt
  • VOLIBEAR +5% damage taken ⇒ Unchanged
  • YORICK -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken ⇒ -5% damage dealt
  • Honor 5 Rewards:
  • New Honor 5 chroma rewards debut in 9.16!
  • Your Honor 5 capsule will contain a random emote or ward skin, as well as an Honor 5 token you can redeem for Medieval Twitch, Grey Warwick, or one of the two new chromas shown above if you already own the base skin. You don't need to own both skins before being able to pick a chroma for a skin you own.
  • This season only, your Honor 5 capsule will contain two Honor 5 tokens because we promised you two chromas this season, not one.
  • If you hit Honor 5 before 9.16 and already owned both Medieval Twitch and Grey Warwick prior to getting your capsule, we'll add your two Honor 5 tokens directly to your account during patch 9.16. (It'll take a little bit to get to everyone. Stop being so honorable. Actually, don't.)
  • Ranked
  • We're unifying Challenger and Grandmaster's 0 LP demotion rules with Master's existing rules. This is mainly an edge-case change since losing LP over a few days or weeks naturally demotes players into Master before they reach 0 LP, though in smaller servers it'll also address situations where it was near-impossible to demote out of Challenger.
  • LADDER DOWN Losing a game at 0 LP in Grandmaster or Challenger demotes you to Master, 0 LP ⇒ Diamond 1 with 75, 50, or 0 LP based on whether your MMR is higher than the Master cutoff, between the Master and Diamond 1 cutoffs, or lower than the Diamond 1 cutoff
  • Bugfixes:
  • Gnar can no longer change the direction of E - Hop after transforming through R - GNAR! before bouncing on a minion
  • Allies with Orianna's E - Command: Protect on them will now see an indicator centered on her
  • Malzahar's R - Nether Grasp now adds a Revealed marker to the target (including stealthed targets)
  • Xayah's Passive - Clean Cuts basic attacks now properly spawn feathers behind her target and not around her
  • Master Yi's basic attack immediately following his Q - Alpha Strike now properly grants an additional stack of Conqueror or Electrocute
  • Darius' Passive - Hemorrhage no longer incorrectly displays a ranged indicator
  • If Katarina drops a dagger near a wall and then casts E - Shunpo so that she can blink to the other side of the wall, she now properly gets a reset on the ability
  • Nautilus' W - Titan's Wrath will now properly proc Electrocute instead of granting only one stack while active
  • Lee Sin's hitbox will no longer warp across the map when casting Q - Resonating Strike
  • Twitch is no longer able to cast Q - Ambush without consuming any mana 3 seconds after its cooldown resets when an enemy champion dies from his Passive - Deadly Venom
  • Selling any stacking consumable item will no longer sell two of them at a time if there are more than one
  • Karma's W - Focused Resolve now properly lowers R - Mantra's cooldown while damaging enemy champions
  • Phase Rush and Electrocute activates properly when Poppy casts E - Heroic Charge in specific combos
  • Upcoming Skins:
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
  • Dragon Oracle Udyr
  • Hextech Rammus

New in League of Legends Client 9.15 (Jul 31, 2019)

  • Champions:
  • Evelynn:
  • Q cooldown refund on monsters decreased.
  • We're slowing down Evelynn's clear speed especially in the early game.
  • Q - Hate Spike:
  • COOLDOWN REFUND 60% when hitting monsters ⇒ 50% when hitting monsters
  • Galio:
  • Passive cooldown scales with CDR; damage increased. E damage increased.
  • We've pulled a lot of power out of Galio's more reliable combos. But now he'll be rewarded with a higher payoff if he's able to land more inconsistent abilities like his E.
  • Passive - Colossal Smash:
  • 5 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 5 seconds, affected by CDR
  • DAMAGE 15-180 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 15-200 (levels 1-18)
  • E - Justice Punch:
  • BASE DAMAGE 80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 90/130/170/210/250
  • Graves:
  • E armor per stack increased.
  • Graves is underperforming across the board right now, so we're buffing his defenses to help him survive better in the early game and generally be more comfortable brawling.
  • E - Quickdraw:
  • ARMOR PER STACK 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 ⇒ 8/11/14/17/20
  • Karma:
  • Empowered E shield decreased.
  • The 9.13 revert on Karma's movement speed wasn't enough to knock her pro presence down to healthy levels so we're giving her another nerf.
  • Empowered E - Defiance:
  • 30/90/150/210 (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ 25/80/135/190 (+0.5 ability power)
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Q base damage increased.
  • You don't crush bug. Bug crushes you.
  • Q - Taste Their Fear:
  • BASE DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160
  • LeBlanc:
  • E base root damage increased.
  • Landing the root on LeBlanc's E doesn't carry as much weight as it should in the late game. We’re matching the reward to its risk.
  • E - Ethereal Chains:
  • BASE ROOT DAMAGE 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230
  • Lee Sin:
  • Q base damage increased.
  • Lee Sin is underperforming at most levels of solo queue play, and while he's more present at higher skill brackets, his clear weaknesses and counters make him risky to pick even where he is showing up. We're giving Lee a slight bump which should help solo queue players across the board.
  • Q - Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike
  • SONIC WAVE BASE DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 55/80/105/130/155
  • RESONATING STRIKE MINIMUM DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 55/80/105/130/155
  • RESONATING STRIKE MAXIMUM DAMAGE 100/150/200/250/300 ⇒ 110/160/210/260/310
  • Lissandra:
  • Base health and health growth increased. R AP ratio increased.
  • Helping Liss across the board with more early game defense and late game damage.
  • Base Stats
  • HEALTH 518 ⇒ 550
  • HEALTH GROWTH 87 ⇒ 90
  • R - Frozen Tomb
  • DAMAGE RATIO 60% ability power ⇒ 75% ability power
  • Lucian:
  • R base damage increased later.
  • Lucian is fine in the early and mid game, but he could be more useful in the late game. Buffing his ultimate so he doesn't completely fall off.
  • R - The Culling:
  • BASE DAMAGE 20/35/50 per shot ⇒ 20/40/60 per shot
  • Malphite:
  • Q slow increased. W base cleave damage increased.
  • Our 9.14 changes were intended to be a moderate buff, but we were a bit too cautious and undershot as a result. We’re giving him some more power, alongside some bugfixes.
  • Q - Seismic Shard
  • SLOW 15/20/25/30/35% ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40%
  • W - Thunderclap:
  • BASE CLEAVE DAMAGE 20/35/50/65/80 ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90
  • BUGFIX Cleave damage will now trigger Hunter's Talisman
  • R - Unstoppable Force:
  • Now casts at max range if used outside of max range
  • Poppy:
  • W movement speed increased.
  • Last patch's set of changes actually reduced Poppy's solo queue performance slightly, so we’re buffing her a tiny bit so things end up more net neutral.
  • W - Steadfast Presence:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 35% ⇒ 40%
  • Qiyana:
  • E no longer damages targets outside of its range. R cooldown now scales. Health packs in ARAM now grants her River.
  • We adjusted Qiyana's E so that its range reads more accurately when targets Flash or dash away. Now even if she cast it within range at the time, Audacity shouldn't damage enemies if they're visually out of range by the time it lands. We’re also bumping up her R cooldown to more standard levels now that players have had some time to learn to use it.
  • W - Terrashape:
  • RIVER ELEMENT IN ARAM Qiyana can now empower her blade with River from health packs in Howling Abyss
  • E - Audacity:
  • DAMAGE RANGE Now only damages targets if within 250 range at the end of the dash (Enemies that dash or Flash away can now dodge Audacity's damage)
  • R - Supreme Display of Talent:
  • COOLDOWN 100 seconds ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds
  • Rumble:
  • W shield decreased.
  • Rumble shouldn't be able to shrug off early damage so easily.
  • W - Scrap Shield:
  • BASE SHIELD 100/130/160/190/220 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
  • BASE EMPOWERED SHIELD 150/195/240/285/330 ⇒ 120/165/210/255/300
  • Soraka:
  • Q base damage increased.
  • Soraka's on the weaker side now compared to other enchanters. We're giving back some damage on her Q, especially since we increased its cooldown.
  • Q - Starcall:
  • BASE DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215
  • R - Wish:
  • Soraka's R - Wish now properly goes on cooldown when she dies while casting.
  • Swain:
  • Q range reverted to pre-9.14 range.
  • Reverting back to the old range on Swain’s Q since it resulted in awkward situations where he would miss more frequently after pulling somebody rooted from a max range E.
  • Q - Death's Hand:
  • BOLT RANGE 625 ⇒ 725
  • Syndra:
  • R damage per sphere increased late.
  • As a match progresses, it gets harder and harder for Syndra to get into ult range of the target she's after. We’re improving the late-game payout she gets when she does manage to reach that priority target.
  • R - Unleashed Power:
  • BASE DAMAGE PER SPHERE 90/135/180 ⇒ 90/140/190
  • Vayne:
  • E wall hit damage increased; damage now applied instantly.
  • Landing Vayne's E is one of the most skill-expressive portions of her kit, so we’re increasing the payout and satisfaction for when she pulls it off. Also, we're fixing a problem that's mostly annoying when Vayne tries to last hit. Condemn's damage now applies instantly to targets so that minions that should have died from her Condemn will do so immediately instead of staying alive as they're moving back (and risk getting hit by a turret shot).
  • E - Condemn:
  • WALL HIT DAMAGE 100% of Condemn's damage ⇒ 150% of Condemn's damage
  • DAMAGE TIMING Now deals Condemn's damage instantly, instead of after the knockback
  • Xerath:
  • R range flattened.
  • We're amping up Xerath’s identity as a long-ranged artillery mage by letting him access his most unique facet (his crazy range) earlier in the game.
  • R - Rite of the Arcane:
  • RANGE 3200/4400/5600 ⇒ 5000
  • Victory/Defeat Banners:
  • Mac users, rejoice! At the end of every game, you'll no longer see static Victory and Defeat banners and instead, get new animated versions that are shipping to both Mac and PC. In addition, the banner animations will now scale properly with the visual quality selected in the game options.
  • Legacy Cursor Removal
  • Much like the beloved VHS player that you could no longer keep in your storage closet, we're removing the option to use the old bronze gauntlet from the game.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Draven's unempowered basic attacks now properly deal damage in Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death
  • Kayn's R - Umbral Trespass now properly goes on cooldown if the target dies while Kayn has infested them
  • Lux's R - Final Spark cooldown timer now properly appears when she dies during cast
  • Fixed a bug where Irelia's E - Flawless Duet and Zoe's E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble would target incorrect positions in Howling Abyss and Summoner Rift's river
  • Xerath's Q - Arcanopulse, Taliyah's E - Unraveled Earth, Jayce's E - Acceleration Gate, and Zigg's E - Hexplosive Minefield no longer cause small hitches to characters on or sometimes off-screen when cast
  • Katarina's E - Shunpo now properly counts towards triggering Electrocute and Phase Rush and is usable in Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death
  • Miss Fortune's Passive - Love Tap no longer grants an additional stack of Electrocute
  • Gragas' E - Body Slam + basic attack combo now grants the proper number of Electrocute and Conqueror stacks
  • Xayah's Passive - Clean Cuts now apply the proper number of Electrocute stacks based on the number of basic attacks
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
  • PROJECT: Pyke
  • PROJECT: Irelia
  • PROJECT: Jinx
  • PROJECT: Akali
  • PROJECT: Warwick
  • PROJECT: Irelia Prestige Edition
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • PROJECT: Pyke
  • PROJECT: Jinx
  • PROJECT: Akali
  • PROJECT: Warwick

New in League of Legends Client 9.14 (Jul 17, 2019)

  • Hey, all! We're finally at the halfway point of the season. How's your Ranked climb going? How are your TFT games going? For more details on the schedule for future patches for the remainder of the year, please check out the Patch Schedule on the Support page! Also, tell your friends and bookmark that link!
  • During this patch, we're introducing certain counter mechanics to some champions' existing abilities. Our general thought is: Having natural counters to common and powerful effects in the game will help make it healthier in the long-term. And as a part of our overarching Summoner's Rift balance strategy, we want to continue encouraging diversity in lane picks and push safer and more reliable champions to a more "sharp" space like other champions are in currently.
  • Hopefully, the existence of these counters also introduces a slew of not-as-present champions to the mix in all levels of play. We were very selective in the champions we chose to add these mechanics to, keeping in mind their status in the game currently. We believe, in the long term, these additions will make pros' draft priorities more robust which can lessen the amount of nerf cycles on certain champions and allow us more opportunities to give more love and attention to others.
  • With these points in mind, here are the counters that will be added to specific champions in 9.14:
  • Anti-shield
  • Anti-healing
  • Flat damage reduction
  • Improvements to true sight mechanics
  • Anti-mobility
  • These changes are the last planned round of significant pattern-level or mechanic updates to champions before the end of the season. That being said, we won't turn a blind eye to game-impacting things that may crop up during the rest of the year.
  • Stay frosty!
  • Patch Highlights:
  • Demacia Vice Garen and Demacia Vice Lucian will be available on July 18, 2019.
  • Teamfight Tactics Patch Notes
  • 9.14 also marks the first patch with official TFT patch notes! From now on, you can expect TFT patch notes almost every week on their own separate page. This first official patch week we have a whole host of changes. First, Twisted Fate is warping in to the Convergence for all your piracy and spell-slinging needs. Then, get ready to start climbing because the ranked Beta Season is coming and as they say, “RNG is a ladder.” Finally, items and gold will now drop from NPC rounds on a more consistent basis.
  • Looking for the full Teamfight Tactics patch notes? Take this magical journey!
  • Anti-Shielding Champions
  • Blitzcrank's and Renekton's new anti-shielding effect specifically break damage-absorbing shields.
  • Blitzcrank:
  • R now destroys shields on enemies before dealing damage and silencing.
  • R - Static Field:
  • NEWE.M.P. Static Field now removes shields on enemies before its other effects (damage and silence)
  • Renekton:
  • Empowered W now breaks shields on targets before dealing damage and stunning.
  • W - Ruthless Predator:
  • Destroys existing shields on targets when empowered with 50 Fury before its existing effects (damage and stun)
  • Anti-Healing Champions
  • While all other current healing reduction sources in the game cap out at 40%, Katarina's and Kled's will be at 60%, making them uniquely powerful and better than items like Executioner's Calling against specific healing team comps.
  • Katarina:
  • R healing reduction increased.
  • R - Death Lotus:
  • 40% healing reduction ⇒ 60% healing reduction
  • Kled:
  • Q pull now applies healing reduction.
  • Q - Bear Trap on a Rope:
  • Pulling in an enemy reduces all healing on them by 60% for 5 seconds
  • Flat Damage Reduction Champions
  • Leona and Fizz will now be a little stronger against opponents with "death by a thousand cuts" types of damage patterns, like on-hit and DoT champions.
  • Fizz:
  • Passive reduces all sources of damage.
  • Passive - Nimble Fighter:
  • 4/6/8/10/12/14 (levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) against basic attacks ⇒ 4 (+0.01 ability power) against all sources of damage (maximum of 50% reduction)
  • Leona:
  • W reduces damage by a flat amount; armor decreased; magic resist decreased. R no longer empowers basic attacks.
  • W - Eclipse:
  • Eclipse now grants 8/12/16/20/24 pre-mitigation damage reduction (maximum of 50% reduction)
  • ARMOR 25/35/45/55/65 ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40
  • MAGIC RESIST 20/30/40/50/60 ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40
  • R - Solar Flare:
  • Leona no longer gains empowered basic attacks after casting Solar Flare
  • True Sight Champions
  • While these abilities already provide true sight, we're taking them a step further and extending the true sight effect beyond these champions' abilities' tethers and into the complete CC.
  • Karma:
  • W now provides true sight on rooted targets.
  • W - Focused Resolve/Renewal:
  • Focused Resolve/Renewal now reveals successfully rooted targets for the duration of the root as well
  • LeBlanc:
  • E now provides true sight on rooted targets.
  • E - Ethereal Chains:
  • Ethereal Chains now reveals successfully rooted targets for the duration of the root as well
  • Morgana:
  • R now provides true sight on stunned targets.
  • R - Soul Shackles:
  • Soul Shackles now reveals successfully stunned targets for the duration of the root as well
  • Anti-Mobility Champions:
  • Because mobility is such a prominent feature on many mainstay champions, we're increasing the power and number of anti-mobility options players have against them. This should open up more opportunities for Ahri, Cassiopeia, and Poppy to outplay their slippier opponents without increasing their overall power.
  • Ahri:
  • E now cancels in-progress dashes; bonus damage duration decreased.
  • E - Charm:
  • Charm now cancels in-progress dashes
  • BONUS DAMAGE DURATION 5 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • Cassiopeia:
  • W minimum cast range removed; maximum cast range decreased; cooldown increased early and decreased late. E healing increased; now reduced when poisoning minions and small monsters; cost flattened. Ability casts now buffer.
  • Outside of the flexibility in mobility, Cassio is getting too much out of just a few (or one!) points in her E, so we're amping up the value at later ranks to encourage a full rank-up.
  • General:
  • Cassiopeia can now buffer her ability casts
  • Base Stats:
  • HEALTH 537 ⇒ 575
  • HEALTH GROWTH 87 ⇒ 90
  • MANA 418 ⇒ 350
  • MANA GROWTH 31.5 ⇒ 40
  • ARMOR 25 ⇒ 20
  • W - Miasma:
  • Cassiopeia no longer has a minimum cast range on Miasma
  • MAXIMUM CAST RANGE 800 ⇒ 700
  • COOLDOWN 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds ⇒ 24/21/18/15/12 seconds
  • E - Twin Fang:
  • Cassiopeia heals for 75% less when she poisons minions and small monsters
  • HEAL 5-22 (based on level) (+0.1 ability power) ⇒ 13/16/19/22/25% of her ability power
  • COST 40/45/50/55/60 mana ⇒ 50 mana at all ranks
  • Poppy:
  • W bonus movement speed increased; bonus movement speed duration decreased; grounds and slows dashing enemies.
  • W - Steadfast Presence:
  • If Poppy stops an enemy from dashing or casting a movement ability, she grounds and slows them by 25% for 2 seconds
  • MOVEMENT SPEED DURATION 2.5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • Champion Balance:
  • Aatrox:
  • Base health regen growth increased. R no longer revives Aatrox; amplified self-healing increased; cooldown decreased.
  • Despite the adjustments we've made over the past couple of patches, Aatrox has remained a stalwart presence in pro play. We're making him less reliable as a blind pick with the removal of revives from his ultimate.
  • Base Stats:
  • R - World Ender:
  • REMOVEDMORTAL Aatrox no longer earns a Revive through kills
  • AMPLIFIED SELF-HEALING 40/55/70% ⇒ 50/60/70%
  • COOLDOWN 140/120/100 seconds ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds
  • Akali:
  • W cooldown flattened; energy restore flattened; duration extension removed; stealth type changed. Q AP ratio increased. E damage increased. R cooldown increased.
  • We're taking some steps to make Akali a little less slippery while buffing her in other areas. By changing her stealth type to Invisibility, she'll now be revealed by true sight, giving more enemies a way to find her when she's in her shroud. Additionally, there will be a higher cost when she chooses to use her ultimate as a means of escape. But on the plus side, the buffs to her energy restore and damage on her E will help her stay lethal against any unfortunate, caught-out enemy.
  • Base Stats:
  • MAGIC RESIST 32.1 ⇒ 37
  • HEALTH GROWTH 85 ⇒ 95
  • Q - Five Point Strike:
  • RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • W - Twilight Shroud:
  • Obscurity ⇒ Invisibility (Akali is now fully revealed by True Sight effects, rather than only her outline)
  • COOLDOWN 25/22/19/16/13 seconds ⇒ 20 seconds at all ranks
  • ENERGY RESTORE 40/50/60/70/80 ⇒ 80 at all ranks
  • Twilight Shroud's duration no longer extends if Akali breaks invisibility by basic attacking or using abilities
  • E - Shuriken Flip:
  • SHURIKEN DAMAGE 70/105/140/175/210 (+0.7 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.35 total attack damage)
  • NEWSHURIKEN AP RATIO 0.5 ability power
  • DASH DAMAGE 50/80/110/140/170 (+0.7 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.35 total attack damage)
  • NEWDASH AP RATIO 0.5 ability power
  • R - Perfect Execution:
  • COOLDOWN 100/85/70 seconds ⇒ 120/110/100 seconds
  • Alistar:
  • Base mana and mana growth increased.
  • Giving Alistar a boost in average play without making him overbearing in pro. The increase in mana helps those who may struggle with managing their resources in lane.
  • Base Stats:
  • MANA 278.84 ⇒ 350
  • MANA GROWTH 38 ⇒ 40
  • Aurelion Sol:
  • Q max stun duration and radius growth per second increased. E max movement speed now scales with level.
  • Making larger-than-lane Q stars is so bad that it's just considered trolling. But it's definitely one of the cooler parts of Aurelion Sol's kit and should actually be considered a viable ability, especially in coordinated play. These changes should help encourage more dummy thicc Q stars.
  • Q - Starsurge:
  • MAXIMUM STUN DURATION 1.65/1.8/1.95/2.1/2.25 seconds after traveling for 5 seconds ⇒ 2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8/3 seconds after traveling for 5 seconds (minimum stun duration still 0.55/0.6/0.65/0.7/0.75/0.8 seconds))
  • STAR RADIUS GROWTH Increased by 33%
  • E - Comet of Legend:
  • MAXIMUM BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 25/30/35/40/45% ⇒ 25-45% (levels 1-18)
  • Bard:
  • Base health increased; health regen decreased. E travel speed increased; ally bonus speed flattened.
  • We're shifting some of Bard's durability around to help him survive all-ins with his team, and speeding up his tunnel mobility for stronger early-game ganks.
  • Base Stats:
  • HEALTH 535 ⇒ 575
  • HEALTH REGEN 7.5 ⇒ 5.5
  • E - Magical Journey
  • TRAVEL SPEED 800 ⇒ 900
  • ALLY BONUS SPEED 10/20/30/40/50% ⇒ 33% at all ranks
  • Diana:
  • Passive and R bugfixes. Q arc speed decreased. W cost bugfixed.
  • Diana's 9.13 changes had unintended power consequences. We're adjusting accordingly.
  • Passive - Moonsilver Blade
  • BUGFIX Will no longer occasionally do unintended additional damage to turrets
  • Q - Crescent Strike:
  • INNER ARC SPEED 2100 ⇒ 1900
  • OUTER ARC SPEED 2300 ⇒ 2100
  • W - Pale Cascade:
  • COST 40/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 40/55/70/85/100 mana
  • R - Lunar Rush:
  • BUGFIX Lunar Rush can no longer be reset twice when a reset was timed with a new application of Moonlight
  • Galio:
  • Passive cooldown reduction removed; cooldown decreased; damage increased. Q cooldown and damage increased; cost decreased late. W now interruptible by CC and restricts Flash during channel; self-slow decreased.
  • Galio has long been pro play regular, mainly due to his ability to safely clear waves at a range and threaten instant engages with his taunt+Flash combo. Both of these things are exceptionally powerful in pro, but have led to a low solo queue winrate for the gargoyle. This patch we're looking to diminish these pro strengths while moving that power to places that won't just lead to a different flavor of pro dominance. Overall, Galio should be worse at clearing minions from range, but have fewer mana constraints, which should encourage him to build more durability.
  • Base Stats:
  • MANA GROWTH 20 ⇒ 40
  • Passive - Colossal Smash
  • REMOVEDCOOLDOWN REDUCTION Colossal Smash's cooldown is no longer reduced every time Galio hits a unique enemy champion with an ability
  • COOLDOWN 8 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • DAMAGE 12-80 (levels 1-18) (+1.0 total attack damage) (+0.5 ability power) (+0.4 bonus magic resist) ⇒ 15-160 (levels 1-18) (+1.0 total attack damage) (+0.5 ability power) (+0.6 bonus magic resist)
  • Q - Winds of War:
  • COOLDOWN 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • GUST DAMAGE 70/105/140/175/210 ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220
  • COST 80/90/100/110/120 mana ⇒ 80/85/90/95/100 mana
  • W - Shield of Durand:
  • Galio cannot Flash while channeling Shield of Durand
  • Shield of Durand can now be interrupted by all the usual CC effects that interrupt channels
  • SELF-SLOW 30% ⇒ 15%
  • Jhin:
  • W cooldown decreased; root duration increased.
  • Adding some power into the part of Jhin's kit that rewards timing and coordination.
  • W - Deadly Flourish:
  • COOLDOWN 14 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
  • ROOT DURATION 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
  • Lux:
  • Q cooldown increased early, decreased late; cost flattened. W double shield on return removed; shield ratio increased; shield duration decreased. R cooldown reset removed; cooldown decreased late; ratio increased.
  • Builds centered around the safety provided by Lux's W have risen in prominence over the last month or two. Because Lux's Prismatic Barrier dodged some of the adjustment treatment given to other shields, we're making some changes to adjust the power between her offense- and defense-oriented builds.
  • We're also removing Final Spark's cooldown refund since we never pushed the mechanic far enough to feel really meaningful and the effect can just be replicated with adjustments to its base cooldown.
  • Q - Light Binding:
  • COOLDOWN 10 seconds ⇒ 13/12/11/10/9 seconds
  • COST 40/45/50/55/60 mana ⇒ 50 mana at all ranks
  • W - Prismatic Barrier:
  • Double outgoing shield ⇒ Same as outgoing shield (returning shield still stacks with the outgoing shield)
  • SHIELD RATIO 0.2 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
  • MAXIMUM SHIELD 150/195/240/285/330 (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ 100/130/160/190/220 (+0.6 ability power)
  • SHIELD DURATION 3 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds
  • R - Final Spark:
  • REMOVEDCOOLDOWN REFUND No longer refunds a percentage of its maximum cooldown when hitting at least one enemy champion that dies within 1.75 seconds
  • COOLDOWN 80/65/50 seconds ⇒ 80/60/40 seconds
  • RATIO 0.75 ability power ⇒ 1.0 ability power
  • Malphite:
  • Q slow increased, slow duration decreased. W empowers basic attacks on cast and cleaves in a cone; cost increased and scales with rank. VFX and QoL updates.
  • Malphite is one of the League's oldest champions, and we all know that rolling stones gather no moss. To that end, we're giving the Shard of the Monolith a giant quality-of-life update that should make his abilities feel more satisfying to use. Specifically, his Q should look and feel more responsive, and his W now resets his attack swing animation and cleaves in a longer-reaching cone rather than a circle.
  • We're also enhancing the fantasy of playing a literal mountain by scaling Malphite's size as he stacks armor throughout the match. Finally, a suite of new ability visual effects ties the whole update together and should help Malphite feel more rock solid than ever.
  • Visual Updates:
  • New VFX for all abilities and skins
  • Malphite is slightly smaller at the start of the game
  • Malphite's size now increases with his armor, capping around 850 armor
  • Passive - Granite Shield:
  • NEWMOHS SCALE Shield regeneration VFX added
  • Q - Seismic Shard:
  • Improved cast animation for most skins
  • Malphite now spawns his rock ~100 units in front of him rather than at his center point
  • SLOW 14/17/20/23/26% ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35%
  • SLOW DURATION 4 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • NEW W - Thunderclap:
  • Malphite's next basic attack within 6 seconds gains 50 increased range and deals 20/35/50/65/80 (+0.2 ability power) (+0.15 armor) bonus physical damage
  • For the next 5 seconds after casting, Malphite's basic attacks cleave enemies in a cone in front of him, dealing 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.2 ability power) (+0.1 armor) physical damage to enemies hit
  • COST 25 mana at all ranks ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50 mana
  • Mordekaiser:
  • Passive base damage decreased. E magic penetration decreased late.
  • Even after 9.12's hotfixes, Mordekaiser is too strong. We're following up with some additional adjustments, pulling some power out of his damage amplification in the mid-game and his passive damage overall.
  • Passive - Darkness Rise:
  • BASE DAMAGE 8-25 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 5-15 (levels 1-18)
  • BUGFIX No longer activates on Mordekaiser's corpse if it procs via Death's Grasp hitting 3 enemies after Mordekaiser dies
  • E - Death's Grasp:
  • MAGIC PENETRATION 5/10/15/20/25% ⇒ 5/7.5/10/12.5/15%
  • Nidalee:
  • Cougar E base magic damage increased.
  • Giving Nidalee a tiny bit of all-in help and jungle clear speed without impacting her already strong ranged abilities.
  • E - Swipe:
  • BASE DAMAGE 70/130/190/250 ⇒ 80/140/200/260
  • Pyke:
  • E now stuns non-champions. R deals reduced damage to surviving enemies; now grants Pyke additional "Your Cut" gold as well.
  • Pyke's 9.13 changes had the intended outcome of equalizing performance between support Pyke and solo Pyke, but left Pyke with some room for buffs.
  • E - Phantom Undertow:
  • Phantom Undertow now stuns non-champions, but deals no damage to them
  • R - Death From Below:
  • NEWSURVIVOR Deals 50% reduced damage to enemies that survive Death from Below
  • When Pyke kills an enemy with Death from Below, the last assisting ally ⇒ the last assisting ally and Pyke are granted "Your Cut"
  • When Pyke assists on a kill following Death from Below, he receives 1 "Your Cut" ⇒ 2 "Your Cut"
  • Death from Below's icon now shows next to Pyke's health bar when it can be cast for free
  • Ryze:
  • Base health regen and health regen growth increased. Q and E bugfixes.
  • While the dart didn't land on "REWORK" this patch, it did land on "BUGFIX" and slightly grazed "BUFF" (we're giving him more forgiveness in lane while players acclimate to his new ability patterns).
  • Base Stats:
  • HEALTH REGEN 7 ⇒ 8
  • HEALTH REGEN GROWTH 0.55 ⇒ 0.8
  • Q - Overload:
  • BUGFIX 1 Overload no longer cancels Ryze's movement when spammed during its cast time
  • BUGFIX 2 Overload no longer bounces back to its original target if Spell Flux is applied to it during other bounces
  • E - Spell Flux:
  • BUGFIX 3 Now correctly triggers Manaflow Band when it bounces to a champion
  • BUGFIX 4 Spell Flux no longer bounces back to its original target off of other targets that have Flux on them
  • Singed:
  • Q recast timer increased; brighter ability icon when toggled on in the spell bar.
  • Making our toggle spells more consistent in timing so they get cancelled less.
  • Q - Poison Trail:
  • 0 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
  • When toggled on, Poison Trail's icon will be highlighted more brightly
  • Swain:
  • Soul Fragments restore mana and permanently increase Swain's max HP. Q pierces through minions; no longer pierces through champions killed. R1 drains all nearby enemies. R2 damage tied to R1 health drained; no longer modified by Soul Fragments; now castable immediately.
  • Swain's Soul Fragment mechanic gated players from simply accessing his ultimate, making it a whole lot less satisfying when they're finally able to trigger it. We're cutting out the decision-making around when Swain should cast Demonflare, while also pushing the scaling fantasy that's appropriate to his thematics.
  • Base Stats:
  • HEALTH GROWTH 90 ⇒ 85
  • ATTACK RANGE 550 ⇒ 525
  • Passive - Ravenous Flock:
  • Swain can no longer store up to 5 Soul Fragments in reserve, empowering Demonflare
  • Swain permanently stores Soul Fragments, increasing his maximum health by 5 per Soul Fragment
  • Collecting a Soul Fragment restores 4/5.5/7% of Swain's mana
  • Q - Death's Hand:
  • Killing a target no longer restores 3% of Swain's maximum mana
  • Bolts now always continues through minions, but stop on impact with enemy champions
  • COOLDOWN 7.5/6.25/5/3.75/2.5 seconds ⇒ 10/8.5/7/5.5/4 seconds
  • RANGE 725 ⇒ 625
  • R - Demonic Ascension:
  • COST 0 mana ⇒ 100 mana
  • BONUS HEALTH 150/275/400 ⇒ 125/200/275 (+5 per Soul Fragment)
  • Swain drains all enemy units within range, including invisible units
  • R - Demonflare:
  • Swain no longer needs to restore 125/300/450 health to cast Demonflare and can cast it immediately
  • DEMONFLARE DAMAGE 45/60/75 (+0.21 ability power) magic damage per Soul Fragment to all nearby enemies ⇒ 75% of the health Swain has drained during Demonic Ascension in magic damage, up to a cap
  • NEWDEMONFLARE MINIMUM DAMAGE 100/150/200 (+0.5 ability power)
  • NEWDEMONFLARE MAXIMUM DAMAGE 200/300/400 (+1.0 ability power)
  • Sylas:
  • Passive damage vs minions less reduced. Q detonation damage increased. E shield granted on first cast; no longer blocks non-magic damage but blocks all magic damage for a duration; cooldown flattened; second cast stun duration decreased. R cast range decreased, recast window decreased, cooldown increased, AD->AP ratio conversion decreased.
  • Sylas has been a high priority pick in pro play due to his versatility and late-game power. We're putting in some changes focused around reducing the fallback power of his ultimate, and changing his pick conditions.
  • Passive - Petricite Burst:
  • Q - Chain Lash:
  • DETONATION DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.4 ability power) ⇒ 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.6 ability power)
  • E - Abscond/Abduct:
  • NEW ABSCOND SHIELD Now shields himself against all magic damage for 2 seconds on first cast
  • COOLDOWN 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds at all ranks
  • ABDUCT STUN DURATION 0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.35 seconds
  • R - Hijack:
  • CAST RANGE 1050 ⇒ 950
  • HIJACKED ULTIMATE HOLD DURATION 120 seconds ⇒ 90 seconds
  • COOLDOWN 85/50/15 seconds ⇒ 100/80/60 seconds
  • AP RATIO CONVERSION 0.5 ability power to 1.0 bonus attack damage, 0.7 ability power to 1.0 total attack damage ⇒ 0.4 ability power to 1.0 bonus attack damage, 0.6 ability power to 1.0 total attack damage
  • Tahm Kench:
  • Passive damage health scaling increased; stacks no longer increase ability damage; abilities no longer apply stacks. Q no longer has a melee-range arc; stun now consumes all stacks. W1 Nearsight on enemies removed. W2 stun on enemies removed. E stores less Grey Health but heals for a higher percent; cooldown reduced but starts on shield expiration.
  • We're taking a sweeping pass at some of the things that make Tahm Kench unnecessarily frustrating to play against, notably the constant CC that plagues opponents in lane and his Q's large melee hitbox.
  • And he can now Devour Blue and Red Buffs, because that seems like it could be fun.
  • Passive - An Acquired Taste:
  • Abilities no longer deal bonus magic damage based on passive stacks
  • Abilities no longer apply An Acquired Taste stacks
  • ON-HIT DAMAGE 1.5% Tahn Kench's maximum health per stack ⇒ 2.5% Tahm Kench's maximum health at any number of stacks
  • Q - Tongue Lash:
  • COOLDOWN 8/7/6/5/4 seconds ⇒ 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
  • No longer hits enemies in a wide arc in front of Tahm Kench on cast
  • Stunning an enemy with Tongue Lash consumes all stacks of An Acquired Taste
  • SLOW 50/55/60/65/70% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
  • SLOW DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • STUN DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • W - Devour/Regurgitate:
  • Enemies are no longer nearsighted while Devoured
  • Enemies are no longer stunned for 0.25 seconds after they're Regurgitated
  • DAMAGE RATIO 9/10/11/12/13% of target's maximum health ⇒ 11% of target's maximum health
  • MAXIMUM MONSTER DAMAGE 400/450/500/550/600 ⇒ 500
  • NEWFISH ARE FRIENDS AND FOOD Tahm Kench can now Devour and Regurgitate Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback
  • E - Thick Skin:
  • GREY HEALTH 80/85/90/95/100% of the damage Tahm Kench takes ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65% of the damage Tahm Kench takes
  • GREY HEALTH HEAL 20/25/30/35/40% of Grey Health ⇒ 75% of Grey Health at all ranks
  • COOLDOWN 6 seconds starting on cast ⇒ 3 seconds when Thick Skin's shield expires or is broken
  • Urgot:
  • W recast timer decreased.
  • Making our toggle spells more consistent in timing so they get cancelled less.
  • W - Purge:
  • RECAST TIMER 1 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
  • Yuumi:
  • Passive shield decreased; mana restore removed. Q empowered damage decreased; cost increased. E missing HP scaling increased; cost decreased.
  • We're opening Yuumi's early game weakness to reduce her presence in pro play. These changes cut her very early lane poke dominance, while buffing her later lane scrapping.
  • Passive - Bop 'n' Block:
  • SHIELD 80-300 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 50-300 (levels 1-18)
  • Yuumi no longer restores mana when she hits an enemy with an empowered basic attack
  • Q - Prowling Projectile:
  • EMPOWERED DAMAGE 60/105/150/195/240/285 (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ 50/95/140/185/230/275 (+0.65 ability power)
  • COST 60/65/70/75/80/85 mana ⇒ 75/80/85/90/95/100 mana
  • E - Zoomies!:
  • BASE HEAL SCALING Up to +100% ⇒ +130% based on target's missing health(healing from AP ratio still scales up to +300% based on target's missing health)
  • COST 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 30/40/50/60/70 mana
  • Ranged Top Laners:
  • A handful of ranged top laners are the dominant picks in professional play because of a combination of their status as a safe early pick in the draft order and their potential to heavily punish unfavorable match-ups in the early game.
  • Kennen, Neeko, and Jayce all have the following attributes that give them this flexibility and dominance: exceptional (normally enhanced) basic attacks and powerful (and often low cooldown) disengage abilities. With these changes, we're attempting to push these champions' harass power down for the first few levels in exchange for scaling. The expectation is this will lower frustration for the average player, as well as lower pro pick priority.
  • Jayce:
  • Attack damage decreased; attack damage growth increased. Q base damage decreased early, increased late; damage ratio increased.
  • Base Stats:
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 58 ⇒ 54
  • Q - Shock Blast:
  • DAMAGE 70/115/160/205/250/295 (+1.0 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 55/105/155/205/255/305 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
  • Kennen:
  • Attack damage and attack speed decreased; attack damage growth increased. E bonus attack speed increased.
  • Base Stats:
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 50.544 ⇒ 48
  • ATTACK SPEED 0.69 ⇒ 0.625
  • E - Lightning Rush:
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED 30/40/50/60/70% ⇒ 40/50/60/70/80%
  • Neeko:
  • Attack damage and attack speed decreased; attack damage growth and attack speed growth increased. Passive no longer breaks when Neeko basic attacks enemy champions. W passive movement speed decreased.
  • Base Stats:
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 52 ⇒ 48
  • ATTACK SPEED 0.645 ⇒ 0.625
  • Passive - Inherent Glamour:
  • GUESS WHO? Neeko no longer loses her disguise when basic attacking enemy champions
  • W - Shapesplitter:
  • PASSIVE BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 20/25/30/35/40% ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30%
  • ARAM Balance Changes:
  • 9.14 Nerfs:
  • CORKI +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken ⇒ -5% damage taken
  • ILLAOI Unchanged ⇒ -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
  • JARVAN IV +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken ⇒ -5% damage taken
  • KLED +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken ⇒ -5% damage taken
  • NAMI Unchanged ⇒ +5% damage taken
  • TRYNDAMERE +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken ⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
  • URGOT Unchanged ⇒ -5% damage dealt
  • VOLIBEAR Unchanged ⇒ +5% damage taken
  • 9.14 Buffs:
  • AKALI +18% damage dealt & -8% damage taken ⇒ +18% damage dealt & -12% damage taken
  • ALISTAR +5% damage taken ⇒ Unchanged
  • JAYCE Unchanged ⇒ +5% damage dealt
  • QIYANA Unchanged ⇒ +12% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
  • SYLAS Unchanged ⇒ +5% damage dealt
  • SYNDRA Unchanged ⇒ +5% damage dealt
  • TALON -5% damage taken ⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
  • TRUNDLE +5% damage taken ⇒ Unchanged
  • YUUMI Unchanged ⇒ +5% damage dealt
  • Death Recap:
  • The new Death Recap is now live! This new and improved version includes damage type breakdowns, fight duration, and CC duration. Clicking the Recap will allow you to expand and see additional details on damage sources. We still have some more improvements planned for the future, so stay tuned. In the meantime, get in the game and see it for yourself!
  • Show [Allied] Chat
  • We've added a new option under Settings>Interface>Chat that will now allow you to mute your allies' chats. There is now a separate checkbox for "Show [Allied] Chat" next to the already existing "Show [All] Chat". Both settings will be checked by default, but players can now uncheck both to mute both enemies' and teammates' chats permanently, or until they're turned back on. However, unchecking both will not mute the pre- and post-game chat, but we've heard your requests and are considering including those in the future!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Qiyana's W - Terrashape passive now procs correctly with Liandry's Torment
  • Galio's E - Justice Punch no longer remains in the realm it was cast in when entering/existing Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death
  • Corki's Passive - Hextech Munitions's The Package no longer spawns only in Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death if Corki was banished there at the time of its spawn
  • Rammus' Q - Powerball and Lucian's R - The Culling can no longer be interrupted by CC effects while under the effects of Edge of Night, Banshee's Veil, or Morgana's E - Black Shield
  • Vision Score now properly updates on the vision Trinket's tooltip
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!:
  • Demacia Vice Garen
  • Demacia Vice Lucian
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Demacia Vice Garen
  • Demacia Vice Lucian

New in League of Legends Client 9.6 (Mar 20, 2019)

  • Patch Highlights:
  • Champions:
  • Kayle:
  • Attack damage growth and attack speed growth decreased. W movement speed ratio decreased. Default adaptive swapped. E and W responsiveness increased.
  • Kayle is looking quite strong, especially as players learn how to play her, but her W and E can feel awkward since she typically builds a lot of attack speed. We're fixing that as well as buffing up her W to be a better reactive defense in lane (instant haste = easier dodging). To compensate, we're hitting her late game power in ways that make her a bit more item dependent.
  • Base Stats:
  • DEFAULT ADAPTIVE Ability power ⇒ Attack damage
  • RECOMMENDED ITEMS Updated to include Guinsoo's Rageblade and Blade of the Ruined King
  • W - Celestial Blessing:
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED RATIO +10% per 100 ability power ⇒ +8% per 100 ability power
  • DELAY Celestial Blessing applies its effects after a 0.25 second delay ⇒ on cast
  • REMOVEDPAUSE FOR DRAMATIC EFFECT Kayle no longer disarms herself for ~1 second upon casting Celestial Blessing (could previously be canceled by spamming right-click)
  • E - Starfire Spellblade:
  • CAST TIME 0.25 seconds ⇒ Identical to Kayle's basic attack windup
  • BUGFIX The basic attack portion of Starfire Spellblade's attack can now properly crit
  • Skin Updates:
  • RIOT KAYLE Updated VFX to be more wee-woo
  • SILVER KAYLE Updated VFX to be more blue da ba dee da ba dye
  • BATTLEBORN KAYLE Updated VFX to be less yellow
  • JUDGMENT KAYLE Updated VFX to be more spooOOO000OOOooky
  • AETHER WING KAYLE Added new death animation and removed robotic VO processing
  • Neeko:
  • Attack speed growth increased. W no longer procs twice in a row at very high attack speeds.
  • We’re pulling back a bit on Neeko's mid-patch nerfs, specifically making sure her basic attacks feel good later in the game, regardless of if she’s building attack speed.
  • Base Stats:
  • ATTACK SPEED GROWTH 1.5% ⇒ 2.5%
  • W - Shapesplitter:
  • BUGFIX No longer procs twice in a row at very high attack speeds
  • Ornn:
  • W cooldown decreased. Recommended items updated. Ornn can no longer accidentally cancel E and R dashes by upgrading ally items. Q no longer expires if Ornn is mid-dash.
  • Before his update at the beginning of the year, Ornn was mostly just a lane bully. Now, he's somewhat the opposite: weaker early but powerful late. Given the current level of importance early game strength has relative to late, the surly sheep has room for a buff and some quality of life changes that'll make him feel more satisfying throughout his matches.
  • Recommended Items:
  • LOOK AT MY WARES Now lists all Living Forge upgrades
  • BUILD THIS Recommended items updated to be better
  • Passive - Living Forge:
  • BUGFIX Ornn players can no longer upgrade ally items mid-dash during E - Searing Charge and R - Call of the Forge God, canceling the dash
  • Q - Volcanic Rupture:
  • JUST A LITTLE LONGER If a pillar is about to expire when Ornn casts E - Searing Charge, it now lasts until Ornn's dash completes. For real this time.
  • W - Bellows Breath:
  • COOLDOWN 12 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
  • Urgot:
  • Mana, mana regen growth increased. Passive no longer deals reduced damage to the same target. W shield removed; cost, cooldown, damage reduction decreased; now a permanent toggle at max rank. E now shields; damage and cost increased; cooldown decreased. R range, damage, cast time increased.
  • We cut Urgie's legs out from under him a couple of patches ago. Thankfully he's got lots of them, so we're confident we can get him back on his feet. We're moving his shield from W to E so we can turn Purge into a permanent toggle late game, letting Urgot become a walking turret that also grinds people up and leaves them to disdainfully bleed to death.
  • Base Stats:
  • MANA 300 ⇒ 340
  • MANA REGEN GROWTH 0.6 ⇒ 0.8
  • Passive - Echoing Flames:
  • REMOVEDNOT EVEN MY FINAL FORM No longer deals 10% reduced damage to enemies hit in the last 5 seconds, stacking 3 times
  • W - Purge:
  • REMOVEDSHIELD No longer grants 30/60/90/120/150 (+15% bonus health) shield
  • COST 65 mana ⇒ 40/30/20/10/0 mana
  • COOLDOWN 17/15/13/11/9 ⇒ 12/9/6/3/0 (becomes a toggle at max rank)
  • E - Disdain:
  • NEWSHIELD Grants a 60/80/100/120/140 (+1.5 bonus attack damage) (+15% bonus health) shield for 4 seconds
  • DAMAGE 60/100/140/180/220 (+0.5 total attack damage) ⇒ 90/120/150/180/210 (+1.0 bonus attack damage)
  • COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds
  • COST 50 mana ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 mana
  • R - Fear Beyond Death:
  • DEATH BEYOND SIGHT 1600 range ⇒ 2500 range
  • CAST TIME 0.4 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
  • DAMAGE 50/175/300 (+0.5 total attack damage) ⇒ 125/250/375 (+0.5 bonus attack damage)
  • Simple Changes:
  • Aatrox:
  • Aatrox now pulls targets even when they're untargetable. Passive no longer cancels when reviving.
  • Bugfixin'.:
  • General:
  • BUGFIX Buff icons on the buff/debuff bar no longer show up as blank boxes
  • W - Infernal Chains:
  • BUGFIX Aatrox now properly pulls targets even if they're untargetable
  • R - World Ender:
  • BUGFIX Aatrox's passive is no longer removed when he's reviving
  • Caitlyn:
  • R damage increased.
  • We want to encourage more marksman picks at higher skill level so we're buffing a few options toward viability.
  • R - Ace in the Hole:
  • DAMAGE 250/475/700 ⇒ 300/525/750
  • Gnar:
  • W cooldown decreased.
  • We're working on striking a balance between Gnar and Mega Gnar that doesn't overwhelmingly favor one form. Right now, players are sticking to poking and kiting in his smol form, so we're making his Mega evolution a little more attractive for players to use.
  • W - Wallop:
  • COOLDOWN 15/13/11/9/7 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds at all ranks
  • Hecarim:
  • Q stacks correctly and increases damage.
  • We're givin' the pony an extended-combat buff to help out his more bruiser-y builds (not the ones where he rushes out of Fog of War to one-shot you).
  • Q - Rampage:
  • NEWANGRY Deals 10% additional damage per stack of Rampage
  • Ivern:
  • W more quickly empowers Ivern's attacks when he enters brush.
  • This small change should greatly improve Ivern players' experience with entering a brush.
  • W - Brushmaker:
  • QUICKLY NOW More quickly empowers Ivern's attacks when he enters brush
  • Jayce:
  • Health-related base stats decreased.
  • Jayce is a little too oppressive in lane, especially in pro play. Players, understandably, love a guy who rocks melee-like base stats along with ranged functionality. We're changing his base stats to be more similar to those of ranged champions, making him more vulnerable early.
  • Base Stats:
  • HEALTH 576 ⇒ 560
  • HEALTH GROWTH 95 ⇒ 90
  • HEALTH REGEN 7.5 ⇒ 6
  • LeBlanc:
  • Q ratio decreased.
  • We're removing some raw burst from LeBlanc’s Q so her successes come more from mobility and skillshots rather than a point-and-click button.
  • Q - Sigil of Malice:
  • RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
  • Nautilus:
  • Armor increased. Passive cooldown decreased.
  • We’re helping Naut out with some added bulk and early game CC. His jungle clear should also benefit from these changes.
  • Base Stats:
  • ARMOR 35.5 ⇒ 39
  • Passive - Staggering Blow:
  • PER-TARGET COOLDOWN 9/8/7/6 seconds (levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 6 seconds at all levels
  • Rek'Sai:
  • R cooldown increased late; ratio decreased.
  • We added a lot of reliability to Rek’Sai’s ultimate in 9.4, which has been especially impactful in higher-tier games. We're following up by slightly nerfing its raw strength to make her less of a "must-pick" for junglers across the board.
  • R - Void Rush:
  • COOLDOWN 100/80/60 seconds ⇒ 100/90/80 seconds
  • RATIO +2.0 bonus attack damage ⇒ +1.75 bonus attack damage
  • Shen:
  • Q damage increased.
  • Giving Shen some power to better battle it out in top lane.
  • Q - Twilight Assault:
  • ON-HIT DAMAGE 5/10/15/20/25/30 (levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) ⇒ 10/16/22/28/34/40 (levels 1/4/7/10/13/16)
  • Sylas:
  • W base heal and heal ratio decreased.
  • We're continuing tuning on Sylas since if we left him alone, he'd probably stay omni-present in pro play and high tiers. We're hoping to alleviate some of the frustration players are feeling when going up against him by specifically targeting his heal.
  • W - Kingslayer:
  • HEAL RATIO 0.45 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • EMPOWERED HEAL 200% when Sylas is below 40% health ⇒ 175% when Sylas is below 40% health
  • Trundle:
  • W attack speed increased.
  • Helping out Trundle's early game laning and jungling.
  • W - Frozen Domain:
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED 20/40/60/80/100% ⇒ 30/47.5/65/82.5/100%
  • Xayah:
  • W attack speed increased.
  • We want to encourage more marksman picks at higher skill level so we're buffing a few options toward viability.
  • W - Deadly Plumage:
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 40/50/60/70/80%
  • Zoe:
  • E cooldown increased; slow decreased late.
  • Playing against Zoe can feel overwhelming because of the spamminess of her E and how hard it is to get to safety once you're affected by its slow. We're nerfing Sleepy Trouble Bubble so Zoe's opponents have more room to breathe...
  • E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble:
  • COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds
  • SLOW 10/20/30/40/50% ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30%
  • Items:
  • Tear of the Goddess Line:
  • All Tear items now belong to a Tear item group, with a maximum of 1 allowed.
  • We told you that we were potentially nerfing Ezreal last patch, and we decided that targeting his Double Tear build was a better solution than directly changing him. We're putting all Tear items into one group so players can't buy more than one Tear of the Goddess (and subsequently, its upgrades). After these changes go into effect, we don't expect Ezreal to stay as super dominant as he has been, but we’ll be keeping an eye on him.
  • NEWWE ARE FAMILY If you own Manamune(/Muramana) or Archangel's Staff(/Seraph's Embrace), you're unable to purchase the other (or another Tear of the Goddess)
  • Brawler's Gloves:
  • STACK AWAY Critical strike is no longer unique
  • Runes:
  • Minion Dematerializer:
  • Charges and initial cooldown decreased; damage bonuses increased.
  • This rune has become a pro staple for its ability to clear cannon minions easily and maintain push/wave control. To help other runes compete, we're decreasing the charges on Dematerializer, but we’re also giving it some buffs so it can still be considered useful in other situations.
  • CHARGES 6 ⇒ 3
  • STARTING COOLDOWN 240 seconds ⇒ 180 seconds
  • Overheal:
  • Shield conversion decreased early.
  • Overheal is currently a must-pick with pros on ADCs. We want players to have more flexibility with rune paths, so we're nerfing it so other runes can keep up.
  • PASSIVE Converts 40-100% (levels 1-18) of excess healing into shielding ⇒ Converts 20-100% (levels 1-18) of excess healing into shielding
  • Bounties:
  • Minion and monster gold bounties accrue more slowly and decrease if you lose your advantage. Scoreboard numbers no longer include base kill or first blood gold.
  • We originally tuned minion and monster gold bounties to match the ratio between gold earned from a champion kill and gold added to your bounty: 50 bounty per 150 farm gold advantage matches 100 bounty per kill since 300 is the base kill gold amount. Gold (and experience) aside, however, kills offer more benefits than farming. As a result, minion and monster gold bounties feel too aggressively tuned. We're adjusting their growth rate and mechanics to bring them to a better spot.
  • (The support item and accompanying team average lines won't significantly change bounty numbers outside of cases where a team is using multiple support items. They just make the system a little more comprehensive.)
  • Minion and Monster Gold Bounties
  • BOUNTY VALUES 50 gold for every 150 ⇒ 200 more minion and monster gold you have over the enemy team's average
  • NEWLOST ADVANTAGE Minion and monster gold bounties now decrease if you lose your advantage
  • NEWVALUABLE SUPPORT Support item gold now contributes to minion and monster gold bounties to accurately reflect when someone is farming and also using a support item. Maybe we should start calling them income bounties?
  • ENEMY TEAM AVERAGE Enemy team's total gold from minion and monster kills divided by 4 ⇒ Enemy team's total gold from support items and minion and monster kills divided by 4.3
  • Many players interpret the gold numbers on the scoreboard as how much additional gold a kill is worth relative to other members of that team—in other words, just the bounty value. Since we added this visualization at the same time as minion and monster gold bounties, it's also created a misconception that farming well immediately makes you worth hundreds more gold to the enemy team. We're adjusting these display numbers to match the way players interpret them.
  • Bounty Visualization
  • VISUALS Scoreboard and chat bounty numbers now only reflect the gold value from bounties. The 300 base kill gold and 150 first blood gold values have been removed from these displays. Actual gold payout on kill unchanged.
  • Ability Proc Consistency
  • We've gone through the types of ability procs in the game and fixed a few inconsistencies. Now, the ability procs split into roughly three main categories: on-ability-hit, DoT & AoE, and pet damage. This work is pretty under-the-hood for the most part, but there are three major changes that'll ensure our proc systems feel more consistent moving forward.
  • First, we've unified all on-ability-hit procs. Now, if something activates an on-ability-hit proc for one thing, it should proc all the other items and runes that do the same thing. This expands the number of abilities that can proc any of these items/runes.
  • For DoT and AoE effects, many abilities which fall into both camps were previously labeled as either one or the other. We went through and made sure those abilities are now properly marked as both.
  • Lastly, we're making pets consistent. Moving forward, all pet attacks will share the same proc behavior. Currently, that means that all effects which proc on-ability-hit (ex. Liandry's, Rylai's, Luden's) now proc off all pet attacks too. This opens the door for effects that'll proc on-ability-hit but not on pet attacks (or the other way around), but if we cross that bridge, we'll do so consistently for all pets.
  • Below is the list of abilities we directly changed to fit into one of these categories:
  • Combination DoT & AoE Abilities
  • Effects that treat DoT and AoE effects differently will go with the more restrictive classification.
  • Alistar's E - Trample
  • Anivia's R - Glacial Storm
  • Fiddlesticks' R - Crowstorm
  • Jayce's W - Lightning Field
  • Katarina's R - Death Lotus
  • Kennen's R - Slicing Maelstrom
  • Lucian's R - The Culling
  • Miss Fortune's R - Bullet Time
  • Mordekaiser's W - Harvester of Sorrow
  • Morgana's W - Tormented Shadow
  • Nasus's R - Fury of the Sands
  • Rammus' R - Tremors
  • Renekton's R - Dominus
  • Rumble's R - The Equalizer
  • Shyvana's W - Burnout
  • Vel'Koz's R - Life Form Disintegration Ray
  • Wukong's R - Cyclone
  • Pets:
  • The pets listed below have been changed to all proc the same effects. (Again, that currently means all on-ability-hit effects.) Quick sidenote: Champion clones aren't pets.
  • Elise's Spiderlings
  • Shaco's Jack in the Boxes
  • Zyra's Plants
  • Mordekaiser's Dragon Ghost (also classified as an AoE effect)
  • Heimerdinger's Turrets (turret lasers, ult turret shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too)
  • Malzahar's Voidlings (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes)
  • Yorick's Ghouls (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes)
  • Annie's Tibbers swipes (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes). The fire aura is classified as an ability hit and an AoE effect.
  • Ivern's Daisy (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes). The big slam is classified as an ability hit and an AoE effect.
  • Miscellaneous Changes:
  • VIKTOR'S Q - SIPHON POWER Empowered attack portion now activates on-ability-hit procs
  • GUARDIAN'S HORN (ARAM ITEM) Damage reduction now behaves consistently against all DoT abilities
  • SUMMON: AERY Should now proc consistently off everything except non-ability DoTs such as Corrupting Potion, Scorch, and other items, runes, and buffs
  • YASUO'S Q - STEEL TEMPEST Secondary targets hit are now accounted for by runes
  • YASUO'S E - SWEEPING BLADE TO Q - STEEL TEMPEST Secondary targets hit are now accounted for by runes
  • Ranked:
  • We turned off Position Ranks in North America and Korea partway through last patch and won't be rolling them out in other regions. We want to thank all the players who tried out the Position Ranks during this time and for submitting feedback to the team.
  • Looking forward, we'll be partially resetting the top of the ranked ladder when 9.6 releases. As a reminder, here's what this entails:
  • MASTER+ Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger players become Master 0 LP
  • DIAMOND I-III Diamond III, II, and I players are demoted by one division, preserving promotion series progress and LP
  • DIAMOND IV Diamond IV players become Diamond IV 0 LP no matter what
  • DIAMOND I PROMOS For Diamond I players in series, 2 wins or losses become 1 win or loss—for example, 2–2 becomes 1–1
  • REWARDS You keep rewards, but they’ll match your new rank
  • GRANDMASTER AND CHALLENGER Grandmaster and Challenger lock until March 27 and April 3, respectively
  • Here are a few other changes too!
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that caused players in Platinum to be subject to LP decay
  • TUNING Players who choose mid as their primary position will get it more often
  • High-End Framerate Cap:
  • We've seen reports of spikey FPS and a few visual bugs from players who use the Uncapped framerate setting. Since Uncapped is currently the default setting, tons of players are (often unknowingly) using it without coming anywhere close to 240 FPS, the next cap down. We're changing the default FPS and doing a one-time switch for everyone currently using Uncapped to address the majority of these issues.
  • DEFAULT The default framerate cap is changing from "Uncapped" to 240 FPS
  • RESET Players who currently have their framerate cap set to "Uncapped" will have their setting changed to 240 FPS when patch 9.6 launches. You can choose to switch back to "Uncapped" if you'd like.
  • Missions Tracker:
  • The missions tracker now groups missions into tabs based on event and mission type. You can navigate through tabs via a new sidebar in the tracker. If you're a big picture sort of person, there's an option to show all of your missions at once.
  • LeaverBuster:
  • We took a pass at updating LeaverBuster to improve its accuracy and effectiveness. Overall, it'll be more forgiving for those who are unintentionally leaving games for reasons outside of their control.
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes fail to detect a leaver
  • COMEBACK INCENTIVE Leaver detection is slightly more lenient if your team wins the game
  • FORGIVE AND FORGET LeaverBuster now takes regional connectivity into account
  • THEY WON'T MIND LeaverBuster penalties are reduced in most Co-op vs. AI and Premade 5's games
  • Bugfixes:
  • Arclight Brand now appropriately opens his mouth when laughing or taunting
  • Fixed Lucian's W - Ardent Blaze tooltip to mention that marked targets are briefly revealed
  • Elderwood Hecarim's recall no longer uses the base skin's recall audio
  • Traditional Karma's E - Inspire voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio
  • Fixed a bug where PROJECT: Ashe's R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow was missing its VFX
  • Fixed a bug where Shen was not saying his signature wind-up voiceover when casting R - Stand United
  • Fixed a bug where players could cast abilities while inside the Catapult of Champions in ARURF
  • Heartbreaker Vi's W - Denting Blows' proc glow no longer lingers on Epic Monsters
  • Zed's R - Death Mark "Unit will die to Death Mark" indicator is no longer miscalculated
  • Diana's Passive - Moonsilver Blade cleave effect no longer misses its target after dashes
  • Diana's E - Moonfall no longer draws nearby enemies in the wrong direction (away from her)
  • Renekton's W - animation no longer breaks when Renekton casts it while not on full Conqueror stacks
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas:
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!:
  • Corgi Corki
  • Fuzz Fizz
  • Meowrick
  • Pretty Kitty Rengar
  • Fuzz Fizz Prestige Edition:
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Pretty Kitty Rengar
  • Corgi Corki
  • Meowrick

New in League of Legends Client 9.2 (Feb 1, 2019)

  • Patch Highlights:
  • Mid-Patch Updates:
  • 29/1/2019 ARURF Balance Update
  • Ahri:
  • NERF -5% damage
  • Bard:
  • BUFF +10% damage reduction, +15% damage
  • Braum:
  • BUFF +20% damage reduction, +10% damage
  • Gnar:
  • BUFF +10% damage reduction, +5% damage
  • Kai'Sa:
  • NERF -5% damage
  • Malzahar:
  • NERF -8% damage
  • Master Yi:
  • NERF -5% damage, -5% damage reduction
  • Ornn:
  • BUFF +10% damage reduction buff increased to +20%
  • Rammus:
  • BUFF +10% damage reduction
  • Rek'Sai:
  • BUFF +10% damage reduction, +5% damage
  • Ryze:
  • BUFF -10% damage nerf removed
  • Sivir:
  • NERF -5% damage
  • Tahm Kench:
  • BUFF +10% damage reduction
  • Wukong:
  • BUFF -10% damage nerf reduced to -5%
  • Xayah:
  • NERF -5% damage
  • 1/29/2019 Bugfix:
  • Bugfix:
  • Fixed a bug causing Lux's E - Lucent Singularity and Ziggs' W - Satchel Charge audio to continue playing after being detonated early
  • 28/1/2019 Update
  • Sylas:
  • Helping Sylas stretch his legs after being stuck in Demacian jail for so long. (He was really weak so we're buffing him.)
  • 55.04 ⇒ 58
  • 0.5 ⇒ 1.25
  • E - ABDUCT:
  • DAMAGE 50/65/80/95/110 ⇒ 70/85/100/115/130
  • Yorick:
  • BUGFIX R - Eulogy of the Isles' cooldown no longer resets if the Maiden dies the instant Yorick sets her free
  • 1/25/2019 Update:
  • Galio:
  • We overdid it on Galio's nerfs, but aren't keen on letting him anywhere close to his pre-9.2 state. Between E and Q, E is a much safer place to add power back.
  • DAMAGE 80/115/150/185/220 ⇒ 100/135/170/205/240
  • Camera:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera to center incorrectly when zooming out for ults like Jhin's R - Curtain Call, making it really hard to aim properly
  • Season Start:
  • Your 2019 Ranked climb begins this patch. Here's a quick TL;DR of the changes this season:
  • You'll get a provisional rank after your first Ranked game, which is the lowest rank you can end placements in. Placement wins grant bonus LP; losses don't cost LP. Your rank becomes visible to others after finishing placements.
  • We've added Iron tier below Bronze and Grandmaster tier between Master and Challenger. Division V has been removed from all tiers.
  • This new reward reflects your current rank across your profile, Ranked dashboard, and hovercard as well as game lobbies
  • Season 2019 is broken into three splits, with your performance in each split upgrading your ranked armor. There's no soft reset or time off between splits. End of season rewards are still based on your overall performance across the season.
  • We're previewing position ranks in Korea and North America for split 1 and plan to roll them out globally in split 2. Each position has its own matchmaking rating and rank, with matches rewarding LP and rating for the position you played, plus a little for your other positions to recognize overall improvement as you climb.
  • For a full rundown of this season's changes to Ranked (new tiers, season splits, position ranks, placements, and more), we've got a library of past Nexus posts at your disposal:
  • Post 1: High-level goals and overview
  • Post 2: Summarizing your initial feedback
  • Post 3: Addressing feedback and adjustments to position ranks
  • Post 4: Laying out our plan to do regional previews of position ranks
  • Post 5: Talking about new tiers and placements
  • Post 6: Discussing how the top of the ladder is affected
  • Post 7: Outlining the three-split season and new split rewards
  • Post 8: Answering more questions on rewards
  • Post 9: Position Ranks Explained
  • Post 10: Position Ranks in Action
  • Game Modes:
  • After a rowdy month and a half of Bardle Royales, Battle Sledding, and Nexuses running it down mid, the Nexus Blitz queues shut down earlier this week. Thanks for playing—we'll be back with updates on our future plans a little further down the road!
  • If you're looking for something new to scratch your fast-paced-game-mode itch, we've got something new coming down the pipe later this patch! Stay tuned.
  • Champions:
  • Sylas:
  • Sylas, the Unshackled, will break out during patch 9.2! Unlock the revolution with these links:
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Trailer
  • Sylas:
  • Lunar Wraith Sylas
  • Lunar Wraith Sylas chromas
  • Full-res splash art is available on League Displays!
  • Aatrox:
  • Q damage ratio decreased. E recharge time increased.
  • True to his nature as an unkillable ancient terror, Aatrox survived the nerfs we threw at him during preseason and is still savaging both pro and regular play. This patch, we're dropping his damage across the board (higher E cooldown means less reliability on Q) but are especially focusing on his early game.
  • Q - The Darkin Blade:
  • BASE DAMAGE 10/25/40/55/70 (unchanged))
  • RATIO 0.64/0.68/0.72/0.76/0.80 total attack damage ⇒ 0.55/0.60/0.65/0.70/0.75 total attack damage
  • FULL COMBO BASE DAMAGE 56.25/140.63/225/309.38/393.75 (unchanged)
  • FULL COMBO RATIO 3.6/3.825/4.05/4.275/4.5 total attack damage ⇒ 3.09/3.38/3.66/3.94/4.22 total attack damage (numbers rounded because they're gross)
  • E - Umbral Dash:
  • RECHARGE TIME 24/20/16/12/8 seconds ⇒ 26/22/18/14/10 seconds
  • Aurelion Sol:
  • Q recast time reduced; stun duration shorter if recast quickly, longer for big stars.
  • Aurelion Sol's Q, Starsurge, has always suffered from two points of frustration. First, while its reactivation delay plays a crucial role in Aurelion's vulnerability to all-ins, not being able to cast and immediately pop Q feels unintuitive. Second, the reward for landing a giant star from halfway across the map feels underwhelming. Scaling Starsurge's stun duration lets us address both issues without fully eliminating Aurelion's intended vulnerability to all-ins.
  • Q - Starsurge:
  • 0.65 seconds ⇒ 0.25 seconds (can be buffered by double-tapping Q on cast)
  • 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds ⇒ 0.55/0.6/0.65/0.7/0.75 seconds, scaling to 1.65/1.8/1.95/2.1/2.25 seconds after traveling for 5 seconds
  • Previous stun duration reached after 0.75 seconds (when Q reaches Aurelion Sol's outer limit if he stands still)
  • Brand:
  • Passive damage over time decreased.
  • Brand shells out too much safe damage just by landing a spell and backing off—he should need to more actively make risky, aggressive plays to find success.
  • General
  • Passive - Blaze
  • DAMAGE PER STACK 4% target's max health over 4 seconds ⇒ 3% target's max health over 4 seconds
  • Cassiopeia:
  • W cooldown increased late; damage decreased late.
  • As a followup to the Noxious Blast nerf at the end of last year, we're reducing Miasma's effectiveness so Cassiopeia has to rely more on Twin Fang for damage. This forces her to get close to enemies, offering them an opportunity to fight back rather than melting helplessly from a distance.
  • W - Miasma:
  • 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds
  • 20/35/50/65/80 ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60
  • 100/175/250/325/400 ⇒ 100/150/200/250/300
  • Galio:
  • Q damage decreased, cost increased. E damage decreased early.
  • Galio underwent big changes at the end of last year with the goal of weakening his pro play strengths and amplifying his normal play strengths. With those mechanical shifts in place, he's now too strong at both levels of play, so we're going for raw power nerfs.
  • Q - Winds of War:
  • COST 70/75/80/85/90 mana ⇒ 80/90/100/110/120 mana
  • 70/110/150/190/230 ⇒ 70/105/140/175/210
  • 0.9 ability power ⇒ 0.75 ability power
  • 4% target's max health per 100 ability power ⇒ 2% target's max health per 100 ability power (base 6% max health damage unchanged)
  • E - Justice Punch:
  • 100/130/160/190/220 ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220
  • Irelia:
  • Passive bonus damage vs shields removed. Q deals bonus damage to minions instead of double damage. R duration decreased late; damage increased; slow increased; no longer disarms.
  • Irelia's got a lot going on across her abilities, which makes her effective in an extremely broad range of team comps and scenarios. We're removing a few mechanics that weren't essential to her blade dancer combat style as well as reining in Bladesurge's late game insta-waveclear.
  • Passive - Ionian Fervor:
  • Irelia no longer deals bonus damage to shields at max stacks
  • Q - Bladesurge:
  • Double damage ⇒ Flat bonus
  • 5/25/45/65/85 (+0.6 total attack damage) ⇒ 45/60/75/90/105
  • R - Vanguard's Edge
  • 2.5/3/3.5 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds at all ranks
  • Enemies who pass through the wall are no longer disarmed
  • 60% ⇒ 90%
  • 75/125/175 ⇒ 125/200/275
  • Jarvan IV:
  • E attack speed increased.
  • Buffing Jarvan's clear speed as well as the unique aura he provides his team.
  • E - Demacian Standard:
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% ⇒ 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% (reminder: Jarvan has this bonus at all times and gains it a second time while near his flag)
  • Jax:
  • Attack damage decreased. Q damage decreased early.
  • Nerfing Jax's early game damage to slow his roll into a late-game raid boss and give enemies a wider window to beat him early.
  • Base Stats
  • 69.97 ⇒ 68
  • Q - Leap Strike:
  • DAMAGE 80/120/160/200/240 (+1.0 bonus attack damage) (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ 65/105/145/185/225 (+1.0 bonus attack damage) (+0.6 ability power)
  • Kassadin:
  • Armor decreased.
  • We're playing into Kassadin's anti-magic theme by opening up a weakness to physical-damage lane bullies.
  • Base Stats:
  • BASE ARMOR 23.376 ⇒ 19
  • ARMOR GROWTH 3.2 ⇒ 2.8
  • Kayn:
  • Transformation rules are smoother and more intuitive.
  • There's a lot of text below, but here's the gist: Unlock progress for Red and Blue Kayn are no longer separate (violence always gets you closer to transformation), and capitalizing on advantageous mid-game opportunities against one range type no longer risks undoing the work you did to unlock the other type first. If you still end up unlocking the form you don't want, now you can unlock the form you do want faster by continuing to fight the other range type.
  • Passive - The Darkin Scythe
  • Darkin and Shadow Assassin unlock progress are separate ⇒ Darkin and Shadow Assassin share unlock progress. When transformation becomes available, the form that unlocks is chosen based on which champion type Kayn dealt more damage to.
  • 400 points per champion type ⇒ 500 points from any champion type (offsetting the rate increase from combining transformation progress)
  • If Kayn unlocks his transformation when the two forms are near-even, Kayn unlocks the form of the champion type he damaged last
  • Damage dealt later in the game is still worth more transformation progress but doesn't count for more in terms of which form Kayn unlocks
  • Once Kayn's first form is unlocked, he can continue collecting orbs of the other form's type to reduce the timer until his second form unlocks
  • Transformation Clarity
  • Kayn's transformation bar now changes color based on which champion type Kayn has dealt more damage to
  • PINGING: Kayn can now ping various aspects of his passive to his team:
  • Pinging the transformation bar tells allies roughly how close Kayn is to transformation (early in the transformation process, midway to transformation, or very near transformation)
  • Pinging the "Form available" button tells allies Kayn can transform into that form
  • Pinging the "Form unavailable" button tells allies the time remaining before that form unlocks
  • E - Shadow Step:
  • LET ME GO HOME Kayn can now recall before Shadow Step expires as long as he isn't still in terrain
  • R - Umbral Trespass:
  • Giving Shadow Assassin Kayn a better shot at escaping sticky situations.
  • SHADOW ASSASSIN EXIT DASH: 300 range ⇒ 300-500 range based on Shadow Assassin Kayn's cursor position
  • Bugfixes:
  • MISSTEP Fixed a Shadow Step into basic attack into Q - Reaping Slash bug where, if Shadow Step's buff expired during Q's cast time (due to the basic attack putting Kayn in combat), Q dealt no damage
  • Kayn no longer immediately harvests orbs when damaging ranged champions who hadn't yet damaged him. He'll now properly wait until exiting combat.
  • ....HIGHLANDER?:
  • Fixed a bug where Soulhunter Kayn would hear the audio for Master Yi's R - Highlander forever if he transformed into Rhaast with Master Yi in the game
  • Neeko:
  • W clone, haste duration increased; clone travels in target direction rather than pathing to target location. R no longer slows but Neeko lands faster after jumping.
  • We're playing up Neeko's clone baiting potential with Shapesplitter and trimming an extraneous strength from Pop Blossom (with an accompanying buff to keep the change net-neutral).
  • W - Shapesplitter:
  • 2 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds (stealth duration still 0.5 seconds)
  • Neeko's clone now travels in the target direction until it runs into terrain, rather than pathing to the target location
  • Shapesplitter's passive once again works on turrets
  • R - Pop Blossom:
  • Enemies in Pop Blossom's radius are no longer slowed by 40%
  • 0.75 seconds ⇒ 0.6 seconds
  • Tooltip now indicates the ability power ratio on Pop Blossom's shield (actual scaling unchanged)
  • Ornn:
  • Health and armor increased.
  • When we took a mechanics pass on Ornn last patch, our intent was that he'd be slightly stronger overall. This isn't the case—in particular, players are struggling in lane without Bellows Breath's shield so we're giving him some more baseline tankiness.
  • Base Stats:
  • HEALTH 565.64 ⇒ 590
  • ARMOR 33.04 ⇒ 36
  • Rakan:
  • Armor decreased. W dash speed decreased but activates faster upon reaching the destination.
  • This patch's changes to Grand Entrance are a targeted nerf for Rakan's R-W initiation: The Quickness's speed boost made Grand Entrance's dash fast enough for Rakan to reliably charm enemies at the dash's end point, holding them in place for the knockup and—for coordinated teams—a truckload of follow-up damage from Rakan's allies. Slowing Grand Entrance's dash speed gives foes more time to react to Rakan's dive while reducing the delay before it pops keeps it effective when Rakan isn't trying to do fancy combos with it.
  • General:
  • Base Stats:
  • ARMOR 33 ⇒ 29
  • W - Grand Entrance:
  • 2050 (+30% Rakan's movement speed) ⇒ 1400 (+45/+80 with un-upgraded/upgraded boots)
  • 0.5 seconds after reaching the destination ⇒ 0.35 seconds after reaching the destination
  • OVERALL Max-range casts hit slightly later than before; short-range casts hit faster
  • R - The Quickness:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that caused The Quickness to sometimes not affect Rakan's basic attack target
  • Shyvana:
  • Passive bonus damage to dragons increased. E mark damage increased.
  • Shyvana's been on the weak side for quite a while. We're buffing her unique dragon killing ability, as well as her ability to shred through tanky targets.
  • Passive - Fury of the Dragonborn:
  • 10% ⇒ 20% (also applies to Vilemaw on Twisted Treeline)
  • E - Flame Breath:
  • 2.5% target's max health ⇒ 3.25% target's max health
  • Tahm Kench:
  • Allies in combat with champions can no longer jump into R.
  • This particular use case for Tahm Kench's ult was basically "second Devour." Chomping allies once a fight is enough, Tahm.
  • R - Abyssal Voyage:
  • FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED Allies in combat with enemy champions can no longer jump into Abyssal Voyage
  • Urgot:
  • Armor decreased. Q cost increased. W cooldown increased early.
  • It's time, Urgot. We're nerfing crab man's early game across a number of vectors to give other top laners a better chance at success.
  • Base Stats:
  • ARMOR 39 ⇒ 36
  • Q - Corrosive Charge:
  • COST 50 mana ⇒ 60 mana
  • W - Purge:
  • COOLDOWN 13/12/11/10/9 seconds ⇒ 17/15/13/11/9 seconds
  • Volibear:
  • E bonus damage vs dashing/airborne targets changed to max health. R ratio increased; on-cast lightning happens faster; lightning now bounces instantly.
  • Given that Volibear, like other juggernauts, is often forced to fight whoever's up close and personal, we're changing Majestic Roar's bonus damage to be good against fighters and tanks, not just backline squishies. We're also taking the opportunity to make Thunder Claws feel snappier.
  • E - Majestic Roar:
  • BONUS DAMAGE VS DASHING/AIRBORNE TARGETS 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.3 ability power) ⇒ 8% target's max health
  • R - Thunder Claws:
  • RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • Fires after 0.25 seconds ⇒ 0.1 second
  • Chain lightning no longer takes 0.075 seconds to bounce from one target to the next (it's now instant)
  • Yorick:
  • The Maiden now follows Yorick when he leaves lane. Maiden health scales better with game time. Graves spawn faster late. Mist Walkers and the Maiden no longer deal less damage when far from Yorick.
  • Yorick's a lot stronger when The Maiden is with him, but he loses that strength if he doesn't stay in lane, leading to subpar contributions if he abandons a split-push to fight with his team. We're giving Yorick the ability to bring the Maiden and her Mist Walkers with him, roaming together as combat buddies or cross-lane turret demolitionists. Toss in a late-game increase to Mist Walker availability (especially when Yorick's allies don't let him last hit with Last Rites) and we've got a patch!
  • General:
  • Mist Walkers and the Maiden no longer deal decreased damage when far from Yorick
  • Passive - Shepherd of Souls:
  • NEARBY ENEMY DEATHS PER GRAVE 12/8/4 (at levels 1/7/13), 4 on ARAM ⇒ 12/6/2 (at levels 1/7/13), 2 on ARAM
  • E - Mourning Mist:
  • Mist Walkers and the Maiden no longer sometimes fail to target an enemy hit by Mourning Mist
  • R - Eulogy of the Isles:
  • MAIDEN HEALTH 700/1500/4000 (+30% Yorick's health) ⇒ 300/1000/3000 (+70% Yorick's health)
  • The Maiden no longer begins autonomously pushing a lane when far from Yorick. Instead, she'll leash back to him.
  • Yorick can now reactivate Eulogy of the Isles to set the Maiden free, but can't get her back once he does. She'll push the nearest lane until she dies.
  • Zyra:
  • Mana regen decreased.
  • Lower mana regen means Zyra will need to think twice before fishing for hits with Deadly Spines and Grasping Roots, lest she be caught out without resources during a gank or all-in.
  • Base Stats:
  • MANA REGEN 15.335 per 5 seconds ⇒ 13 per 5 seconds
  • Evelynn:
  • Quality of life changes and fixes.
  • Q - Hate Spike:
  • Hate Spike still prioritizes the last champion then the last non-champion Evelynn hit, but now prioritizes the lowest-health champion next (ahead of the lowest-health non-champion)
  • Hate Spike's recasts can now be buffered up to 0.5 seconds before becoming castable
  • W - Allure
  • Allure's cast no longer fizzles if Evelynn loses sight of her target mid-cast
  • E - Whiplash:
  • No longer occasionally drops Evelynn directly on top of her target
  • R - Last Caress:
  • Can now be buffered during Empowered E - Whiplash's cast
  • Kled:
  • This one actually went live last patch, but we figured it's still worth a mention!
  • E - Jousting:
  • VACUUM Jousting through minions is no longer likely to stack them directly on top of each other
  • Minimap Targeting
  • Given you're typically trying to hit something on-screen or just off-screen with these abilities, we're disabling minimap targeting to avoid miscasts.
  • Lux's R - Final Spark, Nami's R - Tidal Wave, and ARAM's Mark spell (yeah yeah it's not a champion ability) no longer use Minimap Targeting. If your cursor is over the minimap when casting one of these, it'll fire in the target direction instead.
  • Items
  • Oblivion Orb:
  • Cost increased, ability power decreased.
  • Oblivion Orb is a ubiquitous mage pick-up due to the ability to stack its magic penetration with Sorcerer's Shoes relatively early in the game. That being the case, why didn't we nerf the magic penetration? We're shrinking Oblivion Orb's contribution toward ability ratios so it's less attractive for late-scaling mages while still satisfying to rush for champions with high base damages or are looking for an early power spike before moving onto main-build items.
  • COST 1500 gold ⇒ 1600 gold
  • ABILITY POWER 25 ⇒ 20
  • Morellonomicon:
  • Ability power decreased.
  • Like Oblivion Orb above, we want to push Morellonomicon a bit further toward its unique identity. In this case, that identity is the magic damage Grievous Wounds item. If the enemy team doesn't have significant sources of healing or regen, finishing Morellonomicon should be less attractive than sitting on Oblivion Orb and building something else.
  • COMBINE COST 650 gold ⇒ 550 gold (total cost unchanged due to Oblivion Orb cost increase)
  • ABILITY POWER 80 ⇒ 70
  • Sunfire Cape:
  • Cost decreased.
  • Despite its historical place in many tank and fighter builds, Sunfire Cape isn't showing up in many inventories these days. Making it cheaper provides earlier access to the full-powered Immolate effect, giving core users a leg up in lane and reopening the door to Sunfire builds for champs who've rotated onto other first items.
  • COST 2900 gold ⇒ 2750 gold
  • Runes:
  • Overheal:
  • Ally healing grants less shielding; self-healing grants more shielding late. Shield decays gradually instead of immediately.
  • Overheal's effectiveness relies on whether your allies know to... well... overheal you, which often isn't the case in solo queue. We're siphoning that coordinated play strength into more self-sufficiency, plus shifting the shield decay to the Bloodthirster model to make Overheal a more consistently rewarding defensive choice.
  • 300% ⇒ 40-100% (at levels 1-18)
  • 40% ⇒ 40-100% (at levels 1-18)
  • Falls off immediately after 6 seconds ⇒ After 6 seconds, decays by 2.5% of the max shield value each second
  • Overheal's tooltips and post-game stats now properly track total damage blocked rather than just the last instance of damage blocked
  • Legend: Bloodline:
  • Lifesteal per stack decreased; max stacks doubled.
  • The choice between Bloodline and Alacrity isn't all that exciting, with the majority of potential users simply defaulting to Alacrity without much thought. We're shifting Bloodline to be a stronger late game option, adding a new decision point on top of "attack speed or lifesteal?"
  • LIFESTEAL PER STACK 0.8% ⇒ 0.6%
  • MAX STACKS 10 ⇒ 20
  • MAX LIFESTEAL 8% ⇒ 12%
  • Cut Down:
  • Bonus damage scales based on percent max health difference rather than flat max health difference. Maximum bonus decreased.
  • Cut Down scales dramatically over game time due flat health differences being much narrower before level scaling and items kick in. Switching to a percent model makes it useful even in the early game, though the max bonus is going down to accommodate this increase in relevance.
  • BONUS DAMAGE 4%-12% vs targets with 150-2000 more max health than you ⇒ 4%-10% vs targets with 10%-100% more max health than you
  • Absolute Focus:
  • Adaptive stats decreased.
  • Absolute Focus is overtuned, particularly for champions who extract tons of PvE value from the bonus stats (marksmen, junglers). We're bringing its effectiveness down across the board.
  • 3-24 attack damage or 5-40 ability power (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 1.8-18 attack damage or 3-30 ability power (at levels 1-18)
  • Rune Stats:
  • Adaptive damage decreased. Armor and magic resist increased.
  • The adaptive damage stat has proven to be the best option in the offense row and especially the flex rows, so we're nerfing it. Buffs to the armor and magic resist rune will bring flex in line overall, with magic resist needing more of a leg up. While the individual buffs and nerfs here might look fiddly, a change in pick rates creates a far more noticeable effect: Champs who switch their flex from adaptive to armor or magic resist will lose ten damage, not one.
  • ARMOR 5 ⇒ 6
  • MAGIC RESIST 6 ⇒ 8
  • Summoner Spells
  • Ignite:
  • Damage and cooldown decreased.
  • Ignite's damage nerf should come as no surprise: it's been flooding summoner spell choices across multiple lanes. The cooldown buff may look confusing, but shifting power out of Ignite's burn into its uptime lets us swing harder on damage without killing the spell entirely.
  • 80-505 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 70-410 (at levels 1-18)
  • 210 seconds ⇒ 180 seconds
  • Game Pacing
  • Hand of Baron
  • Baron buff is weaker in the early game.
  • During preseason, we made Baron buff less mandatory for sieges (by buffing minions) to reduce the degree games revolve around it. We're following suit by weakening the combat strength early Barons offer to reduce the number of games that snowball off one good play into an abrupt end.
  • Hand of Baron
  • SCALING Scaling is linear and increments every minute ⇒ Scaling accelerates over time and increments every second
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 24-48 at 20-40 minutes (36 at 30 minutes) ⇒ 12-48 at 20-40 minutes (26 at 30 minutes)
  • ABILITY POWER 40-80 at 20-40 minutes (60 at 30 minutes) ⇒ 20-80 at 20-40 minutes (43 at 30 minutes)
  • MINION DAMAGE REDUCTION VS CHAMPIONS 70% at all times ⇒ 50%-70% at 20-40 minutes (58% at 30 minutes)
  • Inhibitor & Nexus Turrets
  • Inhibitor and Nexus turrets have late-game resistances at all times.
  • On a similar note as Hand of Baron above, we're making base defenses more resilient to early sieges to avoid games falling into an unrecoverable state due to one good early push.
  • INHIBITOR AND NEXUS TURRET RESISTANCES 55-70 armor and magic resist at 31-45 minutes ⇒ 70 armor and magic resist at all times
  • Jungle:
  • Jungle Camp Experience:
  • Camp experience scaling decreased. Rift Scuttler gold scaling also decreased.
  • Our preseason changes to camp experience didn't result in the jungler power and influence reduction we intended, so we're following up.
  • Small Camps:
  • Experience scales every second level instead of every level; scaling reduced from +50% to +25%.
  • XP SCALING Every level from 1-7 ⇒ Levels 1/3/5/7
  • GROMP XP 115-172.5 ⇒ 115-143.75
  • GREATER MURK WOLF XP 65-97.5 ⇒ 65-81.25
  • MURK WOLF XP 25-37.5 ⇒ 25-31.25
  • CRIMSON RAPTOR XP 20-30 ⇒ 20-25
  • RAPTOR XP 20-30 ⇒ 20-25
  • ANCIENT KRUG XP 100-150 ⇒ 100-125 (reminder: first clear still grants 30% reduced XP)
  • KRUG XP 35-52.5 ⇒ 35-43.75
  • LESSER KRUG XP 7-10.5 ⇒ 7-8.75
  • Buff Camps:
  • Experience scales every second level instead of every level; scaling reduced from +57% to +25%.
  • XP SCALING Every level from 1-7 ⇒ Levels 1/3/5/7
  • RED BRAMBLEBACK 115-180 ⇒ 115-143.75
  • BLUE SENTINEL 115-180 ⇒ 115-143.75
  • Rift Scuttler:
  • Gold and experience scaling reduced from +100% to +80%.
  • GOLD 70-140 ⇒ 70-126
  • EXPERIENCE 115-230 ⇒ 115-207
  • Challenging Smite:
  • Damage decreased. No longer grants vision of the target.
  • We're reining in the kill pressure Challenging Smite grants junglers.
  • 60-162 over 3 seconds (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 48-125 over 2.5 seconds (at levels 1-18)
  • REMOVED VISION: Challenging Smite no longer grants vision of the target while the effect is active
  • Bugfixes:
  • Jayce's ranged basic attack animation has been fixed to synchronize with the attack's actual wind-up and launch
  • Kai'Sa can now properly dash to an untargetable enemy with R - Killer Instinct
  • Fiora's W - Riposte now properly blocks Pyke's R - Death From Below when Fiora is below the execute threshold
  • When cast during Q - Lunge, Fiora's W - Riposte now properly activates in the area designated by the indicator rather than toward the original target position
  • When moused over, Lissandra's Passive - Iceborn Subjugation now properly shows the range within which slain enemies will become Frozen Thralls
  • Mordekaiser's W - Harvester of Sorrow reactivation no longer grants double the intended amount of shielding from his Passive - Iron Man from enemies hit by both zones
  • Hail of Blades now properly procs when the first basic attack causes a champion to exit Camouflage (ex. Twitch's Q - Ambush, Rengar's R - Thrill of the Hunt)
  • Rek'Sai's Q - Queen's Wrath attacks now interact properly with Hail of Blades
  • Fixed an edge case where Hail of Blades' cooldown would become unable to reset after selling or refunding a fully charged Dead Man's Plate
  • Nidalee's basic attack no longer cancels if a Hunt activates mid-attack animation
  • Lux's basic attack no longer cancels if issued the moment W - Prismatic Barrier reaches max range
  • Saving multiple highlights from the same game without renaming them no longer causes them to overwrite each other due to all of them using the same default name
  • Restored on-hit VFX for Base, High Noon, and PROJECT Yasuo's Q - Steel Tempest tornado
  • Restored missing VFX on Base, High Noon, and PROJECT Yasuo's E - Sweeping Blade-Q - Steel Tempest combo cast
  • Restored missing buff particles on Base and PROJECT Yasuo's sword after casting R - Last Breath
  • Restored missing swipe trails on High Noon and PROJECT Yasuo's basic attacks
  • Restored some missing audio on Kled's basic attacks while W - Violent Tendencies is on cooldown
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas:
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
  • Firecracker Vayne
  • Firecracker Sejuani
  • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench
  • Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Firecracker Sejuani
  • Heartbreaker Vi
  • Lunar Guardian Warwick
  • Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
  • Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV

New in League of Legends Client 8.24b (Jan 7, 2019)

  • Nexus Blitz:
  • If you missed it, we dropped a big balance update last week. Check out the details here!
  • Akali & Pyke:
  • Akali:
  • Akali can be more effectively counterattacked when revealing herself from Shroud. 8.24 shroud duration nerf reverted.
  • Our goal this patch is to give enemies a real chance of throwing a counterpunch when Akali emerges to strike, rather than waiting Shroud out from a safe distance. They'll still need quick fingers and a clear plan, but they won’t be left without options. Targeted abilities still complete when Akali re-stealths mid-cast, skillshots are easier to aim, and basic attackers have slightly longer to get a hit off before she becomes unselectable. With the increased danger Akali faces when un-stealthing, we're reverting 8.24's Shroud duration nerf since enemies now have better means of fighting back.
  • W - Twilight Shroud:
  • Akali now briefly obscures (opponents can see her outline but not target her) before stealthing or re-stealthing even if enemies don't have true sight in the area
  • Targeted abilities and uncancellable basic attacks (ex. Nasus's Q - Siphoning Strike are no longer canceled when Akali stealths or re-stealths
  • 0.9/0.8/0.725/0.625 seconds at levels 1/6/9/12 ⇒ 1/0.9/0.825/0.725/0.625 seconds at 1/8/11/20/30 minutes
  • 8.24's nerf has been reverted in favor of the above changes. Duration restored to 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 seconds (max 2 second extension) ⇒ 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 seconds (max 3 second extension).
  • Pyke:
  • Magic resist growth decreased. Q deals less passthrough damage to minions and monsters. R execute threshold decreased late.
  • League's assassin support has become a problematic mid laner despite relatively reasonable performances in bot lane. The nerfs below are all tailored to hit mid Pyke hardest, whether by the strengths mid laners need (protection against burst magic damage; waveclear) or by the strengths Pyke has an easier time accruing in mid (level scalings).
  • Base Stats
  • Q - Bone Skewer:
  • MINION & MONSTER DAMAGE 50% to secondary targets ⇒ 30% to secondary targets (tooltip will be updated in 9.1)
  • R - Death From Below:
  • Reminder: Enemies above the execute threshold take physical damage equal to the threshold instead.
  • EXECUTE THRESHOLD, LV 6-9 250/290/330/370 (unchanged)
  • EXECUTE THRESHOLD, LV 10-13 410/450/475/500 ⇒ 400/430/450/470
  • EXECUTE THRESHOLD, LV 14-18 525/550/575/590/605 ⇒ 490/510/530/540/550
  • Simple Buffs:
  • Caitlyn:
  • Q base damage increased; passthrough damage decreased. R range increased.
  • We're giving Caitlyn some lane power in Piltover Peacemaker's first hit and punching up the unique strength Ace in the Hole brings to the Sheriff's arsenal.
  • Q - Piltover Peacemaker:
  • BASE DAMAGE 30/70/110/150/190 ⇒ 50/90/130/170/210
  • RATIO 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7 total attack damage (unchanged)
  • R - Ace in the Hole:
  • RANGE 2000/2500/3000 ⇒ 3500 at all ranks
  • Corki:
  • R damage increased.
  • Upping Corki's poke damage.
  • R - Missile Barrage:
  • BASE DAMAGE 75/100/125 ⇒ 90/115/140
  • THE BIG ONE BASE DAMAGE 150/200/250 ⇒ 180/230/280
  • Singed:
  • Base health increased. Fling damage increased early.
  • These changes help Singed compete for presence in his early lane.
  • Base Stats:
  • BASE HEALTH 580 ⇒ 610
  • E - Fling:
  • DAMAGE 4/5/6/7/8% target's maximum health ⇒ 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% target's maximum health
  • Tristana:
  • E damage increased.
  • Improving Tristana's ability to blow people up in the mid-game.
  • E - Explosive Charge:
  • BASE DAMAGE 60/70/80/90/100 ⇒ 70/80/90/100/110
  • RATIO 0.5/0.65/0.8/0.95/1.1 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3 bonus attack damage
  • MAXIMUM DAMAGE 132/154/176/198/220 (+1.1/1.43/1.76/2.09/2.42 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 154/176/198/220/242 (+1.1/1.54/1.98/2.42/2.86 bonus attack damage)
  • Varus:
  • W-empowered Q damage increased late. R damage increased early.
  • Upping Varus' strength as he hits his early- and mid-game spikes.
  • W - Blighted Quiver:
  • UNCHARGED ACTIVE DAMAGE 6/7/8/9/10% target's missing health (levels 1/4/7/10/13) ⇒ 6/8/10/12/14% target's missing health (levels 1/4/7/10/13)
  • FULLY CHARGED ACTIVE DAMAGE 9/10.5/12/13.5/15% target's missing health (levels 1/4/7/10/13) ⇒ 9/12/15/18/21% target's missing health (levels 1/4/7/10/13)
  • R - Chain of Corruption:
  • DAMAGE 100/175/250 (+1.0 ability power) ⇒ 150/200/250 (+1.0 ability power)
  • Warwick:
  • Base AD increased.
  • Giving Warwick a bit more bite.
  • Base Stats
  • Forbidden Idol Line
  • Forbidden Idol cooldown reduction increased. Heal and shield power increased on its upgrades.
  • Earlier in the season, enchanters were outperforming their mage and tank support counterparts so we nerfed the Idol line and the duration of individual shield abilities. Since then, the tables have turned and enchanters are the ones struggling to make an impact even in a damage-heavy meta where their talents could be put to good use. We're reverting near-half of our earlier pass by restoring the majority of the Idol line's strength, with the shield duration nerfs ensuring larger shields are still fairer to play against.
  • Forbidden Idol:
  • Ardent Censer:
  • Mikael's Crucible:
  • Redemption:
  • Known Bug - In-game tooltips won’t reflect the change but it’s just the tooltips! Rest assured, your heals and shields will be larger!
  • Simple Nerfs:
  • Alistar:
  • Trample damage decreased early.
  • Reducing Alistar's early lane pressure so one good trade doesn't auto-win him the rest of lane phase.
  • E - Trample:
  • BASE DAMAGE 100/125/150/175/200 over 5 seconds ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200 over 5 seconds
  • EMPOWERED ATTACK BONUS DAMAGE 55-310 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 35-290 (levels 1-18)
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Q damage decreased late; cost increased late.
  • We're bringing Noxious Blast's high-rank power down, based on Q-max's emergence as a dominant strategy.
  • Q - Noxious Blast:
  • COST 50/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 mana
  • BASE DAMAGE 75/125/175/225/275 ⇒ 75/120/165/210/255
  • Kassadin:
  • Health regen reduced.
  • Tying Kassadin's early-game survivability more tightly to his Q shield.
  • Base stats:
  • Neeko:
  • Q damage decreased.
  • Neeko's strength has moved toward healthy levels as players grow accustomed to the mind games her passive and W create. A small reduction to her early-game pushing and lane control is about all she needs right now; we'll continue monitoring how she settles in over the holidays.
  • Q - Blooming Burst:
  • INITIAL BASE DAMAGE 80/125/170/215/260 ⇒ 70/115/160/205/250
  • BASE BOUNCE DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 35/55/75/95/115
  • Tiamat:
  • Cost increased.
  • We're increasing the investment required to grab Tiamat's dueling and waveclear benefits for champions who plan to sit on it rather than quickly upgrading to a Hydra.
  • COST 1200 gold ⇒ 1325 gold
  • UPGRADES Ravenous Hydra and Titanic Hydra cost 125 less gold to upgrade; total costs unchanged
  • Zeke's Convergence:
  • Ally basic attack burn reduced.
  • We're bringing down Zeke's' offensive capabilities so other tank support items can be considered.
  • CONDUIT Your linked ally's basic attacks burn enemies for 50% ⇒ 30% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds
  • Outer Turrets:
  • Resistances after turret plating falloff increased.
  • Turret plating's done its job of extending lane phase for cases where teams burn down turrets as quickly as possible. In less violent lanes, though, outer turrets fall too easily once plating falls off. They'll now keep the baseline resistances they have at game start, with plating falloff only removing the extra resistances granted by broken plates.

New in League of Legends Client 8.24 (Dec 10, 2018)

  • Mid-Patch Updates:
  • Heimerdinger:
  • This patch's work on Heimerdinger introduced new bugs. We're fixing some particularly big ones.
  • E - CH2-Electron Storm Grenade and UPGRADE!!!'d E - CH-3X Lightning Grenade stun durations have been fixed
  • Dying while Q - H-28 G Evolution Turret's third turret charge is stockpiling no longer allows Heimerdinger to get a fourth charge
  • UPGRADE!!!'d W - Hextech Rocket Swarm once again shares a cooldown with W - Hextech Micro-Rockets
  • Heimerdinger can no longer cast UPGRADE!!!'d E - CH-3X Lightning Grenade immediately after E - CH2-Electron Storm Grenade if timed exactly
  • Patch Highlights:
  • Champions:
  • Neeko:
  • Neeko, the Curious Chameleon, will appear sometime in patch 8.24!
  • Aatrox:
  • Q no longer deals bonus damage to monsters.
  • This mechanic was originally added to let players explore the possibility of jungle Aatrox, which never really took off. Mid Aatrox is now using it in tandem with Smite to create a lead his opponents have no real way to punish, so we're removing it as an unintended lane strength.
  • Q - The Darkin Blade
  • No longer deals an additional 0.1 attack damage against monsters
  • Akali:
  • W duration decreased.
  • We're exploring deeper changes to Akali to address the frustration she causes for opponents independent of whether she's strong or weak. In the meantime, we're reducing Twilight Shroud's duration to be more appropriate for the zoning power it offers when used aggressively.
  • W - Twilight Shroud
  • DURATION 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 seconds ⇒ 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 seconds
  • MAX DURATION EXTENSION 3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • Camille:
  • Attack speed decreased.
  • Camille's ability to dodge vision and gank from unusual angles has led to dominance in the jungle. Rather than cut down on her unique strength as a jungler, we're hitting her camp clearing to slow her down a bit in the early game.
  • Base Stats:
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.644 ⇒ 0.625
  • Galio:
  • Q cost decreased, windblast damage increased, tornado flat damage removed but max health damage increased. E is faster but deals less damage to non-champions. R no longer grants damage reduction or longer knock-up vs enemies in the center.
  • Galio has consistently seen greater results in coordinated play than anywhere else, due in large part to his ult. We're taking out the team-reliant strengths of Hero's Entrance (plus some waveclear off Justice Punch) and adding strength back into brawlier parts of Galio's kit that solo players can more confidently rely on.
  • Q - Winds of War:
  • COST 70/85/100/115/130 mana ⇒ 70/75/80/85/90 mana
  • WINDBLAST DAMAGE 50/80/110/140/170 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.9 ability power)
  • Tornado no longer deals 30/40/50/60/70 (+0.6 ability power) flat damage
  • MAX HEALTH TORNADO DAMAGE 0 (+3% per 100 ability power) target's max health ⇒ 6 (+4% per 100 ability power) target's max health
  • E - Justice Punch:
  • WINDUP BEFORE FORWARD DASH 0.45 seconds ⇒ 0.4 seconds
  • DASH SPEED 1900 ⇒ 2300
  • Now deals 50% reduced damage to non-champions
  • R - Hero's Entrance:
  • The targeted ally no longer gains 20/25/30% (+8% per 100 Galio's bonus magic resist) damage reduction
  • Enemies in the center are no longer knocked up longer (now 0.75 second knockup for all enemies hit)
  • Heimerdinger:
  • Slight buff bugfixes and tooltip fixes.
  • Turns out Heimerdinger keeps a messy lab. We did some rescripting to the Revered Inventor this patch and found some... imprecisions... in his code. These issues have been resolved—in cases where we had to choose between power-up or power-down, we leaned toward buffs.
  • Q - H-28G Evolution Turret:
  • Turret beam attack cooldown now actually scales with cooldown reduction
  • Turret stats have been moved into the expanded tooltip (hold SHIFT). Expanded tooltip now indicates that turret health scales off Heimerdinger's ability power.
  • W - Hextech Micro-Rockets:
  • TOOLTIP Now states the actual damage rockets deal to minions instead of "60%" (which was lower than actual damage dealt due to additional AP scaling)
  • UPGRADE!!!'d W - Hextech Rocket Swarm:
  • MAX DAMAGE 499/687/862 (+1.83 ability power) ⇒ 503/697.5/892 (+1.83 ability power)
  • MISSILE 1 DAMAGE 135/180/225 (+0.45 ability power) (unchanged)
  • MISSILE 2,3,4,5 DAMAGE 28/39/49 (+0.12 ability power) ⇒ 32/45/58 (+0.12 ability power)
  • MISSILE 6-20 DAMAGE 16.8/23.4/29.4 (+0.06 ability power) ⇒ 16/22.5/29 (+0.06 ability power)
  • Illaoi:
  • E cooldown decreased early. R cooldown decreased late.
  • The addition of rune stats gave Illaoi the freedom to spec into Conqueror without eating the inefficiency of attack speed as her path bonus. We're accompanying that stat optimization with some cooldown buffs, bringing Illaoi's ability uptime in line with other top lane fighters. These changes combined will help Illaoi stay in motion and on the offensive.
  • E - Test of Spirit:
  • COOLDOWN 20/18/16/14/12 seconds ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
  • R - Leap of Faith:
  • COOLDOWN 120/105/90 seconds ⇒ 120/95/70 seconds
  • Irelia:
  • W cooldown increased early, damage reduction reduced, no longer grants passive stack on cast.
  • We're reducing Irelia's ability to withstand enemy damage so opponents have wider windows to best her in lane, particularly mid mages whose spell rotations tend to fit cleanly inside Defiant Dance's channel time. The last line slows the rate at which Ionian Fervor comes online during skirmishes, reducing the number of trades Irelia wins when responding to enemy aggression rather than prepping her passive and initiating the fight herself.
  • W - Defiant Dance:
  • COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 20/18/16/14/12 seconds
  • DAMAGE REDUCTION 50% ⇒ 40%
  • Casting Defiant Dance no longer grants a stack of Ionian Fervor (stacks still granted based on enemies hit)
  • Jax:
  • R on-hit base damage reduced late.
  • When jungling, Jax falls into the power farming camp with champs like Graves and Shyvana, but boasts much better rank-up scaling than his peers. We're toning down his ult's base damage at ranks 2 and 3 so Jax doesn't diverge as hard from the rest of his pack. He'll still have best-in-class throughput come late game, but not by such a significant margin. This also helps even out Jax's performance across skill levels, as higher-tier matches (where Jax isn't as out of line) end faster than lower-tier matches.
  • R - Grandmaster's Might:
  • 3RD ATTACK ON-HIT DAMAGE 100/160/220 ⇒ 100/140/180
  • LeBlanc:
  • W cooldown increased early.
  • Preseason's introduction of Dark Harvest was a significant buff to LeBlanc, meaning her preseason strength didn't fall in line the way we had hoped. While this patch's Dark Harvest nerf affects LeBlanc, we're also issuing a direct nerf to push toward a net power-down for the new season. A higher cooldown on Distortion in lane means LeBlanc will have longer windows of vulnerability and ganks will have to be better coordinated with her jungler.
  • W - Distortion:
  • COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 ⇒ 18/16/14/12/10
  • Viktor:
  • Q base damage decreased, cooldown increased. E ratio increased, cooldown decreased.
  • We're nerfing top Viktor's harass (which relies on base damage due to lack of AP) and giving power back to his mage build in mid.
  • Q - Siphon Power:
  • COOLDOWN 8/7/6/5/4 seconds ⇒ 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
  • MISSILE BASE DAMAGE 60/80/100/120/140 ⇒ 50/65/80/95/110
  • E - Death Ray:
  • COOLDOWN 13/12/11/10/9 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
  • RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power (Aftershock ratio unchanged)
  • Skillshot Targeting with Flash
  • Updated several skillshot targeting interactions when Flash is used mid-cast.
  • Recent under-the-hood code work has led to a few skillshots not interacting with Flash the way they were intended to.
  • Skillshot fires toward target position (direction changes)
  • Ezreal's Q - Mystic Shot (same as pre-update behavior)
  • Ezreal's W - Essence Flux
  • Kai'Sa's W - Void Seeker
  • Skillshot fires in target direction (position changes)
  • Irelia's R - Vanguard's Edge
  • Aatrox's W - Infernal Chains
  • Clone Debuff Visuals
  • We finally got to doing this while working on Neeko.
  • If a champion is affected with a debuff when they create a clone, the clone will now also have that debuff
  • Animation Updates:
  • More of these updates in patches to come!
  • New run animation added during E - Trample
  • FIORA New walk animation added without boots
  • KARMA:
  • New fast run animation added
  • SHACO:
  • New run animation added
  • New walk animation added without boots (currently base skin only)
  • VFX and SFX Updates
  • Anivia:
  • Anivia's attacks and abilities need some audio and visual love to get to current League quality and readability standards.
  • Anivia's SFX have been cleaned up for her joke, taunt, dance, laugh, death, and idle actions (voiceover unchanged)
  • BASIC ATTACK New missile and hit VFX
  • PASSIVE - REBIRTH Glow VFX increase the closer she is to revival and the hatching moment is more impactful
  • Q - FLASH FROST VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox and center zone
  • W - CRYSTALLIZE Updated wall model and frosty ground VFX. SFX updated for clarity and icy thematics.
  • E - FROSTBITE Missile is more distinct from Anivia's basic attack. "Crit" hit is brighter and better defined.
  • R - GLACIAL STORM Freljord range indicator added. Blizzard VFX improved. New SFX added for when the storm is fully formed and when Glacial Storm deactivates.
  • BLACKFROST ANIVIA Q and R visuals updated to retain impact of a legendary skin
  • FESTIVAL QUEEN ANIVIA Gold range indicator adjusted to better match hitbox
  • Dr. Mundo:
  • Dr. Mundo's attacks and abilities need some audio and visual love to get to current League quality and readability standards.
  • BASIC ATTACK New trail and hit VFX. New hit SFX.
  • Q - INFECTED CLEAVER New trail VFX added. Hit VFX improved. Clearer throw and hit SFX.
  • W - BURNING AGONY VFX now shows actual area of effect. Enemies are visually set on fire when damaged. Activation SFX is clearer.
  • E - MASOCHISM New buff VFX on wrists. Zaun SFX elements added.
  • R - SADISM Initial burst VFX are bigger. Effect VFX are easier to see and read more as a heal. Zaun SFX elements added.
  • CORPORATE MUNDO W and R now have "buy/sell" arrow and paper VFX. Basic attacks and Q now have paper/briefcase SFX. W and R have digital SFX. New idle sounds added.
  • Gragas:
  • Gragas' attacks and abilities need some visual love to get to current League quality and readability standards. (He got some SFX updates a few patches ago!)
  • Q - BARREL ROLL Range indicator and grog VFX more clearly indicate area of effect
  • W - DRUNKEN RAGE Gragas now glows to indicate the damage reduction effect. Bubble VFX reduced.
  • E - BODY SLAM Added new dash VFX to indicate area of effect. Hit VFX are more impactful.
  • R - CASK TOSS Grog and barrel trail VFX improved to indicate area of effect and feel more impactful. VFX and SFX changed to be more distinct from Q.
  • OKTOBERFEST E pretzel dash VFX (finally!) restored
  • Renekton:
  • Renekton's attacks and abilities need some audio and visual love to get to current League quality and readability standards. The visual changes are here with 8.24; audio changes are still in the works.
  • Glowing hand VFX are more clear when empowered. Eyes now glow red as well.
  • Q - CULL THE MEEK VFX more clearly indicate area of effect (scaling with R). Pool Party and SKT T1 unempowered casts are recolored.
  • W - RUTHLESS PREDATOR Mostly unchanged
  • E - SLICE AND DICE VFX cleaned up; ground sand added. Empowered cast VFX are much clearer.
  • R - DOMINUS New sandstorm and range indicator VFX. Dragonflies changed to scarabs. Outback and Prehistoric use base VFX. Galactic and Bloodfury use recolored base VFX. Rune Wars, Scorched Earth, Pool Party, SKT T1, and Renektoy have unique ult effects.
  • Teemo:
  • Teemo's attacks and abilities need some visual love to get to current League quality and readability standards.
  • BASIC ATTACK New missile and hit VFX
  • Q - BLINDING DART Missile is more distinct from Teemo's basic attack; hit VFX improved
  • W - MOVE QUICK Run trail VFX added with skin-specific effects
  • E - TOXIC SHOT Missile is more distinct from basic attack and Q
  • R - NOXIOUS TRAP Explosion now shows actual area of effect. Skin-specific explosion effects added for Astronaut, Cottontail, Super, and Panda skins.
  • Items
  • Death's Dance:
  • Healing now works on all damage.
  • Many AD fighters have sources of magic damage on their kit, such as Jax. This change makes Death's Dance a more attractive option for them to consider without letting it run wild for pure physical damage champs like Riven who already pick it up.
  • HEALING 15% of physical damage dealt (5% per target for area-effect abilities) ⇒ 15% of all damage dealt (5% per target for area-effect abilities)
  • Eye of the Herald:
  • Can no longer be activated during combat with non-minions.
  • This is a quality-of-life improvement to stem cases where players reflexively try to use their trinkets (ward-hopping, maintaining vision on an enemy that ran into brush) while they've got Eye of the Herald.
  • Eye of the Herald now goes on a 3-second cooldown during combat with non-minions
  • Poacher's Dirk
  • Effects like the ones on Poacher's Dirk, Mejai's Soulstealer, and Cull are interesting because there's a clear mini-objective you're trying to achieve and opponents can change up their decision-making to deny you the payoff. In this case, unfortunately, both the mini-objective and the payoff are too specific for Poacher's Dirk to be considered in a reasonable number of games. Leaving it in the shop might not harm junglers who know it's not a great option, but it's a trap for newer players who haven't yet learned to skip over it. So, we're saying goodbye to Poacher's Dirk.
  • Runes:
  • Dark Harvest:
  • Base damage decreased. Can't proc off other procs.
  • We followed up 8.23 with a few quick nerfs to Dark Harvest's damage, and 8.24 brings another. We're shaving off baseline strength, particularly in the early game, to ensure Dark Harvest's performance relies on how effectively its users can stack it up. On that note, we're also making it harder to stack by removing its proc-off-proc cases, which actually makes the premise a bit more clear: If your target's below the threshold before you hit them, you'll get a stack.
  • BASE DAMAGE 40-80 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 20-60 (lv 1-18)
  • Can no longer proc off other procs (ex. Scorch, Liandry's Torment) aside from Luden's Echo, whose effect is built to behave like a separate ability
  • Mid-Patch 8.23 Balance Updates:
  • These changes shipped partway through last patch and are already live!
  • BASE DAMAGE 50-80 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 40-80 (lv 1-18) (overwritten by the new change above)
  • Jungle:
  • Murkwolf & Raptor Spawn Time:
  • Murkwolves and raptors initially spawn later.
  • The header says "jungle" but this is really a mid-lane change. Bumping Murkwolf and Raptor spawn up by a few seconds means midlaners who poach a camp will be a little more vulnerable to interference before they get to lane.
  • 1:29 ⇒ 1:30
  • 1:28 ⇒ 1:30
  • Nexus Blitz:
  • Nexus Blitz is back for another test run this Snowdown! Stay tuned for more information on when this experimental mode will be available to play.
  • Non-Summoner's Rift Modes
  • The new bounty system broke the old bounty system on maps that didn't switch over (i.e. maps that weren't Summoner's Rift). It's fixed now!
  • Hotkeys:
  • NEW:
  • Extra Champion Interactions:
  • New hotkeys added for champs with additional buttons.
  • Sometimes you wanna interact with these mini-menus without losing a beat.
  • New hotkeys have been added for champions with extra buttons, like Kindred's hunt bar and Neeko's shapeshift bar. These hotkeys won't do anything for champions without extra actions.
  • SHIFT-F1 through SHIFT-F5
  • These new bindings can be changed via Options -> Hotkeys -> Additional Hotkeys -> Abilities and Summoner Spells
  • Ranked:
  • A swath of Ranked 2019 changes land for preseason testing. Splits, position ranks, and positional matchmaking will come at season start.
  • Placements:
  • See your rank after just one game.
  • Placements suck: Deposit ten games into the anxiety box and hope for the best. We fixed that.
  • See a provisional rank after just one Ranked game. It’s only visible to you until your placements are complete.
  • In your remaining placement games, you earn bonus LP in wins and can’t lose LP
  • After your placement games, your rank will be available for all to see
  • There’s no reset during preseason, so you’ll need to be unranked in a queue to try new placements before season start
  • Tiers & Divisions:
  • Iron slots in below Bronze, and Grandmaster snuggles in between Master and Challenger. Division V is removed from all tiers.
  • New tiers make for a smoother climb over the course of the season, and fewer divisions mean fewer promo series.
  • Iron tier added below Bronze
  • Grandmaster tier added between Master and Challenger
  • Division V removed from all tiers
  • All players in Division V moved up to Division IV
  • As part of preseason testing for Grandmaster promotions, all players in Master and above will be set to Master tier, 0LP; details here
  • Ranked Armor:
  • Ranked armor, a new reward, now reflects your current rank across your profile, hovercard, and game lobby.
  • Ranked armor will upgrade as you rack up wins and promote across next year. Your past rank will be reflected in a banner draped off the back of your armor. Details here.
  • A new way to show off your current rank now appears on your profile, Ranked dashboard, hovercard, and in-game lobbies
  • Switch between Ranked and level armor by clicking on your summoner icon
  • Ranked UI:
  • A clarity pass across the end-of-game screen and the Ranked dashboard includes a variety of changes.
  • The end-of-game screen is rejiggered to make your LP gains more clear
  • The Ranked dashboard for Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger now more clearly shows promotion and demotion cutoffs
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug causing Alistar's W - Headbutt to stun his target without displacing them if he cast recall in the middle of his W+Q combo to cancel the combo
  • Master Yi's basic attack no longer cancels if Passive - Double Strike's stack counter expires mid-attack
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Varus' allies to detonate W - Blighted Quiver
  • Fixed a bug causing the audio on Jayce's basic attacks to sometimes be missing
  • Dark Star Thresh's Q - Death Sentence no longer has classic particles when breaking the chain
  • Guardian of the Sands Rammus recall SFX are no longer heard globally if Rammus is in vision
  • Nightbringer and PROJECT: Yasuo's Q - Steel Tempest audio cues have been restored
  • PROJECT: Vi's recall particles are now timed properly with the animation
  • K/DA Akali's transition into her slowed animation has been restored
  • K/DA Akali's R - Perfect Execution SFX volume no longer stacks when hitting multiple targets
  • Minimized clipping during Praetorian Graves' run animation
  • Urfwick's empowered recall no longer ignores forced facing/orientation
  • Pool Party Rek'Sai's recall ground water VFX no longer clip through elevated terrain
  • Infernal Amumu Ruby Chroma's head flame VFX are now much more visible on all graphics settings
  • Sad Robot Amumu's W - Despair particles no longer separate and clip through elevated terrain
  • Restored Pug'Maw E - Void Ooze's self and ally view bubble VFX and enemy view bubbles are now more red
  • Dragon Trainer Tristana's champion-specific taunt and joke VO lines are now properly synchronized with her animations
  • Blood Moon Evelynn's left lasher no longer shrinks at the end of her death animation
  • Shadowfire and Super Galaxy Kindred's models no longer use classic skin textures upon death
  • Mecha Kha'Zix's W - Void Spike's on-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base
  • Beemo now properly plays his channel animation (ex. when activating Eye of the Herald)
  • Dragon Master Swain's skin-specific VO has been restored
  • Pulsefire Ezreal's recall VO has been restored
  • Tahm Kench's W - Devour SFX have fully been restored
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splashes!:
  • Ice King Twitch
  • Frozen Prince Mundo
  • Winter Wonder Soraka
  • Snow Man Yi
  • Hextech Renekton
  • K/DA Akali Prestige Edition
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Ice King Twitch
  • Frozen Prince Mundo
  • Winter Wonder Soraka
  • Snow Man Yi
  • Snow Day Graves
  • Snow Day Malzahar
  • Snowstorm Sivir
  • Snow Day Bard
  • Frostblade Irelia

New in League of Legends Client 8.23 (Nov 26, 2018)

  • 21/11/2018 Bugfixes:
  • Akali:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that made Akali's attack speed higher than intended
  • Gangplank:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug causing R - Cannon Barrage to always deal rank 1 damage
  • Yorick:
  • Yorick's bugfix overcorrected and ended up pulling more aggro onto him than other pets draw to their owners.
  • BUGFIXFIX Mistwalkers and The Maiden no longer draw minion aggro onto Yorick if they damage an enemy champion. The turret aggro portion of the fix is still in place.
  • 20/11/2018 Balance Update:
  • Dark Harvest:
  • This season's harvest was too bountiful.
  • BASE DAMAGE 50-80 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 40-80 (lv 1-18)
  • Aatrox:
  • R duration decreased; now always grants max heal if Blood Well is over 80% filled.
  • Aatrox won't have as long to wreak havoc with the promise of revival during World Ender, but he'll max out the revive heal sooner. A few clarity improvements will help enemies make the best choice when deciding when and if to kill him the first time or wait out the clock to deny the revive.
  • R - World Ender:
  • DURATION 12 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds (now matches Blood Well's charge-up duration)
  • HEAL ON REVIVE 0.5% max health per 1% Blood Well ⇒ 0.5% max health per 1% Blood Well up to 80% Blood Well; 50% max health for 80% Blood Well or higher (resource bar now turns red at the 80% mark)
  • Ezreal:
  • W base damage increased; AP ratio now scales with rank. R damage decreased against minions and non-epic monsters but no longer falls off per target hit.
  • We promised we'd look out for AP Ezreal after his update, so we're back with a few more changes. Apart from some pure power-ups to W, we're also pushing the difference between builds by making Trueshot Barrage—which is stronger for AP Ezreal—a more powerful AoE teamfight ability.
  • W - Essence Flux:
  • BASE DAMAGE 75/125/175/225/275 ⇒ 80/135/190/245/300
  • RATIO 0.7 ability power at all ranks ⇒ 0.7/0.75/0.8/0.85/0.9 ability power
  • R - Trueshot Barrage:
  • REMOVEDFALLOFF Damage is no longer reduced by 10% for each enemy hit (minimum 30%)
  • NEWAIMED TOO HIGH Minions and non-epic monsters now take 50% reduced damage
  • Lissandra:
  • New passive. Mana regen growth increased. Q, W costs decreased. W damage decreased. Short E dashes are faster. R ratio decreased.
  • Despite her recent presence at Worlds, Lissandra's passive has always felt somewhat flat, particularly since her mana costs have been balanced around the free cast. As a result, many Lissandra players feel like they don't actually have a passive. We're getting rid of Iceborn and introducing Iceborn Subjugation, rewarding her burst and pick strengths and synergizing with her AoE teamfight disruption.
  • Base stats
  • Lissandra now has 5% bonus attack speed at level 1
  • 0.4 ⇒ 0.8
  • Basic attacks
  • Adjusted to better match missile timing
  • 2000 ⇒ 2200
  • NEW Passive - Iceborn Subjugation:
  • When an enemy dies near Lissandra they become a Frozen Thrall. Frozen Thralls seek out living enemies, slowing their movement speed when nearby. After a few seconds, Frozen Thralls shatter from the intense cold, dealing magic damage in an area.
  • Frozen Thralls chase enemies for 4 seconds before exploding
  • BASE DAMAGE 120-520 (lv 1-18)
  • RATIO 0.3 ability power
  • SLOW 25%
  • REMOVEDICEBORN Lissandra's old passive, Iceborn, has been removed
  • Q - Ice Shard:
  • COST 75 mana at all ranks ⇒ 60/63/66/69/72 mana
  • W - Ring of Frost:
  • COST 50 mana ⇒ 40 mana
  • BASE DAMAGE 70/110/150/190/230 ⇒ 70/100/130/160/190
  • RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
  • E - Glacial Path:
  • CLAW SPEED 850 ⇒ 1200 decelerating to 640 (time to reach max distance still 1.25 seconds)
  • R - Frozen Tomb:
  • RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • Taliyah:
  • Q cooldown, cost, Worked Ground duration decreased. Q multi-hit damage penalty now applies to everything, not just champions.
  • We're siphoning some of Taliyah's monster (and minion) killing strength into power that helps her in a wider variety of situations.
  • Q - Threaded Volley:
  • COOLDOWN 11/9/7/5/3 seconds ⇒ 7/6/5/4/3 seconds
  • COST 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 mana
  • MULTI-HIT DAMAGE Enemy champions ⇒ Everything takes 50% reduced damage from stone shards beyond the first
  • WORKED GROUND DURATION 120 seconds ⇒ 45 seconds
  • Worked Ground duration is no longer affected by cooldown reduction
  • Yorick:
  • Just a bugfix, but one that asks Yorick to be a bit more careful when sending his pets after opponents.
  • Bugfix:
  • LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER Mistwalkers and The Maiden now draw minion and turret aggro onto Yorick if they damage an enemy champion
  • ITEMS:
  • Doran's Shield:
  • Passive regen now based on missing health.
  • Scaling regen means Doran's Shield will still be a powerful option against constant poke, but won't leave users impervious to all-ins.
  • After taking damage from an enemy champ, regenerate 20 health over 10 seconds ⇒ regenerate up to 30 health over 10 seconds based on missing health (cap at 75% missing health)
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • On-hit flat damage increased; ratios removed. Now grants armor and magic penetration. Stacks no longer grant AD/AP. Cost decreased.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade can function as both a one-item power spike and a late-game scaling engine, which has led to numerous balance issues over time. This update leans into the former: The switch from percent AD/AP bonuses to hybrid penetration puts emphasis on base values rather than scalings, including Guinsoo's on-hit damage which is back to a flat 15. Penetration also plays poorly with Infinity Edge's true damage conversion, making Rageblade a less desirable pickup for champs who ultimately want to play the crit carry game. Finally, a cost reduction ties the bow on the Rageblade rush package.
  • COST 3300 gold ⇒ 3100 gold
  • ON-HIT DAMAGE 5 (+0.1 bonus attack damage) physical damage + 5 (+0.1 ability power) magic damage ⇒ 15 magic damage
  • Now grants 6.5-15% (lv 1-18) total armor and magic penetration
  • No longer grants +2.5% bonus attack damage and ability power per stack (stacks still grant attack speed)
  • Jungle Items:
  • Monster Hunter gold penalty removed.
  • Other preseason changes increase the risks (farm bounties) and tradeoffs (turret plating) of the gold funneling strategy that originally caused us to introduce the Monster Hunter penalty, so we don't need it anymore.
  • Owning Hunter's Machete, Hunter's Talisman, or an un-upgraded Stalker's Blade or Skirmisher's Sabre no longer reduces gold granted by lane minions if you have the highest minion kill score on your team
  • Relic Shield Upgrades:
  • Minion execute threshold increased for Relic Shield's upgrades.
  • We're helping Relic Shield's upgrades keep up with the minion health increases preseason brings.
  • Targon's Brace:
  • MINION EXECUTE 10-180 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 15-270 (lv 1-18)
  • Remnant of the Aspect / Eye of the Aspect
  • MINION EXECUTE 20-360 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 30-540 (lv 1-18)
  • Wards & Trinkets:
  • Control Ward inventory cap reduced. Trinkets scale with average level of all champs in the game instead of owner's level. Warding Totem ward duration decreased late.
  • Right now, the vision game overwhelmingly favors the team that's ahead. They have the most freedom to place wards and the most gold to put into vision denial via Control Wards. While helping ahead teams close games out is one of our preseason goals, vision does so in an incredibly slow, safe manner that reduces action. With a ton of other preseason changes designed to help decided games end faster, we're pulling back on how high the winning team's vision advantage can climb.
  • Control Ward:
  • Trinket Scaling:
  • SCALING Level of their owner ⇒ Average level of all champs
  • Warding Totem:
  • WARD DURATION 90-180 seconds (owner lv 1-18) ⇒ 90-120 seconds (game avg lv 1-18)
  • NEW:
  • Turret Plating:
  • Outer turrets have extra resistances early but grant gold for each 1000 health they lose.
  • The gist here is that turrets won't fall over at 5 minutes when the enemy team groups up and hard-pushes your lane. Instead, as they chip your turret down, they'll get some extra gold to reward their aggression while your turret becomes increasingly harder to kill. It’s win-win: Lane bullies get more turret gold than before while late-scaling champs have a more reliable window of safety to farm under turret. This also means your lane won't be decided as heavily by the success or failure of other lanes since their own turrets are harder to take too. The falloff mechanic ensures lane phase won't be too much longer on average and makes plating gold a true advantage for early-game champs since once it's gone, it's gone.
  • PLATING Outer turrets begin the game with five temporary plates. A plate is broken for each 1000 damage dealt to the turret. (Plates don't have health of their own.)
  • PLATE STRENGTH Turret plating grants 40 armor and magic resist at game start
  • PLATE BREAKING Dealing 1000 damage to an outer turret also causes a plate to break, granting 160 gold (divided among nearby champions) and increasing the turret's armor and magic resist by 30 until turret plating falls off
  • BULWARK For 20 seconds after a plate is destroyed, the turret also gains Bulwark, granting an additional 25 armor and magic resist for each nearby enemy champion past the first. Multiple instances of Bulwark stack if multiple plates are destroyed within a 20 second window.
  • FALLOFF Turret plating falls off at 14:00, causing outer turrets to lose ALL armor and magic resist and making unclaimed plating gold permanently inaccessible
  • Turret Adjustments
  • Outer turret health increased; resistances removed. All turret AD scaling increased. First turret bonus reduced.
  • The first turret bonus and outer turret changes were made to accommodate turret plating (see above). Beyond those, turret damage is going up to add risk back into to dive attempts, while global gold is going down to shrink the teamwide snowball granted by one lane pulling ahead.
  • First Turret Bonus:
  • FIRST BRICK 300 gold ⇒ 150 gold (reduced to accommodate turret plating gold)
  • Outer Turrets:
  • HEALTH 3800 ⇒ 5000
  • AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute
  • AD CAP 180 at 7:30 ⇒ 278 at 15:00
  • ARMOR & MAGIC RESIST 55 ⇒ 0 (replaced by turret plating)
  • ARMOR & MAGIC RESIST SCALING +1 per minute ⇒ 0 (replaced by turret plating)
  • GLOBAL GOLD 50 (unchanged)
  • Inner Turrets:
  • AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute
  • AD CAP 250 at 28:00 ⇒ 305 at 18:00
  • GLOBAL GOLD 100 ⇒ 50
  • Inhibitor Turrets:
  • AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute
  • AD CAP 250 at 28:00 ⇒ 305 at 18:00
  • GLOBAL GOLD 150 ⇒ 50
  • Nexus Turrets:
  • AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute
  • AD CAP 230 at 28:00 ⇒ 285 at 18:00
  • GLOBAL GOLD 75 ⇒ 50
  • Minions:
  • Minion health, AD, and movement speed scaling increased. Cannon minions spawn faster earlier in the game.
  • Baron buff is meant to enable game-ending pushes, but it's become near-mandatory for a team to close out a match. We're making minion waves more effective at supporting sieges on their own so teams with huge advantages don't have to wait on Baron's respawn timer to end the game.
  • Global Minion Changes:
  • UNIVERSAL STANDARD TIME All minion stats now reach their max values at 37:00 unless otherwise stated
  • DAMAGE TO TURRETS 60% ⇒ 50%
  • MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS +25 at 20 minutes ⇒ +25/50/75/100 at 10/15/20/25 minutes
  • Melee Minions:
  • MAX HEALTH 1200 ⇒ 1300
  • MAX ARMOR 0 (no scaling) ⇒ 16
  • MAX AD 12 (no scaling) ⇒ 80
  • BARON BUFF DAMAGE REDUCTION 75% from champions, 30% from turrets ⇒ 70% from champions, 0% from turrets
  • Caster Minions:
  • MAX HEALTH 425 at 27:00 ⇒ 485 at 37:00 (scaling simply continues for longer)
  • MAX AD Scales infinitely (60.5 at 37:00) ⇒ 120.5 (no longer scales infinitely)
  • BARON BUFF DAMAGE REDUCTION 50% from champions, 30% from turrets ⇒ 70% from champions, 0% from turrets
  • Cannon Minions:
  • MAX HEALTH Scales infinitely (2300 at 37:00) ⇒ Still scales infinitely, but harder (2900 at 37:00)
  • MAX AD Unchanged (scales infinitely, 77 at 37:00)
  • SPAWN EVERY 2 WAVES 20 minutes ⇒ 15 minutes
  • SPAWN EVERY WAVE 35 minutes ⇒ 25 minutes
  • TURRET DAMAGE TAKEN 14% max health per shot ⇒ 14/11/8/8% max healh per outer/inner/inhibitor/nexus turret shot
  • Super Minions:
  • MAX HEALTH Unchanged (scales infinitely; 4000 at 37:00)
  • BASE AD 306 ⇒ 225
  • MAX AD Scales infinitely (431 at 37:00) ⇒ Still scales infinitely (350 at 37:00)
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.694 ⇒ 0.850
  • MINION AURA No longer increases minion damage by 70% (still increases resistances)
  • NEWBIG HEADS Super minions now show up on the minimap through fog of war
  • Epic Monster Respawn Time:
  • Epic monsters respawn faster.
  • Shorter downtime between major objectives pushes teams to fight more frequently and increases the uptime of buffs, leading to fewer stall-outs.
  • ELEMENTAL DRAKE RESPAWN TIME 6 minutes ⇒ 5 minutes
  • ELDER DRAGON RESPAWN TIME 8 minutes ⇒ 6 minutes
  • BARON NASHOR RESPAWN TIME 7 minutes ⇒ 6 minutes
  • Elemental Drakes:
  • First spawn is later; respawn is faster. Gold and experience increased. Buff strength increased early.
  • We're increasing the value of early drakes so teams are less willing to give the first few away. Pushing initial spawn time back gives teams more time to prepare for that first drake fight.
  • General:
  • FIRST DRAKE SPAWN 2:30 ⇒ 5:00
  • RESPAWN TIME 6 minutes ⇒ 5 minutes (same note as above)
  • KILL GOLD 25 ⇒ 100
  • XP 75-300 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 150-330 (lv 1-18)
  • Buffs:
  • INFERNAL DRAKE +8/16/24% AD and AP ⇒ +10/17/24% AD and AP
  • MOUNTAIN DRAKE +10/20/30% damage to structures and epic monsters ⇒ +16/23/30% damage to structures and epic monsters
  • OCEAN DRAKE 4/8/12% missing health & mana regen out of combat ⇒ 6/9/12% missing health & mana regen out of combat
  • CLOUD DRAKE +2/4/6% movement speed, tripled out of combat ⇒ +3/4.5/6% movement speed, tripled out of combat
  • Jungle Camp Experience:
  • Camp monster experience unchanged early, reduced late.
  • Junglers have been slightly higher-level than intended following midseason's changes to camp experience. With the greater potential for impact that preseason offers junglers via stronger early drakes and a longer lane phase, we're toning the upper end of monster XP scaling down to get them back to their intended leveling pace.
  • (Note: All values below scale from monster level 1-7.)
  • GROMP XP 115-190 ⇒ 115-172.5
  • GREATER MURK WOLF XP 65-107 ⇒ 65-97.5
  • MURK WOLF XP 25-41.5 ⇒ 25-37.5
  • CRIMSON RAPTOR XP 20-33 ⇒ 20-30
  • RAPTOR XP 20-33 ⇒ 20-30
  • ANCIENT KRUG XP 100-165 ⇒ 100-150 (reminder: first clear still grants 30% reduced XP)
  • KRUG XP 35-58 ⇒ 35-52.5
  • LESSER KRUG XP 7-12 ⇒ 7-10.5
  • RUNES:
  • Rune Stats:
  • Rune path bonuses removed. Select one stat from each of three rows before each game.
  • Go forth and pick the runes and stats you want!
  • REMOVEDPATH BONUSES You no longer load into game with bonus stats based on which rune paths you chose
  • NEWRUNE STATS Three stat rows have been added to the Runes interface. Pick one stat from each row. Rune stats are editable in champ select.
  • ROW 1 10 adaptive force (6 AD or 10 AP), 9% attack speed, or 1-10% cooldown reduction (lv 1-18)
  • ROW 2 10 adaptive force (6 AD or 10 AP), 5 armor, or 6 magic resist
  • ROW 3 15-90 health (lv 1-18), 5 armor, or 6 magic resist
  • Fleet Footwork:
  • AP ratio decreased.
  • Now that mages aren't punished for going into Precision (via an unfavorable attack speed path bonus), we're pulling back on the AP incentive we added to Fleet Footwork earlier in the season.
  • HEAL AP RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
  • Celerity:
  • Now amplifies movement speed bonuses rather than all movement speed; no longer grants adaptive force.
  • Movement speed and adaptive damage are two of the most generically valuable stats in League, so whenever Celerity was tuned to be strong, it was a must-pick for any champion. Removing the damage conversion lets us carve out a sharper identity: Now that we don't have to worry about excessive AD/AP in outlier cases, Celerity can grant larger movement speed bonuses for champs and teams with lots of haste effects. Switching from all movement speed to only bonus lets us push that niche further.
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED Movement speed increased by 1.5% ⇒ Movement speed bonuses increased by 8%
  • REMOVED DAMAGE CONVERSION No longer converts bonus movement speed to adaptive force
  • Dark Harvest:
  • Now only procs on low-health targets but no longer requires a soul to have recently been collected. Cooldown partially resets on takedowns. No longer stacks off minions and monsters.
  • We like Dark Harvest's infinite-scaling fantasy, but haven't been thrilled with how often it leads to a single, super-loaded basic attack deciding fights before they even begin. We're reworking it to be an execute-focused keystone that only stacks via champion combat, with a reset system to make all-out brawls even more rewarding and a broader proc model to widen the pool of potential users.
  • Damaging a low-health champion deals bonus damage and harvests their soul, permanently increasing the damage of future procs.
  • PROC THRESHOLD Dark Harvest procs against enemy champions below 50% health
  • PROCS ON Basic attacks ⇒ Any damage
  • DAMAGE 50-80 (lv 1-18) (+0.25 bonus attack damage)(+0.15 ability power) + 8 damage per harvested soul
  • ARAM Souls increase Dark Harvest's damage by 4 on ARAM, rather than 8
  • COOLDOWN 45 seconds, reset to 1.5 seconds on champion takedown
  • REMOVEDMINION & MONSTER SOULS Minions and monsters no longer grant souls
  • Ravenous Hunter:
  • Base healing decreased.
  • Ravenous Hunter stands out as the clear best option in its row. We're taking its early sustain down a notch to make it less generically "the best". (Early defenses from rune stats are an indirect nerf that comes into play here as well.)
  • BASE HEALING 2.5% ⇒ 1.5% (bonus per stack still 2.5%)
  • Demolish:
  • Charge-up time decreased. Base damage decreased.
  • We're giving Demolish a usability buff to make it more broadly appealing, but reducing its base damage to preemptively avoid it becoming a must-pick to snag turret plating gold.
  • CHARGE-UP TIME 4 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • DAMAGE 175 (+30% max health) ⇒ 100 (+30% max health)
  • NEW:
  • Shield Bash:
  • Gain bonus resistances while shielded. Your next basic attack after gaining a shield deals bonus damage.
  • We're adding a new Resolve minor rune to the first row, aimed at champs with self-shields as well as damage dealers with shield-granting allies, items, or runes.
  • SHIELD While shielded, gain 1-10 (lv 1-18) bonus armor and magic resist
  • BASH Whenever you gain a shield, your next basic attack against an enemy champion within 2 seconds of the shield expiring deals bonus adaptive damage
  • DAMAGE 4-21 (lv 1-18) + 8.5% of the shield's strength + 1.5% bonus health
  • POSITION Row 1
  • Bone Plating:
  • Damage block increased but duration decreased. Moved to row 2.
  • One of the subtle strengths of Bone Plating is that it's the only pure defense rune in Resolve's first row, therefore the only pick for champs who want defense in every slot. Adding flat resistances to the mix via Rune Stats would've made defense stacking overwhelming, so we're moving Bone Plating down to row 2. We're also sharpening it into an anti-burst rune to make it less generically effective.
  • BUFF DURATION 3 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • BLOCK AMOUNT 15-40 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 25-50 (lv 1-18)
  • POSITION Moved from row 1 to row 2
  • Chrysalis:
  • Chrysalis was created to allow damage dealers to splash Resolve by compensating for the lack of damage stats offered by Resolve's path bonus. Selectable rune stats solve this problem, so Chrysalis is no longer needed.
  • REMOVED Removed
  • Overgrowth:
  • "Stacks" now grant flat health rather than percent health. At 120 minion and monster deaths, gain a percent health bonus.
  • Switching to flat health as a "stack" bonus makes Overgrowth more appealing for non-tanks who go Resolve while the new unlockable percent health bonus keeps it rewarding for tanks too.
  • BODY COUNT +0.2% max health per 8 nearby minion or monster deaths ⇒ +3 health per 8 nearby minion or monster deaths
  • NEWFULL HOUSE At 120 minion and monster deaths, also gain an additional +2.5% max health
  • Kleptomancy:
  • Now procs off the next two basic attacks after using an ability rather than just the first. Wards no longer drop after 20 minutes.
  • Giving Kleptomancy a second proc broadens its user base beyond Ezreal champions whose abilities either reset or count as the basic attack that procs Klepto. We're also removing wards from the loot table after 20 minutes since at that point inventories are often filled with component items and the wards just immediately drop onto the ground.
  • PROC MODEL After using an ability, your next basic attack ⇒ next two basic attacks will grant 5 gold... or something nicer
  • DROPS Wards no longer drop after 20 minutes
  • DROP RATE Item drop rates decreased to account for the additional proc per spellcast
  • Bounties:
  • Kill bounties increased at 4+ kills. Minion & monster gold advantages now factor into bounties. Bounties on the losing team reduced. Bounty payout per kill now capped.
  • The goal of our bounty changes is to help teams bounce back from slight to moderate deficits via higher rewards for successful comeback plays and lower payouts for dying when you're the one keeping your team in the game. We're also making a long-requested change: Bounties won't change until combat ends, so if you grab a bunch of kills in a teamfight, your value won't go up until you've at least had a chance to spend your gold. Finally, large bounties have been added to the scoreboard so you can spot the highest-value target to take out.
  • Kill Bounties:
  • 1-3 KILLS 0/150/300 gold (unchanged)
  • 4 KILLS 375 gold ⇒ 400 gold
  • 5 KILLS 450 gold ⇒ 500 gold
  • 6 KILLS 500 gold ⇒ 600 gold
  • ADDITIONAL KILLS +50 gold ⇒ +100 gold
  • NEWMinion & Monster Gold Bounties:
  • NEW BUY THE FARM If, since their last death, a champion has earned 250 more gold from minions and monsters than the enemy team's average* during that time, their bounty increases by 50 gold, plus another 50 gold for each additional 150 gold their advantage grows by thereafter.
  • MATH *Average is determined by dividing the enemy team's minion and monster gold by four, rather than five, based on the four sources of income on Summoner's Rift (top/mid/bot/jungle). Modes with smaller teams divide by the number of champs per team instead (ex. 3 for Twisted Treeline).
  • Bounty Clarity:
  • NEWHIT LIST Bounties over 150 gold are now visible in the scoreboard
  • Bounty Payout Modifications
  • NEW REPUTATION Bounties no longer increase mid-combat. If a champion earns multiple kills and then immediately dies, those kills will count toward their next death instead.
  • NEW HEAVY LIFTING Bounty payouts for killing members of the losing team are reduced, down to a minimum of 20% normal values if the losing team is massively behind
  • NEW PAYOUT CAP A single kill can no longer grant more than 1000 total gold to the killer. Any bounty gold past the cap rolls over to that champion's next death.
  • Minimum Kill Gold:
  • Minimum gold granted for killing an enemy with 6+ deaths increased.
  • With the bounty increases above, there were weird cases where killing someone who was far behind felt like the wrong decision, since the gold you got was so little compared to the gold you could potentially get if they manage to accrue a bounty. Doubling the minimum kill gold should prevent those cases from cropping up.
  • 0-5 DEATHS 300/274/220/176/140/112 gold (unchanged)
  • 6 DEATHS 90 gold ⇒ 100 gold
  • 7 DEATHS 72 gold ⇒ 100 gold
  • 8 DEATHS 58 gold ⇒ 100 gold
  • 9+ DEATHS 50 gold ⇒ 100 gold
  • Teleport:
  • Channel time reduced but can no longer be canceled.
  • Channeling Teleport is often enough to deter enemies from an aggressive push or dive, even if you have no intention of following through. The mind game is interesting, but should be accompanied by a higher commitment. Laners can still use Teleport to shut down cross-map plays elsewhere, but now they'll sacrifice more tempo in their own lane to do so.
  • Also, if you pick a bad Teleport, there's no going back so you're probably gonna die. Click carefully.
  • CHANNEL DURATION 4.5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
  • NEWCOMMIT Teleport can't be canceled by its caster once cast
  • AESTHETICS We've changed the colors and slightly adjusted several Icons in the character stats panel ("C" menu) for easier readability. This change is in preparation for broader tooltip readability improvements coming this season!
  • The first elements of Ranked 2019 are arriving.
  • We're updating banners in the lobby and on your profile to show your highest earned rank from the last season. On your profile, this replaces the insignia that previously represented your past season's rank. You can switch off your past rank banner at any time by opening the summoner icon selector on your profile or in the upper right of the client.
  • A DARK, MYSTERIOUS PAST Toggle between your past rank’s banner or a plain one by clicking your summoner icon on the profile page
  • RIP INSIGNIAS The small profile trim displaying your past season’s rank has been removed
  • We've reworked the lobby to include the new past rank banners to get ready for Ranked armor in 8.24. There’s no new functionality, we just wanted to give you a heads-up that buttons will be in slightly different places.
  • This change should help us clean up some technical issues we’ve seen with missions over the last few patches, like skipped ceremonies or delayed rewards.
  • THIS RECORDING WILL SELF-DESTRUCT IN... The missions log will only hang on to missions for a maximum of 45 days
  • Made a number of fixes to missing and hard-to-read VFX across LeBlanc and a few of her skins:
  • Base Q - Sigil of Malice size increased and decal added inside the orb
  • Ravenborn Passive - Mirror Image clone now has proper particle effects
  • Ravenborn Q - Sigil of Malice size increased
  • Ravenborn RE - Ethereal Chains darkened
  • Elderwood Passive - Mirror Image clone now has proper particle effects
  • Elderwood Q - Sigil of Malice now has pink effects
  • Restored volume on Rengar's Passive - Unseen Predator leap roar
  • Thresh's basic attack once again plays audio at max range
  • Dying to the summoned Rift Herald with Blue and/or Red buff now properly transfers the buff to the enemy who summoned Rift Herald
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash!
  • Solar Eclipse Leona
  • Lunar Eclipse Leona
  • Coven Camille
  • Coven Lissandra
  • Pajama Guardian Soraka
  • Pajama Guardian Miss Fortune
  • Pajama Guardian Ezreal
  • Pajama Guardian Lulu
  • Pajama Guardian Lux
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Coven Camille
  • Coven Lissandra

New in League of Legends Client 8.21 (Oct 24, 2018)

  • Patch Highlights:
  • Champions:
  • Alistar:
  • Health decreased.
  • Alistar's all-in threat is one of the main reasons to pick him, but enemies should be able to punish him for overly greedy dives. Increasing the cow's vulnerability to poke reduces the number of fights he should take, and he'll be generally more susceptible to enemy ganks and dying on the way out from a bad skirmish.
  • Base stats:
  • HEALTH 613 ⇒ 573
  • Ashe:
  • Passive slow increased. E pings enemy champions it spots.
  • We're giving Ashe more power in ways that emphasize her unique strengths as a utility marksperson rather than escalating the DPS race.
  • Passive - Frost Shot:
  • SLOW 10% - 20% (lvl 1-18) ⇒ 15% - 30% (lvl 1-18)
  • SLOW CRIT MULTIPLIER Triple ⇒ Double (slow amount unchanged due to base slow buff)
  • E - Hawkshot:
  • HEY Hawkshot now pings enemies it spots if your team didn't already have vision of them
  • FEATHERY Hawkshot vision trail duration very slightly increased to address a bug where the trail sometimes wouldn't show up on the minimap (vision duration at the destination unchanged)
  • Bugfixes:
  • FROSTY Fixed a bug that made Runaan's Hurricane bolts fired by Q - Ranger's Focus invisible
  • Aurelion Sol:
  • Health decreased. Health regen increased.
  • We're making the space noodle more fragile when he's caught mid-roam or all-inned, but giving him a little more regen to mitigate the health loss if he's stuck farming in lane for extended periods of time.
  • Base stats:
  • HEALTH 562 ⇒ 510
  • HEALTH REGEN 6.5 ⇒ 7
  • Draven:
  • Q bugfixin'.
  • While not technically balance changes, these bugfixes address some busted interactions that made it harder for Draven to gloriously execute his enemies.
  • Q - Spinning Axe:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Draven's basic attack couldn't crit if it switched from a normal basic attack to a Q-empowered attack during wind-up due to Draven catching an axe
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Draven would lose his Spinning Axe if his basic attack switched to a Q-empowered attack during wind-up and was then cancelled due to Draven's target dying the instant the attack would have fired. (This fix went out in 8.19. Did you notice?)
  • Ezreal:
  • W damage increased late.
  • Ez's new W isn't packing as much of a punch as we'd like.
  • W - Essence Flux:
  • BASE DAMAGE 75/120/165/210/255 ⇒ 75/125/175/225/275
  • Bugfixes:
  • KEEP MOVING Double-pressing Ezreal's abilities no longer cancels movement commands
  • Irelia:
  • Movement speed reduced.
  • This should push Irelia to rely more on Bladesurge's mobility to maneuver through a fight.
  • Base stats:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 340 ⇒ 335
  • Ivern:
  • Movement speed increased. E shield increased. W on-hit damage increased early.
  • Ivern's weak state isn't the result of any one particularly glaring shortcoming, so we're buffing him up along a few vectors to make him better across a variety of situations.
  • Base stats:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 325 ⇒ 330
  • W - Brushmaker:
  • ON-HIT DAMAGE 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.3 ability power) ⇒ 30/37.5/45/52.5/60 (+0.3 ability power)
  • E - Triggerseed:
  • SHIELD 75/110/145/180/215 ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220
  • Kai'Sa:
  • Passive proc scaling decreased. Ultimate shield duration decreased.
  • Shrinking AP Kai'Sa's tank shredding sharpens the tradeoffs she makes for investing in more AP than she needs to evolve W, while shortening Killer Instinct's shield duration means enemies can unload their burst damage a little sooner after the Daughter of the Void dives into range.
  • Passive - Second Skin
  • PROC DAMAGE 15% (+3.75% per 100 ability power) target's missing health ⇒ 15% (+2.5% per 100 ability power) target's missing health
  • R - Killer Instinct:
  • SHIELD DURATION 3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • Karma:
  • W root duration increased early.
  • For how much risk Karma puts herself in to make aggressive early-game plays with Focused Resolve's root, the payoff could be higher.
  • W - Focused Resolve:
  • ROOT DURATION 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds ⇒ 1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85/2 seconds
  • EMPOWERED DURATION BONUS +0.5/0.75/1/1.25 seconds at Mantra ranks 1-4 (unchanged)
  • Karthus:
  • W cooldown and cost decreased. R cost decreased.
  • Wall of Pain is Karthus's best tool for setting up trades in lane, and a lower cooldown will help him keep enemies dancing. From there, lower mana costs give Karthus a bit more freedom with his item choices without being as punished for going light on mana. (Yes, we're aware Requiem doesn't cost mana while Karthus is in passive.)
  • W - Wall of Pain:
  • COOLDOWN 18 seconds ⇒ 15 seconds
  • COST 100 mana ⇒ 70 mana
  • R - Requiem:
  • COST 150/175/200 mana ⇒ 100 mana at all ranks
  • Nunu & Willump:
  • Bugfixin' and rescriptin'.
  • We've recoded Nunu & Willumps's abilities to address a number of bugs, particularly with Biggest Snowball Ever!. While your overall experience shouldn't be drastically different, there are a few improvements worth noting.
  • Passive - Call of the Freljord
  • FOLLOW THROUGH Nunu & Willump's basic attack no longer cancels if Call of the Freljord expires during the attack's wind-up
  • Q - Consume:
  • BROKEN TOOTH Nunu no longer heals if Consume is blocked by a spell shield
  • W - Biggest Snowball Ever!
  • (SNOW)DRIFT Snowball hitbox and steering controls updated to make using W smoother and fix various bugs around the snowball colliding (or not) with stuff
  • SQUISH Rolling into small pets (ex. Shaco boxes, Yorick Mistwalkers) no longer causes the snowball to explode
  • R - Absolute Zero:
  • CONSISTENCY Fixed a bug causing Absolute Zero's damage and slow to sometimes be slightly off at full channel
  • Zac:
  • Q damage increased.
  • Extra oomph on Stretching Strikes helps Zac's early clear (looking at you, Scuttles) as well as making it more effective for builds that max Q second. (Reminder: This buff is twice as big as it looks since Zac either slaps the same enemy twice or smashes them into a second enemy.)
  • Q - Stretching Strikes:
  • BASE DAMAGE 30/40/50/60/70 ⇒ 40/55/70/85/100
  • Zoe:
  • Q damage increased late. E cooldown decreased late.
  • Zoe's been in a rough spot for a while—particularly at average skill levels—due to the nerfs we made a while back when addressing the frustration of playing against her. At that time, we said Zoe should deal less damage when she doesn't land her skillshots. So we're buffing her skillshots this patch.
  • Q - Paddle Star:
  • BASE DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 50/80/110/140/170
  • E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble:
  • COOLDOWN 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
  • Gragas Audio Clarity Updates:
  • Audio for Gragas's base skin and skins that use base SFX has been updated, with an eye ear toward improved clarity!
  • BASIC ATTACKS Audio now changes based on whether Gragas hits stone, wood, metal, or people
  • Q - BARREL ROLL New audio on barrel roll and when max charge state is reached
  • W - DRUNKEN RAGE Activation audio is clearer
  • E - BODY SLAM Collision audio updated
  • R - EXPLOSIVE CASK On-cast audio clarity improved
  • Camouflage:
  • We're shipping a few improvements to how camouflage (the stealth where nearby enemy champs can see you) works behind the scenes. You shouldn't notice any difference for the most part, but there's one big exception. As part of our cleanup work, turrets no longer block line of sight, since they don't block line of sight for anything else.
  • CAN'T HIDE Turrets no longer block line of sight for camouflage abilities, meaning if a camo'd enemy champ is on the other side of a turret from you, you'll now be able to see them if they're in range.
  • AFFECTED ABILITIES Evelynn's Passive - Demon Shade, Rengar's R - Thrill of the Hunt, Pyke's W - Ghostwater Dive, and Twitch's Q - Ambush
  • Items:
  • Edge of Night:
  • Costs less. Veil channel time decreased.
  • Shortening Edge of Night's channel time creates more opportunities for users to capitalize on an opportunity or react to a well-spotted gank, and we're tossing in a cost reduction to sweeten the deal.
  • COST 3100 gold (725 gold combine cost) ⇒ 3000 gold (625 gold combine cost)
  • VEIL CHANNEL TIME 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second
  • Essence Reaver:
  • Costs less.
  • A lower price point won't massively widen the number of champs who want to pick up an Essence Reaver, but it'll help ER builds compete with other options.
  • COST 3200 gold (450 gold combine cost) ⇒ 3000 gold (250 gold combine cost)
  • On My Way Ping Audio:
  • We've updated the audio for OMW pings to include two new pieces of information!
  • WHERE ARE YOU OMW ping audio processing now indicates the distance between the ping and the player who pinged. The further away the player is from their ping, the more muffled and slightly delayed the audio will be.
  • WHERE AM I OMW ping volume indicates now the distance between the ping and you, the listener
  • HUD Font Size:
  • Last patch, we put in a change to address two HUD font issues: The way fonts scaled made them slightly blurry (and a little bigger-feeling), and fonts just weren't correctly scaling with HUD size. Though our changes made the HUD “correct,” many of you let us know that the text felt too small in the aftermath. So we're increasing font sizes to bring things to a happy medium between the corrected 8.20 sizes and the ones everyone's been used to.
  • HUD FONT SIZE Increased!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where, while changing your secondary runes one after another, you could end up changing the same selection twice rather than changing both rune selections
  • Ziggs' R - Mega Inferno Bomb tooltip now indicates the amount of damage done in the outer ring
  • Boots of Swiftness now properly reduce the self-slow on Pyke's Q - Bone Skewer
  • Zyra's plants no longer attempt to target stuff without health bars (ex. Jarvan's flag, Thresh's lantern)
  • The Surrender countdown bar has been visually restored. Not that you noticed this bug anyway because you'd never surrender, right?
  • A bunch of other bugfixes sprinkled throughout the rest of the patch notes above!
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas:
  • The following Tales from the Rift skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash! :
  • Bewitching Janna
  • Count Kledula
  • Trick or Treat Ekko
  • The K/DA skins will be released later this patch at the Worlds Season 2018 Event afterparty. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash!
  • K/DA Ahri
  • K/DA Akali
  • K/DA Kai'Sa
  • K/DA Evelynn
  • Unlock K/DA Kai'Sa Prestige Edition for 2500 Worlds Tokens later this patch at the Worlds Season 2018 Event afterparty (tokens expire on December 3rd at 11:59 PM). This is a completely separate skin from K/DA Kai'Sa—you can unlock Prestige Edition without owning the regular skin. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash!
  • K/DA Kai'Sa Prestige Edition
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Bewitching Janna (Ruby)
  • Bewitching Janna (Citrine)
  • Bewitching Janna (Emerald)
  • Bewitching Janna (Rainbow)
  • Bewitching Janna (Rose Quartz)
  • Bewitching Janna (Golden)
  • Count Kledula (Ruby)
  • Count Kledula (Rose Quartz)
  • Count Kledula (Emerald)
  • Count Kledula (Obsidian)
  • Count Kledula (Pearl)
  • Count Kledula (Golden)
  • Trick or Treat Ekko (Ruby)
  • Trick or Treat Ekko (Rose Quartz)
  • Trick or Treat Ekko (Emerald)
  • Trick or Treat Ekko (Amethyst)
  • Trick or Treat Ekko (Obsidian)
  • Trick or Treat Ekko (Golden)

New in League of Legends Client 8.20 (Oct 10, 2018)

  • Patch Highlights:
  • Champions:
  • Ezreal:
  • W has been redesigned:
  • Ezreal's champion update brings some significant visual, audio, and lore level-ups to the Prodigal Explorer. Ezreal's update differs from other VGUs in the gameplay department: His kit's held up well over the years, and the only ability that needed a makeover was his W, Essence Flux. Within a suite of spells that make Ezreal feel like an ace spellslinger, Essence Flux felt unremarkable… when it was even noticed. We've given the Prodigal Explorer a new W that has a more appreciable place in his kit and even adds a few new decisions for Ezreal players to consider.
  • We'd be remiss not to mention AP Ezreal, a playstyle we want to preserve with this update. Though the new Essence Flux plays quite differently than a pass-through skillshot, it still packs a punch with some AP itemization. It also gives AP Ezreal much stronger structure damage as well as more reliability from Arcane Shift.
  • General:
  • Ezreal and his skins have all received full visual and audio updates!
  • Base, Frosted, TPA, Debonair, Ace of Spades, and Arcade Ezreal's splashes have been altered to match Ezreal's new design. Nottingham, Striker, Explorer, and Pulsefire Ezreal have received brand new splashes. You can find them all on League Displays!
  • LORE:
  • Ezreal's lore has been updated. Head to Universe to check it out!
  • NEW W - Essence Flux:
  • Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. Hitting the orb with an ability or attack detonates it. Detonating with an ability refunds mana.
  • DAMAGE 75/120/165/210/255 magic damage
  • RATIO 0.6 bonus attack damage + 0.7 ability power
  • RANGE 1150 (same as Q - Mystic Shot)
  • COOLDOWN 12 seconds
  • ORB DURATION 4 seconds
  • COST 50 mana
  • MANA REFUND ON ABILITY DETONATION 60 plus the cost of the ability that detonated Essence Flux
  • OBJECTIVE Essence Flux can stick to champions, epic monsters, turrets, inhibitors, and the Nexus
  • Q - Mystic Shot:
  • RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
  • E - Arcane Shift:
  • Arcane Shift now prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux
  • R - Trueshot Barrage:
  • ICONIC No balance or mechanics changes. Just adding this to show off the new icon!
  • Passive - Rising Spell Force
  • ICONIC No balance or mechanics changes. Just adding this to show off the new icon!
  • Ahri:
  • R cooldown increased early.
  • Given how aggressively Ahri can snowball early leads into quick wins, we're reducing how often Spirit Rush lets her threaten her opponent in lane. This should give the enemy midlaner a bit more breathing room to recover and the enemy team more opportunity to shut Ahri down while her dashes are unavailable.
  • R - Spirit Rush
  • COOLDOWN 110/95/80 seconds ⇒ 130/105/80 seconds
  • Evelynn:
  • Empowered E damage decreased early. R damage decreased.
  • Evelynn's too easily able to kill enemies without Allure, particularly in the early-mid game.
  • E - Whiplash:
  • EMPOWERED DAMAGE 95/115/135/155/175 ⇒ 75/100/125/150/175
  • R - Last Caress:
  • DAMAGE 150/275/400 ⇒ 125/250/375
  • EXECUTE DAMAGE 300/550/800 ⇒ 250/500/750
  • Graves:
  • Base AD decreased.
  • For how well he scales, Graves takes over early games too reliably—even for an early-game-oriented champion.
  • Base Stats
  • BASE AD 66 ⇒ 63
  • Jhin:
  • Hail of Blades no longer applies to Jhin's first basic attack.
  • Don't let the "Bugfix" tag below fool you, this is a pretty substantial power-down to Hail of Blades Jhin. Bonus attack speed increases both Jhin's attack damage and the movement speed he gets from critical strikes, so while most champions would be relatively unimpacted by Hail of Blades' 75-125% bonus attack speed buffing their first basic attack, Jhin's been reaping real benefits from the bug.
  • Passive - Whisper
  • Hail of Blades no longer applies to Jhin's first basic attack (the one that procs it). It still properly applies to the following basic attacks as intended. (Behavior is now consistent with everyone else.)
  • Nami:
  • W heal decreased.
  • We're making Nami and her carry less resilient to threats from aggressive enemy lanes.
  • W - Ebb and Flow:
  • HEAL 65/95/125/155/185 (+0.3 ability power) ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.3 ability power) (damage vs enemy champions unchanged)
  • Sion:
  • Base health regen decreased.
  • Less health regen means Sion will have to rely more on his shield and health bonuses from last-hitting to stay healthy in lane.
  • Base Stats
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 9 per 5 seconds ⇒ 7.5 per 5 seconds
  • Runes:
  • Dark Harvest:
  • Base damage decreased.
  • We want to preserve Dark Harvest's late-game scaling, but it shouldn't be a go-to pick for early/mid-game damage on top of that.
  • BASE DAMAGE 40-80 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 20-60 (lv 1-18)
  • End of Season Eligibility:
  • Added an icon to your profile to check if you're eligible for this year's Victorious skin. Hover over it to find out what you'll earn!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Jarvan's Passive - Martial Cadence was dealing less damage than intended when combined with Tiamat's passive
  • Restored a bunch of Vi's VFX across a few skins
  • Tristana's E - Explosive Charge passive no longer deals reduced damage when proc'd by Stormrazor's guaranteed critical strike
  • Jumping out of Tahm Kench's belly directly into Taliyah's R - Weaver's Wall no longer causes you to lose control of your champ for an extended amount of time
  • The channeling bar no longer displays weird text when Nautilus casts Q - Dredge Line
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash!
  • Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger
  • Infernal Amumu
  • Hextech Malzahar
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Dragon Trainer Tristana
  • Dragon Trainer Lulu
  • Infernal Amumu

New in League of Legends Client 8.19 (Sep 26, 2018)

  • Champions:
  • Darius:
  • W base damage increased. E armor penetration increased.
  • As a valuable counter pick to tanks in top lane, we’re looking to help Darius cleave through some of that armor to encourage teams to think strategically when drafting top lane champions. Although it’s somewhat generic power, percentage armor penetration is considerably more effective against champions like Cho’gath and Ornn than against other fighters like Camille or Aatrox.
  • W - Crippling Strike
  • RATIO 40/45/50/55/60% total attack damage ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70% total attack damage
  • E - Apprehend
  • PASSIVE ARMOR PENETRATION 10/15/20/25/30% ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35%
  • Fiora:
  • Healing from passive procs increased.
  • Fiora is a really sharp champion, with matchups where she dominates and matchups where she struggles to gain an edge. We’re being careful with her, but our changes in 8.17 still haven’t gone far enough to reward aggressive play in lane. Increasing the sustain she gets when going for vital procs on her opponents should help resolve this.
  • Passive - Duelist's Dance
  • VITAL HEALING 25-110 ⇒ 35-110
  • Q - Lunge
  • BUGFIX Lunge will once again correctly prioritize champions and vital procs over killable minions.
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Passive damage buffed. W slow increased.
  • Kha’Zix has been struggling since our changes to his evolved R in patch 8.11. We’d like to give it a bit more oomph in a way that relies on the clever use of ultimate casts to eke out the full value. We’re also amping up the utility of Void Spikes to help Kha’Zix set up plays in ways that aren’t just… murdering you faster.
  • Passive - Unseen Threat
  • W - Void Spike
  • Elise:
  • W and E cooldown decreased in Spider Form.
  • Elise used to dominate the early game and facilitate aggressive plays across the map. We want to bring that back, so we’re decreasing the cooldown on some of her playmaking tools so she can more frequently seek out risky opportunities to dominate her opponents.
  • W - Skittering Frenzy
  • COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds
  • E - Rappel
  • COOLDOWN 26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
  • Jarvan IV:
  • Passive cooldown decreased.
  • Jarvan IV has been pretty absent from the meta for the past year and needs a bit more power for players who want to flex him into top lane or jungle. Passive procs enable a faster clear and also encourage an aggressive trading pattern if played in the top lane.
  • Passive - Martial Cadence
  • NEW Martial Cadence now has a visual effect indicating its per target cooldown
  • PER TARGET COOLDOWN 10/8/6 at levels 1/7/13 ⇒ 6 at all levels
  • BUGFIX Tiamat passive will now consistently work when hitting a target with Martial Cadence
  • Nunu & Willump:
  • AP scaling on Q’s heal increased. E AP ratio increased.
  • Since Nunu & Willump’s release, we’ve seen a large number of players trying for the super-hype Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark AP snowball builds. While his tank build is seeing far more success, we want to try to support the fun playstyle that meshes well with their whimsical thematic.
  • Q - Consume
  • HEALING RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.70 ability power
  • BUGFIX Tooltip now accurately reflects how much healing Nunu and Willump get from champions
  • E - Snowball Barrage
  • MAX 9 SNOWBALL HIT ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.45 ability power ⇒ 0.54 ability power
  • WILLUMP’S TURN (ROOT DAMAGE) 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power
  • W - Biggest Snowball Ever!
  • NEW Willumps transition to walking after he finishes rolling his snowball will now feel smoother.
  • Janna:
  • Passive movement speed to damage conversion increased.
  • Janna is currently struggling to find a home in the bot lane in a meta dominated by some of her beefier counterparts. Her defensive attributes are already as powerful as we’re comfortable pushing them right now. We’re increasing her early game poke damage for players that are able to play her aggressively and want to harass their opponents every chance they get.
  • Passive - Tailwind
  • BONUS MOVESPEED CONVERSION TO DAMAGE 15/25/35% at levels 1/7/13 ⇒ 25/35% at levels 1/10
  • Thresh:
  • Q mana cost and early cooldown decreased.
  • Against a cast of champions that can reliably shut Thresh out of making aggressive plays in lane, he needs more opportunities to throw hooks in the early stages of the game. We don’t want to make his hooks hit harder, or cc for longer, so we’re just bumping up how frequently he can cast them.
  • Q - Death Sentence
  • MANA COST 80 ⇒ 60
  • COOLDOWN 20/18/16/14/12 ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12
  • Pyke:
  • Early ult damage increased.
  • Pyke’s performance scales down pretty steeply when played against higher-tier opponents who more frequently dodge his fairly projected abilities. We think his reliability is in a pretty solid spot, but want to increase the damage payout Pyke gets for hitting good ults that help close out fights. This power only impacts his early and mid game, and his damage from levels 11-18 is unchanged.
  • R - Death From Below
  • BASE DAMAGE (BREAKS EVEN AT LEVEL 11) 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 / 475 / 500 / 525 / 550 / 575 / 590 / 605 ⇒ 250 / 290 / 330 / 370 / 410 / 450 / 475 / 500 / 525 / 550 / 575 / 590 / 605
  • Tahm Kench:
  • Base HP down; HP per level up.
  • Similar to Braum last patch, we’re looking to drain some of Tahm Kench’s baseline sturdiness. Reducing Tahm’s base HP should make him rely more on his defensive tools to find success in lane, while increasing his HP gained per level will make it slightly easier for him to wade into the enemy team late game.
  • Base Stats
  • HEALTH 610 ⇒ 540
  • HEALTH GROWTH 95 ⇒ 102
  • W - Devour
  • BUGFIX Allies Tahm Kench has devoured will no longer sometimes be targetable when first swallowed.
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Base movement speed increased. R range increased.
  • In a meta that often sees two or more tanks on a team and short-range ADCs in bot lane, Kog’Maw has been surprisingly absent. We’re giving him some base movement speed to help him kite aggressively and go for trades against some of those short-range champions like Kai’sa and Xayah. Early game buffs to his ult’s range will also help him chase down opponents after ganks or trades.
  • Base Stats
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 325 ⇒ 330
  • R - Living Artillery
  • RANGE 1200 / 1500 / 1800 ⇒ 1300 / 1550 / 1800
  • Items:
  • Liandry's Torment:
  • Passive max HP burn increased. AP decreased.
  • Liandry’s has a pretty clear purpose—build it when you have damage over time and CC in your kit, or when the enemy has a really tanky team. While it has a solid set of core users who meet the first condition, it could do a better job of dealing with multiple tanks. We’re adding more max HP burn to address this while reducing its AP to limit burst power slightly.
  • ABILITY POWER 80 ⇒ 75
  • Torment
  • DOT AGAINST NON IMPAIRED TARGETS 1% Max HP per second ⇒ 1.5% Max HP per second
  • DOT AGAINST IMPAIRED TARGETS 2% Max HP per second ⇒ 2.5% Max HP per second
  • Champion VFX & SFX Updates:
  • We've updated audio and visuals for a bunch of champions!
  • Jarvan IV:
  • VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base Jarvan IV and all skins using base VFX
  • AUDIO Non-VO audio has been updated for base Jarvan IV and all skins using base SFX
  • BUGFIX Jarvan IV now properly plays his dunk animation when casting R - Cataclysm
  • Lee Sin:
  • VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base Lee Sin and all skins using base VFX
  • AUDIO Non-VO audio has been updated for base Lee Sin and all skins using base SFX
  • KNOCKOUT Knockout Lee Sin's W - Safeguard shield VFX have been updated
  • POOL PARTY Pool Party Lee Sin's Q2 - Resonating Strike marker has been updated
  • GOD FIST God Fist Lee Sin's E - Tempest VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox
  • Veigar:
  • VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base Veigar and all skins using base VFX
  • AUDIO Non-VO audio has been updated for base Veigar and all skins using base SFX
  • BAD SANTA Bad Santa Veigar has also received VFX updates
  • LEPRECHAUN Leprechaun Veigar has also received VFX updates
  • Vi:
  • VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been cleaned up for base Vi and all skins using base VFX. This update also optimizes Vi to run more smoothly on slower computers.
  • SSG Ezreal:
  • VISUALS Though technically unrelated to the above, SSG Ezreal's ability VFX have received a clarity pass
  • Movement Speed Slow VFX:
  • The default visual effect for movement speed slow effects has been updated!
  • Objective Steal Announcements:
  • Baron Nashor, Rift Herald, and Dragon steals are now celebrated (or "celebrated", depending on which side of the steal you were on) via chat call-outs and announcement banners!
  • Profile Page:
  • In preparation for the 2019 ranked changes and the return of Clash, the profile page design has been revamped. A couple of the profile icons will remain empty for a while, but that should change soon.
  • Normal Draft matchmaking:
  • Also in preparation for Ranked 2019, we’re now previewing positional matchmaking in Normal Draft only. This means you’ll be matched based on the position you were assigned instead of just having one rating in the background. This should make matchmaking better across the board, and tangibly better when playing secondary and autofilled games. We’re also testing position detection, which determines what position you actually played on the end of game screen. Let us know if it does you wrong.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Dark Harvest’s dropped Soul Essence particle is now brighter and clearer for colorblind players.
  • Upcoming Skins, Chromas & Icons:
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash!
  • Championship Kha'Zix
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Championship Riven (Golden)
  • Championship Thresh (Golden)
  • Championship Shyvana (Golden)
  • Championship Kalista (Golden)
  • Championship Zed (Golden)
  • Championship Kha'Zix (Golden)
  • Championship Kha'Zix has an additional 24 chromas; one for each Worlds team!
  • Jakarta 2018 Icon:
  • Celebrating League of Legends' participation in a continental multi-sport event in which China secured 1st place.

New in League of Legends Client 8.18 (Sep 25, 2018)

  • Aatrox:
  • E passive healing increased at later ranks. R bonus attack damage increased at later ranks.
  • Our last set of Aatrox changes brought his lane bullying under control, giving us room to improve his scaling into later phases of the game.
  • E - Umbral Dash
  • PASSIVE HEALING VS CHAMPIONS 20/21.25/22.5/23.75/25% ⇒ 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
  • R - World Ender
  • BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE 20/22.5/25% ⇒ 20/25/30%
  • Akali:
  • R base damage decreased.
  • Akali is too reliably snagging kills when she comes into a fight with all her tools available. We're trimming damage off the lower-counterplay part of her all-in to keep her as untouched as possible in other situations.
  • R - Perfect Execution
  • BASE DAMAGE (BOTH CASTS) 120/180/240 ⇒ 100/150/200
  • Braum:
  • Base health decreased.
  • We're draining some of Braum's baseline sturdiness to make him more reliant on his defensive cooldowns while preserving the high moments he's picked for among the tanky support lineup.
  • Base stats
  • BASE HEALTH 576.6 ⇒ 540
  • Kai'Sa:
  • Passive damage decreased at later levels.
  • Reducing Kai'Sa's tank-busting prowess at later phases of the game.
  • Passive - Caustic Wounds
  • PROC DAMAGE 15-20% target's missing health (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 15% target's missing health (at all levels)
  • Lucian:
  • Q damage ratio increased at later ranks.
  • We nerfed Lucian's baseline damage a few patches back when he emerged as a premier midseason bot laner. Given the rebalancing that's happened around him, he could stand to recoup some of that damage, but we don't want to put him right back on top again. Piercing Light is a good candidate for the power we're looking to add back in, given opponents have some ability to dodge—or worst case, Flash—it.
  • Q - Piercing Light
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.6/0.75/0.9/1.05/1.2 bonus attack damage
  • Renekton:
  • Empowered E damage increased. Empowered E armor reduction increased at early ranks.
  • We're raising Renekton’s empowered E's potential as a means for him to throw his early-game strength around in lane, widening the range of lane matchups he can confidently play into. These changes also amplify the fallback value empowered E provides in games where Renekton falls behind.
  • E - Slice and Dice
  • EMPOWERED DICE DAMAGE 60/105/150/195/240 ⇒ 70/115/160/205/250
  • EMPOWERED DICE ARMOR REDUCTION 15/20/25/30/35% ⇒ 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%
  • Ryze:
  • Empowered W root duration decreased.
  • Ryze's pro-vs-normal discrepancy has again led to ubiquitous presence in competitive play despite rough performances everywhere else. We're targeting Ryze's E-W root for a power-down as pros are most reliably able to coordinate successful ganks and catches around it.
  • W - Rune Prison
  • EMPOWERED ROOT DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • Sejuani:
  • E base damage decreased. R storm slow duration decreased.
  • We're reducing some of Sejuani's early clear speed and a touch of her dueling potency so she has more pronounced weaknesses against early-game junglers. We're also hitting Glacial Prison's zoning utility, a strength best leveraged by pro players, to keep her competitive presence in check while impacting her strength in normal play as little as possible.
  • E - Permafrost
  • BASE DAMAGE 30/45/60/75/90 ⇒ 20/35/50/65/80
  • R - Glacial Prison
  • STORM EXPLOSION SLOW DURATION 3 seconds ⇒ 1 second
  • Trundle:
  • E cooldown increased. E slow decreased at early ranks, increased at later ranks.
  • Tuning down the frequency and potency of Trundle's crowd control to reduce the troll king's effectiveness at setting up ganks and favorable fights, particularly in competitive play.
  • E - Pillar of Ice
  • COOLDOWN 22/20/18/16/14 seconds ⇒ 24/22/20/18/16 seconds
  • SLOW PERCENT 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 15/25/35/45/55%
  • Vayne:
  • Q cooldown decreased at early ranks.
  • More early Tumbles give Vayne more opportunities to land damage on opponents in matchups where she can be aggressive with her positioning and Q cooldowns.
  • Q - Tumble
  • COOLDOWN 6/5/4/3/2 seconds ⇒ 4/3.5/3/2.5/2 seconds
  • Viktor:
  • First Hex Core upgrade cost decreased.
  • Lowering the Hex Core's first upgrade cost not only gives Viktor his first item spike earlier, it also means he doesn't have to stay in lane as long before recalling for the first time. This cost reduction carries forward to the Hex Core's second upgrade, only evening back out when Viktor completes the Perfect Hex Core.
  • Passive - Glorious Evolution
  • HEX CORE MK-1 COST 1250 gold ⇒ 1150 gold
  • PERFECT HEX CORE COST 750 gold ⇒ 850 gold
  • Smite Auto-Select:
  • Smite
  • Hot off the Nexus Blitz presses!
  • LET ME GET THAT FOR YOU If you're assigned Jungle in draft queues, you'll load into Champion Select with Smite already selected! You're still free to swap Smite out (or swap to Smite if you aren't assigned Jungle) in cases where you're running an offbeat comp or want to switch roles with a teammate.
  • Minimap Icons:
  • OK 4K Minimap icons now scale with minimap size on Summoner's Rift, Howling Abyss, and Twisted Treeline. Players with 4K monitors, rejoice!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Nunu was sometimes invisible to enemies while rolling his W - Biggest Snowball Ever! out of fog of war
  • Fixed an FPS hitching issue that occurred when Voidbringer Illaoi sucessfully Teleported while her W - Harsh Lesson attack buff was active
  • Ravenous Hunter's tooltip no longer counts healing done while you're already at full health
  • Alt-tabbing out of the loading screen while on Fullscreen settings no longer causes loading screen images to disappear when you tab back in
  • Omega Squad Veigar's W - Dark Matter warning indicator is now much clearer for colorblind players
  • New Game Mode:
  • Odyssey: Extraction
  • Available until October 9, 2018, at 11:59 p.m. PT
  • Join the crew and Ziggs as they fight their way through hordes of aliens in the co-op game mode Odyssey: Extraction. Head to the game mode primer to learn more.
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas:
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash!
  • Odyssey Kayn
  • Odyssey Yasuo
  • Odyssey Jinx
  • Odyssey Sona
  • Odyssey Malphite
  • Odyssey Ziggs
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Odyssey Yasuo
  • Odyssey Jinx
  • Odyssey Sona
  • Odyssey Malphite
  • Odyssey Ziggs

New in League of Legends Client 8.17 (Aug 31, 2018)

  • Champions:
  • Nunu & Willump:
  • Nunu & Willump, the Boy and His Yeti will start their adventure in patch 8.17! Get rolling with these links
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Champion Trailer
  • Full-res splash art is available on League Displays!
  • Annie:
  • Attack range increased.
  • Right now, Annie doesn't really have gameplay outside of dumping all of her spells at once. Returning to her longer attack range lets her trade and harass with autos as an alternate pattern of aggression.
  • ATTACK RANGE 575 ⇒ 625
  • Items:
  • Stormrazor:
  • Guaranteed crit damage decreased below 30% crit. Attack speed increased and attack damage decreased.
  • The high amount of upfront damage in the game is something we've been looking to dial back. Last patch we trimmed a lot of the burst damage from various runes; this patch we're looking at items.
  • CRITICAL STRIKE MODIFIER 160-200% (at 0-30% crit chance) ⇒ 140-200% (at 0-30% crit chance)
  • ATTACK SPEED 25% ⇒ 35%
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 65 ⇒ 60
  • Duskblade:
  • Proc damage decreased. Lethality increased.
  • The high amount of upfront damage in the game is something we've been looking to dial back. Last patch we trimmed a lot of the burst damage from various runes; this patch we're looking at items.
  • PROC DAMAGE 30-200 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 30-150 damage (at levels 1-18)
  • LETHALITY 18 ⇒ 21
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Phantom Dancer's Spectral Waltz passive would sometimes not trigger
  • Fixed a bug where Akali's R - Perfect Execution dealt damage to all opponents based on the health of the last enemy struck, rather than calculating damage individually for each
  • Maokai R - Nature's Grasp's sfx now correctly line up with the ability's duration.
  • Fixed a bug where ranged attacks and targeted projectiles would have their VFX appear from the champion's last seen location, if they were not currently in vision
  • Deep Sea Nami no longer leaves her spine behind while moving during her recall animation.
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-817-notes

New in League of Legends Client 8.16 (Aug 20, 2018)

  • Champions:
  • Aatrox:
  • E passive healing against non-champions decreased. Charges granted on learning E decreased. R cooldown increased at early ranks.
  • We've mostly gotten Aatrox's power level to a good place, but we still need to trim a bit of his laning strength to prevent him from being so much of a bully.
  • E - Umbral Dash
  • R - World Ender
  • COOLDOWN 140/130/120 seconds ⇒ 160/140/120 seconds
  • Orianna:
  • Base magic resist decreased.
  • Orianna excels at keeping enemies at range with her ball range and the crowd control it brings. We want to make sure that when her opponents do close the gap, they have a better shot at the kill.
  • Base Stats
  • MAGIC RESIST 30 ⇒ 26
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Heal:
  • Cooldown decreased.
  • In patch 8.6, Heal was crowding out other options in mid lane, so we lengthened its cooldown. This pushed both marksmen and mid laners onto teleport (which has had a much more notable impact on the meta), so we're reverting the Heal nerf.
  • COOLDOWN 270 seconds ⇒ 240 seconds
  • Bugfixes:
  • Players are no longer blocked from creating custom games if they have dodged from champ select.
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-816-notes

New in League of Legends Client 8.15 (Aug 1, 2018)

  • Champions:
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • E cost increased at early ranks. E base damage decreased.
  • Fiddlesticks ability to poke (particularly as a support in bot lane) is currently too high
  • E - Dark Wind
  • COST 50/60/70/80/90 mana ⇒ 70/75/80/85/90 mana
  • BASE DAMAGE PER HIT 65/85/105/125/145 ⇒ 60/80/100/120/140
  • Fizz:
  • W active base damage increased. W active and on-hit damage ratios increased. R ability power ratios increased, increased less for larger sharks.
  • The recent changes to Fizz have left him weaker on damage than intended.
  • W - Seastone Trident
  • ACTIVE BASE DAMAGE 40/50/60/70/80 ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130
  • ACTIVE DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • ON-HIT DAMAGE RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • R - Chum the Waters
  • GUPPY DAMAGE RATIO 0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.9 ability power
  • CHOMPER DAMAGE RATIO 0.9 ability power ⇒ 1.1 ability power
  • GIGALODON DAMAGE RATIO 1.2 ability power ⇒ 1.3 ability power
  • Items:
  • Support Items:
  • Cost of starting support items increased.
  • The current cost of support items lets support players mitigate a pretty high amount of poke through potions, which makes trading feel more ineffective than we'd like.
  • Ancient Coin, Relic Shield & Spellthief's Edge
  • COST 350 gold ⇒ 400 gold
  • newTWISTED TREELINE These changes also apply on Twisted Treeline.
  • Nomad's Medallion, Targon's Brace & Frostfang
  • TOTAL COST 850 gold (unchanged)
  • COMBINE COST 500 gold ⇒ 450 gold
  • newTWISTED TREELINE These changes also apply on Twisted Treeline.
  • Marksman Itemization:
  • Our goal of giving marksmen a later spike was hit a little bit too hard, and it's left marksmen feeling underwhelming in the mid-game (and thus often unable to reach their late-game power). We're decreasing the cost of some marksman items so they spike earlier, but cutting some of their late-game power so they don't take over the game when they get there.
  • Infinity Edge:
  • Total cost decreased. Build path changed. True damage decreased. Attack damage decreased.
  • Cheaper items (with fewer stats to compensate) should help marksmen reach a reasonable spike earlier.
  • TOTAL COST 3600 gold ⇒ 3400 gold
  • BUILD PATH BF Sword + BF Sword + 1000 gold ⇒ BF Sword + Pickaxe + 1225 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 80 ⇒ 70
  • updatedTRUE CRIT TEXT “True Damage Critical Strikes” now display as a blue/white icon instead of the purple “Magic Damage Crit” icon
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fearing a champion with Nocturne's E - Unspeakable Horror no longer interrupts his attacks
  • Fixed a bug where champions with Absolute Focus falling under 70% health during their attack animation would have the attacks canceled and reset.
  • Fixed a bug where the first attack of Hail of Blades would sometimes cancel.
  • Stormrazor no longer incorrectly gives movement speed on every crit if the Stormrazor crit activated Conqueror
  • Kassadin's W - Nether Blade on-hit SFX have been restored
  • SSG skins are now listed properly as World Champions: 2017 in the Skins Collections tab
  • Several missing VO lines for God King Darius and God King Garen have been restored
  • Push-to-talk settings are now correctly saved between sessions
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-815-notes

New in League of Legends Client 8.12 (Jun 14, 2018)

  • Champions:
  • Elise:
  • Human and Spider form movement speed increased. Human W damage increased.
  • We've been watching Elise for a while, but wanted to see how she'd do with the Runic Echoes rework in 8.10 and subsequent buffs in 8.11. She's pretty far below the average Echoes jungler, so the runway's clear for direct buffs.
  • Base Stats
  • W - Volatile Spiderling
  • BASE DAMAGE 55/95/135/175/215 ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240
  • Ezreal:
  • Armor decreased.
  • Ez is still running rampant after the scaling nerfs we shipped partway through last patch, so we're making it easier to boot him out of lane without letting him hit his item cost thresholds. In particular, this may leave him stuck on Tear of the Goddess (potentially not even that) without damage items for longer.
  • Base Stats
  • ARMOR 25 ⇒ 22
  • Mid-Patch 8.11 Updates
  • These went live last patch.
  • PASSIVE - RISING SPELL FORCE ATTACK SPEED 10/12/14% per stack ⇒ 10% per stack at all levels
  • Kindred:
  • Attack speed growth increased. Q attack speed increased. E damage increased.
  • Kindred's recently taken losses from both the Rift Scuttler changes and the Zeal item nerfs. We're building on last patch's buffs (focused on adjusting Kindred's early marks to account for the Scuttler changes) with a heavier power-up this time around.
  • Base Stats
  • ATTACK SPEED GROWTH 2.5% ⇒ 3.5%
  • Q - Dance of Arrows
  • E - Mounting Dread
  • BASE DAMAGE 65/85/105/125/145 ⇒ 80/100/120/140/160
  • Lee Sin:
  • W cooldown decreased. E damage increased.
  • Last patch's buffs didn't go far enough in bringing Lee back up from the Warding Totem changes, so we're giving him a few more buffs.
  • W - Safeguard / Iron Will
  • COOLDOWN 14 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
  • E - Tempest
  • BASE DAMAGE 70/105/140/175/210 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240
  • Poppy:
  • Passive cooldown decreased late. Q cooldown decreased; ratio increased.
  • Giving Poppy a bit more oomph throughout the game, particularly with aggressive builds.
  • Passive - Iron Ambassador
  • COOLDOWN 16/13/10 seconds (at levels 1/7/13) ⇒ 16/12/8 seconds (at levels 1/7/13)
  • Q - Hammer Shock
  • COOLDOWN 9/8/7/6/5 seconds ⇒ 8/7/6/5/4 seconds
  • RATIO 0.8 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.9 bonus attack damage (reminder: applies on both cast and detonation)
  • Rumble:
  • W shield increased. R damage increased.
  • We're leaning into Rumble's lane bully strengths by making fights more favorable for him and letting him carry that lead more convincingly if he can secure it.
  • W - Scrap Shield
  • BASE SHIELD 80/110/140/170/200 ⇒ 100/130/160/190/220
  • SHIELD RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
  • R - The Equalizer
  • MAX DAMAGE 650/925/1200 (+1.5 ability power) over 5 seconds ⇒ 700/1050/1400 (+1.75 ability power) over 5 seconds
  • Sejuani:
  • Icebreaker deals less damage vs monsters but no longer has a cooldown against them. More units can be frozen. W costs less, now has AP ratios. E damage and ratio increased.
  • Sejuani's been bristling for a buff since her nerfs earlier in the season, so we’re making her early clear healthier and more engaging. We’re also giving her some itemization flexibility by letting her feel good about pickups with AP in their stat lines.
  • Passive - Fury of the North
  • ICEBREAKER DAMAGE VS MONSTERS 400 flat ⇒ 10-20% target's max health (max 300 against epic monsters), matching damage vs other targets
  • ICEBREAKER TARGETS Enemy champions and epic/large monsters ⇒ Enemy champions, epic/large/medium monsters, super minions, and siege minions (see Permafrost below)
  • W - Winter's Wrath
  • COST 80 mana ⇒ 65 mana
  • NEWFIRST SWING AP RATIO 0.2 ability power
  • NEWSECOND SWING AP RATIO 0.6 ability power
  • E - Permafrost
  • FREEZABLE TARGETS Enemy champions and epic/large monsters ⇒ Enemy champions, epic/large/medium monsters, super minions, and siege minions
  • REMOVEDNON-CHAMPION COOLDOWN 10/9/8 second per-unit cooldown against non-champions
  • DAMAGE 20/30/40/50/60 ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90
  • RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • Taliyah:
  • Q rocks beyond the first deal slightly less damage to champions.
  • When we shipped 8.11, Taliyah landed in a weak spot. We gave her a bunch of buffs partway through the patch, which overcompensated and pushed her too high. So we're reining in one of those mid-patch buffs to a more workable middle ground.
  • Q - Threaded Volley
  • CHAMPION DAMAGE 60% for rocks beyond the first ⇒ 50% for rocks beyond the first
  • Mid-Patch 8.11 Updates
  • These went live last patch.
  • Q - THREADED VOLLEY DAMAGE VS CHAMPIONS 40% for rocks beyond the first ⇒ 60% for rocks beyond the first (it's now 50%—see above)
  • E - UNRAVELED EARTH DASH DAMAGE 35/45/55/65/75 (+0.2 ability power) ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 (+0.3 ability power)
  • Yorick:
  • Q cooldown decreased late. Mist Walkers and the Maiden now update their stats when Yorick's stats change.
  • With no bonus AD ratios in his kit, the Sterak's shift from granting base AD to bonus AD weakens Yorick's Trinity Force damage without increasing the impact of his abilities. (Other Sterak's/Trinity Force champions in this bonus-ratio-less position are either pretty far ahead of Yorick power-wise or have other builds to lean on.) Since this build has historically been Yorick's only good offensive choice, we're giving him some buffs to offset a nerf he has no way of sidestepping.
  • General
  • LOOK AT ME Mist Walkers and the Maiden now update their stats when Yorick's stats change
  • Q - Last Rites
  • COOLDOWN 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds ⇒ 7/6.25/5.5/4.75/4 seconds
  • Jhin:
  • Bugfixin'.
  • BUGFIX Jhin's fourth Passive - Whisper shot now overrides Stormrazor's guaranteed-crit damage modifier
  • Mid-Patch 8.11 Updates
  • These changes all went live last patch; see Ezreal and Taliyah above for a few more.
  • Kai'Sa
  • PLASMA BASE ON-HIT DAMAGE 7-12 at levels 1-16 ⇒ 4-10 at levels 1-16
  • PLASMA PER-STACK DAMAGE 1-9 at levels 1-17 ⇒ 1-5 at levels 1-17
  • PLASMA AP RATIO 0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35/0.4 (for stacks 1-5) ⇒ 0.1/0.125/0.15/0.175/0.2 (for stacks 1-5)
  • W - VOID SEEKER RATIO 0.45 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • Pyke:
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 5 health per 5 seconds ⇒ 7 health per 5 seconds
  • BASE MANA 380 ⇒ 415
  • BASE ARMOR 42 ⇒ 45
  • Yasuo
  • BUGFIX The combination of Brawler's Gloves and Infinity Edge now properly grants Yasuo 40% critical strike chance
  • Allied Shield Abilities & Items
  • This pass comes in two parts: abilities that shield allies ("gifted shields") and items that increase shield strength. On the ability front, we're tightening up the timing requirements of gifted shields. Enemies should be able to play around shields in some scenarios by baiting them out and waiting for them to fall off, rather than always having to try to brute-force their way through. Shortening the duration of shields makes that counterplay more realistic in more cases and makes proper timing of shield abilities a more important skill for enchanters to master.
  • On the item front, the Forbidden Idol line has been incredibly stat-efficient since the introduction of heal/shield power back in Season 6. This was meant to offset supports' historical lack of income at the time, but the economy's changed in the two years since. Simple stat nerfs to these items will bring them to a more reasonable spot (particularly when stacked with each other in the late game) and hopefully give enchanters a little more freedom in the items they choose to pick up, since "not an Idol item" is now a less punishing tradeoff.
  • Janna:
  • Shield decays after a brief delay.
  • Unlike other gifted shields, Eye of the Storm comes with bonus AD that enemies want to knock off as quickly as possible. If we went with a duration reduction, waiting the shield out still wouldn't make sense as a form of counterplay since you'd just be letting Janna's carry hold onto free stats. Nuking the shield would end up feeling worse too, since there'd be much less buff duration to deny. By contrast, a decaying shield makes damage on the shield more effective while keeping the payoff for blowing it up satisfying.
  • E - Eye Of The Storm
  • NEWDECAY Eye of the Storm's shield now decays over its duration after a 0.75 grace period
  • Karma:
  • Shield duration decreased.
  • E - Inspire
  • SHIELD DURATION 4 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds (also applies to Mantra'd E - Defiance)
  • Lulu:
  • Shield duration decreased.
  • Lulu's E has a visual indicator to let everyone know who Pix is attached to (...it's Pix). So we're able to reduce Help, Pix!'s shield duration without reducing the window Lulu has to fire a Glitterlance from her ally's location.
  • E - Help, Pix!
  • SHIELD DURATION 6 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds
  • PIX ALLY ATTACHMENT DURATION 6 seconds (unchanged)
  • Orianna:
  • Shield duration decreased.
  • E - Command: Protect
  • SHIELD DURATION 4 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds
  • Forbidden Idol:
  • Cooldown reduction, heal and shield power reduced.
  • Ardent Censer:
  • Mikael's Crucible:
  • Redemption:
  • Athene's Unholy Grail:
  • More damage is converted to healing charges.
  • This change is in part an invisible Chalice of Harmony buff. With Forbidden Idol brought in line, Chalice stands a chance at making it into enchanter laning builds. Ensuring Athene's is a worthy upgrade (particularly in a world with less heal/shield power) makes that a more realistic possibility.
  • DAMAGE-TO-BLOOD RATIO 25% pre-mitigation damage ⇒ 35% pre-mitigation damage
  • Items:
  • Banner of Command
  • Banner of Command was intended as a strategic-niche item that pushes a lane autonomously, forcing enemies to deal with the threat while Banner's owner is making plays elsewhere on the map. However, it’s only ever lived in two states: rarely purchased even in the situations it was meant for, or meta-warping. We’re removing Banner from the shop and taking a step back to evaluate if this item niche is both engaging and fun enough to work in League. Even if that answer is "yes," Banner would need some serious work to make a return, so this is goodbye for the foreseeable future.
  • Sterak's Gage:
  • Passive grants bonus attack damage instead of base attack damage.
  • Sterak's Gage was designed as a juggernaut item, but has become a Trinity Force combo piece due to granting additional base attack damage rather than bonus attack damage. For most current users (see Yorick above for notes on exceptions), swapping Sterak's to grant bonus AD is some degree of sidegrade. They'll gain damage through the bonus AD ratios in their abilities rather than Spellblade procs. On the other hand, non-Trinity Force juggernauts (and divers) can make better use of Sterak's than before.
  • GIANT'S STRENGTH Grants 50% of base attack damage as additional base attack damage ⇒ bonus attack damage
  • Maw of Malmortius:
  • Bugfixin'.
  • BUGFIX Maw's shield now properly lasts the full 5 seconds again
  • Runes:
  • Precision Sorcery Domination
  • Presence of Mind
  • Bugfixin'.
  • BUGFIX Many champions whose ultimate abilities use pet controls or multiple activations (ex. Talon recalling his R - Shadow Assault or Riven casting R2 - Wind Slash) now properly gain Presence of Mind's cooldown reduction on takedowns that occur while their ults are still active
  • Last-Hit Assistance
  • We'll continue chipping away at this over the next few patches.
  • TRAINING WHEELS Missing a minion last-hit by 4 ⇒ 3 damage will still grant you the last hit
  • New Player Experience
  • We've updated our Tutorials! We're only flipping the switch for some new players to start, so if the disembodied lady is still telling your friend to build Thornmail Ashe, sit tight! Everyone will get the new Tutorial experience down the line once we turn it on 100%.
  • Emotes Update:
  • Emote Availability
  • COST 450 RP ⇒ 350 RP
  • THANKS If you purchased an emote for 450 RP between May 29 at 12:01 AM PT and June 11 at 11:59 PM PT, we're refunding the difference. This partial refund should appear in your account by June 26. (Questions? Head to our Player Support FAQ).
  • REALLY, THANKS As a thanks to early emoters, you’ll receive an animated M’Pengu if you purchased any emotes before 8.12. He can also be crafted for 5 gemstones from June 26 – July 10.
  • M'Pengu
  • Mystery Emote Tokens award a random unowned emote and will be periodically available in the store for 195 RP
  • Emotes older than six months will join the regular skin sale schedule
  • Quality of Life Changes
  • When off-screen teammates flash their emotes, the emote will now appear in a small bubble next to their portrait in the HUD. (This feature can be turned off via the Options menu.)
  • Added emote autofire slots for First Blood and Ace
  • All emotes now have custom sounds
  • View, sort, and purchase emotes you don’t have from your collection
  • Mystery Emote Tokens award a random unowned emote and will be periodically available in the store for 195 RP
  • Emotes older than six months will join the regular skin sale schedule
  • New Emotes:
  • The following emotes will be released this patch:
  • Yikes / Okay / Joy Pengu / Go Team! / Hype Kitty
  • Grab all five in the Emotional Promotional bundle for 925 RP before it expires on July 10, 2018, at 11:59 p.m. PT.
  • Bugfixes
  • Corki's bolts from Runaan's Hurricane are now properly converted to partial true damage against champions when they critically strike while Corki has Infinity Edge, and no longer partially convert to true damage against non-champions
  • Ivern can no longer channel Passive - Friend of the Forest on a small wolf or razorbeak to quickly collect them after attempting to channel his passive on the big monster in the camp
  • Fixed an infrequent bug where Rift Scuttler would occasionally heal back the first instance of damage dealt to it
  • The Crushing Blow proc on Dead Man's Plate now properly deals magic damage for ranged users
  • VFX have been restored for Pulsefire Caitlyn's E - 90 Caliber Net
  • Icon for the Crest of the Rooster ward is no longer off center in Champion Select
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas
  • The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for their full-res splash!
  • Playmaker Lee Sin / Sweeper Rammus
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Playmaker Lee Sin (Citrine)
  • Playmaker Lee Sin (Emerald)
  • Playmaker Lee Sin (Sapphire)
  • Playmaker Lee Sin (Aquamarine)
  • Playmaker Lee Sin (Tanzanite)
  • Playmaker Lee Sin (Obsidian)
  • Playmaker Lee Sin (Rose Quartz)
  • Sweeper Rammus (Ruby)
  • Sweeper Rammus (Rose Quartz)
  • Sweeper Rammus (Emerald)
  • Sweeper Rammus (Sapphire)
  • Sweeper Rammus (Aquamarine)
  • Sweeper Rammus (Tanzanite)
  • Sweeper Rammus (Obsidian)

New in League of Legends Client 8.11 (Jun 4, 2018)

  • Yasuo:
  • The loss of crit chance on IE means if Yasuo wants to utilize his crit-doubling passive, he has to rush a Zeal item—none of which come with AD. We're giving him some early/midgame help so he's better able to make it through the process of building Phantom Dancer, while also letting up on the Q crit damage reduction now that IE no longer multiplies crit damage.
  • Q - STEEL TEMPEST CRIT DAMAGE 150% ⇒ 180% (Tooltip will be updated in 8.12!)
  • BUGFIX The combination of Brawler's Gloves and Infinity Edge now properly grants Yasuo 40% critical strike chance
  • Kai'Sa:
  • Kai'Sa was one of the strongest marksmen prior to 8.11 and since her Rageblade build avoids this patch's early game power-downs to crit builds, that "front of the pack" status has become stand-out dominance. (These changes include a W ratio boost to keep the AP Kai'Sa dream alive.)
  • PLASMA BASE ON-HIT DAMAGE 7-12 at levels 1-16 ⇒ 4-10 at levels 1-16
  • PLASMA PER-STACK DAMAGE 1-9 at levels 1-17 ⇒ 1-5 at levels 1-17
  • PLASMA AP RATIO 0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35/0.4 (for stacks 1-5) ⇒ 0.1/0.125/0.15/0.175/0.2 (for stacks 1-5)
  • W - VOID SEEKER RATIO 0.45 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • Ezreal:
  • Ez is another non-crit marksman who was already prevalent leading up to 8.11 and is now over the line. (In his case, he actually got a direct buff via Blade of the Ruined King.)
  • PASSIVE - RISING SPELL FORCE ATTACK SPEED 10/12/14% per stack ⇒ 10% per stack at all levels
  • Taliyah:
  • Now that Taliyah's damage against minions is down (making wave control less automatic), she has room for more damage against champions.
  • Q - THREADED VOLLEY DAMAGE VS CHAMPIONS 40% for rocks beyond the first ⇒ 60% for rocks beyond the first
  • E - UNRAVELED EARTH DASH DAMAGE 35/45/55/65/75 (+0.2 ability power) ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 (+0.3 ability power)
  • Banner of Command:
  • We changed Banner to make the empowered minion less of a shutdown against AP champs, but now it's causing problems for everyone, especially when multiple teammates start stacking it.
  • EMPOWERED MINION DAMAGE REDUCTION 70% ⇒ 40% (Tooltip will be updated in 8.12!)
  • 5/31/2018 Balance Update
  • Pyke:
  • We expect Pyke to have a steep learning curve, so we were conservative with his launch strength to make sure he doesn't grow into an overpowered state in the weeks to come. We overshot on the guardrails, so we're pumping some power into Pyke's laning strength to help him have more consistent games while players learn his kit.
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 5 health per 5 seconds ⇒ 7 health per 5 seconds
  • BASE MANA 380 ⇒ 415
  • BASE ARMOR 42 ⇒ 45
  • Patch Highlights
  • Champions:
  • Pyke:
  • Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper joins the crew later in patch 8.11! Start stalking the waters with these links:
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Sand Wraith Pyke
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Catseye)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Obsidian)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Sapphire)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Tanzanite)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Rose Quartz)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Turquoise)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Pearl)
  • For full-res splashes, grab the League Displays app!
  • Anivia:
  • Q cooldown decreased at early ranks. Q damage ratio increased.
  • Patch 8.9's mana changes hit Anivia harder than most mages, so we're looking to give her some power back. Rather than return her previous level of waveclear, we're looking to up her potential in fights.
  • Q - Flash Frost
  • COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.45 ability power (reminder: this applies on both passthrough and detonation)
  • Graves:
  • Base attack damage decreased. R cooldown decreased at early ranks.
  • The new emphasis on early jungle scrapping is pretty much Graves' happy place, and it's left other champions six feet under. Dialing back his early dueling and putting a longer window on his full combo should slow the snowball a bit.
  • Base Stats
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 69 ⇒ 66
  • R - Collateral Damage
  • COOLDOWN 110/85/60 seconds ⇒ 120/90/60 seconds
  • Kha'Zix:
  • R cooldown decreased at later ranks, but stealth duration decreased. Evolved R grants additional casts and stealth duration; no longer grants stealth or movement speed in brush.
  • One thing every assassin needs is a way to dance in and out of a fight and safely put down damage. For Kha'Zix, that's the stealth from Void Assault . The brush stealth on his evolved R is currently giving far too much of a different strength, though: the ability to sneak around the map relatively undetected. We're removing that evolution bonus in favor of giving Kha'Zix more R casts—and longer stealth—when he's upgraded his ultimate.
  • R - Void Assault
  • COOLDOWN 100/90/80 seconds ⇒ 100/85/70 seconds
  • STEALTH DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.25 seconds
  • EVOLVED STEALTH DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • EVOLVED CASTS 2 within 10 seconds ⇒ 3 within 10 seconds
  • REMOVEDBRUSH CHECK No longer passively grants stealth or movement speed when entering brush
  • Kindred:
  • Mark respawn time decreased. First mark spawns earlier. Rift Scuttle assists now correctly collect marks.
  • The increased importance of Scuttle Crab has made it harder for Kindred to gather marks.
  • Passive - Mark of the Kindred
  • MARK RESPAWN TIME 50 seconds ⇒ 40 seconds
  • FIRST MARK SPAWN 2:20 ⇒ 2:05
  • BUGFIX Assists on Rift Scuttler now appropriately collect marks
  • LeBlanc:
  • LeBlanc can now queue up casts of W and RW (in either order).
  • W - Distortion
  • ONE-TWO LeBlanc can now queue up W - Distortion and R - Mimic'd Distortion
  • Lee Sin:
  • Energy restore on passive increased. Q, W, and E now apply cooldown reduction for the duration of their reactivation time.
  • Recent changes to Warding Trinket have left Lee Sin with fewer playmaking opportunities. Making sure he benefits fully from cooldown reduction should give him more to do with his baseline kit, and we also want to make sure he has more access to the energy needed to do so.
  • Passive - Flurry
  • ENERGY RESTORED ON FIRST HIT 20/25/30 ⇒ 20/30/40
  • ENERGY RESTORED ON SECOND HIT 10/12.5/15 ⇒ 10/15/20
  • Q - Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike
  • NEWHOW MUCH LONGER Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability
  • NEWKEEP COUNTING Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time
  • W - Safeguard/Iron Will
  • NEWHOW MUCH LONGER Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability
  • NEWKEEP COUNTING Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time
  • E - Tempest/Cripple
  • NEWHOW MUCH LONGER Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability
  • NEWKEEP COUNTING Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time
  • Rakan:
  • Q base heal decreased. E base shield decreased
  • For a support with so much hard engage, the sustain Rakan brings to lane is a bit overbearing.
  • Q - Gleaming Quill
  • BASE HEAL 22.5-150 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 18-120 (at levels 1-18)
  • E - Battle Dance
  • BASE SHIELD 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140
  • Taliyah:
  • You're probably just going to want to read this one.
  • Taliyah has a lot of strengths that are great in pro play, and just okay elsewhere. A lot of that comes from Q's waveclear, so the bulk of our mechanical changes focus on that ability (with tuning elsewhere). Taliyah will have to work harder to shove a wave and roam so that her opposing laner has more room to punish those roams. We're also decreasing the terrain control she brings from her ultimate, as it's bringing too much utility beyond just its roam strength.
  • Base Stats
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 325 ⇒ 340
  • HEALTH 502 ⇒ 532
  • Passive - Rock Surfing
  • MAXIMUM MOVEMENT SPEED 20-40% ⇒ 30-45%
  • COMBAT LOCKOUT 5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • Q - Threaded Volley
  • REMOVEDAOE No longer deals area of effect damage
  • REMOVEDSTONES AND STONES Minions no longer take reduced damage from additional rocks
  • REMOVEDWORKOUT Taliyah no longer gains movement speed when on Worked Ground
  • REMOVEDWORK IT Casting Q on Worked Ground no longer refunds mana
  • NEWWORK IT While on Worked Ground, Q cost is reduced to 1 mana
  • COOLDOWN 11/9/7/5/3 seconds ⇒ 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 seconds
  • W - Seismic Shove
  • COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
  • E - Unraveled Earth
  • INITIAL AND EXPLOSION DAMAGE 70/90/110/130/150 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
  • TRIGGER DAMAGE (unchanged)
  • R - Weaver's Wall
  • WALL DURATION 6/7/8 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • Urgot:
  • Collision radius decreased. Base attack speed increased. Passive damage to monsters increased early. R no longer roots Urgot while he is grinding a champion to death.
  • We're making Urgot a bit more fluid to play and stripping some of the anti-jungling tuning from his kit.
  • Base Stats
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.595 ⇒ 0.625
  • Passive - Echoing Flames
  • MAX DAMAGE TO MONSTERS 25-365 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 60-360 (at levels 1-18)
  • W - Purge
  • NEWTHE OLD SURGE 'N PURGE Can now be cast during other abilities
  • R - Fear Beyond Death
  • REMOVEDTO-GO ORDER Urgot is no longer rooted while grinding a victim to its death
  • Viktor:
  • Q discharge damage increased at later ranks. R damage ratio increased.
  • Patch 8.9's mana changes hit Viktor harder than most mages, so we're looking to give him some power back by upping his damage when he commits to a fight.
  • Q - Siphon Power
  • DISCHARGE DAMAGE 20/40/60/80/100 ⇒ 20/50/80/110/140
  • R - Chaos Storm
  • RATIO PER TICK 0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.7 ability power
  • Xin Zhao:
  • Base attack damage growth decreased. E slow decreased.
  • The scuttle changes increased the value of early fights, and Xin Zhao definitely excels in that world. Having a strong early game isn't the problem, but being able to translate that so easily into a strong mid-game is concerning. We're toning down his offensive scaling and his ability to stick to opponents and force them to fight him so he'll have to work harder for that mid-game edge.
  • Base Stats
  • E - Audacious Charge
  • SLOW 50% ⇒ 30%
  • Zyra:
  • E root duration increased
  • Zyra contributes slightly less in skirmishes than we'd like, but we're definitely not comfortable increasing her already-high damage. Some extra crowd control should give her more of an impact in those small fights.
  • E - Grasping Roots
  • ROOT DURATION 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
  • Marksman Base Stat Adjustments
  • The dominant strategy in bot lane has, over time, become sustaining through lane phase and scaling up into teamfights. Between health regen and Fleet Footwork, it's pretty hard to put the hurt on marksmen in a way they can't just passively recover from.. This means aggressive bot laners ( whether early game bully marksmen or supports who want to poke or go all-in) feel like they have no home.
  • Weakening marksman sustain (health regen here, Fleet Footwork below) means damage will stick on marksmen, making 2v2 fighting a more successful prospect for the stronger bot lane. Shifting some durability from armor into health should also let aggressive marksmen like Draven and Lucian shine a bit harder in the early game.
  • Finally, we're nerfing marksman base attack damage by 4 and pushing that damage into their growth stat, with the breakeven point around level 9. Though that might seem counterintuitive with our goals above, it means aggressive non-marksmen (ex. Leona, Brand) won't be chipped down by marksman basic attacks as quickly—giving them more opportunities to secure presence in the lane.
  • Hunter's Machete Compensation
  • Base attack damage decreased. Bonus attack speed at level 1 increased.
  • Compensation for the Machete changes last patch.
  • Master Yi:
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 68 ⇒ 66
  • Nocturne
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 67.21 ⇒ 65
  • Diana
  • Diana is getting a similar compensation, but applied to her passive, rather than her base stats.
  • MOONSILVER BLADE ATTACK SPEED BONUS 20/50/60/70/80/90% (at ranks 0/1/2/3/4/5 of E - Moonfall) ⇒ 30/50/60/70/80/90% (at ranks 0/1/2/3/4/5 of E - Moonfall)
  • Items:
  • NEW:
  • Stormrazor:
  • For upfront burst and lots of kiting.
  • Marksman itemization is pretty focus on marksmen who want to stand still and basic attack. With Stormrazor, we're introducing an item for marksmen with longer pauses between attacks, whether they're kiting or just have long attack cooldowns (looking at you, Jhin).
  • TOTAL COST 3200 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Dagger + 725 gold
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE Storm's Edge: If you haven't attacked in the last 3 seconds (scaling down with attack speed), your next basic attack will critically strike for 160% damage (+1% per 1.5% critical strike chance, max 200%) and grant 10% movement speed for 1.75 seconds
  • Infinity Edge:
  • Crit? Try more crit.
  • We're making Infinity Edge into a true scaling item for marksmen, one which amps up the power of critical strike but isn't itself a critical strike item.
  • ICONIC Icon has been updated!
  • TOTAL COST 3400 gold ⇒ 3700 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility + 425 gold ⇒ B.F. Sword + B.F. Sword + 1100 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 70 ⇒ 80
  • REMOVEDCRITICAL STRIKE CHANCE 20% critical strike chance
  • NEWONE CRIT TWO CRIT Doubles your critical strike chance
  • NEWUNIQUE PASSIVE 15% of critical strike damage is converted to true damage
  • Molten Edge:
  • Ornn's Masterwork upgrade. The cost and benefit of upgrading are both unchanged.
  • TOTAL COST 4400 gold ⇒ 4700 gold (1000 gold upgrade cost unchanged)
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 100 ⇒ 110 (+30 upgrade benefit unchanged)
  • EVERYTHING ELSE Go read Infinity Edge above.
  • Essence Reaver:
  • The ultimate power spike.
  • Essence Reaver was intended to be the alternative late-game scaling item for marksmen who care more about spell casts. However, it turned out that once you had Essence Reaver, you also wanted Infinity Edge, and at that point, you also want a Zeal item, and at that point you might as well build up to 100% crit. The overall effect was a core build of 4 items that didn't allow spellslinger marksmen much choice at all.
  • We're reshaping Essence Reaver around a new power spike, allowing spellcasting marksmen to double down on their spell-slinging fantasy and unleash their spells in a rapid barrage.
  • TOTAL COST 3400 gold ⇒ 3200 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Caulfield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility + 200 gold ⇒ B.F. Sword + Caulfield's Warhammer + Sapphire Crystal + 450 gold
  • REMOVEDUNIQUE PASSIVE Critical strikes restore 3% of your maximum mana
  • NEWUNIQUE PASSIVE Basic attacks restore 1% of missing mana
  • NEWUNIQUE PASSIVE After you cast your ultimate, your next basic attack within 10 seconds grants Essence Flare for 8 seconds, granting 30% attack speed and causing basic attacks to refund 20% of your remaining non-ultimate cooldowns (30 second cooldown)
  • Last Whisper:
  • Bonus armor penetration shifted to total armor penetration (and decreased).
  • The problem with an armor penetration item that only feels good against armor stackers is that most champs don't feel good about getting it early to ensure their damage stays relevant as enemies build armor (they want to be killing squishy targets instead). But once tanks really armor up, damage dealers feel bad if they didn't purchase Last Whisper earlier. We're moving Last Whisper into a middle ground so it'll still scale against tanks but feel like less of a dead-end against other squishies.
  • ARMOR PENETRATION 35% target's bonus armor ⇒ 10% target's total armor
  • Lord Dominik's Regards:
  • Attack damage decreased. Bonus armor penetration shifted to total armor penetration. Bonus damage against higher-health targets removed.
  • Total armor penetration is stronger than bonus, meaning LDR scales better with itself. To to keep the focus on the armor penetration rather than raw damage output, we're trimming some attack damage and pushing the price point higher.
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • BUILD PATH Pickaxe + Last Whisper + 625 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 50 ⇒ 40
  • REMOVEDGIANT SLAYER Grants 0-20% (based on health difference) bonus physical damage against enemy champions with greater maximum health than you.
  • ARMOR PENETRATION 35% bonus armor penetration ⇒ 35% total armor penetration
  • Giant Slayer:
  • Lord Dominik's was the only item that used this, so we're retiring it.
  • Mortal Reminder:
  • Attack damage decreased. Bonus armor penetration shifted to total armor penetration.
  • Total armor penetration is stronger than bonus, meaning Mortal Reminder scales better with itself. To keep the focus on the armor penetration rather than raw damage output, we're trimming some attack damage and pushing the price point higher.
  • COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 50 ⇒ 40
  • ARMOR PENETRATION 35% bonus armor penetration ⇒ 25% total armor penetration
  • Critical Strike Items:
  • Average cost of critical strike increased.
  • With Infinity Edge amplifying critical strike significantly, we're pushing its price point up.
  • Brawler's Gloves:
  • TOTAL COST 400 gold ⇒ 600 gold
  • NEWONLY TWO HANDS Brawler's Gloves' critical strike chance is now unique
  • Cloak of Agility:
  • The Brawler's Gloves changes pushed these two items too close together. A spiky glove feels more crit-like than a poncho, so we're retiring Cloak of Agility.
  • Zeal:
  • TOTAL COST 1200 gold ⇒ 1300 gold
  • Rapid Firecannon:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
  • BUILD PATH Kircheis Shard + Zeal + 600 gold ⇒ Kircheis Shard + Zeal + 800 gold
  • Statikk Shiv:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
  • BUILD PATH Zeal + Kircheis Shard + 600 gold ⇒ Kircheis Shard + Zeal + 800 gold
  • Runaan's Hurricane:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
  • BUILD PATH Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 800 gold ⇒ Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 1000 gold
  • Phantom Dancer:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • BUILD PATH Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 800 gold ⇒ Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 900 gold
  • Lifesteal Items:
  • Gold cost decreased
  • Overall, the cost of marksman builds are up slightly, so we feel safe making lifesteal items cheaper.
  • Blade of the Ruined King:
  • TOTAL COST 3400 gold ⇒ 3200 gold
  • The Bloodthirster:
  • TOTAL COST 3700 gold ⇒ 3500 gold
  • Maw of Malmortius:
  • Magic resist increased. Base shield value increased. Shield no longer scales with bonus magic resist.
  • Most champions who like Maw of Malmortius aren't looking to stack resistances, so we're tweaking its shield value to not scale with future magic resist accordingly.
  • MAGIC RESIST 45 ⇒ 50
  • SHIELD VALUE 300 + 100% of bonus magic resist ⇒ 350
  • Guardian Angel:
  • Cost increased. Armor increased.
  • We wanted to allow marksmen who face heavy physical damage to get a Chain Vest (rather than just Cloth Armor), knowing they'd eventually build it into something. Guardian Angel was a natural choice, even if it required a higher price point.
  • TOTAL COST 2400 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Cloth Armor + Stopwatch + 200 gold ⇒ B.F. Sword + Chain Vest + Stopwatch + 100 gold
  • ARMOR 30 ⇒ 40
  • Banner of Command:
  • Enhanced minions are highly resistant to magic and physical damage rather than entirely immune to magic damage only.
  • Banner of Command has emerged as an item that can effectively pin a mid laner at their wave. With how much gameplay revolves around wave control and roaming, Banner of Command does too much to shut that play down entirely..
  • REMOVEDMAGIC IMMUNITY No longer grants the affected minion 100% immunity to magic damage
  • NEWDAMAGE REDUCTION Now grants the affected minion 70% damage reduction from champions
  • NEWHULK OUT Banner-enhanced minions now appear as slightly larger minions on the minimap
  • NEWHULK SMASH Allies can now see floating combat numbers for the damage dealt by banner minions
  • UPDATEDS-BRUCE-D UP Tooltip rewritten to more accurately reflect Banner's effects
  • Shurelya's Reverie:
  • Movement speed decreased. Cost increased. Base mana regen added. Active cooldown increased.
  • Shurelya's Reverie has emerged as too reliable a rush on certain champions who want it for selfish reasons (rather than as a supportive, team-oriented purchase) Singed and Vladimir among them. We're shifting the stat profile slightly to make it more attractive to supportive champions and slightly less compelling as a selfish buy.
  • TOTAL COST 2100 gold ⇒ 2250 gold
  • BUILD PATH Kindlegem + Aether Wisp + 450 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Aether Wisp + Faerie Charm + 475 gold
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 8% ⇒ 5%
  • BASE MANA REGEN 0% ⇒ 100%
  • ACTIVE COOLDOWN 60 seconds ⇒ 90 seconds
  • Enchantment: Runic Echoes:
  • Now builds out of Fiendish Codex rather than Lost Chapter. Ability power increased.
  • Lost Chapter is too expensive for a first component on junglers. Shifting Runic Echoes to build out of Fiendish Codex will give mage junglers an earlier power spike.
  • BUILD PATH Lost Chapter + 325 gold ⇒ Fiendish Codex + Mana Crystal + 375 gold
  • TOTAL COST 2625 gold (unchanged)
  • ABILITY POWER 60 ⇒ 80
  • Runes:
  • Fleet Footwork nerfs, a new Domination keystone, and two new minor runes!
  • Fleet Footwork
  • For more context, view the Marksman Stat Adjustment section. TL;DR, marksmen have access to a ton of sustain in the laning phase, which makes the choice between early and late game too tilted towards late game, and decreases the overall impact of laning decisions (like poke/bullying). Weakening the heal ranged champions get from Fleet Footwork should go a long way towards making trades feel more meaningful.
  • HASTE 30% ⇒ 20%
  • REMOVEDCRIT HEAL No longer gives additional healing from critical strikes
  • PERCENT HEAL ON MINIONS 60/30% (melee/ranged) ⇒ 100/20% (melee/ranged)
  • HEAL ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
  • Turrets
  • Turret Durability
  • Inhibitor and Nexus Turret health decreased. Inhibitor Turret health regen increased. Nexus and Inhibitor Turrets can now only regen health up to the next third.
  • We want to give defenders something to feel good about when they do hold off a push on their base, while also giving sieging teams meaningful milestones other than just "tower destroyed."
  • NEXUS TURRET HEALTH 3600 ⇒ 2700
  • INHIBITOR TURRET HEALTH REGEN 5 health per 5 seconds ⇒ 15 health per 5 seconds
  • BREAK THE FOUNDATIONS Nexus and Inhibitor Turret health is now divided into thirds. Turrets can only regenerate health up to the top of their current third.
  • Turret Gold:
  • More of turret reward gold is granted locally rather than globally.
  • Similar to our bounty changes last patch, we're looking to decrease the number of truly global objectives in our game and allow players who have a large impact to feel that impact more personally. Accordingly, inner turrets will now provide more of their gold locally and less globally.
  • INNER TURRET LOCAL GOLD REWARD 175 gold (split among nearby champions) ⇒ 300 gold (split among nearby champions)
  • GLOBAL GOLD REWARD 125 gold (to every allied champion) ⇒ 100 gold (to every allied champion)
  • Jungle:
  • Baron Nashor:
  • Attack speed decreased. Base corruption damage decreased. Special attacks no longer apply corruption
  • Baron definitely does too much damage after Patch 8.10's changes.
  • BARON ATTACK SPEED 0.75 ⇒ 0.625
  • CORRUPTION DAMAGE RATIO 0.3 total attack damage ⇒ 0.2 total attack damage
  • SPECIAL ATTACKS No longer apply corruption stacks
  • Scuttle Crab
  • Respawn time increased. Shrine duration increased.
  • The action around Scuttle Crab is making for a good mini-objective, but it's currently up too often, forcing too much of a jungler's attention onto its continuous respawn. To compensate for fewer overall Scuttle Crabs, we're pushing some experience back into the basic jungle camps (detailed just below).
  • RESPAWN TIME 135 seconds ⇒ 150 seconds
  • SHRINE DURATION 75 seconds ⇒ 90 seconds
  • Jungle Monsters
  • Experience slightly increased at later levels.
  • Bumping a little bit of experience back into the jungle.
  • KRUGS EXPERIENCE REWARD 247-388 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 247-411 (at levels 1-7)
  • WOLVES EXPERIENCE REWARD 115-180 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 115-190 (at levels 1-7)
  • LARGE RAZORBEAKS EXPERIENCE REWARD 115-181 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 115-190 (at levels 1-7)
  • GROMP EXPERIENCE REWARD 115-180 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 115-190 (at levels 1-7)
  • Last-Hit Assistance
  • If a basic attack would fail to kill a minion by 4 health or less, it will kill that minion.
  • This is solely to help transition players through the several highly disruptive patches. Every patch after Patch 8.11, we will reduce this number by 1.
  • ARAM
  • The Butcher’s Bridge map returns until June 18 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Pyke joins the ARAM free-to-play rotation during this time.
  • The following permanent changes are now part of ARAM:
  • Available Champions Pool: During champ select, you may swap for a champ that’s been rerolled by any teammate
  • Expanded free champs pool (triple the champions)
  • Start-of-game base gates (similar to Summoner’s Rift)
  • Earlier surrender options (8:00 unanimous, 12:00 standard)
  • Champ Mastery adjustments (to make it a bit easier to get an S)
  • "True" level 3 starts: You will reach level 4 much faster
  • Along with some event-only gameplay tests:
  • New assassin items: Ghostwalkers, Spectral Cutlass, and Bloodletter’s Veil
  • Large area-of-effect heals on health pack pickup that affect both teams equally
  • Removal of Warmog’s Armor and Dark Harvest nerf
  • During the event, Battle Boost temporarily unlocks two skins instead of one.
  • Ping Distance Volume:
  • Certain ping sounds now change depending on how far they are from the listening player and in what direction.
  • PINGS AFFECTED Area is Warded, Danger, Assist Me, Caution
  • Instant Feedback
  • We’re sprucing up reform cards with a clarity pass sometime this patch.
  • Reform cards are getting some spring cleaning, so we added per-game tabs for chat logs, and made it more clear which chat is from pre-, mid-, or post-game.
  • Bugfixes
  • Players are no longer presented with the reconnect dialogue after exiting Practice Tool.
  • Aurelion Sol can now correctly be knocked up or back during E - Comet of Legend
  • Fixed an interaction between Hextech Flashtraption and Unsealed Spellbook which would allow players to get two Flash summoner spells
  • Ryze can no longer kill Tryndamere through his R - Undying Rage with his E - Spell Flux Q - Overload combo
  • Dead minions no longer sometimes block champion pathing
  • Guardian no longer incorrectly activates from ally corpses.
  • Yasuo's Passive - Way of the Wanderer now correctly generates a shield in response to damage from Shaco's R - Hallucinate clone.
  • Level Up Rewards
  • Prestige Emotes for levels 400, 425, 450, 475, and 500 will come out during this patch. Players who hit these levels before the emotes are live, will be granted them two weeks after they launch
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas:
  • The following skins will be released this patch:
  • Dark Waters Diana
  • Dark Waters Vladimir
  • For full-res splashes, grab the League Displays app!
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Dark Waters Diana (Pearl)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Ruby)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Obsidian)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Turquoise)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Sapphire)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Pearl)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Obsidian)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Tanzanite)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Emerald)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Sandstone)

New in League of Legends Client 8.11 (Jun 4, 2018)

  • Yasuo:
  • The loss of crit chance on IE means if Yasuo wants to utilize his crit-doubling passive, he has to rush a Zeal item—none of which come with AD. We're giving him some early/midgame help so he's better able to make it through the process of building Phantom Dancer, while also letting up on the Q crit damage reduction now that IE no longer multiplies crit damage.
  • Q - STEEL TEMPEST CRIT DAMAGE 150% ⇒ 180% (Tooltip will be updated in 8.12!)
  • BUGFIX The combination of Brawler's Gloves and Infinity Edge now properly grants Yasuo 40% critical strike chance
  • Kai'Sa:
  • Kai'Sa was one of the strongest marksmen prior to 8.11 and since her Rageblade build avoids this patch's early game power-downs to crit builds, that "front of the pack" status has become stand-out dominance. (These changes include a W ratio boost to keep the AP Kai'Sa dream alive.)
  • PLASMA BASE ON-HIT DAMAGE 7-12 at levels 1-16 ⇒ 4-10 at levels 1-16
  • PLASMA PER-STACK DAMAGE 1-9 at levels 1-17 ⇒ 1-5 at levels 1-17
  • PLASMA AP RATIO 0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35/0.4 (for stacks 1-5) ⇒ 0.1/0.125/0.15/0.175/0.2 (for stacks 1-5)
  • W - VOID SEEKER RATIO 0.45 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • Ezreal:
  • Ez is another non-crit marksman who was already prevalent leading up to 8.11 and is now over the line. (In his case, he actually got a direct buff via Blade of the Ruined King.)
  • PASSIVE - RISING SPELL FORCE ATTACK SPEED 10/12/14% per stack ⇒ 10% per stack at all levels
  • Taliyah:
  • Now that Taliyah's damage against minions is down (making wave control less automatic), she has room for more damage against champions.
  • Q - THREADED VOLLEY DAMAGE VS CHAMPIONS 40% for rocks beyond the first ⇒ 60% for rocks beyond the first
  • E - UNRAVELED EARTH DASH DAMAGE 35/45/55/65/75 (+0.2 ability power) ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 (+0.3 ability power)
  • Banner of Command:
  • We changed Banner to make the empowered minion less of a shutdown against AP champs, but now it's causing problems for everyone, especially when multiple teammates start stacking it.
  • EMPOWERED MINION DAMAGE REDUCTION 70% ⇒ 40% (Tooltip will be updated in 8.12!)
  • 5/31/2018 Balance Update
  • Pyke:
  • We expect Pyke to have a steep learning curve, so we were conservative with his launch strength to make sure he doesn't grow into an overpowered state in the weeks to come. We overshot on the guardrails, so we're pumping some power into Pyke's laning strength to help him have more consistent games while players learn his kit.
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 5 health per 5 seconds ⇒ 7 health per 5 seconds
  • BASE MANA 380 ⇒ 415
  • BASE ARMOR 42 ⇒ 45
  • Patch Highlights
  • Champions:
  • Pyke:
  • Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper joins the crew later in patch 8.11! Start stalking the waters with these links:
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Sand Wraith Pyke
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Catseye)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Obsidian)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Sapphire)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Tanzanite)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Rose Quartz)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Turquoise)
  • Sand Wraith Pyke (Pearl)
  • For full-res splashes, grab the League Displays app!
  • Anivia:
  • Q cooldown decreased at early ranks. Q damage ratio increased.
  • Patch 8.9's mana changes hit Anivia harder than most mages, so we're looking to give her some power back. Rather than return her previous level of waveclear, we're looking to up her potential in fights.
  • Q - Flash Frost
  • COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.45 ability power (reminder: this applies on both passthrough and detonation)
  • Graves:
  • Base attack damage decreased. R cooldown decreased at early ranks.
  • The new emphasis on early jungle scrapping is pretty much Graves' happy place, and it's left other champions six feet under. Dialing back his early dueling and putting a longer window on his full combo should slow the snowball a bit.
  • Base Stats
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 69 ⇒ 66
  • R - Collateral Damage
  • COOLDOWN 110/85/60 seconds ⇒ 120/90/60 seconds
  • Kha'Zix:
  • R cooldown decreased at later ranks, but stealth duration decreased. Evolved R grants additional casts and stealth duration; no longer grants stealth or movement speed in brush.
  • One thing every assassin needs is a way to dance in and out of a fight and safely put down damage. For Kha'Zix, that's the stealth from Void Assault . The brush stealth on his evolved R is currently giving far too much of a different strength, though: the ability to sneak around the map relatively undetected. We're removing that evolution bonus in favor of giving Kha'Zix more R casts—and longer stealth—when he's upgraded his ultimate.
  • R - Void Assault
  • COOLDOWN 100/90/80 seconds ⇒ 100/85/70 seconds
  • STEALTH DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.25 seconds
  • EVOLVED STEALTH DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • EVOLVED CASTS 2 within 10 seconds ⇒ 3 within 10 seconds
  • REMOVEDBRUSH CHECK No longer passively grants stealth or movement speed when entering brush
  • Kindred:
  • Mark respawn time decreased. First mark spawns earlier. Rift Scuttle assists now correctly collect marks.
  • The increased importance of Scuttle Crab has made it harder for Kindred to gather marks.
  • Passive - Mark of the Kindred
  • MARK RESPAWN TIME 50 seconds ⇒ 40 seconds
  • FIRST MARK SPAWN 2:20 ⇒ 2:05
  • BUGFIX Assists on Rift Scuttler now appropriately collect marks
  • LeBlanc:
  • LeBlanc can now queue up casts of W and RW (in either order).
  • W - Distortion
  • ONE-TWO LeBlanc can now queue up W - Distortion and R - Mimic'd Distortion
  • Lee Sin:
  • Energy restore on passive increased. Q, W, and E now apply cooldown reduction for the duration of their reactivation time.
  • Recent changes to Warding Trinket have left Lee Sin with fewer playmaking opportunities. Making sure he benefits fully from cooldown reduction should give him more to do with his baseline kit, and we also want to make sure he has more access to the energy needed to do so.
  • Passive - Flurry
  • ENERGY RESTORED ON FIRST HIT 20/25/30 ⇒ 20/30/40
  • ENERGY RESTORED ON SECOND HIT 10/12.5/15 ⇒ 10/15/20
  • Q - Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike
  • NEWHOW MUCH LONGER Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability
  • NEWKEEP COUNTING Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time
  • W - Safeguard/Iron Will
  • NEWHOW MUCH LONGER Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability
  • NEWKEEP COUNTING Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time
  • E - Tempest/Cripple
  • NEWHOW MUCH LONGER Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability
  • NEWKEEP COUNTING Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time
  • Rakan:
  • Q base heal decreased. E base shield decreased
  • For a support with so much hard engage, the sustain Rakan brings to lane is a bit overbearing.
  • Q - Gleaming Quill
  • BASE HEAL 22.5-150 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 18-120 (at levels 1-18)
  • E - Battle Dance
  • BASE SHIELD 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140
  • Taliyah:
  • You're probably just going to want to read this one.
  • Taliyah has a lot of strengths that are great in pro play, and just okay elsewhere. A lot of that comes from Q's waveclear, so the bulk of our mechanical changes focus on that ability (with tuning elsewhere). Taliyah will have to work harder to shove a wave and roam so that her opposing laner has more room to punish those roams. We're also decreasing the terrain control she brings from her ultimate, as it's bringing too much utility beyond just its roam strength.
  • Base Stats
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 325 ⇒ 340
  • HEALTH 502 ⇒ 532
  • Passive - Rock Surfing
  • MAXIMUM MOVEMENT SPEED 20-40% ⇒ 30-45%
  • COMBAT LOCKOUT 5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • Q - Threaded Volley
  • REMOVEDAOE No longer deals area of effect damage
  • REMOVEDSTONES AND STONES Minions no longer take reduced damage from additional rocks
  • REMOVEDWORKOUT Taliyah no longer gains movement speed when on Worked Ground
  • REMOVEDWORK IT Casting Q on Worked Ground no longer refunds mana
  • NEWWORK IT While on Worked Ground, Q cost is reduced to 1 mana
  • COOLDOWN 11/9/7/5/3 seconds ⇒ 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 seconds
  • W - Seismic Shove
  • COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
  • E - Unraveled Earth
  • INITIAL AND EXPLOSION DAMAGE 70/90/110/130/150 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
  • TRIGGER DAMAGE (unchanged)
  • R - Weaver's Wall
  • WALL DURATION 6/7/8 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • Urgot:
  • Collision radius decreased. Base attack speed increased. Passive damage to monsters increased early. R no longer roots Urgot while he is grinding a champion to death.
  • We're making Urgot a bit more fluid to play and stripping some of the anti-jungling tuning from his kit.
  • Base Stats
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.595 ⇒ 0.625
  • Passive - Echoing Flames
  • MAX DAMAGE TO MONSTERS 25-365 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 60-360 (at levels 1-18)
  • W - Purge
  • NEWTHE OLD SURGE 'N PURGE Can now be cast during other abilities
  • R - Fear Beyond Death
  • REMOVEDTO-GO ORDER Urgot is no longer rooted while grinding a victim to its death
  • Viktor:
  • Q discharge damage increased at later ranks. R damage ratio increased.
  • Patch 8.9's mana changes hit Viktor harder than most mages, so we're looking to give him some power back by upping his damage when he commits to a fight.
  • Q - Siphon Power
  • DISCHARGE DAMAGE 20/40/60/80/100 ⇒ 20/50/80/110/140
  • R - Chaos Storm
  • RATIO PER TICK 0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.7 ability power
  • Xin Zhao:
  • Base attack damage growth decreased. E slow decreased.
  • The scuttle changes increased the value of early fights, and Xin Zhao definitely excels in that world. Having a strong early game isn't the problem, but being able to translate that so easily into a strong mid-game is concerning. We're toning down his offensive scaling and his ability to stick to opponents and force them to fight him so he'll have to work harder for that mid-game edge.
  • Base Stats
  • E - Audacious Charge
  • SLOW 50% ⇒ 30%
  • Zyra:
  • E root duration increased
  • Zyra contributes slightly less in skirmishes than we'd like, but we're definitely not comfortable increasing her already-high damage. Some extra crowd control should give her more of an impact in those small fights.
  • E - Grasping Roots
  • ROOT DURATION 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
  • Marksman Base Stat Adjustments
  • The dominant strategy in bot lane has, over time, become sustaining through lane phase and scaling up into teamfights. Between health regen and Fleet Footwork, it's pretty hard to put the hurt on marksmen in a way they can't just passively recover from.. This means aggressive bot laners ( whether early game bully marksmen or supports who want to poke or go all-in) feel like they have no home.
  • Weakening marksman sustain (health regen here, Fleet Footwork below) means damage will stick on marksmen, making 2v2 fighting a more successful prospect for the stronger bot lane. Shifting some durability from armor into health should also let aggressive marksmen like Draven and Lucian shine a bit harder in the early game.
  • Finally, we're nerfing marksman base attack damage by 4 and pushing that damage into their growth stat, with the breakeven point around level 9. Though that might seem counterintuitive with our goals above, it means aggressive non-marksmen (ex. Leona, Brand) won't be chipped down by marksman basic attacks as quickly—giving them more opportunities to secure presence in the lane.
  • Hunter's Machete Compensation
  • Base attack damage decreased. Bonus attack speed at level 1 increased.
  • Compensation for the Machete changes last patch.
  • Master Yi:
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 68 ⇒ 66
  • Nocturne
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 67.21 ⇒ 65
  • Diana
  • Diana is getting a similar compensation, but applied to her passive, rather than her base stats.
  • MOONSILVER BLADE ATTACK SPEED BONUS 20/50/60/70/80/90% (at ranks 0/1/2/3/4/5 of E - Moonfall) ⇒ 30/50/60/70/80/90% (at ranks 0/1/2/3/4/5 of E - Moonfall)
  • Items:
  • NEW:
  • Stormrazor:
  • For upfront burst and lots of kiting.
  • Marksman itemization is pretty focus on marksmen who want to stand still and basic attack. With Stormrazor, we're introducing an item for marksmen with longer pauses between attacks, whether they're kiting or just have long attack cooldowns (looking at you, Jhin).
  • TOTAL COST 3200 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Dagger + 725 gold
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE Storm's Edge: If you haven't attacked in the last 3 seconds (scaling down with attack speed), your next basic attack will critically strike for 160% damage (+1% per 1.5% critical strike chance, max 200%) and grant 10% movement speed for 1.75 seconds
  • Infinity Edge:
  • Crit? Try more crit.
  • We're making Infinity Edge into a true scaling item for marksmen, one which amps up the power of critical strike but isn't itself a critical strike item.
  • ICONIC Icon has been updated!
  • TOTAL COST 3400 gold ⇒ 3700 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility + 425 gold ⇒ B.F. Sword + B.F. Sword + 1100 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 70 ⇒ 80
  • REMOVEDCRITICAL STRIKE CHANCE 20% critical strike chance
  • NEWONE CRIT TWO CRIT Doubles your critical strike chance
  • NEWUNIQUE PASSIVE 15% of critical strike damage is converted to true damage
  • Molten Edge:
  • Ornn's Masterwork upgrade. The cost and benefit of upgrading are both unchanged.
  • TOTAL COST 4400 gold ⇒ 4700 gold (1000 gold upgrade cost unchanged)
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 100 ⇒ 110 (+30 upgrade benefit unchanged)
  • EVERYTHING ELSE Go read Infinity Edge above.
  • Essence Reaver:
  • The ultimate power spike.
  • Essence Reaver was intended to be the alternative late-game scaling item for marksmen who care more about spell casts. However, it turned out that once you had Essence Reaver, you also wanted Infinity Edge, and at that point, you also want a Zeal item, and at that point you might as well build up to 100% crit. The overall effect was a core build of 4 items that didn't allow spellslinger marksmen much choice at all.
  • We're reshaping Essence Reaver around a new power spike, allowing spellcasting marksmen to double down on their spell-slinging fantasy and unleash their spells in a rapid barrage.
  • TOTAL COST 3400 gold ⇒ 3200 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Caulfield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility + 200 gold ⇒ B.F. Sword + Caulfield's Warhammer + Sapphire Crystal + 450 gold
  • REMOVEDUNIQUE PASSIVE Critical strikes restore 3% of your maximum mana
  • NEWUNIQUE PASSIVE Basic attacks restore 1% of missing mana
  • NEWUNIQUE PASSIVE After you cast your ultimate, your next basic attack within 10 seconds grants Essence Flare for 8 seconds, granting 30% attack speed and causing basic attacks to refund 20% of your remaining non-ultimate cooldowns (30 second cooldown)
  • Last Whisper:
  • Bonus armor penetration shifted to total armor penetration (and decreased).
  • The problem with an armor penetration item that only feels good against armor stackers is that most champs don't feel good about getting it early to ensure their damage stays relevant as enemies build armor (they want to be killing squishy targets instead). But once tanks really armor up, damage dealers feel bad if they didn't purchase Last Whisper earlier. We're moving Last Whisper into a middle ground so it'll still scale against tanks but feel like less of a dead-end against other squishies.
  • ARMOR PENETRATION 35% target's bonus armor ⇒ 10% target's total armor
  • Lord Dominik's Regards:
  • Attack damage decreased. Bonus armor penetration shifted to total armor penetration. Bonus damage against higher-health targets removed.
  • Total armor penetration is stronger than bonus, meaning LDR scales better with itself. To to keep the focus on the armor penetration rather than raw damage output, we're trimming some attack damage and pushing the price point higher.
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • BUILD PATH Pickaxe + Last Whisper + 625 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 50 ⇒ 40
  • REMOVEDGIANT SLAYER Grants 0-20% (based on health difference) bonus physical damage against enemy champions with greater maximum health than you.
  • ARMOR PENETRATION 35% bonus armor penetration ⇒ 35% total armor penetration
  • Giant Slayer:
  • Lord Dominik's was the only item that used this, so we're retiring it.
  • Mortal Reminder:
  • Attack damage decreased. Bonus armor penetration shifted to total armor penetration.
  • Total armor penetration is stronger than bonus, meaning Mortal Reminder scales better with itself. To keep the focus on the armor penetration rather than raw damage output, we're trimming some attack damage and pushing the price point higher.
  • COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 50 ⇒ 40
  • ARMOR PENETRATION 35% bonus armor penetration ⇒ 25% total armor penetration
  • Critical Strike Items:
  • Average cost of critical strike increased.
  • With Infinity Edge amplifying critical strike significantly, we're pushing its price point up.
  • Brawler's Gloves:
  • TOTAL COST 400 gold ⇒ 600 gold
  • NEWONLY TWO HANDS Brawler's Gloves' critical strike chance is now unique
  • Cloak of Agility:
  • The Brawler's Gloves changes pushed these two items too close together. A spiky glove feels more crit-like than a poncho, so we're retiring Cloak of Agility.
  • Zeal:
  • TOTAL COST 1200 gold ⇒ 1300 gold
  • Rapid Firecannon:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
  • BUILD PATH Kircheis Shard + Zeal + 600 gold ⇒ Kircheis Shard + Zeal + 800 gold
  • Statikk Shiv:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
  • BUILD PATH Zeal + Kircheis Shard + 600 gold ⇒ Kircheis Shard + Zeal + 800 gold
  • Runaan's Hurricane:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
  • BUILD PATH Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 800 gold ⇒ Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 1000 gold
  • Phantom Dancer:
  • TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • BUILD PATH Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 800 gold ⇒ Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 900 gold
  • Lifesteal Items:
  • Gold cost decreased
  • Overall, the cost of marksman builds are up slightly, so we feel safe making lifesteal items cheaper.
  • Blade of the Ruined King:
  • TOTAL COST 3400 gold ⇒ 3200 gold
  • The Bloodthirster:
  • TOTAL COST 3700 gold ⇒ 3500 gold
  • Maw of Malmortius:
  • Magic resist increased. Base shield value increased. Shield no longer scales with bonus magic resist.
  • Most champions who like Maw of Malmortius aren't looking to stack resistances, so we're tweaking its shield value to not scale with future magic resist accordingly.
  • MAGIC RESIST 45 ⇒ 50
  • SHIELD VALUE 300 + 100% of bonus magic resist ⇒ 350
  • Guardian Angel:
  • Cost increased. Armor increased.
  • We wanted to allow marksmen who face heavy physical damage to get a Chain Vest (rather than just Cloth Armor), knowing they'd eventually build it into something. Guardian Angel was a natural choice, even if it required a higher price point.
  • TOTAL COST 2400 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • BUILD PATH B.F. Sword + Cloth Armor + Stopwatch + 200 gold ⇒ B.F. Sword + Chain Vest + Stopwatch + 100 gold
  • ARMOR 30 ⇒ 40
  • Banner of Command:
  • Enhanced minions are highly resistant to magic and physical damage rather than entirely immune to magic damage only.
  • Banner of Command has emerged as an item that can effectively pin a mid laner at their wave. With how much gameplay revolves around wave control and roaming, Banner of Command does too much to shut that play down entirely..
  • REMOVEDMAGIC IMMUNITY No longer grants the affected minion 100% immunity to magic damage
  • NEWDAMAGE REDUCTION Now grants the affected minion 70% damage reduction from champions
  • NEWHULK OUT Banner-enhanced minions now appear as slightly larger minions on the minimap
  • NEWHULK SMASH Allies can now see floating combat numbers for the damage dealt by banner minions
  • UPDATEDS-BRUCE-D UP Tooltip rewritten to more accurately reflect Banner's effects
  • Shurelya's Reverie:
  • Movement speed decreased. Cost increased. Base mana regen added. Active cooldown increased.
  • Shurelya's Reverie has emerged as too reliable a rush on certain champions who want it for selfish reasons (rather than as a supportive, team-oriented purchase) Singed and Vladimir among them. We're shifting the stat profile slightly to make it more attractive to supportive champions and slightly less compelling as a selfish buy.
  • TOTAL COST 2100 gold ⇒ 2250 gold
  • BUILD PATH Kindlegem + Aether Wisp + 450 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Aether Wisp + Faerie Charm + 475 gold
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 8% ⇒ 5%
  • BASE MANA REGEN 0% ⇒ 100%
  • ACTIVE COOLDOWN 60 seconds ⇒ 90 seconds
  • Enchantment: Runic Echoes:
  • Now builds out of Fiendish Codex rather than Lost Chapter. Ability power increased.
  • Lost Chapter is too expensive for a first component on junglers. Shifting Runic Echoes to build out of Fiendish Codex will give mage junglers an earlier power spike.
  • BUILD PATH Lost Chapter + 325 gold ⇒ Fiendish Codex + Mana Crystal + 375 gold
  • TOTAL COST 2625 gold (unchanged)
  • ABILITY POWER 60 ⇒ 80
  • Runes:
  • Fleet Footwork nerfs, a new Domination keystone, and two new minor runes!
  • Fleet Footwork
  • For more context, view the Marksman Stat Adjustment section. TL;DR, marksmen have access to a ton of sustain in the laning phase, which makes the choice between early and late game too tilted towards late game, and decreases the overall impact of laning decisions (like poke/bullying). Weakening the heal ranged champions get from Fleet Footwork should go a long way towards making trades feel more meaningful.
  • HASTE 30% ⇒ 20%
  • REMOVEDCRIT HEAL No longer gives additional healing from critical strikes
  • PERCENT HEAL ON MINIONS 60/30% (melee/ranged) ⇒ 100/20% (melee/ranged)
  • HEAL ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
  • Turrets
  • Turret Durability
  • Inhibitor and Nexus Turret health decreased. Inhibitor Turret health regen increased. Nexus and Inhibitor Turrets can now only regen health up to the next third.
  • We want to give defenders something to feel good about when they do hold off a push on their base, while also giving sieging teams meaningful milestones other than just "tower destroyed."
  • NEXUS TURRET HEALTH 3600 ⇒ 2700
  • INHIBITOR TURRET HEALTH REGEN 5 health per 5 seconds ⇒ 15 health per 5 seconds
  • BREAK THE FOUNDATIONS Nexus and Inhibitor Turret health is now divided into thirds. Turrets can only regenerate health up to the top of their current third.
  • Turret Gold:
  • More of turret reward gold is granted locally rather than globally.
  • Similar to our bounty changes last patch, we're looking to decrease the number of truly global objectives in our game and allow players who have a large impact to feel that impact more personally. Accordingly, inner turrets will now provide more of their gold locally and less globally.
  • INNER TURRET LOCAL GOLD REWARD 175 gold (split among nearby champions) ⇒ 300 gold (split among nearby champions)
  • GLOBAL GOLD REWARD 125 gold (to every allied champion) ⇒ 100 gold (to every allied champion)
  • Jungle:
  • Baron Nashor:
  • Attack speed decreased. Base corruption damage decreased. Special attacks no longer apply corruption
  • Baron definitely does too much damage after Patch 8.10's changes.
  • BARON ATTACK SPEED 0.75 ⇒ 0.625
  • CORRUPTION DAMAGE RATIO 0.3 total attack damage ⇒ 0.2 total attack damage
  • SPECIAL ATTACKS No longer apply corruption stacks
  • Scuttle Crab
  • Respawn time increased. Shrine duration increased.
  • The action around Scuttle Crab is making for a good mini-objective, but it's currently up too often, forcing too much of a jungler's attention onto its continuous respawn. To compensate for fewer overall Scuttle Crabs, we're pushing some experience back into the basic jungle camps (detailed just below).
  • RESPAWN TIME 135 seconds ⇒ 150 seconds
  • SHRINE DURATION 75 seconds ⇒ 90 seconds
  • Jungle Monsters
  • Experience slightly increased at later levels.
  • Bumping a little bit of experience back into the jungle.
  • KRUGS EXPERIENCE REWARD 247-388 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 247-411 (at levels 1-7)
  • WOLVES EXPERIENCE REWARD 115-180 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 115-190 (at levels 1-7)
  • LARGE RAZORBEAKS EXPERIENCE REWARD 115-181 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 115-190 (at levels 1-7)
  • GROMP EXPERIENCE REWARD 115-180 (at levels 1-7) ⇒ 115-190 (at levels 1-7)
  • Last-Hit Assistance
  • If a basic attack would fail to kill a minion by 4 health or less, it will kill that minion.
  • This is solely to help transition players through the several highly disruptive patches. Every patch after Patch 8.11, we will reduce this number by 1.
  • ARAM
  • The Butcher’s Bridge map returns until June 18 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Pyke joins the ARAM free-to-play rotation during this time.
  • The following permanent changes are now part of ARAM:
  • Available Champions Pool: During champ select, you may swap for a champ that’s been rerolled by any teammate
  • Expanded free champs pool (triple the champions)
  • Start-of-game base gates (similar to Summoner’s Rift)
  • Earlier surrender options (8:00 unanimous, 12:00 standard)
  • Champ Mastery adjustments (to make it a bit easier to get an S)
  • "True" level 3 starts: You will reach level 4 much faster
  • Along with some event-only gameplay tests:
  • New assassin items: Ghostwalkers, Spectral Cutlass, and Bloodletter’s Veil
  • Large area-of-effect heals on health pack pickup that affect both teams equally
  • Removal of Warmog’s Armor and Dark Harvest nerf
  • During the event, Battle Boost temporarily unlocks two skins instead of one.
  • Ping Distance Volume:
  • Certain ping sounds now change depending on how far they are from the listening player and in what direction.
  • PINGS AFFECTED Area is Warded, Danger, Assist Me, Caution
  • Instant Feedback
  • We’re sprucing up reform cards with a clarity pass sometime this patch.
  • Reform cards are getting some spring cleaning, so we added per-game tabs for chat logs, and made it more clear which chat is from pre-, mid-, or post-game.
  • Bugfixes
  • Players are no longer presented with the reconnect dialogue after exiting Practice Tool.
  • Aurelion Sol can now correctly be knocked up or back during E - Comet of Legend
  • Fixed an interaction between Hextech Flashtraption and Unsealed Spellbook which would allow players to get two Flash summoner spells
  • Ryze can no longer kill Tryndamere through his R - Undying Rage with his E - Spell Flux Q - Overload combo
  • Dead minions no longer sometimes block champion pathing
  • Guardian no longer incorrectly activates from ally corpses.
  • Yasuo's Passive - Way of the Wanderer now correctly generates a shield in response to damage from Shaco's R - Hallucinate clone.
  • Level Up Rewards
  • Prestige Emotes for levels 400, 425, 450, 475, and 500 will come out during this patch. Players who hit these levels before the emotes are live, will be granted them two weeks after they launch
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas:
  • The following skins will be released this patch:
  • Dark Waters Diana
  • Dark Waters Vladimir
  • For full-res splashes, grab the League Displays app!
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Dark Waters Diana (Pearl)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Ruby)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Obsidian)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Turquoise)
  • Dark Waters Diana (Sapphire)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Pearl)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Obsidian)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Tanzanite)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Emerald)
  • Dark Waters Vladimir (Sandstone)

New in League of Legends Client 8.10 (May 16, 2018)

  • Champions:
  • Sion:
  • Base health regen decreased. E base damage decreased, damage ratio increased, and no longer deals bonus damage to secondary targets. E Armor shred now applies to secondary targets; duration increased.
  • The bonus damage Sion does to secondary targets struck by Roar of the Slayer is just too much: too much waveclear, too much poke, too much long-ranged lane control. By having E apply the armor shred to all targets struck, Q damage will be higher on targets struck by E, and further incentivize him to max Q (or at least to ensure there are more tradeoffs when he does opt into the ranged control E offers).
  • Base stats
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 10 per 5 seconds ⇒ 9 per 5 seconds
  • E - Roar of the Slayer:
  • BASE DAMAGE 70/105/140/175/210 ⇒ 65/100/135/170/205
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.40 ability power ⇒ 0.55 ability power
  • SECONDARY TARGET DAMAGE 130% ⇒ 100% to targets struck by a knocked-back enemy
  • ARMOR REDUCTION 20% to primary target ⇒ 20% to all targets hit by Roar of the Slayer or a knocked-back enemy
  • ARMOR REDUCTION DURATION 2.5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
  • R - Unstoppable Onslaught:
  • NEWCOMING THROUGH Sion's ultimate is no longer obstructed by an allied Azir's R - Emperor's Divide
  • Dr. Mundo:
  • R cost and cooldown increased.
  • Last patch's changes helped bring Mundo's ultimate to a more satisfying level of power, but decisions around when to invoke that power are a bit too forgiving. A longer cooldown and higher costs should make the timing of those choices more important.
  • R - Sadism:
  • COOLDOWN 100/85/70 seconds ⇒ 110/100/90 seconds
  • COST 20% current health ⇒ 25% current health
  • Poppy:
  • Movement speed increased.
  • Poppy’s changes last patch were intended to be approximately power neutral, but they ended up taking her down slightly. We're reverting the movement speed nerf to give Poppy more room to maneuver around fights (or just start them).
  • Base stats
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 340 ⇒ 345
  • Zac:
  • W ability power ratio removed. E and R ability power damage ratio increased.
  • Much like the Shyvana changes last patch, we want to make sure that damage-building Zac feels significantly different from tank Zac. While tank Zac has the durability to sit on his opponents' faces spamming W, a damage-oriented Zac can't survive that punishment as easily. Shifting his AP ratios out of W and onto his higher-impact abilities should ensure that when Zac does build damage, he feels like he was made for it, literally.
  • W - Unstable Matter:
  • REMOVEDABILITY POWER RATIO No longer deals an additional 2% targets' max health per 100 ability power (base max health damage unchanged)
  • E - Elastic Slingshot:
  • RATIO 0.70 ability power ⇒ 0.90 ability power
  • R - Let's Bounce!:
  • RATIO 0.70 ability power ⇒ 0.90 ability power
  • Bard:
  • W mana cost decreased.
  • The high mana cost of Bard's W limits his uptime, especially in the laning phase. With a lower mana cost, he won't have to choose quite as directly between providing some healing to himself or his allies and having the mana to make plays on the map.
  • W - Caretaker's Shrine:
  • COST 90 mana ⇒ 70 mana
  • Kindred:
  • Small quality of life buff.
  • Passive - Mark of the Kindred
  • NEWPACK HUNTER If an ally kills a hunted jungle monster within 6 seconds of Kindred damaging it, Kindred will still acquire the passive stack
  • Items
  • Runic Echoes
  • Now builds out of Lost Chapter instead of Aether Wisp. Movement Speed removed. Cooldown reduction and Mana added.
  • Mage junglers have been pretty scarce on the Rift for a while, and we're looking to change that. Changing Runic Echoes' buildpath to grant mana and cooldown reduction (both core mage stats) and increasing its overall stat efficiency should open the door for more mages to tango with jungle monsters:
  • We've also made changes to Hunter's Talisman (check those out below) which should help spellcasters feel better about jungling even before they pick up Runic Echoes:
  • TOTAL COST 2625 gold (unchanged)
  • BUILD PATH Aether Wisp + Stalker's Blade + Amplifying Tome + 345 gold ⇒ Stalker's Blade + Lost Chapter + 325 gold
  • NEWMANA 300
  • Warding Totem:
  • Wards last longer but have a higher cooldown.
  • These changes increase the value of a well-placed ward, the cost of a bad one, and the payoff for successful ward-sweeping. Three birds, two stones!
  • WARD DURATION 60-120 seconds (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 90-180 seconds (at levels 1-18)
  • CHARGE TIMER 180-90 seconds (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 240-120 seconds (at levels 1-18)
  • Support & Jungle Item Exclusivity
  • You can no longer have both a jungle item and a support item.
  • Jungle items and gold items are both tuned to give unique, lower-cost power to their roles, which often operate on lower incomes than farming roles. We've had to combat the occasional cannibalization of support gold items by junglers, and at this point it's safer to just cut that option off.
  • YOU MUST CHOOSE WISELY You can no longer own Hunter's Machete, Hunter's Talisman, or their upgrades at the same time as Ancient Coin, Spellthief's Edge, Relic Shield, or their upgrades
  • Runes
  • Balance pass.
  • Domination Sorcery Resolve Inspiration
  • Cheap Shot damage increased. Ingenious Hunter item cooldown reduction more front-weighted toward initial value.
  • Cheap Shot:
  • DAMAGE 12-30 ⇒ 15-60
  • Ingenious Hunter
  • Jungle:
  • Camp Experience Rift Scuttler Items
  • Jungle monsters give less experience, but experience scales with level.
  • Junglers have had too much of an impact in the early game. Specifically, they’ve too frequently been able to gank at level 3 before solo laners even reach that level. We’re looking to decrease consistent access to early jungle pressure but offer a more valuable Rift Scuttler as a new way for junglers to gain a lead.
  • REMOVEDSLOW DOWN Experience no longer reduced by 5% per level champion is ahead of the camp being taken.
  • NEWRAID BOSS Monster camp experience now scales with level, capping at level 7.
  • BLUE SENTINEL 180 ⇒ 115 - 180 (at levels 1-7)
  • RED BRAMBLEBACK 180 ⇒ 115 - 180 (at levels 1-7)
  • LARGE KRUG 125 ⇒ 100 - 157 (at levels 1-7)
  • MEDIUM KRUG 35 ⇒ 35 - 55 (at levels 1-7)
  • SMALL KRUG 7 ⇒ 7 - 11 (at levels 1-7)
  • LARGE WOLF 100 ⇒ 65 - 102 (at levels 1-7)
  • SMALL WOLVES 40 ⇒ 25 - 39 (at levels 1-7)
  • LARGE RAZORBEAK 62 ⇒ 56 - 88 (at levels 1-7)
  • SMALL RAZORBEAKS 35 ⇒ 19 - 30 (at levels 1-7)
  • GROMP 200 ⇒ 115 - 180 (at levels 1-7)
  • REMOVEDGRIMP Gromp no longer grants 37.5% reduced experience on its first clear
  • REMOVEDFALSE START Medium Krugs, Small Krugs, and Large Razorbeak no longer grant 25% reduced experience on their first clear
  • WHEATIES Large Krug's first clear experience reduction 50% ⇒ 30%
  • Bounties
  • Kill streak bounties are now granted only to the killer, not the team.
  • Currently, the rewards a player gets for performing well are too split amongst the whole team, and we'll be looking to remedy that over time. We're starting this patch with Bounties, shifting the reward from a team one to a personal one, and we'll be investigating other team rewards going forward
  • HEADHUNTER Assists on bounty kills no longer grant bonus gold.
  • ONE KILL 100 gold split among team ⇒ No bounty
  • TWO KILLS 150 gold split among team ⇒ No bounty
  • THREE KILLS 300 gold split among team ⇒ 200 gold to killer
  • FOUR KILLS 350 gold split among team ⇒ 250 gold to killer
  • FIVE KILLS 450 gold split among team ⇒ 300 gold to killer
  • SIX-PLUS KILLS 450 gold split among team ⇒ 300 gold (+25 gold per kill beyond 5) to killer
  • BOUNTY CHANGE ON BEING KILLED Dying removes 3 bounty levels ⇒ Dying resets bounty to 0
  • Replays
  • You can now download the replays of other players’ Ranked and Clash games.
  • Whether scouting or reviewing replays of yourself or your Clash teammates, we want to make all competitive matches public domain for your perusal and improvement.
  • REVIEW THE TAPE Clash matches will be available for download from an individual’s Match History pages in the client
  • SCOUT’S CODE Ranked matches are now available for download from an individual’s Match History pages in the client
  • League Client
  • Bugfixin'.
  • LESS LAG Resolved an issue where the League Client was using more resources than it should have been while it was in the background. Higher end systems should see increased FPS.
  • Bugfixes
  • LeBlanc's E - Ethereal Chains now correctly reveals stealthed champions
  • Fixed a bug where swapping Hexflash to a different summoner would prevent that summoner spell from being used while in-combat
  • Kennen's W - Electrical Surge passive damage now correctly appears on Death Recap
  • Swain's E - Nevermove no longer incorrectly deals double damage to epic monsters
  • Presence of Mind now correctly reduces cooldowns for kills or assists while dead
  • Talon’s E - Assassin's Path will now be less likely to vault Talon in the opposite direction than was intended
  • Bard no longer can stun units against Gangplank's E - Powder Keg with his Q - Cosmic Binding
  • Garen's Q - Decisive Strike now correctly damages Teemo's R - Noxious Trap mushrooms
  • League Voice will now be more respectful of your default communications device
  • Beemo now flies out of the fountain at game start using Homeguard
  • Battlecast Cho’Gath’s E - Vorpal Spikes now sound more in line with the skin’s theme
  • SFX now only play once during Dragon Trainer Lulu’s dance
  • Star Guardian Ahri’s familiar no longer echos during Ahri’s joke
  • Activating Shurelya’s Reverie will no longer cancel channels
  • Upcoming Skins & Chromas
  • The following skins will be released this patch:
  • Pulsefire Riven
  • Pulsefire Twisted Fate
  • Pulsefire Shen
  • The following chromas will be released this patch:
  • Dragon Master Swain (Pearl)
  • Dragon Master Swain (Tanzanite)
  • Dragon Master Swain (Ruby)
  • Dragon Master Swain (Emerald)
  • Dragon Master Swain (Sapphire)
  • Dragon Master Swain (Obsidian)

New in League of Legends Client 8.9 (May 2, 2018)

  • Patch Highlights
  • Mages Changes
  • Mages pretty much have two mana states: pre-mana purchase and post-mana purchase. During their first trip to lane, mages have to be very careful about when they cast spells or they risk going oom and being stuck in lane for a while with little or no mana. Once they've backed and acquired their laning item, many mages feel like they can spam spells almost mindlessly—especially with blue buff.
  • We're making a lot of changes to base mana, mana regeneration, and mana sustain mage items with the overall goal of letting mages be more spell happy at the start of the game, but more conscientious about when they use their spells in the early-mid game. With a bit more attention needing to be paid to mana, we're pumping a little more power (mostly ability power) into their core items so that when they do land a spell, it'll pack more punch.
  • Let's dive into the item changes first!
  • Doran's Ring
  • No longer gives base mana regen or mana regen on minion kill. Now gives flat mana regen and bonus damage vs minions.
  • We're pushing Doran's Ring away from "csing gives you mana". Basically, incentivizing "use spells on waves because you'll get the mana back" puts mages in a weird cycle where trading is generally a worse choice than simply waveclearing. The new Doran's Ring will help mages feel better about csing without using spells, allowing them more opportunities to trade directly with their laning opponents.
  • REMOVEDBASE MANA REGEN No longer gives base mana regen
  • REMOVEDMANPIRE No longer returns mana on minion kill
  • NEWFLAT MANA REGEN Now gives 5 mana regen per 5 seconds
  • NEWMANA PUNCH Now gives +5 on-hit damage vs minions
  • Lost Chapter
  • Cost and ability power increased.
  • Pushing Lost Chapter somewhat later in the laning phase means that its users will get fewer procs of its level-up effect, decreasing overall access to mana.
  • BUILD PATH Amplifying Tome + Sapphire Crystal + 315 gold ⇒ Amplifying Tome + Sapphire Crystal + Amplifying Tome + 80 gold
  • COST 1100 gold ⇒ 1300 gold
  • ABILITY POWER 25 ⇒ 40
  • Tear of the Goddess
  • Total cost increased. Mana refund decreased. Max mana increase now increases current mana by current percentage of mana.
  • Tear of the Goddess too comprehensively solves mana problems for the champions who build it. It'll still be the late-scaling item that delivers mad ability power once you've stacked it and upgraded it to Archangel's Staff, but it won't replenish your mana quite as well.
  • COST 750 gold ⇒ 850
  • MANA COST REFUND 15% ⇒ 10%
  • UPDATEDAQUA INTO WINE; AQ INTO WI When you gain max mana from Tear of the Goddess's passive, it preserves your percent current mana, rather than granting you the full max mana increase as a current mana increase. This applies to Manamune and Archangel's Staff as well.
  • Hextech GLP-800
  • Combine cost decreased. Mana increased. Slow duration increased. Missile speed increased. Missile spread time decreased.
  • The old GLP-800 is still a bit on the weak side, and also feels less responsive than we'd like. Some feel-good buffs—as well as a bit more gold efficiency—should be just what the doctor ordered.
  • COMBINE COST 650 ⇒ 450
  • TOTAL COST (unchanged, offset by Lost Chapter cost increase)
  • MANA 500 ⇒ 600
  • SLOW DURATION 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
  • MISSILE SPEED 1600 ⇒ 2000
  • MISSILE SPREAD TIME 0.3 seconds ⇒ 0.2 seconds
  • CAST TIME 0.25 seconds (unchanged)
  • Fiendish Codex
  • Ability power increased.
  • Fiendish Codex is being tuned up in overall ability power to match Lost Chapter.
  • ABILITY POWER 30 ⇒ 35
  • UPGRADED Zhonya's Hourglass and Banshee's Veil also have 5 more total ability power.
  • Twin Shadows
  • Ability power increased.
  • We're always a little bit concerned about combat items which give slows. If an item lets you start a fight, it's a bit concerning when they can also make sure you win that fight. That being said, it looks like we released Twin Shadows weak even by that standard, so we're giving it a bit more ability power.
  • ABILITY POWER 60 ⇒ 70
  • Seeker's Armguard
  • Total cost decreased.
  • Seeker's Armguard is a reactive purchase for mages who need extra armor in rough matchups. With the cost of Lost Chapter going up, we don't want Seeker's Armguard to take that much longer to purchase in those rough matchups.
  • TOTAL COST 1200 ⇒ 1100
  • UPGRADED Zhonya's Hourglass' total gold cost is unchanged.
  • Spellbinder
  • Base ability power increased. Ability power from activation decreased. Combine cost and total cost increased.
  • This item is doing alright on champions who can spam spells and get its active charged, but that number of champions is pretty small. Shifting some of its active's ability power into its base statline should make the item slightly more accessible.
  • TOTAL COST 2800 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
  • COMBINE COST 700 gold ⇒ 800 gold
  • ABILITY POWER 100 ⇒ 120
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • Ability power increased.
  • ABILITY POWER 85 ⇒ 90
  • Mejai's Soulstealer
  • Glory stacks required for bonus movement speed decreased.
  • Upgrading Dark Seal to Mejai's Soulstealer feels pretty awkward. First, you have to invest gold, but then, even if you're already at 10 stacks, you have to get a few more to get the bonus effect. This feels even worse when you would have had more than 10 stacks, but had been capped by Dark Seal.
  • Luden's Echo
  • Total cost decreased. Mana increased.
  • Luden's was already on the weak side, and with a number of ability power items getting buffs this patch, it would no longer have been cost-competitive.
  • TOTAL COST 3300 gold ⇒ 3200 gold
  • BUILD PATH Lost Chapter + Amplifying Tome + Blasting Wand + 915 gold ⇒ Lost Chapter + Blasting Wand + 1050 gold
  • MANA 500 ⇒ 600
  • Turrets
  • Damage to turrets on basic attacks from ability power increased and converted to magic damage.
  • Taking turrets is an important mechanic in the game, and mages often get left out of that game. Currently, champions who build more ability power than attack damage get some percentage of their ability power as additional magic damage whenever they attack a tower. We're upping that ratio, and also converting their whole attack to magic damage, not just the bonus damage.
  • NEWTHE WHOLE THING If a basic attack uses ability power bonus to turrets, the whole attack will convert to magic damage, rather than only the ability power scaling portion.
  • Champions
  • 25 mages have more mana regen and base mana, but less mana growth. 5 other mages have more mana regen.
  • We’re increasing mana regen on the champions most affected by the changes to Doran's Ring and Last Chapter. Mages are also getting some changes to their mana pools and their mana growth. Overall, they’ll be up a bit of starting mana and mana regen, but be substantially down on mana per level.
  • These champions, while also affected by the Doran's Ring, don't tend to build any of the mana items we're touching this patch. So, we're only adjusting their mana regen, but leaving their base mana and mana growth untouched.
  • Champions
  • Amumu
  • Q mana cost decreased.
  • Amumu already has a pretty weak early game, but he's extra-penalized for failed ganks because they leave his mana pool too low to effectively return to clearing. This is especially bad for Amumu players who max Q, and prevents Amumu players from feeling comfortable opting into a utility-based build.
  • Q - Bandage Toss
  • COST 80/90/100/110/120 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana
  • Caitlyn
  • Passive can no longer crit and now simply has a percentage increase over damage dealt to champions.
  • Caitlyn's headshot against non-champions is a bit much, giving her neutral monster damage (and sustain from lifesteal) that is well above what feels appropriate. We're aligning the formula closer to Headshot's damage to champions to decrease her ability to quickly heal up off of monsters and minions.
  • Passive - Headshot
  • DAMAGE TO CHAMPIONS +50% (modified by critical strike) total attack damage (unchanged)
  • UPDATEDDAMAGE TO NON-CHAMPIONS +100% (modified by critical strike) total attack damage
  • Dr. Mundo
  • R healing increased.
  • Dr Mundo needs a bit more overall durability if he is to successfully go where he pleases.
  • R - Sadism
  • HEALING 40/50/60% maximum health ⇒ 50/75/100% maximum health
  • Garen
  • Q base damage increased at later ranks. W resistances increased.
  • Compared to similar juggernauts (looking at you, Darius), Garen is underwhelming. We're adding a bit more damage and durability so he can better scale as the game goes on.
  • Q - Decisive Strike
  • BASE DAMAGE 30/55/80/105/130 ⇒ 30/65/100/135/170
  • W - Courage
  • Irelia
  • Passive now refreshes its duration when attacking large monsters.
  • Now that Irelia is no longer a new—and thus potentially volatile—champion, we feel comfortable taking risks we didn't on her release. One of those risks was her potential to end up a stronger jungler than toplaner, and so we'd put an intentional limit on her clear speed. Now that she's in a more stable spot, we feel comfortable turning the parking brake off and letting her push down on that gas pedal.
  • Passive - Ionian Fervor
  • UPDATEDMONSTER STACKS Now also refreshes its duration when attacking large monsters
  • Ivern
  • Passive health cost decreased. Passive maturation time decreased at later ranks. Q missile width increased.
  • Ivern's passive makes him a unique jungler, and we're looking to keep that. However, his early game is a bit too punishing. We're also making his mid-game farming less costly and his Q a bit easier to land to smooth out the learning curve just a bit.
  • Passive - Friend of the Forest
  • COST 25% of maximum health ⇒ 22.5% of maximum health
  • MATURATION TIME 40-6 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 40-30 (at levels 1-6), 27-15 (at levels 7-11), 11-3 (at levels 12-14), 1 (level 15+)
  • Q - Rootcaller
  • MISSILE WIDTH 65 ⇒ 80
  • Kai'sa
  • Evolved Q missile count decreased. Missile damage is now flagged as area of effect. E duration decreased.
  • Dialing back Kai'Sa's late game scaling a bit so she doesn't carry quite so hard. Specifically, the interaction of her abilities with certain items—primarily healing from spell damage—ramps her into territory which can get excessive.
  • Q - Icathian Rain
  • EVOLVED Q 12 missiles ⇒ 10 missiles
  • BOMBARDMENT Missile damage is now flagged as AoE in all cases.
  • E - Supercharge
  • DURATION 5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
  • TOO MUCH Runaan's Hurricane bolts no longer grant Supercharge's cooldown reduction
  • Kassadin
  • Q magic damage shield strength increased.
  • Kassadin currently needs a bit more help to get through his laning phase.
  • Q - Null Sphere
  • SHIELD 40/70/100/130/160 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160
  • Kennen
  • W 5th hit base damage and bonus attack damage ratio increased at later ranks; ability power ratio decreased. W active base damage decreased; ability power ratio increased. Kennen now loses E defenses but gains attack speed upon exiting lightning form.
  • Kennen is one of those champions who has seen success with both attack damage and ability power builds. At the moment, both of them are struggling. We're looking to add strength to both playstyles, and also move some of Kennen's power around to ensure that those two playstyles are somewhat different from one another.
  • W - Electrical Surge
  • 5TH ATTACK BASE DAMAGE 15/20/25/30/35 ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50
  • 5TH ATTACK DAMAGE RATIO (AD) 60% bonus attack damage ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100% bonus attack damage
  • 5TH ATTACK DAMAGE RATIO (AP) 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.2 ability power
  • ACTIVE BASE DAMAGE 65/95/125/155/185 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160
  • ACTIVE DAMAGE RATIO 0.55 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power
  • E - Lightning Rush
  • NEWSTRIKE MORE THAN TWICE Kennen gains 30-70% attack speed for 4 seconds upon exiting Lightning Rush
  • NEWIMPATIENT Lightning Rush's defensive bonuses are lost upon exiting Lightning Rush
  • Leona
  • W base damage increased.
  • Now that Aftershock is in a less dominant state, we feel comfortable returning some of Leona's damage to make sure she's not Eclipsed by the competition.
  • W - Eclipse
  • BASE DAMAGE 40/80/120/160/200 ⇒ 60/100/140/180/220
  • Lux
  • Q base damage increased and cooldown decreased. W shield now doubles on return even if it hadn't hit an ally on the way out. E missile speed, radius, and mana cost decreased. E cooldown at later ranks decreased.
  • Lux's high ranged poke—thanks to Lucent Singularity's consistency—limits how much power she can have elsewhere. By making E harder to land, we can put more power into her abilities and let her cast them more often, whether it's to waveclear, initiate trades, or go for picks.
  • Base Stats
  • ATTACK SPEED GROWTH 1.36% ⇒ 1%
  • HEALTH GROWTH 91 ⇒ 85
  • Q - Light Binding
  • BASE DAMAGE 50/100/150/200/250 ⇒ 70/115/160/205/250
  • COOLDOWN 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds
  • COST 50/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60 mana
  • W - Prismatic Barrier
  • RETURN SHIELD 200% if Lux shields an ally on the way out ⇒ 200% always
  • SPEED OF LIGHT Lux now shields herself and fires the missile at the start of cast (instead of after the 0.25 second cast time). She is still rooted for the cast time.
  • E - Lucent Singularity
  • MISSILE SPEED 1300 ⇒ 1200
  • RADIUS 350 ⇒ 310
  • COST 70/85/100/115/130 mana ⇒ 70/80/90/100/110 mana
  • COOLDOWN 10 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
  • Rammus
  • W armor bonus increased.
  • Rammus could use a bit more durability to help him feel ok again.
  • W - Defensive Ball Curl
  • Poppy
  • Base movement speed decreased. W movement speed and resistances decreased. Passive and E range increased. Snapcast R now knocks up for a lower duration and no longer makes enemies untargetable. Charged R missile speed increased.
  • Steadfast Presence's passive gives Poppy a ton of resistances and its active gives her a ton of movement speed, and she relies on those to get in—and stay alive in—a teamfight. We're dialing back on some of those stats to make Poppy less overall consistent at closing the gap and staying alive, and in return strengthening the things she gets to do once while in the thick of things.
  • Base stats
  • Passive - Iron Ambassador
  • RANGE BONUS 300 ⇒ 350
  • W - Steadfast Presence
  • MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS 32/34/36/38/40% ⇒ 30%
  • E - Heroic Charge
  • RANGE 425 ⇒ 475
  • R - Keeper's Verdict
  • NEWHASAGI Snapcast no longer makes enemies untargetable during knock-up
  • SNAPCAST KNOCKUP DURATION 1 second ⇒ 0.75 seconds
  • BASE DAMAGE 210/310/410 ⇒ 200/300/400
  • MISSILE SPEED 1600 ⇒ 2000
  • Shyvana
  • E and R ability power damage ratio increased. W ability power damage ratio removed.
  • A relatively unexplored part of Shyvana's fantasy is the whole flying-around-breathing-fire thing. We're moving around some of her ability power ratios to enable more people to try out this play pattern. That way, when players opt into that playstyle, she feels like a different dragon entirely: bombarding enemies with fireballs before descending on the enemy team, not just the same old dragon wearing a magical hat.
  • W - Burnout
  • E - Flame Breath
  • FIREBALL DAMAGE RATIO (AP) 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.7 ability power
  • R - Dragon's Descent
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 1.0 ability power
  • Sona
  • Base attack damage increased. Power Chord damage increased.
  • Inb4 "5 damage lul," let's talk about what changes like this mean. Sona gets a lot of Power Chords over the course of the laning phase and—combined with the base attack damage changes—she'll be lay down more chip damage and go for the kill.
  • Base stats
  • Passive - Power Chord
  • BASE DAMAGE 15-235 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 20-240 (at levels 1-18)
  • Syndra
  • Q's Transcendent bonus is now bonus damage to champions, not longer Sphere duration.
  • Getting a maximum sphere ultimate off on should feel like the Syndra player has managed her Spheres well and was rewarded with a big play. Her passive's current Dark Sphere upgrade makes getting those big ultimates far too easy to pull off. We're shifting that bonus to increase the value of landing those Dark Spheres instead, so that Syndra players will feel more rewarded by landing a few Spheres before they go for the kill.
  • Passive - Transcendent
  • DARK SPHERE UPGRADE Dark Sphere's last 2 additional seconds ⇒ Dark Sphere deals +15% damage to champions
  • Talon
  • Bugfixin'
  • Q - Noxian Diplomacy
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Talon's Q range was lower than expected
  • RANGE 500 ⇒ 575
  • Warwick
  • Base attack damage decreased. Q damage decreased at later ranks.
  • Warwick's early dueling and clearspeed allows opponents few opportunities to fight him in the early-mid game, and also secures him a gold/experience advantage against most junglers. Dialing that back should help him feel more fair to play against, but he'll still be strong early.
  • Base stats
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 66 ⇒ 63
  • Q - Jaws of the Beast
  • TARGET'S MAXIMUM HEALTH DAMAGE 6/7/8/9/10% ⇒ 6/6.5/7/7.5/8%
  • Ziggs
  • E base damage increased at later ranks.
  • Ziggs could use a bit more oomph as the game goes on. We're not looking to up his poke damage, but when he does commit to a fight, we think he needs a bit more boom. Ziggs also got mana changes as part of our mage mana refactor, so check out that section above.
  • E - Hexplosive Minefield
  • BASE DAMAGE 40/65/90/115/140 ⇒ 40/75/110/145/180
  • Items
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Rageblade interacted with other bonus attack damage-granting effects to grant more attack damage than intended (lookin' at you, Jhin, but also Infernal Drake and Master Yi, etc.).
  • Epic Monsters
  • Baron Nashor
  • Base damage decreased. Base health increased. Corruption damage increased.
  • Some team compositions—those without tanks—find Baron way too threatening. We're shifting Baron's damage to distribute more over the whole party (and not just one target). To make sure Baron is still contestable, we're upping its health, so it takes longer to bring down. With Baron requiring more time to kill and spreading its damage around the whole team, opposing teams should have more time to contest, and a bigger teamfight advantage if they do.
  • BASE DAMAGE 400-550 (at minutes 20-40) ⇒ 285-435 (at minutes 20-40)
  • BASE HEALTH 6400 ⇒ 9000
  • BARON CORRUPTION 30 (+5% total attack damage) every 0.5 seconds to the target with the lowest corruption stacks ⇒ 120 + (30% total attack damage) every basic attack and spike attack, (these occur every 0.75 seconds). Baron corruption attack is also represented with different visual particles now to make the difference more clear. (Champions gain corruption by being hit by his attacks/spells).
  • Summoned Rift Herald
  • Takes less damage from charging. Does more damage to towers with charge. Takes more damage from eye pokes.
  • Rift Herald is the Baron of pre-20 minutes: a strong option for teams who are ahead and want to widen their lead. We want players who use Rift Herald well to be more rewarded, potentially with multiple towers, while players who drop Rift Herald at the wrong time will be more easily punished. For teams that are even, getting an eye proc should successfully shut her down, but without it, expect her to continue her rampage.
  • DAMAGE TO SELF ON TURRET CHARGE 150 + 25% current health ⇒ 25% current health
  • DAMAGE TO TURRET ON TURRET CHARGE 150 + 25% current health ⇒ 40% of current HP or 1500, whichever is greater.
  • EYE DAMAGE 20% maximum health ⇒ 40% maximum health
  • Runes
  • UPDATEDUnsealed Spellbook
  • Unsealed Spellbook is now a completely different keystone.
  • Unsealed Spellbook was intended to offer a keystone option for players who wanted to be able to reactively opt into a different summoner spell to match the current game state. Problem is, the old Unsealed Spellbook required far too much advance planning, and then locked the player into that choice for far too long. In reality, many players took Unsealed Spellbook just for a lower Flash cooldown, not caring a ton about the swapping gameplay except to get Teleport every once in awhile.
  • The new Unsealed Spellbook can be swapped anywhere—as long as you're out of combat. Once you use the new summoner spell, it's back to your old one. This solves both of the previous problems: requiring too much preparation, and locking you in for too long.
  • NEWTAKE THIS! Swap one of your equipped summoner spells to a new, single-use summoner spell. After using the single-use summoner spell, your original summoner spell will swap back in.
  • SWAP COOLDOWN 4 minutes, permanently reduced by 15 seconds each time you swap to a summoner spell you haven't yet swapped to
  • STILL TICKING Your original summoner spells continue cooling down in the background while swapped out
  • STORE COMES TO YOU You can now swap your summoner spells anywhere on the map as long as you're out of combat
  • BUGFIX 3.9 Closing the Unsealed Spellbook tab while dead no longer prevents you from re-opening it until respawn
  • Chrysalis
  • Bugfixin'
  • BUGFIX 3.1 Chrysalis's adaptive damage bonuses no longer revert to health when in combat with enemy champions
  • BUGFIX 2.10 Chrysalis's tooltip now indicates the proper amount of adaptive stats granted once transformed
  • Bugfixes
  • Fixed a bug where Katarina's R - Death Lotus could not be cast if enemies in range could not be seen
  • Katarina can now correctly ping her R - Death Lotus if no valid targets are nearby
  • Azir is no longer missing VO lines for R - Emperor's Divide
  • Manaflow Band can no longer be triggered by certain items
  • Casting summoner spell Exhaust now correctly puts the caster in combat
  • Fixed a bug where the bonus attack damage did not count towards Zed's bonus attack damage scaling on Q - Razor Shuriken
  • Fixed a bug where certain zombie states prevented future stacking of Manaflow Band
  • Fixed a bug where Varus's W - Blighted Quiver's basic attack played the base skin's sound effects instead of those for whatever skin was in use
  • Muramana and Seraph's Embrace now correctly grant gold when sold
  • Shockblade Zed Ruby Chroma no longer steals particles from Championship Zed if both skins are present in the same game
  • Forecast Janna's umbrella no longer gets burnt before the lightning strikes her during her joke animation
  • Dragonblade Riven's E - Valor trail is no longer invisible on lower graphics settings
  • Death Blossom Kha'Zix's wings from E - Evolved Leap no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling
  • El Macho Mundo's W - Burning Agony particles are no longer base and have been restored to orange fists
  • Pool Party Rek'Sai's tunnels now properly use the correct textures and base tunnels can no longer be seen through the deflated tunnels
  • VFX have been restored for Zilean's Q - Time Bomb's expiration
  • Unique SFX for W - Blighted Quiver have been restored for Varus and all skins.
  • Birdio is no longer incorrectly listed as a Mythic skin
  • VO lines have been added to Azir's R - Emperor's Divide that are now consistent on all skins and base
  • Championship Thresh's R - The Box VFX are no longer misplaced if the ability is cast while moving
  • Captain Fortune's shoulders no longer clip through her coat during her recall animation
  • Glaive Warrior Pantheon's cape now moves more naturally during all of his animations
  • Malzahar's Q - Call of the Void VFX no longer flicker
  • Shyvana Bot no longer becomes dormant while in Dragon form
  • Rammus Bot no longer becomes dormant while in Q - Power Ball
  • Fixed a bug where Teemo's R - Noxious Trap mushrooms and Jhin's E - Captive Audience would trigger repeatedly against intro bots

New in League of Legends Client 8.8 (Apr 30, 2018)

  • Champions
  • LeBlanc
  • Updated. Just read it!
  • First things first, this is a partial revert of the changes we made to LeBlanc during the Assassin Update. At the time, we had two goals for the update. For assassins as a whole, we wanted to give champions more time to play against assassins. For LeBlanc specifically, we wanted to reinforce her identity as a combo-based assassin who cared about the order in which she cast her spells. In LeBlanc's case, we feel that we've missed the mark on those goals, and we're turning back the clock on some of her changes.
  • Those two goals can most be exemplified by two abilities: Passive - Sigil of Malice, and R - Mimic. However, neither of these changes have quite hit the mark, so we'll be reverting them, and making some tweaks to the rest of her kit for balance purposes. More on the changes to each ability below.
  • UPDATEDPassive - Mirror Image
  • At the moment, no matter how far ahead she is, LeBlanc needs to stick around for around 2 seconds to have a shot at killing a target. It feels pretty awkward having the right thing to do often be holding off on using your abilities (until your passive has cooked).
  • WHAT IS OLD IS NEW AGAIN When LeBlanc drops below 40% health, she becomes invisible for 1 second and creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where an attack launched by the clone from Passive - Mirror Image could deal damage if the clone died before that basic attack landed. Funny story, we had this bugfix ready to go when we initially reworked LeBlanc, but there was no need to ship it because that ability no longer existed. So now we're finally shipping it!
  • Q - Sigil of Malice
  • NAME Shatter Orb ⇒ Sigil of Malice
  • NEWSIGIL OF MALICE Applies a mark to the target. Damaging the marked target with an ability detonates the mark to deal additional damage.
  • ORB BASE DAMAGE 55/90/125/160/195 (unchanged)
  • ORB DAMAGE RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • MARK BASE DAMAGE 55/80/105/130/155
  • MARK DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 ability power
  • COST 40/45/50/55/60 mana ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 mana
  • W - Distortion
  • BASE DAMAGE 40/55/70/85/100 ⇒ 85/125/165/205/245
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.2 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • COOLDOWN 18/16/14/12/10 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • SPEED 1600 ⇒ 1450
  • REACTIVATION DELAY 0.85 seconds from initial cast ⇒ 0.2 seconds from finishing dash
  • E - Ethereal Chains
  • LATCH-ON BASE DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 (unchanged)
  • LATCH-ON DAMAGE RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
  • ROOT BASE DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180
  • ROOT DAMAGE RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.7 ability power
  • COST 40 mana ⇒ 70 mana
  • TETHER RANGE 885 ⇒ 865
  • UPDATEDR - Mimic
  • LeBlanc's reworked ult was supposed to give her more interesting combos by allowing her to choose which ability to duplicate. In practice, however, it allows her to go all in and still have Mimicked Distortion to get far, far away if mistakes were made.
  • MIMIC Casts LeBlanc's most recently cast spell upon pressing R
  • RQ ORB BASE DAMAGE 70/140/210
  • RQ ORB DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 ability power
  • RQ MARK BASE DAMAGE 140/280/420
  • RQ MARK DAMAGE RATIO 0.8 ability power
  • RW BASE DAMAGE 150/300/450
  • RW DAMAGE RATIO 0.75 ability power
  • RE LATCH-ON BASE DAMAGE 70/140/210
  • RE LATCH-ON DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 ability power
  • RE ROOT BASE DAMAGE 140/280/420
  • RE ROOT DAMAGE RATIO 0.8 ability power
  • Ahri
  • E now amplifies Ahri's subsequent ability damage on the target it strikes. R and E base damage decreased. R damage ratio increased. Q no longer grants movement speed. W prioritizes targets Ahri has recently charmed or basic attacked.
  • A lot of players enjoy to play Ahri as an aggressive, snowballing assassin who specializes in isolating a target and eliminating them. With her reach and playmaking potential allowing her to surge into other lanes, she wants to rack up kills around the map and lead her team to victory. At the moment, Ahri getting ahead just isn't the terrifying prospect it should be. We're upping her ability to prioritize all of her damage onto one champion so she has a better chance of going from fed to victorious.
  • In exchange, that's going to mean Ahri has to give up some safety. As it is, the bonus movement speed attached to her Q allows her to toss it out just to avoid ganks. Making that Movement speed buff harder to access—and changing up her sustain model—should make her easier to punish in lane.
  • UPDATEDPassive - Vastayan Grace
  • VASTAYAN GRACE If Ahri earns 2 spell hits against an enemy champion within a 1.5 second period, she gains 20% movement speed for 3 seconds (9 second cooldown)
  • Q - Orb of Deception
  • REMOVEDNOT SO FAST No longer grants movement speed
  • NEWTHREE THREE HIT COMBO If Ahri earns 9 spell hits (max 3 per cast), she gains Essence Theft, causing her next Q cast that lands to restore 3/5/9/18 (at levels 1/6/11/16) (+9% ability power) health for each enemy hit.
  • W - Fox-Fire
  • COST 50 mana ⇒ 40 mana
  • NEWFOX'S CUNNING Fox-Fire prioritizes any enemy champion affected by Charm's damage amp and the target Ahri most recently basic-attacked within the past 3 seconds
  • RANGE VS PRIORITY TARGETS 725 (range vs non-priority targets unchanged at 700)
  • DELAY FOR NON-PRIORITY TARGETING 0.25 seconds ⇒ 0.4 seconds (delay vs priority targets unchanged at 0.25 seconds)
  • E - Charm
  • BASE DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.60 ability power ⇒ 0.40 ability power
  • NEWHERE IT COMES When Charm damages a champion, Ahri's abilities deal 20% more damage to them for 5 seconds
  • R - Spirit Rush
  • BASE DAMAGE 70/110/150 ⇒ 60/90/120
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.25 ability power ⇒ 0.35 ability power
  • Irelia
  • Base armor increased. Q damage to minions increased. R cooldown increased. R damage (missile and wall) decreased, especially at later ranks.
  • Irelia's laning phase is pretty weak, but if she makes it to late game she's extremely strong. We're trimming her late-game power by decreasing her ult's base damage, and giving her more consistent lane strength in exchange .
  • Base Stats
  • BASE ARMOR 31 ⇒ 34
  • Q - Bladesurge
  • DAMAGE TO MINIONS 60% ⇒ 70%
  • E - Flawless Duet
  • BUGFIX No longer credits Irelia for several minion kills with each cast
  • R - Vanguard's Edge
  • COOLDOWN 120/105/90 seconds ⇒ 140/120/100 seconds
  • MISSILE DAMAGE 150/275/400 ⇒ 125/225/325
  • WALL DAMAGE 125/200/275 ⇒ 75/125/175
  • Azir
  • Soldier damage to non-primary targets decreased at earlier levels.
  • Azir's high waveclear in the early game gives him too much control over the tempo of a lane.
  • W - Arise!
  • DAMAGE TO NONPRIMARY TARGETS 40/70/100% (at levels 1/6/11) ⇒ 25/50/75/100% at (at levels 1/6/11/16)
  • Braum
  • Armor growth decreased. W bonus resistances decreased.
  • He's too tanky! Cannot do shit when he's so tanky.
  • Base Stats
  • ARMOR GROWTH 4.5 ⇒ 4
  • W - Stand Behind Me
  • RESISTANCES GRANTED 17.5/20/22.5/25/27.5 ⇒ 10/14/18/22/26
  • STAND AT ATTENTION Bonus resistances are now applied more responsively
  • Galio
  • R cooldown increased.
  • As players have learned how to position themselves preemptively to use Galio's ultimate well, it's become pretty clear that it's available too often.
  • R - Hero's Entrance
  • COOLDOWN 180/150/120 seconds ⇒ 200/180/160 seconds
  • Graves
  • Health growth increased. R cooldown decreased.
  • For a ranged champion, Graves has to get pretty up close and personal to contribute, and right now his baseline tankiness isn't enough to consistently sustain that.
  • Base Stats
  • HEALTH GROWTH 84 ⇒ 92
  • R - Collateral Damage
  • COOLDOWN 120/100/80 ⇒ 110/85/60
  • Janna
  • Movement speed decreased. W damage decreased.
  • Janna's high speed allows her a bit too much control over trades, while the base strength of Zephyr means she's just winning those trades too often
  • Base Stats
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 320 ⇒ 315
  • W - Zephyr
  • BASE DAMAGE 60/105/150/195/240 ⇒ 55/100/145/190/235
  • Kai'sa
  • Health regen and health regen growth decreased. Q damage ratio decreased.
  • In her early patches, Kai'Sa was struggling to get through the laning phase, so we boosted her laning phase with some buffs. As players continue to learn how to play her, we're stripping that strength away.
  • Base stats
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 6.2 ⇒ 5.5
  • HEALTH REGEN GROWTH 0.75 ⇒ 0.55
  • Q - Icathian Rain
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.35 bonus attack damage
  • 6 MISSILE DAMAGE RATIO 1.0 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.875 bonus attack damage
  • 12 MISSILE DAMAGE RATIO 1.72 bonus attack damage ⇒ 1.505 bonus attack damage
  • Lissandra
  • Q mana cost decreased. R cooldown decreased at earlier ranks.
  • Lissandra has very sharp strengths as an initiator and mid-range damage dealer, and has historically need to be gated by mana and cooldowns to keep her in line. Right now she's struggling, so we're giving her more opportunities to do those things.
  • Q - Ice Shard
  • COST 85 mana ⇒ 75 mana
  • R - Frozen Tomb
  • COOLDOWN 130/105/80 seconds ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds
  • Nautilus
  • Mana increased. Attack damage increased. Q cooldown decreased at earlier ranks.
  • Nautilus is struggling a bit, and we want to try to give him strength that will help him find success in all of his historical roles (top, jungle, and support). His identity as a giant anchor-thrower should be pretty relevant in each of those lanes, so that's a good place to start.
  • Base Stats
  • BASE MANA 334 ⇒ 400
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE 57.54 ⇒ 61
  • Q - Dredge Line
  • COOLDOWN 18/16/14/12/10 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • Ryze
  • E mana cost increased at early ranks.
  • Ryze's high waveclear in the early game gives him too much control over the tempo of a lane.
  • E - Spell Flux
  • COST 40/55/70/85/100 mana ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100 mana
  • Sion
  • Q damage ratio decreased at earlier ranks. Q base damage increased at early ranks
  • Sion doesn't currently sacrifice much damage in order to max E - Roar of the Slayer instead of Q - Decimating Smash. In return he gains strong ranged poke, which is making him a dominant pick not only in top lane, but also mid in some matchups. There are times when it should make sense to max E first (ranged harass, using the slow to make Q easier to hit), but we want to make this less of a clear-cut choice.
  • Q - Decimating Smash
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.65 total attack damage ⇒ 0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6/0.65 total attack damage
  • FULL CHARGE DAMAGE 1.95 total attack damage ⇒ 1.35/1.5/1.65/1.8/1.95 total attack damage
  • BASE DAMAGE 20/40/60/80/100 ⇒ 30/47.5/65/82.5/100
  • Tahm Kench
  • E health restore decreased. W no longer grants Tahm Kench movement speed while moving towards enemy champions with a friend in his belly.
  • Tahm Kench is good at protecting allies by hiding them in his belly, but the high durability his E grants him means opponents don't feel great about the damage they land on him instead of his allies. Dialing that back should help him feel more fair to play against.
  • There's also something a bit more complicated here, and that's the bonus movement speed Devour gives Tahm Kench when running towards enemy champions. Because "towards" has a lot of leeway, in scattered teamfights "away from the person who is killing me" often means "towards some other opponent", which is allowing Tahm Kench too much escapability for both him and an ally.
  • W - Devour
  • REMOVEDNO MORE FAST FOOD Tahm Kench no longer gains movement speed while moving towards enemy champions with a friend in his belly
  • E - Thick Skin
  • % GREY HEALTH RESTORED OVER TIME 25/30/35/40/45% ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35%
  • Taliyah
  • Base health decreased. Q Cooldown increased at earlier ranks.
  • Taliyah has become a prized pick, thanks to her ability to shove and roam. We're pulling back some of her waveclear, but also decreasing her tankiness so that assassins can be a more consistent counterpick against her.
  • Base Stats
  • HEALTH 532 ⇒ 502
  • Q - Threaded Volley
  • COOLDOWN 9/7.5/6/5.5/3 seconds ⇒ 11/9/7/5/3 seconds
  • Varus
  • W on-hit damage decreased. W now has an active which empowers Varus' next Q to deal bonus damage.
  • Piercing Arrow is Varus' most iconic spell, but it's pretty underwhelming in many of his current builds. We're not looking to change the way he builds, but we do want to create more incentives for him to care about charging his Q, even when he's building on-hit. Given that he was pretty balanced before, adding a whole new active requires us to trim some power elsewhere.
  • Passive - Living Vengeance
  • W - Blighted Quiver
  • ON-HIT DAMAGE 10/14/18/22/26 ⇒ 5/9/13/17/21
  • NEWACTIVE Varus' next Q - Piercing Arrow deals additional damage equal to 6/7/8/9/10% of the target's missing HP. Damage is increased by up to 50% (to 9/10.5/12/13.5/15%) based on charge time.
  • Base armor decreased. Armor growth increased. Health regen and health regen growth increased. Passive and Q cooldowns decreased at early levels. E mana cost decreased.
  • We're looking to buff Vi, but also think it would be cool if she could sneak back into top lane (fun fact, Vi was designed as a top laner before becoming a jungler). By bringing some of her cooldowns and costs down and upping her health regen, we're aiming to give her more strength in solo lanes as well as in the jungle.
  • Base Stats
  • BASE ARMOR 35 ⇒ 30
  • ARMOR GROWTH 3.5 ⇒ 4
  • Passive - Blast Shield
  • COOLDOWN 16-8 seconds (at levels 1-9) ⇒ 12-8 seconds (at levels 1-9)
  • Q - Vault Breaker
  • COOLDOWN 16/14/12/10/8 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
  • E - Excessive Force
  • COST 40/45/50/55/60 mana ⇒ 26/32/38/44/50 mana
  • Xayah
  • Base health regen decreased. Passive pass through damage decreased at early levels.
  • Xayah is currently able to coast through hard matchups and get to her strong mid and late game too easily.
  • Base Stats
  • Passive - Clean Cuts
  • PASS THROUGH DAMAGE 50% ⇒ 30/40/50% (at levels 1/7/13)
  • Rek'Sai
  • Bugfixin'
  • Passive - Fury of the Xer'Sai
  • UPDATEDHANGRY Rek'Sai's fury no longer decays from being out of combat while she is consuming it for burrowed regeneration
  • UPDATEDTIMELY Rek'Sai's out of combat fury decay now begins precisely at 8 seconds (as opposed to 8-9 seconds)
  • Swain
  • Bugfixin'
  • E - Nevermove
  • UPDATEDNO RUSH Now only gives one stack for Phase Rush purposes
  • Items
  • Archangel's Staff
  • Mana-to-ability-power conversion decreased.
  • Archangel's Staff is spiking too early, so we're decreasing some of its ability scaling before it upgrades to Seraph's Embrace.
  • MANA TO ABILITY POWER CONVERSION 3% ⇒ 1% (unchanged on Seraph's Embrace)
  • Runes
  • Lethal Tempo
  • Attack speed bonus increased.
  • Lethal Tempo still isn't doing well on most champions, so we're increasing the strength of the effect.
  • ATTACK SPEED 30-80% (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 40-110% (at levels 1-18)
  • Dark Harvest
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where a VFX box appeared when a soul was dropped on the ground
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where, if multiple players took Dark Harvest, only one of them could see the soul glow on units that will drop Dark Harvest Souls
  • BUGFIX On ARAM, tooltip now properly indicates that champion souls are worth less soul essence
  • Trinkets
  • Sweeping Lens removed. Oracle Alteration now available at level 1. Swapping trinkets now retains the same percentage cooldown as the previous one.
  • The decision-making surrounding trinket swaps is currently a bit more complicated than it needs to be. By making swaps more consistent and decreasing the number of potential swaps, we're hoping to make the gains from those swaps more clear.
  • REMOVED Sweeping Lens
  • SOLD OUT Sweeping Lens is no longer available in the store
  • Oracle Alteration
  • Trinket Swap Rules
  • SAME COOLDOWN Swapping from one trinket to another now retains the same percentage cooldown as the previous one, rather than resetting to a 120 second cooldown
  • Homestart
  • Homestart buff is granted by fountain until slightly later in the game. Homestart now begins to fall off at outer turrets, not the river.
  • Homestart gives too significant of a defender's advantage to champions who never cross into the river. Defensively, champions can run out to the brush near the river, retain the movement speed buff, and easily run away from any invaders - who lost their movement speed bonus once they set foot in the river. We're changing the movement speed buff to fall off a bit closer to your side of the map to make early aggression slightly more likely to succeed.
  • FOUNTAIN GRANTS HOMESTART BUFF UNTIL 35 seconds into the game ⇒ 55 seconds into the game
  • REMOVEDCOLD FEET Homestart buff no longer falls off instantly after crossing the river line
  • NO PLACE LIKE HOME : Homestart buff rapidly decays over 0.75 seconds after crossing the outer turret line
  • Bugfixes
  • Fixed another way where Warwick's Q could double-cast. We're pretty sure it's the last one.
  • Cannon minion gold value now correctly scales past 87 gold
  • Clones can now correctly be feared by Volibear's Majestic Roar
  • Fixed a bug where Tiamat counted towards procs for Electrocute or Phase Rush.
  • Snow Fawn Poppy's recall and spell SFX have been restored and no longer use base SFX
  • Seams have been minimized on Pool Party Graves and all of his chromas when on lower graphics settings
  • Seams have been minimized on Renektoy chromas when on lower graphics settings
  • Seams have been minimized on Arcade Miss Fortune chromas when on lower graphics settings
  • Texture compression is now more consistent across Darius' chroma pack
  • Sandstorm Ekko's hourglass and Chrono Blade are now better attached to his model during all of his animations
  • The orb during Reaper Soraka's Recall has been restored
  • Santa Draven's Q - Spinning Axe landing location's particles are no longer overlapped by on-ground area of effect abilities' particles
  • Pool Party Lulu's Pix attack projectiles are no longer missing their trail particles
  • Nightbringer Yasuo's and PROJECT: Yasuo's Q - Steel Tempest ground particle no longer clips into the ground on elevation change
  • Iron Solari Leona's R - Solar Flare decal will no longer be improperly rotated on lower graphics settings
  • Q - Light Binding for Elementalist Lux no longer fade out prematurely when compared to other Lux skins
  • Dreadnova Darius' idle VFX have been restored
  • Particles during Woad King Darius and Dunkmaster Darius' critical attacks are no longer misplaced
  • Unique particles have been restored for Cosmic Reaver Kassadin's Auto Attack on-hits and W - Nether Blade
  • Unique particles have been restored for all of Conqueror Karma's spells
  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate's Recall animation no longer has missing pixels
  • The catling that Meowkai holds in his hand has been found and safely returned to him!
  • Snow Day Graves' eyes now properly follow his head's movement during all animations
  • Nami's laugh VFX once again play properly when emote is used
  • Leprechaun Veigar's W - Dark Matter VFX once again have rainbows!
  • Star Guardian Soraka's homeguard VFX once again properly overlay the champion's model
  • Freljord Taliyah once again has basic attack on-hit VFX when hitting structures and jungle monsters
  • SKT T1 Ryze's crowd cheers have been restored in his Recall animation
  • Shiny VFX are no longer missing on Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol's sunglasses during his joke animation
  • Secret Agent Xin Zhao's recall SFX have been restored
  • SKT T1 Ekko is no longer missing VFX during his joke, taunt, dance, and death
  • Steel Legion Garen's Villain Mark is now at the same height when comparing it to enemy and ally perspectives
  • Battle Boss Malzahar’s recall VFX have been restored
  • Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank / Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank’s Recall is no longer missing lightning effects VFX
  • Astronautilus’ helmet VFX no longer linger after W - Titan’s Wrath has expired

New in League of Legends Client 8.7 (Apr 12, 2018)

  • Irelia 4/4 Balance Update
  • Q damage ratio decreased. Base attack damage decreased. Base armor decreased.
  • There's honestly not much to say here. We always expect there to be a learning curve on new or reworked champions, and we try to make sure they release at a playable state of balance. In this case, we overshot pretty hard, and Irelia's just far too strong.
  • You know what they say, better nerf Irelia
  • Base Stats
  • BASE ARMOR 34 ⇒ 31
  • BASE HEALTH 580 ⇒ 550
  • Q - Bladesurge
  • RATIO 0.8 attack damage ⇒ 0.7 attack damage
  • E - Flawless Duet
  • STUN DURATION 0.8-1.2 seconds ⇒ 0.75 seconds
  • R - Vanguard's Edge
  • WALL CROWD CONTROL DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • 4/4 Mid-Patch Bugfixes
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Kai'Sa could partially resist displacement by spamming her joke
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Rengar would cancel move orders if he was in the middle of his Q attack
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Zombie States could interrupt and prevent the stacking of Manaflow Band
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Cloud Drake took bonus damage from behind periodically, as though it had Rift Herald's Eye mechanic
  • Mid-Patch Updates
  • Irelia 4/4 Balance Update
  • Q damage ratio decreased. Base attack damage decreased. Base armor decreased.
  • There's honestly not much to say here. We always expect there to be a learning curve on new or reworked champions, and we try to make sure they release at a playable state of balance. In this case, we overshot pretty hard, and Irelia's just far too strong.
  • You know what they say, better nerf Irelia
  • Base Stats
  • BASE ARMOR 34 ⇒ 31
  • BASE HEALTH 580 ⇒ 550
  • Q - Bladesurge
  • RATIO 0.8 attack damage ⇒ 0.7 attack damage
  • E - Flawless Duet
  • STUN DURATION 0.8-1.2 seconds ⇒ 0.75 seconds
  • R - Vanguard's Edge
  • WALL CROWD CONTROL DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • 4/4 Mid-Patch Bugfixes
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Kai'Sa could partially resist displacement by spamming her joke
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Rengar would cancel move orders if he was in the middle of his Q attack
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Zombie States could interrupt and prevent the stacking of Manaflow Band
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Cloud Drake took bonus damage from behind periodically, as though it had Rift Herald's Eye mechanic
  • Champions
  • Irelia
  • Irelia, the Blade Dancer, will be updated in patch 8.7! Commence the performance by dancing over to these links:
  • Champion Teaser
  • Champion Trailer
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Champion Bio
  • Stains on a Name
  • Irelia and her skins have all received updated splash art, available on League Displays!
  • Gragas
  • Q ability power ratio increased. W ability power ratio increased. W damage reduction scales with ability power. W damage reduction duration decreased.
  • Like with Galio, we think it's cool when Gragas is able to feel good about building ability power when he gets ahead. He could use some more strength anyway right now, so we're giving him a bit more room to build aggressively.
  • Q - Barrel Roll
  • DAMAGE RATIO 0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.7 ability power
  • W - Drunken Rage
  • RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
  • NEWFEEL NO PAIN Drunken Rage grants Gragas additional damage reduction equal to 4% per 100 ability power
  • Elise
  • Spider Q base damage increased. Human E cooldown decreased at early ranks.
  • Elise is a historic jungle staple, but we haven't spied her on the Rift in a while. Some more venom in her bite and a few more cocoons—her bread and butter abilities—should get her back on two feet again. Or eight.
  • Q - Venomous Bite
  • BASE DAMAGE 60/100/140/180/220 ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230
  • E - Cocoon
  • COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
  • Hecarim
  • W healing increased.
  • A melee champion who likes to build semi-squishy needs more durability in his kit if he's going to cut it in a sustained teamfight. More healing from W should help Hecarim turn his trot into a gallop some games.
  • W - Spirit of Dread
  • HEAL 20% of damage taken by enemies ⇒ 30% of damage taken by enemies
  • Ivern
  • W cast range increased. Daisy acquires targets more aggressively. Daisy's area of effect damage reduction now also applies to damage from epic monsters.
  • The preseason changes overall made clearing jungle camps easier. With how much strength Ivern has tied up in his unique clear mechanic, this has left him feeling a bit underwhelming. We're always concerned with where we put power on Ivern's kit, so we're starting with some feel-good changes, and we'll follow up with more in future patches if need be.
  • Q - Rootcaller
  • BUGFIX Dashing over walls to jungle monsters now works more consistently
  • W - Brushmaker
  • CAST RANGE 800 ⇒ 1000
  • R - Daisy!
  • DAISY! NOT DAISY Daisy more aggressively acquires enemies to attack
  • FLOWER POWER Daisy's AoE damage reduction now also protects her from epic monsters
  • Karthus
  • Q base damage increased.
  • This is a pretty significant power increase for Karthus, but he could use it. He currently gets pushed around in lane, so we're looking to put some strength into his trading.
  • Q - Lay Waste
  • BASE DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130
  • Kayn
  • Passive gains more points early, fewer points later.
  • Kayn's passive—specifically the way it ramps up over time—means that a lot of Kayn's early actions feel less impactful than they should. First, the low number of points he gets early on makes early ganking and fighting a lot less worthwhile than it should be. Second, the high number of points he gets later on means that his later fights matter so much that they too easily outweigh the earlier ones. We're moving around some of that point accrual so that his actions in the early game matter more.
  • Passive - The Darkin Scythe
  • HEAD START Increased the amount of points gained from interacting with enemy champions pre-10 minutes
  • IN THE PAST NOW Decreased the amount of points gained from interacting with enemy champions post-15 minutes
  • Q - Reaping Slash
  • ONE TWO SLASH Other abilities can now be queued up while casting Q
  • Leona
  • Leona's attack reset makes attack damage pretty valuable for her, so we're shifting that to being her default adaptive stat.
  • ONE SUN TWO STUN Leona defaults to attack damage as her default adaptive stat
  • Lux
  • R cooldown refund on kill increased at early ranks; also triggers on enemy champions who die shortly after being hit by Final Spark.
  • When we added the cooldown refund on Lux's ultimate, we wanted to give her a more streamlined path to snowball a lead into a win. At the moment, that takes too long to kick in.
  • R - Final Spark
  • COOLDOWN REFUND ON KILL 10/30/50% ⇒ 30/40/50%
  • THE SPARK THAT LIGHTS THE FIRE Cooldown refund is granted if one or more enemy champions die to Final Spark ⇒ die within 1.75 seconds of being hit by Final Spark
  • Malphite
  • Attack damage growth increased. E ratio increased. R cooldown decreased.
  • Malphite is definitely a sedimentary rock champion: He has layers. Some players build him tanky, others build ability power, and some even build Trinity Force. At the moment he's underperforming, and we're looking to give him power that suits all of his builds.
  • Base Stats
  • E - Ground Slam
  • RATIO 0.20 ability power ⇒ 0.60 ability power
  • R - Unstoppable Force
  • COOLDOWN 130/115/100 ⇒ 130/105/80
  • Nocturne
  • Bonus attack damage while on Q trail increased.
  • The Duskblade changes hit Nocturne harder than we expected, so we're giving him some more damage.
  • Q - Duskbringer
  • BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE ON TRAIL 15/25/35/45/55 ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60
  • Olaf
  • R initial movement speed buff decreased.
  • As players have started to pick up Predator it's become clear that, in tandem with its active, his R is too consistent an engagement tool.
  • R - Ragnarok
  • HASTE TOWARDS ENEMY CHAMPIONS 50/60/70% ⇒ 20/45/70%
  • Quinn
  • Fixed several bugs related to R.
  • R - Behind Enemy Lines/Skystrike
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Quinn's R - Skystrike would fail to activate when cast after respawning
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Quinn's R - Behind Enemy Lines could not be cast until she respawned or returned to the summoning platform if she got interrupted during her E - Vault dash
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Quinn's Q - Blinding Assault would visually pass through targets if cast during R - Behind Enemy Lines
  • Rengar
  • Base attack damage increased. Rengar's Q no longer causes him to sometimes cancel his actions.
  • We've been tweaking Rengar since the revert of his Q (and the changes to Duskblade). He's almost there, but he still needs a bit more power in his early game.
  • Base Stats
  • DISTRACTED CAT Fixed a number of cases where Rengar would stop attacking and stand still after using Q on an enemy champion
  • Rumble
  • Q damage increased at early ranks; damage to minions adjusted to be roughly unchanged.
  • Rumble could use more trading strength, but we don't want to give him too much waveclear in return.
  • Q - Flamespitter
  • BASE DAMAGE 135/180/225/270/315 ⇒ 175/210/245/280/315
  • DAMAGE TO MINIONS 75% ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80%
  • Sejuani
  • Health growth decreased. E stun duration decreased at later ranks.
  • Sejuani is supposed to be the tank who excels in skirmishes and is slightly less strong in longer teamfights, but her high crowd control and durability makes her pretty solid at the latter as well.
  • Base stats
  • HEALTH GROWTH 95 ⇒ 88
  • E - Permafrost
  • STUN DURATION 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds ⇒ 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 seconds
  • Shaco
  • Q bonus damage ratio reduced; window to proc bonus damage and cooldown reduction effect reduced.
  • Last patch gave Deceive a lot more power to compensate for the Duskblade changes. It was a bit much, so this patch we're tightening up the window in which he can use that power.
  • Q - Deceive
  • BE SNEAKIER Shaco's next basic attack within 2.5 seconds ⇒ 0.25 seconds of exiting invisibility deals bonus damage and reduces Deceive's cooldown (cooldown reduction on proc still 2.5 seconds)
  • EMPOWERED ATTACK RATIO 0.7 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.4 bonus attack damage
  • Swain
  • Q cooldown increased at early ranks. Q base damage decreased.
  • Oops. Swain has finally hit the "too strong" point, so it's time to reduce some of his baseline power.
  • Passive - Ravenous Flock
  • THE FLOCK GATHERS Ravenous Flock's icon can now be pinged to show allies the remaining cooldown on the pull
  • Q - Death's Hand
  • COOLDOWN 5.5/4.75/4/3.25/2.5 seconds ⇒ 7.5/6.25/5/3.75/2.5 seconds
  • BASE DAMAGE 65/85/105/125/145 ⇒ 55/75/95/115/135
  • Warwick
  • Warwick's Q no longer sometimes deals damage twice.
  • Q - Jaws of the Beast
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where sometimes Warwick's Q would deal damage twice
  • Zed
  • Q damage falloff to units beyond first decreased.
  • The Duskblade update hit Zed harder than expected, so we're giving back some of the strength we took away last patch.
  • Q - Razor Shuriken
  • Items
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Costs more.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade is pretty overtuned for its price after the update, so we're re-upping the gold cost to make sure it hits the game at a more appropriate time.
  • COST 3000 gold ⇒ 3300 gold
  • Locket of the Iron Solari
  • Shield base and per-level scaling decreased; bonus health ratio increased early, decreased late. Shield cooldown increased; shield stacking penalties are harsher.
  • Locket is really strong right now, crowding out other options for support or jungle tanks, so we're toning down the strength of the shield significantly.
  • BASE SHIELD 38 ⇒ 30
  • BONUS HEALTH RATIO 2-36% (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 20%
  • COOLDOWN 90 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds
  • Ninja Tabi
  • Armor decreased. Basic attack damage reduction increased.
  • Ninja Tabi have become a ubiquitous purchase recently. It's fine when tanks pick up Ninja Tabi—after all, their core job is to tank damage—but when marksmen are buying them, it's probably a bit much. We want Ninja Tabi to remain a core purchase for tanks who need to be able to take punishment from marksmen and other basic-attackers, but less for marksmen who just want some armor to survive against assassins.
  • ARMOR 30 ⇒ 20
  • Aura Items
  • Large champions no longer become bigger than their item auras.
  • Some champions got so big that they covered the whole space of their auras, rendering them pretty pointless to purchase. For those champions, the auras now increase in size alongside the champions. You'll notice that Frozen Heart isn't in here; no champion ever got big enough to invalidate that aura.
  • SORRY, CHO The following item auras now increase in size if their users increase in size:
  • Bami's Cinder, Sunfire Cape, Forgefire Cape, and Enchantment: Cinderhulk
  • Abyssal Mask and Infernal Mask
  • Righteous Glory's proximity check
  • Relic Shield Line
  • Passive gold generation down.
  • Relic Shield is still slightly overperforming compared to the other support items.
  • Relic Shield
  • GOLD PER 10 2 ⇒ 1
  • Targon's Brace
  • GOLD PER 10 4 ⇒ 1
  • Remnant of the Aspect
  • GOLD PER 10 4 ⇒ 1
  • Runes
  • Resolve Tree
  • Path bonus grants lower health early; more late.
  • The early burst of tankiness Resolve gives is a bit much early durability. We're taking some of its early game power out and shifting it to late game.
  • RESOLVE PRIMARY 65 health ⇒ 15-135 (at levels 1-18)
  • RESOLVE + INSPIRATION 130 health ⇒ 30-270 health (at levels 1-18)
  • INSPIRATION + RESOLVE 140 health ⇒ 35-300 health (at levels 1-18)
  • Manaflow Band
  • Hitting enemy champions with spells grants maximum mana, up to 10 times. Once max stacks have been reached, Manaflow Band restores missing mana every 5 seconds.
  • Manaflow Band has quietly been one of the strongest runes—on the champions who use it best. To make it more accessible, we're tying its variance to game skill and landing spells, not the cost of those spells.
  • PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Hitting enemy champions with a spell grants 25 maximum mana, up to 250 mana
  • COOLDOWN 15 seconds
  • MASTER Upon earning 250 mana, Manaflow Band restores 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Presence of Mind
  • Enemy takedowns restore 20% of your maximum mana and refund 10% of your ultimate's cooldown.
  • Presence of Mind is extremely valuable on some champions and barely noticeable on others. Specifically, champions with long cooldowns can't benefit from its current effect, so we're moving it back to a more generic power that is consistent across all champions.
  • THE ULTIMATE MANA REFUND Enemy champion takedowns restore 20% of your maximum mana and refund 10% of your ultimate's cooldown
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Underpicked and underperforming.
  • TENACITY 5% + 1.5% per stack ⇒ 5% + 2.5% per stack
  • MAX TENACITY 20% at 10 stacks ⇒ 30% at 10 stacks
  • Cut Down
  • We're looking to up the damage this brings against full-durability champions.
  • DAMAGE MULTIPLIER 4-10% (at 150-2000 max health difference) ⇒ 4-12% (at 150-2000 max health difference)
  • Zombie Ward
  • Zombie Ward's double vision whammy, providing vision when you've just taken it away, is too good when its users get ahead.
  • ZOMBIE WARD DURATION 60-180 seconds (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 30 seconds at levels 1-4; 36-120 seconds at levels 5-18
  • Approach Velocity
  • Currently being outperformed by other competing runes.
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 10% ⇒ 15%
  • Absolute Focus
  • BUGFIX Now lists how much it gives in the description at level 1.
  • Minions
  • Melee minions and cannons worth more gold. Caster minions worth less gold.
  • Cannons are natural focal points for the game: little mini-objectives to fight over. We're making them worth a bit more gold—and a bit harder to kill—to up the ante.
  • Melee Minions
  • BASE GOLD 20 ⇒ 21
  • Caster Minions
  • BASE GOLD 17 ⇒ 14
  • Siege Minions
  • BASE GOLD 45 ⇒ 60
  • BASE HEALTH 828 ⇒ 900
  • HEALTH GROWTH EVERY 3 WAVES 23, increased to 32 for waves 16 onward ⇒ 50, increased to 60 for waves 16 onward
  • Super Minions
  • Keeping super minion gold equal to siege minions.
  • BASE GOLD 45 ⇒ 60
  • Crest of Cinders
  • The amount of damage red buff adds to a jungler's ability to push a tower after a successful gank is pretty high, and that can make the difference between a tower killed and a tower at half health. There's not much gameplay around this distinction; it was just sometimes escalating how quickly towers fell, so we're removing it.
  • STONE CAN'T BURN Crest of Cinders' burn effect no longer damages turrets
  • Attack Move on Cursor
  • CLOSE ENOUGH The "Attack Move on Cursor" setting now checks a larger area for a valid target before defaulting to attacking the closest unit to your champion
  • Voice Chat
  • With voice chat out in the wild, we’re doing some quality of life buffs based on your feedback. And no, not your mic feedback.
  • The fixes are: Better audio notifications when players join your party or unmute themselves, decoupled voice controls from the scoreboard, and an auto-mute when you are afk.
  • BEEP BOOP Audio notifications for when a player joins your party and voice chat now work more consistently across the client
  • BOOP BEEP Audio notifications now play when a party member reconnects to voice
  • CONSCIOUS UNCOUPLING In settings, you can now separate the in-game voice control panel from the scoreboard
  • MUTE AFTER 10 If you’re away from the client, (that’s 10 minutes without touching anything), your mic will auto-mute. Your mic sparks back up once you’re back.
  • Bugfixes
  • Fixed a bug where Circlet of the Iron Solari (Ornn's Locket of the Iron Solari upgrade) would not grant shields to units affected by a recent cast of Locket or Circlet of the Iron Solari
  • Birdio no longer has redundant white trail VFX after using E- Justice Punch
  • Birdio's Q - Winds of War fade out VFX are no longer misplaced when ability is cast from lower to higher elevation change
  • Cassiopeia now correctly plays the on-hit VFX for her basic attacks
  • Blood Lord Vladimir's idle blood orb VFX have been restored
  • Night Hunter Rengar's player screen once again has a blue overlay when R - Thrill of the Hunt is active
  • SKT Nami's recall signature has been restored
  • Star Guardian Ahri's base joke no longer plays if there's an enemy Ahri on the opposite team
  • DJ Sona's Concussive form VO lines are no longer cut off when played
  • Uncle Ryze's eagle screech can once again be heard when he uses R - Realm Warp
  • Classic, Spellthief, Sorceress, Commando, and Imperial Lux skins once again have their shiny staff VFX!
  • Dreadnova Darius' recall VFX have been restored
  • Gun Goddess Miss Fortune's leg no longer stretches during several animations
  • Gun Goddess Miss Fortune's arms are no longer weighted improperly during her dance animation
  • Pizza Delivery Sivir no longer uses classic VFX and SFX when using her auto attacks
  • Pizza Delivery Sivir's auto attack projectile is no longer misaligned
  • Sweetheart Rakan and base Rakan's R - Grand Entrance has been optimized, which will eliminated reported frame drops
  • The chain anchors in Hextech Alistar's recall animation no longer change positions if Passive - Triumphant Roar is triggered while recalling
  • Lunar Empress Lux once again has her light VFX on death
  • When in a mirror match, the opposing Singed no longer steals Beekeeper Singed's E - Fling VFX
  • Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath's maw is no longer rigged improperly when using his emotes
  • Bard no longer T-poses when laughing
  • Snow Day Bard and Elderwood Bard no longer use base VFX when placing W - Caretaker's Shrine
  • Bard and Bard Bard are no longer missing approach lines when clicking on E - Magical Journey to enter the portal
  • Sir Kled's weapon textures are no longer misaligned on his blade
  • The back side of Wildfire Zyra's Thorn Spitters' leaves are now fully textured
  • Seam lines have been minimized on Cottontail Teemo, Urf Kench, Worldbreaker Nasus, Oktoberfest Gragas, Perseus Pantheon, and Viscero Xin Zhao
  • Weighting has been adjusted on Meowkai's chin to avoid a weird texture break
  • Lord Darius' loincloth texture is now more consistent across various graphics settings
  • Radiant Wukong no longer keeps a stone overlay once reviving
  • Radiant Wukong's homeguard animation has been restored
  • Snow Day Graves' W - Smoke Screen on-ground indicator now properly renders over elevation change
  • Riot Graves’ visor is now fully opaque

New in League of Legends Client 8.1 (Jan 9, 2018)

  • Champions:
  • Brand:
  • Passive damage-over-time increased.
  • Brand was one of the top users of Deathfire Touch, and without it, his baseline damage is lacking.
  • Passive - Blaze:
  • DAMAGE PER STACK 2% target's maximum health ⇒ 4% target's maximum health
  • Evelynn:
  • E buff-fix.
  • E - Whiplash
  • BUFF-FIX Whiplash no longer goes on cooldown if it fizzles due to Evelynn losing vision of her target during its cast time.
  • Graves:
  • Q cost and cooldown decreased. W slows more heavily but for less time.
  • Graves has unreliable in the early game. His burst damage is high enough that it doesn't need an increase, so we made some small changes to give him more room to shine early.
  • Q - End of the Line
  • COST 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 13/12/11/10/9 seconds
  • W - Smoke Screen
  • SLOW STRENGTH 15/20/25/30/35% ⇒ 50% at all ranks
  • SLOW DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
  • Runes Bugfixes:
  • Unsealed Spellbook now properly updates its user's Summoner Spell icons in Spectator Mode
  • End-of-game runes stats that report duration (ex. Lethal Tempo's "Total Active Time") now use 00:00 formatting instead of number of seconds active
  • Glacial Augment & Arcane Comet now have ally/enemy color differentiation
  • Ally hits will no longer count towards Electrocute if both allies have the Keystone equipped
  • Fixed interactions between the Flash lockout on Skarner and Fiddlesticks' ults and the Hextech Flashtraption and Unsealed Spellbook runes, which could cause Skarner and Fiddlesticks to lose access to Flash and Hexflash
  • Rengar can no longer extend his leap range from brush via Hextech Flashtraption
  • Triumph's gold and healing are now properly granted to units in stasis when a takedown is earned
  • Arcane Comet's tooltip now properly lists its base damage
  • Kleptomancy's level-up UI no longer persists when using Elixir of Skill at Level 18
  • Cleaned up Runes VFX in Spectator VFX to remove overlapping particles
  • Manaflow Band now works properly with alternate HUD schemes (Flipped Minimap, Team Frames on Left, etc.)
  • Fixed a bug where abilities that cost health to cast will cause Revitalize's bonus healing amount in the rune panel to decrease.
  • Healthbar Update:
  • Readability Improvements:
  • Higher contrast red health
  • Darker background (to pop health even more)
  • Bigger, brighter level text
  • Slightly slimmer border
  • Smaller name text (creates contrast with CC states and room for club tags)
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Galio's shield from W - Shield of Durand would expire, rather than refresh 12 seconds after taking damage
  • Champions with manaless abilities (such as Elise or Nidalee in Cougar form) can no longer stack Tear of the Goddess with their manaless abilities
  • Energy or resourceless champion—such as Riven or Yasuo—can no longer stack Tear of the Goddess. Their allies can still stack tears, however.
  • Gangplank's Q - Parrrley now correctly goes on cooldown on cast start instead of cast end
  • QTPie—oops, we mean Zac—will no longer get stuck in his R - Let's Bounce! animation continuously if he revives with Guardian Angel after during the cast animation
  • Vayne's first Q - Tumble attack out of R - Final Hour's stealth can now correctly be heard/seen
  • Fixed a bug where many hard crowd controls would interrupt several charged/channeled abilities even when they had been blocked by a spell shield
  • Fixed a bug where the healthbar fade and shake animations were displayed even if "Show Health Bar Shake" option was disabled
  • Super Galaxy Gnar's transformation to and from Mega Gnar has been visually changed to remove a seizure risk
  • Fixed a severe client load time issue for players using macOS version 10.8 or earlier. To get the fix, you'll have to completely reinstall League
  • Gangplank's R - Cannon Barrage cooldown will no longer reset when buying the Raise Morale upgrade
  • Cho'Gath's E - Vorpal Spikes-empowered attacks no longer interrupt the basic attacks of enemy champions they hit
  • Ornn's W - Bellows Breath “Brittle” proc and the Grasp of the Undying Keystone rune no longer apply their effects if the attack that would apply them is blocked
  • Nidalee's Cougar Q - Takedown no longer damages enemies if its empowered attack is dodged
  • Fixed very rare instances where canceling an auto attack could also cause an in-flight projectile (ex. E - Grasping Roots) to disappear
  • Fixed a bug where chaining certain dashes together would cause the second dash to last for the same duration as the first. If any Maokais were wondering why W - Twisted Advance took so long to reach a target after exiting Tahm Kench's R - Abyssal Voyage... that's why.
  • Clicking on an enemy tower will now consistently show its item inventory
  • Elementalist Lux's R - Final Spark water form VFX have been restored
  • Elementalist Lux's Q - Light Binding fire form VFX have been restored
  • Nunu Bot's arms are no longer missing electric VFX
  • Sherwood Forest and Woad Ashe's Q - Ranger's Focus now have appropriately themed bolts when using Runaan's Hurricane
  • Pool Party Lulu's R - Wild Growth ground VFX no longer slowly pulse on low and very low settings
  • Jade Fang Cassiopeia's R - Petrifying Gaze overlay is no longer overwritten by Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • River Spirit Nami's orbs on E - Tidecaller's Blessing are no longer offset during rotation
  • Bat VFX have been restored on Bewitching Nidalee's Cougar Q - Pounce when jumping towards hunted targets
  • Ambitious Elf Jinx's W - Zap! trail no longer appears in front of the candy projectile
  • Ambitious Elf Jinx's hair no longer stretches unnaturally during several animations
  • Animal VFX for Spirit Guard Udyr's dance have been restored when he's in rank five W - Turtle Stance
  • Hextech Kog'Maw's E - Void Ooze VFX around the spit blob projectile no longer disappear beneath elevated terrain
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-81-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.24b (Dec 15, 2017)

  • Top Lane:
  • With the removal of Fervor, and Summon Aery being particularly good on poke top laners, the top lane landscape has been rough for fighters. We're buffing up some of the worst-hit fighters, giving the Tiamat line some love, making Giant Slayer less effective against fighter item builds, and bringing down certain ranged top laners who abuse the new poke masteries like Arcane Comet or Summon Aery.
  • Aatrox:
  • Base stats:
  • Q - Dark Flight
  • BASE DAMAGE 10/35/60/95/120 ⇒ 20/50/80/110/140
  • E - Blades of Torment
  • BASE DAMAGE 75/115/155/195/235 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240
  • Jayce:
  • Q - Shock Blast
  • BASE DAMAGE 80/130/180/230/280/330 ⇒ 70/120/170/220/270/320
  • E - Thundering Blow
  • COOLDOWN 15/14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 20/18/16/14/12/10 seconds
  • Kayn:
  • Yeah, yeah, Kayn isn't a toplaner. He's got similar issues as other fighters on this list, though, so we're lumping him in for solidarity.
  • Base stats:
  • Passive - The Darkin Scythe
  • RHAAST SPELL VAMP VS CHAMPIONS 25% + 1% per level (max 43% at level 18) ⇒ 34% + 0.5% per level (max 43% at level 18)
  • Mid Lane:
  • The mid landscape is in flux, thanks to preseason changes to runes and base magic resist. That's left a few champions well above or below the curve, and we're taking this moment to hit some of the more notable outliers.
  • Azir:
  • W - Arise!
  • SOLDIER DAMAGE, LV 1-6 60/62/64/66/68/70 (unchanged)
  • SOLDIER DAMAGE, LV 7-12 75/80/90/100/110/120 ⇒ 72/75/80/85/90/100
  • SOLDIER DAMAGE, LV 13-18 130/140/150/160/170/180 ⇒ 110/120/130/140/150/160
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Q - Noxious Blast
  • COST 60/65/70/75/80 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana
  • E - Twin Fang
  • BONUS DAMAGE VS POISONED TARGETS 10/30/50/70/90 (+0.5 ability power) ⇒ (+0.6 ability power)
  • Bot Lane:
  • The damage being thrown around bot lane is a bit too high for our liking, and a large part of that is the combination of sorcery poke and the all-in strength of lethality marksmen. On the poke end, Miss Fortune is spamming Make it Rain for Arcane Comet procs a bit too enthusiastically—rain is fine, but right now it's a downpour. For all-ins, the biggest non-lethaltiy offender is Leona, and the lethality changes we mentioned above cover the marksman side of the issue.
  • Ezreal:
  • Base stats
  • ATTACK SPEED GROWTH 2.8% ⇒ 1.5%
  • Leona:
  • Q - Shield of Daybreak
  • BONUS DAMAGE 30/55/80/105/130 ⇒ 10/35/60/85/110
  • Miss Fortune:
  • E - Make It Rain
  • COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 ⇒ 18/16/14/12/10
  • Lethality Items:
  • Same stuff as above, but this time we'll say "Jhin" for the CTRL+F crew.
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-724b-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.24 (Dec 5, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Aurelion Sol:
  • R cooldown reduced.
  • This patch's buff to Phase Rush on ranged champions will help revitalize the Starforger, but he's far enough below par to deserve a little extra.
  • R - Voice of Light
  • COOLDOWN 120/100/80 ⇒ 110/90/70
  • Bard:
  • Base health regen and meep damage increased.
  • The new trading landscape has done a lot to buff the trading patterns of supports while Bard has stayed pretty constant. As a result, he's a bit on the punishable side, so we're giving him some love.
  • Base stats:
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 5.4 per 5 seconds ⇒ 7.5 per 5 seconds
  • Passive - Traveler's Call
  • MEEP BASE DAMAGE 30 ⇒ 40
  • Items:
  • Bramble Vest:
  • Reflect damage now has lower base damage but scales with armor.
  • Bramble Vest is still proving too strong a spot-counter against basic attackers, thanks to the spike of strength it provides against them. We're working to dial that back and ensure it doesn't take over the laning phase.
  • MAGIC DAMAGE REFLECT 15 ⇒ 3 + 10% of bonus armor
  • Runes Interface Upgrades and Bugfixes:
  • We added a mitigation fix to Rune Pages being invisible during champion select. If you're still having this issue, please post on our boards!
  • Ghost Poro now has visual effects based on your team
  • Rune Pages now display the complete construct reflecting your choices on the Runes you picked in the Collection tab.
  • Added a 3rd Party Verification box in the Options Menu
  • Champion select dropdown menu now remembers your last selected page. No more "The Colossus" rune page every game.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Sion dying before using the Guardian keystone no longer causes him to lose its functionality
  • Fixed a bug where the Bandit passive on gold items was generating gold from pet's basic attacks (as opposed to just champion basic attacks)
  • Spirits pulled by Illaoi's E - Test of Spirit no longer have their health bars disappear when the Illaoi player or an ally try to target it
  • Fixed a bug where Arcane Comet had a minimap icon
  • Taric's W - Bastion now correctly grants the shield from Summon Aery when cast on an ally
  • Urgot now correctly receives Soul Essences for his Dark Harvest keystone upon executing a champion with R - Fear Beyond Death
  • Fixed a bug where the additional damage to minions is also being factored into Corki's Passive - Hextech Munitions
  • Champions who run Press the Attack attacking an enemy who also runs Press the Attack will no longer have their stacks malfunction
  • Fixed a bug where Lee Sin W - Safeguard or Braum W - Stand Behind Me being cast on a champion with Summon Aery would cause Aery would jump to the caster of that ability.
  • Smite's cooldown no longer reduces to 15 seconds when cast before 1:30
  • Rammus no longer loses the additional base armor he received in Patch 7.22 when using Q - Powerball or W - Defensive Ball Curl
  • Undoing purchases made while dead will no longer cause Sightstones to fail to refill their wards on respawn
  • Damage to objectives now counts inhibitor damage in the end-of-game stats
  • Fixed a bug where Syndra casting R - Unleashed Power while a Q - Dark Sphere was in flight from W - Force of Will would stop it from being pushed and instead redirect it into R - Unleashed Power
  • Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao's Ruby Chroma’s in-game texture now matches its store/champion select asset
  • Victorious Graves' chromas now have gem and model adjustments on his gun, like OG Victorious Graves has
  • Shockblade Zed's shurikens no longer clip into his back during his death animation
  • PROJECT: Vi's Q - Vault Breaker no longer uses classic VFX when activating the spell and when hitting an enemy champion
  • PROJECT: Vayne no longer triggers ward placement VO lines when using a health potion
  • PROJECT: Vayne's hair and cape now loop fluently during idle animations
  • Cho'Gath's skins no longer steal Jurassic Cho'Gath's death SFX during his death animation
  • Hextech Flashtraption's in combat cooldown is now affected by summoner spell cooldown reduction
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-724-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.23 (Nov 21, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Zoe:
  • Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight, will be released during patch 7.23! In the meantime, learn more about League's next champion
  • Champion Teaser: Zoe, The Aspect of Twilight
  • Zoe Champion Reveal
  • Zoe Bio
  • Zoe Short Story
  • Zoe Champion Spotlight
  • Runes:
  • Summon Aery (Sorcery Keystone)
  • Damage decreased.
  • Keystones are supposed to have meaningful tradeoffs between each other, but at the moment Aery is just far and away the best for damage, thanks to how often it can be applied. We're looking to keep it as the lowest cadence Keystone between itself, Arcane Comet, and Electrocute, but that means its damage needs to come down a bit.
  • BASE DAMAGE 20-60 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 15-40 (at levels 1-18)
  • BUGFIX Aery now deals the correct adaptive damage type based on your stats
  • Runes Bugfixes:
  • Allies can no longer help you activate Electrocute if they're running it as well
  • Arcane Comet can now properly proc off the empowered attack of Viktor's Q - Siphon Power
  • Using a Kleptomancy-looted Peering Farsight Totem (blue ward) while also having a Farsight Totem in your inventory no longer puts your Farsight Totem on cooldown
  • Ally portraits no longer incorrectly display an empty mana bar if their Manaflow Band Rune is off cooldown
  • Wukong's R - Cyclone and Rakan's R - The Quickness now properly benefit from The Ultimate Hat's cooldown reduction
  • Taking the Hextech Flashtraption Rune no longer prevents you from buffering inputs when casting your normal Flash
  • Champions with clone abilities no longer trigger Presence of Mind when their clones expire
  • Bugfixes:
  • Made several fixes to improve in-game FPS and performance, especially in games lasting longer than 35 minutes
  • Made several fixes for issues that occurred if players left their client open for extremely long periods of time
  • "Center Camera on Champion" now always puts your champion in the center of your screen, rather than doing nothing in Locked Camera mode or placing your champion at the last camera offset position in Semi-Locked Camera mode
  • Emotes now work in custom games!
  • Fixed a bug where Baron Nashor could spawn before Rift Herald returned to the Void
  • Tooltips for all boot items have been fixed
  • The Bandit passive on Ancient Coin, Spellthief's Edge, Relic Shield, and their upgrades no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead
  • The first ring of Nautilus's E - Riptide now properly slows enemies hit
  • Dr. Mundo's Q - Infected Cleaver now refunds the proper health amount when it kills an enemy
  • Champion-created units with ward-style health (ex. Gangplank's E - Powder Keg) can now properly be attacked by Xayah while Passive - Clean Cuts is active, as well as by Azir's soldiers
  • Thresh's Q - Death Sentence chain once again disappears if he hits a spell shielded unit
  • Fixed a bug with Lulu, Sona, and Ryze where multiple instances of the same shielding effect were stacking, rather than refreshing. (This bug mostly occurred at high levels of CDR.)
  • Fixed a bug where basic attacks empowered by Blitzcrank's E - Power Fist or Vi's E - Excessive Force were fizzling if the buffs expired mid-attack. The empowered attacks now properly complete.
  • Re-fixed a series of bugs where some channeled effects were interrupted through spell shields by hard crowd control
  • Fixed a bug where if Ryze's target died during the cast time of W - Rune Prison or E - Spell Flux, he wouldn't get the cooldown reset effect of Q - Overload
  • The Death Sworn and Omega Squad ward skins have been sized up to match other wards
  • Lancer Rogue and Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank's dance SFX are now synced with the animations
  • Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank's recall SFX are no longer too quiet
  • Red beam VFX for Battlecast Vel'Koz's R - Life Form Disintegration Ray are no longer missing
  • Victorious Graves' Q - End of the Line no longer uses classic VFX
  • Giant Enemy Crabgot no longer steals ground VFX from Battlecast Urgot when casting R - Fear Beyond Death
  • Battlecast Urgot chromas textures are now affected by character quality settings
  • Moving the camera away from Warring Kingdoms Nidalee and back onto her during Q - Javelin Toss no longer causes the javelin to disappear
  • Full Metal Jayce once again uses proper E - Thundering Blow VFX, as opposed to classic
  • Program Lissandra's W - Ring of Frost no longer breaks when used on a dashing champion
  • On-hit VFX have been restored for High Noon and PROJECT: Yasuo
  • Mantra'd R - Soulflare VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain for Conqueror and Winter Wonder Karma
  • Ring VFX during PROJECT: Yi's taunt no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back
  • PROJECT: Ashe's digital screen VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back during her recall animation
  • Arcade Ahri's W - Fox Fire VFX no longer render under various map objects
  • Astronautilus' shiny visor VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back
  • Blood Moon Yasuo's crescent moon VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back
  • The chair in Heartseeker Ashe's recall no longer rotates at the end of the animation
  • Dark Star Thresh is no longer missing his VO when collecting souls
  • Sewn Chaos and TPA Orianna are no longer missing SFX during their taunt animations
  • Cutthroat Graves' left hand no longer clips through his weapon during several animations
  • Kog'Maw's R - Living Artillery warning indicator VFX can once again be seen from self/ally view in Medium, Low, and Very Low graphics settings
  • Mecha Rengar’s Passive - Unseen Predator VO for the first and second stack of Bonetooth Necklace have been restored
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-723-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.22 (Nov 8, 2017)

  • Resolve:
  • LIVE FOREVER! Resolve is about durability and crowd control.
  • Path Bonus:
  • RESOLVE + ANY PATH +130 Health
  • Keystone
  • Strength
  • Resistance
  • Vitality
  • You may choose one of the following:
  • Grasp of the Undying:
  • NOODLE SLURP Every 4 seconds in combat, your next basic attack on a champion will: Deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% of your max health, heal you for 2% of your max health, and permanently increase your health by 5
  • NO CHOPSTICKS Ranged champions’ damage and healing are halved and they gain 2 permanent health instead
  • Aftershock:
  • CALL ME QUAKE After immobilizing an enemy champion, increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 20 + 30% for 2.5 seconds, then explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies
  • DAMAGE 40 - 140 (+3.5% of your maximum health)
  • COOLDOWN 20 seconds
  • Guardian:
  • DEFINITELY NOT BRAUM Guard allies within 175 units of you and allies you target with spells for 2.5 seconds. While Guarding, if you or the ally take damage, both of you gain a shield and activate haste for 1.5 seconds.
  • COOLDOWN 45 seconds
  • SHIELD 60 - 150 +(0.20 AP) + (+10% bonus health)
  • HASTE +20% Movement Speed
  • Targon's Shield Line:
  • The new runes have given many ranged supports much higher poke damage in the early game, making it more punishable for Tanks to cash their Spoils of War stacks. We're giving the heal on Targon's a small bump to ensure they still have ways to secure their gold.
  • SPOILS OF WAR Killing a minion with a Spoils of War charge heals for 2% of missing health in addition to the flat heal
  • Skins Bugfixes:
  • Snow Bunny Nidalee's legacy border has been restored
  • River Spirit Nami's Tidecaller's Blessing (E) once again has on-hit SFX
  • Shields now follow Dark Star Varus' model during his recall animation
  • Tundra/Grey/Hyena/Marauder Warwick no longer has classic green idle VFX on their backs
  • Arcade Miss Fortune Chromas no longer have parent skin textures on her guns during death animation
  • Katarina and all of her skins’ SFX have been restored and are no longer quiet
  • Death Sworn Katarina's smoke VFX on her daggers during her Recall (B) no longer appear below the ground
  • Death Sworn Viktor no longer uses classic SFX during his joke animation
  • Scorched Earth Renekton no longer has missing ember VFX when using Slice and Dice (E) with 50+ fury
  • Surprise Party Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy (R) can no longer be heard in Fog of War
  • Death Sworn Viktor's character texture now scales with character quality
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-722-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.21 (Oct 26, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Azir:
  • Q damage reduced at later ranks. Soldier damage reduced at later levels.
  • We’re happy seeing Azir succeed across a wider skill range than “only the best,” but now that everyone’s had time to acclimate to the Emperor’s new moves, it’s apparent his damage is a bit high.
  • Q - Conquering Sands
  • DAMAGE 70/100/130/160/190 ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170
  • W - Arise!
  • Soldier damage unchanged from levels 1-5, reduced by 5 thereafter.
  • SOLDIER DAMAGE 60/62/64/66/68/75/80/85/95/105/115/125/135/145 /155/165/175/185 ⇒ 60/62/64/66/68/70/75/80/90/100/110/120/130/140 /150/160/170/180
  • Ekko:
  • Passive damage to monsters increased.
  • We’re okay with Ekko going jungle when he does so in a healthy way (read: as an assassin, not a tank). However, when we last changed his passive we made it a tad harder for AP Ekko to succeed in the jungle. This change comes to make Ekko a bit more viable in that role with as little risk as possible to his solo laning characteristics.
  • Passive - Z-Drive Resonance
  • DAMAGE TO MONSTERS 100% ⇒ 200%
  • Items:
  • Ardent Censer:
  • Attack speed and on-hit damage reduced.
  • Ardent Censer has been making waves (and winds) in bot lane for some time. For enchanters’ purchasing decisions—and as a result, the support landscape—to remain robust, this item needs more clear points of weakness. These changes make Ardent Censer weaker early on, so rushing Ardent Censer won’t always be the best choice for enchanters.
  • ATTACK SPEED BUFF 20-35% ⇒ 10-30%
  • ON-HIT MAGIC DAMAGE BUFF 20-35 ⇒ 5-20
  • Frozen Heart:
  • Armor increased.
  • Frozen Heart has been outshined by other tank items, with Thornmail, Randuin’s Omen, and Iceborn Gauntlet all occupying nearby niches and crowding it out. We’re honing in on its strength as the pure armor item to give tanks more reasons to opt into it.
  • ARMOR 90 ⇒ 100
  • Bugfixes:
  • Nami and all her skins properly play the correct SFX for auto-attacks empowered by E - Tidecaller’s Blessing (the audio has actually been tweaked and made more apparent as well)
  • Battlecast Alpha Skarner no longer incorrectly plays classic VO lines in addition to the correct ones
  • Primetime Draven no longer incorrectly plays classic VO lines
  • Star Guardian Miss Fortune is no longer missing a light beam particle during her recall
  • Headhunter Rengar no longer incorrectly plays classic “Predator” SFX when he activates R - Thrill of the Hunt
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn and all Lulu skins no longer get stuck with a blue overlay when W - Whimsy is used on them while they are in combat or affected by W - Yordle Snap Trap
  • Championship Thresh now properly plays the lantern-landing SFX when using W - Dark Passage
  • Cho’Gath’s R - Feast stacks now correctly count spawned Rift Heralds as epic monsters
  • The full changelog can be found here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-721-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.20 (Oct 11, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Evelynn:
  • Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace, will be updated with the launch of patch 7.20! For more details, check the following links
  • Agony’s Embrace (Champion Teaser)
  • Evelynn Reveal
  • Evelynn Color Story
  • Evelynn Bio
  • Evelynn Champion Spotlight
  • Head to the “Extras” section of Evelynn’s Champion Reveal article above for high-res images of her updated base and skin splash art!
  • Brand:
  • Brand gets mana when he kills an Ablaze unit.
  • It’s been a hot second since we’ve seen Brand melting face in mid. Mana efficiency’s one of his more noteworthy problems: High costs keep his bot lane harass in check, but solo Brand can’t avoid paying those costs since he has to clear minion waves. Giving the Burning Vengeance his own form of the Doran’s Ring passive puts a bit more gas in Brand's tank without causing bot lane to combust as a result. This won’t solve all Brand’s problems, but it’s an important step toward adding fuel back to his mid lane fire.
  • Passive - Blaze:
  • newKINDLING Brand gains 6/8/10/12/14/16/18 mana (at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18) when he kills a unit afflicted by Blaze. (If Brand’s abilities instantly kill a unit before Blaze is applied, he doesn’t get mana back.)
  • Graves:
  • Health regen increased. Q first shot scaling increased.
  • Graves isn’t getting ahead in the scenarios he should. The Outlaw is constantly being outpaced in the early game and is not able to get his ball rolling enough to dictate the game. With a little bit more health and damage in his rotation, Graves should to be able to clear the jungle without having to have perfect mechanics—and do so a little bit faster, enabling him to scale properly.
  • Base stats:
  • HEALTH REGEN 1.34 (6.67 per 5) ⇒ 1.6 (8 per 5)
  • Q - End of the Line
  • FIRST SHOT RATIO 0.8 bonus attack damage ⇒ 1.0 bonus attack damage
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed an issue where ability SFX would sometimes endlessly loop when a character comes out of fog of war. (Looking at you, Corki!)
  • Riven's Q - Broken Wings can no longer both pop a spell shield and deal damage in specific circumstances
  • Fixed a bug causing Cho'Gath's R - Feast meal tracker to count jungle monsters oddly
  • The Tribute passive on Frost Queen's Claim no longer interacts oddly with turrets
  • Zyra's R - Stranglethorns tooltip now displays the correct damage bonus for plants empowered by Stranglethorns
  • Caitlyn's Q - Piltover Peacemaker rank-up tooltip now properly lists the total attack damage ratio increase between ranks
  • Fixed a few inaccurate or broken announcer text and VO lines that appeared while watching a replay
  • Eternal Sword Yi’s Q - Alpha Strike SFX are no longer audible when he is hit during W - Meditate
  • Primetime Draven's idle SFX are no longer audible during his recall animation
  • Creator Viktor is no longer missing SFX for his joke, taunt, and dance emotes
  • Primetime Draven’s recall SFX no longer goes out of sync with the animation when moving the camera away and back
  • Arcade Miss Fortune’s crit SFX for Passive - Love Tap no longer uses her base skin’s crit SFX
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-720-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.19 (Sep 27, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Azir:
  • Ability update; check out the below context and prior dev blog for more information.
  • Azir has been a League balance problem for awhile. Rather than tweak him patch after patch, we sidelined Shurima’s Emperor for a little while, choosing instead to focus on his eventual mini-update. This is that mini-update. For a deep dive into his changes, check out our dev blog.
  • Here’s the TL;DR, though. Azir—unlike most long-ranged champions—is hard to kill even when you do manage to get on him, and if you get tooclose, he can even counter-initiate with a timely Shurima Shuffle. As a result, experienced Azir players were really hard to punish. Azir’s mobility, and playmaking potential are super cool, but to keep those and allow players to fight back, we needed to bring his range down to not-artillery levels and focus on his identity as a mobile, sustained damage dealer.
  • Items:
  • Ardent Censer:
  • Ardent Censer’s buff no longer restores health. The buff’s attack speed and damage scale with level again. Censer’s owner now also gets buffed when its user heals or shields an ally.
  • What we like about Ardent Censer: it gives Enchanters a way to spec into offense, versus defensive builds around Locket, . What we don’t like: it’s relegating supports to heal/shield batteries and acting as a lifesteal item for carries, meaning they aren’t forced to make itemization tradeoffs between sustain and damage. Crit builds just get to have both. More than “Censer OP”, this is a problem with the item’s design. Solving that problem means significant shifts in the support landscape, so in order to keep things stable for Worlds, we’ve avoided tackling that challenge until now.
  • To wit, we’re replacing Ardent Censer’s on-hit heal with a duplicate buff for its wielder. This gives supports a way to participate in Censer’s offensive game plan while removing its function as a proxy sustain item for carries. Aggressive enchanters will still find success with the item, but those who prefer more defensive playstyles should look for greener pastures
  • Spell Shields:
  • This one’s been a long time coming. Ever since League was created, spell shields have been set up to block every ability that hits within an instant of the shield popping. This was due to a code limitation that prevented spell shields from properly ‘talking to’ enemy abilities.
  • They now work as advertised: only one spell gets blocked, even if the shielded champion is hit near-simultaneously by multiple abilities at once. This won’t come up as often as you might think (the window of protection was seriously tiny), but the more you know… or something.
  • SPAGHETTI STRAIGHTENED Spell shields now block only the first ability that hits, rather than every ability that hits at the same time the shield is broken
  • AFFECTED STUFF Sivir’s E - Spell Shield, Nocturne’s W - Shroud of Darkness, Banshee’s Veil, Edge of Night
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where casting Face of the Mountain’s active on an ally out of range caused the player to walk in range, then cast it on the closest ally instead of the selected one.
  • Twitch’s Q - Ambush visual effects no longer stay visible indefinitely if Tahm Kench uses W - Devour on Twitch as he enters stealth.
  • Ahri’s E - Charm now correctly affects bots on Twisted Treeline
  • Jarvan IV’s weapon no longer appears beside him when he uses his E - Demacian Standard Q - Dragon Strike combo
  • Rumble can now correctly cast his E - Electro Harpoon if overheated.
  • Aurelion Sol E - Comet of Legend no longer goes on cooldown if his Banshee’s Veil is broken during flight.
  • Star Guardian Syndra's pink overlay has been restored during her recall animation.
  • Omega Squad Twitch and Omega Squad Tristana once again have their helicopter shadows during their recall animations.
  • Dragon Fist Lee Sin no longer loses Gargoyle Stoneplate's active overlay VFX when (R) - Dragon's Rage is in use.
  • God Fist Lee Sin's death shadow no longer persists.
  • Snow Day Ziggs passive VFX have been restored.
  • Malzahar's Void Swarm W - Voidlings are no longer missing attack on-hit VFX.
  • River Spirit Nami no longer has misplaced VFX on her staff.
  • Placeholder VFX are no longer present on the New Horizon Ward.
  • High Noon Jhin's model no longer stretches when shooting during R - Curtain Call.
  • Shields on Blood Moon Jhin now follow the model during his recall animation.
  • Riot Kayle's drone lights no longer disappear upon moving the camera away and back during her recall animation.
  • During Riven's joke animation, her fingers no longer clip through her sword.
  • Battlecast Cho'Gath's W - Feral Scream is now of higher fidelity on very low settings.
  • Pulsefire Ezreal's homeguard animation has been restored.
  • Bad Santa Veigar no longer has visible seams on very low settings.
  • Corporate Mundo's impact VFX have been restored when W - Infected Cleaver successfully hits an enemy target.
  • Definitely Not Vel'Koz's tentacles no longer abruptly transition during animations.
  • Hired Gun Graves no longer has an empty gap on his gun - VFX have been restored.
  • Snow Day Singed's Q - Poison Trail is now more gameplay friendly, regardless of if Colorblind Mode is activated or not.
  • Candy King Ivern no longer hums over all of his VO lines.
  • Dark Star Varus' blue tendrils no longer flicker during several graphics settings.
  • We fixed a grammar error in the copy when more than one key fragment drops
  • You can read the full changelog here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-719-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.18 (Sep 13, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Azir:
  • R base damage increased
  • As a fragile damage dealer, Azir subjects himself to a ton of risk in the late game when attempting flashy ult plays against the enemy backline. His reward for landing those late-game shuffles should be worthy of that risk.
  • On a forward-facing note, expect to hear a lot more about Azir in the near future. We’ll keep you posted!
  • R - Emperor's Divide
  • BASE DAMAGE 150/225/300 ⇒ 150/250/450
  • Cassiopeia:
  • E bonus against poisoned targets shifted from base damage into ratio.
  • Twin Fang’s high base damage is allowing Cassiopeia to dip into defensive itemization while still pumping out glass-cannon-level damage in the early-to-mid game. If Cass wants to melt face, she should have to (literally) pay for it.
  • E - Twin Fang
  • BONUS DAMAGE VS POISONED TARGETS 15/40/65/90/115 ⇒ 10/30/50/70/90
  • BONUS RATIO VS POISONED TARGETS 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
  • Items:
  • Enchantment: Cinderhulk:
  • Health reduced.
  • Similar to the cost change in 7.16, this is a small nudge to continue bringing Cinderhulk’s power spike in line with options available to non-tank junglers.
  • HEALTH 325 ⇒ 300
  • Bugfixes:
  • Aatrox now correctly keeps his W - Blood Thirst/Blood Price Empowered attack through his Passive - Blood Well revive
  • Fixed a bug where Sivir’s E - Spell Shield could block Summoner Spells if they were cast at the same time as any ability
  • Fizz’s R - Chum the Waters no longer attaches to spell-shielded champions at max range
  • Xerath’s W - Eye of Destruction slow now correctly decays from 25% to 13% once, not twice
  • Ornn’s Twisted Treeline starting recommended items are no longer more than starting gold
  • Fixed a big where Ornn’s E - Searing Charge didn’t destroy Anivia’s W - Crystallize, merely made it invisible
  • Fixed a bug where Fiora’s R - Grand Challenge particles were showing up when the spell had been blocked by Nocturne’s W - Shroud of Darkness
  • Karma, Lulu, and Brand now correctly have recommended item pages for both mid and support
  • Vi’s recommended items on Howling Abyss no longer include Dead Man’s Plate twice
  • Preferred item slot functionality now correctly works in the first game that the custom item set page is used
  • Fixed a Mac client bug where resizing the game window caused healthbars to become incorrectly offset
  • The 2016 All-Star Ward's health bar no longer overlaps the ward itself
  • Parts of Star Guardian Ahri's model no longer disappear when affected by Kalista's The Black Spear
  • Star Guardian Soraka no longer has lingering VFX when she cancels her recall animation
  • Star Guardian Soraka's recall SFX are once again synced with the animation
  • Shields now follow Star Guardian Syndra during her recall animation
  • VFX have been restored during Atlantean Syndra's enhanced recall animation
  • Heartseeker Quinn is once again swinging on her swing during her recall animation
  • Dark Star Kha'Zix's evolved E - Leap VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings
  • The gems on Dark Star Orianna's ball no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back on lower graphics settings
  • Blood Moon Talon's Passive - Blade End VFX are now more visible on elevated terrain.
  • Game invites are now correctly prevented by blocking
  • Champion voice lines now correctly play upon entering champion select or rerolling
  • Fixed a bug where changing leaders in a custom game prevented the new leader from adding bots
  • Mission progress now correctly appears upon log-in
  • Fixed a tooltip in Loot that referenced key fragments old drop location
  • Fixed the unlock message when moving from a locked rewards state for Dishonorable to an unlocked state
  • In 7.17, we fixed an audio issue in Highlight Viewer on PCs with more than two audio channels
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-718-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.17 (Aug 23, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Ornn:
  • Ornn, the Fire Below the Mountain, will be released during patch 7.17! In the meantime, learn more about League’s next champion here:
  • Ornn Reveal
  • Ornn Teaser
  • Lost Tales of Ornn
  • Ornn Bio
  • Ornn Champ Spotlight
  • Ornn Trailer
  • Ornn:
  • Thunder Lord Ornn
  • Draven
  • Passive grants less base gold; Draven loses more stacks on death.
  • While lane bullying is core to who Draven is, that power comes with the promise that enemies can stop him from scaling into mid- and late- game if they shut him down early. (Draven must leave lane with more levels and items than his opponents if he wants to be useful in teamfights.) At present, that promise isn’t being met. Unless teams chain-gank the Glorious Executioner into the dirt, a stray death here or there just isn’t enough to stop Draven’s (bank)roll. We’re steepening the Adoration penalty incurred on death and reducing the amount of free gold Draven gets for putting axes into foes' backs.
  • Passive - League of Draven
  • Rotating Game Modes:
  • Hunt of the Blood Moon:
  • The Hunt of the Blood Moon looms into rotation from 8/25/17 at 12:00 PM PT - 8/29/17 at 04:00 AM PT and 8/31/17 at 12:00 PM PT - 9/5/17 at 04:00 AM PT. Sacrifice Spirits, Demon Heralds, and enemy champions to gain points and the Demon Brand buff, which turns you invisible to hunt down your enemies.
  • Only 20 of the most vicious champions are available for the Hunt (10 of which will be free to play for the game mode only).
  • New Game Mode: Invasion:
  • Witness the arrival of a new and mysterious Star Guardian team, and participate in the new Invasion game mode to help protect the city from a series of monster attacks. From 9/7/17 at 11:00 AM PT – 9/25/17 at 11:59 PM PT, band together in a five-player PvE game mode to defend the Starlight. Earn Starlight Tokens for completed missions on this custom map, and then craft those tokens into the New Horizon Ward and a Hextech Mystery Champion (random Champion Permanent). All Star Guardian skins are free to play in the Invasion game mode
  • Bugfixes:
  • Corrected Cho’Gath’s suggested starting items to no longer cost more than starting gold
  • Muramana now correctly refunds 15% of spent mana
  • Blade of the Ruined King no longer causes Black Cleaver to apply two stacks per basic attack
  • Fixed an interaction where energized attacks prevented some movement speed boosts, including Blade of the Ruined King’s active and Warwick’s W - Blood Hunt
  • Urgot is no longer too cool to have Control Wards in his recommended items
  • Yasuo can no longer activate Zeke’s Convergence by attempting to casting R - Last Breath on enemy who is not currently knocked up
  • Rek’Sai’s E - Tunnel no longer becomes permanent if they are destroyed as she exits them
  • Zac’s Passive - Cell Division bloblets are now correctly invisible when in fog of war
  • Star Guardian Jinx and Poppy no longer play their initial spawn song during their first respawn
  • Twisted Fate’s W - Pick a Card empowered basic attacks no longer consume all Energized buff charges
  • Redemption’s active is now correctly amplified by its own +10% Heal and Shield Power passive while the casting champion is dead
  • Malzahar’s Passive - Void Shift now correctly blocks Fizz’s R - Chum the Waters
  • Nidalee’s W - Bushwhack is no longer considered a valid unit for Bard’s Q - Cosmic Binding to stun against
  • Illaoi’s W - Harsh Lesson no longer does additional damage on crits when she dashes
  • Zed’s R - Death Mark no longer behaves inconsistently when interacting with Ryze’s R - Realm Warp
  • Fixed a bug where—when playing with a skin—Cassiopeia’s portrait would revert to her base portrait while dead
  • Arcade Hecarim's VO is now more audible
  • Dark Star Thresh's center body buffbone now follow his model during all animations
  • Star Guardian Lulu's buffbone now follows her model during homeguard and recall animations
  • Slay Belle Katarina no longer gets stuck in her recall animation if she uses Passive - Voracity right before beginning her recall
  • Lancer Zero Hecarim's Q - Rampage VFX no longer ends prematurely after receiving the second stack
  • Dragon Trainer Lulu's Pix no longer uses classic VFX
  • Blood Moon Jhin's R - Curtain Call now has enemy and ally indicators
  • Battle Boss Malzahar’s auto attack animation is no longer faster than his base model’s
  • Players on low-spec mode can now properly access Honor tooltips on the end-of-game screen
  • Banned players now have an accurate tooltip telling them why they can’t play
  • Fixed a bug where setting your status to “Away” didn't work
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-717-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.16 (Aug 9, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Caitlyn:
  • Q deals less damage to targets beyond the first. W base damage decreased at early ranks; ratio reduced.
  • While recent changes to Caitlyn have focused on her late-game teamfighting* (headshots and traps), this patch is about how the Sheriff gets there. Cait’s historically had a rocky mid-game: her early strength wanes as lane phase ends, but she doesn’t hit carry status for another few thousand gold’s worth of items after that. That mid-game lull was largely erased when we smoothed out marksman item progression. We’re re-establishing it by tapping down her effectiveness prior to completing multiple end-game items.
  • *Sidenote: even accounting for their role as Caitlyn’s ideal teamfight contributions, trap procs were hitting slightly too hard in the late-game. Hence, a flat ratio nerf.
  • Q - Piltover Peacemaker
  • PASSTHROUGH DAMAGE 67% to enemies beyond the first ⇒ 50% to enemies beyond the first
  • W - Yordle Snap Trap
  • TRAP BONUS DAMAGE 30/70/110/150/190 (+0.7 total attack damage) ⇒ 10/55/100/145/190 (+0.6 total attack damage)
  • TOOLTIP FIX Yordle Snap Trap’s tooltip now displays the correct root duration of 1.5 seconds (actual duration unchanged)
  • Fiora:
  • Duelist’s Dance bonus movement speed increased at later ranks of Grand Challenge.
  • Back in 7.14 we gave Fiora’s opponents better opportunity to both retaliate as she aimed to pierce their vitals, and out-maneuver the Grand Duelist during Grand Challenge. Removing Grand Challenge’s free movement speed had the desired effect, but the hit to Duelist’s Dance left Fiora less nimble than we’d like. We’re pulling back a bit on the changes to her passive in response.
  • Passive - Duelist's Dance
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 15/20/25/30% ⇒ 15/25/35/45%
  • Spectator Indicator Cleanup:
  • Cleaning house on some extraneous visuals (for Spectator only).
  • While many UI indicators (the blue/red circles and lines) need to be super eye-grabbing for normal gameplay decisionmaking, a lot of them are adding too much visual noise for Spectator. This cleanup removes some of the less important ones.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Twitch's R - Spray and Pray dealt two instances of damage to inhibitors and the Nexus if he attacked from slightly outside his normal basic attack range
  • The damaging effects of Corrupting Potion, Deathfire Touch, Red Buff, and Challenging Smite now properly count as damage-over-time effects (see Kayn’s note above for why this matters)
  • Fixed a bug where Rift Herald would hit both Nexus turrets simultaneously if spawned on the mid-lane
  • Fixed a bug where Irelia casting Q - Blade Surge on the other side of a wall would cause damage but not bring Irelia over the wall.
  • Heimerdinger's UPGRADE!!!’d Q - H-28Q Apex Turret’s beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack’s wind-up
  • Nautilus now properly stops if he collides with player-created terrain (ex. Anivia’s W - Crystallize) created in his path while pulling himself to Q - Dredge Line’s anchor
  • Snow Day Singed’s Q - Poison Trail VFX have been adjusted to be more opaque
  • Omega Squad Tristana's SFX have been restored during her dance and death animations
  • Omega Squad Teemo's chromas now have proper mushroom VFX during the toss and bounce animation of R - Noxious Trap
  • The hand trail VFX during Omega Squad Teemo's chroma's Q - Blinding Dart has been restored
  • Poro Rider Sejuani's baby poro once again runs over to Bristle during Sejuani's death. *cue sad music*
  • Nightbringer Yasuo no longer faces the wrong direction during his channel animation
  • Vintage load screen border for Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks has been restored
  • The “Power Up” summoner icon is now centered properly in game lobbies and player profiles
  • Arcade Corki’s E - Gatling Gun visuals no longer shoot sideways when under the effect of Lulu's W - Whimsy
  • Master Chef Tahm Kench once again holds his knife and fork properly during all animations, like a true southern gentleman
  • Honor level-up notifications will no longer pop in matchmaking, champ select, or the Honor ceremony because that was a tilter
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-716-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.15 (Jul 26, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Akali:
  • Passive AP Ratio up, W cooldown reduced.
  • Akali already bops the people she’s supposed to be bopping. The problem is that even when she gets going, she doesn’t bring games to an end with enough reliability.
  • Passive - Twin Disciplines
  • RATIO 0.65 ability power ⇒ 0.75 ability power
  • W - Twilight Shroud
  • COOLDOWN 20 seconds ⇒ 18 seconds
  • In-Client Chat:
  • This little easter egg has been in the client for a while, and now we're sharing the secret with everyone! /me is excited.
  • HAVE FUN Starting a message with “/me” adds your summoner name to the front of the message and makes it look like a notification rather than a chat message. Use it to talk about yourself in the third person in pre-game lobbies, Clubs chat, and direct conversations.
  • NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO USE THAT “/me” doesn’t work in champion select or in-game chat
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser's W - Harvesters of Sorrow reactivation damage wasn't consistently applying to all enemies caught in overlapping circles
  • Thresh's E - Flay no longer leaves enemies stunned for a brief moment after displacing them
  • Inhibitors now accurately display the 20 Armor they have
  • Cassiopeia now correctly plays her spell effort voiceover
  • Spirit Fire Brand’s Passive - Blaze, E - Conflagration, and R - Pyroclasm no longer have higher volume levels compared to his classic skin.
  • Snow Day Bard’s W - Caretaker’s Shrine no longer has a higher volume level compared to his classic skin.
  • Singed’s corpse no longer triggers his Passive - Noxious Slipstream. Because, you know, he’s dead.
  • Multiple Singed’s in a game no longer reset each other’s cooldown on Passive - Noxious Slipstream.
  • Fixed a bug where - if Kindred used Q - Dance of Arrows to jump over a wall, the cast range of E - Mounting Dread would be permanently increased.
  • Sweeping a ward no longer plays the sound effects to Heimerdinger’s E - CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade when he is in the game.
  • Heimerdinger’s R - Upgraded!!! W - Hextech Micro-Rockets now correctly do reduced damage after the first hit to Baron Nashor.
  • Heimerdinger’s RE - CH-3X Lighting Grenade no longer has the old AP ratio of 60% for the second and third bounces.
  • Fixed a bug where Zac could channel E - Elastic Slingshot while under hard crowd control effects if he used it right before they were applied.
  • Aatrox no longer spams encounter voiceover when moving near Tryndamere.
  • Dynasty Ahri finally saw a doctor and no longer has a disjointed elbow.
  • Headhunter Caitlyn’s W - Yordle Snap Traps are no longer less clear in brush compared to her other skins.
  • VFX during Headhunter Caitlyn’s recall no longer disappear when losing and regaining vision.
  • Winter Wonder Karma’s W - Inspire and RE - Defiance have been better differentiated from Winter Wonder Lulu’s E - Help, Pix!
  • Slayer Pantheon's R - Grand Skyfall SFX are no longer delayed from enemy perspective.
  • Primetime Draven’s Q - Spinning Axe no longer uses Pool Party Daven’s SFX.
  • Red Riding/Sweetheart Annie’s R - Tibbers now use appropriate fire SFX when spawned.
  • Full Metal Jayce’s W - Hyper Charge custom VFX have been restored.
  • Dawnbringer Riven no longer causes other Rivens in the same game to steal W - Ki Burst SFX.
  • Pulsefire Ezreal’s W - Essence Flux on-hit SFX have been restored.
  • The on-hit SFX volume for Pulsefire Ezreal’s R - Trueshot Barrage has been turned up to be equivalent to all other Ezreal skins.
  • Winter Wonder Orianna’s recall poros have been dusted off and now use updated textures.
  • Audio has been restored for Special Weapon Zac’s recall.
  • Master Chef Tahm Kench’s belt no longer clips through his body during several animations.
  • Corporate Mundo’s laugh VO is once again synchronized with the animation.
  • Wildfire Zyra’s crown no longer stretches during several animations.
  • Pieces of Heartseeker Quinn’s bracer no longer disappear during her laugh animation.
  • Mundo Mundo/TPA Mundo no longer have visible seams on their models on low settings.
  • Mecha Malphite no longer has visible seams on his model.
  • Reattached a penguin’s leg in Snow Day Bard’s recall and joke!
  • Soulhunter Kayn’s orb particles during his P - The Darkin Scythe are now more visible.
  • Star Guardian Jinx’s weapon glow VFX now follow Shiro and Kuro during all animations.
  • Star Guardian Jinx’s hair no longer transitions improperly during her homeguard animation.
  • Purple overlay no longer hides Malzahar’s skins when his Passive - Void Shift is active.
  • Parts of Prehistoric Cho’Gath’s head armor no longer stretches during his dance animation.
  • Headmistress Fiora once again has SFX during her joke animation.
  • Pool Party Fiora’s audio no longer desyncs when losing and regaining vision during recall, joke and taunt animations.
  • Re-added audio for SKT T1 Ekko’s recall.
  • Fixed a bug where several ward skin health bars were too high or low.
  • The following two Honor bugfixes will deploy during the patch.
  • Champ Mastery level up notifications no longer pop over the Honor vote
  • Fixed a bug where key fragment notifications would occasionally fail to pop
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-715-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.14 (Jul 12, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Kayn:
  • Kayn, the Shadow Reaper will be unleashed on the Rift later during patch 7.14. In the meantime, learn more about the shadow and his scythe here:
  • Champion Teaser: The Path of Shadows
  • Kayn Champion Spotlight
  • Kayn Reveal
  • Kayn Bio
  • Kayn Short Story: The Blade of Millennia
  • Vision Abilities:
  • A number of abilities in League of Legends grant vision, whether through a debuff on the champions it hits or a summoned object that grants vision around itself. Abilities like Hawkshot obviously should give vision, because that’s their job. We’re starting from removing vision from some summoned terrain - like Pillar of Ice - which are primarily used for other purposes (disruption in this case), yet also give vision for some reason. Brushmaker, on the other hand, generally requires an ally to walk into it to be valuable, and so we think the vision granted makes sense; it’s just castable at too high a range. Overall, we’ll looking at vision-granting abilities in future patches in order to create more consistency around the “uh-oh, they can see me!” experience.
  • Trundle’s E - Pillar of Ice no longer gives vision around the cast area
  • Ivern’s W - Brushmaker cast range changed to 1600 ⇒ 800
  • Anivia’s W - Crystallize no longer gives vision around the cast area
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug causing the first raven of Swain’s R - Ravenous Flock to visually spawn from the blue side fountain
  • Phantom Dancer no longer prevents some champion abilities (primarily stealth effects) from ignoring unit collision when no enemy champions are nearby - the condition for Phantom Dancer’s own immunity to unit collision
  • Rek’Sai now properly marks targets for R - Void Rush even when the damage is completely blocked by a shield
  • Blast Cones no longer fizzle when triggered by a burrowed Rek’Sai at maximum attack range
  • Fixed a bug causing Ashe’s Passive - Frost Shot bonus damage to apply to inhibitors
  • Fixed a bug where several forms of loss-of-control effects (Fear, Flee, Taunt, Knockback, and Charm) weren’t properly cancelling Anivia’s R - Glacial Storm
  • When Zilean tries to walk into range to activate Passive - Time in a Bottle on an out-of-range ally, he’ll no longer cast his most recently-used ability instead once he gets into range. Something something time joke.
  • Zilean’s E - Time Warp cast range indicator has been reduced to match the actual range
  • Lucian’s Q - Piercing Light cast range indicator has been reduced to match the actual range
  • The second hit of Sejuani’s W - Winter’s Wrath no longer counts as a separate spellcast
  • Raptor’s Cloak is now purchasable on Howling Abyss. Not technically a bug, but felt like one since Banner of Command builds out of it.
  • Twitch no longer gets stuck as visually translucent if Guardian Angel triggers during Q - Ambush’s camouflage duration
  • Practice Tool’s “Lock XP” button now properly displays the ‘toggled’ state while active
  • Fixed a bug causing the profile page to sometimes display a lower ranking than your highest one
  • Fixed a bug where LeaverBuster and surveys would fail to show after Honor votes
  • Players on low-spec mode now see the celebration for earning 3+ Honor votes
  • Fixed a bug where Honor 1.0 buttons would still display at the end of game screen
  • Fixed a visual bug where a blue bar would appear in the transition between the Honor vote and the end of game screen
  • Reinder Kog'Maw's vintage loading screen border now properly displays for original owners of the skin
  • SKT T1 Nami's hair no longer twitches at the start of one of her idle animations
  • SKT T1 Ekko's W - Parallel Convergence no longer uses base VFX when Ekko's shield absorbs damage or when its bonus damage against low health targets procs
  • SKT T1 Olaf's Q - Undertow on-hit particles no longer become a massive disco if Undertow hits a moving target
  • Re-added Freljord Taliyah's voiceover for W - Seismic Shove
  • Restored custom audio effects for Heartseeker Orianna's basic abilities
  • Mecha Zero Sion's custom VO now plays on kills
  • Snow Day Ziggs's joke audio no longer restarts toward the end of the animation
  • The Star Guardian beginning-of-game music no longer overlaps with DJ Sona's music at the start of a match
  • Candy King Ivern no longer steals Jhin's taunt sound effects during his taunt animation
  • Snow Day Syndra's Q - Dark Sphere ground snowflake VFX now properly displays on Medium or lower settings
  • Gothic Orianna's model textures no longer change slightly depending on whether she's currently holding The Ball or not
  • The Mechs vs. Minions ward skin no longer has a confusingly bright shadow in champion select's ward skin selector
  • Note: You can find the full changelog here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-714-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.13 (Jun 30, 2017)

  • Welcome to patch 7.13, the one where Honor makes a comeback! At the end of every game you’ll be able to honor one of your teammates with one of the new categories.
  • We also have the regular balance changes; toning down Galio a bit, giving Gnar some love, reining in a certain electric rat, and sharpening the edges on both Kindred and Rek’Sai.
  • Closing it up, did you know we have new tips for the loading screen? We've also got a way to track your vision score during the game, and the SKT T1 skins are here!
  • Bug fixes:
  • Taliyah's W - Seismic Shove is no longer missing VO lines
  • Phoenix Quinn no longer uses base sound for R - Skystrike
  • Using Xayah’s R - Featherstorm and hitting an enemy champion at the same time a turret kills a minion would cause the turret not to aggro Champions until it's next minion target is dead
  • Fixed a bug where Ryze’s Q - Overload ability icon would still be highlighted despite being on cooldown after W - Rune Prison and E - Spell Flux cast is canceled due to target’s untargetability
  • Fixed a bug where hitting Varus’ R - Chain of Corruption at its max range wouldn’t make it spread through enemies
  • Jinx's laugh no longer cuts off at the end when she gasps for air
  • Rengar no longer has some attack/kill lines that are global for all players
  • Gangplank's R - Cannon Barrage (and all GP skins) audio no longer desyncs when the camera is panned away and then returns
  • Fixed several interactions with skins and recall sounds desyncing or not playing correctly
  • Fixed a several skin sound effects and voice over lines not playing at the right time
  • Elementalist Lux can now click the same element in both transform phases
  • Fixed Dawnbringer Riven and Nightbringer Yasuo’s special borders being cut off at the bottom during loading screen
  • Multi-channel audio encoding issue fixed in Highlights playback
  • Further details about this release are available at:
  • http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-713-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.12 (Jun 14, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Camille:
  • Passive cooldown reduced. Q2 damage increased.
  • It’s been awhile since our work to cut excessive strengths out of Camille’s kit and give her real weaknesses. Now that the Steel Shadow’s in a better place from an ability fairness/frustration standpoint, we’re in a good position to power her up a bit. Reducing Adaptive Defenses' early cooldown gives Camille more opportunity to play aggressively in lane, while restoring the damage we previously chopped off Precision Protocol keeps her razor-sharp throughout the game.
  • Passive - Adaptive Defenses
  • COOLDOWN 20/15/10 seconds ⇒ 16/13/10 seconds
  • Q - Precision Protocol
  • Corki:
  • Attack speed slightly up. Base AD slightly up. Autos do more magic damage rather than physical.
  • Last time we saw the Corkster bombing through the Rift he'd been doing so as a midlaner, packing obscene poke damage and wave-clear, a potent arsenal desirable for that role. We made some changes to curb that, but they left him feeling like a whiskey delta. We see an opportunity to help him out: we like him as a magic-damage option for the bottom lane marksman role. These changes are designed to reinforce that by making him a more palatable pick in bot lane, while further pushing his magic-damage niche.
  • Base stats
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.625 ⇒ 0.638
  • Passive - Hextech Munitions
  • BASIC ATTACK DAMAGE 50% physical, 50% magic ⇒ 20% physical, 80% magic
  • W - Valkyrie
  • newPREPARATION Phosphorous Bomb and Missile Barrage can now be buffered during Valkyrie's travel time
  • Starting Items:
  • Doran's Ring:
  • Passive is now unique.
  • Stacking Doran's Ring allowed champions to bypass their weakness during laning phase, mana regeneration, in this case, and endlessly push, and shove enemies under the tower, even when behind, without any trade-off. Not cool, Nautilus.
  • newMANA, PLS Mana return when killing minions is now UNIQUE.
  • Doran's Shield:
  • Costs more.
  • Doran's Shield should be your starting item when facing a bunch of harassment at early levels, but at its current tuning it’s the best items regardless of situations. We're pulling a potion off of it both to decrease its raw effectiveness and to make it have a harder time dealing with ganks and all-ins.
  • COST 400 gold ⇒ 450 gold
  • Bugfixes:
  • Enemies affected by Ahri or Rakan’s charms no longer walk in the wrong direction if they cast a spell the instant before being hit by the charm
  • Blade of the Ruined King's on-hit effect no longer applies a stack of The Black Cleaver
  • Fixed a bug where Gargoyle Stoneplate's Metallicize self-damage reduction was applying twice to Corki's basic attacks
  • Lissandra's R - Frozen Tomb no longer fizzles if a spellshield affecting her (ex. Banshee’s Veil) is broken within 0.25 seconds of cast start
  • Shaco's W - Jack in the Box now correctly reveals itself from brush and Fog of War when triggered
  • Heimerdinger’s E - CH2 Electron Storm Grenade now properly charges nearby turret beam attacks even if it kills an enemy
  • Fixed a bug where, in some languages, Syndra’s R - Unleashed Power tooltip contained information about an in-testing mechanic that was never released
  • Tahm Kench can no longer W - Devour a summoned Rift Herald
  • Fixed a bug preventing the summoned Rift Herald from being Smited
  • Akali can now properly proc >Q - Mark of the Assassin’s bonus damage and energy restore against the summoned Rift Herald
  • Pinging Rift Herald no longer produces a debug string in chat
  • Fixed a bug where Ekko’s Q - Timewinder affected too large of an area on the return when Ekko is dead
  • Ekko’s Q - Timewinder now properly applies Passive - Z-Drive Resonance on the return when Ekko is dead
  • Abyssal Mask's aura range indicator now represents the actual range
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn's quote when killing Gnar is no longer heard by everyone on the map
  • Fixed a bug where Pulsefire Caitlyn could become covered in a blue overlay for the rest of the match if polymorphed by Lulu's W - Whimsy while in combat
  • Fixed a bug where Lulu could get the same blue overlay if casting W - Whimsy on any enemy affected by an allied Pulsefire Caitlyn's W - Yordle Snap Trap
  • Fixed a bug where Kha'Zix’s evolved body parts visually reverted back to base form after Lulu's W - Whimsy polymorph wore off
  • Fixed a bug where Forsaken Jayce's recall audio desynced from the animation when enemies lost and then regained vision of him during the channel
  • Jayce Brighthammer now correctly plays the electric buzz SFX for the spawning and despawning of his E - Acceleration Gate
  • The tail end of DJ Sona's recall SFX now play consistently
  • PROJECT: PROJECT: Yi’s death SFX now correctly play during his death animation
  • Syndra’s Classic and Queen of Diamond sphere-popping SFX now correctly play during her death animation
  • High Noon Yasuo now correctly shouts his VO when casting E - Sweeping Blade
  • Fixed a bug where Veigar's laugh wasn't playing correctly when landing a killing blow with R - Primordial Burst
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-712-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.11 (Jun 2, 2017)

  • Items:
  • Abyssal Mask:
  • Name change and icon update to match midseason’s changes.
  • NAME Abyssal Scepter ⇒ Abyssal Mask
  • ICON Updated!
  • Banshee's Veil:
  • Cost increased. Magic resist increased.
  • Given the potent defense a spell shield offers in lane, we want to ensure Banshee’s Veil doesn’t come online too early and that enemies have a chance to fight Veil buyers while they’re vulnerable. A cost increase hits both goals at once: buyers need more time to earn the extra gold and are left sitting on just Null-Magic Mantle for longer. That said, we don’t think Veil needs a flat-out nerf, so we’re keeping it competitive at its new cost.
  • COST 2700 gold (500 gold combine cost) ⇒ 3000 gold (800 gold combine cost)
  • MAGIC RESIST 45 ⇒ 60
  • Scoreboard Minion Kill Tracking:
  • Playing against a champion who creates lots of smaller units makes it hard to tell how well you’re actually last-hitting. We’re keeping the gold reward earned for fighting these pets but removing the confusion they create around last-hit tracking.
  • SMALL FRIES The following units no longer increase your Minions Killed stat (they still grant gold):
  • Elise’s spiderlings
  • Heimerdinger’s turrets (not including his UPGRADE!!!’d turret)
  • Illaoi’s tentacles
  • Malzahar’s Voidlings
  • Shaco’s Jack in the Boxes (including the ones created by Hallucinate’s clone detonation)
  • Yorick’s Mist Walkers and Dark Procession rings
  • Zyra’s Thornspitters and Vine Lashers
  • Bugfixes:
  • This one was in its own little patch close to - but separate from - 7.11 itself. If you haven't gotten 7.11 yet, this fix will be there when you do!
  • Fixed a bug where mana coins dropped by Ancient Coin and its upgrades were granting other types of secondary resources (ex. Ferocity) as well
  • Casting Riven’s Q - Broken Wings casts too quickly after one another no longer prevents unit targeting from working properly on casts beyond the first
  • Enemies no longer turn invisible if Zac tries to drop them in huge areas of unpassable terrain at R - Let’s Bounce!’s max range (no such areas exist on Summoner’s Rift)
  • Fiora no longer purges Sejuani’s E - Permafrost stacks if she uses W - Riposte to parry an attack while at three stacks
  • When Darius triggers Noxian Might by applying a fifth Passive - Hemorrhage stack via Q - Decimate, Decimate now properly only applies one stack of Hemorrhage to other units hit
  • Fixed a bug where, when blinded by Teemo’s Q - Blinding Dart, Draven’s critical strikes still dealt the crit portion of their damage
  • Fixed a bug where, when Statikk Shiv’s chain lighting was proc’d by Pulsefire Ezreal’s Q - Mystic Shot, it wasn’t properly critting at 100% crit chance
  • Fixed a bug causing the projectile of an enemy Caitlyn’s Q - Piltover Peacemaker to not properly appear until it hit a unit when fired from fog of war
  • Hecarim’s E - Devastating Charge stomp can no longer be reused if Hecarim’s initial target dies during the stomp animation
  • Fixed a bug where, when Xayah and Rakan use Tandem Recall while empowered by Baron, only the champion who started the Recall would gain Empowered Recall’s bonus movement speed
  • Fixed a number of visual bugs with Jax’s E - Counterstrike across various skins
  • Switching Summoner’s Rift music from Updated to Classic no longer prevents the music on other maps from playing
  • Various VO lines triggered when Pulsefire Caitlyn scores a pentakill, ace, or killing spree now properly play
  • The underside of Teemo’s stolen hat no longer looks kinda weird during Pulsefire Caitlyn’s Recall
  • Hand-glowy particles for effects like Sheen and Passive - Rising Spell Force no longer slip to Pulsefire Ezreal’s elbow during his Recall
  • Pulsefire Ezreal’s Q - Mystic Shot and R - Trueshot Barrage on-hit particles now properly display when killing jungle monsters
  • Forecast Janna’s basic attacks have been touched up to match the changes to Janna’s other skins in patch 7.9
  • Cosmic Dawn Rakan once again creates a starry nebula during his Recall
  • Candy King Ivern once again burps rudely after Recalling
  • Justicar and Atlantean Syndra’s Dark Sphere audio no longer plays during their death animations
  • Restored SKT T1 Azir’s death animation audio
  • Restored missing sound effects during Chosen Master Yi’s joke
  • You can once again hear Master Arcanist Ziggs’ bomb exploding in his stomach during his joke
  • Restored Bewitching Nidalee’s Vintage loading screen border for original owners
  • Oktoberfest Gragas’s Recall audio now properly plays on Howling Abyss
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-711-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.10 (May 17, 2017)

  • Items:
  • Ancient Coin Line:
  • We don’t think Ancient Coin needs any major power or directional changes at the moment, but we see room for a few feel-good/quality of life changes.
  • Favor passive:
  • CONSISTENCY Siege minions now always drop a coin (overall coin generation unchanged on average)
  • Quest reward:
  • EMPEROR’S FAVOR The bonus skill point now behaves as if you’re one level higher than you actually are
  • Active Item Tracking:
  • A continuation of last patch’s work to add recognition to active item effects!
  • Righteous Glory: Number of takedowns enabled by the shockwave
  • Banner of Command: Damage dealt to turrets by empowered minions (in addition to existing gold earned stat)
  • Zz’Rot Portal: Damage dealt to turrets by empowered minions (in addition to existing gold earned stat)
  • Pulsefire Ezreal Update:
  • The adventurous time-law fugitive now has newly-upgraded specs. Learn more about his update.
  • Updated VO
  • Updated basic attack animations
  • Updated VFX
  • Updated texture for all four forms
  • New recall animation
  • New homeguard animation
  • Bugfixes:
  • Vi’s R - Assault and Battery will no longer carry her into the enemy fountain if her target Recalls during the travel time
  • The tooltip for Sterak's Gage has been updated to clarify that the buff from Sterak's Fury lasts 8 seconds, but the shield from Lifeline only lasts 3 seconds
  • Gragas's E - Body Slam no longer rarely passes through targets standing next to terrain
  • Fixed a visual bug causing Lucian's Q - Piercing Light to not display its cooldown after firing if the initial target became untargetable or invulnerable durign the cast animation
  • Enemies no longer lose spell shields when walking through the very edge of Yasuo's W - Wind Wall
  • Ahri's W - Fox-Fire wisps and Diana's W - Pale Cascade orbs no longer visually linger in their last known location when Ahri and Diana enter Fog of War
  • Fixed a bug where mini Krugs sometimes died instantly
  • Chain Vest no longer shows Guardian Angel as one of its upgrades
  • SKT T1 Ryze’s broccoli is now properly centered during his recall animation
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-710-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.9 (May 3, 2017)

  • Active Item Feedback:
  • Ever wonder just how effectively you used your items? Wonder no longer, as we’re giving you numbers to track the answer to that very question. Gloat on, friends.
  • Knight’s Vow: Damage Redirected and Healing Received
  • Mikael’s Crucible: Successful Cleanses
  • Redemption: Healing Done and Damage Dealt
  • Death VFX:
  • Our old death VFX were too slow and too subtle. We want players (and viewers) to be able to instantly discern when an ally or enemy dies, so we updated the VFX to be much snappier. This better communicates the flow of a teamfight
  • Items:
  • Poacher's Dirk:
  • At its old price tag of 750 gold, Poacher’s Dirk was almost always a worse purchase than two Long Swords. We want to make Poacher’s Dirk a more competitive option, but we don’t want to power creep the item system. So we’re shrinking its cost and its stats. If you have the option to get two Long Swords, you’ll probably still want to go that route. But if you can’t pony up 700 gold, Poacher’s Dirk offers a chance to recover some tempo by making riskier plays, compared to the safer - but slower - option of stacking consumables instead.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Enemies knocked out of a dash by displacement effects are now properly locked out of other actions (ex. Flash) for the duration of the displacement
  • Vilemaw’s damage can no longer be avoided by standing in very specific spots along the wall
  • Amumu's R - Curse of the Sad Mummy VFX no longer appear in the wrong place if Amumu flashes during its cast time
  • Amumu's R - Curse of the Sad Mummy VFX no longer stay on the map forever if Amumu dies while casting it
  • Redemption no longer erroneously counts as a spellcast for effects like Tear of the Goddess
  • Shaco's clone no longer crashes the game if it dies in the fountain on ARAM
  • Instances of Deathfire Touch are no longer overwritten by new instances that would expire sooner
  • Singed’s Q - Poison Trail damage now increases as soon as he puts another skill point in it, rather than waiting until he toggles it off and on again
  • Volibear's W - Frenzy attack speed bonus now increases as soon as he puts another skill point into it, rather than waiting until the buff falls off and is reapplied
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Rakan’s Q - Gleaming Quill to cost no mana in certain situations
  • Fixed a bug preventing Rakan from reliably proccing Kalista’s W - Sentinel soul-mark damage if he attacked too quickly after the mark was applied
  • Udyr’s Q - Tiger Stance damage over time no longer melts wards
  • Cosmic Dawn Rakan no longer leaves behind a purple ghost of himself after Recalling
  • Similarly, Cosmic Dawn Rakan no longer turns himself purple when his Recall is cancelled
  • Fixed Cosmic Dawn Rakan’s Recall and death audio
  • Cosmic Dusk Xayah’s splash has been flipped in Xayah’s AIR client champion info page so she’s not covered up by the interface
  • Fixed a Mac bug causing Cosmic Blade Master Yi’s W - Meditate and R - Highlander visual effects to flicker rapidly in some situations
  • Fixed Conqueror Karma’s channeling animation (ex. when capturing Skarner’s Crystal Spires)
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-79-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.8 (Apr 19, 2017)

  • Amumu:
  • Passive now true damage. Passive numbers down.
  • The function of Amumu’s passive (post-mitigation true damage) didn’t match expectations (true damage), so we’re switching to the latter and adjusting the numbers accordingly.
  • Passive - Cursed Touch
  • BONUS TRUE DAMAGE 15% of magic damage dealt, calculated after that damage was reduced by magic resist ⇒ 10% of magic damage dealt, calculated before that damage was reduced by magic resist
  • W - Despair
  • PERCENT HEALTH DAMAGE 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% target’s maximum health per second ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2% target’s maximum health per second
  • Karthus:
  • Q casting made more fluid.
  • Latency limits what you can do with a character, but for a low cooldown spellcaster like Karthus, it can feel like your internet plays more of a role than your opponent’s juking. We’re fixing that with some quality of life magic.
  • Q - Lay Waste
  • LAYAWAY LAY WASTE Lay Waste can now be buffered. Casts input as Lay Waste explodes will now automatically fire once Lay Waste comes off cooldown, unless Karthus cancels the command.
  • Ryze:
  • Q cooldown resets on W/E cast, not hit.
  • Much like Karthus, Ryze’s quick combos create a large gap between low and high ping players by decreasing accessibility to his combos. We’re making his resets a bit more fluid to bridge that gap.
  • Q - Overload
  • ANTICIPATION Cooldown reset now occurs when Rune Prison or Spell Flux are cast, rather than when they hit their targets
  • League Client Update:
  • As we near the end of beta, we’re focused on fixing bugs and tuning performance.
  • A while back, we introduced our plan for replacing the legacy client. We’ve recently kicked off Phase 2 in Oceania and the results so far are encouraging. This patch, we’ll be extending it to more regions. Check out our latest beta update for details on the client rollout.
  • You can find solutions to most common issues in the Known Issues section of our support site.
  • Notable Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the PLAY button to appear grayed out.
  • The client will now automatically focus on the password field after launching.
  • Your profile background will once again display the correct champion.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the settings panel from opening.
  • Fixed an issue with audio hitching during login.
  • Fixed an issue that delayed ready check pop up while editing your Runes / Masteries.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the chat window from opening after completing a game.
  • Fixed a rare issue that caused chat to become invisible.
  • Reduced padding and altered layout of text in chats to specifically improve Club chat readability.
  • Added new message notification visibility to collapsed folders
  • Bugfixes:
  • Lucian’s Q - Piercing Light now costs the correct amount of mana
  • Fixed a bug where disconnecting during the cast of R - Hero’s Entrance could cause Galio to be unable to target units and structures
  • Galio’s W - Shield of Durand magic shield now properly recharges after he revives
  • Fixed a bug where Gragas’ E - Body Slam would sometimes pass through targets close to walls
  • Nunu no longer gets a second Passive - Visionary passive after recalling.
  • Fixed a bug where Jax could not use Blast Cone Plant after casting Q - Leap Strike
  • Kha’Zix no longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving his R - Void Assault
  • PROJECT: Yi now displays the correct particles during W - Meditate, not his base skin particles
  • High Noon Yasuo’s chromas no longer use the base skin particles for Passive - Way of the Wanderer
  • Made Dragonslayer Vayne’s Green chroma easier to see on Summoner’s Rift
  • Fixed a bug where Dragonslayer Xin Zhao and his chromas were using the classic skin’s SFX
  • Gatekeeper Galio’s recall particles no longer stretch back to the Spawning Pool
  • Fixed a bug where Cosmic Reaver Kassadin’s particles would flicker when zooming in and out
  • Fixed a bug where Club names could disappear from the in-game scoreboard hovercard
  • Fixed a bug where Order’s minions incorrectly spawned behind the nexus turret
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-78-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.7 (Apr 5, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Amumu:
  • Passive causes magic damage against the target to deal extra true damage, rather than reducing magic resist. W deals more damage and ticks faster.
  • Let’s face it, Amumu was the Sad Mummy for a reason. He didn't have a reliable way to use his passive and while he had some degree of amping up his fellow "friends" magic damage, he couldn't maintain it very often. We want Amumu enabling other people, so we're giving the tools to Amumu to do it doing what's he's the very best at: crying and trying to hug people. We hope Amumu will finally be able to make some friends.
  • Passive - Cursed Touch:
  • IS THIS LOVE Amumu's basic attacks reduce enemy magic resist by 15/20/25 (at levels 1/7/13) ⇒ cause 15% of all magic damage dealt to the target to be dealt again as true damage
  • W - Despair
  • DAMAGE 8/12/16/16/20/24 per second ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30 per second
  • TICK RATE Once per second ⇒ Once per half-second (half damage per tick)
  • newAS SALTY AS THEY COME Despair refreshes Cursed Touch on all enemies hit
  • R - Curse of the Sad Mummy
  • newHUG THEM TO DEATH Applies Cursed Touch to enemies after damage is dealt
  • Lifesteal Interactions:
  • Attacking units with ward-like health points no longer grants lifesteal as if they had a normal health bar.
  • We already made this change to wards back in pre-season, but didn’t carry the functionality shift over to everything else that doesn’t have “real” health. Call this a consistency pass.
  • Affected units:
  • Yorick's W - Dark Procession wall
  • Malzahar's W - Void Swarm voidlings
  • Illaoi's P - Prophet of an Elder God tentacles
  • Kalista's W - Sentinel ghost
  • Nidalee's W - Bushwack, Jhin's W - Deadly Flourish and Teemo's R - Noxious Trap traps
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Arcade Miss Fortune was playing the wrong critical strike hit sound-effect
  • If Galio disconnected while flying up during R - Hero's Entrance, he no longer loses the ability to attack units and structures after reconnecting
  • Cho'Gath's R- Feast kill indicator now properly takes ability power into consideration
  • Fixed a couple of bugs around using Shift + Left click as a ping hotkey
  • While dead, pinging abilities that are on cooldown no longer tells allies they’re ready to cast
  • Fixed a bug where Flashing right after casting E - Elastic Slingshot would change Zac's position and move the range indicator, but the damage and knock-up would still be applied in the original location
  • Fixed a rare bug where Zac’s Passive - Cell Division could sometimes cause him to instantly revive (and potentially revive a second time if he’s killed again before his bloblets recombined)
  • Mega Dino Gnar and Mega Gentleman Gnar’s Q - Boulder Toss boulder replacements no longer visually disappear earlier than intended
  • Fixed a bug where Lucian was able to basic attack during R -The Culling if he fired an energized attack immediately before casting The Culling
  • Fixed a bug where moving the camera away from Dunkmaster Darius as he was recalling would desync the sound of it
  • Fixed some dark textures appearing on the scalpel in Kennen M.D.’s basic attack
  • Fixed a bug where a random particle would appear when using Blood Moon Kennen’s E - Lightning Rush
  • Fixed a bunch of cases where Lulu's W - Whimsy polymorph effect wasn’t properly canceling or interrupting certain effects and abilities
  • Champions no longer visually fly offscreen into the sky (and take forever to reappear) if you gain vision of them as soon as certain displacement effects hit them
  • If Elise casts R - Spider Form at the same time Thresh's Q - Death Sentence connects, she no longer cleanses the effect
  • Fixed a bug where Vi's R - Assault and Battery and Nautilus R - Depth Charge would properly consume spell shields of champions in their path, but displace them anyway
  • Fixed some busted textures on Swain’s W - Nevermove claws
  • Tahm Kench is no longer able to W - Devour Red Brambleback or Blue Sentinel without first stacking his passive when enemy champions are nearby
  • Fixed Ivern's R - Daisy, Wait! tooltips (the ones that appear while Daisy is active)
  • Fixed a bug where some types of enemy champion damage (e.g. Ignite, Titanic Hydra, Statikk Shiv etc) didn't end Quinn's R - Behind Enemy Lines
  • Headmistress Fiora's E - Bladework first hit particles no longer exceed the ruler's length.
  • Fixed a bug where Leona’s model didn’t fade away during her death animation for her base and a few of her skins
  • Fixed some weird interactions with spell shields locking some abilities out of use
  • Restored missing particles on Dragonslayer Braum and El Tigre Braum when killing an enemy with Q - Winter's Bite
  • Fixed a bug where some ammo-based abilities (ex. Teemo’s R - Noxious Trap) wouldn’t consume a charge if used at the instant a new charge was gained
  • If Pulsefire Ezreal uses Q - Mystic Shot while affected by the aura buff of Sona’s Q - Hymn of Valor, he now properly uses his own VFX rather than Sona’s
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-77-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.6 (Mar 22, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Galio:
  • Galio, the Colossus, will be updated with the launch of patch 7.6! For more details, check the following links
  • Champion Reveal
  • Gameplay Teaser
  • The Hour of Need
  • Champion Bio
  • A Hero Wakes
  • Champion Insights
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Head to the “Extras” section of Galio’s Champion Reveal article above for high-res images of his updated base and skin splash art!
  • Aatrox:
  • After reviving, Aatrox now keeps his primed Blood Price/Thirst hits and gets full Blood Well.
  • Between the depth of Aatrox’s changes last patch and the buffs we shipped shortly thereafter, the dust has yet to settle. We’re holding off on targeted balance follow-up until his performance has stabilized, but in the interim, we’re delivering some quality of life changes that should make the revive experience feel more consistent. Also... is it Darkin here or were Aatrox’s tooltips just hard to read? Turns out, a bit of the latter, so we’re doing some cleanup work.
  • Passive - Blood Well:
  • NOT ACTUALLY DRAVEN Aatrox’s full Blood Well buff is now “Hellbent”, not “Blood Rush”
  • THIS ISN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM On reviving from his passive, Aatrox now has a full Blood Well
  • WAIT FOR IT Aatrox now no longer loses his third hit from Blood Price/Thirst after reviving
  • DARK BUT NOT MYSTERIOUS Aatrox’s passive tooltips rewritten for clarity
  • These changes are already live; we’re just putting them here as a reminder.
  • Base stats:
  • HEALTH 537.8 ⇒ 580
  • Q - Dark Flight
  • COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds
  • W - Blood Price
  • BASE DAMAGE 30/60/90/120/150 ⇒ 45/80/115/150/185
  • Notable Fixes:
  • We've improved the performance of the chat module in champ select, eliminating bugs that were causing lock-ups.
  • When using Low-Spec Mode, mastery pages should now work more smoothly in both champ select and the collection.
  • We rebuilt the ready-check process to improve stability and responsiveness.
  • Interactions with the champ select grid are now smoother—including hover, click, and open/close actions.
  • Clicking on the summoner name of "recently played with" players in the "Add Friend" interface will now take you to their profile.
  • You can now right-click friends in the conversation chat panel to invite them to your game, view their profile, or spectate their match.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug causing Viktor’s R - Chaos Storm to fizzle on death
  • When Yorick’s Q - Last Rites-empowered basic attack crits, the basic attack portion of the damage is now properly modified, rather than the bonus damage
  • Fixed a bug causing Viktor’s R - Chaos Storm to fizzle on death
  • Knight's Vow’s healing now properly interacts with Forbidden Idol
  • Illaoi can no longer spam W - Harsh Lesson to ignore the cast time of E - Test of Spirit
  • LeBlanc’s Mimic’d R - Shadow of the Rose cooldown no longer resets when LeBlanc casts R - Mimic if she died between casting Shadow of the Rose and casting Mimic
  • Dr. Mundo’s W - Burning Agony VFX no longer stutter when he turns
  • Anivia’s Q - Flash Frost slow no longer overrides her R - Glacial Storm slow (giving movement speed back to affected enemies)
  • Attack-moving during Vladimir’s E - Tides of Blood no longer causes it to immediately release
  • Fixed a bug where Fizz's R - Chum of the Waters wouldn't slow enemies properly when the shark erupted
  • Fixed some interactions causing abilities to do weird things if cast at the same time a spell shield on the user was popped
  • Ivern no longer gains vision of both wolf camps on Twisted Treeline when freeing one of them or the other. Too friendly, Ivern.
  • If a teammate becomes invisible or camouflaged while hidden from you by Nocturne's R - Paranoia, you now still properly gain vision of them if they enter your reduced vision radius before Paranoia ends
  • Enemies affected by Ahri's E - Charm during a dash are no longer still able to cast spells during the dash
  • Using W - Riposte while Banshee’s Veil is active no longer causes it to visually go on cooldown in Fiora’s inventory (or to visually fizzle, then instantly reappear)
  • SKT T1 Alistar no longer slides around during Passive - Triumphant Roar’s animation
  • SKT T1 Alistar’s recall animation audio is no longer bullishly loud
  • Blood Moon Jhin no longer uses Base Jhin’s critical strike VFX
  • Technically not a bugfix: Made colorblind readability improvements to Blood Moon Twisted Fate’s W - Pick A Card
  • Technically not a bugfix: Arcade Corki’s E - Gatling Gun VFX have been toned down to be less overwhelming
  • Technically not a bugfix: Arcade Corki’s R - Missile Barrage VFX have been updated to be more recognizable
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-76-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.5 (Mar 9, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Aatrox:
  • Health costs reduced. Blood Well now gives a large buff when filled.
  • It’s been awhile since we’ve given the Darkin Blade a patch note (to say the least), and we owe Aatrox players an apology for that. We know it doesn’t feel good to hear that your champion is a “game health issue”, and it’s even more demoralizing when we don’t do anything to solve that.
  • When we have talked about Aatrox, we’ve typically focused on his self-heal based gameplay, and how difficult it is to maintain. Tackling a project that large is something more appropriate for a full VGU or a champion class update, but that focus has led us to neglect Aatrox for far too long. Aatrox has other problems besides the dicey-ness of self-healing, and we’re taking this time to tackle some of those problems. Hopefully, we’ll come out the other side more comfortable giving Aatrox balance tweaks in the future.
  • As it stands, Aatrox is always perched on a fine line between smashing everything and not having any options at all. His abilities cost health, which makes fighting from behind even harder. And since his healing scales with his damage, building tanky not only hurts his kill potential, but also doesn’t make him that much harder to kill (because he sacrifices healing potential in the process). We want to give Aatrox more to do in the games he’s not running away with. That means making it more rewarding for him to invest some gold in durability, as well as making it less punishing for him to use his abilities.
  • PS - turns out a certain Glorious Executioner has an ability called Blood Rush. We’ll be fixing the mix-up next patch.
  • updatedPassive - Blood Well:
  • BLOOD WELL Aatrox fills his Blood Well through his abilities. When he reaches 100%, Blood Well begins to drain over 4 seconds, giving him Blood Rush for the Duration.
  • BLOOD RUSH Aatrox gains 25% base attack damage and 20-50% attack speed depending on his level. Upon taking fatal damage, Aatrox will revive and recover 30% of his max health.
  • REVIVE COOLDOWN 225/200/175/150 (at levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 180-120 seconds (at levels 1-18)
  • Q - Dark Flight
  • removedCOST 10% current health ⇒ No cost
  • BASE DAMAGE 70/115/160/205/250 (+.6 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 10/35/60/95/120 (+1.1 total attack damage)
  • newFOR THE BLOOD GOD Now fills 20% of Blood Well upon cast
  • W - Blood Thirst/Blood Price
  • Changes to Blood Thirst:
  • HEAL 20/25/30/35/40 (+0.25 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90 (+5% missing health)
  • removedBLOODIED No longer triples the healing while below 50% health
  • Changes to Blood Price:
  • removedCOST 15/23.75/32.5/41.25/50 health ⇒ No cost
  • DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 (+1.0 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 30/60/90/120/150 (+0.75 bonus attack damage)
  • newFOR THE BLOOD GOD Now fills 20% of Blood Well on proc
  • E - Blades of Torment
  • COST 5% current health ⇒ 30 health
  • DAMAGE 75/110/145/180/215 (+0.6 AP) (+0.6 bonus attack damage) magic damage ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230 (+.7 bonus attack damage) physical damage
  • SLOW POTENCY 40% at all ranks ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
  • SLOW DURATION 1.75/2/2.25/2.5/2.75 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds at all ranks
  • newFOR THE BLOOD GOD Now fills 20% of Blood Well upon cast
  • Recall Animations:
  • Older champions didn't have recall animations, and that sucked. By using animations you’d typically never see anyways (who idles in League anymore? MAD APM BROS), we made it so every champion and skin now has a recall.
  • Champions affected:
  • Ahri, Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Anivia, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Brand, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Cho'Gath, Corki, Dr. Mundo, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Fiora, Fizz, Galio, Graves, Hecarim, Irelia, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Kassadin, Kayle, Kennen, Kog'Maw, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, Malzahar, Maokai, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nautilus, Nunu, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Rammus, Renekton, Riven, Rumble, Shaco, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Skarner, Sona, Swain, Talon, Teemo, Tryndamere, Udyr, Urgot, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, Viktor, Vladimir, Volibear, Wukong, Xerath, Xin Zhao, Ziggs, Zilean
  • All skins for the above champions without skin-specific recall animations
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed Spirit Guard Udyr's VO interactions with other champions
  • DJ Sona no longer stops moving after switching tracks... Can’t stop the beat.
  • Fixed tutorial bugs regarding weird stuff happening when leveling up skills at the wrong time
  • Fixed a bug where using Chilling or Challenging Smite would cause Kled's R - Chaaaaaaaarge!!! to re-route and extend the range of his charge
  • Fixed a bug where if Master Yi’s Passive - Double Strike killed a champion, the second hit could hit nearby invisible champions
  • Fixed a bug where Sivir's Q - Boomerang Blade disappeared into the ground if thrown at a higher-elevation location
  • Fizz and Katarina’s intermediate bots now have Keystone Masteries
  • Fixed a bug where casting Sion's Q - Decimating Smash could remove Spell Shield effects from enemies behind him
  • Fixed a bug where Yorick's R - Maiden of the Mist consumed Pantheon's Passive - Aegis Protection as intended, but dealt damage anyway
  • Fixed a bug where casting Jhin’s Q - Dancing Grenade from fog of war / brush would not reveal Jhin to enemy champions
  • Fixed a bug where if Kled leveled up W - Violent Tendencies while auto attacking an enemy, his 4th hit would not deal bonus damage
  • Casting Cassiopeia's E - Twin Fang now respects Stop and Hold commands for her movement queueing
  • Fixed a bug where casting Sion's Q - Decimating Smash right before an basic attack against a turret would cancel the basic attack.
  • Fixed a bug on Haunted Zyra where Enrage was barely visible on Q - Thorn Spitters
  • Fixed a bug where no on-ground particles would appear beneath SKT Zyra when using R - Stranglethorns
  • Fixed a bug on Project Ashe where the particles for killing enemy units with basic attacks and critical strikes weren’t displaying correctly
  • Fixed a bug on Winter Wonder Orianna where poros wouldn't have shadows during her recall animation. Soulless.
  • Fixed a bug where moving the camera away and back during Zombie Brand's death animation would make his gravestone and earth particles to disappear
  • Fixed a bug with Blackfrost Anivia and Festival Queen Aivia where using flash while casting W - Crystallize would allow enemies and allies to walk through the wall
  • Fixed a bug where High Noon Jhin's R - Curtain Call range indicator was too large.
  • Fixed a bug where moving the camera away and back would cause a chunk of Passive - Cell Division to disappear when using Pool Party Zac
  • Fixed a bug where Final Boss Veigar's R - Primordial Burst VFX would be misplaced.
  • Fixed a bug where Super Galaxy Shyvana's Cinders Mark would be fade out too early.
  • Fixed a bug where Haunted Zyra wasn't able to use the Champion Mastery emote during death
  • Fixed a bug where, after a certain point, the writers got stuck in a “fixed a bug” loop for every bugfix. Developer note: fix failed. We need to try again next patch.
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-75-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.4 (Mar 7, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Cho'Gath:
  • Feast can stack infinitely against champions and epic monsters, and stacks no longer fall off on death. Feast’s ability power ratio down; bonus health ratio added.
  • Cho’Gath’s been pretty weak for a while now: his last visit to the patch notes back in 6.20 made Feral Scream a fairer ability to play against, but ended up weakening Cho by removing some reliability from his kit. We’re updating Feast to boost the cool aspects of Cho’Gath’s colossal, slobbering Void monster fantasy while removing the frustration of losing stacks when killed (it was a pretty terrible experience to reverse-snowball after a death). This makes Cho less of a gamble, while making tank builds feel like a good choice
  • Bard:
  • Bonus movement speed when collecting Chimes increased.
  • Bard’s been away from the Rift for a while now (*sad chimes*). To help the golden boy out, we’re boosting his wandering skills to help Bard do what Bard does best: roaming and playmaking.
  • Passive - Traveler's Call
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 18%, plus 12% for each chime beyond the first ⇒ 24%, plus 14% for each chime beyond the first
  • MAX BONUS (5 CHIMES) 66% ⇒ 80%
  • Notable fixes:
  • Fixed the missing buttons to give permission / kick players in the lobby.
  • Removed the loud ass sound effect when transitioning from champ select into game loading.
  • Improved overall responsiveness during champ select.
  • Reduced the time it takes to login to the client.
  • Added a notification before matches to let you know if you’re not going to be earning IP/XP.
  • When typing, words should no longer be awkwardly split across lines.
  • Added a counter to folders so you can see at a glance how many of your friends are online.
  • Removed unobtainable skins from champ select. These cluttered skin selection and made collectors feel mega bummed.
  • Added a quick link to the League of Legends support portal from the client. You can find it in the client's top right corner.
  • Players can now use tournament codes to enter a custom game without having to search for it.
  • Players can now befriend, kick, or view the profile of a spectator in their custom game lobbies.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Blackout passive no longer triggers individually on clones. We’re looking at you, Wukong
  • Fixed a bug where abilities with circle range indicators were not displaying them correctly across elevation change
  • Elise now correctly is not hit by turret missile projectiles during her E - Rappel invulnerability phase
  • Jhin’s fourth shot now correctly crits after he takes Thresh’s W - Dark Passage
  • Fixed a bug where Camille’s second cast of E - Hookshot wasn’t granting attack speed on hitting an enemy champion if she buffered her R - The Hextech Ultimatum
  • Kled now can correctly dash through player-created terrain with his second cast of E - Joust
  • Fixed a bug where Edge of Night’s active showed a radius when hovered over
  • Kha’Zix now no longer is prevented from using his R - Void Assault passive by being “in combat” when stepping on Honeyfruit or attacking plants
  • Fixed a bug where Gangplank got a massive Movement Speed boost upon killing multiple units with E - Powder Keg while being hit by Nautilus’ E - Riptide
  • Nasus no longer plays the SFX for R - Fury of the Sands for the whole duration if he is dead
  • Fixed a bug where clones killing the Rift Scuttler caused erratic behavior.
  • Fixed a bug where game scoreboard icons would overlap
  • The larger sphere from the Hexdrinker/Maw of Malmortius buff now appears in the appropriate location
  • Classic Anivia no longer uses Blackfrost Anivia’s falling particles for R - Glacial Storm
  • Buffs on Anivia now correctly align on her body even when she flies around for her Q - Flash Frost and R - Glacial Storm
  • Blackfrost Anivia no longer has two bones jut out of her neck when using her Joke emote. You could say we got rid of her funnybones.
  • Heartseeker Varus now correctly gets audio when hitting an enemy in Fog of War with Q - Piercing Arrow
  • Blood Lord Vladimir now correctly gets audio quotes when he attacks
  • Fixed a bug where Lunar Wraith Caitlyn’s Q - Piltover Peacemaker SFX were distorting when hitting multiple minions
  • Primetime Draven’s Q - Spinning Axe no longer incorrectly uses Pool Party Draven’s SFX
  • Fixed a bug where Urf the Nami-tee’s side fins bent outwards during her recall animation
  • Fixed a bug on Arcade Corki where his model didn’t immediately reappear after his recall animation.
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-74-notes#patch-chogath

New in League of Legends Client 7.3 (Feb 8, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Camille:
  • Q empowered damage down. W slow and E stun decreased. E attack speed only granted if a champion is hit.
  • If you’ve been following along with Camille’s trips to the patch notes, you may have noticed a theme: Camille does many things too well. When any champion jumps on you, you’ve got a choice: run, or fight back. However, Camille’s lockdown means you don’t get to run until it’s too late, while her high damage makes it difficult to successfully fight back. We’re slicing the Steel Shadow from both ends, improving her opponent’s odds whichever route they choose.
  • Jayce:
  • Hammer Q and R damage down. Hammer E mana cost up.
  • Jayce’s two forms give him more tools than most champs, and he’s meant to succeed when he uses them all in concert. Right now, however, hammer form is pulling too much weight all on its own. Its raw damage means Jayce tends to win the fights he starts, and its cheap disengage means he can politely decline any fights that find him. Hitting damage offsets last patch’s Lethality buffs by restoring some early-level breathing room for opponents, while upping E’s mana cost means Jayce only has so many “E”-ject buttons before he runs out of resources.
  • Q - To the Skies:
  • DAMAGE 40/80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 35/70/105/140/175/210
  • E - Thundering Blow:
  • COST 40 mana ⇒ 55 mana
  • R - Mercury Hammer:
  • HAMMER STANCE BONUS DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.25 bonus attack damage
  • Practice Tool:
  • Practice Tool will be rolling out region-by-region on the updated client later during patch 7.3! In the meantime, you can learn more about the Practice Tool here.
  • Notable fixes:
  • Fixed a bug preventing champ select chat from automatically scrolling down as new messages arrived
  • Fixed a bug where pasting a really long URL into chat extended the chat window over the friends list
  • Fixed a bug causing the main window to highlight in the task bar instead of the chat window when you received a message in pop out chat
  • We made some various changes to the chat message window to make it easier to read, including adding a gradient behind active messages and adding summoner icons beside your friends' names.
  • Last patch we began allowing your conversation with your friends to follow you from the lobby into champ select (and back out if someone dodged). This message history is visible only to your party (not to new players that join in champ select). This isn't a bug—we just don't want you to lose track of your conversation.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Warwick no longer displaces enemy champions and epic monsters with Q - Jaws of the Beast
  • Fixed a bug where, if Quinn canceled a basic attack against a target marked by Passive - Harrier and quickly attacked again afterward, Harrier didn’t deal bonus physical damage
  • Fixed a bug where the active of Mikael’s Crucible’s was instantly cleansing incoming CC during the slow immunity
  • Selling or Undoing the purchase of Duskblade of Drakthaar now correctly removes the Nightstalker passive
  • Fixed a bug where entering stealth with Q - Ambush was causing Twitch to stop attacking when Taunted
  • Gnar no longer instantly kills champions when E - Hopping from one corner of Camille’s R - The Hextech Ultimatum to another
  • Minion spawns can no longer be blocked with Zz’Rot Portal
  • Fixed a bug where Gangplank could critically strike structures directly after cancelling an attack on an E - Powder Keg
  • Kled’s W - Violent Tendencies no longer activates when used on plants or when Kled cancels his basic attack
  • Challenging Smite no longer incorrectly states that it grants vision of stealthed champions
  • Clones now copy the ‘linked’ indicator VFX of Zeke’s Harbinger
  • Red Brambleback no longer hits the air instead of the ground during his two-handed strike
  • Fixed a bug where Azir’s E - Shifting Sands was missing on-hit particles upon killing an enemy unit
  • Azir now correctly has a shadow during his death animation
  • Fixed a bug where gunshot audio of various champion attacks wasn’t playing in Spectator or Replays
  • Made the Mark of the Elder Dragon buff visuals more consistent on lower graphical settings
  • Krug splitting audio is no longer audible through Fog of War
  • Gangplank’s Q - Parrley visual effects no longer stick around for too long
  • Fixed a bug on most of Kennen’s skins where the on-hit particles for his basic attack were not properly appearing
  • Kha’Zix’s dance VO now loops more consistently
  • Deep Sea Nami’s head fin no longer bends into her shoulder
  • Made Warring Kingdom Xin Zhao’s Q - Three Talon Strike more color-blind friendly
  • Fixed a bug where Elementalist Lux’sE - Lucent Singularity had no particles for its inner orb
  • Removed a frame of Battle Boss Blitzcrank’s idle animation from the end of his recall animation
  • Fixed a bug where Boom Boom Blitzcrank’s golden buckle was stretching severely during his death and R - Static Field animations
  • Fixed a few bugs where some skins were stealing visual and audio effects from other skins of the same champion when both were in the same match together
  • Champions affected by Star Guardian Lulu’s W - Whimsy now correctly display their champion name as “Blob” in the chat
  • Arcade Sona’s W - Aria of Perseverance shield particles now correctly disappear when the shield is broken
  • Fixed a bug where Pulsefire Ezreal’s flying animation stopped, but the audio didn’t
  • SSW Talon’s W - Rake blades no longer look like Talon’s normal blades on the return trip for everyone else but him
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-73-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.2 (Jan 25, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Warwick:
  • Warwick, The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun - Reveal
  • "The Wrath of Zaun" Teaser
  • "Engineering the Nightmare" Teaser
  • Warwick Champion Spotlight
  • Head to the “Extras” section of Warwick’s Champion Reveal article above for high-res images of his updated base and skin splash art!
  • Akali:
  • R ratio up.
  • Akali’s finally reached a stable (though slightly below-average) state following her changes in the assassin update. Given that her core item is being nerfed this patch (see more in the Items section!), we’re taking the opportunity to not only offset the hit to Gunblade, but get Akali to a slightly stronger spot than she was at before.
  • Shadow Dance represents a lot of what we like about Akali’s kill pattern - it’s telegraphed, has appropriate downtime between casts, and gives the opposing team time to react with their abilities to help peel her prey. Considering all of that, we feel like it’s a good spot to help Akali successfully chain from one kill to the next once she gets going.
  • R - Shadow Dance
  • RATIO 0.25 ability power ⇒ 0.35 ability power
  • League Client Update:
  • This patch further improves stability and adds a few quality of life improvements to the updated client. More details below!
  • For questions about the ongoing client update open beta, check out open beta FAQ.
  • If you’re having technical issues preventing you from enjoying the game experience, know that you still have access to your legacy client. Just click “Launch legacy client” before logging in. You can also find solutions to most common issues in the section of our support site.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Eliminated some inconsistencies with how Control Wards reveal and disable wards
  • Lucian’s Passive - Lightslinger now correctly fires a second shot if it kills a champion on the first attack
  • Lucian’s W - Ardent Blaze no longer fails to hit enemies in brush or Fog of War
  • Fixed a bug where Zyra’s seeds from both W - Rampant Growth and Passive - Garden of Thorns weren’t respecting their spawn cap
  • LeBlanc’s Q - Shatter Orb no longer fails to bounce to enemies with Passive - Sigil of Malice if LeBlanc is too far away
  • Fixed a bug where Riven’s E - Valor could cancel crowd control applied by displacement abilities
  • Ahri no longer occasionally extends the attack range of the first basic attack of targets hit by E - Charm after the charm effect wore off. Oops.
  • Shaco’s Passive - Backstab attacks now appropriately generate overheal shield from The Bloodthirster
  • Camille’s second cast of Q - Precision Protocol now correctly damages wards at level 16 and higher
  • Fixed a bug where Anivia’s empowered R - Glacial Storm indicator was visible through Fog of War
  • Syndra’s Dark Spheres are no longer displaced by Blast Cones. Something something minions…
  • Fixed a bug where Zyra’s dead body could intercept ARAM’s snowball. Whoops.
  • Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearby Kha’Zix evolves an ability
  • Fixed a bug where if Quinn E - Vaulted Gangplank at the same time as he triggered a E - Powder Keg explosion on multiple targets, it made for one fast pirate
  • The range indicator for Rengar’s Passive - Unseen Predator is now consistent across all skins.
  • Trundle no longer speaks over himself when using R - Subjugate if he’s already talking
  • Fixed a spectator bug where after skipping forward or backward, Ethereal DJ Sona would sometimes leave disembodied chunks of her gear on the map
  • Guardian of the Sands Skarner no longer causes an insanely loud noise to play if certain actions were taken
  • Fixed a few display bugs on Mac with the on-hover outline that appears around units
  • When an Azir kills another Azir with a different skin, the dying Azir no longer steals his killer's skin's death animation particles
  • Emumu's bandage particles during R - Curse of the Sad Mummy are once again appropriately emo
  • Popstar Ahri's R - Spirit Rush no longer uses on-hit particles from Foxfire Ahri
  • Lulu and her skins once again play their running animations when hasted, rather than walking really really fast
  • Sad Robot Amumu's W - Despair puddle no longer spins around as Amumu changes which way he's facing
  • The ambient glow effect on the Hextech Ward skin no longer cuts in and out on some video quality settings
  • Fixed a bug causing Omega Squad Teemo's night vision goggles glow while Invisible to be active at all times
  • The mirror reflection of River Spirit Nami's staff is now reattached to the staff's surface, rather than the ground
  • Fixed a bug where various buff visuals (ex. Banshee's Veil) weren't following Riot Blitzcrank around during his recall animation
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-72-notes

New in League of Legends Client 7.1 (Jan 11, 2017)

  • Champions:
  • Anivia:
  • R flashes when it finishes expanding. Fixed a bug with R’s expansion time.
  • Anivia’s changes in 6.23 greatly increased the importance of Glacial Storm’s expansion mechanic. We’re adding a visual cue to signal when the storm’s fully formed.
  • R - Glacial Storm
  • newCLARITY Glacial Storm visually flashes when it becomes fully formed
  • BUGFIX Glacial Storm now always takes 1.5 seconds to expand, rather than randomly between 1.5 and 1.75 seconds
  • Draven:
  • Q now has base damage and scales off bonus, not total, attack damage. W mana cost down at higher ranks.
  • Draven is the cocky showoff for the marksman who wants to beat his opponent into the ground and keep them there through the midgame. Ever since Youmuu’s Ghostblade’s changes, Draven has been struggling to stay ahead when he’s off to a good start. We want to restore that go-hard feeling, so we’re giving Draven some extra power where (when?) his victims will feel it most.
  • Q - Spinning Axe
  • newBASE DAMAGE 30/35/40/45/50
  • RATIO 45/55/65/75/85% total attack damage ⇒ 65/75/85/95/105% bonus attack damage
  • W - Blood Rush
  • COST 40 mana at all ranks ⇒ 40/35/30/25/20 mana
  • Elementalist Lux VFX:
  • We've heard feedback around the clarity of Elementalist Lux's visuals, and have a few changes to address those concerns.
  • E - Lucent Singularity’s missile has been adjusted to better distinguish it from Elementalist Lux’s other effects. It’s now primarily swirling ribbons of light.
  • Adjusted W - Prismatic Barrier’s shield visuals on several forms to maintain similar levels of brightness and noise
  • Warning indicator on R - Final Spark adjusted to be immediately visible on-cast, rather than brightening over the duration
  • Notable fixes:
  • We believe we fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from editing their masteries in champ select. We’ll continue to keep a close eye on this issue.
  • Fixed an issue with the champ select grid not loading upon entering champion select
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused flickering during champ select
  • Champ select animations have been given a big performance pass, with many more things being affected by activation of Low-spec mode. SERIOUSLY, TRY LOW-SPEC MODE IF YOU'RE HAVING PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a crash if a player failed to pick a champ during champ select
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from reconnecting to their game after getting disconnected while transitioning from champ select
  • Sounds in the client and in-game now respect your audio settings levels
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from accepting a ready check timer and causing the ACCEPT button to appear grayed out
  • We believe we fixed an issue that was preventing players from getting a ready check when friends in their party get it
  • Fixed an issue that caused the PLAY button to be grayed out after finishing the tutorial
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the summoner icon of a player to appear incorrectly in the game lobby
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the friends list to jitter when drag and dropping friends between folders
  • Fixed an issue that caused mastery pages created in the legacy client to appear incorrectly in the updated client
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from seeing a queue dodge notification when someone dodges from champ select for the second time
  • You will no longer get gifting notifications for gifts you’ve already received
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from viewing champion skins on champion detail pages
  • Made some changes to improve legibility of the IP/RP text on the homescreen
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from spectating a friend’s game
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex. Jarvan’s E - Demacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes of Kha'Zix's Passive - Unseen Threat
  • Fixed a bug causing LeBlanc's W - Distortion cooldown to reset if she cast it, allowed it to go on cooldown without re-casting it, then copied it with R - Mimic
  • Shaco's W - Jack in the Boxes now re-stealth after being revealed once the revealing effect (ex. Sweeping Lens) expires
  • Fixed a bug causing Bard's Q - Cosmic Binding stun to last slightly longer than intended
  • The nearby enemy knockback effect of Fizz's R - Chum the Waters no longer knocks back spell shielded targets while still consuming the spell shield
  • Fixed a bug where, briefly after hitting a target with Darius’s E - Apprehend, Darius automatically tried to attack the target, overriding any commands issued after Apprehend was cast
  • Hecarim's E - Devastating Charge can no longer critically strike structures
  • Fixed a bug causing enemies revealed by Frost Queen's Claim ghosts to also reveal stealthed enemy units they walked over
  • Fixed a bug causing Duskblade of Draktharr's ward detection radius VFX pulses to queue up while dead, then play all at once upon respawning
  • Karma's base Mantra W - Renewal tether visuals are no longer a funky color
  • Surprise Party Fiddlesticks's E - Dark Wind on-hit particles now properly appear when Dark Wind kills a unit
  • Program Camille's R - The Hextech Ultimatum border no longer disappears under elevated terrain
  • The green triangle patterning on the ground during Program Camille's R - The Hextech Ultimatum no longer fails to appear if the camera moved away during the cast time
  • Mecha Malphite's chromas now properly put spikes on his fists for the duration of W - Brutal Strikes
  • Added missing effects for PROJECT: Ekko's W - Parallel Convergence bonus damage versus low-health champions
  • River Spirit Nami's right tail fin no longer disappears in several of her animations
  • Koi Nami's chromas now properly use her skin-specific water particles during her walk animation
  • Super Galaxy Shyvana's Dragon Form E - Flame Breath explosion no longer permanently leaves behind subtle flame effects on the map
  • Fixed a few cases where the snowflake ground decoration on Snow Day Bard's Q - Cosmic Binding stun appeared in weird places on certain champions
  • Fixed an issue where the tails of Fire form Elementalist Lux's dress disappeared during some animations
  • Star Guardian Lux's wand no longer gets briefly stuck at the max range of W - Prismatic Barrier
  • Fixed a bug causing certain buff visuals (ex. Banshee's Veil) to bounce upward during Mecha Zero Sion's R - Unstoppable Onslaught animation
  • Realigned Mecha Zero Sion's jet thruster particles with his model during his homeguard animation
  • Shockblade Zed's shadow no longer loses its smoky visuals during Zed's dance animation
  • The flower Ivern creates during his taunt animation (candy for his Candy King skin) no longer vanishes if the camera moves away and back again
  • The face of the poro in Santa Braum's joke animation no longer mutates during the animation

New in League of Legends Client 6.24 Mid-patch Update (Dec 14, 2016)

  • Azir:
  • Azir’s buffs this patch were outweighed by how hard he was hit by the Rylai’s changes. We’re giving his soldier damage a mid-game boost to help mitigate that loss of strength.
  • W - Arise:
  • SOLDIER STAB DAMAGE, LV 1-8 50~66 (unchanged)
  • SOLDIER STAB DAMAGE, LV 9-15 69/72/75/85/95/110/125 ⇒ 70/80/90/100/110/120/130
  • SOLDIER STAB DAMAGE, LV 16-18 140~170 (unchanged)
  • Ivern
  • Triggerseed maxes are still pretty dominant. We’re following up with a more substantial cut to Triggerseed’s power at all ranks, especially as the game goes on.
  • E - Triggerseed:
  • SHIELD 80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 70/100/130/160/190
  • SLOW DURATION 3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • LeBlanc:
  • For somebody with a lot of roaming tools and dueling potential, LeBlanc’s wave clear doesn’t leave opponents with many options to deal with her. We want LeBlanc’s opponents to feel more rewarded for pushing her in.
  • Q - Shatter Orb
  • W - Distortion
  • DAMAGE 85/125/165/205/245 ⇒ 85/120/155/190/225
  • Rengar:
  • Rengar is having a bit too much success at starting the snowball, so his base damages need to take a hit.
  • Q - Savagery
  • DAMAGE PER STRIKE 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 35/55/75/95/115
  • E - Bola Strike
  • DAMAGE 50/100/150/200/250 ⇒ 50/95/140/185/230
  • Spectator Mode:
  • Elemental drake buffs and rotating game mode objectives are now tracked in spectator mode.
  • We did some under-the-hood work to the spectator HUD, enabling us to switch up what spectator tracks as objectives. This means that for rotating game modes, you’ll see the same information in the top-of-screen tracker as the players in-game. It also means spectator’s finally caught up with mid-season’s drake changes!
  • DRAKE BUFF SPECTATING Each team’s Elemental drake buffs are now tracked in spectator mode
  • PORO KING SPECTATING For Poro King matches, charges toward summoning the Poro King are now tracked in spectator mode
  • NEXUS SIEGE SPECTATING For Nexus Siege matches, structure takedowns (offense) and charges toward the Obliterator (defense) are now tracked in spectator mode
  • Bugfixes:
  • Malzahar’s Voidlings now properly take damage from several damage types that weren't working properly
  • Heimerdinger’s W - Hextech Micro-Rockets beyond the first now deal reduced damage to the Poro King (he’s now treated as a monster, rather than a minion)
  • The fourth hit of Kled’s W - Violent Tendencies now properly procs on-hit effects even when the bonus damage kills a unit
  • Launching yourself or an ally into the air via Blast Cone no longer counts as an enemy displacement effect for the purposes of an active enemy Yasuo’s R - Last Breath airborne check. In other words, you’ll pass through Last Breath rather than getting stuck in it.
  • Re-fixed a bug preventing Xerath’s R - Rite of the Arcane from damaging Baron Nashor if cast from too far away
  • When Brand’s E - Conflagration spreads to nearby enemies after hitting an ablaze target, the spread damage no longer counts as a single-target spell
  • Cleanse’s tooltip now indicates it doesn’t remove suppression effects
  • Repositioned Elementalist Lux's animated splash in Champion Select on the updated client
  • Elementalist Lux's Origin loading screen border is no longer obfuscated by ranked borders
  • Implemented colorblind improvements for Elementalist Lux's Fire and Magma form W - Prismatic Barrier shields
  • Fixed a few bugs with Elementalist Lux's transformation menu
  • Fixed a gap in Elementalist Lux's Fire form flame collar VFX
  • Properly synchronized the Elementalist ward skin's despawn audio with its visuals
  • Snow Day Bard’s singing (?) VO during his dance animation is no longer delayed
  • Properly synchronized Pool Party Ziggs’s audio during his idle animation when he shakes his water balloon and smacks it against his head
  • Jhin’s W - Deadly Flourish no longer plays Jayce’s Q - Shock Blast audio on cast if both champions are in the same game
  • Fixed a bug causing turrets to perpetually spam target acquisition audio and visual effects when they were unable to attack a target in range (ex. disabled by Ohmwrecker; the target becomes invulnerable with no other nearby targets)
  • Restored missing audio during Shadowfire Kindred’s run cycle when Lamb throws her bow in the air
  • Pool Party Graves’s W - Smoke Screen now properly plays its sprinkler sound effects for enemies
  • Fixed a spectator mode bug preventing Order of the Lotus Karma’s Mantra Q - Soulflare explosion circle indicator from displaying

New in League of Legends Client 6.24 (Dec 7, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Camille:
  • Camille, the Steel Shadow, will be released later on during patch 6.24! In the meantime, learn more about League’s newest champion here
  • Severed Ties
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Bio
  • Champion Insights
  • Inside Camille Dev
  • Akali:
  • Passive procs on turrets.
  • When we shifted Twin Disciplines from an always-on effect to one compressed into two procs, we held off on allowing it to work on structures. This was a hit to Akali’s pushing strength, given her basic attacks against structures lost some AP scaling without reaping the benefits of the updated Twin Disciplines. We did this to maintain Twin Discipline’s combat focus for the first release of her update, ensuring we’d have a clearer read on follow-up balance needs (see: last patch’s ratio buffs). Now that things have settled a bit and we’ve had a chance to observe how all the changes are playing out, we’re comfortable giving back Twin Disciplines’ pushing potential.
  • Passive - Twin Disciplines
  • NINJA PUSHING Can now be used against structures
  • Bugfixes:
  • Malzahar’s Voidlings now properly take damage from several damage types that weren't working properly
  • Heimerdinger’s W - Hextech Micro-Rockets beyond the first now deal reduced damage to the Poro King (he’s now treated as a monster, rather than a minion)
  • The fourth hit of Kled’s W - Violent Tendencies now properly procs on-hit effects even when the bonus damage kills a unit
  • Launching yourself or an ally into the air via Blast Cone no longer counts as an enemy displacement effect for the purposes of an active enemy Yasuo’s R - Last Breath airborne check. In other words, you’ll pass through Last Breath rather than getting stuck in it.
  • Re-fixed a bug preventing Xerath’s R - Rite of the Arcane from damaging Baron Nashor if cast from too far away
  • When Brand’s E - Conflagration spreads to nearby enemies after hitting an ablaze target, the spread damage no longer counts as a single-target spell
  • Cleanse’s tooltip now indicates it doesn’t remove suppression effects
  • Repositioned Elementalist Lux's animated splash in Champion Select on the updated client
  • Elementalist Lux's Origin loading screen border is no longer obfuscated by ranked borders
  • Implemented colorblind improvements for Elementalist Lux's Fire and Magma form W - Prismatic Barrier shields
  • Fixed a few bugs with Elementalist Lux's transformation menu
  • Fixed a gap in Elementalist Lux's Fire form flame collar VFX
  • Properly synchronized the Elementalist ward skin's despawn audio with its visuals
  • Snow Day Bard’s singing (?) VO during his dance animation is no longer delayed
  • Properly synchronized Pool Party Ziggs’s audio during his idle animation when he shakes his water balloon and smacks it against his head
  • Jhin’s W - Deadly Flourish no longer plays Jayce’s Q - Shock Blast audio on cast if both champions are in the same game
  • Fixed a bug causing turrets to perpetually spam target acquisition audio and visual effects when they were unable to attack a target in range (ex. disabled by Ohmwrecker; the target becomes invulnerable with no other nearby targets)
  • Restored missing audio during Shadowfire Kindred’s run cycle when Lamb throws her bow in the air
  • Pool Party Graves’s W - Smoke Screen now properly plays its sprinkler sound effects for enemies
  • Fixed a spectator mode bug preventing Order of the Lotus Karma’s Mantra Q - Soulflare explosion circle indicator from displaying

New in League of Legends Client 6.23 (Nov 22, 2016)

  • Elementalist Lux:
  • Master the elements with the Elementalist Lux Ultimate skin, arriving on Summoner’s Rift in patch 6.23. The multi-faceted mage will be available for 3250 RP and comes with a set of five new icons. Additional editions will be available at launch, so stay tuned!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a few bugs where Shaco and LeBlanc clones weren’t properly transferring kill credit to Shaco and LeBlanc themselves (ex. Mejai’s Soulstealer)
  • Fixed a bug causing Master Yi’s Q - Alpha Strike cooldown to sometimes not display properly
  • E - Playful / Trickster’s damage no longer fires if Fizz dies while on top of his pole
  • Corrected some scaling information in Kha’Zix’s tooltips
  • Hextech Protobelt-01’s active can now be properly used during Recall, cancelling the channel
  • Control Wards no longer put the ‘Disabled’ indicator above Zz’Rot portals (since they don’t actually disable the portals)
  • Warring Kingdom Katarina’s visual effects have been adjusted to re-add some of the flair lost in her pre-season update
  • Dunkmaster Darius’s W - Crippling Strike axe backboard flames are no longer offset from the backboard
  • Dunkmaster Darius’s R - Noxian Guillotine no longer makes an orange blob on the ground when cast on a target with five stacks of Hemmorhage
  • Tyrant Swain’s W - Nevermove claws no longer wiggle when enemies try to move while rooted
  • Dark Candy Fiddlesticks’s R - Crowstorm particles no longer show up as Surprise Party Fiddlesticks’s for enemies or spectators
  • Forecast Janna no longer sometimes plays her joke VO and base Janna’s joke VO on top of each other
  • Fixed the voiceover effects on Pickpocket, Vandal, and Gangster Twitch’s Recalls
  • Bloodstone Lissandra’s Recall sound effects now cut off if Recall is interrupted
  • Atlantean Syndra’s watery Recall sound effects no longer cut off before the channel completes
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-623-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.22 (Nov 9, 2016)

  • Camouflage:
  • Longer duration ‘strategic’ stealth. Revealed by proximity, turrets, and Control Wards.
  • The longer duration of Camouflage effects make them ideal for roaming around lanes and the jungle unseen, moving from one victim to the next. Nearby enemies can see through Camouflage, however, making it less reliable in the middle of fights.
  • WHO GOES THERE? Camouflaged champions are revealed by nearby enemy turrets, champions, and Control Wards
  • A SHORT LIST The following stealth abilities are Camouflage effects
  • Evelynn’s Passive - Shadow Walk
  • Rengar’s R - Thrill of the Hunt
  • Twitch’s Q - Ambush
  • Invisibility:
  • Shorter duration ‘tactical’ stealth. Revealed only by turrets.
  • Invisibility effects don't last long enough for users to move from one lane to another, but are well-suited for maneuvering in combat (whether that's to start a fight or reposition within one). Turrets are the only entities that passively see through Invisibility, in line with their nature as safe havens.
  • SOMETHING’S NOT QUITE RIGHT Invisible champions are passively revealed only by nearby enemy turrets
  • A LESS SHORT LIST The following stealth abilities are Invisibility effects
  • Akali’s W - Twilight Shroud
  • Kha’Zix’s R - Void Assault
  • LeBlanc’s R - Mimic
  • Shaco’s Q - Deceive
  • Talon’s R - Shadow Assault
  • Teemo’s Passive - Guerilla Warfare (formerly “Camouflage”)
  • Vayne’s R - Final Hour
  • Wukong’s W - Decoy
  • Bugfixes:
  • We always fix more bugs than we list in the patch notes, but that's especially true this time around. Fun fact: this set of notes is 14 thousand words long.
  • Gangplank's Q - Parrley! crits no longer travel faster than normal casts, fixing a bug that prevented him from chaining extra barrels during the travel time.
  • Lucian's W - Ardent Blaze no longer auto-fires in the same direction as Passive - Lightslinger's second shot if cast between Lightslinger's shots
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Thresh to cast W - Dark Passage globally under specific circumstances. No lantern was created, but Thresh gained vision of the target area.
  • Illaoi's tentacles now normally swing at champions under the effects of Taric's R - Cosmic Radiance or Kindred's R - Lamb's Respite
  • Jinx can no longer queue up Q - Switcheroo! during the cast time of R - Super Mega Death Rocket! This addresses a bug that sometimes caused the rocket to appear further ahead to enemies than it was.
  • Master Yi's Q - Alpha Strike now properly charges Statikk Shiv's passive
  • PROJECT: Fiora's Passive - Duelist's Dance Vitals indicators no longer visually disappear before the effect expires
  • PROJECT: Yasuo's basic attack animations have been adjusted to visually slash the target at the same time damage is applied, rather than slightly after
  • Blackfrost Anivia's W - Crystallize visuals have been widened to match her other skins (actual hitbox was never broken!)
  • When cast on a turret, Star Guardian Janna's E - Eye of the Storm visuals now properly disappear if the shield is broken
  • Ivern can no longer be flagged as AFK if he farms the jungle for too long without interacting with anyone else
  • Wooglet's Witchcap's tooltip now properly indicates its active has a 120-second cooldown
  • Lowered the volume of Creator Viktor's R - Chaos Storm churning
  • Lulu's running animation has been restored on all skins
  • Winter Wonder Lulu'x Pix attack VFX have been re-snow-ified
  • Cassiopeia now properly plays VO lines when placing wards
  • Star Guardian Jinx's corpse no longer gets stuck in a "T-pose" if she died while casting Q - Switcheroo!
  • Brolaf no longer plays two VO lines at once when activating R - Ragnarok
  • Snow Day Gnar's E - Hop bouncing audio has been fixed when Gnar stomps on friendly targets
  • The full changelog can be found here:

New in League of Legends Client 6.21 (Oct 31, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Nidalee:
  • Cougar cooldowns up. Primal Surge heal now heals less at higher health.
  • Nidalee is no stranger to patch notes, but we’re revisiting her this patch to look at the frustration enemies face when they try to punish Nidalee’s mistakes. In the jungle, punishment is less about trades, and more about tradeoffs. Camp clearing takes time away from map pressure, map pressure takes time away from clearing, and getting chunked to low health makes it unsafe for you to do either.
  • Nidalee is too good at avoiding that punishment right now. Her high mobility and clear speed minimize the map pressure sacrifices she makes to farm, while her constant sustain keeps her topped off the whole time. Even if you catch her while her abilities on cooldown, those cooldowns are so low that she’s got a good chance of winning the fight anyway.
  • Basically, Nidalee just doesn’t leave a lot of openings for enemy champions to fight. Normal opportunities—abilities on cooldown or missing some health—don’t apply consistently enough to her. We want Nidalee’s opponents to feel like there are correct times to pick fights with her, rather than letting her fully dictate the tempo of engagement.
  • Cougar Q - Takedown
  • COOLDOWN 5 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks
  • Cougar W - Pounce
  • COOLDOWN 5 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks
  • Cougar E - Swipe
  • COOLDOWN 5 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks
  • Human E - Primal Surge
  • HEALING 45/85/125/165/205 ⇒ 25-50/45-90/65-130/85-170/105-210 (based on missing health)
  • RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.275 - 0.55 ability power (based on missing health)
  • Spectator Mode:
  • For added drama during Baron/Dragon plays.
  • FOGGY Fixed most instances of enemy ability VFX showing up through fog of war when Spectator Mode is toggled to one team’s view. Maybe all of them. League has a lot of abilities.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Audio for the empowered attack proc of Kircheis Shard, Statikk Shiv, and Rapid Firecannon no longer plays through fog of war
  • Thresh's Q - Death Sentence no longer sometimes sends Thresh to weird places if he tries to fly through a base gate
  • Braum's R - Glacial Fissure slow no longer applies inconsistently to enemies in fog of war
  • Riven is no longer prevented from dashing over walls with the third cast of Q - Broken Wings if she's under the effects of E - Valor
  • Pulsefire Ezreal's recall VO lines no longer stop playing after he dies
  • Primetime Draven's Q - Spinning Axe sound effects have been updated to be more noticeable
  • Soul Reaver Draven's R - Whirling Death now properly plays sound effects when it hits enemies
  • Fixed a bug causing Forecast Janna's Q - Howling Gale to not play audio if released after reaching max charge
  • When Pool Party Fiora kills an enemy with a basic attack, the universal blue swirly death VFX now properly display
  • When Star Guardian Poppy's Passive - Iron Ambassador grants her a shield, sound effects no longer play slightly before visual effects
  • Pool Party Leona now properly faces the camera during her recall animation when she has the Hand of Baron buff
  • Fixed pixelation on the max range indicator of PROJECT: Yasuo's third Q - Steel Tempest cast
  • Fixed an issue causing Spirit Guard Udyr's ability animations (not VFX) to play more than once when form-swapping while running
  • Fixed a weird texture on the back of Daisy's delicious head with the Candy King Ivern skin
  • The full patch notes can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-621-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.20 (Oct 5, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Ivern:
  • Champion Bio
  • Ivern: Friend of the Forest
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Insights
  • Inside Ivern dev with the designers (podcast)
  • Ivern Q&A
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Cho'Gath:
  • W modernization.
  • We’ve been on a slow crusade to fix League’s cone spells, and this patch we arrive at Cho’Gath. Up until now, Cho’Gath’s Feral Scream decided who to hit based on when W was pressed - not when Feral Scream actually fired. Fixing this bug means opponents can now Flash, dash, or blink away from Feral Scream, which is a pretty sizable hit to its reliability. Our goal isn’t to make Cho’Gath weaker, so we’re giving him more opportunities to yell at people, plus a little more range to offset the “walking away in a straight line” case. That said, more screams = more silence, so we’re giving Cho’s enemies their speaking rights back a bit sooner.
  • W - Feral Scream
  • COOLDOWN 13 seconds ⇒ 13/12/11/10/9 seconds
  • RANGE 585 ⇒ 650
  • SILENCE DURATION 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds ⇒ 1.5/1.625/1.75/1.875/2 seconds
  • DID YOU HEAR THIS? Fixed a bug where units would be hit if they had escaped the area after the cast.
  • Basic Attack Lock-In:
  • Basic attack canceling is now more consistent.
  • At higher levels of play, canceling the backend of basic attack animations is crucial to everything from trading to kiting. Currently, playing around basic attack animations is a bit too suspect to situational variations like a slight spike in lag or the outer edge of Frozen Heart’s aura. We want the behavior around animation cancelling to be a smidgen (about .06 seconds) more consistent, so that more players can learn and master this mechanic.
  • NO CANCELLATIONS Movement orders issued .03 seconds before a basic attack fires will no longer cancel it. The movement will now occur after the attack fires.
  • Bugfixes:
  • The basic attack component of Hecarim’s E - Devastating Charge can now critically strike, in line with similar abilities such as Nasus’s Q
  • Pantheon is no longer locked out of his active items if he dies during R - Grand Skyfall’s channel
  • Fixed a number of bugs where various short-range dash abilities (ex. Riven’s E - Valor, Hextech Protobelt-01) and knock-back effects (ex. Janna’s R - Monsoon) that can’t move champions across normal terrain were able to move them over player-created terrain. This is technically a Jarvan buff.
  • Additionally fixed a few spots where Vayne’s Q - Tumble was able to move across ledges
  • Fixed an edge case where Tryndamere’s E - Spinning Slash could damage allies he spins through if they were directly on top of an enemy unit
  • Fixed a bug where Rift Herald couldn’t disable Garen’s Passive - Perseverance after Perseverance 'ranked up' at level 11
  • Kled can now issue pings during R - Chaaaaaaaarge!!!
  • Pinging active items while dead no longer displays “0 charges”
  • Battle Bunny Riven’s sound effects for Q - Broken Wings and R - Wind Slash have been restored
  • Master Arcanist Ziggs’s Q - Bouncing Bomb explosion visuals have been restored
  • Cottontail Fizz’s health bar has been moved up to match his base skin
  • Lunar Goddess Diana’s health bar has been moved up to match her base skin
  • Most PROJECT Crafting materials will expire on November 6th. Augment Caches are the exception, but won’t drop PROJECT Cores after this date. Disenchant your leftover stuff!
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-620-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.19 (Sep 21, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Q and W have been reverted to their pre-update paradigms.
  • Let’s start with the bottom line: Kog’Maw’s being partially reverted to his pre-2016 status. While we’ve had champions that take a couple of passes to get right (...Ryze), this is the first time we’ve actually gone back on a Champion Update. To understand how we got here, let’s take it all the way back to last year’s pre-season.
  • Our goal for the Marskman update was to create strategic identities for them outside of ‘who does the most damage’. What does each marksman do that their classmates don’t? Kog’Maw already had an answer to that question: be the glass cannon, demanding an entire team’s resources to support. So rather than create a distinct identity, we took a different approach: sharpen the one he already had. If ‘glass cannon’ was cool, could we push things further and make a ‘glass turret’?
  • 10 months and 5 attacks per second later, how did that shake out? Well, Kog’s gameplay has actually moved away from the niche he previously filled. Transforming into an immobile turret is certainly unique, but it creates a ‘feast or famine’ situation. Kog can’t move between attacks in the late game, so either he mows down everyone in range, or enemies walk to safety since Kog can't keep pace. Compared to the consistent payoffs of old-school ‘Jugger-Maw’ comps, playing with today’s Kog’Maw feels too hit-or-miss.
  • As an aside, new Kog's created some warping effects on the items system. Specifically, on-hit items (Rageblade, Wit’s End, even Skirmisher’s Sabre) are balanced with the attack speed cap in mind, and Kog'Maw's pushing the strength of these effects past their designs. This puts heavy restrictions on the item system, all to support a single champ.
  • All said, we’re left with two choices - continue to make concessions toward Kog’Maw’s ‘glass turret’ ideal, or hit the reset switch to a stabler (though still imperfect) Kog. The updated kit's moved too far from what made Kog’Maw special, so we opted for the latter. This transition may be choppy, as many of League’s underlying systems have changed since Kog'Maw's update, but we’ll be monitoring how he readjusts and make any changes necessary to support him.
  • General
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.625 ⇒ 0.665
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Summoner spells have a 15-second cooldown on load-in.
  • This one goes out to all of you who’ve burned Flashed when trying to say hi in chat.
  • GLHFLASH Summoner spells now have a 15-second cooldown at the start of the game
  • FOR REASSURANCE Smite charge timing is unaffected by this change
  • HUD Pings:
  • A summary of pings added since 6.14.
  • We’ve quietly made a bunch of fixes and additions to the HUD pings feature since it launched in 6.14. So.. here, have some documentation.
  • Pings added post-launch:
  • Enemy/ally summoner spell cooldowns (via the scoreboard)
  • Respawn timers
  • Passives with cooldowns
  • Experience
  • A bunch more items
  • Current gold
  • Gold needed for purchase (see above)
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a few cases where the Oppressor mastery wasn't amplifying the damage of abilities which applied movement-impairing effects
  • Lee Sin's Q2 - Resonating Strike and W1 - Safeguard no longer cause him to dash directly on top of his target
  • Zyra's plants now properly count as pets, rather than area-of-effect abilities, for the slow effect of Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Alistar to basic attack during W - Headbutt's animation
  • Final Boss Veigar once again plays VO lines when casting R - Primordial Burst
  • Captain Volibear's golden shoulderpad (did you know it's called an epaulet? High fashion!) no longer disappears into his shoulder during one of his idle animations
  • The full changelog can be found on the official website: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-619-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.18 (Sep 8, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Yorick:
  • Yorick, the Shepherd of Lost Souls, will be updated with the launch of patch 6.18!
  • Reveal & Insights
  • Champion Q&A
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Ashe:
  • W cooldown increased.
  • Ashe’s Volley cooldown was originally tailored for a world where Marksmen didn’t have much access to cooldown reduction. We’re no longer in that world - Essence Reaver has worked its way into Ashe’s preferred itemization. Volley’s cooldown has become problematically low, even for an ability designed to have a low cooldown in the mid/late-game.
  • W - Volley:
  • COOLDOWN 12/10/8/6/4 seconds ⇒ 15/12.5/10/7.5/5 seconds
  • Invulnerability HUD:
  • Champion health bars now gain a golden border during invulnerability.
  • Invulnerability is one of the most impactful effects in League of Legends, but it’s sometimes hard to tell if a champion is invulnerable or not amidst the chaos of a teamfight. Absolute immunity to enemy damage is the kind of thing you should make decisions around, and given that health bars already track status effects (slows, silences, etc), invulnerability deserves to be represented as well.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Secret Stash wasn’t extending the duration of Refillable Potion, Hunter’s Potion, or Corrupting Potion
  • When Lee Sin’s Q - Sonic Wave target dies before Lee Sin can cast Q - Resonating Strike, it now cancels Resonating Strike’s 3-second cast window instantly rather than waiting out the remainder of the duration
  • Fixed a bug where Eye of the Equinox’s execute proc was healing nearby allies for less than the intended amount
  • Fixed a bug introduced last patch that caused all abilities to use minimap targeting
  • Kled’s health bar no longer takes forever to reappear if he dies and is revived by Zilean’s ult at the exact instant he remounts Skaarl
  • Fixed a bug where abilities requiring certain conditions to cast (ex. Morgana’s R - Soul Shackles) weren’t HUD-pingable in chat until those conditions were met
  • Trundle’s Passive - King’s Tribute heal now properly procs when Rift Herald and Rift Scuttler are killed
  • Championship Riven’s R - Wind Slash and third cast of Q - Broken Wings once again use custom blue on-hit particles, rather than the green on-hit particles of her base skin
  • PROJECT: Ashe’s R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow no longer explodes slightly earlier than Ashe’s other skins upon hitting an enemy champion
  • Smoothed out the transition between PROJECT: Zed’s emotes back to his idle animation
  • Blood Moon and SKT T1 Elise’s wispy trail particles on E - Cocoon no longer show through objects they pass behind (ex. turrets)
  • SKT T1 Kalista’s clothes no longer turn moldy during her death animation
  • Arcade Ahri’s W - Fox-Fire wisps no longer move closer and farther away from Ahri as they orbit in certain weird scenarios
  • Arcade Ahri’s tail sparkles no longer vanish when switching between graphics settings
  • The heart in Arcade Ahri’s taunt animation no longer sneakily switches back to her orb if you move the camera away and then back to Ahri
  • Un-smushed the tip of one of Arcade Ahri’s tails
  • Arcade Ahri’s right wrist is no longer of variable thickness during several of her animations
  • Sir Kled’s joke animation now loops until canceled (like base Kled), rather than stopping after one runthrough
  • Cottontail Teemo’s chromas no longer use Teemo’s base splash in the loading screen
  • The floating star on the Game On ward skin now properly shows up when enemies gain vision of a ward
  • Centered the Game On ward skin in the ambient ring particles that sit beneath all wards
  • The full changelog can be found on the official website: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-618-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.17 (Aug 24, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Annie:
  • Tibbers’ enrage wears off faster after Annie dies.
  • One of our goals for Annie’s mid-season update was to let Tibbers realize the fantasy of infernal guardian. Enraging on Annie’s death is one of the approaches we took, the idea being that giant frothing hellbears are terrifying and you should run away from them. For that to work, however, players should feel like they stand a fair chance of outrunning Tibbers, so we’re toning his enrage down.
  • R - Summon: Tibbers
  • ANGER MANAGEMENT Tibbers’ bonus movement and attack speed after Annie’s death decays 20% faster
  • Ashe:
  • Q duration down. R damage down.
  • For the past few patches, Ashe has pushing the upper limit of what can reasonably be called a ‘utility marksman’. Picking her should signal a priority on utilizing her unique aspects (global engage) at the cost of damage output, but at her current power level that tradeoff simply doesn’t exist. Hitting Ashe’s top-tier DPS opens room for other marksmen to compete while preserving the game-changing global pressure and vision control only she can bring to the bot lane.
  • Q - Ranger's Focus
  • DURATION 5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
  • R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
  • DAMAGE 250/425/600 ⇒ 200/400/600
  • Turret AI:
  • Turrets target champions more consistently.
  • Turrets are like older brothers. They’re not always around, but when they are, they’ve got your back. They protect their allies... except for the times they don’t. Under normal circumstances, towers focus on opposing champions who damage allies. Due to the way turrets currently acquire targets, however, if their allied champion is too far away, turrets stands idly by while opponents bring the pain, even if those opponents are squarely within firing range. Players have an expectation that towers should protect them, so we’re making sure that they do that.
  • TURRET BINOCULARS Champions within enemy turret attack range now draw turret aggro when attacking enemy champions within 1400 range of the turret (turret attack range is still unchanged at 775)
  • NEARSIGHTED TURRET When a turret switches to targeting champions due to having no other units to target, it now prioritizes the closest champion attacking it rather than a random champion in its range
  • Bugfixes:
  • Removed custom PROJECT chest animations from Hextech Crafting to mitigate a client memory issue that could lead to crashes. Unopened PROJECT chests will still be in your inventory and will still award the same loot, but will use the Premium (purple) Hextech chest animations.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to use the minimap to select a target for a long-range targeted ability (ex. Teleport) could instead target a unit hidden underneath the minimap if the cursor happened to be hovering over that unit
  • Players can no longer get stuck in weird states (ex. every button is a ping) if they switch to a different window at the exact moment they input a command
  • Fixed a bug where Kalista’s Passive - Martial Poise dash was overwriting other displacement effects (ex. clicking on Thresh’s W - Dark Passage, being hit by Lee Sin’s R - Dragon’s Rage)
  • Kha’Zix no longer loses R - Void Assault’s stealth when activating Youmuu’s Ghostblade
  • Fixed a bug where Lee Sin’s Q - Resonating Strike dealt no damage if cast while dashing via W - Safeguard
  • Fixed a bug where Leona’s E - Zenith Blade displayed no visuals to enemies if Leona cast it in Fog of War and flashed into vision during the cast time
  • Nasus now gains Q - Siphoning Strike stacks when last-hitting Gangplank’s Powder Kegs
  • “Snap-casting” Sion’s Q - Decimating Strike now properly deals damage in the minimum area of effect, rather than the larger “fully charged” area
  • Fixed a bug where launching a minion with Sion’s E - Roar of the Slayer while it’s knocked up by Q - Decimating Strike sometimes caused the minion to deal no damage to units it passed through
  • Tahm Kench’s R - Abyssal Voyage description in Champion Select is no longer blank
  • Fixed a bug where Twitch’s E - Expunge sometimes wasn’t dealing damage to enemies acquired at the very edge of its range
  • Fixed a bug where Yasuo’s first basic attack after R - Last Breath was delayed if it was a critical strike
  • Fixed a bug where Zilean’s Q - Time Bomb wasn’t damaging attached enemies if they were untargetable when the bomb exploded
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs where some instant area of effect abilities (ex. Cho’Gath’s W - Feral Scream) were dealing damage to untargetable champions when cast while those units were untargetable
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs where some dash abilities would fizzle or act oddly when cast during a knock-back effect
  • Fixed a bug where Rift Scuttler’s resistances weren’t weakened by short-duration hard crowd control effects
  • Morgana's knees no longer pop through her dress during her run animation
  • Syndra's arms are no longer stretchy when she dies
  • Runaan's Hurricane bolts on SKT T1 Kalista's basic attacks are now golden, matching her spears (versus spooky green like her base skin)
  • Fixed a bug where buff VFX (ex. Banshee's Veil) weren't following SKT T1 Elise's movements during several of her animations
  • Improved readability of PROJECT: Ekko's passive indicator rings
  • Dark Star Thresh's corpse no longer gets stuck in a T-pose if he dies while casting Q - Death Sentence
  • Adjusted Dark Star Thresh's W - Dark Passage toss animation to not look like Syndra's W - Scatter the Weak
  • Restored ambient swirly effects around Challenger Ahri's orb
  • Sandstorm Katarina's taunt animation is no longer twice as fast as her other skins

New in League of Legends Client 6.16 (Aug 10, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Kled:
  • Kled, the Cantankerous Cavalier, will be released in this patch!
  • Champion Bio
  • The Reunion
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Insights
  • Inside Kled dev with the designers (podcast)
  • Kled Q&A
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Irelia:
  • Passive now adds tenacity based on how outnumbered Irelia’s team is, rather than how many enemies are nearby.
  • Irelia’s the type of against-all-odds champion who turns disadvantages into advantages. Stunning her opponents when they get ahead and shrugging off crowd control when surrounded lets her pull off surprising comebacks and flashy moments of aggression. Irelia is known for fighting off a Noxian invading force while fiercely outnumbered, but her passive isn’t currently hitting that tone; it just makes her generically hard to lock down in teamfights. Playing Irelia should feel like beating impossible odds, but when she’s surrounded by her team, she doesn’t have any odds to beat. Irelia’s passive will now track the number of allies as well as enemies, with a shorter range so your backline Xerath isn’t ruining your sick plays.
  • Passive - Ionian Fervor:
  • DON’T STAND SO CLOSE TO ME Champions within 1400 ⇒ 1000 range of Irelia count as nearby
  • YOU’RE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME No longer grants tenacity based solely on the number of nearby enemies
  • BRING MORE BAD GUYS Now grants tenacity based on the number of nearby enemy champions compared to the number of nearby allied champions (Irelia counts as one ally):
  • MORE OF US THAN THEM 0% tenacity
  • EVENLY MATCHED 10% tenacity
  • MORE OF THEM THAN US 25/30/35/40% tenacity (at levels 1/6/11/16)
  • R - Transcendent Blades
  • TOOLTIP FIX Fixed a tooltip bug where Transcendent Blades’ scaling was incorrectly listed as 0.6 bonus attack damage, rather than 0.7 (actual value unchanged)
  • Champion Select:
  • During the 6.15 patch, we introduced a feature showing how much lower or higher queue times may be based on the positions selected.
  • Queue times can vary dramatically depending on the roles a player picks, so we’ve added queue time impact estimates to position select. Now you can decide if you prefer getting into game or getting your primary.
  • TIMES TABLES Position select now displays when and to what degree particular position combinations impact estimated queue times
  • QUANTUM QUEUE QUANDARY There's still a known bug where premade 5s in ranked will have an estimated wait time of 0:00
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Lux’s R - Final Spark wasn’t dealing damage to champions it hit if Lux couldn’t see them
  • Ahri’s R - Spirit Rush, Fiora’s Q - Lunge, and Xerath’s E - Eye of Destruction no longer fire in weird directions when cast while the cursor is hovering over the minimap
  • Vayne’s Q - Tumble now properly damages inhibitors and the nexus
  • Soraka’s R - Wish now properly grants Ardent Censer’s attack speed buff to faraway allies she heals
  • Orianna’s ball no longer visually disappears until next spellcast if an ally dies while holding it
  • Fixed a bug where an enemy hit with multiple shells from Graves’s basic attacks only applied a single stack of Black Cleaver
  • Grasp of the Undying’s cooldown no longer refreshes when Yasuo attempts (and fails) to cast E - Sweeping Blade on a target he recently dashed through
  • Fixed a bug where Tibbers would repeatedly cancel his bear slaps when you ordered him to attack a unit he was already attacking
  • Champion clones no longer steal part of the Turret First Blood gold bonus
  • Righteous Glory now properly grants movement speed when moving toward champion clones
  • Twisted Fate no longer cancels his recall when pressing the hotkey for E - Stacked Deck at ranks 2 or higher
  • Arcade and DJ Sona aura VFX have been increased in size to match her recent gameplay changes
  • Championship and Deep Sea Thresh’s W - Dark Passage once again create a glowing trail behind the lantern when Dark Passage is cast
  • Put Cottontail Fizz’s health bar in the right spot
  • Rocket Girl Tristana Punk chromas no longer use Tristana’s base visual effects
  • Deep Sea Nami no longer keeps talking when Voice Volume is disabled
  • Pool Party Miss Fortune’s E - Make it Rain no longer causes coconuts to visually hit people from weird directions in certain situations
  • Dragonslayer Braum no longer becomes momentarily blurry after casting a spell
  • Buff particles (ex. Banshee’s Veil shield) now properly rise with Gravelord Azir during his recall animation
  • Smoothed out a crack in PROJECT: Katarina’s textures
  • Syndra’s start and end poses during her recall animation have been fixed to smooth her movement out
  • Super Galaxy Shyvana’s hands are no longer stretchy during her death animation

New in League of Legends Client 6.15 (Jul 26, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Braum:
  • Passive damage down at early levels. Q damage down.
  • Getting tagged by Concussive Blows forces a tough choice on Braum’s opponents: risk the stun to keep up in minion kills, or fall behind in farm and live to fight another day. Braum’s early damage currently makes both options losing prospects, since enemies who aren’t instantly chunked by Concussive Blows are still eventually worn down by Winter’s Bite. We’re pulling the big man’s punches in lane to give opponents a chance for success.
  • Passive - Concussive Blows:
  • DAMAGE 40-176 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 26-196 (at levels 1-18)
  • Q - Winter's Bite
  • DAMAGE 70/115/160/205/250 ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240
  • Corki:
  • Passive cooldown lowered.
  • Compared to his consistent performances at the start of the year, Corki’s dragging behind the rest of the pack. More frequent Package deliveries will allow Corki extra opportunities to show off just how daring he can be.
  • Passive - Hextech Munitions
  • PACKAGE COOLDOWN 300 seconds ⇒ 240 seconds
  • Items:
  • Ardent Censer:
  • Heal/shield bonus no longer stacks across multiple Ardent Censers.
  • We're glad Enchanter-types are experimenting with the heal/shield bonus on Forbidden Idol and friends, but hoarding Censers (or Crucibles) isn't what we had in mind. The three different sources of the effect still stack with each other, but we're ensuring Censer users aren't abandoning the rest of the shop.
  • ARDENT HEALING +15% heal and shield power is now a UNIQUE Passive
  • Bugfixes:
  • Battle Boosts have returned to Howling Abyss!
  • Fixed a bug where the stun on Rammus's Q - Powerball was lasting longer than intended
  • Annie's W - Incinerate and R - Summon: Tibbers now properly stun (but don’t damage) invulnerable targets when proccing Pyromania
  • Classic Mordekaiser now has the same leash range for his Dragon Ghost as all his skins
  • Cancelling Graves’s basic attack no longer fails to reset his basic attack timer
  • Damaging trap abilities now properly grant a stack of Fervor of Battle when procced by an enemy
  • Untargetable champions can no longer proc Caitlyn’s W - Yordle Snap Trap
  • Twisted Treeline bots no longer purchase removed items
  • PROJECT: First Strike loading screen borders are no longer covered up by ranked borders
  • Dunkmaster Darius's health bar no longer overlaps with his head
  • Pool Party Miss Fortune's level number no longer drifts out of the side of her health bar
  • Improved visibility of Lunar Wraith Caitlyn's W - Yordle Snap Trap
  • Koi Nami's chromas now properly use her ability particle effects, rather than Classic Nami's
  • Fixed various splotchy spots on Safecracker Evelynn's outfit
  • Pool Party Taric no longer briefly reappears after diving into the floor at the end his recall animation
  • Arclight Vel'Koz's spawning portal no longer sits on top of his tentacles during his respawn animation
  • Fixed a bug where some Nidalee skins could steal the Cougar form recall VFX from her Warring Kingdoms skin when in the same game together
  • His Royal Crabbiness no longer sticks out of the ward skin selector when picking him as your ward skin in Champion Select
  • The full list of changes can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-615-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.14 Balance Update (Jul 20, 2016)

  • Sona balance update:
  • We knew going into 6.14 that speeding up Sona's gameplay would be a significant buff. Though we threw in a few power-downs to compensate, it's clear at this point those adjustments weren't enough to keep Sona in line. We're making a few immediate changes to tone her back down, then see if we need to follow up again in 6.15.
  • NOTE: Because these are quick changes, Sona's tooltips may be out of whack until we can update them next patch!
  • W - Aria of Perseverance
  • HEAL 40/65/90/115/140 ⇒ 35/55/75/95/115
  • E - Song of Celerity
  • SELF MOVEMENT SPEED 16/17/18/19/20% ⇒ 13/14/15/16/17%
  • Outer Turrets:
  • Armor and magic resistance increased.
  • We introduced outer turrets last year to create safe havens in the early game. That was before preseason’s marksman update (the turret’s natural predator). Treeline turret destruction has escalated with the rise of League’s shootiest class, so we’re increasing outer turret sturdiness to keep them relevant a bit longer.
  • ARMOR 50 ⇒ 100
  • Thornmail:
  • Now on Twisted Treeline.
  • Another prisoner of the “marksmen used to suck” world order, we left Thornmail off the Treeline since marksmen who clawed their way to relevance probably deserved to be there. Marksmen are now, if anything, too dominant, so it’s high time Thornmail emerged onto the Treeline.
  • newEXISTS Thornmail now exists on Twisted Treeline!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Rift Scuttler’s health bar no longer takes a few moments to appear when revealed for the first time
  • Zyra’s Passive - Garden of Thorns no longer re-activates while Zyra is recalling in brush, giving away her location
  • Braum no longer instantly dies if he tries to block Baron Nashor’s Acid Shot with E - Unbreakable at the exact wrong moment
  • When Darius’s E - Apprehend pulls enemies over walls, it no longer chest-bumps them back to the side they were on to begin with
  • Graves is no longer briefly stunned if an enemy tries to displace him as he casts R - Collateral Damage
  • Graves’s W - Smoke Screen no longer fizzles if cast immediately before Graves fires his second basic attack charge
  • Fixed a bug where Elise’s Spiderlings sometimes took no damage from Graves’s basic attacks
  • Fixed a bug where the active effect of Hextech GLP-800 wasn’t always being properly reduced by Ruby Sightstone’s active item cooldown reduction
  • Health bars for Aether Wing Kayle, Iron Inquisitor Kayle, and Riot Kayle have been bumped up to match their height on Kayle’s other skins
  • Fixed some flickering in Blood Lord Vladimir’s R - Hemoplague cast visuals
  • Bad Santa Veigar's custom particles for W - Dark Matter have been restored. Merry Christmas.
  • Restored the pathing indicator line that appears between clicking on Snow Day Bard’s E - Magical Journey and entering it to become a penguin
  • Removed a few seam lines on Muay Thai Lee Sin’s model at Very Low settings
  • Headless Hecarim’s smoke effects no longer stutter
  • Fixed a texture issue on the top of Fnatic Gragas’s barrel Summoner’s Cup
  • Removed a random pipe that appeared in Commando Jarvan IV’s knee during his walk animation
  • Fixed a stretching issue with Pool Party Lulu’s hat during her death animation
  • Championship Shyvana’s teeth in dragon form are no longer super elastic when she roars

New in League of Legends Client 6.14 (Jul 13, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Ryze:
  • Ryze, the Rune Mage, will be updated with the launch of patch 6.14! To learn more, check the following links:
  • Champion Reveal & Champion Insights
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Champion Bio
  • Leona:
  • Q cooldown reduced. E root duration up. R damage down. New passive on R.
  • When we think of Leona, two things come to mind: the sun and crowd control. Leona’s success is predicated on landing her CC so her teammates can light up enemy champions. But what does Leona do after locking the enemy team down? Right now, the answer is “not much.”
  • Adding to her woes, Leona is eclipsed at higher levels of play by other tanks who offer value throughout a teamfight, not just at the beginning (your Braums, your Alistars). Leona’s lockdown may be strong enough at lower skill levels to lead teammates to victory, but higher-skilled opponents are much better at punishing Leona (and her team) while her abilities are on cooldown. Capitalizing on moments of vulnerability is really just the correct way to play League of Legends, but with how quickly Leona expends her payload, this punishment is all too frequent.
  • To fix this, we’re ushering in A New Dawn for Leona, giving her more to do throughout teamfights via Solar Flare’s new passive. In addition, changes to Q and E mean that foes will have a harder time finding the shade when Leona comes for them.
  • Jungle Rewards:
  • Experience rewards decreased. Gold rewards increased. Monster health increased.
  • Outer Turrets:
  • Armor and magic resistance increased.
  • We introduced outer turrets last year to create safe havens in the early game. That was before preseason’s marksman update (the turret’s natural predator). Treeline turret destruction has escalated with the rise of League’s shootiest class, so we’re increasing outer turret sturdiness to keep them relevant a bit longer.
  • ARMOR 50 ⇒ 100
  • Bugfixes:
  • Rift Scuttler’s health bar no longer takes a few moments to appear when revealed for the first time
  • Zyra’s Passive - Garden of Thorns no longer re-activates while Zyra is recalling in brush, giving away her location
  • Braum no longer instantly dies if he tries to block Baron Nashor’s Acid Shot with E - Unbreakable at the exact wrong moment
  • When Darius’s E - Apprehend pulls enemies over walls, it no longer chest-bumps them back to the side they were on to begin with
  • Graves is no longer briefly stunned if an enemy tries to displace him as he casts R - Collateral Damage
  • Graves’s W - Smoke Screen no longer fizzles if cast immediately before Graves fires his second basic attack charge
  • Fixed a bug where Elise’s Spiderlings sometimes took no damage from Graves’s basic attacks
  • Fixed a bug where the active effect of Hextech GLP-800 wasn’t always being properly reduced by Ruby Sightstone’s active item cooldown reduction
  • Health bars for Aether Wing Kayle, Iron Inquisitor Kayle, and Riot Kayle have been bumped up to match their height on Kayle’s other skins
  • Fixed some flickering in Blood Lord Vladimir’s R - Hemoplague cast visuals
  • Bad Santa Veigar's custom particles for W - Dark Matter have been restored. Merry Christmas.
  • Restored the pathing indicator line that appears between clicking on Snow Day Bard’s E - Magical Journey and entering it to become a penguin
  • Removed a few seam lines on Muay Thai Lee Sin’s model at Very Low settings
  • Headless Hecarim’s smoke effects no longer stutter
  • Fixed a texture issue on the top of Fnatic Gragas’s barrel Summoner’s Cup
  • Removed a random pipe that appeared in Commando Jarvan IV’s knee during his walk animation
  • Fixed a stretching issue with Pool Party Lulu’s hat during her death animation
  • Championship Shyvana’s teeth in dragon form are no longer super elastic when she roars
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-614-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.13 (Jun 29, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Blitzcrank:
  • E duration decreased. R cooldown changed.
  • In his current state, Blitz is an unstoppable force in the bot lane. His standard pattern of engagement - hook, knockup, ult, BM - is reliably performed and extremely effective. At the same time, some aspects of Blitzcrank’s design are simply annoying, not just when facing him but when playing as Blitz as well. Some nerfs paired with the feel-good tweaks should make the Great Steam Golem less frustrating for everyone.
  • Q - Rocket Grab:
  • IN MY SIGHTS Now pulls enemies 75 units in front of Blitzcrank rather than directly on top of him
  • E - Power Fist:
  • DURATION 10 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • NO RUST Power Fist's empowered basic attack can no longer be canceled
  • R - Static Field:
  • COOLDOWN 30 seconds ⇒ 60/40/20 seconds
  • SMART FIELD No longer hits monsters while Blitzcrank is out of combat
  • Items:
  • Ancient Coin line:
  • Early cooldown reduction increased. Talisman of Ascension now builds out of Raptor’s Cloak instead of Forbidden Idol.
  • For an item that enables explosive initiation, Talisman of Ascension isn’t giving its users the tankiness they might need to survive contact with the enemy. Forbidden Idol as a component didn’t leave much room for defensive stats, so we’re replacing it with Raptor’s Cloak - a natural fit given its movement speed passive. Ancient Coin and Nomad’s Medallion are also struggling in lane, so granting them Talisman’s CDR a bit early should help them feel better.
  • Attack-Move:
  • Attack-move works properly when used with move commands.
  • Sorry, marksmen.
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where an attack-move command issued immediately after a move command to the same spot would fail to overwrite the move command
  • Ranked Emblems:
  • Earn one of three different emblems winning dynamic ranked games solo, in groups, or alongside fully-stacked teams. Flaunt them on your Profile and Leagues pages.
  • We hear you on needing new ways to show off individual skill in ranked, and this is just a first step towards that. If you climb as a solo inhibitor-crushing machine, your emblem shows that off. Emblems change over time based on your recent wins, swapping between solo, dynamic, and team as your style evolves.
  • RETRO GRADE Wins for emblems started being counted during 6.12, so you’ll need to have won 25 games since the start of last patch to earn one
  • LONE WOLF A solo emblem means the vast majority of your recent wins came from queueing alone
  • PARTNERS IN CRIME A dynamic emblem means you win with parties of all sizes
  • SQUADGOALS A team emblem means your wins come mostly from queuing with full teams
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a few cases where Ninja Tabi weren't properly reducing damage from empowered basic attacks (ex. Ashe's Q - Ranger's Focus)
  • Fixed a bug where Fiora would be locked out of Flash and Teleport if she died during Q - Lunge until casting Lunge again
  • Corrected Leona’s Q - Shield of Daybreak tooltip to indicate the stun lasts 1 second, not 1.25 seconds (actual stun duration unchanged)
  • Miss Fortune’s Passive - Love Tap and Shaco’s Passive - Backstab no longer apply extra stacks of Black Cleaver’s armor shred
  • Champions no longer get stuck when trying to walk behind Blue Sentinel’s little rock buddy
  • Fixed a bunch of cracks in the Zac Sweet Chromas on Very Low visual settings
  • Fixed a bug where toggling Relative Team Color wouldn't adjust the color of existing minions
  • Adjusted colors on a few of Challenger Nidalee's visual effects to improve readability
  • Restored custom particles for Blight Crystal Varus's E - Hail of Arrows when the arrows land
  • The full changelog can be found on the official website: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-613-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.12 (Jun 15, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Corki:
  • W cooldown adjusted. E deals more damage and stacks his shred faster.
  • Continuing our work from last patch, we're giving Corki some love to help reclaim the mid-game power he once possessed. As we progress on the (flight) path of Corki buffs, we're taking care to emphasize his unique traits rather than give him generic strength. This time around, smoother Gatling Gun shreddage and more ROFLcoptering should play up Corki’s fantasy of ‘yordle fighter pilot’.
  • W - Valkyrie
  • COOLDOWN 26/23/20/17/14 seconds ⇒ 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
  • E - Gatling Gun
  • DAMAGE 80/128/176/224/312 ⇒ 80/140/200/260/320
  • TICKS PER SECOND 2 ⇒ 4 (now 16 ticks over 4 seconds)
  • MAXIMUM SHRED -4/8/12/16/20 armor and magic resistance after 8 ticks (unchanged). At max shred, further ticks against the same target refresh the shred duration.
  • Xin Zhao:
  • Base health and health per level up.
  • Xin’s taken a hit in a post-Devourer world, but for most of the game we’re actually pretty happy with the pace of his damage after diving in. Pre-6.9, Devourer + Rageblade allowed Xin to kill enemies too quickly - they’d rarely have time to react. Rather than tune his damage up (and shorten that reaction window again), we’re upping Xin’s durability to keep him feeling happy about ramming his face into the back lines, especially given his lack of an exit-strategy once committed.
  • General
  • BASE HEALTH 591 ⇒ 600
  • Summoner Spell Cooldowns:
  • Most summoner spell cooldowns reduced by 40% on Howling Abyss.
  • ARAM’s a fast-paced mode, so it stands to reason that the high-cooldown high-impact design of summoner spells don’t really mesh with the map’s identity. In the name of letting players use the spells they want instead of feeling locked into the ones they can use the most, we’re aggressively tuning their cadence to fit better with ARAM’s playstyle.
  • You’ll notice that Clarity and Mark / Dash are missing from the list. We’re taking the opportunity to tune their effects rather than just their cooldowns - more on that in a second.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where turrets on Howling Abyss and Twisted Treeline were dealing slightly more damage to champions than intended
  • Fixed a few interactions between Hextech Protobelt-01’s active and empowered attacks (ex. Ekko’s E - Phase Dive)
  • Fixed a bug where Elise’s E - Cocoon stun was cut short if, after casting Cocoon, Elise instantly switched to R - Spider Form and cast E - Rappel on the Cocoon’d target
  • When Xin Zhao attacks Jax during E - Counterstrike, the attacks Jax dodges no longer count as hits for Xin’s W - Battle Cry’s healing passive
  • Sion can no longer restart his Q - Decimating Smash in a different direction by pressing R+Q during Decimating Smash’s channel
  • Fixed a visual bug where Lux could sometimes appear to cast multiple R - Final Sparks in rapid succession. Only the final Final Spark was real! Ghost lasers should no longer appear.
  • The spectral riders of Headless Hecarim’s R - Onslaught of Shadows are once again visible. Still spooky, though.
  • Restored warning particles when Snow Day Gnar and Gentleman Gnar are about to transform
  • Snow Day Gnar’s E - Hop attack speed buff particles no longer cut off at certain angles
  • Shadowfire Kindred’s basic attack particles are now easier to see
  • Fixed a bug where Shadowfire Kindred’s Wolf would appear as two Wolves stacked on top of each other to everyone except Kindred
  • Omega Squad Teemo no longer copies Classic Teemo’s movement voiceover lines when both are in the same game
  • Pool Party Mundo’s busted ukelele no longer jitters on the ground at the end of his recall animation
  • You can read the full changelog on the official website: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-612-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.11 (Jun 2, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Anivia:
  • R cost per second up.
  • Kicking off the patch, we have a minor tune-up (or tune-down) to everyone’s favorite Cryophoenix. Anivia’s doing pretty well since our 6.10 follow-up, but the changes seem to have gone just a hair too far in making her storm too easy to sustain. Glacial Storm should represent a significant investment, so we’re pulling back.
  • R - Glacial Storm
  • COST 30/45/60 mana per second ⇒ 40/50/60 mana per second
  • Azir:
  • W is no longer usable on turrets. R duration down and no longer grants speed to allies.
  • Azir’s been a priority pick for a while now, reclaiming his throne as the top-tier midlaner across the globe. With Midseason’s waters still relatively untested as pro play resumes (where Azir primarily sees the most play), we’re focusing on culling some of the Emperor’s more extraneous power. Azir’s signature strengths lie in his high sustained damage as well as his ‘Shurima Shuffle’ to turn the tables on opponents with a flashy initiation. By leaving these intact, we can get a better look at how Azir fares against newer challengers to his midlane throne while still addressing his dominance.
  • W - Arise!
  • removedSAND CASTLES Can no longer spend charges to directly damage turrets
  • R - Emperor's Divide
  • DURATION 5/6/7 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds at all ranks
  • removedHOW DID THIS WORK No longer gives bonus movement speed to allies that pass through the wall
  • Items:
  • Boots of Swiftness:
  • Movement speed down.
  • Boots of Mobility were some tough shoes to fill as the default 'go fast' boots in the League, but Boots of Swiftness have definitely stepped up to the challenge. While Boots of Mobility served the very specific goal of facilitating roaming (movement speed out of combat), Boots of Swiftness give very general power (movement speed all the time). Since other options can’t beat ‘em, most champions are forced to join ‘em by opting into the turbo life. Reducing the speed they give should help the other options find their footing.
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 60 ⇒ 55
  • Berserker's Greaves:
  • Attack speed up.
  • Berserker’s Greaves are among the least purchased boots, even on marksmen where you’d expect them to be a staple. Right now they’re just losing out in efficiency to far too many of their competitors, so we’re tweaking it upwards.
  • ATTACK SPEED 30% ⇒ 35%
  • Dynamic Queue:
  • Rolling out later this patch (for real this time): several adjustments and improvements targeting high MMR matchmaking in dynamic queue.
  • Some technical difficulties kept us from hitting the last patch, but we’re still aiming at lowering queue times and improving match quality above Diamond tier with a set of solutions addressing those two issues. We’ll go into detail in the next few days.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Resolved an issue preventing some players from receiving mastery tokens
  • The start-of-game Fortification buff on outer turrets now properly reduces magic damage
  • The cooldown of Thunderlord’s Decree no longer resets on certain revive effects (ex. Karthus’s Passive - Death Defied, Yorick’s R - Omen of Death)
  • Cassiopeia’s Q - Noxious Blast range indicator has been extended to match its cast range
  • Champions standing in Cassiopeia’s W - Miasma can no longer dash using the second cast of ARAM’s Mark / Dash
  • Fixed a bug where Darius’s E - Apprehend wasn’t properly pulling in enemies that were mid-dash during its cast
  • Fixed a bug where Draven couldn’t recast R - Whirling Death while snared
  • Fixed a bug where Wolf would occasionally stop damaging targets that entered his range during Kindred’s W - Wolf’s Frenzy
  • Malzahar’s voidlings no longer get confused if a target afflicted by E - Malefic Visions enters brush
  • Rumble’s Q - Flamespitter now turns to face his target on basic attack command, rather than basic attack execution (think Corki’s E - Gatling Gun)
  • Trundle’s Passive - King’s Tribute no longer procs when Zed’s R - Death Mark shadow expires
  • Fixed a bug where Ziggs decided to take a short walk forward before casting R - Mega Inferno Bomb at max range
  • Restored voiceover lines for Vladimir’s Q - Transfusion and E - Tides of Blood
  • Viktor’s R - Chaos Storm pulses are now accompanied by sound effects
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-611-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.10 (May 18, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Alistar:
  • R damage reduction down.
  • Alistar's the definition of a professional staple, bringing consistent peel, initiation, and diving potential. We're not looking to change that, but when Alistar becomes too reliable he suffocates the rest of the support landscape. We've always been happy with Alistar breaking up the attrition of an all-ranged lane through the threat of tower-dives, but at present he's got too much of a good thing. We're toning back Ali's early-game ability to tank turret shots (and everything else) so opponents have a chance to play around his window of strength rather than just flee for its duration.
  • R - Unbreakable Will
  • DAMAGE REDUCTION 70% at all ranks ⇒ 50/60/70%
  • Anivia:
  • R radius and cast range increased. Mana cost down.
  • The first of many follow-ups to our Midseason mage updates, we begin with Anivia. While we’re confident in the controlling shift we made with the Cryophoenix in 6.9, Anivia as a whole ended up less reliable in the process. With a heavier focus placed on Glacial Storm’s uptime, we’re making it easier for her to maintain her signature zoning tool.
  • R - Glacial Storm
  • COST PER SECOND 40/50/60 mana ⇒ 30/40/50 mana
  • CAST RANGE 685 ⇒ 750
  • INITIAL RADIUS 150 ⇒ 200
  • SWAGSTORM Using Zhonya’s Hourglass no longer interrupts Glacial Storm
  • Malzahar:
  • Passive cooldown up.
  • While our balance hotfix looks to have solved much of Malzahar’s over-the-top performance (like soloing dragons at level 3), Malzahar’s still ahead of the pack when it comes to mage dominance on 6.9. Void Shift is an important tool to facilitate Malzahar wading through the midlines to lockdown a priority target, but the cooldown is so flexible during laning that it makes most aggression feel meaningless. We’re dramatically increasing the windows opponents have to pull Malzahar out of the void and back to his fountain (especially early game).
  • Passive - Void Shift
  • COOLDOWN 23-6 seconds (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 30/18/10/6 seconds (at levels 1/6/11/16)
  • VOID CLARITY Cooldown indicator is now also shown on buff bar
  • Summoner’s Rift:
  • Jungle Respawn Timers:
  • Red and Blue minimap respawn icons are smaller.
  • The size of the buff icons were cluttering the minimap and giving the feeling that buff contests were as important as epic monsters. Bringing the size in line with the importance of buffs is a good way to clear up the minimap landscape to see other things like wards or traps.
  • MINIMAP CLARITY Reduced the size of Red & Blue minimap respawn icons
  • First Minion Wave:
  • Consistency at the start of the game is what allows players to make laning decisions. We’ve been honing in on that consistency with small minion tweaks over many patches, but losing a ranged minion to random chance could occasionally change the dynamic of laning. Eliminating that outlier should give players clearer expectations about the laning phase.
  • FOCUS ON THE FRONT Minions in the first wave should no longer grab an enemy ranged minion as a target randomly.
  • Ocean Drake:
  • Now restores health and mana only when out of combat with champions and towers.
  • Regeneration effects often go unnoticed by their owners, but the Ocean Drake buff is large and spiky enough that players feel the individual ticks. The occasional lucky tick right before a killing blow, however, was adding more frustration than gameplay and often leaving players wondering if their damage hadn’t gone through. Tying the regen to stay out-of-combat allows more counterplay to opponents, allowing them to feel less like they’re fighting a rising tide. Of regeneration.
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Barrier
  • Cooldown decreased.
  • Right now, Barrier doesn’t really have anything to differentiate it from Heal, leaving it outclassed by the less temporary nature of Heal. A lower cooldown should offer Barrier a unique identity as the go-to summoner spell against repeated assassin all-ins.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a false error message that occurred when entering a game lobby
  • Final Boss Veigar's Q - Baleful Strike no longer turns units invisible when killing them
  • Fixed a number of interactions with Cassiopeia's W - Miasma Grounded debuff
  • Varus's Q - Piercing Arrow no longer occasionally deals damage against spell shielded targets
  • Annie’s R - Summon: Tibbers cooldown no longer resets to full if Tibbers lives past the end of the ability’s cooldown
  • Frozen Heart’s aura no longer pops Malzahar’s Passive - Void Shift
  • Fixed a bug where Ahri’s W - Fox-Fire could spawn less than three flames if cast at the same time as Ahri used Flash
  • Zigg’s Passive - Short Fuse cooldown is now properly reduced when casting spells while W - Satchel Charge is active
  • Fixed a bug where Zyra’s Q - Deadly Spines could cause the wrong seeds to spawn Thornspitters
  • Fixed a bug where flat armor reduction effects (ex. Nasus’s E - Spirit Fire) reduced jungle monster armor by more than the intended amount as monster stats scaled over time
  • The Lifeline cooldown of Sterak's Gage no longer resets to full after the Sterak's Fury buff expires
  • Fixed a bug where Zz'Rot Portal's Voidspawn were ignoring minions
  • Restored Curling Veigar’s vintage border for players who owned him as a limited skin
  • You can find the full changelog here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-610-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.9 Balance Update (May 10, 2016)

  • Malzahar:
  • Malzahar is powering through both lane and jungle a bit too well. We're hitting the efficiency of his spells to slow his roll.
  • Q - Call of the Void
  • COST 60 mana ⇒ 80 mana
  • W - Void Swarm
  • COST 60 mana ⇒ 80 mana
  • R - Nether Grasp
  • NULL ZONE DAMAGE PER SECOND 6/8/10% maximum health ⇒ 5/7/9% maximum health
  • Vladimir:
  • Vladimir's having difficulty translating his early game strength into late game impact. A bit of love for his Q and E should help him scale out of lane and into teamfights.
  • Q - Transfusion
  • CRIMSON RUSH HEALING BONUS 2.5% missing health per 100 ability power ⇒ 4% missing health per 100 ability power
  • E - Tides of Blood
  • DAMAGE 30/40/50/60/70 to 60/80/100/120/140 ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90 to 60/90/120/150/180
  • Abyssal Scepter:
  • Aura now scales with level and no longer affects minions. Now grants cooldown reduction.
  • In a mage-vs-mage matchup, the winner often comes down to who finishes Abyssal Scepter first. Its 30 ability power bump on completion synergizes with its magic resist reduction aura to create a huge combat advantage upon completion. If that weren’t enough, the aura also makes it much easier to push minion waves into the enemy turret, denying opponents the gold necessary to finish their own Scepter. We’re repositioning Abyssal Scepter to play up its defensive aspects, while tuning its aura to be less oppressive in lane but more relevant in the late game.
  • TOTAL COST 2350 gold ⇒ 2750 gold
  • BUILD PATH Fiendish Codex + Negatron Cloak + Amplifying Tome + 695 gold
  • ABILITY POWER 70 ⇒ 60
  • MAGIC RESIST 50 ⇒ 60
  • MAGIC RESIST REDUCTION AURA 20 ⇒ 10-25 (at levels 1-18)
  • removedMINION HATE Aura no longer applies to minions
  • Boot Enchantments:
  • With Homeguard no longer being tied to the enchantment system, almost all of the remaining options are very broad bonuses to movement. As seen earlier this season, bonus movement speed is a dangerous thing to stack, with boot enchants being a major contributor. When considering how warping Alacrity’s been toward introducing movement speed into the item system (and how potentially warping Captain or Fervor can be), we’re pulling the system to put a tighter leash on the ways champions can gain extra speed.
  • It’s possible that we’ll revisit the concept of boot enchants in the future, but only after we find ways for it help dodge mobility creep - not enforce it.
  • removedDISENCHANTED Boot enchantments have been removed from the shop
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Karthus's abilities sometimes failed to apply the slow from Rylai's Crystal Scepter during Passive - Death Defied. (We jumped the gun on listing this last patch - sorry!)
  • While in Passive - Death Defied, Karthus no longer creates extraneous visual effects when casting Q - Lay Waste out of range
  • Quinn no longer fails to proc Passive - Harrier when attacking a marked target immediately after canceling an attack
  • Oracle Alteration now indicates its sweep range when hovered
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from joining premade lobbies while waiting out queue dodge penalties
  • Fixed a Clubs tag display issue with tags that started with a "-"
  • Fixed a bug where some players couldn't see their own Clubs tag in New Champ Select lobbies
  • Ward placement VO lines no longer play globally for allies on some champions and skins
  • Snow Day Singed's recall audio is no longer global
  • Battlecast Alpha Skarner no longer occasionally plays base Skarner's VO
  • Gravelord Azir no longer sometimes plays base Azir's VO on top of his own lines
  • Blackfrost Anivia's Passive - Rebirth channeling audio has been restored
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-69-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.9 (May 4, 2016)

  • Anivia:
  • One of our oldest champions, Anivia’s always been a power-pick for those willing to weather the storm of her steep mastery curve. While her strategic identity as a counter to heavy sieging is already strong, we saw an opportunity with Midseason to sharpen her traits as a disruptor even further. By focusing power into her already-potent CC, Anivia cements herself as a centerpiece for teams looking to seize control of the battlefield’s neutral ground.
  • General
  • Tear of the Goddess:
  • Refunds a portion of mana spent.
  • Tear of the Goddess creates an odd conflict: it’s the mage item which gives the most raw mana (attractive to champions with high mana costs), but it has to be stacked up by constantly casting spells (something champions with high mana costs can’t afford to do). As such, it tends to be picked up by champions who can spam spells, making them effectively manaless as it stacks.We’re changing Tear’s pure regen to a mana refund, opening it up to high-mana cost champions, not just a select few spammers.
  • MANA REFUND Refunds 15% of mana spent
  • Fiendish Codex:
  • Cost and ability power increased.
  • When we looked at Fiendish Codex’s upgrades, we noticed one pattern: ridiculous combine costs. With more power in Fiendish Codex, players won’t have to sit on mid-tier components for so long.
  • TOTAL COST 800 gold ⇒ 900 gold
  • COMBINE COST 365 gold ⇒ 465 gold
  • ABILITY POWER 25 ⇒ 30
  • Boot Enchantments:
  • With Homeguard no longer being tied to the enchantment system, almost all of the remaining options are very broad bonuses to movement. As seen earlier this season, bonus movement speed is a dangerous thing to stack, with boot enchants being a major contributor. When considering how warping Alacrity’s been toward introducing movement speed into the item system (and how potentially warping Captain or Fervor can be), we’re pulling the system to put a tighter leash on the ways champions can gain extra speed.
  • It’s possible that we’ll revisit the concept of boot enchants in the future, but only after we find ways for it help dodge mobility creep - not enforce it.
  • Skin Clarity Updates:
  • Ravenborn LeBlanc’s launch pads for W - Distortion are brighter and slightly larger
  • Cosmic Reaver Kassadin’s Q - Null Sphere projectile is larger. Added a ring element for E- Force Pulse’s ready state.
  • Headhunter Caitlyn’s Passive - Headshot now has glow particles on her hands when ready (in addition to the ones on her gun)
  • Lunar Revel Caitlyn’s basic attack is now less noisy and aligns more with her base
  • Blood Moon Elise’s E - Cocoon looks more like a cocoon, as opposed to Ahri's Charm. W - Skittering Frenzy has been cleaned up and now leaves the screen faster and is less noisy.
  • Firecracker Jinx’s Q- Fishbones explosions have been cleaned up and have less smoke effects
  • Forecast Janna’s Q - Howling Gale has been lightened for better visibility
  • Dark Valkyrie Diana’s Q - Crescent Strike particle has been modified to make the brights brighter and darks darker
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Karthus's abilities sometimes failed to apply the slow from Rylai's Crystal Scepter during Passive - Death Defied. (We jumped the gun on listing this last patch - sorry!)
  • While in Passive - Death Defied, Karthus no longer creates extraneous visual effects when casting Q - Lay Waste out of range
  • Quinn no longer fails to proc Passive - Harrier when attacking a marked target immediately after canceling an attack
  • Oracle Alteration now indicates its sweep range when hovered
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from joining premade lobbies while waiting out queue dodge penalties
  • Fixed a Clubs tag display issue with tags that started with a "-"
  • Fixed a bug where some players couldn't see their own Clubs tag in New Champ Select lobbies
  • Ward placement VO lines no longer play globally for allies on some champions and skins
  • Snow Day Singed's recall audio is no longer global
  • Battlecast Alpha Skarner no longer occasionally plays base Skarner's VO
  • Gravelord Azir no longer sometimes plays base Azir's VO on top of his own lines
  • Blackfrost Anivia's Passive - Rebirth channeling audio has been restored
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-69-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.8 (Apr 20, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Taric:
  • Taric, the Shield of Valoran, will be updated with the launch of patch 6.8!
  • The Ascent
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Insights
  • Taric Q&A
  • Community Podcast
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Ekko:
  • W and E base damage down, but AP scaling increased.
  • Ekko’s rampage through toplane may be a problem of the present, but this isn’t the first time this has happened. To recap our feelings about Tank Ekko (from way back in 5.15) - it’s about tradeoffs. AP Ekko earns his game-ending skirmish potential by putting himself at constant risk: Chronobreak and Parallel Convergence are unwieldy when Ekko’s fragile enough to die before he can use them optimally. Tank Ekko’s survivability makes these tools much more reliable, but due to a combination of low cooldowns and high base damage, he still brings the beatdown as well. We’re fine with Tank Ekko shining in specific situations, but significantly lowering the build’s damage output (relative to AP-focused builds) ensures Ekko’s risk-reward paradigm is kept in check.
  • W - Parallel Convergence
  • PASSIVE ON-HIT DAMAGE 5% of the target’s missing health ⇒ 3% of the target’s missing health
  • PASSIVE ON-HIT RATIO 1% per 50 ability power ⇒ 1% per 33 ability power
  • newI LIKE HITTING YOU Now deals a minimum of 15 damage to minions and monsters
  • E - Phase Dive
  • BASE DAMAGE 50/80/110/140/170 ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140
  • RATIO 0.2 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • Galio:
  • E costs less and gives more movement speed.
  • Galio presents a powerful option for those who like to make a big impact in close quarters, but often runs out of steam before teams start grouping up. We’re tossing him a stone to help smooth his laning interactions (especially when pushed into his tower), as well as enable sweet roaming plays if the situation arises.
  • Items:
  • Iceborn Gauntlet:
  • Proc damage decreased.
  • Sheen’s always offered champions with low cooldowns and high base damage a cost-efficient damage option (without having to go too far into full-damage builds). From there, the branching paths tell the story of what you want your Sheen to do. Do I want an extra AP Ratio? Lichbane. Do I want to deal tons of damage? Trinity Force. In-fight utility? Iceborn Gauntlet. The latter has done a fantastic job of holding up its utility promise - but the extra damage it provides is allowing beefier builds to squeeze too much effectiveness out of their kits. Given how much cheaper it is to build than the other Sheen upgrades, we’re taking a stab at sharpening those identities and making Iceborn markedly weaker than its alternatives at winning duels.
  • SPELLBLADE 125% base attack damage ⇒ 100% base attack damage
  • Mercurial Scimitar:
  • Cost and attack damage lowered.
  • Mercurial Scimitar is really gold efficient. Reaaaaally gold efficient. That’s not a problem by itself, but when tied to an incredibly powerful active in the form of Quicksilver Sash’s omni-cleanse, over-efficiency pushes Scimitar over the edge. Mercurial’s often purchased for its amazing statline alone, and its active is conveniently countering a lot of champions in the process. Scimitar’s still a great choice for a carry under pressure, but shrinking its efficiency means it makes less sense without a clear use for the active.
  • TOTAL COST 3700 gold ⇒ 3600 gold
  • COMBINE COST 625 gold ⇒ 525 gold
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 75 ⇒ 65
  • Spell Shields:
  • It’s well-known that spell shields can block multiple abilities that hit at the exact same time - basically, spell shields protect you for a tiny window of time, regardless of what hits you in that moment. This window is very slightly inconsistent depending on server refresh rates. Combined with the fact that certain spells in our game (like Corki’s R - Missile Barrage) are broken into multiple sections code-side, this means that on rare occasions, some part of these ‘multi-hit’ abilities falls on the wrong side of the refresh and ‘goes through’ spell shields. We’ve refactored the window to be consistent so this shouldn’t happen anymore.
  • SPELL IT OUT Fixed a bug where certain abilities could pop a spell shield and still take effect.
  • In-Game Settings:
  • Spellcasting defaults to Quick Cast with Range Indicators. Saved settings are unaffected.
  • As a reminder, Quick Cast with Range Indicators makes it so that on key press, an ability’s range indicator appears, and on key release, it fires. This setup’s proven to be the most intuitive for new players, but required multiple changes in the options menu to get to (which can be overwhelming when you’re trying to learn everything). We removed that roadblock last patch by adjusting settings defaults, anticipating new players would get the desired win while existing players wouldn’t notice since the change doesn’t modify existing account settings.
  • Turns out we underestimated how frequently “Restore Defaults” is still used, especially in PC cafes, and a lot of you chalked the change up to a settings bug. So, we’re here now to explain our reasoning and confirm that this is indeed intentional.
  • QUICK! Quick cast is now the default setting for all ability and item hotkeys
  • INDICATE! Range Indicators are now enabled by default
  • Bugfixes:
  • The burn auras for Enchantment - Cinderhulk and Sunfire Cape no longer stack
  • Zed no longer gains 20 extra attack damage when activating W - Living Shadow
  • Karthus's W - Wall of Pain properly grants vision again
  • Fixed a bug where Karthus's abilities sometimes failed to apply the slow from Rylai's Crystal Scepter during Passive - Death Defied
  • Ekko's Q - Timewinder on-hit sound effects when returning have been restored
  • Chilling Smite properly dismounts Quinn during R - Behind Enemy Lines
  • Fixed a bug where Renekton's W - Ruthless Predator sometimes wasn't applying the proper number of Black Cleaver stacks
  • Rammus's Q - Powerball self-knockup no longer overrides other knockup/knockback effects (ex. Poppy ult, Alistar Headbutt)
  • The Bandit mastery no longer grants gold when enemy pets (ex. Tibbers, Elise spiderlings) die
  • Urgot's R - Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser no longer completes its swap if Urgot dies mid-channel
  • Oracle's Extract can now properly be purchased while dead on Howling Abyss
  • Unmuting the Master Volume slider no longer causes individually muted sounds to play
  • Custom R - Feast sound effects for both Battlecast and Gentleman Cho'Gath have been restored
  • Increased the volume of Meowkai's E - Sapling Catling Toss sound effects
  • Increased the volume on a few of PROJECT: Yi's movement voiceover lines
  • Restored icy wind audio for Blackfrost Anivia's Passive - Rebirth revive channel
  • Gravelord Azir no longer sometimes plays Azir's base voiceover lines
  • Jhin's Q - Dancing Grenade bounces no longer play Karma's Q - Inner Flame audio when both are in the game. Thief.
  • Arcade Hecarim's E - Devastating Charge rainbow trail and arrow effects have been restored
  • Pool Party Lulu's W - Polymorph victims now properly identify themselves as Seals in chat, rather than Cupcakes
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-68-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.7 (Apr 11, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Aurelion Sol:
  • Q stun duration down. R slow adjusted.
  • Aurelion’s just begun to take flight above the Rift, yet already we’re seeing him become a destructive force once you’re able to harness his starpower. Sol’s mastery curve is steeper than Mount Targon itself, which is understandable given his unique positioning requirements for a mage. Once you’ve appropriately adjusted though, Aurelion starts pumping out damage bigger than his ego (that is to say, things get pretty crazy). We’re pleased that Aurelion’s worth investing the time it takes to learn - we’re just adjusting the immense reward you get for doing so.
  • Corki:
  • Basic attack ratio down.
  • The go-to midlane staple in pro play, Corki’s damage output is too much for his peers to keep up with at the moment. Corki makes sense as a ‘caster-carry’ at heart, using his gold to fuel a barrage of high-damage abilities for poking enemies or laying on the burst after a package power-play. What doesn’t make sense is the guy with top-shelf spells (and hextech munitions) having above-average basic attacks. We’re cutting back on some of that extraneous power (there it is) to bring him in line without infringing on his spell-slinging identity.
  • Irelia:
  • Q cost down, attack damage ratio up.
  • Irelia’s been struggling overall this season, but most notably she’s underperforming in matchups she should feel good about: ranged champions who struggle against her dive. The high sustain available to those champions has made it harder for her to contest enemy farming in lane, while their general tankiness has left her all-in feeling a bit too weak to finish them off. Irelia has the tools to farm at a distance before diving onto those champions, she just needs a bit more consistency as to how often and how efficiently she can do so.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Rengar's basic abilities to have no cooldown
  • Fixed the Play Again button
  • Restored High Noon Jhin's harmonica sound effect when his fourth shot is ready
  • Base Syndra's movement animations have been fixed
  • Traveling through Bard’s E - Magical Journey no longer rarely takes you in the wrong direction
  • Fixed a bug where Lucian's R - The Culling would sometimes be interrupted even if he had a spell shield
  • Fixed a few cases where Twisted Fate’s blue W - Pick A Card didn’t refund mana when used on objects like Teemo mushrooms or Illaoi tentacles
  • The cast range indicator for Xerath’s R - Rite of the Arcane has been shrunk to match the ability’s actual range
  • Xerath’s R - Rite of the Arcane no longer fails to deal damage to Baron Nashor at extreme ranges
  • Expanded the range indicator of Zz’Rot Portal to better match Voidspawn travel distance
  • Item shop tooltips no longer occasionally pop up on their own when opening the shop
  • The item shop search bar no longer clears itself at random intervals
  • You can read the full changelog here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-67-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.6 (Mar 23, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Aurelion Sol:
  • The Star Forger Returns
  • Forging the Star Forger
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Insights
  • Aurelion Sol Q&A
  • Alistar:
  • E's healing on allies down.
  • Oh, Alistar. Your amazing peel and engage are rivaled only by your sustain, yet one of these things does not belong. While it’s important to Alistar to be able to regenerate health between trades (he puts the Ali in All in), his high mana regeneration paired with the effectiveness of his Headbutt/Pulverize combo make him the optimal choice in pro play, no matter what your team needs. We’re focusing these changes around a single decision point - which does he value more? Engage potential, or sustain? Constraining the efficiency at which Alistar can heal his allies means that his lane buddies will have to carefully consider what the situation calls for, or risk not having enough health to engage when he does.
  • E - Triumphant Roar
  • Custom Game Invite Bug:
  • When 6.6 is released, you may notice a bug where custom game lobbies sometimes forget to show you the invite button. We'll get a fix out ASAP, but in the meantime, you can force the invite button to appear by switching teams. Sorry!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Ziggs has taken over the crash reporting tool
  • Chat rooms and private messages no longer randomly rearrange themselves upon closing a window
  • Rift Herald now properly grants 2 Enchantment: Devourer stacks on assist
  • Fixed a bug where selling or undoing a Tier 2 jungle item purchase would cap Smite at 1 charge until re-obtaining a Tier 2 jungle item
  • Life steal and spell vamp now properly affect the bonus damage Rift Scuttler takes after being affected by hard crowd control
  • The active effects of Quicksilver Sash and Mercurial Scimitar no longer purge the cooldown of Stormraider’s Surge
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-66-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.5 (Mar 9, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Azir:
  • Just some birdfixes for our most glorious emperor.
  • General
  • CAN’T CAST THAT YET Fixed a bug that allowed Azir to queue up basic ability combos without sufficient mana for all involved abilities
  • DONT GIVE UP Fixed various cases where Azir could unintentionally cancel or be entirely locked out of his basic attack
  • ONE FRAME LINK Azir’s abilities can now be queued during basic attacks
  • PRAISE THE SUN Sun Discs now appear on the minimap
  • W - Arise!
  • OOPS Now properly triggers a 1.5 second internal cooldown when used on turrets
  • Gnar:
  • Base attack damage up.
  • Simply put - Gnar's underperforming in the top lane, specifically in the early stages of the lane. That in itself isn't a problem - Gnar's a champion of highs and lows (on account of his rapidly oscillating 'Mega' and 'Mini' forms), so a little bit of variance isn't out of the question. What's actually worrying is that Gnar's underperforming when the majority of his opposing top laners are the very tanks he's intended to bully. Gnar's always been an important 'release-valve' pick teams can fall on when tanks get out of line, so we're tossing him the same attack damage adjustment we gave marksmen back in Preseason to help him curve smoothly into the adorable little predator he was born to be.
  • General:
  • Passive - Rage Gene
  • ONE FIST SHORT Now accurately displays the amount of bonus range Gnar gets over Mega Gnar.
  • R - GNAR!
  • REAL MATURE Fixed a bug where minions and monsters tossed by GNAR! would receive damage after a brief delay rather than upon landing.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Damage from Jarvan IV’s R - Cataclysm is now properly blocked by spellshields
  • Renekton’s W - Ruthless Predator no longer occasionally fizzles
  • Shen’s R - Stand United no longer continues channeling through the revive effect of Zilean’s R - Chronoshift
  • Tahm Kench can no longer cast R - Abyssal Voyage while rooted
  • If Rumble Overheats by casting E - Electro Harpoon, casting a second charge while Overheated no longer causes heat to continue rapidly draining after Overheated ends
  • Tentacles spawned by Illaoi’s R - Leap of Faith no longer fail to attack W - Harsh Lesson targets the moment before expiring
  • Mordekaiser’s Passive - Iron Man shield strength and decay rate are both now affected by the Veteran’s Scars mastery
  • Ticks of Dragon’s Wrath (second buff) tower burn no longer proc Elixir of Sorcery’s true damage effect
  • Ward Debris no longer tells people it’s a Giant Wolf via tooltip
  • Grievous Wounds debuff particles now persist if reapplied longer than 3 seconds
  • Zombie Brand’s VO when chasing enemy champions has been restored
  • Card indicators for Cutpurse Twisted Fate’s W - Pick a Card have been brightened to be more readable for colorblind players
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-65-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.4 (Feb 25, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Ahri:
  • Charm no longer stops dashes in their tracks.
  • Ahri's been strong for a long time, and it's not hard to see why. Her mobility, damage, and pick potential are all on the high end, playing a crucial role in her effectiveness. When assessing what areas to adjust, Charm stuck out as an area of inconsistency. While displacements (knockups and knockbacks) have always stopped movement abilities, stuns, fears and taunts do not. Charm was alone in this, and while having unique CC is definitely neat (both from a thematic and strategic perspective), it’s the fact that it’s on Ahri’s kit that we get into issues. Specifically, Ahri's intended to be a champion that uses superior damage and mobility to navigate deadly situations if she wants to emerge the victor. Instead, Ahri also happens to have the best in (and out of) class stopping power that negate some of her biggest predators with no real recourse.
  • E - Charm
  • removedSTONE COLD FOX Charm no longer interrupts dashes (Charm will still apply after their movement ends)
  • Ashe:
  • Q stacks fall off one at a time. Q duration increased.
  • As a 'utility carry', Ashe's strengths lie in kiting her pursuers rather than the consistent damage output of other marksmen. Embracing that style, however, can prove detrimental (even when she’s doing it right) due to the harsh restrictions on Ranger's Focus. We don't want the punishment for a single positioning error to be so binary, so we're making it harder for Ashe to lose focus when distracted.
  • Q - Ranger's Focus
  • FOCUS ENERGY Focus stacks fall off entirely after 4 seconds ⇒ fall off one at a time after 4 seconds
  • ACTIVE DURATION 4 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • Bugfixes:
  • Poppy's R - Keeper's Verdict no longer deals damage twice to epic monsters when fully charged
  • Fixed a bug where Kindred wouldn't gain a stack of P - Mark of the Kindred if a targeted jungle monster was killed too far away from its spawn point
  • Fixed a framerate issue that occurred when an enemy Challenger Nidalle entered vision
  • The eagle screech in Statue of Karthus's dance audio is no longer global for allies
  • The full changelog can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-64-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.3 (Feb 10, 2016)

  • Champions:
  • Akali:
  • Q returns more energy. R's speed increased.
  • When we set out to make Duskblade (the shiny new assassin item you can read all about below), we evaluated a lot of our assassins together to see if anyone was significantly ahead or behind the pack. When looking at those left behind, it's no surprise we found Akali in much need of some love.
  • Most assassins are measured on two major axis: time needed to kill a squishy, and what movement / utility is available to get to the next target (this cycles back and forth). On our current assessment, Akali's pretty good on the former, so we're looking into the latter.
  • Ekko:
  • Q cooldown lowered at early levels.
  • As a midlaner, Ekko's potential is a little too limited by high cooldowns and melee range. Upping his ability to scrap with opponents (or even last-hit) early game levels the playing field against the long-range, crowd-controlling mages Ekko's often asked to tango with.
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Q's attack speed passive shifted to W. W now has a minimum damage.
  • Now the definition of 'Glass Cannon' in League, Kog'Maw finds himself a little too brittle to get out of lane and into a state where he can aim for a high-scaling fantasy. The primary goal is to clean up Kog's rank-ups to feel less like a trap and help him smooth out that transition from 'free kill botlane' to 'hyper-vomit omnicarry' without just handing him a free pass. (Trivia: did You Know that previously ranking W gave you no increase in damage? Sorry about that.)
  • Items:
  • Seeker's Armguard:
  • Armor up. Build path includes an extra Cloth Armor.
  • For those looking for buffs to Zhonya's Hourglass, it should be clear we're not doing that. Given how game-warping Zhonya's active can be - and how powerful a deterrent it is against dudes who want to blow you up - we're pretty firm on gating this active with a fair combine cost.
  • That said, Seeker's. Even when it's the right situation to buy Seeker's, it feels wrong, so that's where we're making changes. Mixing in an extra armor item makes it more effective when you're looking to counter physical damage (read: Zed) in lane.
  • Warden's Mail:
  • Cost down.
  • Similar to Seeker's, Warden's is a specialized item that feels bad to purchase when compared to more broad defensive components, like Chain Vest or Giant's Belt. Now it's cheaper.
  • Charging Spells:
  • Recall no longer interrupts certain charge abilities.
  • This is a really awkward, hidden mechanic that only interacts with a few abilities, so don't be surprised if you'd never heard of it. We want the skill expression of these abilities (and by extension, these champions) to be around landing your charge abilities - not gaming the system by recall-faking them out.
  • The following abilities can no longer be interrupted by Recall or Teleport:
  • Varus:
  • Q - Piercing Arrow
  • Vi:
  • Q - Vault Breaker
  • Xerath:
  • Q - Arcanopulse
  • Bugfixes:
  • Champion clones now display elixir particle effects
  • Brand's R - Pyroclasm no longer forgets to bounce to minions if cast on an Ablaze enemy champion with no other nearby enemy champions
  • Rek'Sai no longer occasionally fails to go through a tunnel when trying to use a second tunnel as she exits a first one
  • The Raptor smite buff can no longer be triggered while dead
  • Fixed a bug where the 6% max health heal effect of the Strength of the Ages mastery was calculated based on the health of the siege minion or large monster that was killed, rather than the health of the user
  • A number of missing audio issues have been fixed:
  • Ward Skin sound effects for Warding Totem and Farsight Alteration
  • Karthus's voiceover
  • Elise's Spider form voiceover
  • High Noon Yasuo's Q - Steel Tempest gunshot sound effect
  • Mac players no longer see a false error message upon login
  • Mac players can once again select ward skins in champion select
  • Windowed Mode behaves properly again for the Mac client
  • The 'Per-side offset' and 'Semi-locked' camera toggles have been fixed
  • Fixed a bug where killing enemies in the fog of war sometimes caused your CS counter to decrease
  • Similar to last patch's bugfix for Malphite, the following abilities no longer trigger their effects at the start position when interacting with displacement spells like Trundle's E - Pillar of Ice. Apologies in advance for the super-dense formatting here:
  • Ahri's R - Essence Rush, Corki's W - Valkyrie, Fiora's Q - Lunge, Gragas's E - Body Slam, Hecarim's R - Onslaught of Shadows fear, Irelia's Q - Bladesurge, Jarvan IV's E - Demacian Standard/Q - Dragon Strike combo, Jax's Q - Leap Strike, Jayce's Hammer Form Q - To the Skies!, LeBlanc's W - Distortion, Maokai's W Twisted Advance, Pantheon's W - Aegis of Zeonia, Poppy's E - Heroic Charge wall stun, Quinn's E - Vault, Renekton's E - Slice and Dice, Sejuani's Q - Arctic Assault, Shen's E - Shadow Dash, Shyvana's R - Dragon's Descent, Tryndamere's E - Spinning Slash, Zac's E - Elastic Slingshot
  • The full changelog is available here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-63-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.2 (Jan 28, 2016)

  • Masteries:
  • Assassin:
  • More assassin, less "super good for junglers."
  • Going a little harder on that 'champion isolation' mechanic that Assassin was meant to promise, rather than it being a very strong mastery pick for junglers. Oh dear.
  • Trinkets & Vision:
  • Ward Debris:
  • Ward Debris now visually changes based on how long it's been debris.
  • Brightly glows in the first 10% of its lifespan!
  • Stops emitting flames after 30% of its lifespan has passed!
  • Particle visibly changes and debris shrinks after 60% of its lifespan has passed!
  • Alternative Maps:
  • Howling Abyss
  • Twisted Treeline
  • New Champ Select:
  • As promised when we launched New Champ Select, we've been working to improve the system based on our initial live data. Before we proceed, it's worth noting that our downtime wasn't caused by bugs in New Champ Select itself (hence the relatively low number of fixes listed here). Rather, the huge influx of traffic from both New Champ Select's launch and the start of the 2016 ranked season caused New Champ Select's underlying systems to fall over.
  • Bugfixes:
  • HUD font size now properly scales with HUD settings, rather than system DPI settings. Sorry, 4k users!
  • Fixed a bug where Sweeping Lens's animation would play when walking into brush the enemy team swept earlier in the match
  • Fixed a bug where Warlord's Bloodlust's attack speed buff was lasting one second less than intended
  • Fixed a bug where Hecarim's E - Devastating Charge R - Onslaught of Shadows combo wasn't working properly. Hecarim can now cast E before R and will not lose the E buff
  • Similar to Ryze, Cassiopeia now retains her previous movement or attack command after E - Twin Fang's cast finishes
  • Vel'Koz's R - Lifeform Disintegration Ray no longer does a variety of strange things if cast as Vel'Koz last-hits a target
  • Fixed a bug where Malphite's R - Unstoppable Force would sometimes knock up and damage units at the start position instead of end position when interacting with displacement spells like Trundle's E - Pillar of Ice
  • Fixed a bug where displacement effects would not displace Zac during E - Elastic Slingshot's travel time
  • Fixed a bug where leveling up caused Graves's E - Quick Draw's armor and magic resistance bonus to become inconsistent until refreshed
  • Fixed the vision-granting aspects of Malzahar's Q - Call of the Void. Vision is now properly granted along the entire path and enemies hit on the edge of their hitboxes are now properly revealed.
  • Yasuo's W - Wind Wall now properly continues to blocking projectiles if Yasuo dies
  • Fixed a bug where Yasuo's third Q - Steel Tempest (and E > Q combo) could deal damage through spell shields in certain situations
  • Fixed a bug where Leona's E - Zenith Blade still rooted a target mid-dash even if they spell shielded the ability
  • Pantheon's Passive - Aegis Protection now blocks - and gets consumed by! - attacks by Annie's Tibbers and Heimerdinger's ultimate turret
  • Fixed many cases of on-hit effects applying even when blocked by Pantheon's Passive - Aegis Protection
  • Fixed a bug that caused Zyra's plant attacks to ignore a target's dodge status
  • Rift Herald now drops a soul for Thresh
  • The full changelog can be found on the official website: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-62-notes

New in League of Legends Client 6.1 (Jan 14, 2016)

  • New Champ Select:
  • New champ select is coming to Normal and Ranked Draft queues.
  • The new champ select experience will be enabled for Normal and Ranked Draft across the world later this patch! We're starting with tests in NA and TR on January 14. If everything goes well, we'll continue to roll out new champ select in other territories over the following days. A few key details of the system are listed below; make sure to head back to the 2016 Season Update site for an in-depth overview.
  • Champions:
  • Bard:
  • Sometimes you'd chuck a cute lil' meep on over at an evildoer and their pal, only to find you didn't hit both (even if it looked like it visually). So we adjusted it. Bard Buffs
  • Passive - Traveler's Call
  • newAREA-OF-MEEP Meeps now additionally hit in a 150 radius around the primary target (in addition to the cone damage) once Bard unlocks the cone attack Meep upgrade
  • Brand:
  • Pretty obvious that this wasn't working as intended. For all of you who've been double killed by Brand's ultimate while standing inside a minion wave, #bigsorry.
  • R - Pyroclasm
  • MEN ON FIRE Fixed a bug where Pyroclasm would always prioritize enemy champions unless it killed its target
  • Items:
  • Warding Totem:
  • Cooldown lowered.
  • Once the staple trinket, Warding Totem's found itself feeling pretty mediocre compared to the Farsight Alteration. As we seek to adjust the balance between the two, dropping the lategame cooldown significantly ensures teams can access more consistent vision with a Warding Totem in their inventory.
  • COOLDOWN 180 seconds - 120 seconds (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 180 seconds - 90 seconds (at levels 1-18)
  • Farsight Alteration:
  • Cooldown up
  • By contrast, Farsight's dominance tends to warp the strategic game - putting more weight on its spot use as an in-fight or pre-fight reveal, but offering very little in the way of long-term vision to control objectives or jungle corridors. Farsight's effect is powerful enough that we're confident it'll still see use for what it does, but it shouldn't feel like your default option in 100% of games.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Reverted an unintentional change to summoner name colors in the end of game screen team panels
  • Fixed a bug where Ekko's Q - Timewinder sometimes dealt no damage on the way out at high levels of cooldown reduction
  • Jayce's buff from swapping to R - Mercury Cannon is no longer consumed without dealing damage when using W - Hyper Charge to attack a structure
  • Kassadin no longer gains E - Force Pulse stacks from the active of Frost Queen's Claim
  • Orianna's E - Command: Protect bonus resistances are now properly multiplied by Windspeaker's Blessing
  • Fixed a bug where splitting mastery points between Piercing Thoughts and Battering Blows granted the incorrect amount of stats
  • Fixed a few cases of champions with Sated Devourer damaging themselves when using empowered basic attacks (ex. Ekko's E - Phase Dive or Rek'Sai's Q - Queen's Wrath)
  • Luden's Echo now procs if an ability cast at max stacks damages a target after its caster dies
  • Liandry's Torment now properly deals increased damage to enemies affected by Ahri's E - Charm, Rammus's E - Puncturing Taunt and Shen's E - Shadow Dash
  • Serrated Dirk's buff no longer occasionally consumes itself when granted by an empowered basic attack
  • Cinderhulk's burn effect now has an on-hover range indicator
  • Zz'Rot Portal, Zeke's Herald and Face of the Mountain are now properly searchable by typing "Active" in the item shop
  • Mejai's Soulstealer has been added to the Mana tab of the item shop
  • Restored custom flame tail particles on Foxfire Ahri
  • The full changelog with all hero and item changes can be found here: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-61-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.24 (Dec 9, 2015)

  • Snowdown 2015:
  • It's time for some icy awesomeness as Snowdown kicks off this patch! Bundle up with a ton of new Snowdown stuff coming your way!:
  • The Legend of the Poro King game mode returns with a new PROJECT: Poro icon joining last year's lineup of icon-infused poro skins!
  • Snowdown minions on Howling Abyss and Summoner's Rift
  • A new Penguin Skier ward and a few new Snowdown icons, including IP icons that you can toss to your friends
  • Your Snowdown Shop, offering skin and champ discounts unique to you
  • First Minion Wave Equality:
  • It’s easier to get to lane without losing a minion
  • We made some behavioral changes to minions in the very first wave of the game when no enemy champions have interacted with them. Left to their own devices, the minions will spread damage evenly and avoid randomly focus-firing a single soldier. The goal here is that you should be able to more predictably realize whether or not you’ll lose a minion when you get to lane late. This actually went out in 5.23, but we figured you’d like to know!
  • FIRE EVERYTHING Minions won’t gang up on a single enemy minion when no enemy champions are present.
  • Pathing:
  • Reverting the minion pathing changes made so far in preseason.
  • We've made a few changes to minion blocking this preseason, targeted at making creep block more intuitive. When you get stuck in a minion clump you should be able to understand what's happening, and your champ's attempts to escape (or avoid) it should make sense as well. While these changes technically worked, they caused problems when interacting with other systems. We're turning them off until those interactions are fixed.
  • EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN All minion pathing changes made in 5.22 and 5.23 have been reverted. We’re right back to pre-preseason while we work on a better implementation.
  • The full changelog can be found on the official website: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-524-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.23 (Dec 1, 2015)

  • Champions:
  • Illaoi:
  • Trial of the Kraken Priestess
  • Champion Reveal
  • Champion Insights
  • Illaoi Q&A
  • Champion Spotlight
  • Ashe:
  • Q crits on individual arrows and works with Hurricane.
  • Just doing a little cleanup. A big part of the marksman itemization changes were to help reinforce critical strike as a key stat for the class, and Ashe's main spell wasn't playing nice with it. Now it does!
  • Q - Ranger's Focus
  • CRITICAL FLURRY Fixed a bug where all five arrows in a flurry shared the same critical strike status. Critical strikes are now properly determined per individual arrow.
  • RUNAAN'S SNOWSTORM Now correctly functions with Runaan's Hurricane
  • ENCHANTED Runaan's Hurricane now fires frost-colored bolts while Ranger's Focus is active
  • HUD Icon Bug:
  • Heads up: We're aware of a visual bug with the HUD in 5.23 where the Options, Camera Settings, Mute and DJ Sona's music toggle icons will show up as black squares. This doesn't impact their functionality and all except DJ Sona’s toggle will still tell you what they are when hovered over . We'll get this fixed by 5.24 at the latest. Sorry!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a number of broken interactions between the Summoner Spell cooldown reduction effects from Boots of Lucidity, Enchantment: Distortion and the Insight mastery
  • Sivir's W - Ricochet now continues bouncing to new targets after Sivir dies
  • Restored on-hit particles for Zac's W - Unstable Matter
  • Flashing forward immediately after casting Syndra's E - Scatter the Weak no longer changes the cone's area of effect
  • Fiora's W - Riposte now properly blocks vision-granting effects of abilities she successfully parries
  • Thresh can once again purchase Runaan's Hurricane
  • Valor can no longer purchase Tiamat or its upgrades. Sorry, Quinn.
  • For more champion and item changes, visit the full changelog: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-523-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.22 (Nov 11, 2015)

  • Systems:
  • Grievous Wounds:
  • REDUCED HEALING 50% ⇒ 40%
  • LESS GENERALLY GRIEVOUS Grievous Wounds now only affects self-healing instead of all healing
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Rift Herald:
  • Even a Baron has its subjects.
  • As it stands, the bottom lane is the only 'correct' area of early game focus, warping teams' choices of summoner spells, champions and strategies in a never-ending arms race that's culminated in the modern-era Teleport-pocalypse. With so many team resources tied up in this problem, we set out to see if we could even up the map.
  • Enter the Rift Herald.
  • As an objective, Herald gives a reason to dominate the top lane and something to miss if you Teleport away. Providing a powerful buff that enables split-pushing (as well as an encounter as difficult as any in League at the moment), its presence adds relevance to the northern side of the map, giving teams alternative strategies to pursue or a counter-move to make when the going gets tough down south.
  • SPAWNS AT 4 minutes
  • RESPAWN RATE 5 minutes
  • DESPAWNS AT 19:45 out of combat, 19:55 no matter what
  • BACKSTAB The eye on Rift Herald's back periodically opens, causing basic attacks from behind to deal 15% of its maximum health as true damage
  • MASSIVE DAMAGE If Backstabbing Rift Herald brings it to 15% health or below, the eye stays open.
  • VOID ARMOR Rift Herald takes 35% less damage from ranged basic attacks
  • BREAK THE PINATA Slaying Rift Herald grants 50 gold to your team and Doom's Eve to whoever lands the killing blow for 2 minutes.
  • DOOM'S EVE Rift Herald's slayer gains the following bonuses
  • 10% increased damage
  • 40 movement speed
  • Enhanced Baron Recall
  • HERALD'S LEGION Minions near Rift Herald's slayer gain the following bonuses
  • 40% increased attack speed
  • 100 extra range (on Cannon Minions)
  • Bugfixes:
  • Talon's W - Rake will now return to him if he dies or enters stasis while Rake is in-flight
  • Fixed a bug where Lulu became unable to attack if E - Help, Pix! was attached to an ally with insanely high attack speed
  • Shyvana can no longer double-cast E - Flame Breath at the exact moment she reverts to human form
  • Fixed an issue where Syndra's W - Force of Will was dropping stuff inaccurately
  • For the rest of champion and item changes, you can read the official changelog: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-522-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.21 (Oct 29, 2015)

  • If you look beneath you'll find similar content to 5.20 and 5.19. A bugfix for Caitlyn's basic attack desync (IT'S HAPPENING), and a few power-ups for our some of our less-potent void buddies (Cho'Gath, Kassadin) while we continue to trim down our high-performing outliers (Gangplank, Mordekaiser). This patch might not be flashy, but it's wiser and more responsible. Let's go with that.
  • That's all for us this time! As always, check out the content below to see the specifics on all the changes (and what Zilean puts into his bottles), and we'll see you next patch. By the time you're reading this, we'll be in the full swing of announcing our seasonal changes, so we'll have lots to talk about when we see each other next. Until then, may all your bugs be fixed, and all your basic attacks synced.
  • Detonation" Spells:
  • This bug's been a hard one to track down, but was actually fixed back in 5.20 (not this patch!). In light of recent events, we figured it'd be prudent to let you know this one's already been taken care of on live servers. Detonate to your heart's content!
  • BUGFIX Fixed a rare bug where spells that can be "detonated" after landing at a target location (ex. Gragas' Q - Barrel Roll, Lux's E - Lucent Singularity, Ziggs' W - Satchel Charge) could stop working for the rest of the game
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed an issue where certain files were being unnecessarily re-downloaded during patches
  • Fixed a bug where Tibbers' E - Molten Shield damage wasn't proccing some on-spell-hit effects that Annie's shield does
  • Haunted Zyra's plant attack VFX are once again appropriately spooky
  • Fixed a bug that caused flickering for various particles, including Kindred's W - Wolf's Frenzy and Rek'Sai's W - Burrow tunnels
  • For detailed information regarding champion changes and balancing, you can read the official changelog: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-521-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.20 (Oct 14, 2015)

  • Featured Game Modes:
  • One for All
  • One for All will be making a return during patch 5.20!
  • Mac Load Time Improvements:
  • GENIUS Mac players now load into games up to 30% faster, matching speeds with their Windows teammates
  • Splash Updates:
  • Our splash art team is ramping up to the long-term task of updating our older/less faithful skin splashes. We’re working out a consistent plan when it comes to releasing updates for some of our older champions (Nidalee splashes where?) but, for now, you can enjoy the slick new look of the 5 skins below!
  • SPLASH ATTACK The following skins have received updated splash arts (click the names to view the full image!)
  • Assassin Master Yi
  • Jade Dragon Wukong
  • Frosted Ezreal
  • Chosen Master Yi
  • Vandal Brand
  • Bugfixes:
  • Clumped-up minions and champions no longer randomly speed up or skip forward to get around each other
  • Fixed an issue where certain files were being unnecessarily re-downloaded during patches
  • Mecha Kha'Zix's claws have been slimmed back down to their proper shape
  • Kindred:
  • Kindred, the Eternal Hunters, will be released later during patch 5.20
  • Azir:
  • R starts further behind Azir.
  • As part of our rescripting efforts for Azir, a change in code to Emperor’s Divide had the unfortunate side-effect of spawning the Phalanx closer to his body, reducing its effective range. We’ve tweaked the ultimate back to its original range, so you’ll have the benefit of smoother wall interactions while still scooping the assassins and back-line threats like you used to.
  • R - Emperor's Divide
  • SOLDIER STARTING POSITION 175 units behind Azir ⇒ 325 units behind Azir
  • Darius:
  • Q width decreased. E slow decreased.
  • Still going strong. We’re tuning back the reliability of top lane’s most notorious dunklord. Underneath all the raw bulk and resets are intricate elements of spacing and positioning - given the ‘blank’ space on Decimate - but they simply aren’t working as well as we’d hoped. Creating more opportunities to ‘dodge’ Decimate by taking advantage of its decreased width and Apprehend’s weaker slow means more opportunities for you to profitably retaliate before Darius achieves prime dunking position.
  • Q - Decimate
  • BLADE WIDTH 270 ⇒ 220
  • E - Apprehend
  • SLOW 90% ⇒ 40%
  • Dr. Mundo:
  • W ticks faster. E now resets Mundos’ basic attack and scales with maximum health.
  • Mundo’s best-in-class at going where he pleases, but his effectiveness at anything beyond that has been lacking. A few quality-of-life changes for the good doctor should improve his reliability as a threat to anyone unlucky to be in his way.
  • W - Burning Agony
  • FIRE GOOD Damage and health cost occur every half-second instead of every second (Identical damage and cost to 5.19)
  • E - Masochism
  • newGOT THE RESET Now reset’s Mundo’s basic attack timer
  • newHEALTH SCALING Mundo’s next basic attack after activating Masochism increases his basic attack range by 25 and deals an additional 5% of his Maximum Health
  • newPOUND OF FLESH Mundo’s health cost is paid once he strikes his target, not upon activating the ability
  • Evelynn:
  • W has a mana cost.
  • The introduction of Runeglaive’s done wonders for solving Evelynn’s dependence on mana... which is tricky, given the fact that Eve’s love/hate relationship with mana costs was key to keeping her in check when running down her prey. With that gate loosened substantially, adding a cost to Dark Frenzy amplifies the importance around when and how Evelynn manages her movement in combat.
  • W - Dark Frenzy
  • COST No Cost ⇒ 40 mana
  • Fiora:
  • R’s healing zone duration lowered, but scales with vitals hit.
  • Since her rework, Fiora’s risen in the ranks of solo queue and professional play alike as a truly dominating solo lane. While we chipped off some of her base stats last time around to make Fiora more exploitable in bad matchups, it appears we’ll have to go further to knock the Grand Duelist off her throne.
  • This patch we’re focused entirely on the reward incentives for Grand Challenge. While it makes sense for Fiora to receive a massive heal for successfully and skillfully slashing away at her opponent’s Vitals, it’s instead often used as a low-effort way to reset the fight after her team collapses on a single target. We want Fiora to provide benefits for her team, but this skewed the ability too far toward a ‘massive teamfight ult’ on a champion that’s already adept in 1v1 situations. We’re clipping its effectiveness as a ‘fire-and-forget’ ability, but keeping the greatest reward for when Fiora truly exposes her challengers.
  • R - Grand Challenge
  • DURATION 5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
  • VICTORY ROSE Heal duration goes up by 1 second for every Vital Fiora strikes beyond the first
  • Kalista:
  • Short summary here: we found a bug with Kalista's W passive where it wasn't interacting properly with melee Oathsworn champions. We're tracking down a proper fix for the issue but do not plan to disable Kalista for the time being.
  • So what is the bug? Basically if Kalista marks a champion with her W passive, her melee Oathsworn buddy must hit that champion twice to trigger the passive (also: the passive won't trigger if the buff wears off before the second hit). Most melee champions won't have enough base attack speed in the early game to attack twice in the duration of a single mark, so potential workarounds include the melee champion marking the opponent first, or Kalista 'refreshing' the mark with multiple hits. Thanks for your patience as we fix this bug!
  • W - Sentinel
  • TEMPORARY MATH ADJUSTMENTS We are aware of a bug where melee Oathsworn champions must hit a marked champion twice before they trigger the passive damage bonus.
  • Teemo:
  • Traps arm faster and have a lower cooldown.
  • Heads Up! Due to a mistake behind the scenes, only the tooltip for Noxious Trap’s cooldown was changed, not the actual value. As-is, only the arm time change will be in 5.20. We’ll have the CD fix in for the next patch. Sorry!
  • We’ll leave the Teemo jokes at the door; we recognize the scout’s not performing well after our last round of changes, so we’re stepping in to aid his swift recovery. The big idea for 5.15 was to broaden Teemo’s traps applications (trapplications?), allowing him the option to convert advantages from a solo lane to teamfights, but we drained too much power in the process. Administering a booster-shot to Noxious Trap’s arm-time and ammo count helps Teemo’s reliability across all phases of the game, no matter how you choose to terrorize your enemies.
  • R - Noxious Trap
  • ARM TIME 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second
  • COOLDOWN 35/31/27 seconds per charge ⇒ 34/28/22 seconds per charge
  • Vayne:
  • 3 AD.
  • Vayne’s dominance over the current state of the game is an interesting case. On one hand, Silver Bolts’ max health % true damage and Tumble’s in-combat mobility seem like natural fits for a metagame where Juggernauts and other melee fighters roam free. On the other, for a champion that’s meant to have a weak laning phase and a high skill curve, the frequency with which Vayne’s seeing play - and succeeding - does raise a few alarms. In keeping with her identity, we’re lowering Vayne’s effectiveness in the early game relative to other marksman while still preserving her potent late-game threat against the tankier champions in League.

New in League of Legends Client 5.19 (Sep 30, 2015)

  • HUD Updates:
  • HUD Customization
  • Still bathing in your feedback. Still makin’ HUD updates.
  • New preference to display or hide summoner names on the scoreboard
  • New preference to mirror the scoreboard layout
  • New preference to display team frames on the left side of the screen
  • Ping Display Changes
  • Colored ping bars can be pretty arbitrary to the average player, as there's no accepted 'standard' of what someone should do when they see yellow - or red - bars instead of green. We're making a simple change so there's more clarity around what a player's connection speed is to the game server so they can derive meaningful information from that. This is a long piece of context to say we want to show you real information, not colors.
  • COLORBLIND The colored ping bar (Red/Yellow/Green) has been removed, and now displays your actual ping instead.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Resolved a cause of random disconnects in the client. If you disabled Windows IP Helper to mitigate the problem, you can now safely re-enable it!
  • Fixed a bug where Sated Devourer’s bonuses were sometimes persisting after the enchanted item was sold
  • Unit- and ground-targeted spells will once again automatically fire if you cast them out of range, then Flash into range while moving
  • Fixed an inconsistency with Bilgewater Cutlass's active cooldown
  • Resolved multiple cases of the Character Quality setting (under Video) being overridden by other video settings
  • Lissandra once again tells the story of the Howling Abyss if you wait long enough after winning an ARAM
  • For more updates regarding skins and champion balancing issues, you can check the official release notes at this link: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-519-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.18 (Sep 16, 2015)

  • Disappearing Missiles Fix
  • HUD Updates:
  • Just another set of updates as we continue to bathe in your glorious feedback.
  • Summoner names now display on the scoreboard
  • Team frames above the minimap are larger and more readable
  • Spectator HUD ultimate timers are now larger and more readable
  • Ping button added to the minimap
  • Instant Feedback System:
  • We've added a bunch of new features to the Instant Feedback System. Our announcement has the full story, but here's the quick version:
  • The system can detect intentional feeding
  • Reform cards are accessible in-client
  • Chat and ranked restrictions have been added to the punishments the system can assign
  • Bugfixes:
  • Zac's E - Elastic Slingshot max travel range now matches the indicator
  • Challenging Smite's debuff can now properly be removed by Cleanse
  • Darius no longer gains the Noxian Might buff from his Passive - Hemmorhage if the application of his fifth blood stack is blocked by a spell shield
  • Fixed a few cases where Viktor was gaining mana when hit by certain abilities
  • Cassiopeia's W - Miasma is no longer sometimes invisible to the enemy team
  • Azir's R - Emperor's Divide no longer pushes back/damages Zz'Rot Portals
  • Fiora's W - Riposte tooltip now mention that it blocks all debuffs
  • For more information regarding new items and champions, visit http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-518-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.17 (Sep 2, 2015)

  • Champions:
  • Skarner:
  • Passive gives less Movement and Attack Speed at early levels, but scale at end-game. Passive Mana Restore down.
  • “ Skarner's still over-performing after our hotfixes in 5.16, specifically in the early game. Our last set of changes drilled on the raw effectiveness when running at you, while these are more focused to give some agency back to players looking to push him off of his Crystal Spires without eating deadly scorpion claws to the face. ”
  • Passive - Crystal Spires
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED : 100 at all levels ⇒ 70-120 (at levels 1 to 18)
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED : 48-150% (at levels 1 to 18) ⇒ 43-160% (at levels 1 to 18)
  • MAXIMUM MANA RESTORE : 3% per second ⇒ 2% per second
  • DON'T GET IT TWISTED : Moved the position of the jungle spires on Twisted Treeline so that their zones no longer overlap
  • Azir:
  • Movement speed down. Q no longer deals additional damage beyond the first soldier.
  • “ As you’ll see throughout this patch, we’re really buckling down on narrowing strengths and weaknesses for champions, leading to more fleshed-out identities and less extraneous power overall. Azir’s a good example of extraneous power, so let’s start with him (also because he’s alphabetically first. That too).
  • The emperor’s great at a few things, but chief among them are the persistent zones of threat he can manipulate from long range, often deciding fights on foreign fronts from behind the safety of his line of soldiers. Instead of trading off his safety for lack of mobility or sustained damage for a lack of burst, Azir’s having his cake and eating it too. In an effort to preserve his reach and damage output, we’re going harder on establishing weaknesses, making it easier to close on him or avoid his damage without proper command of his forces. ”
  • General:
  • BASE MOVEMENT SPEED : 335 ⇒ 325
  • Q - Conquering Sands:
  • removed : Enemies no longer take additional damage for being hit by soldiers beyond the first
  • Bard:
  • W cost and E cooldown lowered.
  • “ It’s in Bard’s nature to roam the cosmos, but for such a unique champion it feels like he’s wandered a little too far from viability for the depth of utility he brings to the table. We’re lifting his spirits and enabling his map-wide support abilities to better reward proactive playmaking with friends. ootay~~ ”
  • W - Caretaker's Shrine:
  • COST : 100/105/110/115/120 mana ⇒ 90 mana at all ranks
  • E - Magical Journey:
  • COOLDOWN : 20/19/18/17/16 seconds ⇒ 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
  • See the full and detailed changelog here http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-517-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.16 (Aug 20, 2015)

  • Greetings, summoners.
  • Welcome to patch 5.16, the one where juggernauts exist, defensive items get a pass and Zed actually gets buffed. Before we dive in, let’s clear some things up for all the esports fans out there - 5.14 (the one with crazy Elise, #bigsorry) will be the one that the rest of playoffs including the gauntlet will be played on. Worlds will be played on 5.18, which means while we totally hear you about these changes being pretty huge before worlds, we’ve set aside the next two to react and tune as necessary (read: lighter touches) before these changes hit the big stage.
  • With that out of the way, on to the main event: Juggernauts.
  • If you haven’t heard that phrase, brace yourselves: searching at the time of this post says we mention the word 13 times; So what are they? When we think juggernaut, we think of champions like Nasus - hulking, durable melee threats that rip teams to shreds if left unattended, but short-ranged and slow enough to be kited for days. They’re workhorses, but they need a bit of work to get going. So if you start seeing crystals in the jungle and ghost-dragons in your midlane, consider yourself warned - the juggernauts are here to stay.
  • As for the rest of 5.16, we’ve got our usual host of item and champion changes (albeit a little bigger) to keep things balanced and diverse as we turn our focus towards the World Championship. We’re not looking to shake the game too much after this, but we’re touching up some old pro-play faithfuls (Kassadin, Leblanc, Zed) and tuning down some top-tier titans (Rumble, Viktor, Alistar) as players enter the final leg of the race for the Summoner’s Cup (or for the other 99.9% of us, those sweet end-of-season rewards).
  • So strap in, queue up, and enjoy the ride. There’s a lot to explore and discover in a post-5.16 landscape, and there’s tons of LP up for grabs.
  • We even buffed Lee Sin. What a time to be alive.
  • Read the full, detailed patch notes at http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-516-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.15 (Aug 5, 2015)

  • “ Greetings, summoners.
  • Welcome to Patch 5.15, the small one where we sit back and let the game catch its breath for a sec. What with all the updates recently to jungle items, game balance and burning tides (thanks, Miss Fortune), we figured it best to enjoy a lighter patch where we focus on some pro-play outliers and watch the ever-evolving metagame take shape. So kick your feet up, this one's on the house.
  • Diving a level deeper, we do have some sizable changes for Teemo to give him more control of his destiny in fights rather than setting up minefields and hoping folks'd walk into it. If you're someone that wishes we'd delete him instead, we suggest you try out Fiora, who’s got a set of updated Demacian duds and slick new moves to help you take out the furry little monster in style. Random aside: did you know Teemo's last buff was 3 years ago? We thought you'd like some trivia dressing with your foreword-salad. We've never really thought of the foreword as food before, but salads are healthy (and so is context).
  • That's about everything for 5.15. Check out our HUD update post to read up on the juicy feedback-driven changes being made (or head to the patch notes below), as well as our new ward-skin selection tech, and we'll see you next time! ”
  • Patrick "Scarizard" Scarborough
  • Champions:
  • Gangplank:
  • Gangplank is back. Q auto-acquires at a much smaller radius. Gangplank gets steady Silver Serpents on alternate maps.
  • General:
  • “ During the fiery conclusion of Bilgewater: Burning Tides, Gangplank sustained horrific injuries. Now he returns to the League battlefields with renewed purpose. Learn more about Gangplank here. ”
  • Q - Parrrley
  • LIKE FISH IN A BARREL : Greatly reduced the radius where Parrrley automatically acquires a Keg at 1 HP
  • GLOBAL INVESTMENT : Now automatically acquires 1 Silver Serpent every second on the Howling Abyss, Butcher's Bridge, Twisted Treeline, and the Crystal Scar
  • Read the full and detailed release notes here http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-515-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.14 (Jul 22, 2015)

  • Bilgewater: Burning Tides:
  • “ Our next League of Legends event, Bilgewater: Burning Tides, kicks off this patch! Dive into the port city of Bilgewater with a host of new features that'll be rolling out over the next few weeks, including: ”
  • Champion updates for Gangplank and Miss Fortune
  • Six Bilgewater-themed skins
  • New Bilgewater wards and icons
  • The Butcher's Bridge ARAM map
  • Black Market Brawlers, our latest Featured Game Mode
  • A special guest announcer for all game modes
  • New music on Summoner's Rift and Butcher's Bridge
  • “ Keep an eye on the Bilgewater: Burning Tides microsite for updates as the event unfolds. ”
  • HUD Update:
  • “ The HUD has been updated! Check out our HUD launch microsite for more information! ”
  • Champions:
  • Gangplank:
  • “ Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge, will be updated with the launch of 5.14. Head to his update article for details on his new look and kit! ”
  • Miss Fortune:
  • “ Miss Fortune's been updated! Head to her update article for a preview of her new visuals and check below for details on her balance updates. ”
  • General:
  • VISUAL UPDATE : Miss Fortune and her skins have received a visual update, including new models and textures (except for Arcade Miss Fortune), new VFX and animations, new spell icons and an updated base splash!
  • Q - Double Up:
  • DOUBLED DOWN : Now deals 150% damage if the first shot kills an enemy unit
  • DOESN'T FAVOR FOOLS : Bounce logic is now more predictable; Double Up will attempt to find a target directly behind the first. If no target is found, will go to the closest target in a 60 degree angle.
  • BOUNCE ANGLE : 100 degrees ⇒ 60 degrees
  • W - Impure Shots:
  • removed: GROG-SOAKED BULLETS : No longer applies Grievous Wounds
  • SET SAIL : On activation grants Strut's Movespeed bonus
  • COOLDOWN : 16 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
  • E - Make It Rain:
  • SLOW : 25/35/45/65% ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60%
  • Read the complete patch notes by going to this link http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-514-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.13 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • Game Systems:
  • Death Recap:
  • REVIVE DEALT 12 DAMAGE : Fixed a bunch of bugs with Death Recap, specifically as they relate to champion ability damage
  • Recoded Line Projectile Skillshots:
  • Slow Stacking:
  • SLOW STACKING RULES : Slows beyond the first are applied at half value ⇒ Only the strongest slow is applied
  • Champions:
  • Ekko:
  • General:
  • EVERY SECOND MATTERS : Ekko's attack frame slightly improved
  • SHOW ME SOMETHING NEW : Recommended Items updated
  • Jayce:
  • R gives its bonuses at the appropriate levels.
  • R - Mercury Cannon/Hammer
  • CAN TOUCH THIS : Fixed a bug that gave Jayce his R bonuses at 5/10/15 instead of 6/11/16
  • Kalista:
  • Basic Attacks deal less damage. Base Attack Damage and growth up. Q can no longer be cast while dashing.
  • General
  • BASIC ATTACK RATIO : 1.0 total attack damage ⇒ 0.9 total attack damage
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 53.5 ⇒ 57
  • Q - Pierce:
  • removedPIERCE THE HEAVENS : Can no longer be cast mid-dash
  • Read the full, detailed patch notes here http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-513-notes

New in League of Legends Client 5.12 (Jun 24, 2015)

  • Welcome to patch 5.12 - the one where we bring back AP junglers in pursuit of the ideal that is champion diversity (we are now imagining these patch note openers as very long episode titles). If you've gotten tired of us talking about diversity, a different way of putting it is that it all comes down to choice. Player perception is obviously huge when it comes to assessing what's ‘viable' in a game of League of Legends and, hopefully, through our efforts that viability choice comes down to personal preference and style, rather than straight up power. You'll see this most epitomized in our introduction of the new Runeglaive jungle enchantment - an item that hopes to ‘unlock' many AP junglers that, before, many felt were subpar for the position.
  • Second up, we've got some defensive tree mastery changes rolling out to provide you all with just a little more meaning to your mastery choices. While these aren't revolutionary in terms of how you should allocate your mastery points, we felt it was worth at least highlighting the changes to say that there are, flatly, more choices and better decisions to make. We'd love to get masteries to a place where you can feel like you're making real decisions and optimizing just right for your own style, so hopefully these changes go along with that philosophy.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Champions no longer get stuck in walls when trying to move from the fountain to top/bot lane via a minimap movement command
  • Players no longer sporadically lose the ability to see their own chat text after a queue is cancelled
  • Vel'Koz's W - Void Rift no longer creates a targetable unit at the moment of detonation
  • Trinity Force and Entropy now properly grant bonus movement speed on unit kill
  • Fixed a bug where Diana's Passive - Moonsilver Blade wasn't dealing full damage to turrets
  • Ardent Censer's passive now applies to champion clones
  • Baron Nashor can no longer kill the Rift Scuttler
  • Twin Shadows now shows up on every map when searching "pink" in the item shop
  • Mafia Jinx's phonograph once again plays music during her dance animation
  • Leona's autoattack particle has been removed from various champions who do not worship the sun
  • Upcoming Skins:
  • Pool Party Draven
  • Pool Party Lulu
  • Pool Party Mundo
  • Pool Party Rek'Sai
  • Pool Party Zac
  • Further details at http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-512-notes#patch-bugfixes.

New in League of Legends Client 5.11 (Jun 10, 2015)

  • Combat Text Tuning:
  • “ Look at this continued support. We're just throwing in some tweaks to address popular floating combat text concerns; specifically, recognizing critical strikes faster and better communicating individual sources of damage when damage-over-time abilities are running rampant. ”
  • CRITICALLY UNIQUE : Critical Strikes have had their motion, color, and icon adjusted to contrast more with regular damage text
  • Champions::
  • Aatrox:
  • Blood Well's cooldown lowered at later levels.
  • “ Aatrox is a champion that seeks to constantly all-in and punish poor positioning by diving head-first into battle, but this has always been at odds with Blood Well's monstrous cooldown. No longer! You should expect Aatrox's early dives to stay as tame as they've ever been, but now his team doesn't have to wait an eternity for him to be ready to throw-down in a late-stage moshpit (what else are you picking an ancient blood-god for, anyway?). ”
  • Passive - Blood Well:
  • COOLDOWN : 225 seconds at all levels ⇒ 225/200/175/150 (at levels 1/6/11/16) some polish and bugfixes for floating combat text
  • Ashe:
  • “ League's most senior Marksman recently got some pretty big changes, and while she's certainly more satisfying to play, her damage is a little out of hand for such a utility-based champion. We're hitting some of her lane-bullying and tower-shoving potential to preserve her unique role as a more 'support-carry' as we take a deeper look at how she's settling into the competitive landscape for future follow-up. ”
  • General:
  • ROYAL ARMORY : Recommended items updated
  • Q - Ranger's Focus:
  • SAVE IT FOR SOMETHING THAT CAN FIGHT BACK : The 5-stack flurry attack no longer triggers on attacks against turrets
  • W - Volley:
  • DAMAGE : 40/50/60/70/80 ⇒ 20/35/50/65/80
  • E - Hawkshot:
  • NEED EYES ON 'EM : Hawks update their vision more frequently as they travel
  • Brand:
  • Brand's R will spread to nearby targets, even if his target uses Zhonya's Hourglass.
  • “ When we were looking into Brand's unique niche as a chaos-sowing inferno-mage (that can be his official title if you'd like), we realized Pyroclasm was a pretty neat place to start. In reality, this change is half of what we wanted (and we'll be looking to get the second half out as soon as possible), but our end game is this: rather than thinking of Pyroclasm as a targeted nuke that chains off into everyone else, it's more of an area-effect inferno that starts at a "suggested" point (your targeted cast). After that, however, little Pyro (that's what we're calling him) just goes where he pleases, mindlessly seeking out nearby targets to set on fire.
  • You'll see this further iterated on soon, when we make it so that if Pyroclasm ever tries to hit an untargetable body (either it gets dead mid-flight or uses Zhonyas or gets Bard ulted) during his bounce time, he'll just fly right on by to another victim, rather than fizzling out on the spot. ”
  • R - Pyroclasm:
  • newNO STOPPING ME : If Pyroclasm's original target becomes untargetable during its travel time, it will seek out a different target rather than just fizzling out on the spot
  • Caitlyn:
  • Headshot's better against tanky targets, and R gives vision on cast.
  • “ As mentioned in the foreword, it's been a while since Caitlyn was present in the patch notes. This doesn't inherently mean that every champion that hasn't been touched in forever is due, but when the meta has shifted to favoring Marksman that excel in dealing damage while kiting and the Sheriff was AWOL, we figured something was up. Not much behind some general improvements to what feel like bugs (especially in regards to R and Vision), but now Headshot's fancy bonus armor penetration (as in, only penetrates bonus armor like Yasuo's R) will help keep Caitlyn's shots relevant in a late-game of tanks and fighters as she loads them up with greater frequency. ”
  • Passive - Headshot:
  • newPILTILE SNIPER : Now ignores 50% of the target's bonus armor (champion only)
  • W - Yordle Snap Trap:
  • ARM TIME : 1.0 seconds - 1.25 seconds ⇒ standardized to 1.1 seconds
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where certain dashes could pass over the traps without triggering the root
  • R - Ace in the Hole:
  • TRAINED EYE : Now gives vision at start of cast instead of at start of channel
  • Ekko:
  • Movespeed down, clarity increased for opponents on W and R.
  • “ It doesn't take a time-traveler to see Ekko was a little Chrono-broken in 5.10. It's still early, so we're still gathering data and taking a good look at how players are adapting to his in-and-out skirmish style of play, but it's easy to see he needs a little off the top (have you seen his hair?). With that in mind, we're making some numbers adjustments and upping the clarity (without stomping on his damage output) for his opponents to smooth things out as we continue to evaluate Ekko's performance across each timeline. ”
  • General:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED : 345 ⇒ 340
  • W - Parallel Convergence:
  • COST : 30/40/50/60/70 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana
  • VISION : Granted on cast ⇒ Granted 2 seconds after cast
  • CLARITY CONVERGENCE : Detonation zone is now more readable for opponents
  • R - Chronobreak:
  • EKKO LOCATION : Increased
  • Jayce:
  • Transform now has 1 rank, Jayce's spells now have 6.
  • “ For the average player, putting points in R feels like a trap and was rarely satisfying, so we're adding 6 ranks to his spells and giving Jayce his bonuses from Transform when he would have gotten them for free. Below this context are a lot of numbers, but the key things to take away are that Jayce now has very different power spikes relative to other champions, and his signature Shock Blast / Acceleration Gate combo is much stronger, pushing the incentive to take him over similar choices in a dedicated poke/siege strategy. ”
  • Q - To The Skies:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 20/65/110/155/200 ⇒ 30/70/110/150/190/230
  • COOLDOWN : 16/14/12/10/8 seconds ⇒ 16/14/12/10/8/6 seconds
  • SLOW : 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50/55%
  • Q - Shock Blast:
  • DAMAGE : 60/115/170/225/280 ⇒ 70/120/170/220/270/320
  • W - Lightning Field:
  • DAMAGE : 100/170/240/310/380 ⇒ 100/160/220/280/340/400
  • W - Hyper Charge:
  • DAMAGE MULTIPLIER : 70/80/90/100/110% ⇒ 70/78/86/94/102/110%
  • COOLDOWN : 13/11/9/7/5 seconds ⇒ 13/11.4/9.8/8.2/6.6/5 seconds
  • E - Thundering Blow:
  • DAMAGE : 8/11/14/17/20% of target's maximum health ⇒ 8/10.4/12.8/15.2/17.6/20% of target's maximum health
  • COOLDOWN : 14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 15/14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • Katarina:
  • E's early damage ratio lowered.
  • “ We'll keep this one short: Katarina's Shunpo is essential to help her get around and chain multi-kills once she's Death Lotus'd up a storm, but the base and ratio were contributing far more to her midgame burst than what's intended from a flexible mobility spell. Lowering it makes her work harder and be more cautious with when to enter a fight if she wants to make it out alive. ”
  • E - Shunpo:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 60/85/110/135/160 ⇒ 40/70/100/130/160
  • RATIO : 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.25 ability power
  • E - Acceleration Gate:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS : 30/35/40/45/50% movement speed ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50/55% movement speed
  • R - Transform:
  • newNATURAL TRANSFORMATION : Old level-up benefits now given at levels 6/11/16
  • Kha'Zix:
  • “ Just tossin' a little love over to Kha'Zix's isolation radius. Kay-Z doesn't have ways of naturally isolating his opponents, so we're looking for a middle-ground between 'killing you right next to your support' and 'opportunistically catching people out of position'. ”
  • Q - Taste Their Fear:
  • ISOLATION RADIUS : 500 ⇒ 425
  • LeBlanc:
  • It's time.
  • “ One of the most notorious champions in League of Legends, Leblanc's reason for being in the patch notes this time around aren't unlike her colleagues in Riven and Zed; She's flashy and hard to master, but can be pretty frustrating to fight once the snowball gets rolling. Leblanc's changes this patch are all in the name of increasing her opponent's ability to react. Her nigh-unparalleled ability to delete a high priority target (or double-distort into the backlines for massive damage) are left intact, but making her combo easier to dodge can be the difference between a big play or a blunder that encapsulates LB's tricky brand of Risk vs. Reward. ”
  • W - Distortion:
  • MISSILE SPEED : 1600 ⇒ 1300
  • E - Ethereal Chains:
  • MISSILE WIDTH : 70 ⇒ 55
  • DISTANCE CHECK : Checks to see if the target has broken the tether four times as fast
  • LET'S STAY CONNECTED : Fixed a bug where Ethereal Chains would fizzle on Morgana's Black Shield, even if it broke through it
  • R - Mimic: Distortion:
  • MISSILE SPEED : 1600 ⇒ 1300
  • R - Mimic: Ethereal Chains:
  • MISSILE WIDTH : 70 ⇒ 55
  • DISTANCE CHECK : Checks to see if the target has broken the tether four times as fast
  • LET'S STAY CONNECTED : Fixed a bug where Ethereal Chains would fizzle on Morgana's Black Shield, even if it broke through it
  • Malphite:
  • W reworked to give armor passively, activate to rock-slap people.
  • “ These changes for Malphite are all about 'Play Pattern', which is to say the style in which a champion executes their abilities in the game. Malphite's kind of a one-trick-pony - after using Unstoppable Force and getting in your grill, he quickly runs out of things to do and finds himself waiting for cooldowns (and hoping you can't escape or kill him as he does it). We're changing Brutal Strikes to be a more satisfying button press and help him have something to do to kill the time. We're aware that AP Malphite's been popping up somewhat recently, and while build diversity is sometimes neat, we're more interested in what this does for Malphite's flexibility in playstyle. We'll iron out the scaling as necessary, but the idea is giving the ol' rolling stone a rock solid game-plan when his basic spells don't get the job done. ”
  • W - Brutal Strikes:
  • PASSIVE : Basic attacks deal 30/38/46/54/62% attack damage to nearby enemies ⇒ Malphite gains 10/15/20/25/30% additional armor
  • ACTIVE : Malphite gains armor and attack damage ⇒ Basic attacks deal an additional 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.15 ability power) physical damage to the target and nearby units
  • CLARITY SLAP : Brutal Strikes now displays a visual effect that indicates the effective area
  • CLOBBERIN' TIME : Basic attacks while Brutal Strikes is active now use Malphite's critical strike animation
  • Orianna:
  • R's lock-out on snapping back to Orianna slightly increased.
  • “ Before y'all get into a fit about Orianna being nerfed, this one's actually pretty simple: this increased cooldown only affects Shockwave when the ball returns to Ori as a result of out-ranging it, meaning you're less likely to accidentally ult on top of yourself when you don't mean to. When casting Command: Protect on yourself (or simply walking over the ball to pick it up), there's no change. Huzzah! Context! ”
  • R - Command: Shockwave:
  • COOLDOWN UPON OUT-RANGING THE BALL : 0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.75 seconds
  • Ryze:
  • W and E no longer grant passive stacks / trigger cooldown effects if he casts them just as the target dies.
  • “ Sorry about that! ”
  • Passive - Arcane Mastery:
  • WHOOPS : Fixed a bug where Ryze could use W - Rune Prison and E - Spell Flux on a dying target to build passive stacks without completing the spellcast (or using mana)
  • Sejuani:
  • We're repeating ourselves, but this change is finally implemented from 5.10. W's on-hit bonus damage now deals less of the target's max health.
  • “ We're repeating ourselves, but this change is finally implemented from 5.10. Might as well copy paste that context again: for a tanky, crowd-control focused armor lady, Sejuani's dealing a whole boar-load of damage (sorry) in addition to her super disruptive glacial powers. Reducing some of that damage lets us focus Sej on what she does best - being a tanky, crowd-control focused armor lady (we just said that). ”
  • W - Flail of the Northern Winds:
  • BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE : 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% of target's maximum health ⇒ 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% of target's maximum health
  • Shen:
  • Passive and E are better late-game. Also, Shen finally has magic resistance per level.
  • “ Ah, Shen. Once the poster-child of split-pushing, Shen finds himself in a rough spot - a world where his strategic niche (global pressure) is now shared by a vast majority of top laners due to Teleport's presence in the modern metagame. Teleport allowing such a wide group of champions to participate from such an isolated position is a pretty neat thing, so while we aren't necessarily solving that today, we're hooking Shen up with some late-game goodies to keep up the pressure where he falters most. While there's other changes that are self explanatory, Ki Strike's the biggest of the few here. Tanks in LoL require some amount of sustained threat (or they aren't worth being so hard to take down), and by significantly upping the output of Ki Strikes, Shen can return to being a map-wide nuisance and a tower-taking threat that demands an answer. ”
  • General:
  • Passive - Ki Strike:
  • COOLDOWN : 9 seconds ⇒ 9/8/7 seconds (at champion levels 1/7/13)
  • E - Shadow Dash:
  • COST : 100 energy ⇒ 100/95/90/85/80 energy
  • Shyvana:
  • W gives Shyvana stronger basic attacks for its duration.
  • “ Despite a brief spark in competitive play via Cinderhulk/Skirmisher's Sabre, Shyvana remains a champion that feels left behind. We're loading her up with more basic-attack beatdowns when Burnout is active to reinforce her melee moshing and make you feel better when diving in for the kill. ”
  • W - Burnout:
  • BURNING FINGER : Now does 25% of Burnout's AoE damage per basic attack for the duration (still does AoE magic damage per second)
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Burnout had twice its bonus attack damage ratio only while in Dragon Form
  • Sivir:
  • R's burst of speed weaker at later ranks.
  • “ Before we get to Sivir, let's talk for just a sec about diversity. Just as Feral Flare, Cinderhulk, and nowadays Luden's Echo, it's not an uncommon thing in League for one option (though unique on its own) to become the 'best' and crowd out others from viability. Part of our hyper-meta-goal of Champion Diversity is not only making sure that each champion has a niche, but that there are multiple niches that co-exist to make a pretty cool strategic landscape.
  • So how does Sivir fit into this?
  • Sivir's niche has always been well-defined: make your team go faster than the other team (usually involving lots of murder upon arrival) at the expense of hyper-carry damage output. The larger issue is that in a game where tanks have found their footing once again and items like Righteous Glory help the initiator-on-the-go, Sivir's become much less of a champion you pick when you want to synergize with hard-engaging and instead turns every team she's on into a 'hard-engage' team, no matter what the composition looks like (If you're old enough to remember Nidalee before her rework, this was a similar issue - you didn't pick Nidalee into a 'poke comp', your team became a poke comp by virtue of having Nidalee on it).
  • That brings us to where we are today, where people are picking Sivir with long-ranged poke champions and managing to get the best-of-every-world and shutting out diversity in the types of compositions that see play. This change is a revert to the one we gave her in patch 4.13 (a time long before tanks and Righteous Glory existed) but we'll be keeping an eye on when and how teams pick Sivir now that she doesn't carry the burden of enabling heavy engage teams all by herself. ”
  • R - On The Hunt:
  • INITIAL MOVEMENT SPEED DURATION : 2/4/6 seconds ⇒ 2/3/4 seconds
  • Items:
  • Luden's Echo:
  • Luden's Echo builds less charges per spell cast and scales lower with ability power
  • “ This will be long because we feel like talking about item philosophies. Up front: Luden's Echo is pretty strong. That said, the direction of our changes are a lot more nuanced then "make it less strong!" so we'll explain. First, what makes an item like Luden's Echo 'strong,' and why is that problematic? Balance issues aside, we'd be much happier if Luden's Echo was situationally strong - where picking it up at the right time conferred a great deal of power, but not so much at other points in time. Unfortunately, Luden's Echo is just straight up powerful, so it becomes the default choice for all AP champions that can use it. If you want to take that situation one step further, a very strong item in the ecosystem starts to warp champion viability around "who can use that item the best," rather than the other way around (see also: old Challenging Smite top lane, or old Feral Flare).
  • So that's the problem space we're dealing with.
  • So our second point: when we want to tackle a powerful item like Luden's Echo, we want to make sure we're pushing it in a unique direction so that when a mage does pick it up, they're doing so for very specific reasons. Rabadon's Deathcap, for example, is an item you rush when you want to hit that late game AP spike that no other item can offer. Luden's Echo, then, gives a strong early-game benefit with its high base-damage proc. As such, we decided to reduce its ability power ratio so there was less overlap with Deathcap's end game fantasy (look, even items can have them). The charge stack decrease on spell cast also feeds into our philosophy of focusing Luden's identity - specifically as one that benefits kite-focused mages heavily, meaning it should always be rewarding continuous movement and spellcasting (but not purely one or the other). If we were to make future changes to Luden's Echo, you'd probably see us further tunneling in on those values, but this was a very long context post to explain some of our nuanced philosophy when it comes to items. Sorry. ”
  • I'M CHARGING MY LUDEN'S : Luden's Echo charges stacks at a rate of 20 stacks per spell cast ⇒ 10 stacks per spell cast
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO : 0.15 ⇒ 0.1
  • CONSISTENCY, MAN : This change includes Twisted Treeline and Dominion versions of Luden's Echo as well
  • Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar:
  • Visual updates:
  • “ Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline were lagging a bit behind in terms of map-agnostic visual improvements like animated victory/defeat screens, loading screen art, and new minion models. We’ve brought these improvements to Dominion / TT matches everywhere, in addition to a comprehensive texture pass to bring these maps more in line with their big brother (sister?). ”
  • NOW LOADING : The loading screen for Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline matches now have background art
  • IT’S ALIVE : End of game victory/defeat banners are now animated!
  • BRUSH PHYSICS : Brush now sways ambiently and rustles when champions move through it
  • (CRYSTAL SCAR) MINION MIGRATION : Minion models have been replaced with reskinned assets from the updated Summoner's Rift.
  • (CRYSTAL SCAR) SMOOTH AS CRYSTAL : Textures across the map have been updated to remove visual noise and feel more like other maps
  • (CRYSTAL SCAR) COLOR CONSISTENCY : All textures, particles and UI elements now use the Blue/Red color scheme
  • (TWISTED TREELINE) FAREWELL, SUMMONERS : Minion, inhibitor and nexus models have been replaced with reskinned assets from the updated Summoner's Rift. We've kept the blue-purple color scheme since red doesn't fit Twisted Treeline's thematics.
  • (TWISTED TREELINE) BRUSH FIX-ICS : Brush has been adjusted to ensure each brush gives the same vision into lane as its mirror on the other side of the map
  • (TWISTED TREELINE) HOT MOSS : Golems have received a texture update
  • (TWISTED TREELINE) REINFORCED HEALTH BARS : Structures now have custom health bars
  • Lord Van Damm's Pillager:
  • Now applies a bleed on crit instead of amplifying crit damage.
  • “ We don’t have anything against bringing Infinity Edge’s crit damage multiplier to other maps, but it was kind of random to shoehorn it in at the expense of Wicked Hatchet’s unique identity. Pillager now inherits Wicked Hatchet’s bleed effect in an appropriately buffed state - this is, after all, a consistency pass.
  • new:UNIQUE PASSIVE - CRITICAL VISION : Critical strikes cause enemies to bleed for an additional 150% of bonus Attack Damage as magic damage over 3 seconds and reveal them for the duration
  • removed:SORRY YASUO : No longer causes critical strikes to deal 250% damage instead of 200%
  • Wicked Hatchet:
  • “ A small buff. Move along. ”
  • WHAT ARMOR? : UNIQUE Passive: Critical strikes cause enemies to bleed for an additional 60% of bonus Attack Damage as physical ⇒ magic damage over 3 seconds.
  • Overlord's Bloodmail:
  • “ Overlord's has traditionally been a bit of a boring item - a health boost with a conditional passive. The addition of Crystalline Bracer makes it a little more enticing while smoothing out its build path. ”
  • RECIPE : Giant's Belt + Ruby Crystal + 1055 gold ⇒ Giant's Belt + Crystalline Bracer + 900 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2455 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
  • HEALTH : 850 ⇒ 800
  • new:HEALTH REGENERATION : +100% base health regeneration
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Upon champion kill or assist, restores 300 Health over 5 seconds (unchanged)
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • “ Some high-level context here: while we were doing our consistency pass-through on alternative maps, we identified some low-scope opportunities to react to player feedback for Twisted Treeline's larger balance / game pacing issues. You'll see this reflected in most of our changes, so read below for the full story, but we'll keep an eye as to how these impact game pacing on Twisted Treeline, and adjust accordingly if they push things a little too crazy.
  • Global game flow changes:
  • “ Here be complicated math, so let’s just leave things simple: level-up requirements and death timers now scale more consistently from level to level. ”
  • EXPERIENCE CURVE : Smoothed out
  • DEATH TIMERS : Smoothed out
  • Jungle changes:
  • Camps are easier and spawn slightly earlier
  • “ One of Twisted Treeline’s major draws is its flexible meta: when duo lane and jungler comps are both competitive, we see a wider variety of champions and strategies in play. At the moment, though, Treeline camps are so damn tough that dedicated junglers have fallen out of favor. We’re tweaking things across the board to help bring the role back up to par.
  • Note: since camps now start at level 2, we’re showing spawn values (old level 1 vs. new level 2) rather than base values. ”
  • General changes:
  • CAMP SPAWN TIME : 1:40 ⇒ 1:35
  • CAMP STARTING LEVEL : Level 1 ⇒ Level 2
  • EXPERIENCE REWARD : Junglers now reach level 2 after clearing 1 camp and level 3 after a full clear
  • Big Golem:
  • HEALTH ON SPAWN : 1440 ⇒ 1240
  • DAMAGE ON SPAWN : 73 ⇒ 70
  • Golem:
  • HEALTH ON SPAWN : 540 ⇒ 480
  • DAMAGE ON SPAWN : 35 ⇒ 33
  • Wraith:
  • HEALTH ON SPAWN : 1200 ⇒ 1050
  • DAMAGE ON SPAWN : 55 ⇒ 52
  • Lesser Wraith:
  • HEALTH ON SPAWN : 250 ⇒ 230
  • DAMAGE ON SPAWN : 20 ⇒ 18
  • Giant Wolf:
  • HEALTH ON SPAWN : 1320 ⇒ 1120
  • DAMAGE ON SPAWN : 42 ⇒ 40
  • Wolf:
  • HEALTH ON SPAWN : 420 ⇒ 390
  • DAMAGE ON SPAWN : 16 ⇒ 15
  • Vilemaw:
  • Vilemaw takes longer to kill, is harder to solo and now grants a minion-buffing aura instead of a stat boost.
  • “ For an undead spider god, Vilemaw has never really been a meaningful objective; instead, it tends to be taken as the last item on the checklist to snowball a game into victory. Contrast that to SR, where teams often act based on Baron/Dragon pressure, and it’s clear we have room for improvement.
  • We’ve decided to widen the window for interference during Vilemaw attempts and to give Crest of Crushing Wrath (kudos if you recognized the name) a solid identity as a sieging tool. Clear incentives should allow teams to make smart plays around Vilemaw not only through optimal buff use but also in prepping the map, trading other objectives, and even team comp selection. ”
  • General:
  • REINFORCED HEALTH BARS : Vilemaw now has a custom health bar. It's pretty.
  • RESPAWN TIME : 5 minutes ⇒ 6 minutes
  • JUNGLE TIMER : Has one
  • Combat updates:
  • HEALTH : 3500 ⇒ 5500
  • ATTACK DAMAGE : 113 ⇒ 100
  • AOE SLAM ATTACK : Range slightly increased, area of effect slightly decreased
  • MELEE ATTACKS : Delay on attack shortened
  • new SPIDERWEBS : Vilemaw's attacks now reduce attack speed in addition to reducing armor and magic resistance
  • EIGHT EYES, AND YET... : Removed a few 'blind spots' where champions could stand to avoid being attacked by Vilemaw during the encounter
  • Crest of Crushing Wrath:
  • new:TOO SPOOKY : Upon killing Vilemaw, champions become ghosted, ignoring all unit collision for the duration of the buff. Additionally, nearby minions gain aura bonuses (noted below), and briefly terrorize nearby enemy minions on first contact (much spooky).
  • MELEE MINIONS : +20 armor & magic resistance, +20% attack speed, +15 attack damage, +75 attack range
  • CASTER MINIONS : +10 armor & magic resistance, +10% attack speed, +20 attack damage, +100 attack range
  • CANNON MINIONS : +30 armor & magic resistance, +10% attack speed, +50 attack damage, +750 attack range
  • SUPER MINIONS : +10 armor & magic resistance, +10% attack speed, +10 attack damage
  • removed:SNOWBALLS ARE FOR ARAM : No longer grants bonus health regen, mana regen, cooldown reduction or attack speed
  • DURATION : 2 minutes ⇒ 3 minutes
  • Altar changes:
  • “ We've changed the altar buffs to be less snowbally and more interesting. Like Vilemaw. Consistent goals are good. ”
  • 1-Altar buff:
  • “ The problem with explicitly attaching income to a buff is that teams only tend to lose control of the buff when they’re behind. Once income discrepancy is established, the enemy team no longer has to work to extend a lead - the game passively does that for them. We're subbing in a large movement speed boost which is still impactful if stolen, but won’t snowball the game unless the enemy team takes advantage of its absence. ”
  • new:SPOOKY SPEED : Now grants +10% movement speed
  • removed:SNOWBALLS ARE FOR ARAM : No longer grants +3 gold on unit kill
  • new:THE GOLD MUST FLOW : Default gold value of all minions/monsters increased by 3 to compensate
  • 2-Altar buff:
  • “ The flipside of one team losing their altar is the other team controlling both. Again, this situation tends to imply that one team has taken control of the game. Rewarding that control with a stat bomb makes it extremely hard to swing the game back toward equilibrium because the 2-altar-buffed team became stronger in every situation. We've shifted the 2-altar buff to instead enable objective sieging (like the new Vilemaw buff), adding a specific type of power that can be played toward and against. ”
  • new:SPOOKY SIEGING : Now restores 1% maximum health on minion or monster kill
  • removed:SNOWBALLS ARE FOR ARAM : No longer grants +10% bonus attack damage and ability power
  • Turret rebalancing:
  • Turrets are sturdier and there’s one more in each lane.
  • “ Turrets are pretty flimsy on Treeline, as best exemplified by the Nexus turret’s susceptibility to a single unaccompanied super minion wave. We’re bolstering defenses across the board and upping the threat of Inhibitor and Nexus turrets to make sure teams have to actively strive for objective control. ”
  • Global backdooring changes:
  • REINFORCED ARMOR : All turrets gain 75 ⇒ 200 armor and magic resistance if no enemy minions are nearby
  • new:Outer turrets:
  • “ With the recessed positioning of inner turrets, getting any structures on the scoreboard required teams to extend really, really far into enemy territory. Given the lack of visibility tools on the map, most are unwilling to make this risk in the early game, meaning when the first turret falls, that's usually a sign of Bad Things to come. It’s worth noting that this is a big reason why squishy/immobile champions have had a historically poor showing on Twisted Treeline.
  • We’re adding a new set of outer turrets as an early-game objective to address these concerns. They’re intentionally weaker than the remaining turrets since our goal isn’t to extend match times. ”
  • new:OUTER TURRETS : Both teams now have a third turret in top and bottom lane
  • HEALTH : 1850
  • DAMAGE : 152
  • GLOBAL GOLD : 100
  • Inner turrets:
  • HEALTH : 2050 (unchanged)
  • DAMAGE : 190 ⇒ 160
  • ARMOR : 67 ⇒ 100
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 100 (unchanged)
  • GLOBAL GOLD : 150 ⇒ 125
  • Inhibitor turrets:
  • HEALTH : 2350 (unchanged)
  • DAMAGE : 170 (unchanged)
  • ATTACK SPEED : 0.83 ⇒ 1.25
  • ARMOR : 60 ⇒ 100
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 100 (unchanged)
  • GLOBAL GOLD : 150 ⇒ 100
  • Nexus turret:
  • HEALTH : 2650 (unchanged)
  • DAMAGE : 180 ⇒ 150
  • ATTACK SPEED : 0.83 ⇒ 2.50
  • ARMOR : 67 ⇒ 100
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 100 (unchanged)
  • GLOBAL GOLD : 150 ⇒ 100
  • removed:
  • Vision-granting items:
  • “ Not having wards on Twisted Treeline adds a level of fear you'd expect from the Shadow Isles, but also means squishy champions don't have great ways of moving safely around the map. It also leads to (get ready for it) snowballing: when you’re ahead, you have more control over the map, more strength in a jungle fight, and less to lose from hanging out in a brush. We saw an opportunity to address some of these concerns with the trinket slot to give players more compelling choices than "facecheck the jungle or AFK at turret".
  • The immediate change below might not make sense here (we talk about how snowbally vision is, and then we remove vision granting items), but if you go one changelist below that, you'll see we're introducing a trinket! So... please read below.
  • The following items have been removed from Twisted Treeline: ”
  • Grez's Spectral Lantern
  • The Lightbringer
  • Hextech Sweeper
  • new:
  • Hextech Sweeper Trinket
  • That was a short-lived removal. This new Hextech Sweeper briefly grants vision and reveals stealthed units in the target area.
  • “ Rather than forcing teams to invest heavily in vision granting items (and further reinforce the snowbally nature of TT), we're switching the vision game over to a trinket system so that all can participate. That said, our intent isn’t to completely trivialize vision, so we’ll be keeping an eye on how the new trinket plays out and make followup changes as appropriate. ”
  • ACTIVE : Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing traps and enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds
  • COOLDOWN : 60 seconds
  • removed:
  • Madred's Razors:
  • Collateral damage.
  • “ With the removal of Grez's Spectral Lantern, Madred's doesn't build into anything. That's depressing, so we're deleting it. ”
  • removed:IS A THING : Is no longer a thing
  • Battle Training:
  • WATCH OUT FOR THAT SENTINEL : The loading screen for Battle Training has been updated
  • Ranked Updates:
  • Diamond 5 LP Gains
  • “ We rolled out this change partway through 5.10 but wanted to shed more light on it here. Many players have been hitting an LP wall as soon as they're promoted from Platinum into Diamond, with victories rewarding less and defeats removing more. We want to stress that this wasn't a bug, but a consequence of Diamond representing a much wider skill range than we had designed for.
  • Technical explanations aside, Diamond players should still be ready to put in a lot of hard work to progress into higher divisions, but climbing shouldn't feel as impossible as before. ”
  • DIAMOND 5 LP GAINS : Smoothed out for most players. D5 players close to demotion will continue to see low gains until their MMR climbs back to Diamond levels.
  • Champion Mastery:
  • “ Update: Whoops! This update's still testing on PBE and won't ship this patch! ”
  • SWAG : We're testing a change on PBE where the rank 5 Champion Mastery emote is now visible to the enemy team. Won't be going out in 5.11 - sorry!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Azir soldiers no longer spam their attack animation while idle
  • Heimerdinger's turret charge bars have been moved back down to their correct position
  • Fixed edge cases where Gromp buff, Cinderhulk aura and the jungle item damage-over-time proc were killing large monsters instead of leaving them at 1 health
  • Muramana no longer consumes mana when attacking wards
  • Ardent Censer's passive now grants assists even when applied by healing a full-health ally

New in League of Legends Client 5.10 (May 28, 2015)

  • Champions:
  • Ekko:
  • “ Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time, will be released a bit later during patch 5.10!
  • Akali:
  • If Akali Qs someone, Shadow Dance will bring her much closer to them. Otherwise all of her R dashes are slightly closer in general.
  • “ Our bad on this one. Adding a little more intelligence to Akali's dashes, where they'll try to adjust distance according to her needs. ”
  • R - Shadow Dance:
  • newCAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT : Now gives 50% less passthrough distance versus targets marked by Mark of the Assassin
  • Cassiopeia:
  • “ These are two changes aimed at two different things, so we'll explain. First, while we did intend for late-game Cass to be an unstoppable force of a half-snake, the scaling heal on Twin Fang makes her borderline unkillable for some team compositions (particularly given her zone control). Second, when we were looking for ways to trim power on Cass, we saw that her champion update came right before our big refactor of the mana regeneration stat of the 2015 season (with most champions ending up with less mana regen in general). Given that these original numbers were tuned around competing mid-laners of the time (and higher baseline mana regeneration expectations like Athene's Unholy Grail), we decided to modernize accordingly. Cassi's still going to hit like a truck in the lategame - we just wanted to give more windows of opportunity for opponents to take advantage. ”
  • Passive - Aspect of the Serpent:
  • PASSIVE BONUS : At 100 stacks, Twin Fang heals for 6/8/10/12/14/16 +0.1 ability power ⇒ +0.06 ability power
  • E - Twin Fang:
  • MANA REFUND : If Twin Fang kills the target, it refunds its mana cost plus 3% of Cassiopeia's maximum mana ⇒ 1.5% of Cassiopeia's maximum mana
  • Gragas:
  • Non-fat body slams.
  • “ Following up on our Cinderhulk changes, we still think 'ol Graggy's taking up too much space in the jungle, so we're trimming some fat (not literally - that's gross) where we can. This might not be the change that gives jungle competitors some space to breathe, but at least letting his belly hitbox match the visuals is a good first step. ”
  • E - Body Slam:
  • END COLLISION RADIUS : 250 ⇒ 210
  • Jinx:
  • “ In terms of objective power shifts, this reduces some of Jinx's early game strength and trades it for a bit more lategame power. Philosophically we want to continue highlighting Jinx's late, late game potential, but we were also seeing her start to crush turrets early on once she got a snowball rolling. You might call a change like this a power curve Switcheroo! but then we'd have to hit you for trying too hard. ”
  • Q - Switcheroo:
  • MINI-GUN BONUS ATTACK SPEED : 30/55/80/105/130% ⇒ 30/40/50/60/70%
  • newPOW-POW'S LEVELING UP : Mini-gun now gains 0/2/4/6/8/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70% additional attack speed based on Jinx's level
  • Karma:
  • Spell hits and basic attacks on champions reduce Mantra's cooldown by a lot more at later levels. W has a higher AP ratio and can be used on monsters. E has a shorter cooldown, a lower mana cost, and shields for slightly less at later ranks. Instead of bonus damage, Mantra'd W now adds to the root duration and Mantra'd E now increases the base shield by a large amount and gives a greater area-of-effect shield.
  • “ Let's talk Karma.
  • Right now, while Karma does have a small - but dedicated - player base, she's someone we've put on our radar as an opportunity to improve. Specifically, while Karma does a number of things well (mid-range poke, movement-based team engagement, solo lane dueling), she hasn't really been stand-out in any category for some time and hasn't been able to scale well as the game progresses. Up front: these changes aren't going to "fix" everything (honestly no change does that!) - we just wanted to highlight more of Karma's unique strengths (utility and control) while also giving her that lategame scaling potential (a ramped up cooldown refund on Gathering Fire and much stronger utility potential in R-W / R-E). While these changes do reduce some of Karma's dueling threat, it's important to note that we're not trying to commit her to a duo-support lane or a solo lane specifically - just that we're trying giving her access to an end game fantasy (there's a word we haven't heard in a while) and feel we can do it through her more distinctive powers. Quick note on removing the damage on Mantra'd W / E - a goal here was to differentiate Karma's contextual decision making when selecting an ability to Mantra (super root? mega shield?), so we went down that path. Additionally, removing damage on R-E means we can up the ante on Gathering Fire's cooldown reduction without seeing Karma throw out a Mantra'd E every 6 seconds in clumpy team fights. ”
  • Passive - Gathering Fire:
  • MANTRA COOLDOWN REFUND - SPELL HIT : 2 seconds at all levels ⇒ 2/2.5/3 seconds at levels 1/7/13
  • MANTRA COOLDOWN REFUND - BASIC ATTACK : 1 second at all levels ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5 seconds at levels 1/7/13
  • W - Focused Resolve:
  • newPUT A LEASH ON IT : Focused Resolve can now target monsters in addition to champions
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO : 0.6 ⇒ 0.9
  • W - Renewal (Mantra'd Focused Resolve):
  • new:PUT A ROOT ON IT : Using Renewal now increases the duration of Focused Resolve's root - if triggered - by 0.5/0.75/1/1.25 seconds
  • removed:BONUS DAMAGE : 75/150/225/300 (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ No longer adds additional damage
  • E - Inspire:
  • COOLDOWN : 10 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
  • COST : 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • SHIELD : 80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
  • E - Defiance (Mantra'd Inspire):
  • new:YOU MIGHT SAY IT'S DEATH DEFYING : Using Defiance now increases the primary target's shield amount by 30/90/150/210 (+0.3 ability power)
  • removed:DAMAGE : 60/140/220/300 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage ⇒ No longer damages enemies
  • AREA-OF-EFFECT SHIELD : 30/70/110/150 ⇒ 50% of the primary target's shield amount
  • Leona:
  • Non-fat Zenith Blades.
  • “ Skinny Zenith Blade. Leona's actually been climbing the power rankings for a little while, so we're applying a light touch here. Zenith Blade's actually got a super wide hitbox that nobody notices (it was close to Sona's Crescendo width!), so we're just matching up those visuals. ”
  • E - Zenith Blade:
  • MISSILE WIDTH : 90 ⇒ 70
  • Lulu:
  • Base mana regeneration is up, but mana regen per level is down slightly.
  • “ Trying to throw some love to support Lulu without just cranking up solo-lane Lulu, who we think is in a pretty decent spot. ”
  • General:
  • Rek'Sai:
  • Base health down.
  • “ Rek'Sai's one of those gals who's been very strong for some time, and it's something we couldn't help but notice when she stayed viable and competitive through two large shifts in the jungle item metagame (Warrior and Cinderhulk). That said, we don't just want to kick her out of the feasibility forest (the diversity dirigible flies over it), so we're going for a light change to reduce the reliability of her level 3 ganks. ”
  • General:
  • BASE HEALTH : 611.2 ⇒ 570
  • Ryze:
  • Q damage up at later ranks, Arcane Mastery and Desperate Power now last 6 seconds at all ranks.
  • “ We've got some follow-up adjustments for everyone's favorite rogue mage with bad teeth - specifically just streamlining some of those buff durations. ”
  • Passive - Arcane Mastery:
  • SUPERCHARGED MASTERY : All buffs (stacks, shield, etc) associated with Arcane Mastery now apply at the end of the spells' cast time ⇒ beginning of spells' cast time
  • SUPERCHARGED DURATION : 3/4/5/6 seconds (based on ranks in R - Desperate Power) ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks
  • Q - Overload:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 65/90/115/140/165 magic damage ⇒ 65/95/125/155/185 magic damage
  • R - Desperate Power:
  • DURATION : 4/5/6 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks
  • Sejuani:
  • W's on-hit bonus damage now deals less of the target's max health.
  • “ Heads up: Due to a behind-the-scenes mistake, we only changed Sejuani's tooltip and not her actual in-game damage. In other words, no functional power change has been made but her tooltip will read otherwise. We're going to get this change into the next hotfix or the next patch. Sorry!
  • For a tanky, crowd-control focused armor lady, Sejuani's dealing a whole boar-load of damage (sorry) in addition to her super disruptive glacial powers. Reducing some of that damage lets us focus Sej on what she does best - being a tanky, crowd-control focused armor lady (we just said that). ”
  • W - Flail of the Northern Winds:
  • BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE : 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% of target's maximum health ⇒ 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% of target's maximum health
  • Sion:
  • “ Weird bugs, man. ”
  • R - Unstoppable Onslaught:
  • USE YOUR OWN AXE, SION : Fixed a bug where Unstoppable Onslaught was scaling with the target's bonus attack damage instead of Sion's
  • Taric:
  • Imbueing has never been cheaper.
  • “ We wanted to give this fabulous Gem Knight a little love and realized that the mana cost of Imbue was pretty outrageously high. So we reduced it. ”
  • Q - Imbue:
  • COST : 60/80/100/120/140 mana ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100 mana
  • Items:
  • Shop Performance:
  • “ We actually shipped this behind-the-scenes performance upgrade in 5.9, but weren't sure if it would 'stick' or if it solved everything in the first place. Now that it's had a patch to bake, we think it's... doing well? Let us know if you run into issues with the shop freezing. ”
  • NO LONGER AN ICE CREAM STORE : We've added some performance upgrades to the shop to (hopefully) solve most issues with freezing - let us know if they helped!
  • Ancient Coin Line:
  • “ Short story: Ancient Coin's in a pretty rough spot. Not only does it give less combat stats and less gold than its gold generating brethren (aka you give up a lot of lane presence and don't get much in return), but Righteous Glory has also gone and stolen Talisman's premier "push a button and run at them fast" item identity. We're not going to take away Righteous Glory's hard-earned... glory, but we're just bringing some parity to the playground while also giving some more "run at you fast" potential with that lower active cooldown. ”
  • Ancient Coin:
  • BONUS GOLD : 2 gold per nearby minion death ⇒ 3 gold per nearby minion death
  • GOLD COLLECTION RANGE : 1100 ⇒ 1400
  • Nomad's Medallion:
  • BONUS GOLD : 3 gold per nearby minion death ⇒ 4 gold per nearby minion death
  • MANA REGENERATION : 25% ⇒ 50%
  • GOLD COLLECTION RANGE : 1100 ⇒ 1400
  • Talisman of Ascension:
  • BONUS GOLD : 3 gold per nearby minion death ⇒ 4 gold per nearby minion death
  • GOLD COLLECTION RANGE : 1100 ⇒ 1400
  • ACTIVE COOLDOWN : 60 seconds ⇒ 40 seconds
  • Ardent Censer:
  • Ardent Censer now gives slightly less attack speed but now grants +30 bonus magic damage on hit to the buffed target. Also doesn't work on creeps anymore. Sorry Alistar.
  • “ The real important thing here is the crit text. It looks all floaty and satisfying for people who like to buff other people.
  • Anyway.
  • When Ardent Censer was first released it had a lot of potential for shield / heal-based champions but they often found themselves trying to decide what to give up for what was effectively an attack speed buffing item. On reconsideration, we think this item could be a pretty sparkly pickup if it just had a wider range of applications. Now it's like a mini Help, Pix! that can scale off your allies' attack speed! ”
  • new:BUFFS ON BUFFS : Ardent Censer's attack speed buff now also grants +30 magic damage on hit
  • ATTACK SPEED BUFF : Your heals and shields on another unit grant them +25% bonus attack speed ⇒ +15% bonus attack speed
  • new:TEXTUAL SATISFACTION : Magic damage proc shows critical hit texts for the champion who buffed his/her/its (hi Bard) friends
  • removed:SORRY ALISTAR : Ardent Censer's buff is now only applicable to champions, as giving an entire creep wave +30 magic damage on hit would be obnoxious
  • Bilgewater Cutlass:
  • “ See below for context. ”
  • ACTIVE CAST RANGE : 450 ⇒ 550
  • Blade of the Ruined King:
  • “ We get a decent amount of 'bug reports' for Blade of the Ruined King, but they're mostly related to the fact that the active range of BotRK is slightly out of sync (that is, shorter) than basic ranged autoattack ranges. This item actually used to have a 550 range, but it was pretty terrifying on melee champions. That said, since we've reduced the active damage portion of this item, we think we can bring that range sync back. ”
  • ACTIVE CAST RANGE : 450 ⇒ 550
  • Banner of Command:
  • “ Tweaking a few numbers. Basically the indicator said the range to use Banner was 700, but it was really 1000. We're increasing it to 1200 anyway to match that aura range. ”
  • CAST RANGE : 1000 (indicator said 700) ⇒ 1200
  • Utility Masteries:
  • Little hard to summarize - each change is pretty clear so we're not doing your reading for you here.
  • “ Right now, going deep into the utility tree isn't a super viable path, so we're adding a little spice where we can. ”
  • Meditation:
  • LANE SWAP : Meditation has swapped positions with Expanded Mind on the Utility Mastery tree
  • GOTTA SPEND IT TO GET IT : Gives 1/2/3 mana regeneration every 5 seconds ⇒ Restores 0.5/1/1.5% missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Expanded Mind:
  • LANE SWAP : Expanded Mind has swapped positions with Meditation on the Utility Mastery tree
  • SORRY RYZE : Grants 2/3.5/5% maximum mana ⇒ Grants 25/50/75 mana
  • Inspiration:
  • INSPIRATIONAL BUFFS : While near an allied champion with a higher level, grants 5/10 experience every 10 seconds ⇒ 10/20 experience every 10 seconds
  • Bandit (Melee):
  • WE SHOULD CALL IT PICKPOCKET : Champion kills and assists grant 15 bonus gold ⇒ Grants 8 gold each time an enemy champion is attacked (5 second cooldown)
  • Intelligence:
  • INTELLIGENTER : Reduces the cooldown of activated items by 4/7/10% ⇒ 8/14/20%
  • Wanderer:
  • WANDERERER : Grants +5% movement speed ⇒ +20 movement speed (that's from a percentage to a flat amount)
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Super Minions:
  • “ A few patches back we made a functionally non-impacting change to Super Minions. Short summary: they used to give themselves their own armor / resistance / damage aura. We thought that was a little janky so we just gave them higher base stats and didn't allow for the self-aura application.
  • The previously described change is completely unrelated to the reasoning behind this change - we just wanted to highlight it so the below numbers make sense. Here we've just realized that magic damage dealers don't have enough sustained damage to deal with these tanky brutes, so we're reducing a bit of that MR. ”
  • General:
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 40 ⇒ -30
  • Monster Leashing:
  • “ We're cleaning up a few exploit cases where solo ranged attackers are resetting monster aggro to clear camps without taking damage. Be careful with those leashes! ”
  • new:RANGED RESET SHENANIGANS : When a monster loses aggro due to range, its leash counter increases by 1 (the same as if that monster had targeted a different champion). If the monster re-acquires a ranged target after being hit, it will also increase its leash counter by 1 (the same as if that monster had re-acquired its original target). This basically means that ranged attackers can now only solo-reset a monster camp 3 times, down from 6.
  • LEASH RANGE : 750 ⇒ 700
  • Visual Adjustments:
  • “ Some people were asking for more critters; others were asking for them to go away. Let's...do both. ”
  • SUGAR FREE : Added a "Hide eye candy" toggle in the Game tab of the Options menu. Disabling this option will hide visual flair such as persistent critters (the ones that hang around after 1:55), water ripples and other moving elements which aren't relevant to gameplay.
  • SWEET STUFF : Added a few more critters to Summoner's Rift!
  • “ On a side note, we've been making a bunch of small touch-ups to the map over the past couple of months (as promised when we launched the updated Rift). We prefer to avoid overhyping these updates patch-by-patch, but we'll at least take this opportunity to confirm that you're not going crazy: Baron pit did not always have purple disco runes.
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Mark / Dash:
  • “ We like a good snowball fight, but things were getting a little ridiculous. Our primary goal was to give bruiser/tanky types the balls (snowballs, man) they needed to get into the fight, but when you see Ashe running Mark/Dash trying to snipe off a squishy backliner, something's probably up. ”
  • COOLDOWN : 20 seconds ⇒ 40 seconds
  • DAMAGE SPLIT : Damage is split between Mark and Dash by 33.3%/66.% ⇒ 50%/50%
  • HOLY THAT WAS A LONG RANGE : 2500 ⇒ 1600
  • Ranked Inactivity Notifications:
  • “ Ranked decay is an extremely impactful component of the Leagues system, but one that didn't make a lot of noise as it was about to kick in. Previously, you'd only get a one-time notification as you approached the decay threshold. We're dialing up the frequency of inactivity warnings to ensure that the risk of decay stays front-of-mind, hopefully cutting out cases where players simply forget to maintain their ranking.
  • Some clarification for below: we haven't changed our inactivity thresholds, this is just a good opportunity to resurface them. ”
  • LIKE A SNOOZE BUTTON : Players in danger of ranked decay will receive an inactivity warning notification just once ⇒ every time they log in until becoming active again
  • MASTER & CHALLENGER SOLO : Decay starts after 10 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 3 days
  • MASTER & CHALLENGER TEAM : Decay starts after 28 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 9 days
  • PLAT & DIAMOND : Decay starts after 28 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 9 days (both solo and team queues)
  • BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD : Unaffected by ranked decay. No warning notifications needed!
  • Featured Game Modes:
  • Hexakill: Twisted Treeline:
  • “ Hexakill: Twisted Treeline will be making a return during patch 5.10!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where enemy Stealth Wards placed and immediately caught by Sweeping Lens (or its upgrades) would still briefly turn invisible at the moment they naturally stealth after placement
  • Banshee's Veil now properly blocks the active effect of Frost Queen's Claim

New in League of Legends Client 5.9 (May 14, 2015)

  • Greetings, Summoners.
  • Welcome to patch 5.9 - the one where we ship some new behind-the-scenes changes (check out that new attack move functionality and changes to combat text), deliver a sparkling new Ashe champion update, trade Cinderhulk's champion-chewing power for jungle-clearing fire, and dole out some balance tweaks in the name of champion diversity. There it is.
  • First, some new attack move functionality and changes to combat text. You might have noticed us taking more of an interest in refining League's background code, UI, and general usability. This might come with some additional pain (hello Quick Cast with Range Indicators), but sometimes you gotta make a mess before you can actually see what needs to be cleaned. Something like that. We have a lot of context for both, so please be sure to read up!
  • Second: Ashe's champion update. Check her out! We could say that's about it, but one thing we can add is we really wanted to solidify Ashe as the utility markswoman of League of Legends, so interpret our changes in that direction (there's also the addition of a little more depth and counterplay, but that should always be the case).
  • Third, and we'll go for a combination plate here: Cinderhulk and champion diversity. It's not to say that this entire patch is about Cinderhulk as it relates to champion diversity; rather, one (Cinderhulk) feeds into the other (Champion Diversity). We also have a slew of other changes that are just for the latter. Check out the individual contexts for Akali, Olaf, Trundle, Xin Zhao, et al, for more information, but the short story is that we want all champions to have strategic viability in the League of Legends ecosystem, and we're working hard to ensure this is a reality.
  • Final note, we're having a lot of fun saying diversity dirigible, so that may be where we stay in terms of design transportation. Just saying. ”
  • Chris "Pwyff" Tom & Patrick "Scarizard" Scarborough
  • New Attack Move Functionality:
  • Something we've been tinkering with in the workshop - a small functional addition to the attack move command (commonly bound as shift + right click or A + left click). The explanation goes like this: whenever you issue an attack move command on the ground, your champion moves toward that location while automatically attacking anything they encounter along the way.
  • This is unchanged. Don't worry about it.
  • The other scenario is if you issue an attack move command on the ground and there are targets (minions, monsters, champions, etc) in your immediate attack range. In this case, your champion won't even move - they'd just attack the closest thing. Here we're adding one small tweak to the attack move targeting mechanism called attack move on cursor. What this option does is make it so that if there are multiple targets in your immediate attack range, rather than attacking the closest target, your champ will attack the target closest to your cursor.
  • Functionally this means if you're Vayne trying to use attack move to hit an enemy Caitlyn with two stacks of silver bolts, but you miss her model by 3 pixels and click the ground, you won't take your frustrations out on that nearby minion hugging your left kidney. Or if you're being chased by two baddies side by side, this change allows you to clarify your targeting intentions quickly while still tapping into the speed of attack move ground click kiting (say that three times fast).
  • If you're not a fan of this change, you can toggle it off in the menus. We're just trying to get as much coverage as possible so we can iterate based on feedback if need be (or if this has unforeseen consequences, we can just toggle it off). ”
  • new:ATTACK MOVE ON CURSOR : We've added a new feature, "Attack Move on Cursor," that will attempt to attack move the target nearest your cursor if you target the ground near them. If no target is found, you will attack the nearest target as normal (or move to the targeted area if no targets are nearby at all).
  • SO MUCH CHANGE AVERSION : You can toggle this feature off in the options menu. We could have shipped this already off, but we know people are lazy and then we won't get feedback and that's really no good.
  • Changes to Combat Text:
  • This has been on the PBE for a little while, and since we haven't run into any big issues with it, we figured why not? If you run into any issues with readability or have any feedback, feel free to let us know. Otherwise... woo combat text changes. Woooo! ”
  • BIG NUMBERS, MAN : Generally, the more damage a single hit deals - the bigger it will be on screen, up to a limit. Insignificant damage numbers will be far less pronounced and will fade more quickly.
  • CONTINUOUS COUNTERS : Champion damage over time and multi-hit abilities now display a 'combined' total damage number, as well as the normal tick damage. This will only display the 'combined' total damage on minions.
  • NUMBERS EVERYWHERE : We've made some minor adjustments to the position and scroll direction of various types of text. Specifics include: on-hit procs will scroll with the original damage hit, and heals will scroll in the same direction as shield absorption text.
  • Champions:
  • Ashe:
  • “ Ashe has been updated! Check out the article if you want the full story, or just below if you want the specifics. ”
  • General:
  • new:Passive - Frost Shot:
  • Spells and basic attacks slow targets by 5/11/17/23/29/35% (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) for 2 seconds.
  • Basic attacks always critically strike targets slowed by Frost Shot for additional damage, but Ashe cannot crit normally. This bonus damage is increased by Critical Strike items.
  • new:Q - Ranger's Focus:
  • Applying Frost Shot grants Focus for 4 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Activating Ranger's Focus consumes all Focus stacks, granting 20/25/30/35/40% Attack Speed and boosting Frost Shot's slow by an additional 20% for 4 seconds.
  • If 5 stacks are consumed, Ashe's basic attacks are replaced by a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.15/1.20/1.25/1.30/1.35 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for the duration.
  • COST : 50 Mana
  • COOLDOWN : 18 seconds
  • W - Volley:
  • COST : 60 mana ⇒ 50 mana
  • COOLDOWN : 16/13/10/7/4 seconds ⇒ 12/10/8/6/4 seconds
  • ARROWS FIRED : 7 ⇒ 9
  • MISSILE WIDTH : 1 ⇒ 20
  • VOLLEY BLOCKER : Enemies can now block multiple arrows, but will only take damage from the first.
  • E - Hawkshot:
  • RANGE : 2500/3250/4000/4750/5500 ⇒ Global
  • newI BET THEY'RE SIBLINGS : Now stores up to 2 charges upon reaching rank 2
  • AMMO RECHARGE RATE : 90/80/70/60/50 seconds
  • removedFROZEN ASSETS : No longer passively generates gold
  • R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow:
  • SLOW ON ENEMIES IN THE AREA : 50% ⇒ Frost Shot's current value
  • Akali:
  • E's cooldown is lowered. R dashes through units.
  • “ A number of patches back, we reduced some of Akali's ability to click on - and delete - squishy enemies. This time around we're looking to give her back some viability and power, but not in the cases where she was raising alarm. In other words, we want Akali to be able to contend when she shows up, but we don't want to just do it by exacerbating her frustrating gameplay. You'll see this strategy in our changes to E's utility (wave clear and as an energy dump), as well as R positioning Akali much closer to her target so she can actually get off a Q proc. ”
  • E - Crescent Slash:
  • COOLDOWN : 7/6/5/4/3 seconds ⇒ 5/4/3/2/1 seconds
  • RATIO : 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • R - Shadow Dance:
  • HOLD ME CLOSER, SHADOW DANCER : Shadow Dance now dashes Akali through her target
  • Annie:
  • Annie's basic attack range is shorter.
  • “ For a bear-toting powder keg of midlane murder, Annie's ranges have always made it difficult to interact. Though her attack range is still above average, keeping it in-line with her spells helps opponents skirt the dangerous line between 'On-Fire' and 'about to be'. ”
  • General:
  • ATTACK RANGE : 625 ⇒ 575
  • Hecarim:
  • Q costs more mana, but does more damage to monsters.
  • “ Still terrorizing the top stables, Hecarim's snowball potential quickly becomes an avalanche for teams without a way to keep him down. We're curbing some of his repeated aggression when it comes to sustained Q usage, but unlocking its full potential against monsters so he can gallop freely in the jungle. (That's where horses are from, right?) ”
  • Q - Rampage:
  • CAME IN LIKE A HEC'ING BALL : Now deals full damage to monsters
  • COST : 20/23/26/29/32 mana ⇒ 32/34/36/38/40 mana
  • Kalista:
  • Passive no longer gains bonus distance dashing backwards.
  • “ Between being a hell-bent specter of vengeance as well as a flashy marksman, Kalista is nothing if not polarizing. One small misstep can be all she needs to begin her hopping-spree and litter the rift with spears - a task made even easier when there's a convenient tank or fighter to backpedal off of. We like the finesse required to use Martial Poise to dart and dodge through opposing skillshots, but in the interest of throwing a bone to melee champions everywhere, she'll need to rely more heavily on good ol' fashioned positioning to get her away from some of the beefier bouncers on the battlefield. ”
  • Passive - Martial Poise:
  • removedFANCY FOOTWORK : No longer gains bonus distance when dashing backwards
  • Morgana:
  • Tormented Soil's damage is lowered at early ranks.
  • “ While Morgana's strong crowd control and top-tier denial tool in Black Shield make her fantastic for those looking to protect a priority target or pick off a straggler, they also toe the line of making her a 'fallen-angel-of-all-trades'. In the interest of keeping her strengths strong, we're limiting her early lane control with the powerhouse pushing of Tormented Soil so she isn't great in every situation. ”
  • W - Tormented Soil:
  • DAMAGE : 12/19/26/33/40 damage per second ⇒ 8/16/24/32/40 damage per second
  • Nasus:
  • R's bonus health appears instantly.
  • “ No longer will Nasus have his sick baits outplayed by random cast time interference. Ult safely, my friends. ”
  • R - Fury of the Sands:
  • LET THE DOGS OUT : Fixed a bug where it could take up to 0.25 seconds to grant the bonus health
  • Nocturne:
  • E's base damage up.
  • “ While Nocturne's not in the worst spot as far as living nightmares go, his early-game's a little softer than we'd like considering how reliant he is on the post-6 paranoia pressure he puts on lanes. Mixing in a tad more spookiness to Unspeakable Horror's damage output should up his effectiveness when murdering frightened Teemos. ”
  • E - Unspeakable Horror:
  • DAMAGE : 50/100/150/200/250 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/260
  • FEAR FACTOR : Speed bonus towards scared targets now correctly works with allied fears (such as Hecarim's Onslaught of Shadows and Shaco's Jack-In-The-Box)
  • Olaf:
  • “ True to his viking origins, Ragnarok's double-edged sword of offense vs. defense paints an interesting decision point for Olaf players. The trade-offs become much less clear the further he falls behind, creating an uphill battle through waves of sustained damage and crowd control to even land a hit in. Adding a speed boost doesn't solve all of Olaf's problems, but it'll help him close the gap on mispositioned targets, forcing them between Ragnarok and a hard place. ”
  • R - Ragnarok:
  • new:FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROK : Now grants 50/60/70% bonus Movement Speed towards enemies for 1 second
  • Renekton:
  • W has more range and self-stuns for less when empowered.
  • “ These days Renekton's looking more like his old lane-dominant self than a pair of shoes, but that doesn't mean he couldn't use some polish around the edges. We're increasing the usability of Ruthless Predator both as basic-attack reset and a powerful CC tool so his trades can feel as weighty as they should without going too far in either direction. ”
  • W - Ruthless Predator
  • new:SHREDATOR : Now grants 50 bonus range
  • SELF STUN ON EMPOWERED CAST : 0.75 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
  • R - Dominus:
  • LET THE CROCS OUT? : Fixed a bug where it could take up to 0.25 seconds to grant the bonus health
  • Riven:
  • Movement speed lowered. Wind Slash's speed reduced.
  • “ Known for fast-paced combos and even faster executions, Riven's a flurry of strikes and shouts that every solo laner has to pay respect to. We're toning down this blade-wielding blitzkreig by shaving some of her mobility and reliable damage, meaning she'll have to rely on getting up-close and personal with her abilities if she wants to enjoy the same level of effectiveness. ”
  • General:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED : 345 ⇒ 340
  • R - Wind Slash:
  • MISSILE SPEED : 2200 ⇒ 1600
  • Ryze:
  • No longer one-shots people with Muramana.
  • “ Not much to see for the Rogue Mage in this patch besides some changes to a pretty goofy interaction between Muramana and his opponents' melting faces. We're still evaluating what kind of love Ryze will need (if any) post-update as people learn what builds and skill orders work best, but he's right at the top of our radar for emergency rations if need be. ”
  • Passive - Arcane Mastery:
  • CLARITY : While stacking, Arcane Mastery's icon is grey to differentiate 'charging' and 'ready' states
  • E - Spell Flux:
  • YOU KNOW WHY : No longer triggers single-target spell effects (Rylai's, Muramana) on instances of damage beyond the first
  • R - Desperate Power:
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where casting a spell as Desperate Power's buff expired caused that spell to not go on cooldown
  • Tristana:
  • E does more damage per stack. E's cast time scales with attack speed.
  • “ Even though Bandle City's most famous commando is never far from the front lines, Explosive Charge is having less of an impact that we'd hoped for being the cornerstone of both her damage output and strategic niche of 'breaking every tower forever'. We're tacking on an extra bit of boom, as well as smoother cast-times when Tristana gets trigger-happy so she'll get more bang for the effort required. ”
  • E - Explosive Charge:
  • BONUS DAMAGE PER STACK : 25% ⇒ 30%
  • new:GOTTA SHOOT FAST : Cast time is now reduced by Attack Speed
  • Trundle:
  • Pillar's slow is stronger and knocks units further away.
  • “ For a fighter so hyped as the ultimate Tank-Buster, Trundle's been pretty underwhelming in the age of Cinderhulk. Much of this isn't even due to his stat-stealing nature - his presence in fights simply isn't there when compared to his peers. To power-up the truly unique clubbing experience Trundle provides, we're giving him some oomph on his most iconic spell so he can put any lopsided skirmishes (or mispositioned marksmen) on ice. ”
  • E - Pillar of Ice:
  • SLOW : 25/30/35/40/45% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
  • KNOCKBACK DISTANCE : 150 ⇒ 225
  • Xin Zhao:
  • R's knockback applies a brief stun.
  • “ Though often seen as a high-damage diver, we're beefing up Xin's crowd control to boost his potency when functioning as a team's initiator. He'll still need additional follow-up from his team to not splat immediately afterwards, but at least he'll hit with all the force of a great typhoon before going down. ”
  • R - Crescent Sweep:
  • newTHINK ALISTAR'S HEADBUTT : Now applies a 0.75 second stun to knocked back targets
  • Zed:
  • Zed can't teleport back to his Death Mark shadow instantly.
  • “ Another one of the League's flashiest champions, Zed isn't well known for letting his opponents get a word in (let alone a single spell-cast) once he's marked them for death. Now even the most unsuspecting of prey has a small window to throw a wrench in Zed's plans before he vanishes to safety. ”
  • R - Death Mark:
  • EMBRACE THE SHADOW : Now has a 1 second cooldown before it can be reactivated to return to Death Mark's shadow.
  • Items:
  • Enchantment - Cinderhulk:
  • Cinderhulk no longer ramps up in damage while in combat and deals less base damage. HOWEVER, it now deals double damage to monsters. Which is nice.
  • “ It's clear that Cinderhulk's got two big strengths - a scaling defense component (+25% bonus health) and a lot of ramping ambient damage against champions. After our initial investigations, we realized we didn't want to reduce the defensive component of Cinderhulk, so we instead tackled its offensive potential. This is a slightly designer-y way of saying we want Cinderhulk to keep its tanky identity, but is probably overtuned in its champion-mauling capabilities. That said, we're trying to not just straight nerf it, so re-clarifying Cinderhulk as a jungle clearing pickup seems like a good idea. ”
  • new:TECHNICALLY WE'RE PROMOTING FOREST FIRES : Now does +100% bonus damage to monsters
  • removed:FIRE CONTROL : Cinderhulk's Immolate passive no longer increases in damage while in combat
  • BASE DAMAGE : 16 (+1 per champion level) magic damage scaling up to 24 (+1.5 per champion level) magic damage ⇒ 15 (+0.6 per champion level) magic damage
  • Skirmisher's Sabre:
  • “ When we first shipped Skirmisher's Sabre, we made that debuff duration long to really emphasize its extended combat use. Plonk it on an invading Lee Sin, smack him around a few times, and suddenly he's reconsidering his decisions in life. That said, we're now seeing this thing really pick up in popularity (particularly in top lane), and we've realized that 6 seconds is probably too long. Particularly when there are focused summoner spells (Ignite and Exhaust) that Challenging Smite straight up outclasses with its breadth of uses. It's worth re-emphasizing that we do like emergent gameplay when it pops up - as long as it doesn't stifle champion diversity (ie: if top lane becomes "who can use Challenging Smite the best?" that would be concerning).
  • P.S. That bugfix would have been done regardless of the strength of Skirmisher's, given the definition of true damage. C'mon. ”
  • removed:CHECK THAT DEFINITION : No longer reduces incoming True Damage from the Challenged target
  • CHALLENGING SMITE DEBUFF DURATION : 6 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Dragon:
  • “ Every season we make Dragon a more difficult encounter and then, at some point in time, he gets old and trivial and nobody's actually scared of this scaly baddy. It's that time. We're just amping up a bit of his early game here. By mid to late, this change should be pretty negligible. ”
  • ATTACKS PER SECOND : 0.45 ⇒ 0.5
  • BASE DAMAGE : 75 ⇒ 100
  • FOR CLARITY : % current health damage is unchanged, in case you were concerned.
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Mark / Dash:
  • “ We've taken 75% of Mark's damage and put it into Dash so... if you want to execute someone with a snowball, you're going to have to go on a trip. ”
  • IT'S COMPLICATED SEE BELOW : Mark/Dash still deals 20 (+10 per champion level) true damage. If you're wondering why we're reiterating something, see below. It makes sense, we promise.
  • MARK DAMAGE : Mark damage now deals 25% of total damage (above)
  • DASH DAMAGE : Dash damage now deals 75% of total damage (above the above)
  • Match History:
  • Last year we introduced Match History to the web; we'll be bringing a good chunk of that functionality to your profile page in the days following 5.9's release. The web experience will remain the place to go for shareable (show-offable?) match details like build paths or damage stats, but the client should now be sufficiently leveled up for effective review! ”
  • In-Profile Summary View:
  • VIEWABLE MATCHES : 10 ⇒ 20
  • PUBLIC : Ranked matches are visible to any player who visits your profile
  • PRIVATE : Normal matches are only visible to you and your friends
  • MORE PRIVATE : Custom games are only visible to you
  • In-Profile Full View:
  • The full view of the in-profile Match History now displays much of the information from the web view's "Match Overview" tab.
  • SCOREBOARD : Shows champion, summoner spells, items, KDA, CS and gold per playeras well as gold, kills and objectives taken per team
  • GOLD GRAPH : Tracks Team Gold Advantage, Team Gold or Champion Gold across the duration of the match
  • TIMELINE : Tracks champion and objective kills by time interval. Hovering over an interval breaks down who took what during that time.
  • EVENT MAP : Interactive map of champion and objective kills for both teams. Hovering over the gold graph or timeline causes the event map to reflect the state of the game at that point in time.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Bard was unable to self-cast W - Caretaker's Shrine
  • Chromas are now selectable in Team Builder!
  • VFX for Cassiopeia's R - Petrifying Gaze have been adjusted to match the area of effect
  • Rammus no longer goes on an ARAM space journey if he collides with another unit while Dash-ing to his Mark-ed target while Q - Powerball is active

New in League of Legends Client 5.8 (Apr 29, 2015)

  • KEYBINDS, KEYBINDS EVERYWHERE : You can now individually bind keys to be Quick Cast with a Range Indicator, but it requires you to manually bind each that you want (we couldn't get it stuffed into the quickbind hotkey UI without some considerable recombobulations)
  • new:WHO AIMS WITH THE EDGE OF THE MAP? : Added a new option "Disable HUD Spell Click," where abilities can now be aimed through the HUD unless the ability can normally be aimed through self / ally portraits. Technically this doesn't affect the mini-map but we're rolling out a second change below...
  • WELL THIS IS AWKWARD : Fixed a bug where a player would misfire their ability in a different direction if their cursor landed on the minimap. Generally speaking, short-range abilities should no longer be affected by having your cursor on the minimap.
  • Champions:
  • Ryze:
  • General:
  • SPELL SWAG : Ryze's ability visual effects, audio and icons have been updated!
  • BASE MANA REGEN : 6 ⇒ 5
  • ARMOR GROWTH STAT : 3.9 ⇒ 3.0
  • new: Passive - Arcane Mastery:
  • Casting a spell grants a stack of Arcane Mastery for 12 seconds. At 5 stacks, Ryze becomes supercharged for 3/4/5/6 seconds (increasing with ranks of Desperate Power), gaining a shield that blocks (20 + 5 per level) (+8% of maximum mana) damage and causing his spellcasts to reduce the cooldown of his other spells by Overload's cooldown, to a minimum of 0.25 seconds.
  • Q - Overload :
  • removed:OVERLOADED : No longer passively grants cooldown reduction
  • new:IT'S A SKILLSHOT : Is now a line skillshot that stops at first enemy hits
  • new:WIDTH : 50
  • RANGE : 625 ⇒ 900
  • COST : 60 mana ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50 mana
  • DAMAGE : 55/75/95/115/135 ⇒ 65/90/115/140/165
  • MANA RATIO : 6.5% of maximum mana ⇒ 2/2.5/3/3.5/4% of maximum mana
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO : 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.55 ability power
  • COOLDOWN : 3.5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
  • W - Rune Prison:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 65/95/125/155/185
  • MANA RATIO : 4.5% of maximum mana ⇒ 2.5% of maximum mana
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO : 0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
  • new:E - Spell Flux:
  • Unleashes an orb that deals damage and reduces the Magic Resist of targets hit by a percentage, stacking up to 3 times.
  • After hitting, Spell Flux bounces to nearby enemies and Ryze (up to a total of 6 secondary targets) before returning to the original target.
  • DAMAGE : 50/66/82/98/114 (+2% maximum mana) (+0.3 ability power)
  • RETURN DAMAGE : 25/33/41/49/57 (+1% maximum mana) (+0.15 ability power)
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE REDUCTION : -12/15/18/21/24 magic resistance ⇒ -8/9/10/11/12 percent magic resistance
  • R - Desperate Power:
  • COOLDOWN : 70/60/50 seconds ⇒ 80/60/40 seconds
  • DURATION : 5/6/7 seconds ⇒ 4/5/6 seconds
  • new:DESPERATE MASTERY : Increases Arcane Mastery's duration to 4/5/6 with rank
  • new:DESPERATE COOLDOWNS : Passively grants 10/20/30% cooldown reduction
  • Ahri:
  • Never trust nine-tails and a smile.
  • E - Charm:
  • IRRESISTIBLE : Charm no longer interrupts 'Unstoppable' effects (such as Malphite's R - Unstoppable Force, Hecarim's R - Onslaught of Shadows and Vi's R - Assault and Battery)
  • Bard:
  • Chimes spawn in safer locations early-game and grant more experience over game-time.
  • “ Patch 5.7 saw Bard's mellifluous meandering trending in a positive direction, so we're adding a few last tune-ups to his passive before we feel comfortable allowing players to embark on the magical journey of learning Bard rather than over-buffing him. ”
  • Passive - Traveler's Call:
  • SAFE AND SOUND : Chimes will avoid spawning in the enemy jungle before 5 minutes
  • EXPERIENCE PER CHIME : 20 flat XP ⇒ 20 + 1 XP per minute (after 5 minutes)
  • Blitzcrank:
  • Overdrive has a minimum speed, and decays more slowly.
  • “ Though we liked the direction of Blitz's last changes the numerical values we went with left the ability feeling much more like an Underdrive, so we're beefing up the boost by keeping too much of his speed from leaking too fast. ”
  • W - Overdrive:
  • GATHERS NO RUST : Movement speed bonus decays more slowly over 5 seconds
  • PUTTING THE 'GO' IN 'GOLEM' : Overdrive's movement speed bonus cannot decay below 10%
  • Caitlyn:
  • Caitlyn's traps are more visible in brush.
  • “ While it's still a good idea to place your traps in brush, you should be ensnaring enemies by exploiting their habits, not their inability to see. ”
  • W - Yordle Snap Trap:
  • TRAP CLARITY : Increased visibility when placed in brush.
  • Dr. Mundo:
  • Q refunds its cost on kill. Passive and R tooltips are cleaner.
  • “ Ever a staple among the tanks of toplane, Dr. Mundo's a safe option for those that want to go where they please in teamfights. We're tossing him an infected bone to ease the pain of health costs when behind without pushing his jungling to be just as crazy as he is. ”
  • Passive - Adrenaline Rush:
  • DYNAMIC! : Added dynamic recovery numbers to the tooltip (no value change)
  • Q - Infected Cleaver:
  • new:REFUND ON KILL : Now refunds 100% of the health cost on killing blows
  • R - Sadism:
  • ALSO DYNAMIC! : Added dynamic recovery numbers to the tooltip (no value change)
  • Graves:
  • Buckshot deals less damage at max range and slightly more damage at close range.
  • “ Tough as nails and strong like Gromp, Malcolm Graves is the go-to when you need a lane demolished. We want him to keep his signature explosiveness (and all that southern Bilgewater charm), but at a distance he prefers: up close and personal. Simply put, trading at long-range will see Graves getting less bang for his buck-shot but, once he gets in their comfort zone, it's the end of the line. ”
  • Q - Buckshot:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180
  • RATIO : 0.8 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.75 bonus attack damage
  • MAXIMUM DAMAGE (3 hits) : 108/171/234/297/360 (+1.44 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 120/180/240/300/360 (+1.5 bonus attack damage)
  • Jinx:
  • Super Mega Death Rocket's close-range damage has been severely reduced.
  • “ Jinx nerfs? EVERYBODY PANIC! Jinx is a champion that plays the game fast and loose, manipulating her range and using her toolbox of diverse (and colorful) explosions to control the battlefield. The only real way to stop this swiss-army-machine-gun was to get in her face, at which point she'd Super Mega Execute You At Close Range and gleefully skip away. It's worth highlighting that Super Mega Death Rocket still has that execute, which means Jinx can continue to get those mid to long range snipes but will just need to be more strategic about it, rather than just shotgunning it into the nearest baddie. ”
  • R - Super Mega Death Rocket!:
  • MINIMUM DAMAGE : 125/175/225 (0.5 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 25/35/45 (+0.1 bonus attack damage)
  • Kha'Zix:
  • W heals for more at early ranks.
  • “ With potent ganks and snowball potential, Kha'Zix's risks might outweigh some of his reward when it comes to taking him into the jungle. Bumping up the early heal to impact his early clears should see this bug working as intended. ”
  • W - Void Spike:
  • HEAL AMOUNT : 40/70/100/130/160 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160
  • Mordekaiser:
  • W doesn't stop your movement to cast and auto-targets the nearest ally when self-cast.
  • “ The last time we visited the Master of Metal, we changed Creeping Death to be all about bringing people together (so you could crush your opponents and command their souls). We're adding some improvements this patch to benefit Mordekaiser and all of his murder-buddies when engaging in their favorite pastime. ”
  • W - Creeping Death:
  • CAN'T STOP THE ROCK : Mordekaiser can now move while casting Creeping Death (previously would be instant when cast on self, but stopped a quarter second to cast on allies)
  • MISERY LOVES COMPANY : Now automatically targets the nearest Allied champion if self-cast
  • Nunu:
  • Health per level down. Blood Boil auto-targets the nearest ally when self-cast.
  • “ For a champion that has two separate avenues of multiplying his health (thanks to Consume and Cinderhulk), it didn't make as much sense for Nunu to have one of the higher health pools in the game without items, so we're toning it down to make up for his gains later. ”
  • General:
  • HEALTH GROWTH STAT : 96 ⇒ 90
  • W - Blood Boil:
  • LET'S MAKE TRACKS : Now automatically targets the nearest Allied champion if self-cast
  • Pantheon:
  • “ Like Rek'Sai and Twisted Fate before him, League's battle-baker is exercising his manners and letting his team know where he's landing for easier follow-ups. ”
  • R - Grand Skyfall:
  • REAL MEN USE SMART PING : Now issues an 'On My Way' ping after fully committing to casting Grand Skyfall
  • Shen:
  • Shen is a better bodyguard (but still not that great at being a ninja).
  • “ Already a potent guardian, Shen's leveled up his teleport game to naturally position himself in the best spot to defend his teammates. ”
  • R - Stand United:
  • WHAT A GENTLESHEN : Now places Shen between his target and the closest visible enemy champion
  • Sion:
  • W's health ratio is lower at early levels and takes longer to reactivate.
  • “ The undead hulk that is Sion dies more often to jungle monsters than champions these days, mostly due to the strength of Soul Furnace. While we like that he takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' (do zombies tick?), Soul Furnace's offensive capability often seals a winning lane for him once he's able to build enough Health, creating a situation for opponents where beefing up makes the shield's damage more effective (as it scales off an enemy's maximum health), while building more damage to pop Soul Furnace opens them up to being crushed by a Decimating Smash. Limiting his shield's flexibility offensively while keeping it sturdy enough to mosh 5v5 should keep him as threatening as ever without being a catch-all solid pick. ”
  • W - Soul Furnace:
  • SHIELD DETONATION TIMER : 2 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • RATIO : 10% maximum health ⇒ 6/7/8/9/10% maximum health
  • Twitch:
  • “ This was a notorious bug that kept particularly sneaky players from taking full advantage of their ability to ambush unsuspecting base structures. Shout-outs to the community for helping sniff this one out! ”
  • R - Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat:
  • SEWER SKEWERS FOR EVERYBODY! : Now hits inhibitors and the Nexus
  • Warwick:
  • “ We cleaned up some of Blood Scent's coding behind-the-scenes that was keeping him finishing off his prey. ”
  • E - Blood Scent:
  • BLOODY NOSE : Fixed a bug where it could take Warwick up to 2 seconds to detect low-health enemies with Blood Scent
  • Xerath:
  • “ We tried to fix this with an earlier hotfix but that didn't stick. This should do it. ”
  • R - Rite of the Arcane:
  • ARCANE HAT : Fixed a bug where Xerath could accidentally fire his first Arcane Barrage on top of himself if he presses R too fast
  • Yasuo:
  • Yasuo's flow shield is stronger at every level, but takes more effort to build early-game.
  • “ While we're excited to give Ionia's roamin' ronin some love, it'd be a lie to say the task was easy. One of League's most complex and stylish champions, the slightest change can instantly turn this wind-waking warrior into a whirlwind of pain. We're increasing the shield's amount at all levels to soften the blows he's had to his early-game, but at the cost of his early flow generation; we want Yasuo players to have ways to be successful but, as always, he'll have to work for them. ”
  • Passive - Way of the Wanderer:
  • SHIELD STRENGTH : 60 - 470 ⇒ 100 - 510
  • FLOW CHARGE RATE : 100% at every level ⇒ 78/89/100% effectiveness (at levels 1/7/13)
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 10):
  • “ With this last bundle of champions, the "Mass" part of our Texture Rebalancing has been completed. That doesn't mean we'll never update a texture again - we'll continue to do so as opportunities arise - but this is the end of seeing these as a major patch note item. Thank you everyone for your continued feedback! ”
  • “ For those interested in final numbers, these ten installments have rebalanced around 311 skins across 62 champions over 7 months (we started back in patch 4.17)! ”
  • Lux:
  • Base, Commando, Imperial, Sorceress, Spellthief, Steel Legion
  • Nocturne:
  • Ravager (update to a previous rebalance)
  • Poppy:
  • Base, Battle Regalia, Blacksmith, Lollipoppy, Noxus, Ragdoll, Scarlet Hammer
  • Shaco:
  • Base, Asylum, Nutcracko, Mad Hatter, Roya, Workshop
  • Base Jack-In-The-Boxes have also been updated for all skins that use them
  • Shyvana:
  • Base, Boneclaw, Darkflame, Ironscale
  • Items:
  • new:The Black Cleaver:
  • New build path, much more health, much, much more armor shred stacking, but no more flat armor penetration. More cleaver-y, if that makes sense.
  • “ We're going to be blunt - when The Black Cleaver's good, it's good at many things: blowing up squishies via flat armor penetration and busting down tanks with its stacking armor shred. Because of this, we've had to tune the item accordingly, making it pretty mediocre at both of its aforementioned jobs.
  • No longer!
  • Well, sort of. One of our goals with a revisit to The Black Cleaver was to basically choose one of those paths and go sprinting down it. There are already a bevy of options when it comes to blowing up squishies, so tank busting became the name of the game for the new Black Cleaver. The design here should make sense for anyone who wants sustained, tank busting combat patterns, so we won't dwell too much on that. Go try it out! ”
  • new:RECIPE : The Brutalizer + Ruby Crystal + 1263 gold ⇒ Phage + Kindlegem + 825 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 3000 gold (unchanged). In case you couldn't do the math.
  • removed:ARMOR PENETRATION : 10 ⇒ 0
  • HEALTH : 200 ⇒ 400
  • ATTACK DAMAGE : 50 ⇒ 40
  • COOLDOWN REDUCTION : 10% ⇒ 20%
  • ARMOR SHRED DURATION : 4 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
  • new:UNIQUE PASSIVE : Rage - Dealing physical damage grants 20 movement speed for 2 seconds. Killing any unit or receiving an assist on a champion that has any amount of Black Cleaver armor shred grants 60 movement speed for 2 seconds instead.
  • new:Recurve Bow:
  • Now builds out of daggers, costs slightly more, and deals 10 damage on hit.
  • “ Can we say build path betterment? Yes. ”
  • new:RECIPE : Base item ⇒ Dagger + Dagger + 200 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 900 gold ⇒ 1100 gold
  • new:UNIQUE PASSIVE : Deals 10 physical damage on hit
  • Blade of the Ruined King:
  • You can now lifesteal the bonus health damage you're dealing!
  • “ Itemizing against tanky bros (and sisters) can be pretty difficult for an AD champion, so we're seeing if we can give a bit of love back to Blade of the Ruined King - the present day high-health AD tank demolishing item. Giving lifesteal to the on-hit passive means the more health your enemies stack, the more you'll be able to recover while kiting around. Now everyone gets a sustained combat pattern! ”
  • new:RECIPE : Bilgewater Cutlass + Dagger + Dagger + 900 gold ⇒ Bilgewater Cutlass + Recurve Bow + 700 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 3200 gold (unchanged)
  • new:GIMME THAT HEALTH : On-hit passive now benefits from lifesteal
  • PASSIVE MINIMUM DAMAGE : 3 ⇒ 10 (bet you didn't know there was a minimum damage before)
  • Runaan's Hurricane:
  • “ When you actually look at the item build in the in-game shop, it looks pretty cool. Seriously, check out that symmetry. ”
  • COMBINE COST : 600 gold ⇒ 500 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2400 gold ⇒ 2500 gold (some odd math here with Recurve Bow going up by 200 gold, but we only wanted to make Hurricane slightly more expensive)
  • new:UNIQUE PASSIVE : Deals 10 physical damage on hit
  • MORE UNCHANGED THINGS : Secondary Bolt damage remains unchanged
  • Wit's End:
  • “ Build path betterment. ”
  • COMBINE COST : 750 gold ⇒ 550 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2600 gold (unchanged)
  • Enchantment - Devourer:
  • “ Build path betterment. ”
  • new:RECIPE : Dagger + Dagger + 500 gold ⇒ Recurve Bow + 300 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 1400 gold for the enchant, 2250 including jungle item cost (unchanged)
  • Righteous Glory:
  • “ We went a liiiiitttle overboard with this last time, so we're tuning back just a tiny bit. ”
  • HEALTH : 650 ⇒ 600
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Dragon's Might (Dragon Buff #1)
  • “ This is a little complicated, but the short of it is that the Dragon's Might buff was calculating its +6% AD a little weird. First, it didn't multiply with bonus attack damage (so that's no good) and second, it assumed a 1.0 AD ratio for anything that used an AD ratio (even if that ratio was, in reality, much lower). This isn't to say that AD scaling spells were all using 1.0 ratios, just that the +6% AD on Dragon's Might was scaling like that. This also probably exposes a bit of how math works in our game, but that's a confusing bag of goodies in and of itself. The super short of it is expressed below: ”
  • COMPLICATED MATH : Auto attack damage for champions with Dragon's Might and AD items will now be slightly higher
  • MORE COMPLICATED MATH : Physical damage spells will now deal slightly less damage when interacting with Dragon's Might (unless the champion has a lot of bonus AD or their abilities scale higher than 1.0 AD)
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Visual Updates:
  • “ The update to Summoner's Rift gave us the opportunity for some quick wins on Howling Abyss, which was using many of the same assets as the original Summoner's Rift anyway. ”
  • new:CHILL OUT : The loading screen for Howling Abyss matches now has background art
  • LONG LIVE PURPLE : Minion, inhibitor and nexus models have been replaced with reskinned assets from the updated Summoner's Rift. We've kept the blue-purple color scheme since red doesn't fit Howling Abyss's thematics.
  • REINFORCED HEALTH BARS : Structures now have custom health bars
  • BRUSH PHYSICS : Howling Abyss brush now sways and moves when champions move through it
  • THE GROUND : Fixed various cases of champion ability visual effects disappearing under the ground
  • Surrender Timer:
  • “ Since ARAMs tend to be shorter than Summoner's Rift matches, we're scaling down the surrender timer to a proportionately appropriate level. ”
  • SURRENDER TIMER : 20 minutes ⇒ 15 minutes
  • Global Gameplay Updates:
  • “ Modernizing minions to be in line with recent changes we've made on Summoner's Rift. ”
  • MINION RESISTANCES : Minions no longer gain resistances over time. Cannon minions no longer have base armor.
  • MINION HEALTH : Minion health gain over time has been increased to keep minions roughly as durable as when they had resistances
  • SUPER MINIONS : Now grant nearby allied minions increased damage and resistances
  • “ Tower diving is already strong on Howling Abyss as it is, and with the reintroduction of Warmog's Armor (spoilers!!) we're toning up turret damage to make sure turrets stay threatening. ”
  • new: Mark / Dash:
  • “ One of our takeaways from Legend of the Poro King was that there are a ton of champions who could actually be pretty healthy on Howling Abyss if they had better engagement tools. We're introducing Mark / Dash as a summoner spell option to address that need. ”
  • MARK : Throw a snowball a long distance, dealing (20 + 10 per level) true damage to the first enemy unit hit. If it hits an enemy, this ability can be recast for 3 seconds to Dash to the tagged unit. Dashing to the target will reduce the cooldown of Mark by 25%. Mark projectiles are not stopped by spell shields or projectile mitigation.
  • DASH : Dash to the unit hit by Mark. Casting Dash will reduce the cooldown of Mark by 25%.
  • The Bloodthirster:
  • It's here!
  • “ With last season's rework which removed The Bloodthirster's stacking mechanic, our concerns over snowballing were largely assuaged. We're re-adding it to Howling Abyss as part of this patch's pass on the map. ”
  • new:IS A THING : Is now a thing on Howling Abyss (same stats/effects as Summoner's Rift)
  • Sanguine Blade:
  • It's gone!
  • “ Sanguine Blade offered an early, cost-efficient power spike for marksmen that tapered off as the game progressed (though never really reaching "bad" status). The Bloodthirster is basically Sanguine Blade's bigger, badder brother - it'll take longer to complete but more than compensates with tons of additional lategame power. There isn't a compelling need to have both on the same map, so we're saying goodbye to Sanguine Blade. ”
  • removed:IS NOT A THING : Is no longer a thing on Howling Abyss
  • Warmog's Armor:
  • It's here!
  • “ Similar to Mark / Dash, we're looking to give some love to tanks so they can survive poke long enough to initiate at the right time. That said, Warmog's is an HP behemoth and we're keeping a close eye on it to make sure tanks don't become too overpowering. ”
  • new:IS A THING : Is now a thing on Howling Abyss (same stats/effects as Summoner's Rift)
  • Skin Boosts:
  • “ Temporary random skins for the random champions played by your (sometimes) random teammates. And some IP. ”
  • BOOST ME BRO : Skin boosts have been permanently enabled on ARAM. They cost 95 RP and grant you and your teammates a one-time random skin for your randomly-selected champion, as well as 100 IP (200 for you).
  • Howling Abyss, Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar:
  • Twin Shadows:
  • “ Had a few items that missed updates and finally knocking those out. Sorry it took so long. ”
  • new:HOWLING ABYSS : Added trap finding functionality to Howling Abyss version!
  • COMBINE COST : 630 gold ⇒ 730 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2300 gold ⇒ 2400 gold
  • Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar:
  • Moonflair Spellblade:
  • Just getting that Negatron Cloak back in there.
  • “ Had a few items that missed updates and finally knocking those out. Sorry it took so long. ”
  • RECIPE : Seeker's Armguard + Null-Magic Mantle + 920 gold ⇒ Seeker's Armguard + Negatron Cloak + 570 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2620 gold (unchanged)
  • Lord Van Damm's Pillager:
  • DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD : Unchanged. Just in case you were concerned we were going to bring it line with Infinity Edge. Nope.
  • Crystal Scar:
  • Odyn's Veil:
  • Just getting that Negatron Cloak back in there.
  • “ Had a few items that missed updates and finally knocking those out. Sorry it took so long. ”
  • RECIPE : Null-Magic Mantle + Catalyst the Protector + 800 gold ⇒ Negatron Cloak + Catalyst the Protector + 450 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2500 gold (unchanged)
  • Friend List:
  • “ In preparation for the upcoming Add Friends feature, we've made a few improvements to the friend list aimed at reducing the confusion that sometimes occurs when players reach the friend list cap. ”
  • 8.33% MORE FRIENDS : The friend list cap has been increased from 300 ⇒ 325
  • TOO MANY FRIENDS : Players will now see an alert when trying to add friends past the friend list cap
  • TOO MANY FRIENDS 2 : Players will now also see an alert when trying to add friends who are themselves at the friend list cap
  • Bugfixes:
  • Skin-specific sound effects for Ghost Bride Morgana's R - Soul Shackles and Firefighter Tristana's E - Explosive Charge have been restored
  • Gnar's VO while dancing has been restored

New in League of Legends Client 5.7 (Apr 8, 2015)

  • Champions:
  • Ultra Rapid Fire changes still in effect:
  • When you're living in the future, the present is your past.
  • “ Just a quick note before we get started that the champion balance changes specifically called out in the U.R.F. patch notes are still in effect for the game mode, completely unchanged. Everything else has been graciously accepted by our manatee overlord.
  • Bard:
  • Base AD and Armor up. Chimes grant more mana, and meeps respawn faster. Q damage up.
  • “ Bard's laning relies heavily on two core patterns to function: playing meep-away with basic attacks and lay on the harrassment, which then opens him up to fulfil his cosmic duties by roaming and powering up through the collection of chimes. This patch we're targeting both of these with changes to his passive and base stats, focused at fine-tuning his flute-smacking in lane and making his roams more rewarding when you're all out of cosmic energies. ”
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 46 ⇒ 52
  • BASE ARMOR : 21 ⇒ 25
  • Passive - Traveler's Call:
  • MEEP RESPAWN TIME : 12/11/10/9/8 seconds (with chimes) ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 seconds (with chimes)
  • CHIME MANA RESTORE : 15 + 8% missing mana ⇒ 12% of Bard's maximum mana
  • Q - Cosmic Binding:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.5 ability power) ⇒ 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.65 ability power)
  • Blitzcrank:
  • W now gives a focused, high-speed burst that slows Blitzcrank after it's over.
  • “ Blitzcrank by nature is a champion all about risk vs. reward. Land Rocket Grab on a priority target and you've single (robot) handedly won an entire teamfight - miss, and you're out of a sizeable cooldown and inviting your opponents to a big ol' counter-attack party. For a champion so steeped in this mindset however, Overdrive's up-time mitigated Blitzcrank's risk a little too much, leaving enemies still fleeing in fear even after a grab gone wide. Shortening the windows 'Crank has to make his big plays while increasing his burst of speed pushes this dichotomy further, but beware running out of steam if you misplay the moment. ”
  • W - Overdrive:
  • removed:MOVEMENT SPEED : 16/20/24/28/32% movement speed over 8 seconds
  • new:MOVEMENT SPEED : Now gains a burst of 70/75/80/85/90% movement speed, rapidly decaying over 5 seconds
  • YOUR STEAM IS ESCAPING : When Overdrive ends, Blitzcrank is slowed by 30% for 1.5 seconds
  • Darius:
  • Dunking refunds maeune. At max rank, R's cooldown resets on kill.
  • “ One of the most feared lane bullies of his day, Darius had only one natural predator: the late-game. As metas have shifted however, the once proud Hand of Noxus lost his luster amidst a sea of flighty assassins, tanky titans and mobile marksmen. Make no mistakes: his primary counters are still intact - a jumble of crowd control and sustained damage (often from range) will still shut him down - but now, failing to contain him using these tools will open him up to killing your entire team. ”
  • R - Noxian Guillotine:
  • ATHENE'S UNHOLY DUNK : Refunds 25/50/100 mana on kill
  • WITNESS TRUE STRENGTH : At rank 3 only, Noxian Guillotine's cooldown resets completely
  • Evelynn:
  • Hate Spike damage up:
  • “ 5.6's changes saw Evelynn stealthily making waves as games went on, but still suffering in early skirmishes. To turn that suffering onto her opponents, we're returning some of her combat power. ”
  • Q - Hate Spike:
  • DAMAGE : 30/45/60/75/90 ⇒ 40/55/70/85/100
  • Fizz:
  • Moving the execute damage back to W's passive DoT and putting the AP ratio back to W's active on-hit.
  • “ Back in 5.2 we made some changes to Fizz that reduced the amount of reliable damage he did with his in-and-out pattern, leaving him feeling a little less tricky (and certainly less playful) than usual. By switching the passive and active components once again, we're aiming to help Fizz's AP builds chum the waters of success by landing sharks and capitalizing at key moments. We'll continue to monitor Fizz's performance, but the hope is to have him back up to his old 'risky assassination tricks' and less 'building full tank and killing everybody'. ”
  • W - Seastone Trident:
  • PASSIVE DAMAGE (OVER TIME) : 20/30/40/50/60 + (0.45 ability power) over 3 seconds ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 (0.45 ability power) + 4/5/6/7/8% of target's missing health over 3 seconds
  • ACTIVE DAMAGE (ON-HIT) : 10/20/30/40/50 + 4/5/6/7/8% of target's missing health over ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50 + (0.25 ability power)
  • Garen:
  • “ Garen's gonna need more than this change to hit the bar on strategic diversity we've set out with our champion work, but making his ultimate less restricted should give him the courage to stand up to the ruffians and scoundrels in top lane more easily. ”
  • R - Demacian Justice:
  • COOLDOWN : 160/120/80 seconds ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds
  • Hecarim:
  • Base health and mana regeneration down.
  • “ Compared against other toplaners, having access to a strong self-heal and low mana costs is a pretty sweet deal - so we're toning down some of his innate staying power so it's easier to send Hecarim back to the stables. ”
  • General:
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN : 9.26 ⇒ 7
  • BASE MANA REGEN : 7.5 ⇒ 6.5
  • Kassadin:
  • R's stack lockout decreased.
  • “ With Kassadin's functionality as a constantly blinking must-answer threat late game still intact, we're looking to facilitate earlier aggressive roams by pulling the lever back a little on Riftwalk's lockout mechanic. ”
  • R - Riftwalk:
  • EMPOWERED STACK DURATION : 20 seconds ⇒ 15 seconds
  • Maokai:
  • Maokai's passive heal down at early levels.
  • “ Maokai's enjoyed a lengthy reign as one of the top Tops in the competitive scene for a while, and for good reason - he's a healthy baseline for what we expect from our Tank class. Despite this, his level of sustain can make it an uphill battle to uproot this twisted treant, so we're chopping down his passive's early effectiveness to open some room for other picks to grow. ”
  • Passive - Sap Magic:
  • HEALTH RESTORE : 7% of maximum health ⇒ 5/6/7% of maximum health (upgrades at levels 7 and 13)
  • Morgana:
  • Morgana's abilities have updated looks and sounds.
  • General:
  • AUDIO & VISUALS : Morgana's autoattack and ability SFX and VFX have been updated for her base and all skins! Check here for the full details.
  • ICONS : Morgana has also received new ability icons!
  • Nidalee:
  • Base health and health per level down.
  • “ Though it's tough to say Nidalee's gone untouched with the rise of the incredible Cinderhulks, she's still at the forefront of any conversation concerning jungle dominance. To keep her claws sharp and her hunting skills intact, we're doubling-down on the natural weakness of any in-and-out skirmisher: durability. While not the easiest to pin down, cutting her defenses makes pouncing in even more of a risk, as well as actually putting her in danger when she's the one getting pounced on. ”
  • General:
  • BASE HEALTH : 541 ⇒ 511
  • HEALTH PER LEVEL : 90 ⇒ 80
  • Quinn:
  • Blinds work intuitively.
  • “ Previously, Blinds would check your status when you began your attack. This meant that sometimes attacks that looked like they should have missed would land right on target. With this fix, you should feel a lot better about your tossing a bird into the eyes of enemy marksmen. ”
  • Q - Blinding Assault:
  • new:GOUGE 'EM VALOR : Blind 'miss' window changed from on-attack declaration to on-attack launch (For reference, 'attack launch' is when the missile is created for ranged champions, and the moment before an attack hits for melee champions)
  • Rek'Sai:
  • Q damage down. Rek'Sai can use tunnels more often
  • “ High clear speeds, high damage, and the best tool for hunting enemies through the Fog of War - Rek'Sai has many, if not all the tools you'd want in a jungler (or a hungry void predator). As we've done in previous patches, we're taking the edge off of her bite in exchange for more end-game usability and tunnel-enabled mobility. ”
  • Q - Queen's Wrath:
  • RATIO : 0.3 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.2 bonus attack damage
  • E - Tunnel:
  • COOLDOWN ON REUSING TUNNELS : 10 seconds ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 seconds
  • Shen:
  • “ Once hailed as the map presence pick in the toplane, Summoner Teleport steals some of Shen's identity when it comes to saving your teammates from the shadows (we never said he was a great ninja). Making Stand United more available for cross-map action, especially in the late-game should help Shen find his place among the Tanklords. ”
  • R - Stand United:
  • COOLDOWN : 200/180/160 ⇒ 180/160/120
  • Singed:
  • E's monster cap wasn't factoring in E's base damage.
  • “ Adding % damage to Fling last patch introduced a bug where the whole ability's damage was capped at 300 vs monsters instead of the %HP portion. Jungle Singed buffs! ”
  • E - Fling:
  • ELBOW GREASE : Fixed a bug where the 300 damage cap to monsters was being applied improperly
  • Teemo:
  • Blinds work intuitively.
  • “ Previously, Blinds would check your status when you began your attack. This meant that sometimes attacks that looked like they should have missed would land right on target. With this fix, you should feel a lot better about your tossing poisonous darts into the eyes of enemy marksmen. ”
  • Q - Blinding Dart:
  • THAT'S GOTTA STING : Blind 'miss' window changed from on-attack declaration to on-attack launch (For reference, 'attack launch' is when the missile is created for ranged champions, and the moment before an attack hits for melee champions)
  • Tristana:
  • E cooldown slightly increased. Q reduces E's cooldown when basic attacking.
  • “ The nature of Tristana's reliance on Rapid Fire and Explosive Charge mean that she doesn't scale as well as you'd expect from the traditional marksman builds. Adding further incentives for Cooldown Reduction (hint: ghostblade, y'all) gives her a different angle on itemization that enables her explosive potential. ”
  • Q - Rapid Fire:
  • newULTRA RAPID FIRE : Basic attacks while Rapid Fire is active reduce the cooldown of Explosive Charge by 0.5 seconds (doubled against champions)
  • E - Explosive Charge:
  • COOLDOWN : 16/15/14/13/12 ⇒ 16/15.5/15/14.5/14
  • Enchantment - Cinderhulk:
  • Health down, gold cost up to parity with other enchants.
  • “ Two nerfs, one very much intended (base health reduction), one technically a bug fix that's in line with what we want anyway (+50 gold cost). We don't think anyone should be surprised by these power reductions, but additional context goes like this: an item doesn't need to be a "one stop shop" of core stats for it to be ideal. It might seem counterintuitive that we're reducing Cinderhulk's tanky stats while saying we want to preserve its identity as a tanky jungler item, but that's because Cinderhulk incentivizes its wearers (users? holders?) to further itemize down an intended path (health for more scaling, tanky stats to stay in the battle longer, etc) so we can rely on those second, third, and fourth items to round out the build. Making an item that does everything just encourages off-role champions to pick it up because they get 'everything' they need rather than having to commit to a playstyle to support it.
  • This is a very long context to say that Cinderhulk doesn't kill champions, champions building the health to support Cinderhulk kill champions. ”
  • HEALTH : 350 ⇒ 300
  • COST : 2200 gold ⇒ 2250 gold
  • Tiamat:
  • Tiamat's passive damage now scales linearly. Also affects Ravenous Hydra.
  • “ Previously, Tiamat's Cleave passive only had three 'stages' of damage based on whether you were 'close', 'close-ish', or 'kind of close' to the center of the proc. This led to some weird situations where targets that were visually farther away would still take damage as if they were closer. Now that Cleave scales linearly, you'll always take damage appropriate to how close/far you are from the target. Also affects Ravenous Hydra (we stole this part from the summary). ”
  • PASSIVE CLEAVE DAMAGE : Scales in three damage 'stages' ⇒ linearly with distance
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Gift of the Toadstool (Gromp Smite buff)
  • “ We know this is a pretty sizable damage reduction on Gromp buff for lategame tank junglers, but there were two reasons: first, this thing was getting a little bonkers against squishy auto-attacking marksmen (with little to no meaningful counterplay). Second - and more important - from a philosophical perspective no smite buff should be so insanely head and shoulders above any other, but Gromp buff was getting very close to that. We want all jungle buffs to have varying degrees of usefulness (based on the state of the game), but it's important there be at least some choice in the matter. ”
  • DAMAGE SCALING : 10% bonus health ⇒ 5% bonus health
  • Gift of the Toadstool (Gromp Smite buff):
  • “ We know this is a pretty sizable damage reduction on Gromp buff for lategame tank junglers, but there were two reasons: first, this thing was getting a little bonkers against squishy auto-attacking marksmen (with little to no meaningful counterplay). Second - and more important - from a philosophical perspective no smite buff should be so insanely head and shoulders above any other, but Gromp buff was getting very close to that. We want all jungle buffs to have varying degrees of usefulness (based on the state of the game), but it's important there be at least some choice in the matter. ”
  • DAMAGE SCALING : 10% bonus health ⇒ 5% bonus health
  • Minion Spawn Animations:
  • “ Minions are people too! ...Kind of. ”
  • new:DO THEY HAVE HOMES? : Minions now have a spawn animation!
  • End of Game Banners:
  • LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN : Animated Victory/Defeat banners have been re-enabled following resolution of a performance issue
  • Loading Screen Art:
  • new:A SCENIC VISTA : The loading screen for Summoner's Rift matches now has background art
  • FAT BORDERS : Loading screen borders have been slightly thickened to maintain contrast against the new background
  • Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar:
  • new:
  • Luden's Echo:
  • Is there an echo in here...?
  • “ Is there an echo in here...? ”
  • RECIPE : Blasting Wand + Aether Wisp + 1090 gold (2800 gold total)
  • ABILITY POWER : 120 ⇒ 100
  • SOUND IS PURPLE? : VFX for the proc effect have been updated!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed the "ward hop crash". Special thanks to NA summoner Xaad for helping us squash this bug!
  • Spirit Guard Udyr's champion interaction VO has been fixed
  • Fixed a bug where Team Builder's minimap role icons were sometimes zoomed in too far
  • Team Builder lobbies no longer occasionally forget to display the captain's minimap role icon
  • Suggested Players now consistently prioritizes "Previous premade" over "Recently won a game" when deciding how to tag someone who fits both categories

New in League of Legends Client 5.6 (Mar 24, 2015)

  • Champions:
  • Aatrox:
  • Massacre fills Aatrox's Blood Well.
  • R - Massacre:
  • new:DRINK THEIR BLOOD : Now grants 20% of Maximum Blood Well for each enemy hit
  • Amumu:
  • W - Despair:
  • NO MORE TEARS : Fixed a bug where Despair would not toggle off when Amumu ran out of mana
  • Annie:
  • R - Summon: Tibbers
  • TIBBERS AURA BASE DAMAGE : 35 magic damage ⇒ 20/30/40 magic damage
  • Bard:
  • Q damage up. E cooldown down, plus some bugfixes/improvements.
  • General:
  • NO MORE LICHBANE : Bard's recommended items have been updates to reflect a more supportive playstyle
  • Q - Cosmic Binding:
  • DAMAGE : 75/100/145/180/215 magic damage ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 magic damage
  • removed:COSMIC COINCENDENCE : Cosmic Binding can no longer tether to unusual units such as Jarvan's Demacian Standard, Syndra's Dark Orbs, Jayce's Acceleration Gate, and Wards
  • E - Magical Journey:
  • COOLDOWN : 26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
  • SPIRITED AWAY : Clicking on a Magical Journey portal is now more forgiving
  • TRAVEL GUIDE : Allies that go on a Magical Journey will grant Bard an assist on their kills for a short time afterwards
  • MAGICAL EQUALITY : Clones (such as those created by Shaco, Leblanc, Mordekaiser and Yorick) can now be commanded to take a Magical Journey
  • R - Tempered Fate:
  • TEMPERED MONSTERS : Neutral Monsters will no longer have their health reset while under stasis
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Cassiopeia gets less AP when combined with %AP amplifying effects
  • LATE GAME CASSI NERF : Dragon buff and Rabadon's Deathcap now interact additively rather than multiplicatively. When these two ability power % modifications (and masteries) interact with Cassiopeia passive, they now give roughly ~12% less bonus ability power at late, late game.
  • Elise
  • Human form's slower, Spider form's faster. Rappel is easier to use. Cocoon's faster.
  • General:
  • E - Rappel:
  • USABILITY : Elise can now right click while in the air to descend on a target in addition to pressing E again
  • E - Cocoon:
  • MISSILE SPEED : 1450 ⇒ 1600
  • Evelynn:
  • Passive - Shadow Walk:
  • COOLDOWN ON ENTERING STEALTH : 6 seconds ⇒ 6/5/4/3 seconds (at levels 1/6/11/16)
  • W - Dark Frenzy:
  • removed:GOTTA GO FAST : Spell hits no longer passively grant stacking movement speed
  • new:ULTRA RAPID FRENZY : Spell hits now lower Dark Frenzy's cooldown by 1 second
  • Galio:
  • E - Righteous Gust:
  • COOLDOWN : 12 seconds ⇒ 13/12/11/10/9 seconds
  • Irelia:
  • E damage lowered.
  • E - Equilibrium Strike:
  • DAMAGE : 80/130/180/230/280 magic damage ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 magic damage
  • Katarina:
  • Base Health and regen down. Health per level up.
  • General:
  • HEALTH PER LEVEL : 80 ⇒ 83
  • BASE HEALTH : 560 ⇒ 510
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN : 7.7 ⇒ 4.5
  • Karthus:
  • Karthus' basic attack is less bad.
  • General:
  • BASIC ATTACK FRAME : Really Bad ⇒ Improved
  • LeBlanc:
  • R's copied spells deal less damage.
  • R - Mimic:
  • MIMIC: SIGIL OF MALICE RATIO : 0.65 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • MIMIC: DISTORTION RATIO : 0.975 ability power ⇒ 0.9 ability power
  • MIMIC: ETHEREAL CHAINS RATIO : 0.65 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
  • Lux:
  • R does more damage when popping Lux's passive. (This was always intended, but not always functional)
  • R - Final Spark:
  • CHARGING MY LASER : Fixed a bug where triggering Illumination with Final Spark didn't add Illumination's AP ratio to the detonation
  • Nocturne:
  • R cooldown down.
  • R - Paranoia:
  • COOLDOWN : 180/140/100 seconds ⇒ 150/125/100 seconds
  • Quinn:
  • Bugfixes and general improvements to E.
  • E - Vault:
  • newGOT THE RESET : Now resets Quinn's basic attack timer upon landing
  • VALOR, TO ME! : Fixed a bug where Harrier was occasionally not applied by Vault
  • TOO FAR : Fixed an issue where Vault could sometimes move Quinn out of her basic attack range when casted on close-range targets
  • EVASIVE MANUEVERS : Vaulting off of an enemy to pass through terrain is now easier
  • Rammus:
  • Q cost down.
  • Q - Powerball:
  • COST : 70/80/90/100/110 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • Ryze:
  • Q damage up.
  • Q - Overload:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 40/60/80/100/120 magic damage ⇒ 55/75/95/115/135 magic damage
  • Sejuani:
  • W damage down. R slows less when you fail to land the stun.
  • W - Flail of the Northern Winds:
  • INITIAL DAMAGE : 4/6/8/10/12% ⇒ 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% of target's maximum health
  • R - Glacial Prison:
  • SLOW : 90% ⇒ 30%
  • Singed:
  • E deals max health damage.
  • E - Fling:
  • DAMAGE : 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage ⇒ 50/65/80/95/110 (+0.75 ability power) + (6/6.5/7/7.5/8% of target's maximum health) magic damage
  • Sion:
  • Q hurts monsters less. E's passthrough damage down.
  • Q - Decimating Smash:
  • DAMAGE TO MONSTERS : 90% ⇒ 80%
  • E - Roar of the Slayer:
  • Twitch:
  • Passive damage up.
  • Passive - Deadly Venom:
  • DAMAGE PER STACK : 1/2/3/4/5/6 true damage (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) ⇒ 2/3/4/5/6 true damage (at levels 1/5/9/13/17)
  • Veigar:
  • Passive regen up. Q range up. E stops dashes.
  • Passive - Equilibrium:
  • MANA REGEN : +1% per 1% missing mana ⇒ +1.5% per 1% missing mana
  • Q - Baleful Strike:
  • RANGE : 850 ⇒ 950
  • E - Event Horizon:
  • newDO NOT PASS GO : Enemy dashes through Event Horizon's walls will stop at them instead
  • Vel'Koz:
  • R - Life Form Disintegration Ray:
  • newKEEP AN EYE OUT : Vel'Koz can now cancel his ultimate by taking Thresh's Lantern
  • Yorick:
  • Feel improvements for Q.
  • Q - Omen of War:
  • new:FOR SHOVELRY : Yorick now uses his Critical Strike animation when hitting people with Omen of War
  • RANGE : 125 ⇒ 175
  • Ziggs:
  • Q cost down.
  • Q - Bouncing Bomb:
  • COST : 50/60/70/80/90 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana
  • Zilean:
  • General:
  • HEALTH PER LEVEL : 71 ⇒ 77
  • Q - Time Bomb:
  • RATIO : 0.8 ability power ⇒ 0.9 ability power
  • COST : 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • W - Rewind:
  • COOLDOWN : 18/15/12/9/6 seconds ⇒ 14/12/10/8/6 seconds
  • COST : 50 mana ⇒ 35 mana
  • E - Time Warp:
  • COST : 50/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 50 mana
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 9):
  • “We're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. As with previous installments, our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the Rift. ”
  • Kayle:
  • Base, Battleborn, Judgment, Silver, Unmasked, Viridian
  • Lee Sin:
  • Base, Acolyte, Dragon Fist, Muay Thai, Traditional
  • Pantheon:
  • Base, Full Metal, Myrmidon, Perseus, Ruthless
  • Rumble:
  • Base, Bilgerat, Rumble in the Jungle
  • Ryze:
  • Base, Dark Crystal, Human, Pirate, Professor, Tribal, Triumphant, Uncle, Zombie
  • Items:
  • Chalice of Harmony:
  • COST : 1000 ⇒ 900 (total cost of Athene's and Mikael's unchanged)
  • Athene's Unholy Grail:
  • MANA REGEN : 50% ⇒ 100%
  • Righteous Glory:
  • GLORIOUS STRUCTURES : Fixed a bug where you wouldn't get the active movement speed running towards turrets and capture points
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Rift Scuttler:
  • Fixed a bug where the Scuttler's vision radius was much larger than the speed shrine it was intended to cover.
  • VISION RADIUS : 1350 ⇒ 525
  • Base Gates:
  • THE GATES ARE OPEN : You can now summon pets, structures, and minions in your team's base gates (i.e. Void Portals, Heimerdinger Turrets, Shaco's Jack-in-the-box)
  • Jungle XP:
  • LEVELS 1-4 : Unchanged
  • LEVELS 5-7 : 3% more experience
  • LEVELS 8-10 : 6% more experience
  • LEVELS 11-18 : 10% more experience
  • Post-Beta Updates:
  • newDRAMATIC EFFECT : New champion select music has been added for Summoner's Rift queues!
  • MORE TEXTURE WORK : Adjusted terrain detail in a number of locations
  • CONSISTENT MESSAGING : "Beta" has been removed from the Summoner's Rift map name in various queue/lobby locations
  • removedCALL IT A TEASER : The animated victory/defeat screens have been deactivated while we resolve a performance issue
  • Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar:
  • removed: Luden's Echo
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Orb of Winter:
  • RECIPE : Null-Magic Mantle + Null-Magic Mantle + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead ⇒ Negatron Cloak + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead
  • COMBINE COST : 850 ⇒ 990
  • TOTAL COST : 2210 ⇒ 2200
  • Player Tooltips:
  • WHAT DO YOU EVEN PLAY : Lobby members will now see Player Tooltips when hovering over Suggested Players
  • Bugfixes:
  • Resolved a crash issue with the Windows 10 technical preview
  • Veigar Bot has learned how to use his new Q - Baleful Strike
  • As mentioned last patch, outer and inner turret damage vs. minions now properly begins scaling at 9 minutes

New in League of Legends Client 5.5 (Mar 12, 2015)

  • Champions:
  • Bard:
  • Bard, the Wandering Caretaker, will be released a bit later during Patch 5.5!
  • Azir:
  • Increased the range at which soldiers can attack and spears 'pass through' to hit things further. Also base attack speed up.
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.600 ⇒ 0.625
  • SPEAR PASSTHROUGH RANGE 100 ⇒ 50 (total range unchanged)
  • Gangplank:
  • Passive - Grog-Soaked Blade:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where slow immune targets were also unaffected by the DoT
  • Gragas:
  • Base mana up, damage cap versus monsters also up.
  • While not always thought of primarily as a Jungler, with the Buff Barge 2K15 docking at Jungle Island we thought it'd be a great time to pull back some of Graggy's stat restrictions to help drink Gromp and his friends under the table.
  • General:
  • MANA 300 ⇒ 400
  • W - Drunken Rage:
  • Karma:
  • E - Defiance (Mantra):
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage
  • Karthus:
  • W - Wall of Pain:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where enemy champions could sometimes dash through Karthus' Wall of Pain without being slowed
  • Kassadin:
  • R cooldown and mana costs are down, range up slightly.
  • Unlike Riftwalk, we went a little too far last patch. The focus of the changes were to lower the amount of instant mobility Kassadin had access to without changing his long-term movement too dramatically - this patch, we're tuning up his ultimate to put a little spring back into his Riftstep.
  • General:
  • VISUALS Updated model, textures, animations and slight VFX changes for base and all skins
  • ICONS New ability icons
  • R - Riftwalk:
  • COOLDOWN 7/5/3 seconds ⇒ 6/4/2 seconds
  • RANGE 450 ⇒ 500
  • COST 60 mana ⇒ 50 mana
  • Lissandra:
  • Q damage down.
  • In all levels of play, Lissandra can be summed up in one word: consistency. In each lane she sees play, her relative safety (thanks to her amazing waveclear) sets her up as a top-tier threat thanks to Frozen Tomb's unforgiving CC. Not wanting to over-do it, we're hitting Ice Shard as a way to tone down her damage, clear (and by extension, safety) all in one go.
  • Q - Ice Shard:
  • DAMAGE 75/110/145/180/215 magic damage ⇒ 70/100/130/160/190 magic damage
  • Nautilus:
  • W damage down, E's cooldown, mana costs, and slow duration are all reduced.
  • By being the cornerstone to both his offensive AND defensive ability, Titan's Wrath forces Nautilus into a playstyle that is very binary - break the shield and he's harmless, or suffer if you fail to do so. Shifting power into Riptide lets him clear faster and take more actions per teamfight, which are two key areas we thought were weighing him down.
  • W - Titan's Wrath:
  • DAMAGE 40/55/70/85/100 magic damage ⇒ 30/40/50/60/70 damage
  • RATIO 7/9.5/12/14.5/17% max health ⇒ 9/11/13/15/17% max health
  • E - Riptide:
  • COOLDOWN 10 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
  • COST 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 40/50/60/70/80 mana
  • RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
  • SLOW DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • Nidalee:
  • Trap damage now deals flat magic damage rather than a lower base damage + current health damage.
  • With the introduction of her rework, Bushwhack's current-health paradigm existed to soften up targets for big takedowns and secure vision to play with her new Hunt passive. Now one of the hottest junglers in the scene, it's enabled her to have the fastest clears in the game. For a skill with so many different uses as-is, we're re-balancing the damage so that while still useful with ability power, doesn't trivialize fighting the toughest monsters out there.
  • W - Bushwhack:
  • DAMAGE 10/40/60/80/100 (+10/12/14/16/18 (+0.02 ability power)% current health) magic damage ⇒ 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.2 ability power) magic damage
  • Rek'Sai:
  • E - Tunnel:
  • TUNNEL COUNT Now uses the ward spawning UI to show the number of existing tunnels vs the maximum as well as displaying which tunnel will be destroyed once you've reached the limit
  • Shyvana:
  • E's damage proc up!
  • When looking to punch Shyvana's ticket aboard the Buff Barge, we decided a more general boost to her effectiveness would suffice. Often used for her mixed-damage and innate defensive stats, we like Shy most when she actually has to punch the stuffing out of you to win fights - so that's exactly what we're reinforcing here!
  • E - Flame Breath:
  • BONUS DAMAGE AGAINST MARKED TARGETS 2% maximum health per autoattack ⇒ 2.5% maximum health per autoattack
  • Singed:
  • It's called "Mega Adhesive," not "Adequate Adhesive." Fling in peace, summoners.
  • E - Fling:
  • BUGFIX Fixed several cases where Flinging an enemy into Mega-Adhesive would not immediately root them
  • Sion:
  • Q's mana costs down, ratio slightly up. E's mana costs up at later ranks.
  • When it comes to Super-Tanks in top lane, we actually like what Sion brings to teams and how he interacts with opponents, with the exception of his laning phase - so we're keeping things "power-netural" for the big zombie. Shifting power from screaming at minions to dropping the chopper on frightened opponents means it requires a little more effort to win the wet-noodle-war than just never running out of mana.
  • Q - Decimating Smash:
  • COST 45/50/55/60/65 mana ⇒ 45 mana at all ranks
  • RATIO 0.6-1.8 total attack damage ⇒ 0.65-1.95 total attack damage
  • E - Roar of the Slayer:
  • COST 35 mana at all ranks ⇒ 35/40/45/50/55 mana
  • Skarner:
  • Q's damage up (hey, it stacks up man), E's damage at later ranks up.
  • You're not the only one that misses your kind, Skarner. Another beneficiary of our focus on jungles this patch, we're aiming to give more damage back to the scorpion, especially in the later-game where his rank-ups can feel relatively poor.
  • Q - Crystal Slash:
  • DAMAGE 18/28/38/48/58 physical damage ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 physical damage
  • BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE 18/28/38/48/58 magic damage per stack of Crystal Energy ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 magic damage per stack of Crystal Energy
  • E - Fracture:
  • MAGIC DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 40/75/110/145/180
  • Sona:
  • For a while we've been normalizing mana costs on ultimates, and Sona's the recipient of the next round. Sona buffs. What a time to be alive.
  • Passive - Power Chord:
  • BUGFIX No longer consumed on hitting blue trinket ward or Kalista's Sentinel
  • R - Crescendo:
  • COST 100/150/200 mana ⇒ 100 mana at all ranks
  • Soraka:
  • Q - Starcall:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Starcall's bonus damage sweetspot was not multiplying the bonus damage from Soraka's AP
  • Tristana:
  • Rapid Fire's cooldown is reduced by 1 second for each basic attack she lands against an Explosive Charge'd champion.
  • When it comes right down to it, hyper-carries amongst marksmen usually care about one thing: basic attacking. As her primary source of damage, Tristana often felt awkward about giving up DPS to cast Explosive Shot, only to have them escape before she could make use of its damage potential. Adding the cooldown incentive should make it up to her, as well as giving her things to do when she's forced to shoot the durdling brawlers and tanks that try to scrap deep behind enemy lines.
  • Q - Rapid Fire:
  • RAPIDEST FIRE Each basic attack against a target marked with Explosive Charge reduces the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 1 second
  • Trundle:
  • Passive range upped to match experience range. W's healing amp is now the same at all ranks, and R's been slightly buffed due to a bugfix.
  • What's a Tank to a King? While most of these changes are focused on bugfixes and feel improvements, we felt it wouldn't be fair to address such a large number of tanks and tank-enablers without mentioning their natural predator. Focusing on sustain and regen should let Trundle keep pace with his opponents, biding his time before he goes all-out clubbing and takes their hard-earned stats.
  • Passive - King's Tribute:
  • RANGE 1000 ⇒ 1400
  • W - Frozen Domain:
  • HEALING AMPLIFICATION 8/11/14/17/20% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
  • R - Subjugate:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that caused Subjugate to only steal 36% of the target's Armor and Magic Resistance instead of 40%
  • Urgot:
  • Urgot's shield now also scales with total mana, and R's cooldown has been reduced at later levels.
  • Urgot's going to need a lot more under-the-hood work before he can hit the big-time, but in the interim we thought he could use some help. A Mana ratio on W makes his beefy/CDR build more rewarding, keeping him active in sustained fights without adding to his snowball potential once the Acid Hunters set their sights on you. Although he has a dark, secret past, even the buff barge couldn't resist giving some love to League's original scuttle-crab.
  • W - Terror Capacitor:
  • BASE SHIELD 80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 60/100/140/180/220
  • newMANA RATIO 8% total mana
  • R - Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser:
  • COOLDOWN 120/110/100 ⇒ 120/100/80
  • Varus:
  • Cooldown now starts ticking the moment he starts charging.
  • More of a quality of life change, Varus players should feel encouraged to charge their arrows instead of feeling penalized.
  • Q - Piercing Arrow:
  • IONIAN SNIPER Now begins its cooldown at charge start, rather than when the arrow fires
  • Veigar:
  • E's delay before walls appearing has been reduced slightly. Q is around 14% faster!
  • One of the larger themes for his 5.4 update was lowering reliability in favor of creating consistent high moments for master Veigar players. It appears we overshot (not a short joke), so we're dialing back to help Veigar feel less like a sitting duck when it comes to intense situations. Throw in some 'Quality of Doom' changes for Event Horizon, and the tiny master of evil should be turning tables and cackling like a super villain all the way to the nexus.
  • Q - Baleful Strike:
  • MISSILE SPEED 1750 ⇒ 2000 (~14% faster)
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Baleful Strike would fail to cast if you got CCed during the cast
  • E - Event Horizon:
  • WARNING PARTICLE DISPLAY After cast time ⇒ On cast
  • Vi:
  • Movement speed down, R damage down at early and mid ranks.
  • Known for punching first (and asking questions while punching), Vi's never been good about giving her opponents much of a chance to fight back. Being one of the toughest champions to peel (combined with devastating ganks) make fighting her feel stacked - so we're draining some power from these areas to even the odds.
  • General:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 350 ⇒ 345
  • R - Assault and Battery:
  • PHYSICAL DAMAGE 200/325/450 ⇒ 150/300/450
  • Viktor:
  • E - Death Ray:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where the detonation on upgraded Death Ray was canceling Viktor's autoattacks
  • Volibear:
  • Bite a monster, get half your cooldown back. Winning!
  • W - Frenzy:
  • Xin Zhao:
  • W's base healing up at early levels, E's damage up at later levels.
  • As a jungler on the borderline of viability, we're giving X to the Z a bump towards his strengths (sustain and skirmishing) to help him get down to business.
  • W - Battle Cry:
  • BASE HEAL 26/32/38/44/50 ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50
  • E - Audacious Charge:
  • DAMAGE 70/105/140/175/210 magic damage ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230 magic damage
  • Zac:
  • Chunks now reduce W's cooldown, even if he casts it slightly after he picks up a chunk. E knocks up for longer.
  • Smoothing out Unstable Matter's CDR mechanic and doubling E's knockup time so Zac players can feel better about doing what they've always done: throw yourself with reckless abandon into the enemy team.
  • W - Unstable Matter:
  • SLAM CHUNK Picking up a chunk now briefly gives Zac a "reservoir" of CDR, even if he casts W within the 1 second following pickup of a chunk.
  • E - Elastic Slingshot:
  • KNOCKBACK DURATION 0.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second
  • Zilean:
  • Q cooldown down.
  • As with all changes that both increase complexity and skill-ceiling, Zilean saw a pretty dramatic shift last patch. While we want to give more time for players to learn how to use him effectively, this change enables his Q+W+Q combo that folks are used to.
  • Q - Time Bomb:
  • COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 8):
  • We're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. As with previous installments, our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the newly-updated Rift. Reminder: texture rebalancing isn't meant to replace - and doesn't delay - larger-scale updates!
  • Cho'Gath:
  • Base, Gentleman, Jurassic, Loch Ness, Nightmare
  • Janna:
  • Base, Frost Queen, Hextech, Tempest, Victorious
  • Taric:
  • Base, Armor of the Fifth Age, Bloodstone, Emerald
  • Warwick:
  • Base, Big Bad, Feral, Firefang, Grey, Hyena, Tundra Hunter, Urf
  • Items:
  • new:
  • Luden's Echo:
  • Our new 120 ability power item is here to fill the void left by the passing of Deathfire Grasp (rest in pieces). Goals up front: we want to provide a unique item that helps out movement-focused, spell-slinging mages, like kitey Lux, bursty-train Akali, or even spell-slingy (that's a word) Karthus. Try it out and let us know what combinations work with you - we'll be keeping a close eye here as new experiments get brought out. It's also important to note that this works on spell hits, not basic attacks!
  • RECIPE: Needlessly Large Rod + Aether Wisp + 650 gold (total cost: 3100 gold)
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE Gains charges upon moving or casting. At 100 charges, the next spell hit expends all charges to deal 100 (+0.15 ability power) bonus magic damage to up to 4 targets on hit. Applies spell Effects (e.g., Spell Vamp, Rylai's, etc).
  • Sweeping Lens (Tier 2 Red Trinket):
  • When the cooldown on the upgraded red trinket was increased, we missed the fact that the middle tier red trinket now had a lower cooldown than the item it upgraded into. We changed the tooltip last patch and we're making the actual change now.
  • COOLDOWN AT LEVEL 9+ 60 seconds ⇒ 75 seconds
  • Wards:
  • THEATRICS Unskinned Sight and Vision Wards now have spawn and death animations to provide better feedback. Don't get distracted.
  • Jungle Items:
  • new:
  • Bami's Cinder:
  • Baby sunfire.
  • We've mentioned this before, but one of our goals with this 'new' tanky jungle enchant was to provide an item that not only provides valuable tank stats but also helps junglers with their early to mid game clears. We've had to be very careful in balancing champions with this new item (ie: Amumu and Sejuani probably don't need anything in addition to the new Cinder), but we're excited to see what possibilities emerge. Want to play a tank jungler? GET FIRED.
  • RECIPE Ruby Crystal + 600 gold (1000 gold total)
  • HEALTH 300
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE Immolate - Deals 5 (+ 1 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies. Deals 50% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
  • new:
  • Cinderhulk Enchantment:
  • Juggernaut has been replaced by Cinderhulk.
  • See above with our point regarding a tanky item that also boosts clear speeds. This is that item all grown up. It's also important to note that +25% bonus health stat. Note it. Appreciate it.
  • RECIPE Tier 2 Jungle Item + Bami's Cinder + 350 gold (2200 gold total)
  • HEALTH 350
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE Grants +25% bonus health
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE Immolate - Deals 16 (+ 1 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies. Increases with time in combat up to 24 (+ 1.5 per champion level).
  • Sunfire Cape:
  • Sunfire now builds out of Bami's Cinder instead of Giant's Belt.
  • Just a very small directional change to make Sunfire Cape more focused on wave clearing for tanky dudes. There's a little less health on that build path, but you can get to your area-effect burn a little faster.
  • RECIPE Chain Vest + Bami's Cinder + 850 gold (2600 gold total [unchanged])
  • STATS Unchanged. Just so you know.
  • newPASSIVE Is now UNIQUE so you know you can't stack it
  • Strategic Itemization:
  • Raptor Cloak:
  • BUFFS!
  • Since those two item build paths are so situational, we want you to feel better about just sitting on a Raptor Cloak.
  • ARMOR 30 ⇒ 40
  • newUNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner - You now gain the movement speed while near fallen turrets
  • Zz'rot Portal:
  • Now that we think players have good ways to deal with this (see: ability power damage to structures, etc), we're giving it some extra love. Also, please don't build this item against Nasus. Trust us.
  • ARMOR 50 ⇒ 60
  • newUNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner - You now gain the movement speed while near fallen turrets
  • VOIDSPAWN TIME UNTIL THEY BEGIN TO DECAY 4 seconds ⇒ 5.5 seconds
  • Ohmwrecker:
  • newUNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner - You now gain the movement speed while near fallen turrets
  • Righteous Glory:
  • This item is actually very close to a healthy spot. We're just pushing it a little further so getting it earlier in the game improves its synergy with the new Cinderhulk enchantment.
  • HEALTH +500 ⇒ +650
  • Banner of Command:
  • This item seems to actually be in a pretty healthy state. It's good for breaking delayed out sieges against an Anivia or Ziggs, and it's a strong augment to your own siege with a Baron buff. Only calling this out to note that we're still looking if it needs anything for later patches. In other words, we're just talking. Hello, how are you. We're fine.
  • UNCHANGED UNCHANGED. We just wanted to talk about Banner of Command, man.
  • Global Summoner's Rift Changes:
  • Inhibitor Turrets:
  • Inhibitor turrets give reduced gold and no experience.
  • This is going to get a little designer-talkish but here we go: the main advantage of taking down a laser turret is mainly to modify the game state - that is, access to either the inhibitor or nexus. Since taking (or not taking) these turrets are more about access to strategic buildings, the gold they provided acted as more of a "win more" mechanic than an incentive for the opposing team to take action. We're clarifying that! Designer talk over.
  • Global team gold on inhibitor turrets 175 ⇒ 50
  • Global team experience on inhibitor laser turrets 100 ⇒ 0
  • Nexus Turrets:
  • Laser turrets give reduced gold and no experience.
  • See above! We can copy paste it here, that's okay: this is going to get a little designer-talkish but here we go: the main advantage of taking down a laser turret is mainly to modify the game state - that is, access to either the inhibitor or nexus. Since taking (or not taking) these turrets are more about access to strategic buildings, the gold they provided acted as more of a "win more" mechanic than an incentive for the opposing team to take action. We're clarifying that! Designer talk over.
  • Global team gold on nexus laser turrets 150 ⇒ 50
  • Global team experience on nexus laser turrets 120 ⇒ 0
  • Shield Turrets (inner turrets):
  • Middle lane inner turrets no longer have a shielding mechanic. Top and bottom lane turrets shield for less, but all turrets have more health.
  • The goal of turret shields has always been to mitigate the oppressiveness of poke-heavy teams when they hit their stride. That said, the shields are a little too weighted in favor of the defending team, and we're seeing common stallouts on mid-lane inner turrets. With this change, we still want to reward split pushing and smart map rotations as counters to stall-focused teams, but we're reducing a little strength here so they're not just artificially drawing out games.
  • removedGET POKED Middle lane inner turrets no longer shield nearby champions
  • Top and bottom lane turret shield health 200 ⇒ 30
  • Inner turret health 2000 ⇒ 2300
  • Minion Health:
  • Minions got healthier, but turrets still do the same damage to them.
  • The unsung hero of sieging in League of Legends: minions. That said, they're currently not living up to their full potential and are getting washed out before any meaningful sieging can be done. Realizing this, we sent the minions to the gym so they'll be a little more resilient when marching down the lane. Our goal wasn't to affect last-hitting under turrets (hence the weird turret damage upgrade), but a bug made the timing slip by about 1.5 minutes. In other words, from 9:00 to 10:30, when you're last hitting minions under the turret, melee minions will have 6 more health when in "last hit" range (ie: after two turret shots), caster minions will have 3 more health (after one turret shot), and siege minions will have 9 more health.
  • CASTER MINIONS Caster minion health increased by 3 at 9 minutes, and an additional 3 every 90 seconds thereafter
  • MELEE MINIONS Melee minion health increased by 6 at 9 minutes and an additional 6 every 90 seconds thereafter
  • SIEGE MINIONS Siege minion health increased by 9 at 9 minutes and an additional 9 every 90 seconds thereafter
  • OUTER AND INNER TURRETS Outer and inner turrets (non-laser) deal 3 damage per minion upgrade at 10.5 minutes and an additional 3 every 90 seconds thereafter
  • Jungle Camps:
  • Some of the inequalities between camps were a bit too pronounced, with some jungle routes being much, much better than others. Since one of our goals with the 2015 season was to ensure there wasn't a single best path for the jungle, but that junglers had to modify their clears (and jungle buffs) according to the pace of the game, we're adjusting. TLDR: Making camps easier.
  • BIG WOLF REWARD 48 gold ⇒ 53 gold
  • SMALL WOLF REWARD 14 gold ⇒ 16 gold
  • Gromp Buff Buffs:
  • Say that three times fast. Gromp buff now scales with bonus health so jungle tanks can scale better in their jungle clears, even without Cinderhulk.
  • GROMP POISON 4 + (8 x level) ⇒ 10 + 10% of bonus health
  • Rift Scuttler Speed Boost:
  • This includes all other things considered 'pets,' so Tibbers, Voidlings, and even clones. It's technically a Shaco buff too, which is concerning.
  • newHERE COMES TIBBERS The Rift Scuttler speed shrine now affects pets
  • new:
  • Dragon Buff Counter for Spectator:
  • Counts buffs, not kills. Also glows when a team hits 5 stacks. Very exciting.
  • new: EXISTS Is now a thing
  • End of Summoner's Rift Beta:
  • Patch 5.5 marks the end of the Summoner's Rift Beta we launched last November! We're celebrating this milestone with a comprehensive colors pass and the animated Victory/Defeat screens we teased back in our beta announcement video.
  • Though the beta has come to an end, we're continuing to look for opportunities to update the rift. We really appreciate all the feedback you've given us and hope that, together, we've made Summoner's Rift a place you want to spend your game time in.
  • Visual Rebalance:
  • We've heard a lot of player feedback around the art style of the updated Rift: many of you feel the new map is less vivid and lively than the original. We've been working on a comprehensive pass to bring back some of the vibrance of the old Summoner's Rift without sacrificing the clarity and readability the update offers.
  • HUE & SATURATION Amped up to make the environment feel warmer and help the more colorful map elements pop
  • VALUE RANGE Widened while maintaining champion and particle contrast against the environment
  • MAP DETAILS More have been added to help anchor your champion on the map, similar to how each quadrant of the jungle has a distinct feel. We also added a duck, but he's pretty noncommittal so you might not see him too frequently.
  • LIGHTING & SHADOWS Redone to be more consistent across the map and give a greater sense of direction and three-dimensionality
  • Victory & Defeat Banners:
  • Looks cool but we ran into technical issues when we launched the beta, so we decided to ship without them. That's…about all the context we have.
  • VICTORY & DEFEAT BANNERS Image ⇒ Animated

New in League of Legends Client 5.4 (Feb 25, 2015)

  • Champions:
  • Azir :
  • Passive - Shurima's Legacy:
  • DON'T WORRY ABOUT FANTASY STATS : Fixed a bug where killing Azir's Sun Disc would result in a registered turret death in Spectator mode. Fantasy LCS stats were being manually corrected until now, so this fix is primarily for in-game spectating. In other words, you can't blame this bug for your fantasy LCS team losing. SORRY.
  • Janna:
  • Janna's passive now only affects champions who run toward her, but the movement speed bonus and range have been increased. Janna's personal movement speed bonus has been entirely moved to W so she loses more speed when she casts it.
  • Passive - Tailwind:
  • removed: IT'S A W NERF, SORRY : Tailwind no longer gives Janna bonus movement speed
  • new: GET TO THE JANNA : Tailwind now gives all allies in range a movement speed bonus only while they are moving toward Janna
  • MOVEMENT SPEED : 5% ⇒ 8%
  • RANGE : 1000 ⇒ 1250
  • W - Zephyr:
  • BASE PASSIVE MOVEMENT SPEED : 4/6/8/10/12% ⇒ 9/11/13/15/17%
  • Jarvan IV:
  • Jarvan's flag no longer gives him passive armor. His base armor has been slightly increased to compensate, but this is definitely a nerf to Jarvan's mid-late game survivability.
  • General:
  • BASE ARMOR : 24 ⇒ 27
  • Q - Dragon Strike:
  • ALL IN THE WRIST : Fixed a bug where enemies would occasionally get knocked up when they walked into Jarvan IV after his dash completed
  • E - Demacian Standard:
  • removedWHY WOULD A FLAG GIVE ARMOR : Demacian Standard no longer grants passive armor to Jarvan IV
  • Kalista:
  • Passive - Martial Poise:
  • NEEDS MORE FOLLOW-THROUGH : Kalista's basic attack wind-up (the time between starting an attack and it firing) now speeds up at 100% of her attack speed ⇒ 66% of her attack speed
  • Kassadin:
  • We're not calling it Riftstep. Rifthop. It's important to note that the mana costs on Riftwalk scale exponentially so while that initial lowered mana cost looks small, it gets real big real fast. Riftskip.
  • R - Riftwalk:
  • RANGE : 700 ⇒ 450
  • BASE COST : 75 mana ⇒ 60 mana
  • Katarina:
  • Katarina now needs to deal damage to an opposing champion within 3 seconds of them dying in order to Get The Reset.
  • Passive - Voracity:
  • VORACIOUS REDUCTION : Scoring a kill or assist will reduce the cooldown of Katarina's abilities ⇒ Whenever an enemy champion dies within 3 seconds of Katarina dealing damage to them, her cooldowns will be reduced by 15 seconds
  • Lissandra:
  • E - Glacial Path:
  • GLACIAL CLARITY : Fixed a bug where Glacial Path's end marker could be hidden under terrain, even if it was supposed to be visible
  • Mordekaiser:
  • General:
  • Q - Mace of Spades:
  • new: YOU'RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER MACE : Mace of Spades now grants Mordekaiser +75 range for the attack
  • COST : 25/32/39/46/53 health ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40 health
  • W - Creeping Death:
  • new: CREEPING BUDDIES : Mordekaiser now also gains the effects of Creeping Death if he casts it on an ally
  • new: MAGNETIC BUDDIES : Mordekaiser and any ally with Creeping Death gain +60 bonus movement speed when running toward each other
  • WE'RE NOT CRAZY : Enemies will not take double damage from Creeping Death if they're beside both Mordekaiser and his Creeping Death'd buddy. Just in case you thought that and got scared.
  • COST : 26/32/38/44/50 health ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40 health
  • DAMAGE : 24/38/52/66/80 (0.2 ability power) magic damage per second ⇒ 20/32/44/56/68 (0.15 ability power) magic damage per second
  • R - Children of the Grave:
  • AD MORDEKAISER ISN'T A THING : Enslaved champions grant Mordekaiser +20% of their attack damage and ability power ⇒ +25% of their bonus health and +30% of their ability power
  • removed: THIS HAD SOME WEIRD IMPLICATIONS : Enslaved champions no longer gain 75% of Mordekaiser's ability power
  • WHAT DID WE JUST SAY ABOUT AD MORDEKAISER : Enslaved champions gain 75% of Mordekaiser's total attack damage ⇒ 25/50/100 attack damage as a bonus
  • Rengar:
  • Bonetooth Necklace:
  • SORRY TRINKET COLLECTORS : All trophy collection mechanics and bonuses have been moved from Rengar's trinket slot to a permanent stacking buff due to some bug issues with trinket upgrade paths
  • Syndra:
  • Dark Spheres got slightly fatter when interacting with E.
  • E - Scatter the Weak:
  • THERE'S SOME COMPLICATED MATH BELOW : Collision width of Dark Spheres has been increased. The reason we say complicated math is because this spell operates on multiple targeting / collision radius checks, and explaining each one gets... well, complicated. Hopefully we can just say it's wider and your experience will be more reliable.
  • Veigar:
  • Q - Baleful Strike:
  • new: SKILLFUL STRIKE? : Baleful Strike is now a skillshot that passes through the first target hit and stops on the second target hit
  • RANGE : 650 ⇒ 850
  • COOLDOWN : 8/7/6/5/4 seconds ⇒ 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
  • W - Dark Matter:
  • COST : 70/80/90/100/110 mana ⇒ 70/75/80/85/90 mana
  • COOLDOWN : 10 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
  • E - Event Horizon:
  • new:EVENT PLANNING : Appears instantly ⇒ Now has a 0.75 second delay before appearing
  • COST : 80/90/100/110/120 mana ⇒ 80/85/90/95/100 mana
  • COOLDOWN : 20/19/18/17/16 seconds ⇒ 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
  • RANGE : 650 ⇒ 700
  • R - Primordial Burst:
  • RATIO : 1.2 ability power ⇒ 1.0 ability power
  • COST : 125/175/225 mana ⇒ 125 mana at all ranks
  • COOLDOWN : 130/110/90 seconds ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds
  • Xerath:
  • E - Shocking Orb:
  • MAXIMUM STUN DURATION : 2.25 seconds ⇒ 1.75 seconds
  • Zilean:
  • General:
  • BASE ARMOR : 17 ⇒ 19
  • ATTACK RANGE : 600 ⇒ 550
  • IT'S COMPLICATED : Attack frame sped up slightly. This doesn't mean Zilean attacks faster, just that he completes his attacks faster
  • ATTACK SWAG : Zilean's basic attacks have new particles!
  • ICONS : Zilean has received new ability icons!
  • Q - Time Bomb:
  • new:ZILEAN'S GOT A POWER GLOVE : Time Bombs are now a lobbed skillshot with fixed travel time. The Time Bomb sticks to enemies and allies near it. If nothing comes nearby, the bomb detonates normally.
  • new:THAT WAS A BOMBERMAN REFERENCE : When Zilean gets two bombs on the same unit, the first bomb detonates immediately, stunning all enemies in the area for 1.5 seconds
  • TIME BOMB DELAY : 4 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • DAMAGE : 90/145/200/260/320 (0.9 ability power) magic damage ⇒ 75/115/165/230/300 (0.8 ability power) magic damage
  • RANGE : 700 ⇒ 900
  • COOLDOWN : 10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
  • COST : 70/85/100/115/130 mana ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100 mana
  • W - Rewind:
  • removed:IT WAS A WEIRD INTERACTION : Rewind no longer reduces the cooldown of Chronoshift
  • E - Time Warp:
  • DURATION : 2.5/3.25/4/4.75/5.5 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds
  • SLOW AMOUNT : 55% ⇒ 40%/55%/70%/85%/99% (yes, that is correct)
  • COOLDOWN : 20 seconds ⇒ 15 seconds
  • COST : 80 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana
  • RANGE : 700 (center of Zilean's hitbox to center of opponent's hitbox) ⇒ 550 (edge of Zilean's hitbox to edge of opponent's hitbox) - this should be around a ~75 range reduction, which varies depending on how fat his target is
  • R - Chronoshift:
  • DURATION : 7 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • COOLDOWN : 180 seconds ⇒ 120/90/60 seconds
  • Spell Shields:
  • WHO KNEW HOW COMPLICATED THESE ARE : Spells that have 'on-hit' characteristics associated with them (Gangplank's Parrrley, Ezreal's Mystic Shot, Miss Fortune's Double Up, Fizz's Urchin Strike, Irelia's Bladesurge) now have their damage properly blocked by spell shields
  • Updated Splashes:
  • SPLASH : The following champions have received updated base splashes (click the portraits for the full image!):
  • Katarina
  • Tristana
  • Items:
  • Jungle Items:
  • Sidegrading jungle items now costs gold.
  • Cost to change between tier 2 jungle items : 0 gold ⇒ 255 gold
  • Sweeping Lens:
  • Cooldown at level 9+ automatic upgrade : 60 seconds ⇒ 60 seconds (but the tooltip says 75. We're not crazy, people.)
  • Doran's Shield:
  • SORRY DORAN : Fixed a bug where Doran's Shield wasn't blocking 8 single target spell damage
  • Enchantment - Warrior:
  • -5 damage. Done.
  • ATTACK DAMAGE : 45 ⇒ 40
  • Zz'rot Portal:
  • SMARTSPAWNS : Zz'Rot Portal's Voidspawns are now more intelligent about finding the "nearest lane"
  • GPS GATES : Void Gates will automatically 're-scan' for a spawn direction shortly after a turret in its assigned lane has been destroyed
  • Smite:
  • Smite's range is shorter when used against champions, but isn't THAT much shorter against jungle monsters (and in a few cases, unchanged), due to the way hitboxes are designed.
  • RANGE : 750 (center of champion's hitbox to center of opponent's hitbox) ⇒ 500 (edge of champion's hitbox to edge of opponent's hitbox)
  • BUT WAIT, THERE'S CONTEXT : The above change should roughly be a ~175 range loss against champions, with many monsters being unaffected (due to them being fat), although some might require you to be a little closer
  • Revive:
  • removed:KIND OF IRONIC : Revive has been removed from the game
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Relative Team Colors:
  • I'M BLUE : Relative Team Colors shows all allied minions and structures as blue and all enemy units as red, regardless of your starting side. This option is enabled by default (Options --> Game).
  • Minions:
  • DANCE MINIONS, DANCE : Melee and Caster minions now have four different animations based on how they die
  • In-Game Camera Options:
  • Semi-Locked Camera:
  • THIS IS A LONG PATCH NOTE : In the options menu you can change to a new camera lock mode called "semi-locked camera." In this mode, the camera still follows your champion around like locked camera. You can, however, scroll the camera via all the usual methods (keyboard, edge scroll, middle click). When you scroll it, it changes where on the screen your champion will stay once you stop scrolling. The camera will not scroll too far from your champion, so they will always be reasonably close to the center of the screen.
  • Drag Scroll Lock:
  • WHAT IS THIS : Drag Scroll Lock is a camera feature originally built for Spectator mode which, when enabled, causes the camera to follow your mouse cursor. It's been present but undocumented in all game modes for a long time.
  • new:MAKE GOOD CHOICES : Drag Scroll Lock has been added to the Hotkeys menu for all game modes and is unbound by default (Options --> Hotkeys --> Camera Control)
  • removed:HIDDEN HOTKEYS SUCK : Pressing Shift + Ctrl + S no longer stealth-activates Drag Scroll Lock
  • Player Tooltips:
  • IT'S HAPPENING : In addition to champion and match duration, player tooltips now indicate map and queue type for players in-game - ex. "Summoner's Rift (Ranked)"
  • IN CASE YOU FORGOT : You can now see your own player tooltip by hovering over your name and icon at the top of the friends list.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug that made unskinned wards... large
  • Fixed a bug where Panda Teemo's R - Noxious Trap explosion wasn't properly playing particle or sound effects
  • Fixed a bug where Xin Zhao's Q - Three Talon Strike's third strike would occasionally not knock opponents up
  • Restored Thresh's max distance indicator for W - Dark Passage
  • Super Teemo has remembered how to fly while using W - Move Quick
  • Pulsefire Ezreal's (well, PEARL's) custom VO when first leveling his basic skills now plays 100% of the time

New in League of Legends Client 5.3 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • Bug with Sona's Base Stats:
  • Sona:
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 50.04 ⇒ 52.04
  • BASE MOVEMENT SPEED : 325 ⇒ 330
  • BASE HEALTH : 482.36 ⇒ 497.6
  • HEALTH GROWTH STAT : 77 ⇒ 70
  • BASE MANA REGENERATION : 9 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 8.1 mana per 5 seconds
  • MANA REGENERATION GROWTH STAT : 0.4 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 0.65 mana per 5 seconds
  • Champions:
  • Ahri:
  • Orb's mana cost is higher, W's base damage is lower (especially at higher ranks), and W / R have lower "target acquisition range" which means they automatically move toward their targets at a lower range.
  • Q - Orb of Deception:
  • COST : 55/60/65/70/75 mana ⇒ 65/70/75/80/85 mana
  • W - Fox-Fire:
  • newDO A BARREL ROLL : Fox-Fire's rotation speed has been increased by ~30%. This means if Ahri's hitting a champion with Fox-Fire at maximum range, she won't have to wait as long for her other Fox-Fires to rotate closer.
  • DAMAGE : 50/80/110/140/170 magic damage ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140 magic damage
  • ACQUISITION RANGE : 650 ⇒ 550
  • R - Spirit Rush:
  • ACQUISITION RANGE : 700 ⇒ 600
  • Azir:
  • Q's base damage is down (particularly at later levels), W's range is lower, and W's crazy tower bomb damage is much lower. Less crazy.
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 49.704 ⇒ 52
  • Q - Conquering Sands:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 75/105/135/165/195 magic damage ⇒ 65/85/105/125/145 magic damage
  • W - Arise!:
  • SOLDIER STAB RANGE : ~400 ⇒ ~325 (we're marking them as approximate values because they get very complicated)
  • TOWER BOMB DAMAGE : The tooltip values were incorrectly saying +0.6 ability power (it's actually 0.7). 90 + (15 x level) (0.7 ability power) ⇒ 50 + (10 x level) (0.4 ability power)
  • Diana:
  • Moonsilver Blade now displays the number of stacks and remaining duration, W's spheres now orbit much faster.
  • Passive - Moonsilver Blade:
  • CLARITY! : Now displays number of stacks and remaining duration.
  • W - Pale Cascade:
  • ORB ORBIT : Pale Cascade's spheres now rotate at roughly double the speed
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • Drain's Tether range is lower.
  • W - Drain:
  • TETHER RANGE : 700 ⇒ 650
  • Gnar:
  • Gnar's gotta better manage his Gnar-Bar if he wants to GNAR!! in Mega Gnar. Gnarly.
  • Passive - Rage Gene:
  • 'TIRED' DEBUFF DURATION : 13 seconds ⇒ 15 seconds
  • MEGA GNAR DURATION : 19 seconds ⇒ 15 seconds (as a note, the tooltip originally said 15 seconds, but it was actually 19 seconds)
  • Gragas:
  • Q - Barrel Roll:
  • BASE SLOW : 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60%
  • MAXIMUM SLOW : 45/52.5/60/67.5/75% ⇒ 60/67.5/75/82.5/90%
  • Kassadin:
  • Q - Null Sphere:
  • DAMAGE : 80/105/130/155/180 magic damage ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170 magic damage
  • Katarina:
  • General:
  • IT'S COMPLICATED : Attack frame sped up slightly. This doesn't mean Katarina attacks faster, just that she completes her attacks faster.
  • Kennen:
  • W - Electrical Surge:
  • newELECTRIC PARTY : Electrical Surge now hits all enemies caught in Slicing Maelstrom, in addition to targets afflicted by Mark of the Storm (does not double stack, that'd be crazy)
  • R - Slicing Maelstrom:
  • SLOW DOWN KENNEN : Fixed a bug where Slicing Maelstrom could hit the same target every 0.25 seconds, when it's supposed to only be once every 0.5 seconds
  • Nidalee:
  • General:
  • WHOOPS : Fixed a bug where Nidalee's cooldowns were not properly set when switching from Human to Cougar form
  • Passive - Prowl:
  • UNDOCUMENTED CHANGE : Prowl's tooltip now properly indicates that Hunted monsters are rooted for 2 seconds
  • Twisted Fate:
  • E - Stacked Deck:
  • newIT'S THE LITTLE THINGS : Stacked Deck now builds on towers, but will not apply bonus damage
  • R - Destiny:
  • BUT WILL THEY LISTEN? : Casting Gate now sends an "on the way" ping (similar to Rek'Sai's Void Rush)
  • Varus:
  • R - Chain of Corruption:
  • MISSILE WIDTH : 100 ⇒ 120
  • Zyra:
  • Q - Deadly Bloom:
  • SPITTING DISTANCE : Thorn Spitters now display their range when grown
  • E - Grasping Roots:
  • LASHING OUT : Vine Lashers now display their range when grown
  • Spell Shields:
  • WHOOPS : Fixed an issue where Sivir's Spell Shield, Nocturne's Shroud Of Darkness, and Banshee's Veil reduced damage from all sources when blocking a spell. Now periodic damage and auto-attack damage are unaffected by spell shield.
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 7):
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • Base, Bandito, Fiddle Me Timbers, Pumpkinhead, Spectral, Surprise Party, Union Jack
  • Kennen:
  • Base, Arctic Ops, Deadly, Karate, Kennen M.D., Swamp Master
  • Mordekaiser:
  • Infernal, Lord
  • Veigar:
  • Base, Baron Von Veigar, Curling, Greybeard, Leprechaun, Superb Villain, White Mage
  • Items:
  • Farsight Orb:
  • new: THE LITTLE WARD WHO COULD : Farsight Orb now drops a 60 second visible Farsight ward with 1 hit point at the target location. This ward is untargetable by allies. Farsight Orb still provides clear vision in the area and 'tags' champions, in case you were worried it was being turned into a wimpy ward teleporter (it's just getting that as a bonus).
  • Greater Stealth Totem:
  • new: I'M CHARGING MY... WARDS : Greater Stealth Totem now stores up to 2 charges. Stores 1 charge per 60 seconds.
  • Spectre's Cowl:
  • HEALTH REGENERATION : 100% base health regen ⇒ 150% base health regen
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Baron Nashor:
  • WALL OF NASHOR : Baron Nashor now cannot be walked through even with effects like Ghost or Fizz's Nimble Fighter, which grant this ability
  • Inhibitors:
  • SORRY MAGES: Fixed a bug where inhibitors weren't taking ability power to structure bonus damage (if 40% of your ability power equals to higher than your bonus attack damage, you instead deal damage equal to base attack damage plus 40% of your ability power)
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Ignite:
  • CAN'T GO HOME IF YOU'RE ON FIRE : Ignite now interrupts champions who attempt to recall while Ignited
  • In-Game Options:
  • Camera Changes:
  • new: GET YOUR APM UP : Players can now separately adjust keyboard and mouse camera scroll speeds
  • new: MOVE THAT TERRAIN : Added a "mouse button drag scroll" option, which changes middle mouse button scrolling to behave like you're physically dragging the map around (click, hold, drag the map in a direction) instead of scrolling (click, move in the direction you want to scroll).
  • new: LOCKED CAMERA ARAM BUFFS : Adjusted camera lock offset on Summoner's Rift and Howling Abyss based on which team you are on. This can be toggled on/off in the options menu.
  • Featured Game Modes:
  • Nemesis Draft
  • Player Tooltips:
  • WHO ARE YOU... : When the update is activated, player tooltips will appear in game lobbies, in addition to your friends list and chat rooms
  • new...AND WHAT DO YOU WANT? : Player tooltips will include "Recent Playstyle" information which indicates what champion, position and role a player has recently been playing in matchmade queues
  • TRUST US, THEY'RE 30 : Once level 30 players complete their ranked placements, their summoner level will be replaced by their current division, indicated via tier emblem and division number
  • Loading Screen Tips:
  • DID YOU KNOW : We've added a bunch of random League facts to the loading screen (thanks to the community for some of these suggestions!)
  • Bugfixes:
  • Tibbers now inherits skin-specific E - Molten Shield VFX when certain Annie skins are used

New in League of Legends Client 5.2 (Jan 28, 2015)

  • Removal of Deathfire Grasp:
  • removed2009-2015 : Deathfire Grasp has been removed from the game
  • General:
  • Overlapping Crowd Control Effects (v2.0):
  • BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY : Fixed a long-standing bug where champions affected by overlapping crowd control effects could occasionally use abilities (Flash, Zhonya’s Hourglass, etc) when transitioning between disables. This will be turned on at a later date in the patch.
  • Attack-Move Commands in Stealth:
  • IT SHOULD DO WHAT IT SAYS : Issuing an attack-move command while in stealth will cause you to move to the area ⇒ attack the nearest target, even if you're stealthed
  • Champions:
  • Tristana:
  • General:
  • BASE ARMOR : 24.04 ⇒ 22
  • BASE HEALTH : 552.76 ⇒ 542.76
  • VISUALS : Updated model, textures and VFX for base and all skins
  • ICONS : New ability icons
  • Passive - Draw a Bead:
  • RANGE PER LEVEL : 9 ⇒ 7
  • Q - Rapid Fire:
  • UNCHANGED : Unchanged. Just wanted to let you know.
  • W - Rocket Jump:
  • newTALK ABOUT EXPLOSIVE LANDING : Rocket Jump gains +20% increased damage for each stack of Explosive Charge on the target (this goes up to +100% for the base charge + 4 stacks)
  • BASE DAMAGE : 70/115/160/205/250 magic damage ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180 magic damage
  • RATIO : 0.8 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
  • new E - Explosive Charge:
  • PASSIVE : Unchanged. Still has it.
  • ACTIVE ABILITY : Tristana throws a grenade charge on a target enemy. After 4 seconds, the charge explodes and deals area-of-effect physical damage.
  • STACKING CHARGES : Every basic attack against a target with Explosive Charge adds an additional stack that increases Explosive Charge's final explosion damage by +25%, stacking up to 4 times (+100% damage). If the target already has 4 stacks and is attacked, the Explosive Charge will detonate immediately.
  • TALK ABOUT EXPLOSIVE DEJA VU : Using Rocket Jump onto a target with maximum Explosive Charge stacks will detonate the charges immediately
  • DEMOLITIONIST TRISTANA : Explosive Charge is castable on towers and has a larger explosion radius than on a unit
  • ACTIVE BASE DAMAGE : 60/70/80/90/100 physical damage
  • ACTIVE RATIO : 0.5/0.65/0.8/0.95/1.10 bonus attack damage + 0.5 ability power at all ranks
  • R - Buster Shot:
  • RATIO : 1.4 ability power ⇒ 1.0 ability power
  • Ahri:
  • General:
  • THIS HELPS MORE THAN YOU THINK : Ahri's recommended items have been updated
  • Q - Orb of Deception:
  • newAERODYNAMIC TAILS : Ahri now gains a massive movement speed boost while her orb is traveling that rapidly decays over time
  • W - Fox-Fire:
  • newFANTASTIC FOX-FIRE : Fox-Fire's targeting system has been improved and will now attempt to acquire a new target if the original target is going to die from other Fox-Fires
  • YOU'RE WELCOME LICH BANE AHRI : Casting Fox-Fire no longer interferes with Ahri's basic attack animation
  • BASE DAMAGE PER FOX-FIRE : 40/65/90/115/140 magic damage ⇒ 50/80/110/140/170 magic damage
  • JUST SLIGHTLY : Slightly reduced the time between spell cast and the missile firing
  • DIDN'T HAPPEN ALL THE TIME : Fixed a rare bug where Ahri's third Fox-Fire wouldn't deal damage while her passive was active
  • E - Charm:
  • removed: DON'T HURT THE ONES YOU LOVE : Charmed targets no longer take +20% damage
  • DAMAGE : 60/90/120/150/180 magic damage ⇒ 60/95/130/165/200 magic damage
  • RATIO : 0.35 ability power >> 0.5 ability power
  • R - Spirit Rush:
  • QUIT HEADBUTTING THE WALL AHRI : Spirit Rush is now more forgiving when dashing through or over terrain
  • Akali:
  • E - Crescent Slash:
  • removedSORRY AKALI : Crescent Slash no longer detonates Mark of the Assassin
  • R - Shadow Dance:
  • RANGE : 800 ⇒ 700
  • CLARITY! : Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance stacks were not visible to other champions
  • Annie:
  • E - Molten Shield:
  • ARMOR / MAGIC RESISTANCE BONUS : 20/30/40/50/60 ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50
  • R - Summon: Tibbers:
  • newDON'T RUN FROM BEARS : When Annie casts Molten Shield, Tibbers gains +300 bonus movement speed, decaying over 0.75 seconds
  • newMOLTEN TIBBERS : Tibbers now also receives the benefits of Molten Shield when Annie casts it while he's up
  • DIET TIBBERS : Tibbers' collision radius has been reduced to let him move past minions easier
  • Azir:
  • Q - Conquering Sands
  • DO YOU SEE THIS RANGE : Conquering Sands' targeting indicator has been adjusted to properly display the spell's actual range of 800 ⇒ 875. No functional changes have been made.
  • SAND FORMATION : When there are 3 soldiers already out, Conquering Sands will always move the nearest soldier to where the player clicks
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Q - Noxious Blast:
  • COST : 40/45/50/55/60 mana ⇒ 40/50/60/70/80 mana
  • E - Twin Fang:
  • COST : 35/45/55/65/75 mana ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 mana
  • CLARITY! : Twin Fang's tooltip now always displays the amount of mana it will restore
  • Fizz:
  • Q - Urchin Strike:
  • DAMAGE : 10/40/70/100/130 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage ⇒ 10/25/40/55/70 (+0.3 ability power) magic damage
  • BUT CAN YOU DODGE A FISH? : Fizz no longer deals damage to the target if they move out of range of Urchin Strike before it completes
  • W - Seastone Trident:
  • removed: SO THEMATICALLY CONFUSED : No longer applies Grievous Wounds
  • ACTIVE ON-HIT DAMAGE : 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.25 ability power) magic damage ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.0 ability power) + 4/5/6/7/8% missing health as magic damage
  • PASSIVE DAMAGE OVER 3 SECONDS : 30/40/50/60/70 (+0.35 ability power) (+4/5/6/7/8% of target's missing health) over 3 seconds ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.45 ability power) over 3 seconds
  • R - Chum the Waters:
  • newSHARKS MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER : Fizz's damage against the tagged champion is increased by +20% for 6 seconds. Chum the Waters is not affected by this bonus.
  • Kha'Zix:
  • E - Leap/Evolved Wings:
  • KHA'ZIX FIX : Fixed a tooltip bug to accurately reflect Leap/Evolved Wings' cooldown of 22/20/18/16/14 ⇒ 20/18/16/14/12 (actual value unchanged)
  • Nidalee:
  • General:
  • IT'S COMPLICATED : Attack frame sped up slightly. This doesn't mean Nidalee attacks faster, just that she completes her attacks faster.
  • Passive - Prowl:
  • newLITERAL DEFINITION : Nidalee can now also Hunt neutral monsters
  • Rek'Sai:
  • Q - Queen's Wrath:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 15/30/45/60/75 physical damage ⇒ 15/25/35/45/55 physical damage
  • W - Unburrow:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 60/110/160/210/260 physical damage ⇒ 40/80/120/160/200 physical damage
  • ENEMY KNOCKUP IMMUNITY : 10 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
  • Sejuani:
  • W - Flail of the Northern Winds:
  • WHOOPS : Fixed a bug where Flail of the Northern Winds was dealing (a lot of) bonus damage to structures. We won't tell you how much. It was a lot.
  • Syndra:
  • E - Scatter the Weak:
  • FATTENED : Scatter the Weak's stun collision has been widened slightly to feel less clunky
  • Zed:
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED : 0.658 ⇒ 0.644
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 6):
  • TEXTURES : The following textures have been updated:
  • Dr. Mundo:
  • Base, Corporate, Executioner, Mr. Mundoverse, Mundo Mundo, Toxic
  • Irelia:
  • Base, Aviator, Frostblade, Infiltrator, Nightblade
  • Jarvan IV:
  • Base, Commando, Darkforge, Dragonslayer
  • Nunu:
  • Base, Demolisher, Grungy, Nunu Bot, Sasquatch, Workshop
  • Swain:
  • Base, Bilgewater, Northern Front, Tyrant
  • Vayne:
  • Base, Aristocrat, Dragonslayer, Heartseeker, Vindicator
  • Yorick:
  • Base, Pentakill, Undertaker
  • Items:
  • Jungle Items:
  • All tier 2 jungle items have been increased by 100 gold, all tier 3 jungle item enchantments have been reduced by 100 gold.
  • ALL TIER 2 JUNGLE ITEMS : 350 gold ⇒ 450 gold
  • ALL TIER 3 JUNGLE ENCHANTMENTS : Costs for all tier 3 jungle enchantments have been reduced by 100 gold
  • Aether Wisp:
  • 100 GOLD CHEAPER. Item builds have been expensified by 100 gold to accomodate. Expensified is now a word.
  • COST : 950 gold ⇒ 850 gold
  • NO STOREWIDE DISCOUNTS : The combine costs of Ardent Censer, Lich Bane, and Twin Shadows have been increased by 100 gold to maintain the same overall cost
  • Blackfire Torch:
  • Has followed her big brother to the item graveyard.
  • removed: 2012-2015 : Blackfire Torch has been removed from the game
  • Elixir of Iron:
  • Better nerf...
  • SORRY IRELIA : Tenacity granted by Elixir of Iron stacks additively ⇒ multiplicatively. In other words, it gives far less Tenacity the more you have of the stat.
  • Giant's Belt:
  • Now builds out of Ruby Crystal! Total cost remains the same.
  • new: GROW BIG LITTLE CRYSTAL : Giant's Belt now builds from Ruby Crystal
  • COMBINE COST : 1000 gold ⇒ 600 gold (total cost remains the same)
  • Hextech Gunblade:
  • More ability power, slightly less attack damage and lifesteal.
  • ATTACK DAMAGE : 45 ⇒ 40
  • ABILITY POWER : 65 ⇒ 80
  • LIFESTEAL : 12% ⇒ 10%
  • Rod of Ages:
  • new: IT FINALLY HAPPENED: Rod of Ages will now show the number of stacks it has on the item icon
  • FAT FINGERS : Rod of Ages will no longer lose stacks when you sell the item and then undo the sale
  • Stealth Ward:
  • FIXED IT : Fixed a bug where Stealth Wards were staying visible for too long after being placed
  • Zz'rot Portal:
  • It looks like a lot of changes, but the short of it is that Zz'Rot Portals are now treated as, for all intents and purposes, structures (ie: Towers / Inhibitors). Also Voidspawn now have less magic resistances and deal less damage to structures, but deal more damage to minions in the early game. Also the first and every fourth Voidspawn now get the bonus damage from defensive stats.
  • Bugfixes:
  • SAND IMMUNITY : Azir soldiers can no longer attack Void Gates
  • STURDY PORTALS : Void Gates can now be collided against for the purpose of spells (like Poppy's Heroic Charge)
  • I'M A PORTAL, NOT A GATE, MAN : Targeted movement spells (like Katarina's Shunpo) no longer work with Zz'Rot Portal
  • STRUCTURAL IMMUNITY : Attack modifiers that don't affect structures, like Corki's Hextech Shrapnel Shells passive, no longer affect Void Gates
  • Portal Mechanics:
  • LIKE A VOIDSPAWN SPITTING TURRET : When attacking Void Gates, you gain the ability power to structure bonus damage. That is, if 40% of your AP equals to higher than your basic attack damage, you instead deal damage equal to 40% of your ability power.
  • Voidspawn:
  • ARMOR : 60 ⇒ 115
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 40 ⇒ 20
  • BASE HEALTH : 50 ⇒ 40
  • HEALTH PER LEVEL : 20 ⇒ 15
  • VOIDSPAWN BONUS : Voidspawn gain bonus damage from 50% ⇒ 100% of the summoning champion's armor and magic resistances
  • VOIDSPAWN PARTY! : The above Voidspawn bonus is applied to every Voidspawn after the fourth ⇒ the first and every fourth Voidspawn
  • FIXED IT : Fixed a bug where Stealth Wards were staying visible for too long after being placed
  • Dragon:
  • Dragon's attack range and attack speed has been increased (overall damage should remain the same).
  • ATTACK RANGE : 350 ⇒ 500
  • ATTACK SPEED : Increased (base damage has been reduced so that overall damage-per-second remains the same)
  • Ranked Team Decay:
  • CHALLENGER/MASTER TEAM DECAY : Teams decay after 10 days ⇒ 28 days of inactivity
  • CHALLENGER/MASTER SOLO DECAY : Players decay after 10 days of inactivity (unchanged)
  • Featured Game Modes:
  • Nemesis Draft:
  • “ Assets for our next Featured Game Mode, Nemesis Draft, are included in 5.2 but we won't be launching it this patch! Hold tight!
  • In-Game Audio Settings:
  • THESE SLID UP : Default audio volumes for Music, Announcer and Voice are unchanged, but reassigned to 50 ⇒ 75. This means max volume at 100 has decreased.
  • THESE SLID DOWN : Default audio volumes for Sound FX, Ambience and Pings are unchanged, but reassigned to 100 ⇒ 75. This means max volume at 100 has increased.
  • YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO RE-SLIDE : All audio settings will be reset to default when patch 5.2 is released. Remember to readjust your settings!
  • STOP SAYING SLIDE : To summarize, default audio settings in patch 5.2 will sound the same as the default settings in earlier patches, but should be more intuitive to adjust. Max levels have changed.
  • Bugfixes:
  • (Coming a bit after the initial patch) Fixed a bug where your last-used skin for a champion would appear to be selected, but not actually applied in-game
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't see other players' trinkets if you targeted them by left-clicking
  • Fixed a bug where Phantom Dancer's minion pass-through buff was working inconsistently
  • Tenacity has been restored as a searchable category in the item shop
  • Fixed particle visibility issues for various abilities on Very Low settings
  • Fixed a clipping issue with Annie's base splash art
  • Restored Infernal Alistar's custom fire effects on Q - Pulverize
  • Upcoming Skins:
  • Arclight Vel'Koz
  • Warring Kingdoms Katarina
  • Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
  • Firecracker Jinx

New in League of Legends Client 5.1 (Jan 15, 2015)

  • Overlapping Crowd Control Effects:
  • A few things: first, we're not turning this change on immediately. In order to properly test for its impact on specific champions, the plan is to wait a while (about a week) before enabling it. Additionally, this lets us isolate the fix so we can turn it off if we run into another unseen code bug like last time with cone spells.
  • Second, what is the change? Basically think of overlapping crowd control abilities each starting an individual timer when they hit an opponent. With the old way League was coded, whenever one timer finished up, the victim would be allowed a split-second to cast spells or attack before being locked up again by the second or third crowd control ability. In other words, even if you perfectly chain your disables, the enemy could occasionally flash away while still stunned.
  • This change should solve most of those problems with overlapping crowd control effects, although we're still aware of a few edge cases where CCed targets would be able to issue single auto attacks while transitioning between disables. So far, however, this case has been very difficult to replicate. We're going to fix those as soon as possible (think 5.2 or 5.3), but there should no longer be any times where an enemy is completely disabled through overlapping crowd control abilities and they can still use Flash in between. We'll be watching this closely after we turn it on! ”
  • BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY : Fixed a long-standing bug where champions with overlapping crowd control effects could occasionally use abilities (Flash, Zhonya's Hourglass, etc) when transitioning between disables. This will be turned on at a later date in the patch.
  • Champions:
  • Alistar :
  • General :
  • VISUALS : Updated model, textures and VFX for base and all skins
  • ICONS : New ability icons
  • SPLASH : New base splash!
  • Ahri:
  • General
  • SPLASH : Ahri has received a new base splash!
  • Azir:
  • W - Arise!
  • NO MORE FAKE-OUTS! : Fixed a bug where a sand soldier would appear to attack but fail to do damage.
  • Corki:
  • W - Valkyrie
  • COST : 50 mana ⇒ 100 mana
  • Elise:
  • Q - Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite
  • MAXIMUM BONUS DAMAGE VS. MONSTERS : 50/75/100/125/150 magic damage ⇒ 75/100/125/150/175 magic damage
  • Evelynn :
  • Passive - Shadow Walk:
  • MANA REGENERATION WHILE STEALTHED : +1% maximum mana per second ⇒ +2% missing mana per second
  • E - Ravage :
  • new: LICH BANE! BLADE OF THE RUINED KING! : Strikes now apply on-hit effects
  • removed: SORRY RYLAI : Strikes no longer apply spell effects
  • Fizz :
  • Q - Urchin Strike
  • NOW WE STRIKE : Fixed a bug where Fizz wouldn't proc Sheen if Urchin Strike was used too close to the target
  • Gnar:
  • Boomerang Throw's cooldown refund is lower, but ranks back up to normal through ranks via Gnar!
  • Q - Boomerang Throw
  • R - GNAR!
  • new: THEMATICALLY THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE : Increases Boomerang Throw's cooldown refund on catch to 50/55/60%
  • Hecarim:
  • Q costs less mana at early to mid ranks, and W's cap on monster / minion healing has been increased at all ranks.
  • Q - Rampage:
  • COST : 24/26/28/30/32 mana ⇒ 20/23/26/29/32 mana
  • W - Spirit of Dread:
  • MONSTER/MINION HEALING CAP : 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 90/120/150/180/210
  • Janna:
  • Q got slightly skinnier.
  • Q - Howling Gale
  • MISSILE WIDTH : 150 ⇒ 120
  • Jayce:
  • W - Hyper Charge
  • DAMAGE PER ATTACK : 70/85/100/115/130% total attack damage ⇒ 70/80/90/100/110% total attack damage
  • Kalista:
  • Passive - Martial Poise
  • STAY FLEXIBLE : While Kalista still can't cancel her basic attack, she can select a different target during the first moments of her basic attack wind up
  • W - Sentinel :
  • SOUL-MARKED COOLDOWN PER TARGET : 8 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
  • SOUL-MARKED DURATION : 1 second ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • Nautilus:
  • W - Titan's Wrath:
  • BASE SHIELD STRENGTH : 100/150/200/250/300 ⇒ 65/70/75/80/85
  • SHIELD SCALING : 15% bonus health ⇒ 7/9.5/12/14.5/17% maximum health
  • Rek'Sai:
  • Q - Queen's Wrath
  • BASE DAMAGE : 15/35/55/75/95 physical damage ⇒ 15/30/45/60/75 physical damage
  • PER ATTACK RATIO : 0.4 bonus attack damage at all ranks ⇒ 0.3 bonus attack damage at all ranks
  • Q - Prey Seeker:
  • RATIO : 1.0 ability power at all ranks ⇒ 0.7 ability power at all ranks
  • W - Unburrow :
  • RATIO : 0.5 bonus attack damage at all ranks ⇒ 0.4 bonus attack damage at all ranks
  • Renekton:
  • Passive - Reign of Anger:
  • FURY DECAY RATE : 2 fury per second ⇒ 4 fury per second
  • Q - Cull the Meek :
  • HEALING VS MINIONS : 5% of damage dealt ⇒ 3/4.5/6/7.5/9 (+0.04 bonus attack damage)
  • HEALING VS MINIONS (EMPOWERED) : 10% damage ⇒ 9/13.5/18/22.5/27 (+0.08 bonus attack damage)
  • HEALING VS CHAMPIONS : 20% damage ⇒ 9/13.5/18/22.5/27 (+0.12 bonus attack damage)
  • HEALING VS CHAMPIONS (EMPOWERED) : 40% damage ⇒ 27/40.5/54/67.5/81 (+0.24 bonus attack damage)
  • FURY GENERATION ON NON-CHAMPION HIT : 5 per target ⇒ 2.5 per target
  • FURY GENERATION ON CHAMPION HIT : 5 per target ⇒ 10 per target
  • W - Ruthless Predator:
  • E - Dice:
  • new: FURY GENERATION ON NON-CHAMPION HIT : 2.5 fury per target
  • new: FURY GENERATION ON CHAMPION HIT : 10 fury per target
  • Rumble:
  • E - Electro Harpoon:
  • WHOOPS : Fixed a bug where the cooldown between Harpoon casts was shorter on Super Galaxy Rumble
  • Sion:
  • Passive - Glory in Death:
  • FOR THEMATIC REASONS? : Fixed a bug where if Sion was killed while affected by a healing debuff (ex. Grievous Wounds), he would revive in his zombie form with reduced health
  • Skarner:
  • Q - Crystal Slash:
  • COST : 16/18/20/22/24 mana ⇒ 16/17/18/19/20 mana
  • E - Fracture :
  • COOLDOWN : 12 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
  • Sona:
  • General:
  • BASE MOVEMENT SPEED : 330 ⇒ 325
  • Q - Hymn of Valor:
  • Syndra:
  • Q - Dark Sphere:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 70/110/150/190/230 magic damage ⇒ 50/95/140/185/230 magic damage
  • E - Scatter the Weak:
  • IF YOU CAN DODGE A SPHERE... : Dark Spheres knocked back by Scatter the Weak are now more 'strict' in their hitbox radius
  • Xerath:
  • E - Shocking Orb:
  • KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, EXCEPT WHEN IT'S A TOOLTIP : Tooltip updated to match actual max stun duration (2.25 seconds). Actual value unaffected.
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 5):
  • “ We're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. As with previous installments, our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the newly-updated Rift. At least two people said they're still reading this paragraph so we're gonna keep it! ”
  • TEXTURES : The following textures have been updated:
  • Morgana:
  • Base, Blackthorn, Blade Mistress, Exiled, Sinful Succulence
  • Volibear:
  • Base, Northern Storm, Thunder Lord
  • Champion Portrait Updates:
  • PORTRAITS : The following champion portrait icons have been updated:
  • Azir, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Gragas, Graves, Janna, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Malphite, Maokai, Orianna, Renekton, Rengar, Rumble, Shyvana, Sion, Talon, Tristana, Udyr, Vayne, Veigar, Viktor, Zilean
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Map Textures:
  • TOASTERS AND TOASTER OVENS : Very Low and Low texture settings have been updated to be sharper and less noisy
  • Turret Aggro:
  • “ We half promise we won't remove this patch note in the middle of the night like last time, leaving you wondering if you're seeing things. Mainly because we're pretty sure we fixed it this time.
  • Like 95%.
  • What we're saying is this note is still here, so you're not crazy. Yet. ”
  • DEJA VU : Flash and other movement abilities that relocate a champion's hitbox no longer drop turret aggro if used at a certain time during the turret attack cycle
  • Base Gates:
  • new:BASE GATES : Now exist!
  • Smite:
  • Smite now stores charges up to a maximum of 2, but has an internal cooldown of 15 seconds so you can't do silly things like double Smite things.
  • “ Right now, Smite's a pretty important ability for a lot of reasons (securing buffs, smiting other folks, farming the jungle), so we're seeing most junglers start to 'hoard' their smites as the game progresses. When you think about it, that's a pretty significant chunk of cool things a jungler misses out on (as long as Dragon or Baron are up), so we looked for potential solutions.
  • Like Smite charges. ”
  • new:CHARGES : Has 'em. Smite now gains charges at a rate of 1 per 60 seconds with a maximum of 1 charge at any time ⇒ 1 per 75 seconds, with a maximum of two Smite charges at any time.
  • new:A COMPLICATED START : Smite starts with 1 charge and only begins to gain additional charges at 1:40
  • new:NO DOUBLE TAPPING : Smite now has a cooldown of 15 seconds
  • Jungle AI:
  • Read below, there's no good summary here.
  • “ First, when we say "leash," we're talking about the moment when a monster camp either loses aggro on its target or switches to a different target (ie: when two champions 'juggle' aggro between them). So if one of those Krugs wiggles between two targets rapidly, you can expect it to hard reset pretty fast. This will have the largest impact on duo-lane partners who like to balance monster damage between them but will also affect long-range junglers who use the camp aggro range reset to take even less damage. ”
  • GO BACK TO YOUR HOME! : Jungle monsters will 'hard' reset after 10 soft leashes ⇒ 5 soft leashes. Refer to the above context when we say "leashes" because it gets a little complicated.
  • Dragon:
  • “ People were hiding wards under the Dragon, making it real tough to clear vision without poking this grumpy baddy in the eye. ”
  • new:GET OFF MY LAWN : Dragon now knocks away wards when he's at (or moves to) his starting location
  • TOOLTIPS ARE HARD : Tooltip bonuses for second and fourth Dragon buffs have been swapped to accurately reflect the change we made in patch 4.21.
  • Baron Nashor:
  • Baron Nashor does more reliable / automatic damage but does less with his dodgeable area-of-effect abilities. He also spawns with less health.
  • “ Right now we've noticed that Baron Nashor is just too tough of an objective in the early to mid game, especially if the enemy team can contest even lightly. While a lot of this might just be about basic tuning, we also saw that teams trying to take Baron while under pressure from enemies ended up having a lot more difficulty dodging his high-damage spells (obviously), so we're shifting some of that power around. Still, end goal? We'd like a weaker Baron so he'll be more enticing to take throughout the game. ”
  • Attack Damage Stat Changes:
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 500 ⇒ 240
  • ATTACK DAMAGE GAIN PER MINUTE : 0 ⇒ 8 (capped at +310 AD after 40 minutes). Note: This counts from the start of game, not from the time Baron Nashor spawns. So when Baron first appears at 20:00, he has accumulated 20 minutes of bonus attack damage.
  • Health Stat Changes:
  • BASE HEALTH : 8800 ⇒ 6400
  • HEALTH GAIN PER MINUTE : 140 ⇒ 180 Note: This counts from the start of the game, not from the time Baron Nashor spawns. So when Baron first appears at 20:00, he has accumulated 20 minutes of bonus health.
  • TOTAL HEALTH AT SPAWN : 11600 ⇒ 10000
  • Attack Changes:
  • MELEE BASIC ATTACK RATIO : 1.3 total attack damage ⇒ 1.0 total attack damage
  • SINGLE TARGET REAR ATTACK RATIO : 1.15 total attack damage ⇒ 1.0 total attack damage
  • AREA-OF-EFFECT REAR ATTACK RATIO : 1.15 total attack damage ⇒ 0.5 total attack damage
  • Spell Changes:
  • new:VOID CORRUPTION AURA RATIO : Baron Nashor's Void Corruption aura now scales with 0.0 of his total attack damage ⇒ 0.05 total attack damage
  • new:SPELL CASTING : Baron Nashor now casts 1 spell after every 4 or 5 basic attacks ⇒ 1 spell after 6 basic attacks (single target spit, melee area-of-effect, or single target rear spike)
  • ACID SHOT RATIO : 0.5 total attack damage ⇒ 0.2 total attack damage
  • ACID SHOT BURN RATIO : 1.0 total attack damage ⇒ 0.2 total attack damage
  • ACID POOL RATIO : 0.4 total attack damage ⇒ 0.1 total attack damage
  • TENTACLE KNOCKUP RATIO : 0.75 total attack damage ⇒ 0.25 total attack damage
  • Jungle Scaling:
  • “ Upping the rewards for an efficient jungle run! ”
  • CAN'T HOLD US DOWN : Champions receive less experience if the cleared monster camp is two levels ⇒ three levels lower than their own
  • Items:
  • Item Exchanges:
  • You can now quickly exchange certain items in the shop. Rules and restrictions apply.
  • SPEEDY SHOPPING : Trinkets, unenchanted jungle items and boot enchants can now be exchanged!
  • CONVENIENCE YOU CAN SEE : Trinkets can be exchanged with other trinkets of equal level. Cost is calculated as 100% cost of the new trinket minus 70% cost of the old trinket (its sellback value). The 120 second new trinket cooldown still applies.
  • NO REFUNDS : Exchanging Oracle's Lens (sellback: 333 gold) for another trinket (cost: 250 gold) will not refund gold
  • CONVENIENCE YOU CAN SMITE : Unenchanted jungle items can be exchanged with another unenchanted jungle item for free! Jungle item enchants can't be exchanged.
  • CONVENIENCE YOU CAN...STEP ON : Boot enchants can now be exchanged. Cost is calculated as 100% cost of the new enchant minus 50% cost of the old enchant. Boot cost is not factored into the exchange - this is a buff.
  • TROPHIES ARE CUSTOM ORDER : Exchange tech hasn't been built out for Rengar's Bonetooth Necklaces. Sorry, kitty.
  • new:
  • Zz'Rot Portal:
  • You can now build Portals which spawn little Voidspawns who explode on enemy structures.
  • “ Think of this new item as a follow-up to our original preseason promise of adding more strategic diversity to League of Legends. Specifically, the Zz'Rot Portal is designed to provide tanky dudes with a new way to opt into pushing strategies while also having enough utility to be used in other creative ways. ”
  • RECIPE : Raptor Cloak + Negatron Cloak + 950 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2800 gold
  • ARMOR : +50
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Point Runner: Builds up to 30% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets or Void Gates.
  • COOLDOWN : 150 seconds
  • UNIQUE ACTIVE : Spawns a Void Gate at target location for 150 seconds. Every 4 seconds the gate makes a Voidspawn that travels down the nearest lane. Voidspawn explode when attacking structures. Voidspawn ignore champions and void targets (150 second cooldown.) After the third Voidspawn made by Void Gate, additional Voidspawn gain 50% of your Armor and Magic Resistance as damage.
  • Hunter's Machete:
  • “ Back in patch 4.21 we added extra gold to Hunter's Machete and all tier 2 / tier 3 jungle items, but noted that we might have gone a little light.
  • Well, now that we've seen the impact of the changes, we can go just a little harder. So here we are. Design levers! ”
  • BONUS GOLD ON MONSTER KILL : 10 bonus gold ⇒ 15 bonus gold
  • Tier 2 & Tier 3 Jungle Items:
  • “ See above! ”
  • BONUS GOLD ON MONSTER KILL : 20 bonus gold ⇒ 30 bonus gold
  • Stalker's Blade:
  • Chilling Smite steals movement speed rather than just slowing for a heavy amount.
  • “ Chilling Smite's a little too effective at what it does, so we're looking for ways to reduce its power without making the ganker feel bad about the decisions they've made. Switching Smite's slow from a straight 50% kneecap to a movement speed steal means the smited champ can still dodge skillshots or get under the tower, rather than hobbling along eating all the Ezreal Mystic Shots in the world. ”
  • CHILLING SMITE : 50% movement speed slow ⇒ 20% movement speed steal
  • Guardian Angel:
  • “ Just a small cost correction after we removed and revived Negatron Cloak. There's a Guardian Angel joke in here somewhere but we're not looking for it. ”
  • COMBINE COST : 1250 gold ⇒ 1200 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2850 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • Infinity Edge:
  • “ We've been keeping an eye on marksmen power for some time and specifically wanted to tackle Infinity Edge, the new ubiquitous AD item that's replaced Bloodthirster since patch 4.10 (wow has it really been that long?). Rather than straight chopping away damage, however, reducing IE's crit chance means we can accentuate its reliance on other crit multiplier items in order to scale well into the mid-late game. ”
  • Phantom Dancer:
  • “ Your required reading for Phantom Dancer context is to read the Infinity Edge context (above) before starting here.
  • We can wait.
  • There isn't much else to add beyond the Infinity Edge context (shifting crit multipliers to mid-game items), except that we're hoping to solidify PD as a single-target focused item versus Shiv's area-of-effect power strengths. ”
  • Morellonomicon:
  • “ Right now Morellonomicon is a super cost-efficient item for it offers, so we're pushing it to be more on-par with its mana regeneration alternative - Chalice. ”
  • COMBINE COST : 680 gold ⇒ 880 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2100 gold ⇒ 2300 gold
  • Trinket Changes:
  • Yellow and blue trinket upgrades are cheaper, yellow trinket upgrades are on a shorter cooldown, red trinket upgrade is cheaper.
  • “ Just some small rebalancing on trinkets so that teams who are behind have stronger vision options to stay on the map, while aggressive upgrades (basically Red trinket) are a little less overbearing. ”
  • Greater Stealth Totem:
  • COST : 475 gold ⇒ 250 gold
  • COOLDOWN : 90 seconds ⇒ 60 seconds
  • Greater Vision Totem:
  • COST : 475 gold ⇒ 250 gold
  • COOLDOWN : 180 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds
  • Farsight Orb:
  • COST : 475 gold ⇒ 250 gold
  • Oracle's Lens:
  • COOLDOWN : 60 seconds ⇒ 75 seconds
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Howling Abyss Aura:
  • Self healing is back to full strength on ARAM, but all healing effects on allies are reduced by 50%. Mana regeneration auras on HA are also reduced by half.
  • “ Healers on ARAM make games no fun. Nyah.
  • That's basically the rundown of this change, but to explain a little deeper - we wanted to help out champs who rely heavily on self-healing for their strength (Zac, Maokai) while reducing the power of pokey-heal champs who are pretty much the best in these kind of matchups (looking at you Sona). ”
  • HEALING EFFECTS AURA : All healing effects are reduced by 20% ⇒ All healing effects on allies are reduced by 50%
  • MANA REGENERATION AURA : 30% of maximum mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 15% of maximum mana per 5 seconds
  • Guardian's Horn:
  • “ Hail Ragnarok! ”
  • HEALTH : 180 ⇒ 200
  • HEALTH REGEN : +100% base health regen ⇒ +125% base health regen
  • COMBINE COST : 445 gold ⇒ 435 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 1025 gold ⇒ 1015 gold
  • New Player Rune Changes:
  • Most Tier 1 and 2 runes are leaving the store, while the rest are much cheaper. Also, no more rune combiner.
  • “ We believe Tier 1 and 2 runes should be an introduction to the rune experience which new players quickly move on from as they reach level 30. Duplicating the entire 88-rune Tier 3 roster is overkill for this purpose so we're reducing the number of purchasable Tier 1 and 2 runes to 23.
  • As for the Rune Combiner.... it hasn't really done its original job of facilitating progression between rune tiers. Instead, it's become a bit of a trap for low-level players as well as a tool for mischief in the case of shared or compromised accounts. So, we're retiring it. ”
  • PRICE REDUCTIONS : Tier 1 and 2 rune prices have been standardized and significantly reduced:
  • Tier 1 Marks, Seals and Glyphs: 5 IP (from 15-65)
  • Tier 1 Quintessences: 15 IP (from 80-165)
  • Tier 2 Marks, Seals and Glyphs: 35 IP (from 80-330)
  • Tier 2 Quintessences: 100 IP (from 410-820)
  • KEEP IT SIMPLE : The following Tier 1 and 2 runes have received the price reductions listed above. All other Tier 1 and 2 runes are no longer purchasable, but remain usable and will not be removed from players who already own them.
  • Marks:
  • Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Armor Penetration, Magic Penetration
  • Seals:
  • Armor, Magic Resist, Health, Health Regeneration
  • Glyphs:
  • Ability Power, Cooldown Reduction, Mana Regeneration, Magic Resist
  • Quintessences:
  • Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Armor Penetration, Magic Penetration, Armor, Magic Resist, Health, Ability Power, Cooldown Reduction, Life Steal, Movement Speed
  • REMOVED: The Rune Combiner has been removed. If you reach the 700-rune limit, please contact player support.
  • Ability Bar Updates:
  • “ Thanks to your continued feedback, we've moved some more important buffs back to the center of the HUD. ”
  • Total Biscuit of Regeneration
  • Mana Potion
  • Blitzcrank's Passive - Mana Barrier duration
  • Cassiopeia's Q - Noxious Blast movement speed buff
  • Graves's Passive - True Grit stacks
  • Hecarim's Q - Rampage stacks
  • Riven's Passive - Runic Blade stacks
  • Classic Summoner Icon Updates:
  • “ Much like skins in-game, we believe Summoner Icons are a way for players to express their identity out-of-game. As philosophy around Summoner Icons has evolved, so has our quality standard. Though our classic summoner icons (the ones granted to every account at level 1) have a bit of.... dated... charm to them, we want new players to feel like they have compelling options to choose from. We're starting the new year with four refreshed icons and will proceed based on your feedback. ”
  • VISUAL UPDATE : The Tibbers Claw, Tibbers Teddy, Sprout and Rose icons have been updated!
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed various issues where improperly loaded textures or particle effects would display as blue squares or random icons (FLASH?!)
  • On-hover range indicators for many items have been restored
  • Crystalline Flask is no longer missing from the Laning category in the item shop
  • Righteous Glory is now more responsive when activated
  • Upcoming Skins:
  • The following skins will be released at various times during Patch 5.1:
  • Challenger Ahri
  • El Tigre Braum

New in League of Legends Client 4.21 (Dec 10, 2014)

  • BIG PRESEASON FOLLOWUP PATCH. If anyone remembers last year's followup preseason patch (it's only been a year but check out the progress we've made!), we were very conservative with our changes.
  • Not this time.
  • While it's true we've introduced a lot more change in the 2015 preseason than 2014, it's also worth highlighting how many more 'design levers' we have to tune with. That's a fancy way of saying we have the right dials in the game to crank up or down when something appears too strong or too weak - all without having to fully reconstruct the kitchen. We're mixing metaphors, but you get the point.
  • Anyway, the big narrative before we ring in the holiday break and the new year is systems cleanup and last-minute gifts for League's many orphaned champions. Talking about the system changes: while we're happy with how the preseason has progressed, we saw a number of opportunities to address the more egregious problems (snowballing, early to mid game gold flow, jungle balance, Warwick). We know everyone's still getting adjusted to the new preseason, so we'll be watching closely over the next while to see what new Warwicks come bubbling to the surface.
  • Rek'Sai:
  • “Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower, will be released a bit later during Patch 4.21!”
  • Azir:
  • More bugfixes and we're making Azir a little smoother to play.
  • “Having tweaked Azir just last patch, we're looking to see how he performs from here before really changing his power level. So... bugfixes. Always bugfixes.”
  • W - Arise!:
  • I THOUGHT WE REMOVED DODGE : Fixed a bug where it was possible for targets to walk out of range of a soldier's attack, causing the attack animation to play but do no damage.
  • E - Shifting Sands:
  • I SHIFT IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION : Fixed a bug where casting Shifting Sands outside of its cast range would always cause Azir to walk into range. Shifting Sands now checks for the nearest soldier to your mouse and immediately goes there if the soldier is in range, no matter how far from Azir the mouse was.
  • SPEEDY SHIFTING : Fixed an issue where Shifting Sands would fail to be queued up during a cast of W - Arise!. Now pressing W + E together should always create a soldier and then instantly move Azir to that soldier. Note: there's a similar problem with pressing W + Q together that we have not fixed yet but are looking into.
  • R - Emperor's Divide:
  • I'M ACTUALLY HELPING : The allied speed boost of Emperor’s Divide now grants assists
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Aspect of the Serpent now gains stacks over time and every second an enemy champion is poisoned (rather than on poisoned unit kill or when using Twin Fangs on an enemy champ). Twin Fang now adds a debuff that amplifies poison damage on the target.
  • “Cassi's recent update definitely gave her the late-game we intended, but at two great costs: her early-game strength, and her identity as a 'Poison Mage.' We're trying to smooth out a bit of Cassiopeia's power here with some early buffs alongside some guaranteed scaling on her passive so that she can hit her early-mid-lategame fantasy (that is now a word) at the appropriate times. In short, we're looking to reach a middle ground between the update and her original feel of killing you slowly with venoms. Just quicker. (And with more venoms).”
  • Passive - Aspect of the Serpent:
  • STACK CITY : Cassiopeia builds a stack of Aspect of the Serpent on every poisoned unit kill or on Twin Fang cast on enemy champion ⇒ once every 6 seconds (10 times per minute) and for every second that an enemy champion is poisoned.
  • IT'S A BUFF WE PROMISE : Cassiopeia gains special bonuses at 75/200/400 stacks ⇒ 100/250/500 stacks. The new breakpoints will be hit sooner than the old ones based on the new stacking mechanics (above).
  • Q - Noxious Blast:
  • EVERYTHING IS NORMAL : Fixed a bug where Noxious Blast's delay wasn't actually normalized (it was hitting anywhere between 0.25 seconds and 0.5 seconds). Now has a flat 0.4 second delay.
  • MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS : 10/15/20/25/30% bonus movement speed ⇒ 20% bonus movement speed at all ranks
  • E - Twin Fang:
  • newLOOK AT THIS SYNERGY : Twin Fang now adds a debuff on the target that amplifies further poison damage by +20% for 5 seconds. This debuff stacks up to 2 times (capping at +40% poison damage).
  • COST : 30/45/60/75/90 mana ⇒ 35/45/55/65/75 mana
  • RATIO : 0.4/0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.55 ability power at all ranks
  • Cho'Gath:
  • “Life's hard for a Cho'gath. You want to eat your enemies, they don't want be eaten, and all it takes is one little death to set this poor little monster back. These changes should help Cho get back into the fight, but we also wanted to create bigger decisions between saving Feast for a kill or nommin' down on some creeps.”
  • R - Feast:
  • newHUNGRY HUNGRY CHO'GATH : Feast now has 50% of its cooldown and mana cost refunded if it kills a minion or monster.
  • COOLDOWN : 60 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 80 seconds at all ranks
  • Corki:
  • Phosphorus Bomb travels slower.
  • “Oh Corki. We've known about your strengths for some time, but we're always careful about balancing you because you're rarely a 'standout' in any particular category (unlike, say, Tristana or Kog'Maw who you know are strong when they're strong). But with power reductions coming for Lucian, we know you're up next on the "very strong, safe marksmen" list in competitive play, so we're taking some cautious steps to keep you in line as well. ”
  • Q - Phosphorus Bomb:
  • MISSILE SPEED : 1125 ⇒ 1000
  • Diana:
  • Lunar Rush still gets the reset if Diana casts it on a Moonlight'd target but is interrupted mid-dash.
  • “When getting the reset, two things can go wrong for Diana: missing her Q, or having R interrupted. Cancelling R not only removes all of Diana's damage options, but often just leaves her dead in the water, so we're throwing her a lifejacket (check that metaphor). As long as you target a unit affected by Moonlight, Lunar Rush's cooldown will be refunded even if the dash was cancelled. This change makes it a little easier for those hoping to become the living embodiment of the vengeful moon.
  • That line's in the tooltip. We wrote that.”
  • R - Lunar Rush:
  • C'MON MAN I EARNED THIS : Casting Lunar Rush on targets that have the Moonlight debuff will reset Lunar Rush's cooldown, even if Diana is interrupted out of her dash
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • Dread now applies on things Fiddle interacts with, as opposed to a broad area of effect. Dark Wind no longer silences the same target multiple times but will try to prioritize new targets as it bounces along.
  • “Terror's always kind of been Fiddle's thing, and he's certainly a pretty big one (terror, that is) given the current jungle environment. With that in mind, we're looking to drain some of his less-clear power and add more consistency (for him and opponents).”
  • Passive - Dread:
  • newFOCUS FEAR : Dealing magic damage or casting Terrify applies Dread to enemies for 2.5 seconds, reducing their magic resistance by 10 removedNOT SO GREAT AT PARTIES : Fiddlesticks no longer applies Dread to all enemy units within 800 range
  • E - Dark Wind:
  • newBOUNCE ALL DAY : Now prioritizes targets not yet hit by Dark Wind
  • removedCRAZY LONG SILENCES : Dark Wind can still hit targets multiple times, but it will now only silence them once
  • SILENCE DURATION : 1.2 seconds ⇒ 1.25 seconds
  • Galio:
  • Don't let me get in my zone.
  • “Galio's ultimate has two major risks involved - either he's crowd-controlled during its channel or his opponents buy Mercury Treads. We like the teamplay that comes from coordinated interrupts but find it a little sad that tenacity messes with his flow so much. Is now fixed.”
  • R - Idol of Durand:
  • newYOU'RE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME : Idol of Durand's taunt is no longer reducible by tenacity.
  • Jarvan IV:
  • R - Cataclysm:
  • newARE YOU CALLING ME FAT : Fixed a bug where Jarvan would sometimes fail to do damage if he was killed quickly after landing from Cataclysm. Note: Jarvan still won't deal damage if he's killed mid-air, but if he's able to land and create the wall, he should always deal damage.
  • Jax:
  • Jax's E and R scale better into the late game.
  • “Surprise - he's back. While it hasn't been too long since Jax's reign over top lane, now that his laning power is a little more manageable we think we can give him some more late game love as a reward for getting through the early to mid phases.”
  • E - Counter Strike:
  • COOLDOWN : 18/16/14/12/10 seconds ⇒ 16/14/12/10/8 seconds
  • R - Grandmaster's Might:
  • BONUS ARMOR : 25/35/45 (+0.3 attack damage) ⇒ 20/35/50 (+0.5 attack damage)
  • BONUS MAGIC RESISTANCE : 25/35/45 (+0.2 ability power) ⇒ 20/35/50 (+0.2 ability power)
  • Jayce:
  • “Before this change, you could activate Hyper Charge, wait a bit, then Double Hyper Charge someone, doing 'The Most Damage In League of Legends' (maybe?). It was unintended and kind of goofy.”
  • W - Hyper Charge:
  • LESS HYPER, MORE CHARGE : Hyper Charge now goes on cooldown after the third shot rather than right on cast
  • COOLDOWN : 14/12/10/8/6 seconds ⇒ 13/11/9/7/5 seconds
  • Jinx:
  • Rules are made to be broken. Like buildings. BUT NOT CLARITY. NEVER CLARITY.
  • “Recent updates to the way buff icons are shown have made telling what weapon Jinx is using a little chaotic (and not the kind she prefers). We've changed it so Switcheroo's icon is always the gun you're currently using, and added a flashy-toggle swirl to show you're spending mana while using Fishbones.”
  • Q - Switcheroo!:
  • SPELL ICON : Switcheroo!'s spell icon displays the gun Jinx will switch to ⇒ the gun Jinx is currently using
  • TOGGLE SWIRLS!!! : When using Rockets, the ability icon will flash (like Ashe's Q) to show that Jinx is now in "mana spending mode"
  • Kennen:
  • General quality-of-life buffs for this weird lookin' Yordle.
  • “Like many champions before him (Veigar, Karthus, and Cho'gath come to mind) Kennen has been held back by inconsistencies in the timing of his abilities. After a much-needed round of re-coding, we've fixed an issue with Electrical Surge while also tuning Slicing Maelstrom. It's worth noting for Kennen's R that this is a slight late game nerf to his single target ult burst, but a buff to his area-effect speed.”
  • W - Electrical Surge:
  • THAT RESPONSIVENESS : Electric Surge now checks for viable targets on the beginning of the cast rather than at the end (it still hits enemies after a cast time, but is generally more reliable)
  • R - Slicing Maelstrom:
  • TIME BETWEEN STRIKES : 0.5/~0.4/~0.33 seconds ⇒ 0.25 seconds at all ranks
  • TIME BETWEEN STRIKES ON THE SAME PERSON : 0.5/~0.4/~0.33 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds at all ranks
  • TOOLTIP CLARITY! : Slicing Maelstrom's tooltip now reflects the duration of the storm rather than maximum number of strikes. Its duration has always been 3/4/5 seconds.
  • Lucian:
  • Lucian's got a shorter window to double tap people with Lightslinger, and deals less damage with it at lower levels.
  • “Lucian is a character that's carefully defined by his low combat range (500) and being opportunistic to succeed within it. These changes are more along the lines of pushing that while creating more windows of opportunity against Lucian. We do say windows of opportunity a lot.”
  • Passive - Lightslinger:
  • PASSIVE BUFF DURATION : 6 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • RATIO : 0.5 attack damage at all levels ⇒ 0.3/0.4/0.5 attack damage at levels 1/7/13
  • Nocturne:
  • We're going to copy paste the patch note into the summary: Nocturne now gains massively increased movement speed when moving toward feared targets. This works with other fears!
  • “Waaaaaay back in 4.3 (That's February! Hi Vel'Koz!), we changed fear mechanics across the board to make the affected unit move away from you instead of in random directions. Unlike other champions, however, Nocturne has lacked a way to really capitalize on the consistency of his newer fear. So we're fixing that. Also, this means any of Nocturne's spooky friends (Shaco, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim, Lollipoppy) can set him up for some sweet ganks.
  • Because he's a nightmare.
  • A living nightmare.”
  • E - Unspeakable Horror:
  • newPASSIVE - ALSO WORKS WITH OTHER FEARS! : Nocturne now gains massively increased movement speed when moving toward feared targets
  • Pantheon:
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED : 0.679 ⇒ 0.625
  • READ THE CONTEXT THIS GETS COMPLICATED : Pantheon's attack frame animation speed has been increased by +26%
  • Rengar:
  • “Haha oh dear.”
  • Bonetooth Necklace:
  • WHOOPS : Bonetooth Necklace actives no longer benefit from cooldown reduction
  • Sejuani:
  • General:
  • BASE MANA : 287 ⇒ 400
  • Q - Arctic Assault:
  • removedENEMY HEALTH SCALING : Arctic Assault no longer scales with 4/6/8/10/12% of target's max health
  • DAMAGE : 40/70/100/130/160 magic damage ⇒ 80/125/170/215/260 magic damage
  • W - Flail of the Northern Winds:
  • COST : 40 mana at all ranks ⇒ 40/35/30/25/20 mana
  • INITIAL HIT DAMAGE : 40/60/80/100/120 (0.3 ability power) magic damage ⇒ 4/6/8/10/12% of target's max health (+3% per 100 ability power) in magic damage
  • AREA OF EFFECT DAMAGE : 80/120/160/200/240 (+10% bonus health) ⇒ 40/70/100/130/160 (+4/6/8/10/12% total health)
  • E - Permafrost:
  • COOLDOWN : 11 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 seconds
  • DAMAGE : 60/110/160/210/260 magic damage ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180 magic damage
  • SLOW DURATION : 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds at all ranks
  • Shen:
  • E - Shadow Dash:
  • ENERGY COST : 120 ⇒ 100
  • Shyvana:
  • Q - Twin Bite:
  • COOLDOWN : 10/9/8/7/6 seconds ⇒ 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
  • W - Burnout:
  • newMONSTER MASHING : Burnout now now deals +20% bonus damage to monsters
  • IT'S COMPLICATED : Fixed a bug where Burnout was scaling incorrectly with attack damage when Shyvana was in her dragon form
  • Soraka:
  • General:
  • W - Astral Blessing:
  • PASSIVE RATIO : Ability power ratio range is now 0.2 ability power to 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power to 0.8 ability power (there's a range because this scales in effectiveness with Soraka's missing health)
  • Varus:
  • General:
  • Warwick:
  • W - Hunter's Call:
  • DURATION : 10 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
  • R - Infinite Duress:
  • TOTAL BASE DAMAGE : 250/335/420 magic damage ⇒ 150/250/350 magic damage
  • Yasuo:
  • General:
  • MOVEMENT SPEED : 340 ⇒ 345
  • Q - Steel Tempest:
  • COOLDOWN : 5/4.75/4.5/4.25/4 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds at all ranks
  • Zac:
  • E - Elastic Slingshot:
  • newSO CHUNKY : Zac now creates extra chunks for each additional champion he hits
  • DAMAGE : 80/120/160/200/240 magic damage ⇒ 80/130/180/230/280 magic damage
  • R - Let's Bounce!:
  • KNOCKBACK RANGE : 250 ⇒ 400 (enemies will be knocked up higher and longer to match the new range, but total crowd control durations remain the same)
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 4):
  • “We're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. As with parts 1, 2 and 3, our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the newly-updated Rift. Is anyone even reading this paragraph anymore? ”
  • TEXTURES : The following textures have been updated:
  • Malphite:
  • Base, Coral Reef, Marble, Obsidian, Shamrock
  • Malzahar:
  • Base, Djinn, Overlord, Shadow Prince, Vizier
  • Shen:
  • Base, Blood Moon, Frozen, Surgeon, Warlord, Yellow Jacket
  • Wukong:
  • Base, General, Jade Dragon, Volcanic
  • Xin Zhao:
  • Base, Commando, Imperial, Viscero, Winged Hussar
  • System Changes:
  • Turret Gold:
  • Turret Shielding:
  • INNER TURRET SHIELDING WINDOW : 1 second ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • Death Timers:
  • The death timer is being unilaterally raised by 2.5 seconds.
  • MINIMUM DEATH TIMER : 7.5 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds
  • MAXIMUM DEATH TIMER : 50 seconds ⇒ 52.5 seconds
  • Experience Rewards for Champion Kills:
  • Slightly less experience rewards for killing everyone.
  • Champion Base Kill Experience : 55% ⇒ 50%
  • Minion Gold:
  • Minion Health:
  • Minion health scales slightly less over game time.
  • MELEE MINION TOTAL HEALTH AT 22:30 : About 4% lower in comparison to 4.20 minions. This difference grows slightly larger over time (maybe at about 8% - 9% lower in comparison to 4.20 minions at 50:00).
  • RANGED MINION TOTAL HEALTH AT 22:30 : About 3% lower in comparison to 4.20 minions. This difference grows slightly larger over time (maybe at about 7% - 8% lower in comparison to 4.20 minions at 50:00).
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • General Changes:
  • Summoner's Rift has received new music that changes throughout the game!
  • Added an option in the audio menu to switch back to the classic Summoner's Rift music
  • We're continuing to optimize performance by making slight graphical adjustments throughout the map
  • Improved consistency of river, top and bot lane brush behavior when champions are near brush edges
  • Baron no longer loses his out of combat regen if attacked from outside his attack range
  • Baron is feeling festive!
  • Item Shop Buying Range:
  • You can now only buy items if you're on the physical platform.
  • THERE IS NO FREE SHIPPING : The shop purchasing area is now restricted to the physical platform.
  • Geography Changes:
  • SMALL RELOCATIONS : Slightly adjusted positioning of Blue/Red buff camps so that area-effect abilities should now consistently hit the same number of monsters in all four camps
  • KRUG EQUALITY : Red side Krugs now mirror Blue side (the Ancient Krug is always further away from the base)
  • Dragon:
  • Fixed some exploits where players could not take damage from Dragon in a variety of ways.
  • I'M CASTING MY FIREBALL : Fireball is now treated as a spell and not an auto attack (also, you can spell shield it)
  • SKILLSHOTS ARE HARD : Fireballs track the target like a normal attack or targeted spell
  • NO DANCING HERE : Dragon will always finish his attack before switching targets
  • BUGFIX : Dragon no longer gets stuck outside his pit when hit with terrain abilities (ex. Anivia's W - Crystallize)
  • ALL DRAGONS GO TO : Dragon once again drops a soul for Thresh
  • Hand of Baron:
  • DURATION : 240 seconds ⇒ 180 seconds
  • Dragon Slayer buffs:
  • The power of the first Dragon Slayer buff has been reduced and the 4th stack / 2nd stack bonuses have been swapped.
  • FIRST STACK : 8% Attack Damage and Ability Power ⇒ 6% Attack Damage and Ability Power
  • SECOND STACK : Now gives +15% damage to Turrets.
  • FOURTH STACK : Now gives +15% damage to minions and monsters.
  • Gift of Heavy Hands:
  • +1 to the number of attacks needed to stun a monster with the Heavy Hands buff.
  • Gift of the Toadstool:
  • More poisonous toadstool armor.
  • DAMAGE SCALING : Gift of the Toadstool'd champions deal 6 + (6 x level) magic damage over 3 seconds ⇒ 4 + (8 x level) magic damage over 3 seconds
  • Jungle Gold:
  • You should probably ask politely to take a jungler's camp if you don't have a Machete. All that lost gold adds up man.
  • GO BACK TO YOUR LANE : All jungle camps now give 10 less gold
  • THIS IS MY JUNGLE : Hunter's Machete now grants +10 gold per large jungle monster
  • UPGRADE EARLY FRIENDS : All tier 2 and 3 jungle items now grant +20 gold per large jungle monster
  • Items:
  • new Negatron Cloak:
  • RECIPE : Null Magic Mantle + 350 Gold = 850 Total Gold
  • Guardian Angel:
  • RECIPE : Null Magic Mangle + Chain Vest + 1500 gold ⇒ Negatron Cloak + Chain Vest + 1250 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2750 gold ⇒ 2850 gold
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 45 ⇒ 50
  • Abyssal Scepter:
  • While Negatron Cloak is here, we might as well use it in recipes that make sense.
  • RECIPE : Blasting Wand + Null-Magic Mantle + Null-Magic Mantle + 580 gold ⇒ Negatron Cloak + Blasting Wand + 730 gold
  • TOTAL COST : Unchanged (2440 gold)
  • Targon's Brace:
  • Targon's Brace Spoils of War passive now executes at higher thresholds.
  • Spoils of War Execute Base : 200 ⇒ 240
  • Face of the Mountain:
  • See above, but replace Targon's Embrace with Face of the Mountain.
  • Spoils of War Execute Base : 200 ⇒ 400
  • Ranger's Trailblazer:
  • Ranger's Trailblazer no longer reduces Smite's cooldown.
  • removed SMITEY REDUCTIONS : No longer reduces Smite cooldown by 15 seconds
  • Poacher's Knife:
  • Not a placebo.
  • IT'S NOT A PLACEBO WE SWEAR : Poacher's Knife's tooltip now reflects the total gold from stolen large monsters, rather than just the +20 gold from the item itself
  • Skirmisher's Sabre:
  • Attacking a Smited opponent now burns them for true damage over 3 seconds, rather than just dealing true damage on hit. Also truest damage.
  • STOP IT WARWICK : Basic attacks against a Challenged target deal 17-51 (based on level) true damage on hit ⇒ 60-162 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds
  • AS OPPOSED TO "REAL" DAMAGE : Fixed a bug where Challenging Smite's True damage would kill units through near-death / revive effects like (but not limited to!) Guardian Angel, Tryndamere's Undying Rage, and Zilean's Chronoshift
  • Enchantment - Devourer:
  • Sliiiiiightly overtuned.
  • Magic Damage On Hit : 40 ⇒ 25
  • Chalice of Harmony:
  • More mana regeneration!
  • PASSIVE MANA RESTORE : 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds ⇒ 2% of missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Athene's Unholy Grail:
  • This is going to get repetitive. More mana regeneration!
  • PASSIVE MANA RESTORE : 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds ⇒ 2% of missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Mikael's Crucible:
  • Last one we swear. More mana regeneration!
  • PASSIVE MANA RESTORE : 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds ⇒ 2% of missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Forbidden Idol:
  • Less mana regeneration.
  • Jungle:
  • Twisted Treeline's jungle has been updated to account for the 2015 season!
  • Base Stats:
  • JUNGLE PARITY : All jungle monsters have been updated to match the same stats / respawn times of the Summoner's Rift jungle monsters.
  • Golems:
  • GIFT OF HEAVY HANDS : Basic attacks stun on the first and sixth attack against a target (same as the Krug buff on Summoner's Rift)
  • Wolves:
  • CURSE OF THE WOLF : Deals 6 + (8 x level) magic damage over 3 seconds to enemy attackers (same as the Gromp buff on Summoner's Rift)
  • Wraith:
  • HEALTH RESTORE : Smiting the Wraith restores +20% maximum health instantly (same as Red Brambleback on Summoner's Rift)
  • Vilemaw:
  • BASE HEALTH : 5011 ⇒ 5311
  • Items:
  • Madred's Razors:
  • COMBINE COST : 0 gold ⇒ 300 gold
  • Overlord's Bloodmail:
  • HEAL ON KILL OR ASSIST : 200 health over 5 seconds ⇒ 300 health over 5 seconds
  • removed Items:
  • The following items have been removed:
  • Atma's Impaler
  • Sword of the Divine
  • Executioner's Calling
  • Items:
  • new Overlord's Bloodmail
  • HEALTH : 850
  • PASSIVE : On kill or assist, heal for 300 health over 5 seconds
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Teleport:
  • new DOCUMENTATION! : You can now Teleport to wards by clicking on the minimap.
  • Ability Bar Update:
  • The UI has been updated per your feedback!:
  • The following buffs have been moved back to the center of the HUD based on your feedback!
  • Spoils of War (Relic Shield / Targon's Embrace / Face of the Mountain)
  • Tribute (Spellthief's Edge / Frostfang / Frost Queen's Claim)
  • Statikk Shiv
  • Health Potions
  • Crystalline Flask
  • SPIFFY : Muramana now has a spiffy toggle effect when active!
  • INVENTORY ITEM BORDERS? : Inventory item borders now match the new active item style
  • Team Colors:
  • COLORBLIND FRIENDLY : Spectator view, loading screens, in-game chat, and kill callouts are now colorblind friendly
  • Featured Game Modes:
  • Legend of the Poro King:
  • “Legend of the Poro King, our next Featured Game Mode, will be released later on during patch 4.21! More information soon - keep an eye out for all the details!”
  • Social Features:
  • Team Builder:
  • These changes will kick off a bit later in 4.21, but we wanted to give you an early heads-up!
  • QUALITY OF LIFE : Your last played spec (Champion, Position and Role) now auto-populates when you start a new Team Builder match. This information is also saved across play sessions.
  • DON'T RUSH ME : Team members can now continue to adjust their specs while the captain adds solo slots, up until the captain hits "Find Solo Players"
  • Suggested Players:
  • VISUAL UPDATE : New icons have been added for each suggestion type to make it easier to tell why a player has been suggested
  • Patcher Updates:
  • It's been six patches since we launched the visual refresh of the patcher! We've removed the first-time announcement pop-up.
  • The Settings menu has been split into Help and Options:
  • Help: Repair, Save Logs, About
  • Options: Peer-to-peer preference, Volume controls
  • Adjusted pop-up and menu art to better match the rest of the patcher
  • Added patcher version number to the About section
  • Fixed a Windows bug where the patcher was sometimes 'zoomed in', preventing access to the controls in the upper righthand corner
  • Links in the Patch Notes no longer occasionally open double tabs for Mac users
  • Higher Frame Limiting Options:
  • WE CAN DO BETTER : Added 120hz and 144hz display frame rate options to the options menu
  • Store Updates:
  • Successfully redeeming an RP code now indicates the amount of RP granted. Clarity: Not just for gameplay!
  • Various End-of-Game Gifting images, tooltips and error messages have been adjusted
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a rare issue in the new LeaverBuster system where chronic leavers/AFKers with older hardware were going through two lower priority queue penalties before entering matchmaking queues
  • The new LeaverBuster's first-time leaver prompt is now easier to properly fill out
  • Fixed a number of cases where transforming champions had slightly different base stats depending on which form they were in
  • Righteous Glory, Phage and Entropy are now properly listed under the "Other Movement Items" section of the shop
  • Fixed a few cases of modified/empowered autoattacks (ex. Thresh's E- Flay) which weren't proccing the damage portion of Kalista's W - Oathsworn Sentinel
  • Sona's Q - Hymn of Valor no longer causes lag on first cast
  • Fixed a bug (heh) where Skarner's R - Impale wasn't properly working against targets with revive effects (Guardian Angel, Zac, Aatrox, etc)
  • Made changes to more comprehensively address recent exploits

New in League of Legends Client 4.20 (Nov 20, 2014)

  • Welcome to patch 4.20, the first patch of the 2015 preseason and one of our biggest updates for League of Legends to date. Whew.
  • The big theme of the 2015 preseason (and boy will you hear this a lot) is Strategic Diversity. That sounds like a vague concept (does anyone remember "End-game Fantasy" from the 2014 preseason?), but our high-level philosophy is we want to offer you more paths to victory so that your in-game decisions matter just as much as the champions you pick. In previous years, we've lacked the proper systems and levers to balance different strategies against each other, so when teams would discover unique ways to win, we'd either have to watch Ziggs bomb the stuffing out of people in stall / poke compositions, or we'd just have to tackle the manic yordle on a personal level. This year, rather than trying to 'fix' tactical problems from the previous season, we're instead introducing a metric tonne of changes to map-wide objectives, a complete rehaul of the jungle and jungle itemization, and a number of strategic item additions / modifications. With these new paths in place, how you strive for victory will vary with each individual game and our hope is that all of this adds up to more far more strategic diversity and experimentation in League.
  • To be blunt, we were dubious about the idea of introducing so much change to the game, but then we realized that preseason is high-time for refining, polishing, and evolving, so we went for some ambitious goals this year. It's also worth noting that this is just the beginning. There are... a lot of changes here and, with so many variables at play, we're expecting the game to be disrupted, imperfect, and requiring even more work over time. That said, we're confident with the direction this preseason is headed, and we're more than happy to course correct as things play out. There's no comparison for our months of internal tests against millions of your own, so we're excited (and a little scared) to see what you have up your sleeves.
  • Anyway, there's a whole lot of information to be found on the preseason, including the 2015 Preseason Spotlight and the very pretty 2015 Preseason Microsite. Be sure to check those out if you want some high-level introductions to our changes, as we're going to be going very deep on the philosophy in these notes. Expect to hear from us throughout!
  • Champions:
  • General Context:
  • “ While we're aiming to improve the quality of life for many junglers in the preseason, the truth is some junglers are going to get more mileage out of these changes than others. While it might be weird to get "pre-emptive" nerfs based on systems that haven't been publically tested, these guys and gals (and mummies and rammii) just keep coming up in our internal playtests, and we don't want to be responsible for Amumu (just an example) becoming more of a solo-queue star than he currently is.
  • Second note - you're going to see a stat called "growth stat" in these champion patch notes rather than "per-level" stats. The reason is due to some complicated math we're rolling out regarding base stats and stats per level.
  • Recommended Items :
  • HELPS MORE THAN YOU THINK : Recommended items for all champions have been updated
  • WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY : Recommended items now detect if you have Smite or not and change accordingly
  • Stats Gained Per Level :
  • Stat advantages through levels have been smoothed out. Honestly speaking, Leona + Graves will still beat the stuffing out of you at level 2, but level advantages should be more focused on ability ranks than raw stat gains. Mana regeneration has been normalized across mages and supports to account for the new mana regeneration item changes.
  • “ Basically we're trying to smooth out level advantages through stat gains. Given how strong basic attacks and ability levels are during the early game, flat stat per-level advantages only magnify early game snowballing - especially that level 2 power spike that laners use to punch their opponents in the face.
  • For the attack damage change, we saw an opportunity to lightly address the minor imbalance between ranged and melee in the solo lane, so ranged champions (and Jayce / Kayle) won't have their base AD modified by the base stat buff (which rounds out to +2 AD for melee champions). There's something to be said about loss aversion, but let's not go into that. ”
  • HOW DID WE ARRIVE AT 168% : All champions have had their base stats raised by 168% of their old per-level statistic (except attack speed)
  • NO SUCH THING AS LOSS AVERSION : All ranged champions (and Kayle / Jayce) have opted out of having their attack damage increased by 2 via the above +168% base stat buff
  • STATISTICAL RENAMING : "Per level" statistics have been renamed "growth" statistics to better reflect what's going on - see below for more information
  • STATS GAINED PER LEVEL : No longer linear. Instead, stats follow the following formula:
  • Level 1: Immediately gain 0% of your growth statistic. All of your 'base stats' will be calculated off of this
  • Level 2: Gain +72% of your growth statistic
  • Level 3: Gain +75.5% of your growth statistic
  • Level 4: Gain +79% of your growth statistic
  • ... Gain +((Level*3.5 - 7) + 72)% of your growth statistic
  • Level 18: Gain +128% of your growth statistic
  • TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ : At level 18, you've gained +1700% of your growth statistic (this is slightly more than the old formula)
  • Champion Mana Regeneration Changes:
  • “ These mana regen changes are less related to stat gains and more to do with our modifications to mana regeneration items (specifically how they're now based off base stats rather than being flat values). There's a lot of math behind the curtain, but this also sets the foundation for any future work we do on differentiating champions through on mana regeneration. In other words: before this patch, mana regeneration was a little arbitrary, with each champion roughly balanced off their closest counterparts. Now if we do change champion base mana regen, it'll be for a very deliberate reason and you'll see clear groups of champs affected differently by mana regeneration items. ”
  • The following mages / tank supports are being changed to have 6 base mana regeneration (mp5) and +0.8 mana regeneration (mp5) growth stat:
  • ◦Ahri, Alistar, Anivia, Annie, Azir, Blitzcrank, Braum, Cassiopeia, Diana, Elise, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Galio, Gragas, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Kayle, LeBlanc, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Nidalee, Orianna, Ryze, Swain, Syndra, Taric, Thresh, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Vel'koz, Viktor, Xerath, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra
  • The following traditional supports are being changed to have 9 base mana regeneration (mp5) and +0.4 mana regeneration (mp5) growth stat:
  • Janna, Nami, Sona, Soraka
  • Kalista:
  • Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance, will be released with Patch 4.20!
  • Maokai:
  • “ Maokai has been updated! Check out the article if you want the full story, or below if you just want the specifics. ”
  • General:
  • VISUALS : Updated model and textures for base, Charred, Totemic and Festive skins. Haunted Maokai has received a texture update and Goalkeeper Maokai is unchanged.
  • VISUALS : Updated VFX for base and all skins
  • ICONS : New ability icons
  • SPLASH : New base splash
  • Azir :
  • Big early game buffs to Q and E, small late game nerf to W's AP ratio.
  • “ We think Azir's pretty close from a power-level perspective, so we're re-balancing his numbers to smooth out his curve. Early buffs to Q and E should help him take flight, while a nerf to his late-game soldiers should clip his wings before he flies too high. ”
  • Q - Conquering Sands:
  • BASE MAGICAL DAMAGE : 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 75/105/135/165/195
  • W - Arise!:
  • RATIO : 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power (for both the stab and turret damage)
  • E - Shifting Sands:
  • BASE SHIELD AMOUNT : 60/100/140/180/220 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240
  • Amumu:
  • Less base armor, reduced W damage at early ranks.
  • “ With beefed-up health pools across the jungle and this little mummy dealing area-effect % health damage, Amumu's going to be a big beneficiary of the 2015 preseason jungle changes. We're taking preemptive measures to pull his clear speeds back in line, but we still expect him to be one of the stronger champions heading into this preseason. ”
  • General:
  • ARMOR : 27 ⇒ 23
  • W - Despair:
  • ADDITIONAL DAMAGE PER SECOND : 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4/2.7% of enemies' maximum health ⇒ 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% of enemies' maximum health
  • Evelynn:
  • Buffing Evelynn's base armor to survive in the new jungle.
  • “ Though Eve spends less time power-jungling and more time making your opponents rage-quit, we found she was having too much trouble with the jungle's new difficulty. A tune-up to her base stats should make sure Evelynn doesn't stay perma-stealthed in champ select. ”
  • General:
  • BASE ARMOR : 22.72 ⇒ 26.5
  • ARMOR GROWTH STAT : 4 ⇒ 3.8
  • Fiora:
  • Changing the way Blade Waltz does damage. It'll do the same to a single target, but less AoE with Tiamat / Ravenous Hydra.
  • “ While it's a little weird to have to nerf a champion due to their overwhelming synergy with a core item (Tiamat / Ravenous Hydra in this case), Fiora's a more unique case as Tiamat lets her turn an already low-counterplay ability (Blade Waltz) into a high-damage area-effect low-counterplay ability. Additionally, some of our predictive models show that Fiora will probably benefit from the 2015 preseason changes, so we wanted to make some low-scope preliminary changes. This is a long context to say that we're re-emphasizing Fiora's duelist capabilities so she needs to be more opportunistic when looking for a dance. ”
  • R - Blade Waltz:
  • BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE : 160/330/500 ⇒ 125/255/385
  • TECHNICALLY A BUGFIX : Sort of fixed a bug where Blade Waltz' AD ratio was displaying as 1.2 when it's actually 1.15. This is technically a bugfix because...
  • RATIO : 1.2 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.9 bonus attack damage
  • SAME TARGET DAMAGE : 25% ⇒ 40%
  • Gnar:
  • Lots of complicated math means that Mega Gnar gets less stats early on but more later. Boomerang and Boulder Toss are getting their damage shifted into the AD ratio. Hyper's damage is going down in the early game and Wallop's cooldown is going up.
  • “ Gnar's become quite the handful when it comes to his bullying potential. Sweeping changes to his early-game bases should give him a bit of a time out (heh, get it?) during the laning phase, while buffs to Mega Gnar's late-game scaling means you probably still wouldn't like him when he's angry. ”
  • General:
  • Passive - Rage Gene:
  • MINI GNAR MOVEMENT SPEED : +10-25 (9 + (+1 per level from 1-14 / +0.5 per level at 15-18)) ⇒ +10-30 (9 + (+1 per level from 1-15 / +2 per level at 16-18))
  • MINI GNAR ATTACK SPEED : Due to the 2015 preseason changes to base stats, Mini Gnar's attack speed bonus has been folded into his base attack speed and converted to a growth stat. Mini Gnar now has an attack speed growth stat of 6. This should have no functional impact on Gnar.
  • THIS GETS COMPLICATED : With the 2015 preseason changes to base stats, Mega Gnar had some of his bonuses shifted around so he wouldn't break the system. In addition to reverting Mega Gnar's bonuses into base growth stats, we've done two things to affect Mega Gnar - his early attack damage and health are lower in the early game, but higher at later levels. The math behind this change (especially as it converts from per-level stats to growth stats) gets very complicated, but the raw difference is that, at level 1, Mega Gnar will lose about 30 health and 4 attack damage compared to he would have had. Mega Gnar's new growth stats are listed below:
  • HEALTH REGENERATION GROWTH STAT : +3 health per 5 seconds
  • Q - Boomerang Throw:
  • BOOMERANG DAMAGE : 10/45/80/115/150 (+1.0 total attack damage) ⇒ 5/35/65/95/125 (+1.15 total attack damage)
  • BOOMERANG WIDTH : 60 ⇒ 55
  • Q - Boulder Toss:
  • BOULDER DAMAGE : 10/50/90/130/170 (+1.15 total attack damage) ⇒ 5/45/85/125/165 (+1.2 total attack damage)
  • W - Hyper:
  • BASE DAMAGE : 25/30/35/40/45 ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50
  • MAX MAGIC DAMAGE VERSUS MONSTERS : 75/125/175/225/275 ⇒ 100/150/200/250/300
  • W - Wallop:
  • COOLDOWN : 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 15/13/11/9/7 seconds
  • Heimerdinger:
  • We're giving Heimerdinger some health regen so he won't get messed up by the 2015 preseason base stat migration.
  • “ Previously, the Dinger got all of his health regen stat from his passive in lieu of having a base health regen stat. Now that health regeneration scales from your base, we thought it was important that he be able to regenerate health. ”
  • General:
  • BASE HEALTH REGENERATION : +0 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +11 health per 5 seconds
  • HEALTH REGENERATION GROWTH STAT : +0.6 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +1.75 health per 5 seconds
  • Passive - Techmaturgical Repair Bots:
  • removedFOR MATH REASONS : Heimerdinger is no longer affected by his own passive so he can actually scale with health regeneration items
  • Katarina:
  • Death Lotus has a higher cooldown and lower damage at ranks 1 and 2, but normalizes back its old values at rank 3.
  • “ Katarina's been on a tear recently, rising to near-permanent-ban status across various regions. With shifts in the game landscape alongside various preseason changes (chief among them the lowered regeneration across the board), Katarina may very well be one of the strongest beneficiaries post 4.20. We're keeping an eye on her but, in the meantime, taking some of the Death out of Death Lotus to make sure Kat doesn't Shunpo her way to a top spot. ”
  • R - Death Lotus:
  • COOLDOWN : 60/52.5/45 seconds ⇒ 90/60/45 seconds
  • MAGIC DAMAGE : 400/575/750 ⇒ 350/550/750
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Void Spike's cooldown is higher. By 2 seconds. Excellent summary.
  • “ Though Kha'Zix has been at the forefront of bottle-necking competitive diversity for a while now, we're content with giving him a slap on the wrist due to the massive shifts the upcoming season will bring. The increased cooldown to Void Spikes should see this jumping and slashing jungle-bug rely a little less on poking from afar and more on what he's really about: jumping and slashing (and jungle-bugging). ”
  • W - Void Spike / Evolved Spike Racks:
  • COOLDOWN : 8 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds
  • Lee Sin:
  • Base armor and base health regeneration are going down slightly.
  • “ We've made enough jokes throughout the patch notes at the expense of Lee Sin's constant dominant power, but we're making some small pre-emptive modifications just in case. Aside from Kha'Zix (for which we have changes), Lee is still a jungler who has the potential to be very oppressive in the early game, so we're tuning up his weaknesses by a small amount. ”
  • General:
  • BASE ARMOR : 26 ⇒ 24
  • BASE HEALTH REGENERATION : +9.4 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +7.4 health per 5 seconds
  • Rammus:
  • Q's cooldown is much higher at early levels, and E's armor shred has been reduced.
  • “ Rammus's uptime between ganks have made him quite the monster, and we're not even talking about what happens when he finishes his Homeguards. Scaling the cooldown on Rammus' Powerball should give opponents better windows to react to his ganking cadence, while lowering E's shred makes him less of a duelist (how is Rammus dueling!?).
  • That said, we're not quite sure how Rammus will be affected in the preseason. If the Armordillo's eating a healthy portion of struggle salad in 2015, we'll double back to make sure he's staying healthy. ”
  • Q - Powerball:
  • COOLDOWN : 10/10/10/10/10 seconds ⇒ 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds
  • E - Puncturing Taunt:
  • ARMOR SHRED : 10/15/20/25/30 ⇒ 5/10/15/20/25
  • Sion:
  • Glory in Death's health drain has been lowered for higher levels and Sion's health regeneration growth stat has been lowered a bit.
  • “ Sion's been climbing the ranks towards Mundo-hood when it comes to overall longevity and, couple that with the 2015 changes to regeneration, we have a real monster on our hands. In light of that, we're mainly re-mathing out Sion's passive to favor the juggernaut's beefier builds. ”
  • General:
  • HEALTH REGENERATION GROWTH STAT : +1 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +0.8 health per 5 seconds
  • Passive - Glory in Death:
  • HEALTH DECAY : 2 x level ⇒ 1 + (1 x level)
  • HEALTH DECAY GROWTH : 1.4 x level ⇒ 0.7 + (0.7 x level)
  • Sona:
  • Sona's overall sustain should be lower, especially in cases where significant lane trades have been made.
  • “ Sona's been on the rise due to her ability to turn almost any extended fight in her favor. While we like the Maven getting some recognition, we're looking to reduce her raw trading power so that the great Sonas will need to tightly manage their shields and auras rather than spamming W (that's a tactic for the 'good' Sonas). ”
  • Q - Hymn of Valor:
  • ON-HIT MAGIC DAMAGE AURA RATIO : 0.25 ability power ⇒ 0.2 ability power
  • W - Aria of Perseverance:
  • MISSING HEALTH RATIO : +1% healing increase per 1% health missing ⇒ +0.5% healing increase per 1% health missing
  • BASE HEAL : 25/45/65/85/105 ⇒ 30/50/70/90/110
  • MANA COST : 70/75/80/85/90 ⇒ 80/85/90/95/100
  • Soraka:
  • Base AD went down, E cooldown increased, W cast range increased.
  • “ When deciding to retune League's Premier Healer, we were very conscious of how much interaction she should have with her enemies - as it stands, we may have gone a little too far. Soraka's losing some attack damage and uptime on her E to curb her offensive capabilities, but gaining range on Astral Blessing to keep her true to her roots: Healing. Premier Healing.
  • Incidentally, before this change, Soraka was tied with Tryndamere, Irelia, and Hecarim for having the 9th highest base AD in the game. That's like throwing banana-swords. Banana-halberds. ”
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 56 ⇒ 50
  • W - Astral Infusion:
  • CAST RANGE : 450 ⇒ 550
  • E - Equinox:
  • COOLDOWN : 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 24/22/20/18/16 seconds
  • Warwick:
  • R has a higher cooldown at early ranks.
  • “ In 2015, our focus for bringing Strategic Diversity (still a better phrase than end-game fantasy) to the jungle comes down to ironing out a set of strengths and weaknesses for each champion. Previously, Warwick's strength (sustain / safety) was undervalued due to the piles of sustain all junglers had access to; post-preseason however, Warwick's going to be the cool kid on the block. Where his jungling friends might now find themselves chugging pots to stay healthy in the jungle, Warwick now surpasses almost all of them due to his speed, safety, and consistency.
  • While we don't want to take away Warwick's new-found status as a power-pick, lowering the frequency of his Infinite Duress ganks (which, when executed well, mean kills for his laning friends) will help cement a weakness (low-utility ganks without R) into what is an already well-rounded werewolf. ”
  • R - Infinite Duress:
  • COOLDOWN : 90/80/70 seconds ⇒ 110/90/70 seconds
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 3):
  • “ After a brief intermission last patch, we're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. Our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the newly-updated Rift. ”
  • TEXTURES : The following textures have been updated:
  • Amumu:
  • Base, Almost Prom King, Emumu, Little Knight, Pharaoh, Re-Gifted, Vancouver
  • Caitlyn:
  • Base, Arctic Warfare, Officer, Resistance, Safari, Sheriff
  • Ezreal:
  • Base, Explorer, Frosted, Nottingham, Striker
  • Fizz:
  • Base, Atlantean, Fisherman, Tundra, Void
  • Gragas:
  • Base, Gragas Esq., Hillbilly, Santa, Scuba
  • Jax:
  • Base, Angler, Jaximus, PAX, The Mighty Jax
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Base, Caterpillar, Deep Sea, Jurassic, Monarch, Reindeer, Sonoran
  • Mordekaiser:
  • Base, Dragon Knight (for now)
  • Riven:
  • Base, Battle Bunny, Crimson Elite, Redeemed
  • Talon:
  • Base, Crimson Elite, Dragonblade, Renegade
  • Udyr:
  • Base, Black Belt, Primal
  • Urgot:
  • Base, Battlecast, Butcher, Giant Enemy Crabgot
  • Vladimir:
  • Base, Blood Lord, Count, Marquis, Nosferatu, Vandal
  • Zilean:
  • Base, Groovy, Old Saint, Shurima Desert, Time Machine
  • Global Changes to Summoner's Rift Gameplay:
  • Early Game Kill & Assist Bonuses:
  • Don't feel so bad about getting those early kills. Unless you're getting assists. But then maybe you should have just stolen the kill.
  • “ With the above growth stat changes to address early snowball advantages, we decided to revert the unpopular early game gold reductions we made in the 2014 preseason. Just try not to feed two kills to Lee Sin before the laning phase even begins... ”
  • KILL GOLD : 75% of base reward for 2 minutes, scaling up to 100% at 4 minutes ⇒100% value at all times
  • ASSIST BONUS : 50% of kill reward ⇒25% of kill reward until 90 seconds, then increasing by roughly 0.2% per second for 210 seconds to 50% of kill reward at 5 minutes
  • Fountain Regeneration:
  • “ It's scientifically proven that a more responsive fountain heal leads to higher overall champion happiness. It's just science, man. ”
  • FOUNTAIN HEALING RATE : 8.5% of maximum health and mana per 1 second ⇒2.1% of maximum health and mana per 0.25 seconds
  • Death Timers:
  • “ This change isn't extremely noticeable in real-time application, but we wanted to create more opportunities for teams who are behind to fight back. The math here gets complicated. ”
  • COMPLICATED MATH BEHIND THIS : Death timers now start scaling with time at 25 minutes ⇒35 minutes
  • TIME SCALES FOR EVERYONE : Death timers now scale up at 2% every minute to a cap of 150% at 50 minutes ⇒2% every 30 seconds to a cap of 150% at 47:30
  • Objectives, Minions & Global Buffs:
  • General Context:
  • “ With strategic diversity being our big goal for the 2015 preseason, there are a number of ways we're tackling the challenge. In the case of objectives, we wanted to create incomparable rewards to better differentiate between map objectives.
  • So... what's that mean?
  • Basically with each map objective on Summoner's Rift becoming more unique (both in terms of the rewards they give and how you take them), we can make it so that every path to victory in League can be uniquely different as well. So rather than most strategies boiling down to who can get the most gold (which is important, don't get us wrong), we wanted to amp up the number of interesting and meaningful choices a team can make throughout a game. Should we be prioritizing dragon buffs? What if we just fast push to the nexus? Can we do that with proper map rotations? IS THAT A LASER!?
  • All very pertinent questions for the 2015 preseason.
  • Inhibitor & Nexus Turrets:
  • Maybe think twice before diving that dude under the turret. All base turrets now fire lasers that ramp up in damage while also slowing movement speed and reducing the damage you deal. Seriously though, they hurt.
  • “ I'm sure we've all had the unfortunate task of trying to single-handedly stop a split-pushing Jax (or Tryndamere, or Zed, or... you get the point), only to get murdered under an inhibitor tower we thought was safe. These changes are focused on creating "generalized defenses" against split-pushing - they're not direct counters (because really, if that Jax is fed enough and he wants to kill you, he's gonna do it) but are more like basic deterrents to help out in close games. This way, teams that didn't pick a strong duelist to counteract an enemy split-pusher aren't completely out of luck when that champ gets even slightly ahead. ”
  • COMPLICATED TURRET MATH : Inhibitor and Nexus turrets are much stronger in comparison to their previous versions. Sorry we can't be more specific in terms of direct comparisons (lots of complicated math) - we can say the new turrets are roughly 1.5x or 2x stronger.
  • HEALTH REGENERATION : 15 health per 5 seconds ⇒5 health per 5 seconds
  • ATTACK SPEED : 0.83 ⇒4.0
  • WHAT ARMOR? : Ignores 82.5% of the target's armor
  • DAMAGE REDUCTION : Reduces target's damage dealt by 15%
  • MOVEMENT SLOW : Slows target's movement speed by 10%
  • HEATING UP : With every hit, the beam gains 6 heat until 120 heat is reached. When the beam switches targets, heat is reset.
  • I'M FIRING MY LASERS! : Gains +0.0105% damage per point of heat, up to a maximum of +125% extra damage
  • Inner Turrets:
  • “ Taking an inner turret usually requires: a) precise movement (rotations!), b) strategically risky turret dives, or c) a poke-heavy team that whittles down their opponents before clamping down from all angles like a Yordle Snap Trap. In the case of situations a and b, there are clear strategic counters available to all teams, but situation c is pretty much decided at champ select. Either you have a team that can counter a poke team, or you don't. While we're also looking to create offensive answers like Righteous Glory, these regenerating turret shields once again fall into the "generalized defenses" category, where the shield makes it a little easier to withstand (and combat) poke compositions without completely invalidating their strengths. ”
  • SHIELDS FOR ALL : Inner turrets now have regenerating shields that affect both themselves and nearby allied champions. Additionally, all allied champions within 1100 range gain a growing shield over time, scaling to a maximum of a 200 health shield.
  • PROTECT THAT TURRET : The turret's shield stops regenerating shields if it has taken damage within 30 seconds
  • Inhibitor Respawn Time:
  • “ At the beginning of the 2014 season we shortened the respawn time of inhibitors. Now, with our LASER-BUFFED BASE TURRETS (shouting is mandatory here), we can put inhibitor respawns back to their original timing so that attacking teams have a better window to capitalize on their achievements. ”
  • INHIBITOR RESPAWN TIME : 4 minutes ⇒ 5 minutes
  • Turret & Minion Defense Adjustments:
  • “ Not the most exciting patch note, but we're making some standardized changes to streamline and clarify how minions / turrets scale in the game. If you like clarity, these will be exciting. We like clarity. ”
  • TURRETS : Turret defenses have been adjusted:
  • Turrets no longer gain armor or magic resistance over time
  • Turret armor / magic resistance has been standardized to +100 armor / magic resistance (50% damage reduction)
  • Turret backdoor defense bonuses have been increased to +200 armor / magic resistance (75% damage reduction)
  • STANDARDIZED HEALTH : Turret health has been adjusted:
  • Outer Turrets: 2000
  • Inner Turrets: 2000
  • Inhibitor Turrets: 2500
  • Nexus Turrets: 2500
  • MINIONS : Minion defensive stats have been adjusted:
  • Minions no longer gain armor or magic resistance over time
  • Cannon minions no longer have base armor
  • All minion health gain over time has been increased to be roughly as durable as when they had resistances
  • Cannon Minions:
  • “ When we looked at how games were progressing, we realized cannon minion spawns weren't keeping up with the cadence of a normal game, so we cranked up the cannon-minion-making-machines. ”
  • MORE CANNON MINIONS : Cannon minions now start spawning every two waves at 35 minutes ⇒ 20 minutes
  • YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY : Cannon minions now start spawning every wave at 35 minutes
  • Baron Spawn Timer:
  • Baron wanted a later call-time.
  • “ With Baron appearing at the same time cannon minions ramp up their spawn times (or vice-versa), we can create more consistency around what 'mid-game' looks like for game pacing. ”
  • SPAWN TIME : 15 minutes ⇒ 20 minutes
  • Baron Rewards:
  • Baron buff no longer gives regeneration to the buffed team, but provides a minion promote aura that amps up sieging power. By a lot.
  • “ Baron buff was always intended to be the siege-breaker; the ultimate answer to a team turtling and refusing to die. That's not to say that the present day Baron buff doesn't accomplish this goal, but it currently does so in a low-impact swirl of purple stats (and not much else). As such, our objective with the 2015 Baron buff is to trim power that doesn't feel impactful while adding it back in a way that says, "GO FORTH AND BUST DOWN THEIR WALLS." Hopefully that is now all you hear when you take down Baron. ”
  • NO FACTIONS HERE : Killing Baron Nashor grants a buff called Exalted with Baron Nashor ⇒ Hand of Baron
  • COMBAT BUFFS : Grants up to 40 attack power and ability power (scaling with game time)
  • new MINION PROMOTE AURA : Hand of Baron grants an aura that empowers nearby minions:
  • All Minions:
  • Now match 90% of average movement speed of nearby champions, up to a limit of 500 movement speed
  • Are resistant to slow effects
  • Non-super minions have 75% damage reduction versus area of effect, damage over time, and persistent effects
  • Melee Minions:
  • Gain +50% movement speed when within 800 units of enemy minions or turrets
  • Size is increased
  • +75 attack range
  • 75% damage reduction versus champions and minions
  • 30% damage reduction versus turrets (similar to cannon minions)
  • Ranged Minions:
  • +20 attack damage
  • +50% missile speed
  • +100 attack range
  • Cannon Minions:
  • +600 Attack Range
  • +50 Attack Damage, but Attack Speed is halved
  • Attacks are now Area of Effect (200 range) and deal 2x damage to Turrets.
  • Super Minions:
  • +25% Attack Speed.
  • Gain +50% Movement Speed when within 800 units of enemy minion or Turret.
  • new EMPOWERED RECALL : Hand of Baron augments your Recall with new effects:
  • Baron buff reduces recall channel by 4 seconds.
  • A successful recall heals 50% a champion's maximum health / mana
  • A successful recall grants +50% movement speed for 8 seconds
  • Dragon Rewards:
  • Dragon's global gold and experience have been transformed into a series of stacking "Dragon Slayer" buffs. Each time your team takes down Dragon, they get a permanent stacking buff. At 5 stacks, your team gets super-bonuses for 180 seconds.
  • “ In the 2014 season, it was tough to tell the difference between taking down Dragon or a turret - at least if you were only looking at rewards. Granted, downing a turret does open up the map for your team, but unless you're constantly taking advantage of that opening, the gains from taking multiple Dragons or turrets just means one team has more gold / experience in a fight.
  • So.
  • In line with our philosophy of incomparable objective rewards, Dragon poses a much larger late-game threat for teams that take the time to invest in his stacking buffs. This means players will grow to understand the tradeoffs they're making as they ponder whether it's worth giving the enemy team a fourth Dragon in exchange for the top inner turret. And unless the plan is to never lose a Dragon again, there are very real risks associated with making that decision. Look at these meaningful choices! ”
  • new DRAGON SLAYER : Killing Dragon now gives your team a permanent stacking buff called "Dragon Slayer":
  • Dragon's Might (1 stack): +8% total attack damage and ability power
  • Dragon's Dominance (2 stacks): +15% damage to minions and monsters
  • Dragon's Flight (3 stacks): +5% movement speed
  • Dragon's Wrath (4 stacks): +15% damage to turrets and buildings
  • Aspect of the Dragon (5 stacks, repeatable): Doubles all other bonuses and your attacks burn enemies for 150 true damage over 5 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.
  • removed NO MORE DRAGON BOUNTIES : Dragon no longer gives global gold but still awards experience and a small amount of gold to the slayer
  • EXPERIENCE : The experience Dragon grants to the killing team has been reduced by 50%
  • Crest of Cinders:
  • new HEALTHY BUFFS : Crest of Cinders now heals its buffed target by +1% of their maximum health per 5 seconds
  • DURATION : 150 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds
  • BURN PASSIVE : 10-44 damage over 3 seconds ⇒ 5-56 damage over 3 seconds
  • SLOW : 8%-15% ⇒ 5%-10%
  • Crest of Insight:
  • DURATION : 150 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds
  • 2015 Jungle Adjustments:
  • General Context
  • “ In older iterations of the jungle, we've always reacted to the problems of the previous season, which ends up leaving us on the back foot for the year of Lee Sins to come (it's like the joke writes itself). This preseason, rather than trying to kick the best champions back in line, we instead focused on taking bigger steps to bring strategic diversity back to the jungle. If we can build a jungle that empowers and reacts to the many different actions junglers can take, then we can create an ecosystem where it's almost impossible to distill an "optimal" jungler at any point. That's a bit of a muddy concept, so we'll explain: in the 2014 season, the jungle was a fairly 'solved' position, where optimal routes were established, sustain was easy to come by, and monsters were just piles of gold waiting to be picked up. Because of this, the 'best' junglers were quickly discovered to be those who could heavily influence lanes while still keeping up in their farm; in other words, gank / damage focused champs (oh, hello Lee) who don't make many tradeoffs for their superior dueling strengths.
  • This season we're introducing a lot more decision points to the jungle - more than can be made in any single game! By introducing so many variables, jungling becomes a combination of adaptation and preference rather than just making small optimizations as one Kha'Zix among many. This also gives us far more 'tuning levers' (aka things to balance) within the jungle, rather than just going after that single dominant jungler. If slow, safe junglers start getting crushed by the Evelynns, Kha'Zii, Elises, and Lee Sins of the world, then we have more to investigate rather than constantly whittling down their strength.
  • Ultimately, you can think of this new jungle as more of a chess match between you and the enemy jungler. How do you react to your enemies' actions? When will you need the right jungle buff? Should you invest in a more aggressive Smite or do you think a farm-centric approach would be better in this game?
  • Whatever your answer, be sure to Smite Teemo whenever you can
  • Rift Scuttler (NEW):
  • Last year we introduced a new jungle camp (the Gromp now!) because we wanted to balance out neutral camps on both sides of the map. This year, our goal with the Rift Scuttler is to create a new objective that not only behaves differently but also rewards players in new and unique ways. So rather than being another Gromp for the river, this scuttling crustacean offers a lot of strategic choice for junglers and their teammates. Take out the crab before your opponents show up for Dragon, and you'll have guaranteed vision to poke them out. Alternatively, if your mid lane wants to push and roam in the early to mid game, it might be worth securing the crab to further augment their ganks. There are a lot of different ways to leverage - and waste! - the Rift Scuttler's reward, so we'll be watching closely to see how he plays into the 2015 preseason. ”
  • RESPAWN TIME : 3 minutes
  • REWARD : Grants vision and a speed boost in front of either Dragon Pit or Baron Pit for 75 seconds upon death
  • SCUTTLE CRAB : Always runs away when attacked
  • Smite Rewards:
  • Smite a camp, get a reward. Simple!
  • “ Smite is a pretty unique resource for a jungler, but the choices they make with this spell are pretty basic ("is it off cooldown?"). By giving camps unique rewards, we can offer more ways for a jungler to react to a situation while giving great junglers the chance to differentiate themselves from the good junglers. Sorry, I'll rephrase that: "we can separate the good junglers from the great junglers." ”
  • KRUGS : Smiting the Krug grants Gift of Heavy Hands - stuns minions and monsters every 1st and 5th hit. Your first attack against a turret deals 50 (+15 per level) true damage but consumes this buff. Lasts 90 seconds.
  • RAPTORS : Smiting the Raptor grants Razor Sharp - gives you a warning and magical sight for 10 seconds when an enemy ward spots you. Lasts 90 seconds, with 1 charge.
  • MURKWOLVES : Smiting the Murkwolf creates a Rift Spirit - summons a Rift Spirit that watches over a portion of the jungle. Lasts 90 seconds, but that timer goes down when the spirit chases enemies.
  • GROMP : Smiting the Gromp grants Gift of the Toadstool - attackers are poisoned for 6 (+ 6 per level) magic damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 90 seconds.
  • RED BRAMBLEBACK : Restores 20% of maximum health
  • BLUE SENTINEL : Restores 25% of maimum mana
  • Monster Stat & Reward Changes:
  • The jungle is harder, but rewards have been increased as well. Just don't die to the Brambleback.
  • “ The 2014 jungle was just too soft. 5 minutes into a game, sustain no longer became an issue as junglers mauled their way through camps while recovering via Spirit Stone's recovery mechanic. This meant that junglers who specialized in sustain got overshadowed by junglers who could clear faster because, really, there's no way you can sustain past full health. This bears repeating: as a result of sustain being so easy to access, 'optimal' junglers become ones who can hit that low sustain cap while doubling up on their gank power (Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Elise, Evelynn, or Rengar come to mind).
  • Part of our big answer for this preseason is to increase the difficulty of the jungle. By doing so, we can better differentiate between the junglers who clear fast versus those who can stay healthy. This puts a higher premium on that mitigation-focused jungler who can still gank after clearing a camp, while a high-damage jungler might be more effective at ganking but will have a tougher time keeping up. Combine these changes with our below jungle itemization changes (and Smite reward changes above!), and you've got a pretty diverse jungle that caters to a number of different styles. ”
  • SMALL CAMPS : Small camps have hit the jungle gym (this line was blatantly stolen from someone else)
  • Small jungle camps now respawn every 50 seconds ⇒ 100 seconds
  • Base health, attack damage, gold, and experience of small jungle camps have been increased by 20%
  • Greatly increased the attack damage scaling of small jungle camps throughout the game
  • Increased the health scaling of small jungle camps up to level 12
  • RAPTORS : Raptors have been further re-tuned to be equal to other camps:
  • Large Raptor:
  • EXPERIENCE : 120 ⇒ 140
  • DAMAGE : 40 ⇒ 55
  • MOVEMENT SPEED : 320 ⇒ 350
  • Small Raptor:
  • EXPERIENCE : 10 ⇒ 20
  • DAMAGE : 14 ⇒ 20
  • MOVEMENT SPEED : 320 ⇒ 350
  • BLUE SENTINEL : Blue Sentinel is scarier
  • BASE HEALTH : 1500 ⇒ 2000
  • DAMAGE : 60 ⇒ 73
  • RED BRAMBLEBACK : Red Brambleback is also scarier:
  • BASE HEALTH : 1500 ⇒ 1800
  • DAMAGE : 60 ⇒ 80
  • Blue Sentinel / Red Brambleback Camp Rewards:
  • We're trying to make it a little less painful to "donate" buffs to allies.
  • “ Remember to thank your jungler for the help when he or she donates their buff to you. Some of you might argue that blue / red buff is a "team" thing and therefore you don't need to thank anyone, but that's not a very collaborative mindset.
  • Lessons on manners aside, this change means junglers have more control over how much experience / gold they give up when they donate their buffs to a friendly ally. ”
  • Blue Sentinel & Red Brambleback:
  • EXPERIENCE : 260 ⇒ 100
  • GOLD : 60 ⇒ 42
  • Small Monsters:
  • EXPERIENCE : 20 ⇒ 50
  • GOLD : 7 ⇒ 22
  • Jungle Experience Pacing:
  • GO GET SOME SUNSHINE : Champions gain 10% less experience for each level they are above the camp they are killing. This penalty caps at 50%.
  • Embarrassing Deaths in the Jungle:
  • EVEN THE PROS DO IT : Red and Blue buffs no longer fall off when a champion is executed by a jungle camp
  • Jungle Items:
  • High-level philosophy: previous iterations of jungle items just reinforced the jungle hierarchy. When items were focused on specific jungle roles or archetypes, the best junglers ended up directly tied to the best performing items on the market. We saw this really flare up with our mid-season changes to Wriggle's Lantern (which we subsequently nerfed) and the brief, meteoric rise of the farm-carry jungler. Creating new jungle items lets us re-focus their benefits on diversity of jungler action (I bet you thought I was going to say strategy) rather than jungler stats. By doing so, junglers can react more fluidly to the state of the game (rather than racing to whoever can finish their item first) and we have the balancing points to support a wide array of jungler strategies (there it is).
  • Hunter's Machete:
  • COST : 325 gold ⇒ 400 gold
  • removedSTATS : +10 attack damage vs. monsters / +5 damage reduction vs. monsters
  • newPASSIVE - JUNGLER : Deal 30 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 7 health and 3 mana per second while in combat with monsters
  • newOH THANK GOODNESS : Hunter's Machete can now only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell
  • Poacher's Knife (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Hunter's Machete + 350 gold
  • PASSIVE - SCAVENGING SMITE : When you Smite and kill a large monster in the enemy jungle, the cooldown of Smite is halved, you gain +20 bonus gold, and you gain 175% increased Movement Speed decaying over 2 seconds
  • PASSIVE - JUNGLER : Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters
  • Ranger's Trailblazer (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Hunter's Machete + 350 gold
  • PASSIVE - BLASTING SMITE : The cooldown of Smite is reduced by 15 seconds. Smite also deals half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for 1.5 seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing health and mana.
  • PASSIVE - JUNGLER : Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters
  • Skirmisher's Sabre (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Hunter's Machete + 350 gold
  • PASSIVE - CHALLENGING SMITE : Smite can be cast on enemy champions, marking them for 6 seconds. While marked, you deal 18-69 bonus true damage to them on hit, have vision of them, and reduce their damage to you by 20%.
  • PASSIVE - JUNGLER : Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters
  • Stalker's Blade (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Hunter's Machete + 350 gold
  • PASSIVE - CHILLING SMITE : Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing 28-164 true damage and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds
  • PASSIVE - JUNGLER : Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters
  • Jungle Item Enchantments:
  • Enchantment - Devourer (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Dagger + Dagger + any upgraded Hunter's Machete + 600 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2250 gold
  • ATTACK SPEED : +50%
  • PASSIVE - DEVOURING : Killing large monsters increases the magic damage of this item by +1. Champion kills or assists increase the magic damage of this item by +2.
  • Enchantment - Juggernaut (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + any upgraded Hunter's Machete + 250 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2250 gold
  • HEALTH : 500
  • TENACITY : 35%
  • Enchantment - Magus (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Fiendish Codex + any upgraded Hunter's Machete + 680 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2250 gold
  • Enchantment - Warrior (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Brutalizer + any upgraded Hunter's Machete + 163 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2250 gold
  • Elixirs:
  • Elixir of Iron (NEW):
  • COST : 400 gold
  • DRINK ME FOR : +25% increased size, +25% slow resistance, +25% tenacity, and the Path of Iron buff for 3 minutes
  • PATH OF IRON : Moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champion's movement speed by 15%
  • Elixir of Ruin (NEW):
  • COST : 400 gold
  • DRINK ME FOR : +250 health, +15% bonus damage to turrets, and the Siege Commander buff for 3 minutes
  • SIEGE COMMANDER : Nearby minions gain +15% bonus damage to turrets and gain movement speed based on your movement speed.
  • Elixir of Sorcery (NEW):
  • COST : 400 gold
  • DRINK ME FOR : +40 ability power, +15 mana regeneration per 5 seconds, and the Sorcery buff for 3 minutes
  • SORCERY : Damaging a champion or turret deals 25 bonus true damage. This effect has a 5 second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus turrets.
  • Elixir of Wrath (NEW):
  • COST : 400 gold
  • DRINK ME FOR : BLOODLUST!!!! +25 attack damage and the Bloodlust buff for 3 minutes
  • BLOODLUST : Dealing physical damage to champions heals for +10% of the damage dealt. Scoring
  • Regeneration Items:
  • Rejuvenation Bead:
  • HEALTH REGENERATION : +5 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +50% base health regeneration
  • Faerie Charm:
  • MANA REGENERATION : +3 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +25% base mana regeneration
  • Crystalline Bracer (NEW):
  • RECIPE : Ruby Crystal + Rejuvenation Bead + 20 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 600 gold
  • HEALTH : 200
  • HEALTH REGENERATION : +50% base health regeneration
  • Forbidden Idol:
  • TOTAL COST : 700 gold ⇒ 600 gold (combine cost reduced by 100 gold)
  • MANA REGENERATION : +8 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +60% base mana regeneration
  • COOLDOWN REDUCTION : 10% (unchanged)
  • Tear of the Goddess:
  • TOTAL COST : 700 gold ⇒ 720 gold (combine cost increased by 20 gold)
  • MANA REGENERATION : +6 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +25% base mana regeneration
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Mana Charge - Grants +4 maximum mana on spell cast or mana expenditure (up to 2 times per 8 seconds). Grants +1 maximum mana per 8 seconds. Caps at+750 mana. (Unchanged)
  • NO INFLATION HERE : All items building out of Tear of the Goddess have had their combine cost reduced by 20 gold to preserve their total cost
  • Chalice of Harmony & Friends
  • Chalice of Harmony:
  • TOTAL COST : 880 gold ⇒ 1000 gold (combine cost increased by 20 gold, inherits Null Magic Mantle's 100 gold cost increase - see below)
  • MANA REGENERATION : +7 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +50% base mana regeneration
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 20 ⇒ 25
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Mana Font Increases mana regeneration by 1% per 1% of missing mana ⇒ Restores 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Athene's Unholy Grail:
  • TOTAL COST : 2600 gold ⇒ 2700 gold (combine cost decreased by 20 gold, inherits Chalice of Harmony's 120 gold cost increase)
  • MANA REGENERATION : +10 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +50% base mana regeneration
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Mana Font Increases mana regeneration by 1% per 1% of missing mana ⇒ Restores 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Mikael's Crucible:
  • TOTAL COST : Unchanged (combine cost decreased by 20 gold, inherits Chalice of Harmony's 120 gold cost increase and Forbidden Idol's 100 gold cost decrease)
  • MANA REGENERATION : +20 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +100% base mana regeneration
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Mana Font Increases mana regeneration by 1% per 1% of missing mana ⇒ Restores 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds
  • Strategic Items:
  • Greater Lens:
  • “ Feedback loop. This is technically a strategic item, but we have nowhere else to put it anyway. ”
  • LEGITIMATE BUG : The visual indicator for the area-of-effect of Greater Lens no longer reverts to the smaller indicator for Sweeping Lens after dying and respawning (actual range was unaffected)
  • Righteous Glory (NEW):
  • Chase down those pesky disengage comps! Righteous Glory is a new item that gives a lot of health, mana, regeneration, and an active that gives movement speed to its user and allies when moving toward the enemy or enemy turrets. After a few seconds, it sends out a large slowing shockwave.
  • “ We don't have many items that enable teams to capitalize on strategic initiations, which means if a team doesn't have initiation baked into their composition, they're usually in for a frustrating time. Given that one of our big goals this season was to offer strategic opportunities for teams beyond champ select, it seemed natural to create a strong initiation item. This allows teams to react more fluidly against disengage comps while also enabling hard engagement strategies without being forced to bring Malphite along for the ride (not that we have anything against Malphite). ”
  • RECIPE : Catalyst the Protector + Crystalline Bracer + 700 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2500 gold
  • HEALTH : 500
  • MANA : 300
  • HEALTH REGENERATION : +100% base health regeneration
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Valor's Reward - Upon leveling up, restores 150 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds
  • UNIQUE ACTIVE : Grants +60% Movement Speed to nearby allies when moving towards enemies or enemy turrets for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds, a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion Movement Speed by 80% for 1 second. This effect may be reactivated early to instantly release the shockwave.
  • Warmog's Armor:
  • Warmog’s has had its max health reduced, but it restores a lot more health if you haven’t been in combat after 8 seconds.
  • “ Rather than just giving a ton of health and regeneration, we really wanted to push Warmog’s Armor as an anti-siege item, allowing tanky dudes to stay healthy under high-pressure scenarios. Unless they can’t dodge the poke. ”
  • RECIPE : Giant's Belt + Ruby Crystal + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + 1070 gold ⇒ Giant's Belt + Crystalline Bracer + Crystalline Bracer + 300 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2830 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
  • HEALTH : 1000 ⇒ 800
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Restores 1% of maximum health every 5 seconds ⇒ Restores 1% of maximum health every 5 seconds. Health restore increases to 3% of maximum health if damage hasn't been taken within 8 seconds.
  • Banner of Command:
  • Banner of Command now builds out of Aegis and a Fiendish Codex, providing team-wide siege stats along with a super magic-immune minion active buff.
  • “ We’ve always wanted Banner of Command to be a siege / push item in terms of its strategic niche, but couldn't find the right mix of stats to make it situationally viable without being super-strong (or just unused). This will be our third attempt, and there's not much else to say beyond that. Did we mention that Banner's promote active makes a minion immune to magic damage!? ”
  • RECIPE : Fiendish Codex + Blasting Wand + 720 gold ⇒ Aegis of the Legion + Fiendish Codex + 280 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2400 gold ⇒ 3000 gold
  • newHEALTH : 200
  • ABILITY POWER : 80 ⇒ 60
  • COOLDOWN REDUCTION : 20% ⇒ 10%
  • removedVALORLESS : No longer has the Valor aura
  • newUNIQUE AURA : Legion - Grants nearby allies +20 magic resist and +75% base health regeneration
  • newUNIQUE ACTIVE : Promote - Greatly increases the power of a lane minion and grants it immunity to magic damage (120 second cooldown)
  • Cannon Minions: Damage: +100; Health + 600; Armor: +100; Magic resist:+100; Size: INCREASED
  • Melee Minions: Damage: +50; Bonus attack speed +90%; Health: +600; Armor: +40; Magic resist: +40; Size: INCREASED
  • Range Minions: Damage: +75; Bonus attack speed +30%; Health: +400; Armor: +40; Magic resist: +40; Size: INCREASED
  • Raptor Cloak (NEW):
  • Build up speed near your turret. Or their turret. Or a dead turret. Or when moving between turrets. The possibilities are endless (or only slightly more than what's listed in this summary).
  • “ Raptor's Cloak is a stepping stone toward Ohmwrecker, but on its own it provides some neat movement-oriented bonuses for players looking to do some turret diving (or to come barreling down the lane!). ”
  • RECIPE : Cloth Armor + Rejuvenation Bead + 520 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 1000 gold
  • ARMOR : 30
  • HEALTH REGENERATION : +100% base health regeneration
  • UNIQUE PASSIVE : Point Runner - Builds up to +30% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets
  • Ohmwrecker:
  • Ohmwrecker's undergone its seasonal rework. This time it gives health, base health regeneration, cooldown reduction, the previously highlighted Point Runner passive (build up +30% movement speed when near any turret, alive or dead), and the Ohmwrecker turret disabling active.
  • “ Fourth time's the charm. Similar to Banner of Command, Ohmwrecker's always kind of had a known identity, but we could never find the right statistical combination to make it work (or when we did we got really scared, as it ran the risk of Ohmwrecker becoming ohm-erpowered). With such an influx of strategically-oriented items, however, we think it's time for Ohmwrecker to shine (at least occasionally). Combine that Point Runner passive with Ohmwrecker's turret timeout active, and you've got a hard-initiate turret-diving item that'll be perfect for the aspirational tank in all of us. ”
  • RECIPE : Ruby Crystal + Blasting Wand + 740 gold ⇒ Raptor's Cloak + Kindlegem + 750 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2000 gold ⇒ 2600 gold
  • removedABILITY POWER : 50 ⇒ 0
  • HEALTH : 350 ⇒ 300
  • newARMOR : 0 ⇒ 50
  • newHEALTH REGENERATION : +100% base health regeneration
  • newUNIQUE PASSIVE : Point Runner - Builds up to +30% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets
  • TURRET TIMEOUT : Prevents nearby enemy turrets from attacking for 2.5 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
  • I THINK WE WANTED A ROUND NUMBER : Multiple Ohmwreckers cannot be used on the same turret for 7.5 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds
  • Armor Build Paths:
  • Chain Vest:
  • RECIPE : None ⇒ Cloth Armor + 450 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 720 gold ⇒ 750 gold (The total cost of items that build out of Chain Vest remains the same, except where noted)
  • Thornmail:
  • TOTAL COST : 2200 gold ⇒ 2100 gold (combine cost decreased by 130 gold, inherits Chain Vest's 30 gold cost increase)
  • Sunfire Cape:
  • TOTAL COST : 2650 gold ⇒ 2600 gold (combine cost decreased by 80 gold, inherits Chain Vest's 30 gold cost increase)
  • Warden's Mail:
  • RECIPE : Chain Vest + 280 gold ⇒ Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + 450 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 1000 gold ⇒ 1050 gold
  • ARMOR : 50 ⇒ 45
  • Randuin's Omen:
  • TOTAL COST : 3000 gold ⇒ 2850 gold (combine cost decreased by 200 gold, inherits Warden's Mail's 50 gold cost decrease)
  • Magic Resistance Build Paths:
  • Null-Magic Mantle:
  • COST : 400 gold ⇒ 500 gold
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 20 ⇒ 25
  • Negatron Cloak (REMOVED):
  • IT'S LIKE THE ITEM DIDN'T EXIST : All items that built from a Negatron Cloak now have a Null-Magic Mantle component instead
  • ALL HAIL THE MANTLE : The total cost of items that used to build out of Negatron Cloak remains the same, except where noted
  • Abyssal Scepter:
  • RECIPE : Blasting Wand + Negatron Cloak + 980 gold ⇒ Blasting Wand + Null-Magic Mantle + Null-Magic Mantle + 580 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 2560 gold ⇒ 2440 gold
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 45 ⇒ 50
  • Spectre's Cowl:
  • RECIPE : Negatron Cloak + Ruby Crystal + 275 gold ⇒ Null-Magic Mantle + Ruby Crystal + 300 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 1400 gold ⇒ 1200 gold
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 45 ⇒ 35
  • Quicksilver Sash:
  • RECIPE : Negatron Cloak + 830 gold ⇒ Null-Magic Mantle + 750 gold
  • TOTAL COST : 1550 gold ⇒ 1250 gold
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 45 ⇒ 30
  • Mercurial Scimitar:
  • TOTAL COST : 3800 gold ⇒ 3700 (combine cost increased by 200 gold, inherits Quicksilver Sash's 300 gold cost decrease)
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE : 45 ⇒ 35
  • Stacking Items:
  • Mejai's Soulstealer:
  • TOTAL COST : 1235 gold ⇒ 1400 gold (combine cost increased by 165 gold)
  • newPRE-STACKED : Mejai's Soulstealer now starts with 5 stacks!
  • newGO BIG OR GO HOME : Mejai's Soulstealer now loses 1/3 of its stacks when killed ⇒ 1/2 of its stacks when killed
  • Sword of the Occult:
  • TOTAL COST : 1200 gold ⇒ 1400 gold (combine cost increased by 200 gold)
  • newPRE-STACKED : Sword of the Occult now starts with 5 stacks!
  • newGO BIG OR GO HOME : Sword of the Occult now loses 1/3 of its stacks when killed ⇒ 1/2 of its stacks when killed
  • newMORE THINGS YOU WON'T GET : At 20 stacks, grants +20% bonus attack speed
  • removedSLOOOOW DOWN! : No longer grants +15% movement speed at 20 stacks
  • Removed Items:
  • Sword of the Divine
  • Executioner's Calling
  • Atma's Impaler
  • Shop Search Shortcuts:
  • Defence. Anaesthesia. Authorise. Doughnut. Pyjamas. ”
  • SEARCH CLARITY! : Jungle items are searchable in the in-game store as "jungle"
  • CENTRE COLOUR CONNEXION : You can now search for armour in the shop. Reconnoitre. Neighbour. We can go all day. Manoeuvre.
  • STREAMLINED SHOPPING : "Starter Items" has been added as an item category with subcategories for "Lane" and "Jungle"
  • Summoner Spell Level Requirements:
  • Along with Smite getting super complex, we figured we could re-assess the Summoner Spell level requirements. ”
  • OLD : Summoner Spells were previously unlocked at levels:
  • LEVEL 1 :: Clarity, Ghost, Heal, and Revive
  • LEVEL 2 :: Cleanse
  • LEVEL 3 :: Smite
  • LEVEL 4 :: Garrison
  • LEVEL 6 :: Barrier and Teleport
  • LEVEL 8 :: Exhaust and Ignite
  • LEVEL 10 :: Clairvoyance
  • LEVEL 12 :: Flash
  • NEW : Summoner Spells are now unlocked at levels:
  • LEVEL 1 :: Clarity, Garrison, Ghost, Heal and Revive
  • LEVEL 4 :: Barrier and Exhaust
  • LEVEL 6 :: Cleanse and Teleport
  • LEVEL 8 :: Clairvoyance and Flash
  • LEVEL 10 :: Smite and Ignite (\m/)
  • Scoreboard Changes:
  • COUNT THOSE DRAGON BUFFS : Iconographic Dragon Slayer counters have been added to the scoreboard
  • COLORBLIND ACCOMODATIONS : Colorblind mode has been removed from the scoreboard - it just uses red and blue
  • Active Item & Buff UI Updates:
  • Active item hotkeys and cooldowns are now displayed in the space above your Summoner spells. In this new display, cooldowns are tracked by both the blue "sweep" and their numeric values
  • Active item tracking in the inventory is unchanged (no numeric cooldowns)
  • Buffs have been split into two categories: ability trackers and ambient buffs:
  • Ability trackers (stacks toward an ability proc, remaining charges of an ability, remaining duration of an ability effect, etc.) retain their spot above the center HUD
  • Ambient buffs (persistent buffs, stance indicators, auras, etc.) have been moved to a second buff bar above your champion portrait. Debuffs have been moved to this space as well.
  • LeaverBuster:
  • BUSTED : We'll soon be launching a brand new system that greatly reduces leavers and AFKs, with more severe penalties for Ranked offenders.
  • Patcher Improvements:
  • A volume slider and mute button have been added to the patcher to control the recently-added "Launch" and "Patching Complete" sounds
  • Clicking ticker notifications in the patcher will now take you to the Service Status page for more information
  • End of Game Gifting & Store Improvements:
  • End of Game Gifting:
  • “ End of Game Gifting is a new way for players to gift fellow Summoners via the post-game lobby. We'll be launching in waves starting in the weeks following the launch of Patch 4.20 and extending into the next patch. Launching the feature in stages keeps us light on our feet during the rollout period, leading to the best experience possible for everyone once we're fully activated!
  • Soon, whether you want to thank a friendly player or reward someone's first Pentakill, you'll be able to show your appreciation after the match! Here are the details: ”
  • You do NOT have to be friends to send a gift
  • You can send gifts to players on both teams
  • At launch, you'll be able to choose from Mystery Skins, Mystery Champions, the champion the recipient played (if unowned), and available skins for that champion
  • The prices will be the same as in the store
  • Gifts will count towards the daily gifting limit. In other words, you can only send/receive up to five gifts each day (For example, sending three mystery skins from the store and two end of game gifts hits your limit)
  • Available in all queues except for custom games
  • Store Improvements:
  • Ward Skins have been added to the options in the store's Gifting Center! Standard gifting rules apply.
  • Expanding on the icon changes made last patch, we've updated the icons for IP and XP boosts
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a Mac compatibility issue that caused the cursor to drop to the bottom of the screen (sometimes becoming completely stuck) when attempting to Smart Ping
  • Various buff icons that went missing in 4.19 should have reappeared via the new Active Item & Buff UI changes
  • Fixed a bug where Tryndamere's E - Spinning Slash was dealing double damage in rare cases

New in League of Legends Client 4.19 (Nov 5, 2014)

  • Summoner's Rift Update: Open Beta:
  • The last major set of SRU files is going out with 4.19 (so expect another large download!) and we'll be starting the Summoner's Rift open beta soon. Check out the beta release plan for additional details!
  • Singed:
  • STICK 'EM IN THE GOO! ... Also Insanity Potion gives more bonuses at rank 3. And Singed has been updated!
  • Our initial context was to say, "Sometimes you just want to buff Singed, man," but then someone read it and said it wasn't very informative. So. Right now we like Singed and how he fits into the game, but thought we could give him some small, exciting buffs to stay interesting. For the "LONG PATCH NOTE" section, we'll reiterate: it's a neutral change, just that we've shifted the mini-stun on landing into the actual throw itself (this came from re-scripting Fling to fix the bug where Singed was occasionally tossing people in the completely wrong direction). Also, Singed has been updated! Check out the article if you want the full story, or below if you just want the specifics.
  • General:
  • VISUALS : Updated model and textures for base and all skins
  • ICONS : New ability icons
  • SPLASH : New base splash
  • E - Fling:
  • new - STAY WITH ME : If Singed Flings a target into Mega Adhesive Zone, they will be snared for 1 second
  • FLIP FLOP - Fixed a bug where Singed would occasionally Fling his targets in completely wrong directions (we believe this is fixed for most cases, let us know if it keeps happening!)
  • A LONG PATCH NOTE - Singed's arm is stronger, thereby letting him Fling targets higher into the sky for slightly longer durations. In exchange, targets will be able to move immediately after being flung. This is a net neutral change, as we basically took the mini-stun from Fling's landing and put it into duration of the Fling itself.
  • R - Insanity Potion:
  • STAT ENHANCEMENT - 35/50/65 ⇒ 35/50/80 ability power, armor, magic resist, movement speed, health per 5 seconds and mana per 5 seconds
  • Sion :
  • Lots of bug fixes along with a small mana cost shift from Sion's Q + W to E.
  • “ We've got a little room to give Sion some post-update love, so we decided to focus on his best stat: health. Additionally, we've made a lot of quality-of-life changes & bug fixes to help Sion be the best he can be. Final note for that passive change, we changed it because it was punishing Sion for building HP, which was dumb. Now health-stacking Sion should stay up a little longer in his zombie form in comparison to a damage-focused, low-health Sion. Logic!
  • General:
  • HEALTH PER LEVEL : +70 ⇒ +73
  • Passive - Glory in Death:
  • COMPLICATED ZOMBIE MATH - Sion's health decay in passive form now scales with his max health (0.5% max health first tick, increasing by 0.4% max health per tick) ⇒ champion level (2 x level first tick, increasing by 1.4 x level per tick)
  • FIERY DEATH - Fixed a bug where Sunfire Cape wasn't working while Sion was in his passive zombie state
  • YORICK IS HELPING : Glory in Death no longer fails to activate in cases where Sion is targeted by Yorick's Omen of Death, doesn't trigger the revive effect and then dies later on in the match
  • Q - Decimating Smash:
  • COST : 50/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65 mana
  • SMASHING PARITY : All crowd-control types now correctly refund Decimating Smash's cooldown to 2 seconds when they interrupt Sion while he's charging up
  • YELLING AND SMASHING : Sion can now properly cast Decimating Smash immediately after Roar of the Slayer
  • W - Soul Furnace:
  • COST : 70/75/80/85/90 mana ⇒ 65/70/75/80/85 mana
  • PASSIVE HEALTH GAIN : 8 ⇒ 10 on large monster kill and champ kill/assist (minion and small monster bonus unchanged)
  • E - Roar of the Slayer:
  • IT'S A JUNGLE SION BUFF : Knocked back minions are no longer invulnerable to damage while in flight but can't be killed before landing unless Sion casts Smite on them
  • COST : 25 mana at all ranks ⇒ 35 mana at all ranks
  • Anivia:
  • Q - Flash Frost:
  • WHOOPS : Fixed a bug where Anivia wouldn't cast Flash Frost in the direction of the cursor if she wasn't in range to cast it (in other words, Anivia will now immediately cast Flash Frost rather than moving into range to cast it).
  • Azir:
  • Passive - Shurima's Legacy:
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where the damage from Azir's Sun Disc would not ramp up properly like a tower.
  • R - Emperor's Divide:
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a number of bugs around detecting enemies that are behind Azir at cast time
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a number of double bounce bugs
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a number of bugs that allowed enemies to dash through the wall if they timed their dash correctly
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • R - Crowstorm:
  • CAW CAW CAW : Fixed a bug where rapidly spamming a basic ability at the very end of Crowstorm's channel sometimes caused that ability to go on cooldown without casting or appearing to be on cooldown in the HUD
  • Janna:
  • W's cooldown stays the same at all ranks (aka higher at later ranks).
  • “ While this isn't a very large change, we want to create harder choices for Janna for when she should use her W, giving her enemies more windows of vulnerability to engage on their target (or her!). ”
  • Q - Howling Gale:
  • WHOOPS : Fixed a bug where Janna wouldn't cast Howling Gale in the direction of the cursor if she wasn't in range to cast it (in other words, Janna will now immediately cast Howling Gale rather than moving into range to cast it)
  • W - Zephyr:
  • COOLDOWN : 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds at all ranks
  • LeBlanc:
  • “ Helping you make those... flashy plays. ”
  • Passive - Mirror Image:
  • FLASHY PLAYS : Flashing no longer de-stealths LeBlanc and her clone when Mirror Image is triggered
  • Lucian:
  • W no longer has an attack damage ratio, but gives more movement speed bonuses at later ranks. R's cooldown has been significantly raised (particularly at later levels).
  • “ You know, for a 'short-range' champion, Lucian's got access to a lot of long-range damage once he gets past the early game. Our big focus here is to push Lucian into closer combat range more often by reducing the power on some of his safer spells. At this point you might ask why Q has a 1100 range (well, 500 cast but 1100 total), and that would be a good question. Also, when you consider it, The Culling's 50 second cooldown at rank 3 is pretty crazy. ”
  • W - Ardent Blaze:
  • removedATTACK DAMAGE RATIO : 0.3 ⇒ 0.0
  • MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS : 40/40/40/40/40 ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60
  • R - The Culling:
  • COOLDOWN : 100/75/50 seconds ⇒ 110/100/90 seconds
  • Pantheon:
  • R - Grand Skyfall:
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where rapidly spamming a basic ability at the very end of Grand Skyfall's channel sometimes caused that ability to go on cooldown without casting or appearing to be on cooldown in the HUD
  • Ryze:
  • Q's base damage has been reduced across all ranks.
  • “ As a strong late game scaling champion, Ryze's ability to bully out other top laners early is pretty bonkers, so we're reducing his base damage in lane while still leaving his ability to scale past laning phase intact. We'll be keeping an eye on Ryze over the next few patches, however, as these nerfs might be on the light side for how dominant a champ he is. ”
  • Q - Overload:
  • BASE MAGIC DAMAGE : 60/85/110/135/160 ⇒ 40/60/80/100/120
  • Vi:
  • E - Excessive Force:
  • EXCESSIVE FALLOFF : Fixed a bug where Excessive Force wasn't properly dealing splash damage in its cone of damage
  • Warwick:
  • R - Infinite Duress:
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where rapidly spamming a basic ability at the very end of Infinite Duress's channel sometimes caused that ability to go on cooldown without casting or appearing to be on cooldown in the HUD
  • Zilean:
  • This is it, we got the last global passive in the game.
  • “ While our stance on global passives is fairly well known (hidden power, impacting lanes outside of an opponent's control, etc), we typically don't like nerfing champions when they're down (as in unpopular or seen as underpowered). With Zilean's rise as a high-priority competitive and - by extension - normal pick, we can now at least reduce that global passive to a more manageable range. ”
  • Passive - Heightened Learning:
  • LOCAL EDUCATION : Heightened Learning affects allies globally ⇒ within 1500 range
  • Splash Updates:
  • “ As we've mentioned previously, the splash art team is engaged in a long-term effort to update our oldest base splashes. We've got 18 more ready to go this time! ”
  • SPLASH : The following champions have received updated base splashes (click the portraits for the full image!): Blitzcrank, Ezreal, Gragas, Graves, Janna, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Rengar, Rumble, Singed, Shaco, Shen, Talon, Tristana, Udyr, Veigar, Wukong, Zilean
  • Jungle:
  • Crest of the Ancient Golem & Blessing of the Elder Lizard:
  • RENAMED : Renamed from Crest of the Ancient Golem & Blessing of the Elder Lizard ⇒ Crest of Insight & Crest of Cinders, respectively
  • Patcher Improvements:
  • “ We've made a couple usability and polish improvements to the patching screen! ”
  • NOBODY PUTS PATCHER IN A CORNER : The patcher now plays a sound effect when patching finishes to better let you know when you can get back in game
  • YOU CLICKED IT! : The "Launch" button now has an on-click sound effect
  • IT WASN’T YOUR IMAGINATION : Fixed a small misalignment in the patcher's layout
  • Store Improvements:
  • Load times for the Featured tab have been improved, reducing the delay when first entering the store
  • Various store images have been updated:
  • Summoner Name Change
  • Single Rune Page
  • Unlock a Champion for a friend
  • Unlock a Skin for a friend
  • Mystery Champion
  • Mystery Skin
  • Upcoming Skins:
  • Reaper Soraka

New in League of Legends Client 4.18 (Oct 9, 2014)

  • Welcome to patch 4.18. While we don't have a lot of balance changes this patch, 4.18 is the launch date of one of our largest champion updates to date: Sion, the Undead Juggernaut. Be sure to check out his champion reveal page, or just try him out in-game when he launches! But please, for the sake of you and your teammates' sanity, maybe play a few normal games with him before you queue up for ranked. I get the feeling many of you won't listen, but at least I've had my say.
  • Also of note within 4.18 is a whole pile of bugfixes for Azir (sorry!), a GANGPLANK BUFF!?, the removal of Pando Media Booster, a Smart Ping volume slider (look at this new audio technology we can implement!), and phase 2 of our mass champion texture rebalance! You can think of this patch as more of a small maintenance update as we look forward to the World Championships in Korea and the future of competitive League of Legends. Definitely some bigger things to come in the future, so stay tuned!
  • P.S. Same deal this patch about there being larger than usual downloads. We're shipping pieces of the updated Summoner's Rift as we finish them but, once again, they won't be available to play!
  • Champions:
  • Sion :
  • Sion, the Undead Juggernaut, will be released with the launch of 4.18.
  • Akali:
  • No more bonus resistances when Akali is in her shroud, but now whenever she stealths she gets a significant movement speed boost.
  • W - Twilight Shroud
  • new:NOW WITH MORE NINJA : Twilight Shroud now gives +20/40/60/80/100% movement speed each time Akali stealths, rapidly decaying over the course of 1 second
  • removed: RESISTANCE IS FUTILE : Akali no longer gains bonus armor and magic resistance while in Twilight Shroud
  • Anivia:
  • Q - Flash Frost
  • new - STUNNING INDICATORS : Flash Frost now has a cast indicator to show stun range
  • new - STUNNING CLARITY : Flash Frost now has an icy cloud around its particle to show stun range (only the Anivia player can see this)
  • Azir:
  • So many bug fixes. Also some small buffs to Azir's base attack damage and attack speed.
  • “ Gauging a new champion's release strength has traditionally been a difficult task, given we have to account for player learning curves, the landscape of the game and, in Azir's case, how that champion's ability coding holds up in millions of unique games (and game interactions). All of the above also plays into the next steps we need to take in helping (or toning down) that champion. With Azir, we saw some small changes we could take to help out his laning phase, but we're going to take it easier on anything larger until these fixes go through. ”
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 43 -> 47
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED : 0.556 -> 0.600
  • Passive - Shurima's Legacy:
  • TWO AZIRS!? : Fixed a bug where two Azirs were able to summon a Sun Disc from the same interactive clicker
  • NO SUN FOR YOU : Fixed a bug where other players were able to target the Sun Disc interactive clicker with abilities (e.g. Lee Sin's Safeguard) or were told they could click on it and then couldn't and then became sad.
  • TACTICAL CLICKING : Reduced the clickable size of the Sun Disc interactive clickers by 20%
  • Q - Conquering Sands:
  • SLACKING ON THE JOB : Fixed a bug where moving inactive soldiers into active combat range with Conquering Sands would fail to activate their attacks properly, leading to 0 damage attacks
  • CONQUER FURTHER : Fixed a bug where Azir's sand soldiers would fail to cross a wall if they were just a little short of it
  • W - Arise!:
  • PRETTY SIGNIFICANT BUFF FIX : Fixed a bug where multiple soldiers attacking multiple targets would often lead to soldiers incorrectly applying reduced damage. Reiterating here: this is a pretty big 'buff' fix.
  • THEY'RE BREAKDANCE FIGHTING : Fixed a bug where dancing would break Azir's soldier's basic attacks
  • E - Shifting Sands:
  • newTAKE ME WITH YOU : If Azir uses Shifting Sands on a soldier currently moving via Conquering Sands, he'll now join the soldier on a combined magical journey
  • I CAN'T TELL THEM APART : Fixed a bug where Azir wouldn't shift to the correct soldier in certain situations
  • READY TO GO : Fixed a bug where pressing E immediately after pressing W would occasionally not work. Feel free to W+E away now (or try W+Q+E for an even cooler combo)!
  • R - Emperor's Divide:
  • IT'S COMPLICATED : Fixed many bugs with Emperor's Divide. This ability should no longer:
  • Deal damage multiple times
  • Multi-bounce targets
  • Pin targets to walls
  • Fail to bounce targets to the far side of the wall
  • Not break channels
  • Break spell shields and still knock enemies back
  • And more!
  • Bug Awareness:
  • SOON : We're aware of a bug where Azir's Sun Disc currently does not ramp up in damage. We'll be fixing this in patch 4.19.
  • Ezreal:
  • See above. We're trying to give him some extra love so he can keep up in a modern game of League of Legends.
  • Passive - Rising Spell Force
  • BUFF DURATION : 5 seconds -> 6 seconds
  • Q - Mystic Shot:
  • “ NOTE: This change has already taken effect, but the tooltip hasn't been updated. We'll get to that as soon as possible. Thanks!”
  • Gangplank :
  • Cannon Barrage now deals full damage in waves to everyone within the zone, rather than randomly dropping cannonballs on heads.
  • “ Real talk: this change doesn't do everything for Gangplank in the long-term, but a consistency pass on Cannon Barrage was one we saw we could do in a self-contained change without fundamentally altering GP's playstyle.
  • R - Cannon Barrage:
  • IT'S HARD TO AIM A CANNON : Cannonballs now fall in waves that damage the whole zone once per second. Individual cannonballs no longer have individual damage zones.
  • COOLDOWN : 120/115/110 seconds -> 125/110/95 seconds
  • Kha'Zix:
  • W's damage has gone down, particularly at higher ranks. Also, sometimes we just want to talk about Kha'Zix.
  • “ While it's true that Kha'Zix has been a tough bug to balance, we wanted to talk about our approach with him. If you're not interested in a long Kha'Zix context for a single change, feel free to move on. WARNING: this discussion's going to get a little complicated!
  • So. Kha'Zix has once again found a way to prosper as a high-priority assassin, but the popularity of a champion doesn't automatically translate to them needing a nerf. To us, when someone becomes popular in high level / competitive play, we see them as exhibiting symptoms of certain attributes that competitive players value: strength, overall effectiveness, and reliability. As such, we do keep an eye out for popular competitive champions, but our first goal is to understand if they're just powerful strategic picks in the current meta or if they're actually objectively better (or more reliable) than their peers.
  • In the case of Kha'Zix, Q was designed to be his main tool when assassinating targets, and it's important to maintain that relationship for game health / champion identity reasons. Right now, however, Kha's actually prioritizing W as a first evolution (and max rank), but he's still expecting to do all of his assassin-y things (note: without evolving or focusing on what should be his primary killing tool). We're fine with players opting for a W-first Kha'Zix, but this means he's gotta make some meaningful tradeoffs, like losing some offensive threat while gaining utility / poke. Unfortunately, this hasn't really been the case as we're still seeing Kha'Zix being very effective as an assassin while also getting all of the extra utility of evolved W.
  • What all of this tells us is one of two things: a.) The utility and strength of evolved W is too reliable in combination with Kha'Zix's base kit, so he can get the best of all worlds by maximizing his utility while also being a high-threat assassin. Or b.) Kha'Zix's evolved Q is too weak to properly use as a primary play pattern, so he's forced to max / evolve W to stay relevant in the game but doesn't really want to. We strongly suspect the first case is more true (and this is reflected in our change).
  • It's tough to justify a champion being 'too weak' if they continue to be a high-priority pick in games where strength and reliability are the most important traits. Final reassurance though: we do think Kha'Zix's play patterns are fairly healthy overall, so we're not planning to make any major changes in either direction, we just wanted to explain some of our thought processes as we work.
  • W - Void Spike:
  • DAMAGE : 75/115/155/195/235 -> 80/110/140/170/200
  • Lucian:
  • Occasionally relenting pursuit. This will have been the third time we've made a joke regarding Relentless Pursuit and no apologies will be made at this point in time.
  • “ When we originally re-balanced Lucian back in patch 4.12, we were actually concerned with him being too weak in the laning phase (hah), and so gave him compensatory buffs to keep up. Since then, however, Lucian's gone on to be a premiere lane bully with access to a pretty solid late game as well. These changes should make Lucian think a little more about that aggressiveness in lane."
  • E - Relentless Pursuit:
  • COST : 0 mana -> 40/30/20/10/0 mana
  • Nunu:
  • R - Absolute Zero:
  • ABSOLUTE CLARITY : Absolute Zero's tooltip now shows the minimum damage it will deal
  • Talon:
  • “ Still not renaming it. Maybe in a future patch. Foot stab? ”
  • E - Cutthroat:
  • WHOOPS : Cutthroat now properly grants assists
  • Tristana:
  • Rapid Fire gives a smaller but more powerful buff in the late game. Tristana gets less attack speed per level.
  • “ Apologies if we're repeating the same thing from 4.17 but we're looking for ways to give Tristana more moments of weakness. As another repeat: while these changes may not completely address that goal, we're hoping that by making Trist more dependent on Rapid Fire to deal damage, there will be clearer windows to engage or disengage against her."
  • General:
  • ATTACK SPEED PER LEVEL : +4% per level ⇒ +2.5% per level
  • Q - Rapid Fire:
  • DURATION : 7 seconds -> 5 seconds
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED : Now gives 30/45/60/75/90% attack speed ⇒ 30/50/70/90/110% attack speed
  • Viktor :
  • Q - Siphon Power:
  • SORRY AD VIKTOR : The bonus Discharge magic damage can no longer critically strike
  • BUGFIX : Viktor's shield will now properly break when Viktor takes small amounts of damage
  • Wukong:
  • E - Nimbus Strike:
  • WUJU STYLE? : Nimbus Strike will no longer pick a secondary target if they're targetable but invisible due to Fog of War
  • Yasuo :
  • Yasuo's base health and movement have been reduced. Remember that time we talked about taking more time to read the summary than the actual changelist?
  • “ As hypercarry swordsman, Yasuo should make early game tradeoffs for opponents to capitalize on before he grows to his late potential. Right now, that isn't quite the case as Yasuo's quite strong in the early game, even in unfavorable matchups, in addition to scaling extremely well. These changes are to more specifically highlight Yasuo's early weaknesses, including being squishier if his passive isn't up and, more importantly, being more vulnerable to ganks if he's pushed up and doesn't have minions to dash through for his retreat. We'll be keeping a close eye on Yasuo with these changes, however, as having an early game weakness will almost certainly have an impact on his late game reliability."
  • General :
  • BASE HEALTH : 512 -> 462
  • BASE MOVEMENT SPEED : 350 -> 340
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 2) :
  • “ We're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. Our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the Rift as its style and color palette continue to evolve. "
  • TEXTURES : The following textures have been updated:
  • Blitzcrank:
  • Base, Boom Boom, Definitely Not Blitzcrank, Goalkeeper, Piltover, Rusty
  • Brand:
  • Base, Apocalyptic, Cryocore, Vandal
  • Evelynn:
  • Base, Masquerade, Shadow, Tango
  • Graves:
  • Hired Gun
  • Nocturne:
  • Base, Frozen, Haunting, Ravager, Void
  • Olaf:
  • Base, Brolaf, Forsaken, Glacial
  • Splash Updates:
  • “ As we've mentioned previously, the splash art team is engaged in a long-term effort to update our oldest base splashes. A few more are ready to go this patch! ”
  • SPLASH : The following champions have received updated base splashes (click the portraits for the full image!):
  • Cho'Gath
  • Kog'Maw
  • Lee Sin
  • Items:
  • Randuin's Omen :
  • “ WARNING: Due to a bug, this change is currently not in effect (the tooltip is simply wrong, it's still 10%). We'll be looking to hotfix this when we can and will update the patch notes accordingly. Sorry!”
  • “With hypercarry marksmen running rampant in the mid to late game, we're returning a little more power to Randuin's Omen to give tanky dudes better itemization choices when fighting back. ”
  • Featured Game Modes:
  • “ Our next featured game mode, Hexakill: Twisted Treeline, will be released later this patch!
  • In-Game Announcement Banners:
  • “ In-game announcements received a visual update back in 4.16. We've read through your feedback and are making a number of tweaks and improvements aimed at making announcements cleaner and less intrusive. For clarity. ”
  • CLARITY : Announcements have been scaled down a bit and moved higher up on the screen
  • MORE CLARITY : Increased the transparency of announcement background effects
  • EVEN MORE CLARITY : Summoner names have been removed from some announcements for brevity. Killing spree callouts retain them for bragging purposes.
  • In-Game Options Menu:
  • Volume Sliders:
  • “ With our new audio engine up and running, we gained the ability to tie a lot of existing audio effects to new volume sliders. We're implementing a slider for ambient sounds, as well as the often-requested ping slider. These new options are meant to give players more control over their audio experience in League of Legends." ”
  • Added a new volume slider for pings
  • Added a new volume slider for ambience (ex. red buff's campfire and the wind on Howling Abyss)
  • Removing Pando Media Booster:
  • “ As we discussed a few weeks back, we’re removing Pando Media Booster from the installer and patcher this patch. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Pando is a defunct 3rd party peer-to-peer service we previously used to help players download new files faster.
  • If Pando Media Booster is on your computer, you’ll see a popup once you launch League of Legends that’ll prompt you to remove Pando from your computer with a single click. We no longer use Pando’s services in our releases, so we recommend removing it. ”
  • Pando Media Booster has been removed from the installer and patcher
  • Players with Pando Media Booster on their computers will be prompted to remove it with a single click
  • Suggested Players:
  • PREMADE FACILITATION : The Suggested Players invite list in premade lobbies now recommends friends of friends who are currently online and available for a game
  • Bugfixes:
  • (Fixed during 4.17) Resolved a significant source of crashes introduced last patch which predominantly affected Mac players. This won't solve every crash, but we remain committed to fixing as many issues as possible in every patch.
  • A lot of Azir fixes. Head back up to his section for the full list!
  • Garen's R - Demacian Justice will no longer cancel itself if the target enters the fog of war while Garen is mid-cast
  • Undoing a Ruby Sightstone purchase no longer interferes with Sightstone's ability to place wards
  • Abilities blocked by spell shields no longer proc life steal or spell vamp
  • Improved Soraka Bot's AI to better accommodate for her gameplay update
  • Soraka once again has recommended items on ARAM

New in League of Legends Client 4.17 (Sep 25, 2014)

  • Champions:
  • Viktor:
  • Viktor has received a Gameplay and Texture Update, as well as a spiffy new splash! Check out the update article for all the details.
  • Soraka:
  • Soraka has received a Gameplay Update! Check out the update article for all the details.
  • Cassiopeia :
  • Some small buffs to Cass's mana, Q's damage scales better with AP, and E's resetting its cooldowns correctly.
  • “ We know Cass isn't doing great on the live environment, but we also want to make sure we don't react too quickly as players are learning a champion and then that champion goes on to demolish everyone (*cough* Kassadin *cough*). Still, we can give Cass a little bump as we watch her being picked up. This might be a conversation we'll revisit next patch!
  • General :
  • BASE MANA : 300 - 330
  • MANA PER LEVEL : +50 - +60
  • Q - Noxious Blast:
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO : 0.35 > 0.45
  • E - Twin Fang :
  • 28.6% MORE FIXED : Twin Fang now correctly resets its cooldown to 0.7 seconds > 0.5 seconds, as indicated by the tooltip
  • Ezreal:
  • “ We fixed some longstanding clunkiness with Pulsefire Ezreal's animations in 4.16. Our bad on forgetting to list this in the last set of patch notes! ”
  • Pulsefire Ezreal:
  • CANNONS PRIMED: Smoothed out Pulsefire Ezreal's autoattack and Mystic Shot animations
  • Passive - Perseverance :
  • newYOUR PUNY WEAPONS ARE USELESS : Perseverance is no longer removed by non-epic monsters at level 11 and above
  • HEALTH REGENERATION : 0.4% maximum health per second at all levels ⇒ 0.4% / 0.8% / 2.0% maximum health per second at levels 1/11/16
  • COOLDOWN : 9 seconds at all levels ⇒ 9/6/4 seconds at levels 1/11/16
  • Heimerdinger:
  • R - UPGRADE:
  • new - EVERY SECOND COUNTS : Upgrade can now be cast while Heimerdinger is disabled
  • Karma:
  • Q - Soulflare:
  • EXPLOSIVE DEPARTURE : Fixed a bug where Soulflare's ground effect would disappear if Karma died
  • R - Mantra:
  • new - EVERY SECOND COUNTS : Mantra can now be cast while Karma is disabled
  • LeBlanc:
  • Passive - Mirror Image:
  • newNOW YOU SEE ME : LeBlanc now creates a mirror image after her invisibility ends > immediately
  • new - NOW YOU DON'T : LeBlanc and her mirror image remain invisible as long as the other is invisible (breaking the invisibility of one will break the invisibility of the other)
  • INVISIBILITY DURATION : 0.5 seconds > 1 second
  • W - Distortion :
  • JUKE CITY : LeBlanc now has 3 seconds > 4 seconds to snap back to her return pad
  • Maokai:
  • R - Vengeful Maelstrom:
  • MAXIMUM STORED DAMAGE : 200/250/300 >> 100/150/200 (base damage remains 100/150/200)
  • Miss Fortune:
  • Passive - Strut:
  • STEP TO : Strut is no longer broken by non-damaging effects
  • Nautilus:
  • Q - Dredge Line:
  • newNAUTICAL EQUALITY : Nautilus can now drag himself to player-created terrain (e.g. Trundle's Pillar, Jarvan's Cataclysm, Anivia's Crystallize)
  • Nidalee:
  • General:
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 52.5 > 47.5
  • BASE ATTACK SPEED : 0.67 > 0.638
  • Q - Takedown:
  • W - Pounce:
  • newFLYING CAT PROJECTILES : Pounce's cooldown now resets to 1.5 seconds if Nidalee pounces to a Hunted target
  • KITTY RESETS : Killing a unit now resets Pounce's cooldown to 1.0 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
  • new - COOLDOWN COUGAR : Abilities that reduce Pounce's cooldown now work in combination with Nidalee's cooldown reduction stat (so at 40% CDR, a hunted Pounce gets reset to 0.9 seconds rather than 1.5 seconds)
  • E - Swipe :
  • removedSWIPELESS : Swipe no longer affects the cooldown of Pounce when used on a Hunted target
  • Rammus:
  • Q - Powerball:
  • OKAY : While in Powerball, Rammus now cancels the ability immediately ⇒ 1 second after Defensive Ball Curl is activated
  • W - Defensive Ball Curl:
  • OKAY : While in Defensive Ball Curl, Rammus now cancels the ability immediately ⇒ 1 second after Powerball is activated
  • Sona:
  • Q - Hymn of Valor:
  • SHARP NOTES : Fixed a bug where Hymn of Valor's cast range was shorter than intended
  • Talon:
  • Q - Noxian Diplomacy:
  • A METAPHOR FOR POLITICS : Noxian Diplomacy's animation now plays slightly faster (so it can feel more impactful). Actual gameplay remains unchanged.
  • E - Cutthroat :
  • removedTHAT'S SOME BAD AIM, TALON : Cutthroat no longer silences its target
  • new - CUT-ANKLES : Cutthroat now slows targets for 99% for 0.25 seconds (this is enough to sneak in one Mercy-buffed basic attack)
  • R - Shadow Assault:
  • newA SHINY ESCAPE : Shadow Assault now has a particle to indicate that Talon is hasted
  • Tristana:
  • R - Buster Shot:
  • COOLDOWN : 60 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 100/85/70 seconds
  • Yasuo:
  • Q - Steel Tempest:
  • INNOCUOUS BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Steel Tempest's cooldown was slightly too low when using the E-Q combo at high attack speeds
  • Zilean:
  • R - Chronoshift:
  • WE NEED MORE TIME: Visual effect size (the rotating hourglasses) has been increased by 50%
  • Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 1):
  • The following textures have been updated:
  • Ahri:
  • Base, Dynasty, Midnight
  • Akali:
  • Base, All-star, Blood Moon, Crimson, Nurse, Silverfang, Stinger
  • Ashe:
  • Base, Amethyst, Freljord, Sherwood Forest, Queen, Woad
  • Corki:
  • Base, Hot Rod, Ice Toboggan, Red Baron, UFO, Urfrider
  • Fiora:
  • Base, Royal Guard, Nightraven
  • Galio:
  • Base, Commando, Enchanted, Gatekeeper, Hextech
  • Graves:
  • Base, Jailbreak (for now)
  • LeBlanc:
  • Base, Prestigious, Mistletoe, Wicked
  • Leona:
  • Base, Defender, Iron Solari, Valkyrie
  • Nautilus:
  • Base, Abyssal, Subterranean
  • Orianna:
  • Base, Bladecraft, Gothic, Sewn Chaos
  • Xerath:
  • Base, Battlecast, Runeborn
  • Items:
  • Elixir of Brilliance, Elixir of Fortitude, Ichor of Illumination, and Ichor of Rage:
  • SMART CONSUMABLES : Stat buffs from Elixirs and Ichors now level up along with the buffed Champion
  • Dominion:
  • Respawn Timers:
  • DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK : The respawn timer handicap now applies only if there is a point difference greater than 50
  • Ranked Updates:
  • new - LP LOSS CAP : Players who quickly drop back into Diamond 1 after being promoted to Master Tier now retain a minimum of 50 LP
  • Ranked Inactivity Decay:
  • newQUALITY OF LIFE : Silver and Gold players are now immune to inactivity decay
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Bronze players who went inactive during a promo series were decaying out of their series
  • Suggested Players:
  • PREMADE FACILITATION : The Suggested Players invite list in premade lobbies now recommends friends of friends who are currently online and available for a game
  • Bugfixes:
  • Nomad's Medallion now properly shows up under the "Other Movement Items" category
  • In line with previous fixes, Relic Shield and its upgrades no longer execute Shaco boxes
  • Fixed a bug where Ichor of Illumination was removing cooldown reduction when it wore off
  • Fixed a number of patcher crash issues
  • Fixed an issue with multitouch scrolling in the Mac patcher
  • Players no longer lose access to the patcher's Repair tool after closing the menu via the 'x' button

New in League of Legends Client 4.16 (Sep 10, 2014)

  • Welcome to patch 4.16! We've got a sizeable Gameplay Update to everyone's favorite snake lady Cassiopeia, but aside from that we're going pretty light on the balance side. Similar to 4.15, a lot of the changes you'll see below are focused on smoothing out some champion interactions, or just plain ol' bugfixin' goodness (Check out the context below for what's happening with Wall-Slams!)
  • For all things non-balance though, we've got a little more meat for you. First up, in addition to her Gameplay Update we mentioned earlier, Cassiopeia is joined by Renekton for updates to their visuals! Follow that up with new base splash arts for the desert-dwelling duo and Akali and Orianna, and this patch is set to delight all the art fans out there.
  • As we mentioned last patch, we've started patching some finished pieces of Summoner's Rift to the live environment in order to minimize the size (and download times) of the eventual Summoner's Rift launch patch. These pieces aren't usable and we don't have an official release date - for now these pieces will just be preemptively sitting on your hard drives.
  • General:
  • ANNOUNCEMENT VISUAL UPDATE In-game announcements (killing sprees, map objectives, etc.) have received a visual update!
  • SHIELD CLARITY Minion and turret health bars now display shield strength
  • Champions :
  • Azir:
  • Azir, the Emperor of the Sands, will be released a bit later during Patch 4.16.
  • Cassi's received a gameplay update! Focusing on her new passive Aspect of the Serpent, she's now more about stacking up poisons for massive end-game scaling than being a dominant laning force. Mana costs, cooldowns, base damage and ratios have all been mixed up to compensate - read below for the numbers!
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Cassiopeia's high DPS has always sat alongside her poison as defining characteristics of the serpent lady. Historically however, these traits have led to oppressive gameplay that's as challenging for the opponent to deal with as it is to understand (THANKS DAMAGE OVER TIME). To preserve both sides of what makes Cassi unique, we realized we had to modify the relationship between the two.
  • In this update, the key to Cassiopeia's heavy-hitting damage potential lies within her new passive, Aspect of the Serpent. Cassi builds power throughout the game as she poisons enemy champions, unlocking stat bonuses to fuel her (now more powerful) Twin Fang. This new aspect (heh) of growing her end-game scaling allows us to solidly push her into the 'completely-absurd-damage-potential' space she's currently hanging around. This comes at the cost of some early game power, but make no mistake - you can expect to see a late-game Cassiopeia as one of the most potent damage threats in the League.
  • General:
  • TEXTURE UPDATE Cassiopeia's base and skin textures have been updated
  • SPLASH Cassiopeia's base splash art has been updated
  • VO Cassiopeia has received all-new VO
  • BIO Cassiopeia's in-client bio has been updated
  • newPassive - Aspect of the Serpent
  • Cassiopeia permanently gains a stack of Aspect of the Serpent for each second that she has poisoned an enemy champion, for each poisoned unit that she kills, and every time she hits an enemy champion with Twin Fang. Caps at 400 stacks.
  • 75 STACKS +5% ability power and Twin Fang restores 6/8/10/12/16 (+0.1 ability power) health
  • 200 STACKS Ability power bonus increased to +10% and Cassiopeia gains 25% cooldown reduction
  • 400 STACKS Ability power bonus increased to +30%
  • Q - Noxious Blast
  • BASE MAGIC DAMAGE 75/115/155/195/235 (unchanged)
  • AP RATIO +0.8 ability power ⇒ +0.35 ability power
  • MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS 10/15/20/25/30%
  • COOLDOWN 4 seconds
  • COST 40/45/50/55/60 mana
  • W - Miasma
  • MAGIC DAMAGE PER SECOND 25/35/45/55/65 (+0.15 ability power) ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.1 ability power)
  • COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • COST 40/50/60/70/80 mana
  • SLOW 25/30/35/40/45%
  • E - Twin Fang
  • newPROBABLY BUILD MANA Now refunds Twin Fang's mana cost plus an additional 3% of Cassiopeia's total mana if Twin Fang kills a unit
  • KIND OF A BIG DEAL Twin Fang's cooldown now resets on cast, rather than on hit
  • BASE MAGIC DAMAGE 55/80/105/130/155
  • AP RATIO 0.55 ⇒ 0.4/0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6
  • COST 30/45/60/75/90 mana
  • R - Petrifying Gaze
  • SNAKE EYES Now accurately hits units directly in front and on top of Cassiopeia.
  • MAGIC DAMAGE 150/250/350 (+0.5 ability power)
  • COOLDOWN 120/110/100 seconds
  • Renekton:
  • General:
  • TEXTURE UPDATE Textures for Renekton's base, Galactic, Outback and Bloodfury skins have been updated
  • SPLASH Renekton's base splash art has been updated
  • BIO Renekton's in-client bio has been updated
  • Brand:
  • R - Pyroclasm:
  • CLARITY Now has a secondary targeting indicator that shows bounce radius.
  • Corki:
  • W - Valkyrie
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Valkyrie being interrupted would halt Corki's movement but still extend Valkyrie's damage field.
  • Gnar:
  • Gnar's ultimate and similar skills work with player-made terrain (this time, Jarvan's actually helping). Part one of three.
  • Continuing to clean up GNAR! with some consistency work across all wall-slams. As with the changes to Poppy and Vayne you'll see below, we'll be watching to see the effects of these changes play out and ready to adjust accordingly.
  • R - GNAR!:
  • newCOME ON AND SLAM Now detects collision with player created terrain (Anivia's Crystallize, Azir's Emperor's Divide, Jarvan's Cataclysm and Trundle's Pillar of Ice)
  • WAP! Fixed a bug where using GNAR! on a dashing unit would cancel their movement, but not stun them, if they hit a wall.
  • Irelia:
  • Q - Bladesurge
  • SORRY WICKD Fixed a bug where stopping Bladesurge mid-dash would still deal damage to her target.
  • Poppy:
  • Tried to make a joke, but Poppy doesn't know any. Part two of three.
  • E - Heroic Charge
  • newAND WELCOME TO THE SLAM Now detects collision with player created terrain (Anivia's Crystallize, Azir's Emperor's Divide, Jarvan's Cataclysm and Trundle's Pillar of Ice)
  • Shen:
  • Full disclosure - we're not 100% on what the impact of changing this will be as it's hard to know how much random Energy this was giving Shen in teamfights. If Shen needs love as a result we're happy to give it, but he shouldn't have to rely on a bug for power.
  • E - Shadow Dash
  • removedNO DISRESPECT Fixed a bug where taunting dead champions would give Shen bonus energy.
  • Varus:
  • In 4.13 we introduced a line indicator (similar to Xerath) over his previous circular one, hoping it would increase accuracy and satisfaction for Varus players - as it turns out, neither of those things happened (OOPS) so we're taking it back to the original. Thanks for the feedback, y'all!
  • Q - Piercing Arrow
  • WHOOPS Line indicator removed (Now uses range circle again as per previous functionality)
  • Vayne:
  • As if Vayne players needed any more highlight reel material. Part three of three.
  • E - Condemn
  • IT'S TIME TO SLAM JAM Now detects collision with player created terrain (Anivia's Crystallize, Azir's Emperor's Divide, Jarvan's Cataclysm and Trundle's Pillar of Ice)
  • Vladimir:
  • Tides of Blood is now doing what everyone thought it was doing already.
  • The decision to fix this wasn't for power reasons, but rather to fulfill player expectations on how Tides of Blood should work. We'll be monitoring to make sure he doesn't go crazy, but for now Vlad players are a little less thirsty.
  • E - Tides of Blood
  • TECHNICALLY A BUFF TO GUNBLADE Now correctly increases healing from Vladimir's Spell Vamp (and Lifesteal)
  • Zilean:
  • With the Chronokeeper back in the spotlight, we figured it's as good a time as any to help players realize when he's got their back.
  • R - Chronoshift
  • YOU ASKED FOR IT Now subtly tints the target's screen
  • Updated Bios:
  • BIO The following champions have received updated in-client bios.
  • Amumu
  • Cassiopeia
  • Ezreal
  • Nasus
  • Rammus
  • Renekton
  • Sivir
  • Skarner
  • Xerath
  • Updated Splashes:
  • As we've mentioned previously, the splash art team is engaged in a long-term effort to update our oldest base splashes. We've got a few more fresh updates for this patch. Yes, this is the same context we used in 4.15.
  • SPLASH The following champions have received updated base splashes (click the portraits for the full image!):
  • Akali
  • Renekton
  • Cassiopeia
  • Orianna
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Flash:
  • NO MORE AWKWARD STOPPING Movement commands now persist after Flashing in the same direction you're moving
  • Featured Game Modes:
  • Ascension:
  • Ascension, our next Featured Game Mode, is coming shortly after the release of patch 4.16! More information soon - keep an eye out for all the details!
  • Match History:
  • The graphs below the scoreboard have been collectively labelled as the Match Overview tab.
  • We've added a tab for Player Builds. This tab will retroactively populate for all matches played since the release of patch 4.14, displaying:
  • Item Purchase Order (including item selling)
  • Ability Order (including Kha'Zix evolutions)
  • Runes
  • Masteries
  • The Match Data section has been moved into its own tab, labeled Statistics.
  • The advantage graph in the Match Overview tab now shows point advantage instead of gold advantage for Dominion (as well as the upcoming Ascension featured game mode). This change will apply to matches played from 4.16 onward.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed various bugs with the patcher and landing page update
  • We've made a number of adjustments and fixes to the reskinned chat system based on your feedback:
  • Private chat windows once again display online presence
  • Group chat rosters now indicate online presence as well
  • Increased the size of group chat windows
  • Both private and group chat windows can be minimized by clicking the chat window header bar
  • The friend list scroll bar is now easier to click and drag
  • The Reconnect button should now always display for players who crash out of a game
  • Fixed a bug where dragon was dealing more damage than intended
  • Fixed an issue that caused enemy item purchases to sporadically never update on the scoreboard
  • Fixed a bug where, for a given trap ability, the in-game model of some (not all) placed traps permanently disappeared for players who reconnected to a match

New in League of Legends Client 4.15 (Aug 27, 2014)

  • Patcher & Landing Page Refresh
  • We're launching our visual refresh of the patcher and landing page along with the first bits of our new technology in the patcher, which we'll be applying to the rest of the client over time. A few highlights are listed below, but make sure to head to our previous article if you'd like a deeper dive into these changes.
  • As a reminder, the patcher and landing page updates are just the first phase of an iterative development process. They represent a foundation we're confident we can safely build on, and we're looking forward to improving other parts of the client over time with what we've learned from developing these releases!
  • NEW LOOK The patcher and landing page have been updated with a new layout
  • NEW PAINT The client frame, friend list, notifications panel and chat windows have all received fresh coats of paint as well
  • STREAMLINING Patching progress has been condensed into a single bar
  • STAY INFORMED Ticker notifications are now readable in the patcher
  • Champions
  • Alistar
  • When we buffed Alistar back in 4.12, our big concern for competitive play was that he would be too strong in the jungle, where his terrifying level 2 ganks would obliterate all semblance of lane safety on the map. Didn't happen! He just went to terrorize top lane instead.
  • Jokes aside, it's not a bad thing when a champion finds a new position to play on the map, but often times we'll see their strength being used in inhibitive ways (hello Soraka, hello Lulu). We're not taking large steps against Alistar for now, but we did identify one very obnoxious aspect of his strength where he could get a free high-damage trade by Headbutting his opponent while also sneaking in a basic attack. When combined with next-attack items like Sheen, it's easy to see how uninteractive Alistar can get, especially when he puts the opponent in a position where they can't retaliate in a meaningful way. We still think Alistar's in a very strong place after his buffs, but will continue to monitor him for the future.
  • W - Headbutt
  • SUCKER PUNCH Alistar can no longer land an additional basic attack on his Headbutted target as they fly away
  • Caitlyn
  • Part one of three.
  • General
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where abilities that give true sight of enemy champions would reveal stealth wards under certain circumstances
  • Fiddlesticks
  • We're fixing a bug with Fiddlesticks that got introduced in 4.14 where his drain would occasionally break by one tick.
  • It's important to note that the Drain bug introduced in 4.14 was cutting off only one or two drain ticks if the opponent ran away to break the tether. It's not to say that this was a light issue (it was definitely a power reduction and an awkward 'feel' change for Fiddlesticks masters), but we just wanted to clarify the impact this had. To fix this, we actually re-coded certain aspects of Drain, but it should feel the same as 4.14.
  • W - Drain
  • A VERY ODD BUG Fixed a bug where Fiddlesticks' Drain tether would occasionally snap prematurely if an opponent moved out of a specific range within a certain window of time. The below two changes should maintain the old Fiddlesticks Drain feeling of pre-4.13, but since we've re-scripted parts of the ability (to fix the bug), we figured we should document it.
  • DRAIN TETHER RANGE Drain's tether now has a range of 750 ? 800
  • DRAIN REFRESH RATE Drain now updates every 0.5 seconds ? 0.25 seconds (overall damage remains unchanged)
  • Graves
  • We're documenting the collateral in Collateral Damage (this is now the third time we have used this joke).
  • R - Collateral Damage
  • UNDOCUMENTED BUFF Back in patch 4.13, we increased the damage of Collateral Damage but forgot to mention that this would also buff Collateral Damage's Explosion Damage to 200/280/360 ? 200/320/440. There is no functional change from 4.13, but we're just documenting it.
  • Gnar
  • Gnar gets his bonus health immediately on transforming (rather than slightly delayed). Boomerang works more logically and its width, speed, and return indicators have all been improved. Boulders now get picked up and thrown faster, and they fly faster. GNAR! has an AP ratio (but please, for your sake, don't try AP Gnar).
  • We've been keeping a close eye on Gnar during the past two weeks, and while we try not to make major changes during big learning periods, we did see the opportunity to improve some of his play patterns. In other words, while these are definitely buffs, they're more 'spritual improvements' that we'd like to do regardless of power. So even if Gnar ends up being too strong (or too weak), these are changes we're making to get him to feel better, and future tuning points would be unrelated.
  • General
  • SO MANY POSSIBILITIES Recommended items have been updated
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 3 health regen per 5 seconds ? 5 health regen per 5 seconds
  • Passive - Rage Gene
  • GROWTH SPURT Fixed a bug where Gnar wouldn't get his bonus health immediately on transforming
  • Q - Boomerang Toss
  • newTHAT'S A SMART BOOMERANG Boomerang's return logic has been improved to better track Gnar
  • OUTGOING WIDTH 45 ? 60
  • RETURN WIDTH 70 ? 75
  • MINIMUM SPEED 1000 ? 1400
  • BOOMERANG CLARITY Boomerang's return particles have been improved!
  • Q - Boulder Throw
  • BODY BLOCK Boulder now checks to see if any enemy champions are standing really close to Gnar's center point when he casts (and it now hits them)
  • SHRAPNEL Boulder now does its area-effect damage in a small radius on landing if it hits no enemies
  • BOULDER SPEED 2000 ? 2100
  • BOULDER WIDTH 80 ? 90
  • GOOD FORM, GNAR Gnar takes 0.5 seconds ? 0.3 seconds to pick up a Boulder before he throws it
  • W - Wallop
  • WHOOPS Fixed a bug where enemies could sometimes cast spells when Wallop's stun was overlapped with GNAR!'s stun
  • R - GNAR!
  • newMAGICAL GNAR Now scales with 0.0 AP ? 0.5 AP
  • RELIABLE GNAR! Fixed a bug where GNAR!'s knockback ministun (not the wall stun) would sometimes be removed too early
  • GNAR SO STRONG Gnar now moves and perform actions after casting GNAR! in 0.5 ? 0.4 seconds
  • Lee Sin
  • Part two of three. Around here is where most would make a joke about Lee Sin being blind. We will not.
  • General
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where abilities that give true sight of enemy champions would reveal stealth wards under certain circumstances
  • Rumble
  • Many Rumble bug fixes.
  • Heat management is what separates the good Rumbles from the great Rumbles, so when we heard of bugs that punish Rumble for playing at his best (and a few that reward him when he shouldn't be), we felt we needed to act. That said, some of these changes might be a significant buff to Rumble's power, and that'll be something we'll need to keep a close eye on.
  • General
  • RESPONSIVE RUMBLE Fixed a bug where Rumble's Flamespitter and Scrap Shield should be more responsive in being affected (or not affected) by Danger Zone bonuses even if they're cast immediately after going above or below 50 heat
  • PROPER VENTILATION Fixed a bug where Rumble's basic attack would cancel if he was in the middle of attacking while Overheat expired
  • PUNCHING UNDER FIRE Fixed a bug where Rumble would occasionally not receive bonus magic damage on his first basic attack during Overheat
  • TOO HOT TO HIDE Fixed a bug where Rumble wouldn't fade out when he entered brush during Overheat
  • SUPER GALAXY MISSILES Fixed a bug where Super Galaxy Rumble would occasionally fire a "Danger Zone'd" Electro Harpoon missile on his second cast, even if his first cast wasn't in the Danger Zone
  • Shyvana
  • While we realize this is a small power reduction, we had the choice of either buffing Shyvana's late ranks in damage or just reducing her level 1 damage by 20.
  • E - Flame Breath
  • SORRY SHYVANA Fixed a bug where Flame Breath was dealing an extra 20 damage at Rank 1. Shyvana's damage now accurately reflects the tooltip (at 60 damage).
  • VISUALS Adjusted Flame Breath's dragon form particles to better match the damage cone. Actual area of effect remains unchanged.
  • Sivir
  • We're just re-aligning the visuals on Sivir's Q to better match the actual hitbox of the spell (but it's still a small buff!).
  • Q - Boomerang Blade
  • CLARITY! Sivir's Crossblade now accurately deals damage when the center of the projectile ? edge of the projectile hits an opponent
  • RANGE 1175 ? 1250 (to match the visuals)
  • ALL IN THE WRIST Fixed a bug where Sivir's basic attacks would cancel whenever Boomerang Blade would begin its return
  • Twisted Fate
  • Part three of three.
  • General
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where abilities that give true sight of enemy champions would reveal stealth wards under certain circumstances
  • Urgot
  • Urgot's basic attack now travels faster and Acid Hunter refunds half its mana cost if it kills an enemy. Hyper Kinetic Position Reverser also has a shorter cooldown and lower mana cost at later ranks, and lets Urgot ignore unit collision immediately after using it.
  • We're just doing a bunch of small changes aimed at helping Urgot get back onto his... feet. While we try not to discuss our changes in the context, the big thing here is the mana refund on Acid Hunter, which will give Urgot a better fallback mechanic when it comes to last hitting.
  • General
  • THIS REALLY HELPS Recommended items have been updated
  • THIS PROBABLY HELPS MORE Basic attack missile speed is now 1300 ? 1600
  • Q - Acid Hunter
  • newGET BETTER AT LAST HITTING, URGOT Now refunds half mana cost if Acid Hunter kills an enemy
  • newFANCY PARTICLES Now with extra spinning and a trail
  • RESPONSIVE MISSILES Fixed a bug where Acid Hunter would fail to home if it was fired too quickly after Noxian Corrosive Charge was applied
  • R - Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser
  • COOLDOWN 120 seconds at all ranks ? 120/110/100 seconds
  • COST 120 mana ? 100 mana
  • newHYPER KINETIC WALKING THROUGH THINGS Urgot now ignores unit collision for 1 second after successfully using Hyper Kinetic Position Reverser
  • A VERY SMALL BUFF Now grants bonus armor and magic resistance after a 0.25 second delay ? immediately
  • LESS DISORIENTATION The in-game camera no longer shifts for Urgot when he completes his Hyper Kinetic Position Reverse (so Urgot can follow-up with appropriate skillshots without having to re-orient his camera)
  • Xerath
  • The hidden power of support Xerath.
  • W - Eye of Destruction
  • SORRY SUPPORT XERATH The Spellthief's line of items no longer procs twice when Xerath hits targets in the center of his spell.
  • Updated Splashes
  • As we've mentioned previously, the splash art team is engaged in a long-term effort to update our oldest base splashes. We've got a few more fresh updates for this patch.
  • SPLASH The following champions have received updated base splashes (click the portraits for the full image!):
  • Shyvana
  • Vayne
  • Items
  • Banner of Command
  • SOMEONE MAKE A TIBBERS BUILD Fixed a bug where Annie's Tibbers wasn't gaining increased damage from Banner of Command
  • Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Don't let us prevent you from being inefficient with your unique passives.
  • THE SUPERIOR SPELLBLADE Fixed a bug where if you had both an Iceborn Gauntlet and a Trinity Force in your inventory, you'd deal 150% of your base AD to your primary target instead of the expected 200% (you'll still deal 125% of your base AD to surrounding enemies)
  • Essence Reaver
  • Cheaper Essence Reaver. Bam. Summary and context in one.
  • COMBINE COST 1050 gold ? 850 gold
  • TOTAL COST 3400 gold ? 3200 gold
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Essence Reaver was restoring more mana than it should at higher mana levels
  • Twin Shadows
  • EVEN GHOSTS DON'T FACE CHECK Fixed a bug where the spooky ghosts from Twin Shadows would sometimes not path correctly into bushes to tag enemies
  • Item Purchasing
  • We think players should be able to shop in the comfort of their own death, without the stress of tipping their hand to their opponents.
  • PERSONAL BOUNDARIES Item purchases, sales and undos while dead are no longer visible to opponents who have vision on your corpse
  • Twisted Treeline
  • Twisted Treeline Aura
  • These days, double AP comps have been very dominant in the meta, so we're trying to reduce those that focus on non-stop push / waveclear.
  • MAP-WIDE MANA REGENERATION AURA 1.5% of missing mana ? 0.7% of missing mana
  • Ichor of Illumination
  • Too much cooldown reduction! We don't want it to be so easy for mages to hit - and stay at - the cooldown reduction cap.
  • Cassiopeia
  • Miasma can be a bit overbearing on Twisted Treeline. This change, combined with the nerf to TT's mana regen aura, should make her more reasonable.
  • W - Miasma
  • BASE MAGIC DAMAGE PER SECOND 25/35/45/55/65 ? 20/30/40/50/60
  • MAXIMUM POTENTIAL MAGIC DAMAGE 225/315/405/495/585 ? 180/270/360/450/540
  • Dominion
  • Pantheon
  • Passive - Aegis Protection
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Aegis Protection was not blocking shots from Dominion towers.
  • Twisted Treeline & Dominion
  • Leona
  • Solar Flare is a game changer, and with easy access to a number of tanky cooldown reduction items on these maps, her ult is up a little too frequently.
  • R - Solar Flare
  • COOLDOWN 90/75/60 seconds ? 100/90/80 seconds
  • Jarvan IV
  • Jarvan has great base stats and gets to build a ton of damage items while still remaining fairly tanky. We don't want to take away his utility, so we're focusing on his damage potential instead.
  • Passive - Martial Cadence
  • COOLDOWN 10/8/6 seconds ? 10/9/8 seconds
  • Q - Dragon Strike
  • ARMOR SHRED 10/14/18/22/26% ? 10/12/14/16/18%
  • Ranked Play
  • We're adding a new tier to ranked play and announcing end-of-season rewards. Check out the announcement for more info.
  • Master tier will be activated following initial testing on a few servers. More details in the official article!
  • Framerate Improvements
  • We've made some incremental performance improvements this patch, resulting in a small framerate boost across all configurations.
  • PERFORMANCE Framerates have been improved by 5-10%
  • Bugfixes
  • Fixed a bug where the landing circle indicator for Pantheon's R - Grand Skyfall sometimes showed as green (blue in colorblind mode) for his enemies instead of red
  • Rengar's stealth indicator no longer persists through death if Rengar dies after casting R - Thrill of the Hunt but before gaining the stealth effect
  • The tooltip for Zed's W - Living Shadow now displays the amount of bonus AD granted even if the skill hasn't been leveled up yet
  • The particles for Nocturne's Q - Dusk Trail no longer obscure other particle effects
  • Status text for crowd control effects no longer overlaps when multiple CC effects apply at the same time
  • Kayle's recommended starting items on Twisted Treeline have been updated to no longer exceed the default amount of starting gold
  • Katarina's E - Shunpo no longer benefits from spell vamp on wards, despite doing no damage
  • Upcoming Skins
  • The following skins will be released at various times during Patch 4.15:

New in League of Legends Client 4.14 (Aug 13, 2014)

  • Champions:
  • Gnar:
  • Gnar, the Missing Link, will be released a bit later during Patch 4.14!
  • Corki:
  • Gragas:
  • Gragas has new recommended items (HELLO LICH BANE) and his E always carries him the maximum distance.
  • When you got a belly that big, momentum's working against you, man.
  • General
  • THIS HELPS MORE THAN YOU'D THINK Updated recommended items
  • E - Body Slam
  • ALL IN THE HIPS Gragas now always travels the full distance in the direction of the cast (still stops on first target he hits)
  • Kassadin:
  • Riftwalk now has a longer period of time before it resets its damage / mana cost stacks.
  • Although we want Kassadin's iconic strength be his super mobility, we also want him to be thinking hard about when and how often he jumps around.
  • R - Riftwalk
  • WAS MORE LIKE A RIFTSPRINT 12 seconds ? 20 seconds
  • Kayle:
  • General
  • KNOWN BUG Due to a bug, Kayle is temporarily receiving 2.2 attack speed per level ? 2.5 attack speed per level. This will be reverted as soon as possible!
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Koggy moves slower and R chunks champions for less.
  • Despite our changes in 4.13, Kog'Maw still has few weaknesses for his ultra-powerful late game identity. Since our goal is to to preserve a champion's strategic strengths even as we reduce power, we started with Kog's core weaknesses (low mobility) before tackling his early game strengths.
  • General
  • E - Void Ooze
  • WHEN DID YOU EAT THAT, KOG'MAW Has new particles, looks more gross
  • R - Living Artillery
  • Lulu:
  • W - Whimsy
  • NOT A NERF WE SWEAR Tooltip fixed to correctly state the polymorph duration as 1.5 to 2.5 seconds ? 1.25 to 2.25 seconds (actual value unchanged)
  • Maokai:
  • W's damage has been reduced and R has a max duration of 10 seconds per cast.
  • Maokai's a pretty cool dude and we're always happy to see a magical tree beating up dragons and yordles, but having a 100% uptime on Vengeful Maelstrom doesn't offer many windows of opportunity (otherwise known as counterplay!), and we may have overshot slightly on his base power.
  • W - Twisted Advance
  • BASE MAGIC DAMAGE 9/10.5/12/13.5/15% max health ? 9/10/11/12/13% max health
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO +4% max health damage per 100 AP ? +3% max health damage per 100 AP
  • R - Vengeful Maelstrom
  • newMAXIMUM DURATION 10 seconds
  • Morgana:
  • Black Shield has a lower base and R doesn't nuke as hard.
  • Regardless of how she's played (as a mage or a support), Morgana brings a lot of utility and damage to the table, so we're looking to reduce some of her overall effectiveness. While we don't usually talk about specific changes in the context, reducing the base value on Black Shield means support Morgana will have to choose between the defense it provides and the offensive power she gets from leveling Dark Binding, while mage Morgana will be less affected with her AP ratios compensating at rank 1.
  • E - Black Shield
  • BASE SHIELD 95/160/225/290/355 ? 70/140/210/280/350
  • R - Soul Shackles
  • BASE MAGIC DAMAGE 175/250/325 ? 150/225/300
  • TOTAL POSSIBLE MAGIC DAMAGE PER TARGET 350 / 500 / 650 ? 300 / 450 / 600
  • Orianna:
  • Although we really like Orianna's complexity and high skill potential, she's often seen as a very reliable - and safe - choice for any team who needs a well-rounded mage. These changes are to give Ori's lane opponents a little more breathing room (especially melee) against her as she winds up for the mid to late game.
  • General
  • Rengar:
  • R's cooldown is longer and the warning indicator's range is increased. Also Rengar's prey will always have a warning indicator if he's within range, even if he's hiding behind a wall. Obtaining the giga-rare 'Head of Kha'Zix' gives Rengar more vision while stalking in brush.
  • While Rengar's Thrill of the Hunt is usually quite fun for him, we've seen he can be a little frustrating to play against - particularly in the early game when he's roaming everywhere, and in the late game when his prey is usually dead as they see the warning indicator. The short-form of this context would be that we want Rengar's ganking power to... Slow Down!
  • General
  • BUG-FREE KITTY Fixed a rare bug where Rengar would not leap from a brush if he recently flashed into it
  • Head of Kha'Zix
  • newDON'T ASK HOW THIS WORKS Rengar now has increased vision range while in a brush with the Head of Kha'Zix
  • R - Thrill of the Hunt
  • newX-RAY CAT FINDER Warning indicator now appears even if Rengar is in the fog of war while stealthed. In other words, if Rengar is within 1250 range of any opponent while stealthed via Thrill of the Hunt, they will be notified.
  • LONG RANGE CAT FINDER Warning indicator range increased from 1000 ? 1250
  • COOLDOWN 120/95/70 seconds ? 150/110/70 seconds
  • Syndra:
  • R no longer deals damage to untargetable champions, causing fewer opponents to rage.
  • Now you should be able to fully dodge a Syndra ult if you time your abilities right.
  • R - Unleashed Power
  • SLIGHTLY LEASHED POWER Fixed a bug where Unleashed Power's Dark Spheres were still dealing damage to targets who had become untargetable (via Rappel, Zhonya's Hourglass, Playful/Trickster, etc)
  • Thresh:
  • Thanks to one particularly intrepid player, we've fixed a longstanding bug with Thresh's Flay.
  • E - Flay
  • THANKS DUDE Fixed a bug where Flay would sometimes not move opponents
  • Xerath:
  • R's delay between shots doesn't scale with cooldown reduction.
  • We always intended for Xerath's ultimate to be very dodgeable in a one-on-one situation, as he should be relying on his teammates for help. While we could technically position this as a bugfix, this is a definite power reduction for Xerath, so we're calling it a nerf fix (as opposed to a buff fix).
  • R - Rite of the Arcane
  • NERF FIX The delay between Arcane Barrages scales with cooldown reduction ? is fixed at 0.6 seconds between individual shots
  • Zed:
  • Death Mark now places Zed behind his prey and allows him to ignore unit collision while active, finally making him a real-er ninja.
  • Zed lost a lot in 4.10 with our marksman itemization changes, but he's still performing consistently at the highest levels of play. That said, we saw we could give him some small usability buffs to help him stick to his Death Marked targets better.
  • R - Death Mark
  • THE UNSEEN ZED IS THE DEADLIEST When Zed uses Death Mark on a target, he dashes in front of them ? behind them
  • THE UNBLOCKABLE ZED IS THE DEADLIEST Zed now ignores unit collision while the Death Mark is active on a target
  • Twisted Treeline, Crystal Scar & Howling Abyss
  • Sanguine Blade:
  • We're making Sanguine Blade a little more player friendly by extending that passive duration. The small shift from lifesteal to AD is just to make Sanguine Blade more promising as a high-AD item, but we didn't want that lifesteal to get out of hand.
  • PASSIVE DURATION 4 seconds ? 8 seconds
  • ATTACK DAMAGE 40 ? 45
  • LIFESTEAL 15 ? 10
  • Post Game Lobby:
  • We forgot to mention in 4.13 that we've updated the buttons in the post game lobby. The new buttons have a modernized look and feel and should help reduce misclicks. We also did a bit of cleanup this patch based on initial feedback.
  • HAPPY CLICKING! Post game lobby buttons have been updated
  • Player Behavior:
  • Suggested Players:
  • We're introducing Suggested Players to help fill out premade lobbies. The initial list includes players from your recent victories as well as any premades you queued together with in your last match, but over time will be expanded to include groups like honorable players, potential friends and friends of friends.
  • Hosts and Captains of all matchmaking queues will now see a list of "Suggested Players" they can invite to fill out premade groups. The list includes:
  • Premades you queued together with in your last match
  • Team members from matches you've recently won
  • Chat Restrictions:
  • Although 75% of players improve their behavior after just 1 set of chat restrictions, in some cases the system was handing out fewer initial restrictions than it should have, resulting in back-to-back waves of restrictions. We've tuned the system to be more accurate with the first wave - for example, one set of 30 instead of three sets of 10.
  • The Chat Restriction system is now more accurate with its first set of restrictions, reducing instances of back-to-back restriction waves
  • Custom Lobby Spectating:
  • We've upped the number of spectators that can join a custom lobby. This should be especially useful for local tournament scenes!
  • CONVENIENCE Increased the maximum number of custom lobby spectator slots from 2 to 4
  • Patcher Speeds:
  • Patching and installing have been sped up a bit. These changes are separate from the upcoming Patcher & Landing Page Refresh, which will inherit these improvements when released a bit further down the road.
  • FRESH INSTALLS League of Legends installs roughly 15% faster
  • PATCHES League of Legends updates roughly 7% faster
  • Audio Engine:
  • Now that the new engine is up and running, we're removing old files that aren't needed any more. This'll clear out over half of the audio files currently stored on your computer (the new engine is slimmer than the old one!) and reduce the number of files we need to update in future patches.
  • YOU SHOULD DEFRAG Removed about 700 MB of obsolete audio files
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where the game clock would occasionally become desynchronized, causing buffs to appear to spawn too early
  • Pink wards are pink again!
  • Relic Shield and its upgrades no longer execute Heimerdinger's turrets (in line with the 4.12 change which removed the execute from Yorick's ghouls and Zyra's plants)
  • Quinn's E - Vault no longer causes weird text to appear
  • Targeting an ally with Zilean's Q - Time Bomb no longer pops their spellshield effects

New in League of Legends Client 4.13 (Jul 30, 2014)

  • Fighters:
  • Most changes in the fighter category are aimed at the jungle (with a few top lane tweaks), so we'll focus the discussion there. Back in patch 4.11 we made some updates to roll the tanks back into the jungle and while we're seeing a lot of diversity in most levels of play, it's less the case in the competitive scene. Specifically, there are three early-aggro junglers (Elise, Evelynn, and Lee Sin) who are very suffocating in organized games, and their early dominance is bullying out alternative choices. Toning down these three should give others a fighting chance.
  • Elise:
  • Elise's cocoon got skinnier and her rappel range got shortened
  • Thanks to her strong dueling power, great objective control (both in damage and spiderling tanking), and high utility ganks, Elise's got all the right things to make her a priority pick in competitive play. You'll hear the same for Lee Sin, but when a champion has so many strengths, it's tough to choose the right direction to take them. For now, our focus is less on introducing new meaningful weaknesses for Elise, and more about reducing her consistency and reliability in getting to targets.
  • E - Cocoon
  • WIDTH 70 ? 55
  • SPIDER-VISION Fixed a bug where Cocoon was providing vision longer than the stun duration (now correctly matches it)
  • E - Rappel
  • SOME PREAMBLE Rappel now calculates its range from the center of Elise to the center of the target ? edge of Elise to the edge of the target (this means Rappel gains about +75 range)
  • RANGE 925 ? 750 (~825 range if using the old targeting calculations)
  • Evelynn:
  • Evelynn's Q deals less damage unless she builds more AD / AP (it scales better at higher levels). Q also costs less mana.
  • Right now Evelynn's high base damage means she can go tanky while still blowing people up, so we're hoping she'll think more about her priorities with these changes. Basically if Evelynn wants to kill things quickly, she'll need to build offensively for it - if she wants to tank it out in the middle of fight, she'll have to itemize for that. Also, we know Evelynn's arguably not a fighter, but we put her here for the sake of better organization (nyah).
  • Q - Hate Spike
  • MAGIC DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 ? 30/45/60/75/90
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.45 ? 0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5/0.55
  • BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE RATIO 0.5 ? 0.5/0.55/0.6/0.65/0.7
  • COST 16/22/28/34/40 mana ? 12/18/24/30/36 mana
  • Gragas:
  • NO MORE OPEN BAR. Gragas pays mana for his drunkenness and Q deals less damage to minions.
  • Way back when we gave Gragas a gameplay update, we wanted to solve the thematic problem where a big fat drunken brawler was being played as a backline mage who throws barrels for days. These changes mean Gragas works best when he's scrapping in the middle of a fight, and not hiding like a sissy.
  • Q - Barrel Roll
  • newGRAGGY LIGHT Now does 70% damage to minions
  • W - Drunken Rage
  • newCOST Now costs 30 mana at all ranks
  • COOLDOWN 8/7.5/6/6.5/6 seconds ? 8/7/6/5/4 seconds
  • DAMAGE REDUCTION 3 seconds ? 2.5 seconds
  • SNEAKY DRINKING Fixed a bug where Drunken Rage could be used twice in a row if Gragas was interrupted as soon as he started drinking
  • BRAWLING ETIQUETTE Fixed a bug where Drunken Rage would sometimes not play the proper keg smash animation on attack
  • E - Body Slam
  • BUGFIXED BELLY Fixed a bug where Body Slam would occasionally fail to work when Gragas leveled it first or second
  • Hecarim:
  • Hecarim pays less mana for his Q and his passive scales better with being a horse
  • Way back in the day, Hecarim used to have near infinite sustain in the jungle and we made targeted balance changes to address that. On re-examining, we overshot some of those nerfs.
  • Passive - Warpath
  • WARPATHIER Hecarim gains bonus attack damage equal to 10/12.5/15/17.5/20/22.5/25% ? 15/17.5/20/22.5/25/27.5/30% of his bonus movement speed
  • Q - Rampage
  • COST 24/28/32/36/40 mana ? 24/26/28/30/32 mana
  • Jax:
  • What this change means is that Jax will finish his attack animations a little faster but it's not a direct buff to his attack speed. It's a weird concept but basically his last-hitting is more responsive.
  • General
  • LAMPPOST SWINGING SPEED Jax finishes his attack animation a little faster (19% to be exact)
  • Lee Sin:
  • Lee's shield duration got cut in half, and Cripple no longer reduces attack speed (only movement speed)
  • Like Elise, Lee Sin has a ton of strengths and few weaknesses, so it's equally tough to find the right direction to take him. In this case, after considering a lot of player feedback about Lee Sin's identity as a high-pressure early jungler who falls off late, we're maintaining that direction in our changes (specifically through the late-game falloff on his survivability and utility).
  • General:
  • BASE HEALTH REGEN 6.95 health per 5 seconds ? 8.95 health per 5 seconds
  • W - Safeguard
  • SHIELD DURATION 4 seconds ? 2 seconds
  • E - Cripple
  • removedNEVER SKIP LEG DAY Cripple no longer reduces enemy attack speed (only reduces movement speed)
  • Olaf:
  • Olaf can use R more often at lower levels, and W's healing amp works better with missing health
  • Olaf hasn't had the best time adapting to the evolving game (especially losing out on a lot of cooldown reduction + health items), so he's getting a few buffs to keep up.
  • Q - Undertow
  • COOLDOWN 8 seconds ? 7 seconds
  • W - Vicious Strikes
  • HEALING AMPLIFICATION +1% healing per 2.5% missing health ? +1% healing per 2% missing health
  • R - Ragnarok
  • COOLDOWN 120/100/80 seconds ? 100/90/80 seconds
  • Shen:
  • This was one of the toughest and longest-standing bugs to track down. Yeesh.
  • R - Stand United
  • newSEE YOU IN THE LCS Fixed a bug where Shen would occasionally fail to teleport to his protected target for no reason
  • Shyvana
  • Shyvana can't double her W duration through dragon form, and her flame trail now applies damage less often (on par with W's damage tick rate)
  • While we didn't want to make significant changes to Shyvana, we did make two bugfixes which should tame some of her more obscure strength.
  • W - Burnout
  • removedDRAGON TAMING Burnout can no longer be extended past its intended maximum duration through the use of Dragon's Descent
  • CONTROLLED FIRE Dragon's Descent's Flame Trail now applies damage every 0.75 seconds ? 1.0 seconds (to match Burnout's damage rate)
  • Mages & Assassins:
  • Echoing back to our overarching philosophy of champion diversity, we saw a lot of opportunities for low-scope buffs to give those 'almost-there' champions.
  • Kayle:
  • Kayle's E scales slightly better with ability power, and her R is on a lower cooldown at early levels
  • We're just backing up a bit from our previous Kayle changes from 4.11.
  • E - Righteous Fury
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.2 ? 0.25
  • R - Intervention
  • COOLDOWN 110/95/80 seconds ? 100/90/80 seconds
  • LeBlanc:
  • I'm not re-summarizing a single line of change. You're going to have to read it. Go on.
  • Without a silence, LeBlanc's even more reliant on Distortion as it lets her sneak around the map for clever ambushes.
  • W - Distortion
  • COST 80/90/100/110/120 mana ? 80/85/90/95/100 mana
  • Lissandra:
  • Lissandra can use Q more often at later levels, W's ability power ratio has gone down, but R now slows for a lot more
  • I'm going to directly quote someone here: "We want to emphasize Lissandra's strengths that aren't 'stun some fool for 1.5 seconds and then burst them down.'"
  • In other words, we're giving this ice mage more sustained damage in the late game while also improving her battlefield control. This does mean we need to tune down some of Lissandra's burstiness (especially with Q getting a full second reduction), but overall it lets us highlight more of her unique talents.
  • Q - Ice Shard
  • COOLDOWN 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds ? 6/5.25/4.5/3.75/3 seconds
  • W - Ring of Frost
  • ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.60 ? 0.40
  • R - Frozen Tomb
  • SLOW 20/30/40% ? 30/45/75%
  • Lulu:
  • Lulu's Glitterlance slow no longer scales with ability power, and Whimsy's movement speed buff duration now scales with rank. Whimsy also costs less at later levels.
  • We initially thought solo lane Lulu was a unique addition to the game, so we wanted to let her stay a viable pick in both solo and duo lanes. That said, top lane Lulu is currently shutting down a lot of diversity in competitive play and, because Lulu's solo lane and support power are tied so closely together, we had to go for changes that reduce her oppressive strengths first. As an aside, we know this isn't a great situation where we keep indirectly reducing support Lulu's power to maintain her viability as a mage, so this is something we'll have to really consider for the future.
  • Q - Glitterlance
  • removedMIGHT AS WELL BE A SNARE Glitterlance's slow decay no longer scales with ability power
  • W - Whimsy
  • MOVEMENT SPEED BUFF DURATION 5 seconds at all ranks ? 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds
  • COST 65/70/75/80/85 mana ? 65 mana at all ranks
  • Lux:
  • Everyone get excited for the Lux buff! At early levels this might be a slight reduction to her damage, but as soon as Lux picks up some AP, it'll start scaling much better.
  • We thought Lux needed some extra help scaling into the late game, so...
  • Passive - Illumination
  • DAMAGE 10 + (10 x level) ? 10 + (8 x level) (+ 0.2 ability power)
  • Vel'Koz:
  • These changes better match Vel'Koz's ability visuals. We're going to blame lack of depth perception here, which really isn't his fault.
  • W - Void Rift
  • MISSILE WIDTH 65 ? 88
  • R - Life Form Disintegration Ray
  • RANGE 1500 ? 1550
  • Yasuo:
  • Yasuo's passive shield is slightly shorter, Q scales less with attack speed, and W no longer gives bonus flow to E
  • We've been watching Yasuo over the past few months and while we don't think he's really out of line, we did some fine-tuning to round him out.
  • Passive - Way of the Wanderer
  • SHIELD DURATION 1.5 seconds ? 1 second
  • Q - Steel Tempest
  • LESS-QUICK-DRAW Steel Tempest now scales less effectively with attack speed and has a minimum cast time of 0.13 seconds ? 0.18 seconds. The attack speed needed to reach this minimum is unchanged (at 114%, or 60% from items at level 18).
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Steel Tempest's whirlwind was dealing instant damage in the area of a normal Steel Tempest cast as it was traveling out (this is a very minor change)
  • W - Wind Wall
  • removedLOW ON FLOW Wind Wall no longer passively grants bonus Flow from dashing
  • Ziggs:
  • Less bombs in the late game
  • By increasing the late game cooldown of Mega Inferno Bomb, Ziggs will have to think harder about whether he uses his R for wave clear or if he should save it for an important team fight.
  • R - Mega Inferno Bomb
  • COOLDOWN 120/105/90 seconds ? 120 seconds at all ranks
  • Zilean:
  • Ultimately this was a change we had to make for clarity - sorry Zilean!
  • Q - Time Bomb
  • TECHNICALLY A SIVIR BUFF Fixed a bug where Time Bomb's explosion ignored spell shields
  • Marksmen:
  • Our big philosophy here is to introduce more strategic diversity in markspeople picks. Right now a lot of competitive teams are opting for strong hypercarry marksmen like Kog'Maw, Tristana, or Twitch, and while we like the strategic power these guys (and girl) bring, their dominant status over alternatives is a big indication that they're not making early tradeoffs for late game scaling.
  • Graves:
  • Graves is putting more damage back into collateral damage. We may have used this joke before, but that doesn't matter. Also Buckshot does more damage for each extra bullet hit.
  • We're buffing Graves' ability to shoot people with a shotgun.
  • Q - Buckshot
  • THIS IS GONNA TICKLE Hitting a target in the face with Buckshot deals 35% ? 40% damage for each additional bullet
  • R - Collateral Damage
  • BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE 250/350/450 ? 250/400/550
  • Jinx:
  • We are all very excited about this change. Extremely.
  • Passive - Get Excited!
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Kog's got less base health and his Q shreds less armor / MR at lower ranks
  • When we made our AD itemization changes back in 4.10, Kog'Maw got significantly stronger on top of his already strong base kit. We still want Koggles to hit his late game power, but in order to get there he needs to have a real weakness in the early to mid game. As a quick rundown on why these changes specifically: Kog's current favored item build (Trinity Force + Blade of the Ruined King) lets him build more utility / tank than traditional Infinity Edge marksmen, but he can still deal tons of damage with Q's high base shred + W's damage amp. Now he'll just take a little longer to hit that level of effectiveness.
  • General
  • BASE HEALTH 524 ? 487
  • HEALTH PER LEVEL 84 ? 87
  • Q - Caustic Spittle
  • ARMOR & MAGIC RESISTANCE SHRED 20/22/24/26/28% ? 12/16/20/24/28%
  • Lucian:
  • Lucian can no longer remove slows with E, and E's cooldown is up across the board
  • When we made our big Lucian changes in 4.12, we had three concerns in the back of our heads: the first was that Lucian would struggle too much in the early game to hit his mid to late game power (false!), the second was that players would have difficulty adapting to the new Lucian changes (false!), and the third was that he would be a little too strong in the mid to late game so maybe our concerns didn't matter (true!).
  • Specifically on these changes: giving Relentless Pursuit a reset interaction with Lightslinger (and making it cost 0 mana) makes Lucian almost completely immune to slows, which leads to a lot of 'hard counter' situations where he's untouchable for a number of enemy champions. Ultimately we still want Lucian to have tons of mobility after he's picked up some cooldown reduction, but to make it a healthy mechanic he can't also shrug off any attempt to fight back.
  • E - Relentless Pursuit
  • removedOCCASIONALLY RELENTING Relentless Pursuit no longer removes slows
  • COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 seconds ? 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
  • Sivir:
  • Sivir's R gives a longer movement speed burst at later ranks
  • Sivir's an interesting champion who offers a lot of strategic power from the markswoman role, so we're amping up her unique strengths.
  • R - On The Hunt
  • INITIAL MOVEMENT SPEED 2/3/4 seconds ? 2/4/6 seconds
  • Tristana:
  • Tristana's W slows less at early ranks but more at max rank. E does less damage (especially at early levels).
  • Tristana follows the same story as Kog'Maw: a hypercarry markswoman who received a few buffs through the season (when it was dominated by mid-game dudes) before exploding onto the scene when we made our AD itemization changes in 4.10. Also like Kog: we want to make sure that Trist makes a meaningful strategic tradeoff with a weaker early to mid game before transforming into a late game powerhouse.
  • W - Rocket Jump
  • SLOW DURATION 2.5 seconds at all levels ? 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds
  • E - Explosive Shot
  • ACTIVE MAGIC DAMAGE 110/150/190/230/270 ? 80/125/170/215/260
  • Varus:
  • Varus' R is on a lower cooldown, especially at later levels
  • Varus' core identity in the late game revolves mostly around his initiation and counter-engagement, so we're nudging that up.
  • Q - Piercing Arrow
  • newCLARITY! Now shows a line indicator in addition to circle indicator while charging
  • R - Chain of Corruption
  • COOLDOWN 120/105/90 seconds ? 110/90/70 seconds
  • Vayne:
  • Vayne gets more attack speed per level. The changes to Final Hour are roughly neutral, as one was a bugfix and the other was to compensate for it.
  • Vayne's always been one of the best examples of a hyperscaling markswoman, as she has to pay the cost of a weak early game before being rewarded with an extremely strong late game. So we buffed that.
  • General:
  • R - Final Hour
  • WHOOPS Fixed a bug where Tumble had an extra +0.1 attack damage ratio while Final Hour was active (now correctly matches Tumble's AD ratios)
  • COMPENSATION FOR THE ABOVE Final Hour grants a bonus 25/40/55 ? 30/50/70 attack damage throughout its duration
  • Supports:
  • On to the supports! Much like our theme for junglers, there are a few 'must-pick' competitive supports in the form of Braum and Thresh (or Nami in lieu of either) that we're looking to tap down just a bit. In general, however, we feel that once we reduce the consistency of these champions, there are a lot of viable picks just waiting to spring into action.
  • Sona:
  • Only you can read Sona's full gameplay update page, Summoner!
  • Sona's strumming into this session with a harmonious Gameplay Update and an orchestra of new visuals! Keep time with the full symphony of changes hear here!
  • Not only does this Sona update give us more room to balance her in the future (old Sona's aura abilities were a nightmare, given how statistically strong they were without having much gameplay involved), but it'll also let Sona players show off their skills outside of that one clutch Flash Crescendo play. Now with these new Sona 'snuggle zones,' she'll be amplifying her friends with more impactful (and recognizable) effects.
  • Or, as Sona so eloquently puts it, "......"
  • General:
  • GAMEPLAY Sona has received a Gameplay Update!
  • HAIR AND STUFF Models, textures and animations of Sona and her skins have been updated
  • VISUALS Particle effects and ability icons have been updated
  • SNUGGLE ZONES Sona's new particles now indicate the area of effect of her auras
  • CLARITY Crescendo's particles have been resized to match its hitbox (area of effect unchanged)
  • SHOW ME YOUR MOVES Enemies now dance 50% faster while stunned by Crescendo
  • Braum:
  • Braum's passive deals a bit less damage, W costs a little more mana to use at early ranks, and R's disruption has gone down at early levels. Also people will be un-slowed from exiting Glacial Fissure much faster.
  • Braum's continuing to dominate games in both high level and competitive, so we're looking to tone down his oppressive laning and stupendous disruption in early fights. Braum will still scale to the same levels (roughly) at the late game, but he won't have so much power in the early to mid to consistently snowball into it.
  • Passive - Concussive Blows
  • BASE MAGIC DAMAGE 38 + (12 x level) ? 32 + (8 x level)
  • W - Stand Behind Me
  • COST 30/40/50/60/70 mana ? 50/55/60/65/70 mana
  • R - Glacial Fissure
  • FIRST TARGET KNOCKUP DURATION 1.5 seconds ? 1.0/1.25/1.5 seconds
  • SLOW 60% ? 40/50/60%
  • SLOW LINGER DURATION When an enemy leaves Glacial Fissure's field of ice, they'll continue to be slowed for 1.5 seconds ? 0.25 seconds
  • Janna:
  • Janna's passive range has been increased, and Q now starts counting down the cooldown as it charges
  • Some small buffs for Janna, given she's still very strong as a disengage support champion.
  • Passive - Tailwind
  • RANGE 800 ? 1000
  • Q - Howling Gale
  • newHURRAY FOR HURRICANES Cooldown now begins when the Howling Gale begins casting, rather than when it releases
  • KNOCKUP DURATION 0.5 - 1 second ? 0.5 - 1.25 seconds
  • Nami:
  • Nami moves slightly slower and her W cooldown is going up by 1 second at all ranks
  • We're shaving off some of Nami's less obvious power as, with Braum and Thresh both receiving nerfs, she's on the rise to being the dominant support pick in competitive play.
  • General
  • MOVEMENT SPEED 340 ? 335
  • W - Ebb and Flow
  • COOLDOWN 9 seconds at all ranks ? 10 seconds at all ranks
  • Thresh:
  • Thresh's lantern only shields the first ally it hits (and himself). The Box no longer deals additional damage to opponents for every wall they run through past the first (but still applies slows).
  • As Thresh continues to be a reliable top tier support, we decided to tone down some of his less appreciated (but very strong) area-of-effect teamfight presence.
  • W - Dark Passage
  • newNO GROUP FARES Now only shields the first ally to be near the Lantern. Thresh himself can still always receive the shield.
  • E - Flay
  • BUGFIX Fixed a tooltip bug that listed Flay's slow duration as 1.5 seconds. It's actually 1 second (no actual change).
  • R - The Box
  • removedYOU'RE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME The Box no longer deals additional damage to opponents when they break extra walls beyond the first. Extra walls still apply half slow duration.
  • Items:
  • Item Reorganization
  • Rearranged the order that item upgrades appear in the store
  • We're making it a little more intuitive to purchase item upgrades in the store. If you look at the title of this patch note along with our summary, context, and the patch note itself, I think we've found four ways of saying the exact same thing.
  • REARRANGED THINGS We rearranged the order that items appear in the upgrade section of the store to make it more intuitive
  • New Search Terms:
  • Search for Spooky Ghosts in the item shop. Do it.
  • Someone made a special request for these, so we did 'em.
  • Searching for "Yellow" will bring up all Totems
  • Searching for "Red" will bring up all Lenses
  • Searching for "Blue" will bring up all Orbs
  • Searching for "Green" will bring up Sight Wards
  • Searching for "Pink" will bring up Vision Wards
  • Greater Stealth Totem:
  • C'mon, why do you need a summary here
  • Right now there seems to be no viable reason to upgrade to a Greater Stealth Totem, so we're giving players a reason to do so. Lower cooldown!
  • COOLDOWN 120 seconds ? 90 seconds
  • Frostfang:
  • 2 less gold per 10 seconds
  • As an item that's supposed to be focused on aggressive skirmishing for gold generation, Frostfang and Frost Queen's Claim both create a lot of passive gold on their own, so we're trimming that back a bit.
  • PASSIVE GOLD 4 gold per 10 seconds ? 2 gold per 10 seconds
  • Frost Queen's Claim
  • See above. Or below.
  • I'm not repeating myself!
  • PASSIVE GOLD 4 gold per 10 seconds ? 2 gold per 10 seconds
  • Nomad's Medallion:
  • Now has flat Movement Speed! It's lost a bit of mana regeneration to compensate.
  • This change makes the Ancient Coin / Nomad's Medallion / Talisman of Ascension line a little more attractive to pick up as a 'roaming support' and initiation support purchase while also making the coin a bit more unique as a gp10 item line.
  • newMOVEMENT SPEED +10 movement speed
  • MANA REGENERATION 7 mana per 5 seconds ? 5 mana per 5 seconds
  • Talisman of Ascension:
  • Now has flat Movement Speed and more health regen! It's lost some cooldown reduction to compensate.
  • Roughly the same as the above, so go read that.
  • newMOVEMENT SPEED +20 movement speed
  • HEALTH REGENERATION 10 health per 5 seconds ? 15 health per 5 seconds
  • Deathfire Grasp:
  • Deathfire Grasp's cooldown has gone up
  • Pre-warning: this context is going to get nerdy.
  • Deathfire Grasp amps up a lot of existing low-interaction gameplay (ie: huge burst with no opportunity to react) without adding more skill to the mix. While this is a larger problem we'll have to tackle in the future, we felt that it was important to at least increase DFG's cooldown so that it's more appropriately balanced against a lot of 'anti-burst' spells / items (ie: exhaust, heal, Zhonya's Hourglass, etc). If we don't have to worry about DFG turning a champion into a one-shot wizard (hello Lissandra), it also means we can potentially give healthy assassins better tools to work with.
  • COOLDOWN 60 seconds ? 90 seconds
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter:
  • A small increase on Rylai's overall slot efficiency as an offensively oriented control item.
  • ABILITY POWER 80 ? 100
  • HEALTH 500 ? 400
  • Banshee's Veil
  • Banshee's Veil takes longer to recharge
  • The low cooldown on Banshee's Veil's spell shield allows it to be 'up' for the arrival of every new minion wave, which makes it a little too strong in evenly matched scenarios where one team is trying to siege out the other under a tower.
  • SPELL SHIELD RECHARGE TIME 25 seconds ? 40 seconds
  • Chalice of Harmony:
  • Chalice of Harmony's magic resistance has gone down. It takes you more time to read this summary than it does to read the patch note. How does that make you feel.
  • We're going just a little harder on Chalice of Harmony so that picking it up is more about getting the manafont passive.
  • Sword of the Occult:
  • We're rounding up.
  • We learned how to math when we realized Sword of the Occult wasn't so hot at it.
  • SWORDS ARE NO GOOD AT ROUNDING UP Sword of the Occult loses 6 stacks ? 7 stacks when dying at 20 stacks
  • Madred's Razors:
  • A small quality of life buff where Madred's Razors now track your stacks toward a Feral Flare
  • We're adding a buff tracker so you know what you're missing out on and not sitting on a Madred's Razors for... 77 minutes (just kidding!).
  • newFERAL TRACKING Added a buff on your buff bar showing how many stacks you have toward a Feral Flare while you have Madred's Razor in your inventory. Only displays on Summoner's Rift.
  • Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar
  • Blackfire Torch:
  • Increasing Blackfire Torch's cooldown to match the changes to Deathfire
  • Grasp
  • The following is going to sound very familiar if you've read our context on Deathfire Grasp:
  • Blackfire Torch amps up a lot of existing low-interaction gameplay (ie: huge burst with no opportunity to react) without adding more skill to the mix. While this is a larger problem we'll have to tackle in the future, we felt that it was important to at least increase BFT's cooldown so that it's more appropriately balanced against a lot of 'anti-burst' spells / items (ie: exhaust, heal, Zhonya's Hourglass, etc). If we don't have to worry about BFT turning a champion into a one-shot wizard (hello Lissandra), it also means we can potentially give healthy assassins better tools to work with.
  • COOLDOWN 60 seconds ? 90 seconds
  • Crystal Scar:
  • Fizz
  • Higher cooldown on Q and E
  • Fizz's mobility and damage are a little too high for the "skirmishy" nature of Dominion. With some CDR, Fizz could jump in and out of fights with ease. Increasing his cooldowns will force Fizz to be more careful when using his mobility.
  • Q - Urchin Strike
  • COOLDOWN 10/9/8/7/6 seconds ? 11/10/9/8/7 seconds
  • E - Playful / Trickster
  • COOLDOWN 16/14/12/10/8 seconds ? 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds
  • Summoner Spells
  • Exhaust
  • Reduces less damage than before, now slightly lowers target's armor and magic resistance
  • This change should reduce some of Exhaust's anti-assassin power while also giving it more diversity as a multi-use summoner spell (flat armor / MR shred means it'll be super effective against low-defense assassins or marksmen!).
  • DAMAGE REDUCTION 50% ? 40%
  • newARMOR & MAGIC RESISTANCE SHRED Now shreds 10 of the target's armor and magic resistance
  • Heal:
  • Less heals for all.
  • As a summoner spell that affects two champions and gives a movement speed bonus, we've now realized that Heal is pretty strong. Too strong.
  • HEAL AMOUNT 95 - 475 ? 90 - 345
  • Team Builder:
  • We've made a number of improvements to Team Builder in the months since its initial release. This patch, we're adding improved matchmaking to the list of updates!
  • Team Builder is receiving a few updates in the days following the initial 4.13 deploy:
  • Team Builder matchmaking now takes into account your experience with the specific champion, position and role you've selected.
  • Players can now unlock new role-themed summoner icons by playing 5 games in Team Builder as a specific role
  • Match History Beta
  • Based on your feedback, we've been adding new tools and visualizations to the Match History over the past few patches. Here are some of our recent changes!
  • Color blind mode has been added
  • Vilemaw is now tracked as an objective for Twisted Treeline matches
  • A Match Breakdown section has been added, providing:
  • Graphs for Champion Kills, Gold, Damage, and Wards
  • Champion portrait indicators for First Blood, First Tower Destroyed, Largest Multi Kill and Largest Killing Spree
  • Selecting a champion in the minimap's Champion Kills view now also indicates their death locations
  • While we were at it, we squashed a few bugs and inconsistencies with Match History's data tracking and reporting.
  • Purple team objectives are now tracked correctly for Co-op vs. AI matches
  • Item tooltips for matches played on previous patches now display item details specific to that patch
  • Fixed a few rendering bugs for matches longer than 60 minutes
  • Fixed a bug where item undo wasn't reversing gold spent, causing players to appear to have spent more than they earned
  • Clicking a match in another player's in-client match history now correctly highlights them on the web
  • Lastly, while our focus is on making the Match History web experience as awesome as possible, we've added a bit more information to the client's "at a glance" match history view for players who want the bare essentials.
  • Item build, gold earned and summoner spells have been added to the in-client "at a glance" match history
  • Skin Splash Updates:
  • We've temporarily swapped out some skin splashes with their international counterparts to bring them more in line with our quality bar. We're committed to raising the quality of our splash art across the board, but our focus for now is on improving base champion splashes.
  • SPLASHES 33 old skin splashes have been updated
  • New Player Features
  • As part of our continued onboarding efforts, we're experimenting with ways to help new players learn intermediate concepts outside of game. In this case, we're targeting last hitting with a gentle end-of-game tip that'll occasionally show up for lower level players, becoming less frequent as they get the hang of CSing.
  • New players will now sometimes see a tip at the end of game screen to introduce the concept of last hitting.
  • Match Loading Speeds
  • Toasters rejoice!
  • Improved match loading speeds by 10-30%, particularly for older machines
  • Bugfixes:
  • Tooltips for Sheen, Trinity Force, Lich Bane and Iceborn Gauntlet now correctly list the Spellblade passive as having a 1.5 second cooldown (actual value unchanged)
  • Fixed a bug causing players to get stuck in Spectator mode at the end of a match
  • Fixed a few tooltip bugs with Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • Fixed a bug where the game clock would occasionally become desynchronized, causing buffs to appear to spawn too early
  • Fixed an Undo feature bug with activatable items
  • Since launching our new audio engine last patch, we've been working to fix a lot of small differences that crept in.
  • Howling Abyss death music is now properly controlled via the Music slider in
  • Sound Options:
  • Fixed a few issues where players were hearing sounds from distant areas of the map
  • Removed various VO lines that snuck in with the new engine
  • Rebalanced a number of sound effects to more closely match their old levels
  • Fixed a few instances where some effects were playing for too long, getting cut off, or improperly playing on top of each other

New in League of Legends Client 4.12 (07.21.2014) (Jul 22, 2014)

  • Sorcerer's Shoes:
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where upgrading Sorcerer's Shoes with the Homeguard enchantment granted double magic penetration
  • Relic Shield:
  • CHEAPSKATE: Relic Shield and its upgrades no longer work on Yorick ghouls and Zyra plants because giving your friends 5 gold isn't helping anyone

New in League of Legends Client 4.12 (Jul 16, 2014)

  • With only a few patches between now and the League of Legends World Championships, our focus is on the competitive scene and the things we can do to ensure the landscape is diverse and healthy. Part of how we're accomplishing this goal is to look at champions who are skewing champion select in one way or another while also looking to healthy "almost there" champions, like Alistar or Ahri. For either side (strong or weak champions), our main philosophy is to look for strengths to highlight while also emphasizing weaknesses. This ensures a champ can hold onto their strategic value while still having meaningful tradeoffs. You'll also hear me repeat this many times. Too bad.
  • For you Twisted Treeline fans, we've got two item overhauls with Grez's Spectral Lantern and The Lightbringer (they're now two separate item lines with different functionality), so be sure to read up before hopping into your 3s game.
  • As part of our focus on gameplay clarity, we want to ensure that the right skills are being rewarded in League of Legends. In the case of jungle timers, we want to focus on the meaningful choices you make with the information you've earned, rather than the quick arithmetic you can do with the clock.

New in League of Legends Client 4.11 (Jul 3, 2014)

  • Our big story for this patch is to bring some equality back to the jungle. In the 2014 season, popular junglers have been heavily skewed in favor of high-pressure damage dealing champions like Lee Sin, Pantheon, Kha'Zix, Evelynn, Elise, etc, and it was these dominant picks that knocked most supportive tanky junglers right out of the park. On deeper analysis, we quickly realized the problem was less about buffing tanky junglers to keep up and more that we lacked a strong item path for utility junglers to pick up. As a result, patch 4.11 will be introducing one new and one might-as-well-be-new item in the form of Quill Coat and Spirit of the Ancient Golem, both of which should cater heavily to the tanky utility-focused junglers in the game. We also went through and brought a few champions we felt needed additional love up to speed, as well as one mini-renovation for Maokai so that he could feel better about being back in the spotlight.
  • With the League of Legends World Championships on the horizon, we've also begun looking at high-level competitive changes we can make, like turret modifications and some reductions in dominant champion power. One champion you might be expecting to see in this category but isn't (Lucian) is still in the garage as we're thinking about the best approach to take. I'm telling you now because we want you to know that we know he's particularly strong as a well-rounded marksman (especially in competitive play), but we want to make sure we can highlight a meaningful weakness (and strength) in Lucian before moving forward.

New in League of Legends Client 4.10 (6.20.2014) (Jun 21, 2014)

  • Draven:
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Draven could no longer throw a spinning axe if he caught it or primed it in the middle of an attack animation.
  • Ardent Censer:
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug with Ardent Censer where it was passively granting bonus movement speed to all teammates on the map (don't ask how it happened, it just did).

New in League of Legends Client 4.10 (Jun 18, 2014)

  • Champions:
  • Nidalee
  • Skarner
  • Galio
  • Gragas
  • Karthus
  • LeBlanc
  • Lucian
  • Pantheon
  • Sivir
  • Thresh
  • Tristana
  • Tryndamere
  • Twitch
  • Zed
  • Offensive Physical Itemization:
  • Lifesteal Items
  • Attack Damage Items
  • Attack Speed Items
  • Warden's Mail & Randuin's Omen
  • Support & Ability Power Itemization:
  • Support Items
  • Ability Power Items
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Teleport
  • Heal
  • Exhaust
  • Masteries:
  • Reinforced Armor
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Dragon
  • Team Builder
  • Bugfixes:
  • Upcoming Skins

New in League of Legends Client 4.9 (06.09.2014) (Jun 11, 2014)

  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where Karthus's Lay Waste (Q) was coming off cooldown 0.25 seconds too quickly
  • Fixed an issue where Yorick was causing game crashes

New in League of Legends Client 4.9 (Jun 4, 2014)

  • Visual Updates
  • Karthus
  • Karthus has received a Visual Update and is ready to reap the living in style. Check out the full details here! ”
  • General:
  • CLARITY: Added team-color indicators to basic abilities
  • Q - Lay Waste:
  • CLARITY: Added a new indicator that shows the full area of effect
  • SWAG: Added crit-style combat text and a unique sound effect for double-damage Qs
  • W - Wall of Pain:
  • CLARITY: Added a visual debuff effect that marks affected enemy champions
  • Champions:
  • Braum:
  • We padded Braum's punches, Q does less damage at all ranks, and W gives less defensive stats (also scales less).
  • It's tough to pinpoint the strength of a new champion while also accounting for how quickly players adapt, and Braum was picked up very quickly as a strong lane bully with his combined high damage and defensive power. When we want to reduce power in a champion, we first look to trim 'hidden' strengths that aren't really appreciated in their core playstyle, like Braum's W, which was giving a pile of free defensive stats to both himself and his protected target. That said, Braum's offensive strengths are also very high for a protective champion, so we also decided to trim back that 'stache. ”
  • General
  • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 56 ? 53
  • Passive - Concussive Blows
  • BUGFIX : No longer stuns individuals when they have spell shields up
  • Q - Winter's Bite
  • BASE DAMAGE : 80/125/170/215/260 ? 60/105/150/195/240
  • W - Stand Behind Me
  • BONUS ARMOR / MAGIC RESISTANCE : 20/22.5/25/27.5/30 (+14/15.5/12/18.5/20% bonus armor / mr) ? 15/17.5/20/22.5/25 (+10/11.5/13/14.5/16% bonus armor / mr)
  • E - Unbreakable
  • BUGFIX : We've cleaned up a few cases where certain effects could bypass Unbreakable's active barrier
  • Kassadin:
  • We reverted the W damage buff and base movement speed buffs to Kassadin from patch 4.6.
  • Following up on our champion update, we've been keeping track of Kassadin as he continues to become a more and more dominant force. We think we released Kassadin in a good state but then gave him a little too much strength as we saw folks struggling with the new kit. After our buffs, however, we saw a lot of players learning to play the updated Kass (and well), so we're peeling back the layers we added to get him back to a correct power level. ”
  • General
  • BASE MOVEMENT SPEED : 350 ? 340
  • W - Nether Blade
  • DAMAGE : 40/75/110/145/180 (+0.7 ability power) ? 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power)
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Q does less damage and less isolation damage. Evolved Q no longer deals bonus damage on missing health, but deals more overall damage to isolated targets. W deals bonus damage to monsters. Evolved W now slows enemies by 50% and grants sight of their location to Kha'Zix. Evolved R no longer grants damage reduction (but keeps his increased stealth duration and additional stealth charge).
  • Up to now, most of our changes failed to give Kha'Zix meaningful weaknesses for an assassin because evolved R's damage reduction was letting Kha'Zix force fight initiations whenever it was up while his high base Q damage was letting him take out squishy targets even when they were actively trying to prevent isolation. As an assassin, Kha'Zix should be an opportunistic killer who needs to find isolated targets to munch on while the rest of his team jumps into the mosh pit of the team fight. What Kha'Zix shouldn't be able to do, however, is directly engage a full team fight with the expectation to live while also taking out high priority targets without isolation.
  • With that said, our philosophy behind these changes is aimed at reducing some of Kha'Zix's many strengths while refining his core identity as an assassin. First, we pushed more power to his evolutions so that he'll have to think more about the choices he makes in life (or the game). Kha'Zix's base Q is lower compared to live, but his evolved Q is guaranteed to deal more damage to isolated targets in the mid to late game. The added power to W and its evolution was to give Kha'Zix more fallback strengths when evolving W. It's also worth pointing out that while evolved R took a significant power hit with the loss of its damage reduction, it's still offering a lot of extra mobility for Kha'Zix in a fight (doubling his stealth duration while also adding an extra charge).
  • We'll be watching how these changes pan out, but we're hoping to see more opportunistic Kha'Zixes (Kha'Zixi? Kha'Zii?) who seek out isolated meals in team fights but can't just jump in to scrap with the frontline while also having the mobility and explosive damage to take out the backline. ”
  • Q - Taste Their Fear
  • BASE DAMAGE : 70/100/130/160/190 (+1.5 bonus attack damage) ? 55/80/105/130/155 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
  • Q - Evolved Enlarged Claws
  • new ISOLATION : If target is isolated, deal an additional 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/ 110/120/130/140/150/160/170/180 (+1.04 bonus attack damage) physical damage (in other words, 10 x Champion Level (+1.04 bonus attack damage))
  • removed EXECUTE : No longer deals bonus damage based on target's missing health
  • W - Void Spike
  • new MONSTER DAMAGE : Now deals +20% bonus damage to monsters
  • W - Evolved Spike Racks
  • new MONSTER DAMAGE : Now deals +20% bonus damage to monsters
  • new UTILITY : If target hit is a champion, grant sight of their location to Kha'Zix for 2 seconds
  • SLOW : 30% for 2 seconds ? 50% for 2 seconds
  • R - Evolved Active Camouflage
  • removed DAMAGE REDUCTION : No longer grants +60% damage reduction on Stealth
  • Pantheon:
  • When we made the Pantheon changes back in patch 4.7, we also introduced a bug where Pantheon could be hit by area-effect spells before he physically landed on the screen. Ultimately we made a fix that leaned more in Panth's favor, where he can 'pop' all projectiles as he jumps off screen (so that pesky Sion stun won't follow him through the sky) and remains untargetable until he physically lands. In terms of other tweaks to Grand Skyfall, we've been keeping a close eye on how Pantheon's performance has been affected by the 4.7 changes, but he's remained pretty strong in both top lane and the jungle. We're going to keep watching for now! ”
  • R - Grand Skyfall
  • newMANLY JUMPING : Pantheon now 'pops' projectiles that are in flight toward him as he leaps off the screen
  • BUGFIX : Pantheon is now untargetable from the moment he leaves the ground to the moment he lands
  • Rengar:
  • We're very aware of Rengar's champion-eating capabilities (unlike the poor squishy targets he's surprising), but we're going to be watching how these changes / bug fixes affect the kitty before we take any larger action. ”
  • Passive - Unseen Predator
  • CLARITY : Next attack after leap now correctly starts when Rengar lands, rather than when he's midair
  • Q - Savagery
  • DAMAGE : The bonus damage from Savagery and Empowered Savagery can no longer critically strike. The Attack Damage portion still can.
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Empowered Savagery's bonus damage could be triggered multiple times using Unseen Predator
  • Rumble:
  • Rumble had a few strange bugs that were causing his Flamespitter to deal less damage. ”
  • Q - Flamespitter
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Flamespitter was dealing less damage when Rumble was trying to set people on fire for extended periods of time
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Flamespitter dealt less damage when on purple team
  • Soraka:
  • In our zeal to reduce solo lane Soraka's obnoxiousness, we kicked her a little too hard in the shins. These changes may not get her up to par, but we're committed to supporting her beyond these buffs. ”
  • Q - Starcall
  • UTILITY : If Starcall hits an enemy champion, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% ? 10/11.25/12.5/13.75/15%
  • Minor Changes & Bugfixes:
  • Recall Animations:
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where the following champions would occasionally cancel their recall animations:
  • Diana
  • Elise
  • Kha'Zix
  • Nami
  • Elise:
  • E - Rappel
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where the initial cast of Rappel could not be used on wards (Elise no longer needs to cast Rappel twice to descend on a ward)
  • Volibear:
  • Volibuff. Buffibear? Bam, context. ”
  • Q - Rolling Thunder
  • BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Volibear's target would not be thrown the proper distance if the throw's end position was inside of a wall or a crowd of other units
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Jungle:
  • As we continue to keep a close eye on the jungle, we noticed that jungle monster experience rewards were going up with the average level of the map while lane minion experience didn't. On deeper analysis, we saw this inconsistency was amplifying snowballing in the game: if a jungler's team continues to pull ahead (either through ganks or just #winning), the jungler could continuously clear their monsters for additional bonus experience. Ultimately that meant the jungler of a successful team would come out disproportionately stronger than even the rest of his or her team for contributing the same amount of work. While we want to give specific junglers the gold income and capability to 'carry' their team in the mid to end game, a jungler's overall rewards are currently being amplified beyond the four other players who have had their own set of challenges to overcome. All roles should contribute to the outcome of a game, and we're committed to ensuring a jungler has the same potential (not more) as any other. ”
  • BONUS EXPERIENCE: Jungle monsters no longer give additional experience based on their level (to remain consistent with lane minion experience)
  • Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar:
  • Kha'Zix:
  • We initially changed Kha'Zix's isolation damage for Dominion / TT based on his old kit, but now that additional modifications have been made, we're going to revert to his new kit to get a better feel for the overall changes. ”
  • Q - Taste Their Fear / Evolved Enlarged Claws
  • Friend List:
  • The Friend List should make it easy to see which of your friends are available to play with, but its feature set needed a little work. This patch's updates are aimed at facilitating how players use the Friend List, both to find individuals (search bar!) and to quickly check on their Friend Groups (which now contain offline members). ”
  • The Settings menu to the right of the "Friend List" bar has been expanded to include the following functionality:
  • Status message editing
  • Sort Friends options
  • (New) Show Offline Friends
  • The status message bar has been repurposed into a Friend List search tool
  • Your status message is now displayed alongside your Summoner Name at the top of your Friend List
  • Friend Groups can now be moved up and down through the right-click menu
  • Friend Groups now list offline members when "Show Offline Friends" is enabled
  • The "Offline" Friend Group has been removed
  • Players who haven't yet accepted your friend request will now appear as grayed out and offline under the General group when "Show Offline Friends" is enabled
  • "Sort Friends" and "Show Offline Friends" settings are now saved locally on your computer and will persist through logout
  • Team Rewards:
  • We've added Team Rewards as a new class of rewards to further differentiate ranked team play from ranked solo play. Since ranked teams place a special focus on jolly cooperation, require more effort to coordinate, and embody the teamwork that defines League, we wanted players to have a way to commemorate and celebrate their success as part of a team. ”
  • New ranked team progression system: players earn points with every ranked team win toward unlocking and upgrading a Season 2014 ward skin, awarded at the end of the season
  • New Ranked Leagues profile page where players can compare their leagues, get more information about season rewards, and track their progress towards team rewards
  • Notifications will now appear in your profile tab and ranked team page if you do not have enough wins on your ranked team to be eligible for the rewards for that tier
  • Season rewards now include unique summoner icons based on tier achieved in 3s and 5s
  • Wards:
  • Warding Totems will now use your selected Ward Skin! You can now proudly display your ward skin in game, even if you primarily rely on yellow trinkets to contribute to team vision (but you should totally be buying green and pink wards to help your poor support). ”
  • Ward skin selection is now applied to Warding Totem trinket wards
  • To maintain visual distinction from trinket wards, Stealth wards (including wards from Wriggle's Lantern and Feral Flare) have a new green circle indicator. Yellow trinket wards will continue to display the existing yellow circle indicator.
  • Skin Updates:
  • In addition to Pentakill Karthus's VU, we've given texture updates to Pentakill Sona and Pentakill Mordekaiser. The entire Pentakill skin line also has a new team splash image. For metal.
  • Upcoming Skins:
  • The following skin will be released during Patch 4.9:
  • Woad Scout Quinn

New in League of Legends Client 4.8 (May 22, 2014)

  • General:
  • We investigated a few cases where turret aggro was behaving inconsistently. These changes should address most issues.
  • Champions can no longer drop turret aggro by entering stealth or using the summoner spell Flash
  • Turret aggro can now only be lost if a champion leaves its targeting range, dies, or enters a state of untargetability (eg: Zhonya's, Elise Rappel, Vlad pool).
  • Champions:
  • Blitzcrank:
  • Rocket Grab and Static Field cost less mana.
  • With popular utility champions providing additional utility beyond vision control and a body on the field, Blitzcrank needed some small upgrades to keep up. Given Blitz already has strong utility (gated by his long cooldowns), some mana cost reductions means he should be able to bring Amumu to your team more often.
  • Q - Rocket Grab
  • COST 120 mana ? 100 mana
  • R - Static Field
  • COST 150 mana ? 100 mana
  • Cho'Gath:
  • Cho can eat things a little faster and from a little further away.
  • This is a change we've wanted to do for some time, given how sad Cho gets when his meals flash away. Basically this means Cho's Feast range will correctly match his attack range when he's at 6 Feast Stacks. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!
  • R - Feast
  • RANGE 150 ? 175
  • CAST TIME 0.5 seconds ? 0.25 seconds
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Evolved Wings' cooldown is now the same as Leap.
  • Kha'Zix is currently strong at all levels of play, but when we discovered this bug (heh), we felt the right thing would be to fix it to work as intended, even if it meant giving him a slight buff. Long term, we're still considering changes to Kha'Zix that allow him to retain his assassin playstyle without having the raw strength to brute force his way out of most situations.
  • E - Evolved Wings
  • KHA'ZIX FIX Fixed a bug where Evolved Wings had a longer cooldown than Leap - 24/22/20/18/16 ? 22/20/18/16/14
  • Malzahar:
  • Nether Grasp is cheaper. We probably don't need to summarize these.
  • We realize that high mobility mages are currently valued in the competitive landscape, but buffing Malz against his identity ends up flattening the role of a mage and inhibits other forms of role experimentation. Still, streamlining Nether Grasp's mana cost to be in line with other high cooldown ultimates was a change Malz could use, so we heeded the call (... of the void).
  • R - Nether Grasp
  • COST 150 mana ? 100 mana
  • Pantheon:
  • Last patch, we made a functional change to Pantheon without documenting the change (sorry!). Before the change, Pantheon's Grand Skyfall was dealing damage a full 0.5 seconds after he visually hit the ground, which was inconsistent (not to mention weird). Visually it's confusing that Pantheon can stun opponents before he's even finished landing from Grand Skyfall, so we made the change for Clarity purposes while also affecting his power. That said, we've heard a lot of your feedback that this hampers Pantheon's ability to use Grand Skyfall effectively (or at all), and we're going to keep a close eye on him in this patch.
  • R - Grand Skyfall
  • CLARITY Pantheon can no longer cast spells until he's finished landing
  • BUGFIX Grand Skyfall's animation and damage now better match each other. The timing is unchanged from when the enemy indicator appears to when damage occurs, but Pantheon now visually lands 0.5 seconds later.
  • Soraka:
  • Starcall does less damage and Infuse costs mana when used on an enemy.
  • Soraka's solo lane patterns are pretty obnoxious, as she can simply shove out opponents with Starcall while inhibiting their ability to fight back with her free Infuses. Soraka should be brought to a solo lane as someone who can consistently support her team, rather than dealing high ramping magic damage via Starcall.
  • Q - Starcall
  • DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 ? 40/65/90/115/140
  • UTILITY If Starcall hits an enemy, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5/6.25/7.5/8.75/10% ? 5/8/11/14/17%
  • E - Infuse
  • newCOST Costs 50 mana at all levels when cast on an enemy
  • Udyr:
  • E - Bear Stance
  • CLARITY Udyr now sees an indicator when he stuns a target that shows how long to wait before he can stun that target again
  • Minor Changes & Bugfixes:
  • Nami:
  • Q - Aqua Prison
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Aqua Prison could interrupt certain abilities that were intended to be immune to disabling effects (e.g. Jarvan IV's Cataclysm, Malphite's Unstoppable Force)
  • Sejuani:
  • Q - Arctic Assault
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Arctic Assault would stop on collision with, but fail to knock up, really large enemy champions (Cho'Gath with 6 Feast stacks, Zac with a lot of bonus HP, large champions that were Wild Growth'd by Lulu, champions who weren't watching their diet, etc)
  • Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar:
  • Twin Shadows:
  • newPASSIVE Now detects traps
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • Turrets:
  • Turrets deal more damage and ramping damage, as well as having more defenses.
  • Currently on TT, turrets simply aren't threatening enough to super-bruisers that stack armor and dive for their squishier teammates. While this change alone may not fix this, it's the start of us enforcing turrets as a meaningful safety zone for players on the losing team. We're also beefing up turret resists in the case of a siege - you can still 'chip' turrets over the course of a game before breaking them down in a big push, but we felt they could stay up a little longer.
  • newDAMAGE BONUS Turret basic attack damage increased by 10% (now matches Summoner's Rift turrets)
  • DAMAGE 'Heating Up' passive now increases turret damage by 20% ? 25% per shot
  • ADDENDUM "Heating Up" passive scales up to a total 60% ? 75%
  • DEFENSE Turrets lose 150 armor / magic resistance ? 75 armor / magic resistance when enemy minions are nearby
  • Jungle Monsters:
  • Large Monsters have way more HP, small monsters have slightly less.
  • The low base health on the original jungle camps in TT cuts their threat scaling significantly, making jungling a little too easy for anyone with a small amount of Attack Damage (or in 120% of all cases, Ravenous Hydra). We'll be watching this closely as we don't want junglers to feel hyper-vulnerable, but with the recent buffs to scaling jungle experience, we felt increasing the risk/commitment of the jungle was appropriate.
  • Big Golem health 850 ? 1250
  • Small Golem health 550 ? 500
  • Big Wolf health 650 ? 1150
  • Small Wolf health 430 ? 400
  • Big Wraith health 550 ? 1000
  • Small Wraith health 380 ? 350
  • Team Builder:
  • Team Builder wins and losses are now added to total Normal wins and losses
  • Captains in Team Builder can now grant invite powers to invited friends

New in League of Legends Client 4.7 (May 8, 2014)

  • Champions:
  • Braum:
  • Braum, the Heart of the Freljord, will be released a bit later during Patch 4.7
  • Gragas:
  • Graggy and his barrels have hit the gym. Barrel Roll grants vision (don't ask how that relates to going to the gym), and Gragas can throw his Explosive Cask further.
  • Pre-update, Gragas liked his R and Q more for their target erasing potential than their utility and displacement. Now that Graggy isn't one-shotting entire teams with barrels, we can buff up his other strengths to emphasize his barrel-throwing play-making power.
  • Q - Barrel Roll
  • newUTILITY Grants vision after it reaches its destination
  • CLARITY Reduced size of cast indicator to better represent the actual radius
  • W - Drunken Rage
  • BUGFIX Buff no longer consumed on hitting a ward
  • R - Explosive Cask
  • RANGE 1050 ? 1150
  • CLARITY Reduced size of cast indicator to better represent the actual radius
  • Jarvan IV:
  • Martial Cadence now deals more damage, but the cooldown starts out higher and scales down over time. Golden Aegis costs less mana and is a flat cost across all ranks.
  • In the foreword of patch 4.6 we spoke about the challenges of creating a healthy top lane, and one option we're pursuing is to make teamplay-oriented champions more competitive in the current landscape. Specifically for Jarvan IV: even if he's behind he can still provide a lot of value via Cataclysm, and this gives him more incentive to help out in fights rather than farming minions in isolation. These changes are to give him that extra bump he needs in the early game to keep up.
  • Passive - Martial Cadence
  • DAMAGE 6/8/10% (at levels 1/7/13) ? 10% at all levels
  • SAME-TARGET COOLDOWN 6 seconds at all levels ? 10/8/6 seconds (at levels 1/7/13)
  • W - Golden Aegis
  • COST 45/50/55/60/65 mana ? 30 mana at all ranks
  • Kassadin:
  • Up front: We overshot the Kassadin buffs last patch. Specifically, making Kassadin's magic shield stronger ended up making him a little too stifling against a majority of mid lane champions which, in turn, amps up his already strong snowballing power. On that note, while the concept of a magic shield has a strong connection to Kassadin's thematic and strategic niche, we're still examining a way to balance between thematic cohesion and raw champion strength.
  • Q - Null Sphere
  • MAGIC SHIELD 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.8 ability power) ? 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.3 ability power)
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Targets now need to be further away from each other to be considered 'isolated' for Kha'Zix's damage amplification. Turrets now count as friendlies when it comes to preventing isolation. Kha'Zix now needs to wait a bit longer before re-entering stealth via his R.
  • As an assassin, Kha'Zix should be looking for windows of opportunity (or should be relying on his teammates to create those windows) to engage. Instead, Kha'Zix has so much raw power that he's simply forcing engagements and kills on his own. When assassins can start and end a fight without support, that typically points to an overall lack of tactical weaknesses (which champions need to have in order to maintain meaningful counterplay). These changes are to offer more windows of opportunity against Kha'Zix and should make him think twice before going all-in, but this will be an ongoing project as we examine Kha'Zix's core role and strengths.
  • Q - Taste Their Fear / Evolved Enlarged Claws
  • ISOLATION RADIUS 350 units from nearest ally ? 500 units from nearest ally
  • newGAMEPLAY Turrets now count as allies when determining whether a target is isolated
  • R - Void Assault / Evolved Active Camouflage
  • STEALTH RECAST 1 second between stealth casts ? 2 seconds between stealth casts
  • Lissandra:
  • For Lissandra's birthday, we're giving her a more reliable Frozen Tomb!
  • R - Frozen Tomb
  • newUTILITY Now stops enemy champion's movement immediately on application of stun (dashes, jumps, etc will be halted)
  • BUGFIX Now goes on cooldown when it finishes casting, instead of when it begins casting
  • Malphite:
  • Granite Shield now recharges faster at later levels, and Brutal Strikes costs a low amount of mana at all levels.
  • We like how Malphite's Granite Shield works for the early laning phase, but it has trouble scaling into the rest of the game. Brutal Strikes was designed to help Malphite trade damage when he's in someone's face, but its higher mana costs weren't allowing it. Similar to Jarvan, Malphite offers a lot of unique team-focused wombo combo power even when he's behind, so we're also giving him some help to compete.
  • Passive - Granite Shield
  • RECHARGE RATE 10 seconds at all levels ? 10/8/6 seconds (at levels 1/7/13)
  • W - Brutal Strikes
  • COST 50/55/60/65/70 mana ? 25 mana
  • Miss Fortune:
  • More like Mage Fortune amirite?
  • We saw a unique opportunity to support Miss Fortune's off-builds without impacting her game health and play patterns. This is a fancy way of saying we added AP ratios to Double Up.
  • Q - Double Up
  • Minor Changes & Bug Fixes:
  • General:
  • BUGFIX Fixed a number of graphical issues affecting older video cards
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where ward-jumping abilities (ex. Lee Sin's Safeguard) would sometimes go on cooldown when attempting (and failing) to jump over walls to wards outside the ability's max range
  • Fizz:
  • E - Playful / Trickster
  • BUGFIX Fixed some cases where Fizz could be stunned or rooted while on his troll pole
  • Kog'Maw"
  • R - Living Artillery
  • newUTILITY Mana cost is now displayed on the cast icon (similar to Kassadin's Rift Walk)
  • BUGFIX Tooltip corrected to display the actual range (1400/1700/2000 ? 1200/1500/1800)
  • Nautilus"
  • Passive - Staggering Blow
  • BUGFIX Tooltip corrected to display the actual time between roots on the same target (12 seconds ? 9 seconds)
  • Rengar"
  • Passive - Unseen Predator
  • BUGFIX Using an empowered ability immediately after leveling the base ability for the first time no longer triggers the base ability's cooldown
  • Q - Savagery / Empowered Savagery
  • BUGFIX The bonus damage now applies lifesteal
  • Bonetooth Necklace
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where stack bonuses were being lost upon switching trinkets
  • Shen:
  • R - Stand United
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Stand United would occasionally cancel itself
  • Twitch:
  • We're ironing out some minor issues in the wake of Twitch's VU. We're also reviewing Rat-a-tat-tat's interaction with structures as we work on its inability to target Inhibitors or the Nexus.
  • General
  • RECOMMENDED ITEMS Now includes a trinket
  • AUDIO Fixed a few bugs preventing several VO interactions from working
  • Q - Ambush
  • BUGFIX Fixed a display bug where Ambush's cooldown would appear to start when Twitch entered stealth but reset to its actual cooldown once the stealth effect ended.
  • R - Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat could sometimes critically strike towers
  • Vladimir:
  • W - Sanguine Pool
  • BUGFIX Fixed some cases where Vladimir could be stunned or rooted while in his troll pool
  • BUGFIX Tooltip corrected to indicate the actual heal amount (12.5% ? 15%)
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Heal:
  • When we added more utility to Heal, our focus was to create a spell that added depth to the summoner spell pool while also giving heal-focused supports an ability that let them remain effective against Ignite. On live, however, this wasn't the case as it was primarily being picked up by solo laners to circumvent burst-heavy aggressive play (particularly for champions whose abilities were affected by Grievous Wounds).
  • removedGRIEVOUS WOUND CLEANSE Removes Grievous Wounds
  • Graphical Updates:
  • We're continuing along our goal of making gameplay more readable, satisfying, and visceral. Also awesome. And pretty.
  • Flash particles updated
  • Clarity particles and sound effect updated
  • Cleanse particles and sound effect updated
  • Exhaust particles and sound effect updated
  • Revive particles and sound effect updated
  • Screenshots in the spells tab of your profile have been updated according to recent changes
  • Items:
  • Feral Flare line:
  • When we designed Feral Flare, we looked at 'carry' junglers who picked up Wriggle's Lantern and looked for ways to support that playstyle. Then we released Feral Flare and realized we may have gone too far.
  • While Feral Flare does deliver on its core goal of supporting carry junglers, it's also doing it at the expense of potentially several other players on the map. Because Feral Flare's power is essentially tied to how long junglers can ignore their team, the optimal strategy has been to hide away for as long as possible before making a first appearance as the strongest champion on the map - even in comparison to solo laners who have to scrap out their gold against equally matched opponents (we mentioned this in the foreword, but it's worth repeating here). Long-term, we still like the concept of 'carry' style junglers, but we're currently exploring ways to support them in a way that's healthy for the game.
  • Madred's Razors
  • MAIM PASSIVE +60 damage against monsters ? +50 damage against monsters
  • Wriggle's Lantern
  • newUTILITY Kills and Assists now count toward transforming into Feral Flare
  • MAIM PASSIVE +100 damage against monsters ? +75 damage against monsters
  • Feral Flare
  • MAIM PASSIVE +100 damage against monsters ? +75 damage against monsters
  • removedHEAL SCALING Basic attack heal increases with stacks
  • removedTRANSFORM STAT BONUS Gains Attack Damage + Attack Speed when transformed from Wriggle's Lantern
  • ATTACK DAMAGE +15 ? +12
  • ATTACK SPEED +35% ? +30%
  • Sunfire Cape:
  • Sunfire Cape is an AoE damage aura item, but its current effect looks most like a a debuff on the wearer, even to the point of being confused with Red Buff's or Ignite's effects. This rework more clearly lines up Sunfire's visual with its gameplay.
  • VISUALS Particles updated
  • Aggro Display:
  • To improve aggro awareness and reduce visual noise, we've removed all aggro outlines and added an animated icon above the health bars of minions and neutral monsters. Targeting an enemy or neutral should now be much clearer as an outline around a unit now only means you're targeting it. This approach more closely lines with the intent of the aggro indicator feature, which is to convey game mechanics, not player behavior. Time to work on that combat awareness!
  • MINION & MONSTER AGGRO DISPLAY Orange outline ? Animated HP bar icon
  • removedCHAMPION AGGRO DISPLAY Orange outline
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • The below changes are aimed specifically at competitive play, and we can talk about them in that light. With the trinket change, we initially went with a longer starting cooldown so trinkets wouldn't have an impact on early game invades, but quickly saw the optimal strategy was to just all-in invade before swinging up (or down) to take out a few towers. Reducing the Trinket cooldown means they'll be incorporated into early game strategies and we're hoping they still allow for aggressive strategies to exist in the pre-laning phase. For the Dragon and Turret changes, we saw very few strategic tradeoffs when it came to fast-pushing lanes with multiple champions, so we're aiming to introduce some in the form of slightly higher rewards for Dragon and slightly higher penalties for teams trying to fast-push lanes. This also let us bring parity back to objectives across Summoner's Rift, as all outer towers now have the same Fortification buff. We'll be keeping a close eye on the fallout of these changes (particularly in competitive play).
  • Trinkets
  • STARTING COOLDOWN 120 seconds ? 30 seconds
  • Dragon
  • GLOBAL GOLD REWARD 125 gold ? 145 gold
  • Turrets
  • newFORTIFICATION All outer turrets now have Fortification (added to Bottom lane)
  • FORTIFICATION DURATION 480 seconds ? 420 seconds
  • Summoner's Rift & Twisted Treeline:
  • Jungle
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug where abilities that dealt damage based on maximum monster health were being calculated on base health instead of actual max health (this is a mid-lategame buff in all affected cases)
  • Crystal Scar:
  • Thresh:
  • We gave Thresh some love on this map and it's helped him see more play (and a lot more success), but now he's just crazy. Like 400 armor Thresh with no armor items crazy.
  • Passive - Damnation
  • SOUL STACKS 4 souls per unit ? 2 souls per unit
  • Kassadin:
  • This change is aimed at bringing the new Kassadin rework a little more in line with other maps.
  • R - Riftwalk
  • COOLDOWN 9/8/7 seconds ? 9/7/5 seconds
  • Soul Anchor (Trinket):
  • It's finally here! With Revive being such a dominant Summoner Spell on Dominion, we realized we could take advantage of the unused Trinket slot to create more diversity while also balancing its use case.
  • CHARGE RATE +1 at levels 1/9/14
  • CHARGE CAP 2 (level 14 charge will disappear if unstorable)
  • UTILITY Grants a short burst of Movement speed on revive
  • CATS Soul Anchor version of Rengar's Bonetooth Necklace added
  • Bots:
  • We're continuing to update our AI features! Specifically, players have been asking for more Bot options in Custom Games, as well as bots that can Flash, so we addressed that.
  • Intermediate bots can now be added to custom games
  • All bots are available on Beginner difficulty in custom games
  • To maintain game-to-game consistency for newer players, the Co-op vs. AI Beginner roster is unchanged
  • Intermediate bots will now use Flash both offensively and defensively
  • LoL Client:
  • Ignore feature:
  • We've added a few safeguards to prevent players from accidentally ignoring their friends (so if your friend says this, it's now an excuse).
  • The end-of-game screen "Ignore User" button has been removed. Players can still ignore offensive individuals by right-clicking their summoner name and selecting "Ignore User" from the menu.
  • Added a confirmation prompt when ignoring players from the air client
  • Team Builder:
  • Solo players can now see which role/position combinations are in high demand when deciding their spec
  • Estimated wait times for solo players are now more accurate
  • Team Builder matchmaking has been improved
  • "Play Again" has been added to the post-game screen, allowing Captains to automatically invite their friends from the same match to a new Team Builder lobby.
  • Team Builder invites are now labeled as "Team Builder" instead of "Classic"

New in League of Legends Client 4.6 (Apr 22, 2014)

  • LoL Patcher:
  • In this patch we've fixed a bug responsible for creating errors during the patching process. We've also added crash logging to the patcher as another tool to help us discover, track and fix issues going forward.”
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented new patches from properly updating game files
  • Players can now submit logs if the patcher crashes
  • Champions:
  • Aatrox:
  • W Blood Thirst
  • Bugfix : Fixed a bug where the stance effect would sometimes trigger every 2 attacks instead of 3
  • Gragas:
  • “Now that Gragas is a fullon drunken brawler, he needs a little help in the midfight mobility department.”
  • W Drunken Rage
  • removedSelf slow : Gragas' movement speed is slowed while channeling
  • E Body Slam
  • Cooldown : 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ? 12 seconds at all ranks
  • Kassadin:
  • “We're happy with Kassadin's direction as a highmobility manafueled void mage, but he's a little underequipped for the job. Old Kassadin could survive by blowing up targets (dead targets don't deal damage), but since the rework put more emphasis on his mobility and close combat, he's had some problems sticking around the fight. These changes are to give Kass more opportunities and rewards when he Riftwalks into the fray.”
  • General
  • Movement Speed : 340 ? 350
  • Mana per level : 45 ? 70
  • Q Null Sphere
  • Magic Shield : 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.3 ability power) ? 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.8 ability power)
  • Bugfix : Now correctly interrupts Anivia's Glacial Storm, Twisted Fate's Gate and Urgot's HyperKinetic Position Reverser
  • W Nether Blade
  • Active damage : 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power) ? 40/75/110/145/180 (+0.7 ability power)
  • Maokai:
  • “This is a fix for a longstanding bug where Maokai's slow didn't accurately match his tooltip. We're giving him the benefit of the error.”
  • Q Arcane Smash
  • Bugfix : Slow value now matches tooltip ( 20/25/30/35/40 ? 20/27/34/41/48%)
  • Rengar:
  • “Following up on our Rengar rework, we're giving him power back in two areas where we've heard your feedback: Savagery and Thrill of the Hunt. Rengar's rework is currently doing a lot of things successfully, but we agree that kitty needs a little more claw.”
  • Q Savagery
  • Attack animation speed : Increased by 40%
  • Bonus damage : 20/40/60/80/100 ? 30/60/90/120/150
  • Q Empowered Savagery
  • Attack animation speed : Increased by 40%
  • Bonus damage : 20235 by champion level ? 30240 by champion level
  • R Thrill of the Hunt
  • newStealth alert : Now only appears if enemies would be able to see Rengar out of stealth
  • Rumble:
  • “We're adding more danger to the Danger Zone in order to separate the good Rumbles from the great Rumbles.”
  • W Scrap Shield
  • Danger Zone shield bonus : 25% ? 50%
  • Danger Zone movement speed bonus : 25% ? 50%
  • E Electro Harpoon
  • Danger Zone damage bonus : 25% ? 50%
  • Danger Zone slow bonus : 25% ? 50%
  • Bugfix : Harpoon slows now stack correctly
  • Twitch:
  • “Twitch has received a visual update. And legs. Check out the full details here! We've also bundled a few quality of life improvements and ability name changes for skills that've mutated past their original designs over the years.”
  • General
  • Icons : As part of his visual update, Twitch has received allnew ability icons
  • Q Ambush
  • newUtility : Added new particles and sounds for the moment Twitch enters stealth
  • E Contaminate
  • Name : Expunge ? Contaminate
  • newUtility : Added a range indicator
  • Visuals : Particles now shoot from Twitch to his victims
  • R Rattatattat
  • Name : Spray and Pray ? Rattatattat
  • Visuals : Particles now better indicate when secondary targets are hit by splash damage
  • Items:
  • Wriggle's Lantern:
  • We wanted to err on the stronger side with Feral Flare's release so that players could see exactly what it offered as a carry jungle item. That certainly hasn't been a problem, as it's performed extremely well thus far. Too well.”
  • Total cost : 1800 gold
  • Feral Flare transform : 30 large monster kills
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Heal:
  • The Heal debuff was something we should have left in when we updated the summoner spell. Without the debuff, there's no real drawback to bringing multiple Heals to a fight instead of an assortment of spells.”
  • newMulti-heal debuff : Heal is 50% less effective on allies previously Healed within the past 35 seconds. This debuff only applies when an ally has been healed by the Summoner Spell Heal.
  • Twisted Treeline, Crystal Scar & Howling Abyss:
  • Hextech Sweeper:
  • The recent update to Twin Shadows made for a lot of design overlap with Hextech Sweeper, so we're pushing Hextech Sweeper into more of a tanky mine-sweeping direction.”
  • newRecipe: Fiendish Codex + Kindlegem + 330 gold ? Glacial Shroud + Kindlegem + 330 gold
  • Total cost: 2000 gold ? 2130 gold
  • Health: +250 health ? +225 health
  • newArmor: +25 armor
  • newMana: +250 mana
  • removedAbility Power: +40 ability power
  • Cooldown reduction: +20% (unchanged)
  • Active: Stealth detecting mist (unchanged)
  • Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar
  • Blackfire TorchL
  • This change was also spurred by the recent changes to Twin Shadows. Generally speaking, we knew Blackfire Torch needed to be toned down, so when we started seeing piles of additional movement speed on casters, we felt we could step in now.”
  • removedMovement speed : +5% movement speed
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • Now that we've hit the middle of the 2014 season, we were able to safely assess how to update Twisted Treeline to the new game flow mechanics.”
  • Inhibitor respawn rate : 5 minutes ? 4 minutes
  • Inhibitor mechanics : Destroying an enemy inhibitor only buffs the minions in that lane
  • Jungle rewards : Experience and gold scaling increased
  • We also took this opportunity to create more viable jungle routes and to alleviate some early jungling concerns.”
  • Health relic spawn : 1:55 ? 3:00
  • Bots:
  • We flipped the switch on a suite of bot improvements at the tail end of the 4.5 patch cycle - you can find the changelist in the Patch 4.5 Notes and head over to the dev blog for the scoop on our goals to make bots more human. This patch is a continuation of those efforts.”
  • Bots will now purchase and use Warding trinkets, Sightstone and Sight Wards
  • Wards are placed as bots roam, granting vision of the jungle
  • Wards are used to try to gain vision of enemies in brush when bots are chasing; LESS FACE CHECKING!
  • Bots now have a 50% chance of playing Blue-side in Co-op vs. AI, with players on Purple-side
  • Fixed a bug where bots would stop to cast instant-cast items and spells (e.g. toggling Ashe's Frost Shot, using a potion)
  • Removed some abuse cases that could be exploited while bots were recalling

New in League of Legends Client 4.5 (16/04/2014) (Apr 16, 2014)

  • Improved evaluation of enemy and friendly strength.
  • Improved understanding of tower mechanics and power.
  • Improved behaviors while under high threat.
  • Improved lane rotation decision making.
  • Improved last hitting with auto-attacks both when farming normally and when pushing.
  • Lane behaviors (harassing vs. farming, etc) are now more in line with human behaviors.
  • Bots now attempt to dodge some skill shots.
  • Beginner bots now build recommended items, while Intermediate bots now make more advanced item choices.
  • Bots now scan their surroundings at variable rates depending on difficulty setting and in-game threat level.
  • LoL Client:
  • Fixed a bug where players were sometimes getting stuck in premade game lobbies

New in League of Legends Client 4.5 (07/04/2014) (Apr 8, 2014)

  • LoL Client:
  • Fixed a navigation bug where using a Tournament Code wasn't properly showing players their game lobby
  • Gragas:
  • W - Drunken Rage
  • Fixed a bug where Gragas would stop automatically acquiring targets after he kills a unit with Drunken Rage
  • Extended Gragas' window to make a buffed attack to 5 seconds (from 4 seconds)
  • E - Body Slam:
  • Hitbox has been rounded off to better reflect Graggy's girth
  • Gragas will no longer auto acquire a target after Body Slam if Drunken Rage is active
  • Enchantment: Alacrity
  • Fixed a bug where Enchantment: Alacrity was giving less movement speed than intended when purchased with Mercury Treads

New in League of Legends Client 4.5 (Apr 3, 2014)

  • LoL Client:
  • Game Lobbies:
  • Minor improvement to invite statuses to better document the history of the lobby.
  • When the creator of a game lobby transfers ownership to another player, their status will now change to "Creator" rather than "Joined".
  • Team Builder:
  • Captains now see a spinner animation when friends in the group are still determining their spec
  • Captains can now invite friends to their group before determining their own spec
  • Friend invite statuses are now properly updating
  • Combat Text:
  • Switching text labels for gold gain and crits to icons for faster readability and a more consistent experience across languages.
  • Gold gain text is now indicated by a gold coin, rather than the letter 'g'
  • Critical strike text is now indicated by a bursty icon, rather than the symbol '!'
  • Gameplay Updates:
  • Rengar:
  • Rengar's received some buffs to his teamfight capabilities. Battle Roar is more effective the more people (or large monsters) he hits (there's no limit!) and empowered Bola Strike deals more damage and roots for longer (Bola Strike is also a long range skill shot). Thrill of the Hunt now only gives a speed boost for Rengar when he's chasing down his prey, but it now gives him tons of movement speed when he breaks out of stealth. In exchange, targets will be alerted when Rengar is stealthed and near leap range (he still won't be revealed). Ferocity abilities now scale independently of the base skill rank so they're always equal in power. Bonetooth Necklace is now a trinket (still offers vision) and doesn't stack attack damage, but it no longer loses stacks on death and yields additional utility as Rengar scores kills or assists.
  • Overall, the Rengar rework set out to accomplish two goals: add more depth to his gameplay and allow Rengar to contribute meaningfully to team fights as a hunter of weaker targets. Old Rengar's problem was that he was binary in design - he either got ahead and blew up squishies without recourse, or he fell behind and split pushed indefinitely, relying on his stealth for safe escapes. On its own, split pushing isn't an unhealthy strategy, but Rengar could do it with few tradeoffs (especially given his split pushing speed). Ultimately we preserved the more skill-intensive parts of Rengar, like his ability to stalk foes while moving around the fight, and tuned down his less interactive power. Final point on Bonetooth Necklace: now that it's a trinket it can be positioned as a core progression item for Rengar rather than a risky snowball item slot. Tonight we hunt!
  • General
  • Health per level 85 ? 90
  • Ferocity effect scaling Per ability level ? Per champion level
  • Passive - Unseen Predator
  • Stealth Rengar becomes visible mid-leap ? at the beginning of the leap
  • Q - Savagery
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where the bonus damage from Savagery could crit
  • Cooldown 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds ? 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
  • Damage 30/60/90/120/150 (+1.0 attack damage at all ranks) ? 20/40/60/80/100 (+1.0/1.05/1.10/1.15/1.20 attack damage)
  • removedAttack Speed buff 30/35/40/45/50% attack speed for 4 seconds
  • Basic attack buff window 2 seconds ? 3 seconds
  • removedUtility Usable on structures
  • Q - Empowered Savagery
  • Damage 30/60/90/120/150 (+2.0 attack damage) based on skill level ? 20-235 (+1.5 attack damage) based on champion level
  • Attack Speed buff +60/70/80/90/100% attack speed based on skill level ? +50-101% attack speed based on champion level
  • Attack Speed buff duration Unchanged (5 seconds)
  • newAttack Damage buff +10% attack damage for 5 seconds
  • W - Battle Roar
  • Cooldown 15/14/13/12/11 seconds ? 12 seconds at all ranks
  • Damage Unchanged (50/80/110/140/170 (+0.8 ability power))
  • Bonus Armor & Magic Resistance +15/22/29/36/43 armor & magic resistance ? +10/15/20/25/30 armor & magic resistance
  • Bonus Armor & Magic Resistance duration 3 seconds ? 4 seconds
  • newUtility Bonus armor & magic resistance increases by 50% per enemy champion or large monster hit (no cap)
  • W - Empowered Battle Roar
  • Damage 50/80/110/140/170 (+0.8 ability power) based on skill level ? 40-240 (+0.8 ability power) based on champion level
  • Minimum heal 20 + (10 x level) ? 12 + (4 x level)
  • Maximum heal 40 + (20 x level) ? 75 + (25 x level)
  • E - Bola Strike
  • newUtility Targeted ability ? Skillshot
  • Cooldown 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ? 10 seconds at all ranks
  • Damage 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.7 attack damage) ? 50/100/150/200/250 (+0.7 attack damage)
  • Range 575 ? 1000
  • Movement Speed slow -50/55/60/65/70% movement speed ? -60/65/70/75/80% movement speed
  • Movement Speed slow duration Unchanged (2.5 seconds)
  • E - Empowered Bola Strike
  • Damage 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.7 attack damage) based on skill level ? 50-340 (+0.7 attack damage) based on champion level
  • Root duration 1 second ? 1.75 seconds
  • R - Thrill of the Hunt
  • Cooldown 140/105/70 seconds ? 120/95/70 seconds
  • newUtility Rengar only gains movement speed when moving toward enemy champions
  • Movement speed bonus +20/25/30% movement speed ? +15% movement speed
  • newUtility After breaking stealth, Rengar gains +25/35/45% movement speed for 5 seconds
  • newUtility After breaking stealth, Rengar gains 1 ferocity per second for 5 seconds
  • newUtility Targets are alerted when Rengar is within 1000 range and stealthed, but do not gain vision of him.
  • Bonetooth Necklace
  • Item type Basic item ? Trinket (different versions for Warding Totem, Scrying Orb and Sweeping Lens trinket lines)
  • Cost 800 gold ? Free
  • Trophy gain Unchanged (+1 per kill or assist)
  • removedDeath penalty -1 stack on death
  • removedBonus attack damage +5 attack damage (+2 additional Attack Damage per level)
  • 3 trophy bonus +10 armor penetration, +5% cooldown reduction ? +25 movement speed out of combat and in brush
  • 6 trophy bonus +25 movement speed ? +125 Unseen Predator leap range, Tier 2 vision active
  • removed9 trophy bonus +150 Unseen Predator leap range
  • new12 trophy bonus +5 seconds to Thrill of the Hunt duration
  • removed14 trophy bonus +3 seconds to Thrill of the Hunt duration, first ability used after Thrill of the Hunt generates an additional point of Ferocity
  • new20 trophy bonus Thrill of the Hunt movement speed bonus doubled to +30% movement speed, Tier 3 vision active (Warding Totem version gains Greater Stealth Totem active)
  • Gragas:
  • Gragas gained stronger close-combat abilities! Drunken Rage now empowers his next attack to deal additional magic damage (plus a large portion of the target's maximum health) and Body Slam stuns and knocks back stricken foes. In exchange, Graggy's lost some of his long-range damage in both Barrel Roll (although Barrel Roll now slows movement speed) and Explosive Cask. Gragas just makes more sense as a fat, scrappy brawler than a long-range...barrel...sniper?
  • When we initially designed Gragas, we intended for him to be a drunken brawler who jumped into the fight to mess things up. As players began to master him, however, they focused more on his high ability power ratios and sniping potential while relying on Body Slam and Drunken Rage to get away. While we like to support emergent strategies for champions, playing Gragas like a long-range mage created some very imbalanced situations where either he could one-shot his opponents (success) or he couldn't (failure) and therefore became more sad than drunk. With this rework, Gragas should deliver on the core fantasy of a tanky drunkard who takes on his foes belly first.
  • General
  • Magic Resist per level 0 ? 1.25
  • Movement Speed 340 ? 330
  • Passive - Happy Hour
  • Health restore 2% max health over 4 seconds ? 4% max health instantly
  • newCooldown 8 seconds
  • Q - Barrel Roll
  • newMovement Speed slow 30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds
  • Cooldown Unchanged (11/10/9/8/7 seconds)
  • Mana cost 80/90/100/110/120 mana ? 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • Range 950 ? 850
  • Base Damage 85/135/185/245/285 ? 80/120/160/200/240
  • Ability Power ratio 0.9 ? 0.6
  • removedAttack Speed slow -20/25/30/35/40% attack speed for 3 seconds
  • newUtility Damage & slow increase by up to 50% over 2 seconds as the barrel sits out before detonation
  • W - Drunken Rage
  • Cooldown 25 seconds at all ranks ? 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
  • Mana cost Unchanged (No cost)
  • newDamage Gragas' next basic attack deals 20/50/80/110/140 (+0.3 ability power) plus 8/9/10/11/12% of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage
  • Duration 20 seconds ? 3 seconds
  • Damage reduction Unchanged (10/12/14/16/18%)
  • newUtility Gragas can now move at 80% movement speed while drinking
  • removedAttack Damage buff +30/40/50/60/70 attack damage
  • removedMana restore Restores 30/40/50/60/70 mana
  • E - Body Slam
  • Cooldown 12 seconds at all ranks ? 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
  • Mana cost 75 ? 50
  • Base Damage 80/120/160/200/240 ? 80/130/180/230/280
  • Ability Power ratio 0.5 ? 0.6
  • removedAttack Damage ratio 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7
  • Utility Cooldown reduced by 50% on unit collision ? Cooldown reduced by 3 seconds on unit collision
  • Crowd Control 35% Movement Speed slow for 2.5 seconds ? 1 second stun & slight knockback
  • R - Explosive Cask
  • Cooldown Unchanged (100/90/80 seconds)
  • Mana cost Unchanged (100)
  • Base Damage 200/325/450 ? 200/300/400
  • Ability Power ratio 0.9 ? 0.7
  • Utility Unchanged (Knocks back all enemies hit and grants vision of the area)
  • Champions:
  • Global Stat Changes:
  • Armor seals have become such a standardized rune that players have learned to play with - and around - them. These buffs are to compensate for that dependency.
  • Base Armor All champions have gained +4 base armor
  • Anivia:
  • Anivia's received a small quality-of-life buff to create a clear best use case (if you just want more damage) for Glacial Storm.
  • R - Glacial Storm
  • Utility Now deals a tick of damage when cancelled
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • Did you know that when Fiddlesticks hides in a bush and you don't have vision of him, he can still affect you with Dread? Astute players knew this and learned to watch for his debuff, which made Fiddlesticks sad. We fixed that so Fiddlesticks wouldn't be so sad.
  • Passive - Dread
  • Utility No longer affects champions who cannot see Fiddlesticks
  • Graves:
  • Quickdraw costs less mana to use, Collateral Damage's explosion damage is now 80% of the impact damage.
  • We're emphasizing the collateral part of Collateral Damage.
  • E - Quickdraw
  • Mana cost 50 mana ? 40 mana
  • R - Collateral Damage
  • Collision Bonus Attack Damage ratio 1.4 ? 1.5
  • Explosion Damage 140/250/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage) ? 200/280/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
  • Heimerdinger:
  • Apex Turret no longer spawns with a beam charge stored so it can't be dropped for an instant line-nuke. H-28G Evolution Turret and Apex Turret deal less damage.
  • The 'Dinger's been whomping a little too hard in the early game, so we brought Heimer's overall power level back to a reasonable place while keeping his late game gains. Additionally, the Upgraded!!! Apex Turret changes are meant to emphasize the difference (damage now vs. maximum damage later) between an Upgraded!!! Rocket Storm versus an Upgraded!!! Apex Turret.
  • Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
  • Cannon Damage 15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 ability power) ? 12/18/23/29/34 (+0.150 ability power)
  • Beam Damage 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 ability power) ? 40/60/80/105/130 (+0.55 ability power)
  • Beam Cooldown 12 seconds ? 16 seconds
  • Q - H-28Q Apex Turret
  • Cannon Damage 90/110/130 (+0.33 ability power) ? 70/90/110 (+0.3 ability power)
  • Beam Damage 225/300/375 (+0.8 ability power) ? 180/240/300 (+0.7 ability power)
  • Beam Charge per cannon attack 2/4/6/8/10% ? 20% at all ranks
  • removedUtility Spawns with a beam charge
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Kha'Zix must stay out of stealth longer between casts of Void Assault. Evolved Active Camouflage no longer reduces damage from turrets when Kha'Zix is stealthed.
  • We love seeing Kha'Zix players adapt to the changes to Evolved Active Camouflage. Unfortunately, the increased duration of Void Assault combined with extremely short between stealth windows meant that Kha'Zix was straight face-tanking abilities and turret aggro rather than swiftly moving in and out of fights. These changes let Kha'Zix's opponents have a way to respond when the bug is out hunting.
  • R - Void Assault
  • Bugfix Casting Flash no longer breaks Void Assault stealth
  • newCooldown between casts 1 second
  • R - Evolved Active Camouflage
  • removedDamage Reduction Reduces turret damage
  • Lee Sin:
  • Safeguard's cooldown will be cut in half if Lee Sin uses it on an allied champion or himself. In exchange, Safeguard's cooldown has gone up and will no longer give Lee a shield if he dashes toward a non-champion unit.
  • Even though he was designed to be a high-risk early game champion, Lee Sin can get around making risky plays because of his high mobility and early game base power. We were considering some larger changes to give Lee more early game risk and a way forward into the end game, but your concerns that we would be heavily altering some of Lee's core play patterns (which wasn't our intent!) helped us decide that we should slow our roll. These changes mean Lee will need to take more risks in mobility but don't touch his overall power curve. They also give Lee a real reason to play with his teammates rather than inanimate wards.
  • W - Safeguard
  • Cooldown 9 seconds ? 14 seconds
  • newUtility Cooldown reduced by 50% if cast on Lee Sin or an allied champion
  • Shield duration 5 seconds ? 4 seconds
  • removedUtility Lee Sin gains a shield when Safeguard is cast on non-champion units
  • W - Iron Will
  • Duration 5 seconds ? 4 seconds
  • Leona:
  • The correct play against Leona in lane is to poke her down to make her engages riskier, but her high defensive stats and health regen were mitigating this a little too much. By reducing the bonus armor/magic resistance on Eclipse, Leona's a slightly more viable in-combat target. Plus, if she doesn't get a kill, that combat damage will stick harder.
  • General
  • Base Health Regen/5 sec 9 ? 7
  • W - Eclipse
  • Bonus Armor & Magic Resistance 25/35/45/55/65 ? 20/30/40/50/60
  • Lulu:
  • Help, Pix!'s duration of staying on an enemy has been reduced (ally duration remains unaffected). Casting Help, Pix! on an allied minion no longer gives that minion a shield but still puts Pix on the minion. Help, Pix! deals less base damage at higher ranks.
  • When we made our 2014 Season changes to supports, we wanted to make them feel good about buying AP items. For most supports we gave them forms of additional utility with smaller gains in damage, but Lulu ended up getting a lot in both categories. We actually like mid Lulu, but want to make sure that the reasons for choosing her weren't due to her low-interaction (and high-obnoxiousness) lane harass pattern where she can get instant damage with Help, Pix! before following it up with two high-powered guaranteed Glitterlances. Choosing Lulu as a solo mage champion over being a duo-lane support should come with strategic tradeoffs, but many players were choosing her regardless of team composition or enemy matchups. Ultimately we had to hit some of Lulu's high offensive power, but we're also committed to ensuring this doesn't have a huge impact on support Lulu (who actually comes with tradeoffs like no guaranteed farm or gold generation), so we'll look at ways to help support Lulu if she comes out too weak because of these changes.
  • E - Help, Pix!
  • Enemy follow duration 6 seconds ? 4 seconds
  • removedMinion cast Minions gain a shield
  • Base Damage 80/130/180/230/280 ? 80/110/140/170/200
  • Miss Fortune:
  • Miss Fortune now has a meaningful mid to late game where she can deal more damage and scale harder (via Impure Shots and Bullet Time) from her early lane advantages. In exchange, MF's lost some of her lane bully power (reduced Double Up damage and lower early damage from Impure Shots).
  • In the past, Miss Fortune's been seen as the go-to markswoman with a strong early game presence who transitions to high AoE power. As the landscape of League has changed, however, she's been left in the dust for both strengths, so we wanted to give her something of her own to get excited about. So while we did need to tune down some of MF's early game bullying, we did so to further highlight the shock and awe factor of Bullet Time and Impure Shots.
  • Passive - Strut
  • newUtility Bonus movement speed now displayed on buff icon
  • Q - Double Up
  • Cooldown 9/8/7/6/5 ? 7/6/5/4/3
  • Mana cost 70/75/80/85/90 ? 43/46/49/52/55
  • 1st target Base Damage 25/60/95/130/165 ? 20/35/50/65/80
  • 1st target Attack Damage ratio 0.75 ? 0.85
  • 2nd target Base Damage 30/72/114/156/198 ? 40/70/100/130/160
  • 2nd target Attack Damage ratio 0.9 ? 1.0
  • W - Impure Shots
  • Mana cost 50 at all ranks ? 30/35/40/45/50
  • Bonus Damage per stack 4/6/8/10/12 (+0.05 ability power) ? 0.06 attack damage
  • Attack Speed buff +30/35/40/45/50% attack speed ? +20/30/40/50/60% attack speed
  • Grievous Wounds duration 3 seconds ? 2 seconds
  • E - Make It Rain
  • Cooldown 15 at all ranks ? 14/13/12/11/10
  • Movement Speed slow 20/28/36/44/52% ? 25/35/45/55/65%
  • Vision More closely matches the area of effect
  • R - Bullet Time
  • newUtility Passively increases the stack cap of Impure Shots to 6/7/8
  • Base Damage 65/95/125 per bullet ? 50/75/125 per bullet
  • Total Base Damage 520/760/1000 ? 400/600/1000
  • removedBonus Attack Damage ratio 0.35
  • newUtility Each bullet applies a stack and procs the damage of Impure Shots (but does not apply Grievous Wounds)
  • Renekton:
  • Dominus' health bonus and AoE magic damage are lower in early ranks and higher at later ranks.
  • While we're very aware of the high strength Renekton brings to the lane, we're tackling his strengths carefully over time. Dominus was the best ability to look at first, because its high strength was giving the croc an almost guaranteed lane win once he hit level 6. This change also lets Renekton scale a little better into the late game so his early advantages can be built on.
  • R - Dominus
  • Bonus health 300/450/600 health ? 200/400/800 health
  • Magic Damage per tick 40/70/100 ? 30/60/120
  • Twisted Fate:
  • We're finding a middle ground from our changes back in 3.10 to let Twisted Fate gank with a pre-picked card easier.
  • W - Pick A Card
  • Card selection window 8 seconds ? 6 seconds
  • Card use window 4 seconds ? 6 seconds
  • Wukong:
  • Wukong's armor shred on Crushing Blow now scales with level (starts out lower before ending up at his old value). Cyclone's total attack damage ratio has been reduced.
  • Statistically, Wukong's performed very well since his launch, despite being played in a number of positions (top, mid, and jungle). Now that Wu's found a position that circumvents his natural weaknesses, we can tune some of his high damage - particularly when he comes roaring out of the jungle with raw offensive items. We considered other options but realized most didn't do enough to tackle his overbearing damage in the early ranks (as an example, removing the armor shred on Crushing Blow versus neutral monsters has minimal impact if you consider how much armor they begin with).
  • Q - Crushing Blow
  • Armor shred 30% at all ranks ? 10/15/20/25/30%
  • R - Cyclone
  • Attack Damage ratio 1.2 per second (4.8 total) ? 1.1 per second (4.4 total)
  • Ziggs:
  • Ziggs' attack range has been reduced.
  • Ziggs has a super safe laning phase, even when he's constantly harassing his opponents with abilities and auto attacks. This change is to add a little more risk to Ziggs when he goes in for a hit.
  • General
  • Attack range 575 ? 550
  • Minor Changes & Bug Fixes:
  • Ahri:
  • Q - Orb of Deception
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where Orb of Deception wouldn't return if Ahri was dead or in stasis
  • Blitzcrank:
  • Q - Rocket Grab
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug that prevented Blitzcrank from using Thresh's Lantern while casting Rocket Grab.
  • Jarvan IV:
  • Cataclysm should now be more reliable for Jarvan IV to land.
  • R - Cataclysm
  • Utility The walled area is now centered between Jarvan and his target.
  • Jinx:
  • R - Super Mega Death Rocket!
  • newBugfix Now goes on cooldown when Jinx finishes firing, rather than when she begins firing
  • newBugfix If Jinx dies while firing her Super Mega Death Rocket! it will no longer go on cooldown
  • Malzahar:
  • Malzahar's voidling's attack priority system has been reworked to function more intuitively and not just occasionally sit there.
  • Passive - Summon Voidling
  • newPriority system
  • Attack the target of Nether Grasp.
  • Attack the nearest champion with Malefic Visions.
  • Attack the nearest non-champion with Malefic Visions.
  • Attack the nearest enemy.
  • Attack priorities no longer conflict with each other, causing the Voidling to continuously switch targets.
  • Nami:
  • General
  • Recommended Items Recommended Items have been updated
  • Pantheon:
  • Passive - Aegis Protection
  • Bugfix Now blocks any attack of a siege minion or large monster even if they don't meet the 40 damage threshold
  • Talon:
  • R - Shadow Assault
  • newUtility Flash no longer breaks Shadow Assault stealth
  • Bugfix Activating Noxian Diplomacy no longer breaks Shadow Assault stealth (attacking still breaks stealth as normal)
  • Items:
  • Blue Trinkets:
  • Still in the process of making Blue Trinkets less sad. Maybe it's the color.
  • Scrying Orb (level 1)
  • Vision Duration 1 second ? 2 seconds
  • Range 1500 ? 2500
  • Scrying Orb (level 9)
  • Vision Duration 1 second ? 2 seconds
  • Range 2500 ? 3500
  • Farsight Orb
  • Vision Duration 1 second ? 2 seconds
  • Range 3000 ? 4000
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard:
  • We're a little concerned that Spirit of the Elder Lizard is skewing the landscape of the early jungle toward high damage champions who sustain (and thrive) thanks to their offensive prowess. We're still keeping a close eye on Elder Lizard, but are moving conservatively in the meantime.
  • Damage amplification vs. monsters 30% ? 20%
  • Feral Flare:
  • It's finally here! Picking up after our 4.4 changes to Wriggle's Lantern, we wanted to introduce a new jungle item that "rounds out" the pool. Feral Flare specifically focuses on late-game farming in the jungle at the expense of meaningful early to mid game power.
  • Transform Upgrades from Wriggle's Lantern after killing 25 large monsters
  • Attack Damage +15 attack damage
  • Attack Speed +35% attack speed
  • Unique Passive Maim Basic attacks deal 100 damage (reduced by 67% against champions) and heal 10 health on hit. Kills, assists, and large monster kills increase the damage by 3 and heal by 1.
  • Unique Passive +30% gold from monster kills
  • Unique Active Places a stealth ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
  • Utility Ward cast range greatly increased versus normal ward cast range
  • Support Itemization & Build Paths
  • We've introduced two new foundational items for supports in the form of Aether Wisp (ability power, movement speed), and Forbidden Idol (mana regen and cooldown reduction). Several items have had their build paths strealimed (or changed) to accommodate.
  • Supports and support itemization:
  • Aether Wisp:
  • Recipe Amplifying Tome + 515 gold
  • Total cost 950 gold
  • Ability Power +30 ability power
  • Unique Passive +5% movement speed
  • Lich Bane:
  • Recipe Sheen + Blasting Wand + 940 gold ? Sheen + Aether Wisp + 850 gold
  • Total cost Unchanged (3000 gold)
  • Twin Shadows:
  • Recipe Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null Magic Mangle + 730 gold ? Aether Wisp + Fiendish Codex + 780 gold
  • Total cost 2000 gold ? 2400 gold
  • removedCrystal Scar & Twisted Treeline Recipe Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null Magic Mangle + 530 gold = 1800 gold
  • Ability Power +50 ability power ? +80 ability power
  • Cooldown Reduction +10% cooldown reduction
  • removedMagic Resistance +40 magic resistance
  • Active Cooldown (Summoner's Rift & Howling Abyss) 120 seconds
  • Active Cooldown (Crystal Scar & Twisted Treeline) 60 seconds
  • newUtility If the ghosts fail to find a target, they attempt to return to the caster. Each ghost that successfully returns to the caster reduces the cooldown of this item by 40 seconds (20 seconds on Crystal Scar & Twisted Treeline).
  • Forbidden Idol:
  • Recipe Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 390 gold
  • Total cost 750 gold
  • Mana Regen/5 sec 8
  • Unique Passive +10% cooldown reduction
  • Morellonomicon:
  • Recipe Amplifying Tome + Faerie Charm + Fiendish Codex + 765 gold ? Fiendish Codex + Forbidden Idol + 630 gold
  • Total cost Unchanged (2200 gold)
  • Talisman of Ascension:
  • Recipe Nomad's Medallion + Faerie Charm + 955 Gold ? Nomad's Medallion + Forbidden Idol + 585 Gold
  • Total cost 2000 gold ? 2200 gold
  • Mana Regen/5 sec 10 ? 15
  • Frost Queen's Claim:
  • Combine cost 315 gold ? 515 gold
  • Total cost 2000 gold ? 2200 gold
  • Ability Power +40 ability power ? +50 ability power
  • Face of the Mountain:
  • Combine cost 185 gold ? 385 gold
  • Total cost 2000 gold ? 2200 gold
  • Health Regen/5 sec 25 ? 20
  • Health +375 health ? +500 health
  • Will of the Ancients:
  • Recipe Hextech Revolver + Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 440 gold ? Hextech Revolver + Fiendish Codex + 480 gold
  • Total cost 2000 gold ? 2500 gold
  • Ability Power +50 ability power ? +80 ability power
  • removedMana Regen/5 sec 10
  • Aegis of the Legion:
  • Recipe Rejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + Ruby Crystal + Null Magic Mantle + 670 gold ? Rejuvenation Bead + Ruby Crystal + Negatron Cloak + 600 gold
  • Total cost 1950 gold ? 1900 gold
  • newMagic Resistance +20 magic resistance
  • removedArmor +20 Armor
  • Locket of the Iron Solari:
  • Recipe Aegis of the Legion + 600 gold ? Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion + 50 gold
  • Total cost 2550 gold ? 2800 gold
  • Health +300 health ? +400 health
  • newMagic Resistance +20 magic resistance
  • removedArmor +20 Armor
  • Warden's Mail:
  • Recipe Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + 400 gold ? Chain Vest + 280 gold
  • Total cost Unchanged (1000 gold)
  • Glacial Shroud:
  • Recipe Sapphire Crystal + Chain Vest + 230 gold ? Cloth Armor + Sapphire Crystal + 250 gold
  • Total cost 1350 gold ? 950 gold
  • Armor +45 Armor ? +20 armor
  • Mana +300 Mana ? +250 mana
  • Iceborn Gauntlet:
  • Combine cost 700 gold ? 750 gold
  • Total cost 3250 gold ? 2900 gold
  • Armor +70 armor ? +60 armor
  • Frozen Heart:
  • Combine cost 550 gold ? 650 gold
  • Total cost 2900 ? 2600
  • Armor +95 armor ? +100 armor
  • Attack Speed reduction aura -20% attack speed ? -15% attack speed
  • Boot Enchantments:
  • Because Homeguard boots are so strong as a defensive item, we realized we needed to bring the offensive boot enchantments up to parity. Boot enchants should be an opportunity to personalize your play, so... have a few more choices!
  • Enchantment: Alacrity
  • Movement Speed +15 movement speed ? +20 movement speed
  • Enchantment: Captain
  • Cost 750 gold ? 600 gold
  • Approaching ally Movement Speed +8% movement speed ? +10% movement speed
  • Enchantment: Distortion
  • Summoner Spell Cooldown Reduction 25% ? 20%
  • newUtility Increases Ghost movement speed to 40% from 28%
  • newUtility Grants +30% movement speed for 1 second after using Flash
  • newUtility Grants +30% movement speed for 3 seconds after successfully using Teleport
  • Enchantment: Furor
  • Cost 650 gold ? 475 gold
  • Enchantment: Homeguard
  • Fountain healing Instant full restore ? Restores a portion of missing health and mana per second
  • Activation delay 8 seconds out of combat ? 6 seconds out of combat
  • Runes:
  • We promised rune balance changes for the 2014 season but when we took a deeper look we realized that we needed to do more fundamental work on the system itself. That said, we wanted to get a few balance changes in for the 2014 season, so we targeted midseason as the right time. We've heard a lot of feedback from players on the pains surrounding the rune system, and we'll be taking that into consideration in the future! It may not be a holistic fix right now, but these balance changes allow us to open up a little more diversity in rune choice. We've also made some compensation buffs for the two runes we nerfed.
  • As a side note, we specifically tackled armor runes and lifesteal quintessences because they were becoming the "best in slot" choice for any champion that could use them. In the case of armor, the answer was "everyone," while lifesteal quintessences had a slightly narrower appeal. The buffs we made across other runes were to focus on adding more options without affecting any larger systems while also bringing some runes up to parity in terms of gold value.
  • Seals:
  • Tier 3
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 1
  • Greater Seal of Armor
  • Per Seal +1.41 armor ? +1.00 armor
  • Per 9 Seals +12.69 armor ? +9.00 armor
  • Supplementary Base armor of all champions increased by 4
  • Greater Seal of Scaling Armor
  • Per Seal +2.7 armor at lvl 18 ? +3.00 armor at lvl 18
  • Per 9 Seals +24.3 armor at lvl 18 ? +27.00 armor at lvl 18
  • Greater Seal of Health
  • Per Seal +5.35 health ? +8.00 health
  • Per 9 Seals +48.15 health ? +72 health
  • Greater Seal of Scaling Health
  • Per Seal +19.44 health at lvl 18 ? +24.00 health at lvl 18
  • Per 9 Seals +174.96 health at lvl 18 ? +216.00 health at lvl 18
  • Greater Seal of Health Regeneration
  • Per Seal +0.43 health regen/5 sec ? +0.56 health regen/5 sec
  • Per 9 Seals +3.87 health regen/5 sec ? +5 health regen/5 sec
  • Glyphs:
  • Tier 3
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 1
  • Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
  • Per Glyph +1.11% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ? +1.67% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
  • Per 9 Glyphs +9.99% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ? +15% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
  • Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
  • Per Glyph +2.7 magic resistance at lvl 18 ? +3.00 magic resistance at lvl 18
  • Per 9 Glyphs +24.3 magic resistance at lvl 18 ? +27.00 magic resistance at lvl 18
  • Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration
  • Per Glyph +0.31 mana regen/5 sec ? +0.33 mana regen/5 sec
  • Per 9 Glyphs +2.79 mana regen/5 sec ? +3 mana regen/5 sec
  • Greater Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration
  • Per Glyph +0.99 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18 ? +1.20 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18
  • Per 9 Glyphs +8.91 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18 ? +10.80 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18
  • Quintessences:
  • Tier 3
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 1
  • Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction
  • Per Quintessence +1.67% cooldown reduction ? +2.50% cooldown reduction
  • Per 3 Quintessences +5.01% cooldown reduction ? +7.50% cooldown reduction
  • Greater Quintessence of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
  • Per Quintessence +2.5% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ? +5.00% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
  • Per 3 Quintessences +7.5% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ? +15.00% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
  • Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed
  • Per Quintessence +3.4% attack speed ? +4.50% attack speed
  • Per 3 Quintessences +10.2% attack speed ? +13.50% attack speed
  • Greater Quintessence of Life Steal
  • Per Quintessence +2% lifesteal ? +1.5% lifesteal
  • Per 3 Quintessences +6% lifesteal ? +4.5% lifesteal
  • Supplementary The offensive mastery, Feast, now restores 3 health on unit kill (up from 2)
  • Masteries:
  • Feast:
  • Similar to our armor seal changes, lifesteal quintessences are a fairly standardized rune on certain champions, so we wanted to compensate for the change in specific cases.
  • Health on kill 2 ? 3
  • Scavenger:
  • Completely unrelated buff here - we noticed that Scavenger's range was smaller than Ancient Coin (occasionally resulting in one granting gold while the other didn't), so we fixed it.
  • Range 900 ? 1100
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Exhaust:
  • Exhaust has fallen out of favor as Ignite has become the staple for kill lanes around the world. Additionally, the successful "use case" of Exhaust has grown more difficult as burst damage combinations become the norm (both through the current popular support roster and overall damage contributions in lane). These buffs to Exhaust are to give it a stronger defensive use case while also letting the player feel better about using it in a timely manner.
  • Attack Speed reduction -50% attack speed ? -30% attack speed
  • Damage debuff -30% damage ? -50% damage
  • Range 550 ? 650
  • Heal
  • While the current live environment heavily favors all-in engagements, we wanted a summoner spell that could be reliably used for defensive lanes. These changes let us expand the scope of Heal so that it has more cool use cases and playmaking opportunities.
  • Cooldown 300 ? 240
  • Heal 90-345 ? 90-495
  • newUtility Heals all allies in range ? Heals the caster and the allied champion nearest to the caster's cursor (or the most wounded ally if no target is near the cursor)
  • Crazy Removes healing reduction effects on affected champions
  • Crazy-Awesome Affected champions gain +30% movement speed for 2 seconds
  • Ignite
  • Partially to compensate for the Heal changes and because when you set someone on fire, that should make them real visible.
  • Vision Now grants vision of the target while ignited - does not reveal stealthed champions.
  • Barrier
  • We heard your feedback and have tuned up the uniqueness of the Barrier particle.
  • Visuals Gold ? Off-white
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Dragon:
  • Dragon now deals a percentage of the target's current health as damage (this goes up over time). Dragon's debuff now reduces total damage dealt by 20%. Dragon gains additional armor and magic resistance over time.
  • In the mid to late game when champions have enough damage, taking the Dragon becomes a high value, low risk objective. These changes should help the Dragon scale better as a late game objective (rather than a quick gold boost).
  • Attack Damage 145 ? 110
  • Bonus Armor & Magic Resist +13 armor and +5.85 magic resist per level after level 9
  • new% Current Health Damage 5% (+0.5% per level after level 9) current health as physical damage per attack
  • newDamage debuff -20% damage
  • removedAttack Speed slow -20% attack speed

New in League of Legends Client 4.4 (Mar 18, 2014)

  • LoL Client:
  • Continuing the work we did in patch 4.3, we've got some general cleanup and bug fixes.
  • Game owners are now labeled as “Owner” in the lobby invites panel
  • Players can no longer accept invites while in a matchmaking queue
  • Fixed an issue where players who relogged with an on-hold invite (the lobby entered champion select) experienced various issues preventing them from entering games
  • Fixed an issue where the invite system counted spectators when determining whether a custom lobby was full
  • Fixed a reconnect issue where players who restarted the client while spectating a custom game were stuck on a blank landing page upon relogging
  • Reworks:
  • Kassadin:
  • Old Kassadin's combination of high mobility, strong disables and high burst damage left his victims with very few to no options against him (other than banning him in every single ranked game), especially when he snowballed ahead. Our focus here is to introduce more counterplay to Kassadin's kit, something we couldn't do with number tweaks alone. For example, lowering Kass's damage doesn't make for an interesting gameplay interaction (it just means you can turn around and smash him in the face if you survive the burst), while increasing his cooldowns means he just needs to wait longer before blowing somebody up.
  • In the end, we opted for a full-on kit rework to reinforce his core theme as an anti-magic assassin with unrivaled mobility. These changes mean Kassadin must rely on his mobility to pick fights while finding opportunities to dive in and out of combat to take out targets. It's worth stressing: these changes are to make Kassadin less of a "blow someone up when you can" champion and more of a mobile attacker who wants to get in to fight while using Riftwalk to stay safe. Obviously, this is a significant change, so we'll be watching his performance very closely.
  • We've increased Kassadin's attack range and changed his passive so it no longer grants attack speed but avoids unit collision. We reduced Null Sphere's damage and pulled off the silence, although it will still interrupt channeled abilities. Instead, Null Sphere now grants Kassadin a shield on use. Nether Blade now passively deals bonus magic damage per autoattack and, when activated, deals higher bonus magic damage as well as restoring some of Kassadin's missing mana. No big changes to Force Pulse though we did reduce its damage a bit. Riftwalk, on the other hand, has a lot of changes. We've reduced its cooldown and it now scales with max mana instead of AP. Each stack now doubles the mana cost of the next Riftwalk but we reduced the mana cost and the number of max stacks to compensate. It also no longer refunds mana on hitting enemy champs.
  • General
  • Visuals Kassadin's particles have been updated!
  • Attack Range 125 ? 150
  • Passive - Void Stone
  • newUtility Kassadin now additionally ignores unit collision
  • Attack Speed Bonus Bonus attack speed per magic damage reduced ? No longer grants attack speed
  • Q - Null Sphere
  • newUtility Now additionally grants Kassadin a shield for 1.5 seconds that absorbs 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.3 Ability Power) magic damage
  • newUtility Silences the target ? No longer silences, instead it interrupts channel spells
  • Damage 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.7 ability power) ? 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)
  • newW - Nether Blade
  • Passive Kassadin's basic attacks draw energy from the void, dealing 20 (+0.1 ability power) bonus magic damage.
  • Active Kassadin charges his Nether Blade, causing his next basic attack to deal 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power) bonus magic damage and restore 4/5/6/7/8% of his missing mana (increases to 20/25/30/35/40% against champions).
  • Cooldown 6 seconds
  • Mana Cost No cost
  • Utility Resets Kassadin's basic attack timer on activation
  • E - Force Pulse
  • Damage 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.7 ability power) ? 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)
  • R - Riftwalk
  • newDamage 80/100/120 (+0.8 ability power) ? 80/100/120 (+2% maximum mana)
  • newStacking Damage 50/55/60 (+0.1 ability power) per stack ? 40/50/60 (+1% maximum mana) per stack
  • newRiftwalk Stacks Costs +100 mana per stack ? Now doubles its mana cost per stack
  • newUtility Refunds mana on hitting enemy champions ? No longer refunds mana on hitting enemy champions
  • Cooldown 7/6/5 seconds ? 7/5/3 seconds
  • Mana Cost 100 ? 75
  • Maximum Stacks 10 ? 4
  • Stack Duration 8 seconds ? 12 seconds
  • Champions:
  • Annie:
  • We like Annie's versatility, but some of her base damage is too high for how she's currently being used. Our goal is to introduce more interesting choices in Annie's kit (particularly on that Disintegrate buff) as we looked for ways to buff her late game scaling when she builds more traditional AP items.
  • We've reduced Disintegrate's cooldown by half on any kill (champion or minion). We've also fiddled with Incinerate and Tibbers so they do less base damage but scale better with AP.
  • Q - Disintegrate
  • newUtility Reduces cooldown by half on all kills (champion or minion)
  • Base Damage 85/125/165/205/245 ? 80/115/150/185/220
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.7 ? 0.8
  • W - Incinerate
  • Base Damage 80/130/180/230/280 ? 70/115/160/205/250
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.75 ? 0.85
  • R - Summon: Tibbers
  • Base Damage 200/325/450 ? 175/300/425
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.7 ? 0.8
  • Diana:
  • The Lich Bane changes affect Diana pretty hard, so we're tweaking her numbers a little to make sure she still packs a punch.
  • More on Lich Bane below.
  • Passive - Moonsilver Blade
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.6 ? 0.8
  • Elise:
  • Reiterating what was mentioned in the foreword of the patch notes, we like champions that have different strengths and weaknesses at various points in the game, but jungle Elise was an extreme outlier with her super strong spider-of-all-trades early game. This is definitely a nerf, but we'll keep an eye on Elise as she adjusts.
  • We lowered Neurotoxin/Venomous Bite's damage versus monsters while making Cocoon's stun shorter at early levels and higher at later levels. We also shortened the cooldown of Rappel and lowered spiderling health at early levels but raised it at higher levels.
  • Q - Neurotoxin
  • Base Damage 40/80/120/160/200 ? 40/75/110/145/180
  • Maximum % health damage vs. monsters 60/120/180/240/300 ? 50/75/100/125/150
  • Q - Venomous Bite
  • Base Damage 60/110/160/210/260 ? 60/100/140/180/220
  • Maximum % health damage vs. monsters 60/120/180/240/300 ? 50/75/100/125/150
  • E - Cocoon
  • Stun duration 1.5 seconds ? 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
  • E - Rappel
  • Cooldown 26/24/22/20/18 seconds ? 26/23/20/17/14 seconds
  • R - Spider Form
  • Spiderling Health (Rough Values) 90~260 ? 85~390
  • Spiderling Health (Real Values)
  • /100/110/120/130/140/150/160/170/180/190/200/210/ 220/230/240/250/260 ? 85/95/105/115/125/135/145/160/175/190/210/230/250/ 275/300/325/355/390
  • Ezreal:
  • We saw the Lich Bane changes as an easy opportunity to preserve the AP Ezreal off-build without jeopardizing the health / balance of his primary build.
  • More on Lich Bane below.
  • Q - Mystic Shot
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.20 ? 0.40
  • Fizz:
  • Lich Bane's a pretty key item for Fizz, so we're giving the little fish dude a buff to compensate for the item change.
  • More on Lich Bane below.
  • W - Seastone Trident
  • Active Ability Power Ratio 0.15 ? 0.25
  • Heimerdinger:
  • We've been paying close attention to Heimerdinger since his kit rework and felt he could use a little more late game help. Turret basic attacks deal a hell of a lot more damage than people realize, so we're tying their power in with the “flashier” big sister: The Beam. This way, Heimerdinger must position his turrets for maximum effectiveness on both attacks (basics and beams).
  • Heimer's got a visual update! We bumped up Heimer's move speed and made some changes to his turrets. Turret health now scales with AP and champion levels, and turret basic attacks now reduce the cooldown of turret beams instead of CDR. Also, turrets are now a little worse at last hitting minions unless Heimer orders them to attack specific ones.
  • General
  • Heimerdinger has received a visual update, including one hell of a haircut! Check out the full details here.
  • Base Movement Speed 335 ? 340
  • Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
  • newUtility Heimerdinger now spawns with maximum ammo count
  • newUtility Turret Health now scales with Ability Power at a ratio based on level (flat 0.05 Ability Power ratio from levels 1-8, increases by 0.035 per level from levels 9-18 ending at 0.40 at level 18)
  • newUtility Turret basic attacks now restore 1/2/3/4/5% Beam charge
  • newUtility Cooldown reduction modifies beam cooldown ? Cooldown reduction no longer modifies Beam cooldown
  • Smarts Turret AI is less reliable at last-hitting minions unless Heimer himself has ordered the Turret by attacking that minion
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Late game, Caustic Spittle's lower cast range often clashed with Kog's Bio-Arcane Barrage empowered attack range, so we're clarifying Kog'Maw's role as an artillery-lobbing, tank-shredding, spittle-spitting, purple people-eating, puppy-monster… thing.
  • Caustic Spittle is now a straight line skill shot with a longer range. It has a higher base damage and now shreds the target's armor and magic resistance.
  • Q - Caustic Spittle
  • newUtility Targeted ability ? Now a straight line skill shot
  • newArmor and Magic Resistance Shred Flat 5/10/15/20/25 ? 20/22/24/26/28%
  • Range 625 ? 1000
  • Base Damage 60/110/160/210/260 ? 80/130/180/230/280
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.7 ? 0.5
  • W - Bio-Arcane Barrage
  • newMana Cost 50 ? Now has no mana cost
  • R - Living Artillery
  • BUGFIX Fixed tooltip to reflect that only the base damage is amplified versus champions
  • Nautilus:
  • We're giving Nautilus some love so he can be a little safer in the jungle while scaling better into the late game (particularly with his slow early game).
  • W - Titan's Wrath
  • Cooldown 22/21/20/19/18 seconds ? 18 seconds at all ranks
  • Bonus Health Ratio 10% ? 15%
  • Sivir:
  • Continuing our Sivir watch since her rework. These nerfs mean Sivir can't create an unhealthy lane by auto-pushing her opponents to the tower without interacting with them. The higher mana costs combined with a buffed mana restore on Spell Shield means Sivir needs to take more risks to keep using her abilities.
  • Q - Boomerang Blade
  • Damage loss per enemy hit 10% ? 15% (still a minimum of 40% damage)
  • W - Ricochet
  • Mana Cost 40 ? 60
  • E - Spell Shield
  • Mana Restore 60/75/90/105/120 ? 80/95/110/125/140
  • Skarner:
  • We said we'd monitor Skarner after his changes, and we're continuing to do so. The buffs in patch 4.3 were a good direction but it looks like Skarner could use a little more reliability.
  • E - Fracture
  • Missile Width 60 ? 70
  • Missile Speed 1400 ? 1500
  • Thresh:
  • seconds is really all the time a soul needs before it realizes it can escape from Thresh. The shorter window to pick up souls means Thresh will have to take more risks as he tries to collect distant souls.
  • Passive - Damnation
  • Soul Despawn Rate 15 seconds ? 8 seconds
  • Tristana:
  • Using Rapid Fire is about timing and opportunity (not mana costs!), so we're clarifying its use.
  • Q - Rapid Fire
  • newMana Cost 50 ? Now has no mana cost
  • Twisted Fate:
  • Twisted Fate was another Lich Bane fan who relied on its extra damage to stay strong. Now that we've knocked Lich Bane down a few notches, we're giving the Card Master a couple buffs to keep him happy.
  • More on Lich Bane below.
  • W - Pick A Card
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.4 ? 0.5
  • E - Stacked Deck
  • Ability Power Ratio 0.4 ? 0.5
  • Vi:
  • Vi deals a lot of damage when building tanky and we want to incentivize her to go back to what she does best: punching things. The change to Assault and Battery gives a little more breathing room for her opponents between her oppressive early ganks while also giving foes more opportunities to capitalize on poorly planned ults.
  • Vault Breaker has a lower base damage now but scales better with AD. We also raised Assault and Battery's cooldown at early ranks and reduced the knockback duration and distance to secondary targets.
  • Q - Vault Breaker
  • Minimum damage 50/80/110/140/170 (+.7 Bonus Attack Damage) ? 50/75/100/125/150 (+.8 Bonus Attack Damage)
  • Maximum damage 100/160/220/280/340 (+1.4 Bonus Attack Damage) ? 100/150/200/250/300 (+1.6 Bonus Attack Damage)
  • R - Assault and Battery
  • Cooldown 130/105/80 seconds ? 150/115/80 seconds
  • Knockback duration on secondary targets 0.5 seconds ? 0.25 seconds
  • Knockback distance on secondary targets 350 ? 250
  • Minor Changes & Bug Fixes:
  • Font Updates:
  • We're switching our loading screen and in-game announcer fonts to a better recognized, stable font.
  • We changed the loading screen and in-game announcer fonts!
  • Recall:
  • Attacks and damaging spells that hit a shielded target will now cancel a recall cast in progress, even if the shield is not broken by the incoming damage
  • Jungle:
  • We've gussied up the health restoration particle you get when you kill large jungle monsters. Now comes with 100% extra swirl
  • Fiora:
  • R - Blade Waltz
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where Fiora would occasionally be locked out of using Flash if Blade Waltz was interrupted
  • Karthus:
  • We fixed a bug that caused Karthus to lose certain item buffs for varying amounts of time when he became a spirit. We'll keep an eye on Karthus after this patch as this fix is a significant buff to his damage while in his undead-er form.
  • Passive - Death Defied
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug that was causing Karthus to lose the multipliers on Deathcap, Last Whisper, and Void Staff for varying amounts of time after becoming a zombie
  • LeBlanc:
  • E - Ethereal Chains
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where Ethereal Chains could still root an enemy even if LeBlanc was out of range when the secondary effect proceed
  • Lux:
  • We're updating Final Spark's targeting indicator so players who use quick cast can see the range of the spell easier.
  • R - Final Spark
  • newUtility Now displays a targeting circle when highlighting the ability
  • Quinn:
  • With this change you'll still have to figure out what Valor likes to do, but at least you'll know when he's taking a break and won't help you out on his own.
  • Passive - Harrier
  • Utility Now displays as 'on cooldown' when Valor is unable to mark a target on his own due to recently marking a target
  • Udyr:
  • E - Bear Stance
  • Bugfix Fixed a tooltip bug to reflect that Udyr can stun the same target once every 5 seconds, not 6
  • Vel'Koz:
  • General
  • Visuals We've updated base Vel'Koz's texture fidelity!
  • Yorick:
  • We fixed a bug that caused Yorick's Omen of Death'd target (well that's awkward to write) to lose certain item buffs for varying amounts of time when they became a zombie. We'll be watching Yorick after this patch as this fix is a significant buff to Omen of Death.
  • Q - Omen of War
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where Yorick could permanently ignore unit collision after casting Omen of War.
  • R - Omen of Death
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug that was causing Omen of Death's target to lose the multipliers on Deathcap, Last Whisper, and Void Staff for varying amounts of time after becoming a zombie.
  • Items:
  • Lich Bane:
  • Historically we've run into a lot of problems with champions who use Lich Bane because of its high-power AP burst, so we're taking a look at the item itself. Lich Bane is designed to be a damage supplement for AP champs that incorporate basic attacks into their spell rotations, unlike Deathfire Grasp which is for champions who want to optimize their burst damage. This adjustment lets us take a look at champions who traditionally depend on Lich Bane for their damage output. We've given a bit of power back to Diana, Ezreal, Fizz and Twisted Fate for now and we'll keep a close eye on the state of the game after this change to see if we need to help out anyone else.
  • We're lowering Lich Bane's damage.
  • Empowered Damage Deals 50 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage ? Deals 75% Base AD (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage
  • Trinkets (Warding Totem, Sweeping Lens, Scrying Orb):
  • A lot of players were relying on the early Warding Totem to protect standard invade paths, which ended up preventing meaningful aggression. We like that invading can be a team strategy, so we're hoping this helps out. Plus, lowering the swap cooldown for trinkets should allow for more flexibility.
  • Start Cooldown (for all trinkets) 90 seconds ? 120 seconds
  • Swap Cooldown (for all trinkets) 180 seconds ? 120 seconds
  • Wriggle's Line:
  • We're currently working on the Wriggle's line of items and, in patch 4.5, we'll be introducing an "evolution" to Wriggle's Lantern where it transforms into a more powerful item called Feral Flare when you accumulate a large number of monster kills. Once again, that item will hit in 4.5 but you can play with the minor Madred's and Wriggle's changes for now.
  • The specific goal here is to fill in the “missing link” of jungle items for basic attack reliant champions. We really want to give 'carry' junglers an item that focuses on a weaker early game for mid to late game payoffs.
  • Madred's Razors now gives attack speed rather than armor. Wriggle's Lantern now gives attack damage and a little more attack speed rather than armor and attack speed.
  • Madred's Razors:
  • newRecipe Cloth Armor + Hunter's Machete + 100 gold (total cost 700g) ? Dagger + Hunter's Machete + 50g (total cost 750g)
  • newAttack Speed +15% Attack Speed
  • Armor +20 Armor ? Removed
  • Passive Maim Basic attacks deal 60 bonus magic damage and restore 5 health on hit versus monsters ? Basic attacks deal 60 bonus magic damage and restore 8 health on hit versus monsters
  • Wriggle's Lantern:
  • newRecipe Madred's Razors + Dagger + Dagger + 150 gold (total cost 1650 gold) ? Madred's Razors + Long Sword + Dagger + 140 gold (total cost 1650 gold)
  • newAttack damage +12 attack damage
  • Attack speed 25% ? 30%
  • Armor +20 Armor ? Removed
  • Passive gold bonus 40% increased gold from monsters ? 30% increased gold from monsters
  • Passive Maim (Unchanged) Basic attacks against monsters deal 100 bonus magic damage and restore 10 health.
  • Active (Unchanged) Places a stealth ward that lasts 180 seconds (cooldown: 180 seconds)
  • Summoner Spells:
  • Teleport:
  • We like the offensive pressure that comes from taking Teleport, but its defensive use (ie: lane recovery or base protection) could use some love.
  • newUtility Teleporting to an allied turret reduces the cooldown of Teleport by 100 seconds (total 200 second cooldown. 300 seconds if Teleport is used on an object.).
  • Cancellation Penalty Cancelling a Teleport in progress reduces the cooldown of Teleport to 150 seconds ? 200 seconds
  • Graphical Updates:
  • We're continuing along our goal of making gameplay more readable, satisfying, and visceral. Also pretty.
  • Barrier particles and sound effects updated
  • Heal particles and sound effects updated
  • Teleport particles and sound effects updated
  • Ignite particles updated
  • Ghost sound effects updated
  • Screenshots in the spells tab of your profile have been updated according to recent changes.
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • Renekton:
  • The crocodile can be pretty overwhelming in a 3s match, so we're taking a little power off.
  • R - Dominus
  • Bonus Health 300/450/600 ? 200/350/500
  • Damage per second 40/70/100 ? 30/60/90
  • Syndra:
  • As a zone control mage, Syndra was designed and balanced to fend off 5 attackers, but she can be oppressive in 3v3 matches.
  • E - Scatter the Weak
  • Cooldown 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds ? 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds
  • R - Unleashed Power
  • Cooldown 100/90/80 seconds ? 120/105/90 seconds
  • Crystal Scar:
  • Talon:
  • Talon's invisibility is really strong on wardless maps, so we're upping the cooldown a bit to compensate. We're also lowering his mid/late game burst because really, it's too damn high.
  • Q - Noxian Diplomacy
  • Base Damage 30/60/90/120/150 ? 30/55/80/105/130
  • R - Shadow Assault
  • Cooldown 75/65/55 seconds ? 85/75/65 seconds
  • Thresh:
  • Thresh's soul pickup rate on Dominion is pretty low in comparison to SR, which leaves him lackluster in the stats department. So, we're giving him some help to hit parity with other tanks and supports.
  • Passive - Damnation
  • Gains per Soul Collected 1 soul = 1 stack ? 1 soul = 4 stacks
  • R - The Box
  • Cooldown 150/140/130 seconds ? 120/110/100 seconds
  • Fixed a bug where if Heimerdinger had ranks in Q - H-28G Evolution Turret, he would perpetually regenerate up to 3 turret kits at a time after dying.

New in League of Legends Client 4.3 (05032014) (Mar 7, 2014)

  • Fixed an issue that caused players to see a black screen instead of Champion Select
  • Restored compatibility with XP Service Pack 2

New in League of Legends Client 4.3 (Feb 27, 2014)

  • LoL Client:
  • “With our LoL client work ongoing, game invites were next on our hit list. The below changes should help out with client performance. ”
  • Players can now be invited to and accept game invitations while already in a lobby
  • Lobby owners can now select a teammate to be the game owner and “draft captain” in charge of bans and first pick
  • Improved invitee and lobby status updates:
  • Accepted
  • Pending
  • Declined
  • Accepted - Lobby Full
  • Accepted - Quit
  • Joined - Quit
  • Joined
  • Kicked
  • Banned
  • Invitations to games that are no longer available will now read “The invitation from «Summoner» has expired.”
  • You can now grant invite privileges in custom games
  • Chat lobbies will remain intact if someone leaves champ select
  • You can still send and receive game invites if chat goes down
  • You can now send game invitations to offline players - they’ll see them when they log in
  • Chat’s no longer restricted when sending out large amounts of invites at once
  • Champions:
  • Vel’Koz:
  • Vel’Koz, the Eye of the Void is somewhere in this patch but will be turned on at a later date.
  • Corki:
  • Corki players can now see Phosphorus Bomb’s area of effect indicator and Phosphorus Bomb now scales with bonus AD.
  • Q - Phosphorus Bomb
  • newbonus attack damage ratio: +0.5 Bonus Attack Damage Ratio
  • newclarity: Now shows area-of-effect indicator for Corki (previously displayed only for enemies)
  • Gragas:
  • We lowered Body Slam’s AD ratio at early levels and reduced Explosive Cask’s AP ratio.
  • E - Body Slam
  • total attack damage ratio: 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7
  • R - Explosive Cask
  • ability power ratio: 0.9
  • old mana cost: 100 at all ranks (legacy patch note from an undocumented change in 4.2)
  • Kassadin:
  • We reduced Null Sphere’s damage and silence duration and lowered the damage of Force Pulse.
  • Q - Null Sphere
  • damage: 80/110/140/170/200
  • silence: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
  • E - Force Pulse
  • damage: 80/120/160/200/240
  • Kha’Zix:
  • Q - Evolved Enlarged Claws
  • missing health damage: 6%
  • maximum damage vs. monsters: 100
  • E - Leap
  • bonus attack damage ratio: 0.2
  • R - Void Assault
  • newutility: Kha’Zix ignores unit collision while in stealth
  • R - Evolved Active Camouflage
  • newutility: Void Assault Duration +1 seconds (total 2 seconds)
  • Ryze:
  • We’ve buffed Ryze’s base health and increased Overload’s range.
  • General:
  • base health: 500
  • Q - Overload
  • range: 625
  • Skarner:
  • We lowered Crystal Slash’s mana cost and increased Fracture’s slow.
  • We’re giving Skarner some help in the early game with a focus on his crowd control capabilities.”
  • Q - Crystal Slash
  • mana cost: 16/18/20/22/24
  • E - Fracture
  • slow: 45/50/55/60/65%
  • Teemo:
  • Teemo’s shrooms are now slightly less annoying.
  • Late game, Teemos stacking pure AP could pretty much opt out of fighting by laying deathshrooms everywhere and spamming the laugh button. If you’re ever close to losing it after dying to a shroom, just remember; millions of Teemos die each day .”
  • R - Noxious Trap
  • ability power ratio: 0.5
  • Yasuo:
  • We’ve reduced Way of the Wanderer’s shield duration as well as its value at higher levels.
  • We want to further emphasize Yasuo’s defensive weaknesses, like triggering his shield with a basic attack and then waiting out the duration, or making him more vulnerable to lots of things hitting him at the same time.”
  • Passive - Way of the Wanderer
  • shield duration: 1.5 seconds
  • shield (rough values): 60~470
  • shield (real values): 60/65/70/75/80/90/100/110/125/140/160/185/215/250/290/340/400/470
  • Terrify(ing) Changes:
  • The randomness of Terrify made it unreliable in most cases, both in coordinating with teammates and for opponents, so we’re making it more predictable.”
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • In addition to the Terrify changes, we’ve increased Drain’s cast range.
  • Q - Terrify
  • utility: Affected units now run away from Fiddlesticks with impaired movement
  • W - Drain
  • cast range: 575 (tether range remains at 750)
  • Nocturne:
  • E - Unspeakable Horror
  • utility: Affected units now run away from Nocturne with impaired movement speed
  • Shaco:
  • W - Jack In The Box
  • utility: Affected units now run away from the Jack in the Box with impaired movement speed
  • Minor Changes & Bug Fixes:
  • Kayle:
  • newprettiness: Updated Ability Icons!
  • Sejuani:
  • W - Flail of the Northern Winds
  • bugfix: Fixed a bug where % increases to Sejuani’s health were not being included in the bonus damage calculation
  • Twisted Fate:
  • W - Pick A Card
  • newprettiness: New Particles!
  • Volibear:
  • W - Frenzy
  • bugfix: Fixed a bug where % increases to Volibear’s health were not being included in the bonus damage calculation
  • Zac:
  • We increased the interaction radius of Zac’s blobs.
  • Passive - Cell Division
  • chunk pickup / stomp radius: 25 ? 50
  • Items:
  • Tear of the Goddess:
  • Not enough tears on the Rift.”
  • newpassive: Additionally grants +1 maximum mana per 8 seconds (+1 maximum mana per 6 seconds on Crystal Scar)
  • mana regen: 6
  • Doran’s Shield:
  • We want Doran’s Shield to be a strong pick for countering ranged attack harassment, but its high defensive stats were making it a must-buy early item for some champions. We’re clarifying its strengths while toning down some of the power.”
  • health: 80
  • health regen: 6
  • Spirit Stone Items:
  • Spirit Stone, Spirit of the Elder Lizard, Spirit of the Ancient Golem, Spirit of the Spectral Wraith)
  • We like the changes we made to the Spirit Stone line in patch 4.1, so these are just some general tweaks to promote a wider variety of junglers.”
  • butcher passive health restore: 8% damage dealt ? 6% damage dealt
  • butcher passive mana restore: 4% damage dealt ? 3% damage dealt
  • butcher passive utility: Health / Mana restore no longer halved for area-effect spells
  • Boots of Mobility:
  • As the premiere set up boots for getting into - and initiating - fights, we’re introducing a strategic tradeoff. There has been some discussion that this change will hurt some junglers, so we’ll keep an eye on this change.”
  • movement speed: 45 in combat / 105 out of combat ? 25 in combat / 105 out of combat
  • total cost: 800 gold
  • Ruby Crystal:
  • We don’t expect Ruby Crystal to suddenly be a great starting item, but we want to lower its barrier of purchase. Same’s true of the Sightstone items.”
  • health: 150
  • total cost: 400 gold
  • Sightstone:
  • health: 150
  • total cost: 800 gold
  • Ruby Sightstone:
  • health: 400
  • total cost: 1600 gold
  • Gold Generating Items:
  • All stats will be displayed per item while changes will be noted.
  • We’re doing a polish of the mini-games associated with gold generating items.
  • Spellthief’s Edge Line:
  • Buying a Spellthief’s Edge is a commitment to harassing your opponents from afar. It’ll be the highest risk and reward item in terms of gold generation.
  • Spellthief’s Edge:
  • newpassive tribute: Old Tribute Passive ? Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 10 additional damage and grant 5 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing a minion disables this passive for 12 seconds.
  • ability power: 5
  • mana regen: 2
  • gold per 10: 2 gold per 10 seconds
  • Frostfang:
  • newpassive tribute: Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 10 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing a minion disables this passive for 12 seconds.
  • total cost: 865 gold
  • ability power: 10
  • mana regen: 5
  • gold per 10: 4 gold per 10 seconds
  • Frost Queen’s Claim:
  • newpassive tribute: Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 10 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing minions does not disable the passive.
  • newunique active: Fires an ice lance that explodes dealing 50 (+5 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies while slowing their movement speed by 80%, decaying over 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).
  • recipe: Frostfang + Fiendish Codex (total cost remains 2000 gold)
  • newcooldown reduction: +10% Cooldown reduction
  • ability power: 40
  • gold per 10: 4 gold per 10 seconds
  • mana regen: 10 mana regeneration
  • Relic Shield Line:
  • We’re reinforcing the Relic Shield line as “all-in” tanky support items for those who want to scrap in lane all day. This is the moderate risk, moderate reward item.
  • Relic Shield:
  • newpassive spoils of war: Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 40 Health and grants them kill gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 60 seconds. Max 2 charges.
  • newclarity: Allies who benefit from Spoils of War now also gain +1 to their minions killed score
  • health: 75
  • health regen: 0
  • Targon’s Brace:
  • newpassive spoils of war: Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 50 Health and grants them kill gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 3 charges.
  • newclarity: Allies who benefit from Spoils of War now also gain +1 to their minions killed score
  • total cost: 865 gold
  • health regen: 8
  • health: +175 health
  • Face of the Mountain:
  • newpassive spoils of war: Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 50 (+1% of your maximum Health) and grants them kill gold. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.
  • newclarity: Allies who benefit from Spoils of War now also gain +1 to their minions killed score
  • newunique active: Shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the target explodes dealing 100% of their total Attack Damage plus 30% of their Ability Power as magic damage in an area (60 second cooldown).
  • health: 375 health
  • health regen: 25 health regeneration
  • cooldown reduction: 10% cooldown reduction
  • Ancient Coin Line:
  • We’re giving the Ancient Coin line a reduction in combat-related stats so that we can focus on its hold-out pattern of staying alive in lane. This is definitely the lowest risk line of them all, but it also provides the lowest overall rewards.
  • Ancient Coin:
  • newpassive favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 2 Gold and 5 Health.
  • health regen: 0
  • mana regen: +3 mana regeneration
  • Nomad’s Medallion:
  • newpassive favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 3 Gold and 5 Health.
  • health regen: 5
  • mana regen: 7
  • total cost: 865 gold
  • gold per 10: +2 gold per 10 seconds
  • Talisman of Ascension:
  • newpassive favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 3 Gold and 10 Health.
  • mana regen: 10
  • active: Grants nearby allies +40% movement speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).
  • health regen: 10 health regeneration
  • gold per 10: 2 gold per 10 seconds
  • cooldown reduction: 20% cooldown reduction
  • Team Builder:
  • “Some Team Builder assets are included in this patch in preparation for an eventual two-day live beta test.”

New in League of Legends Client 4.2 (Feb 20, 2014)

  • Gameplay Fixes
  • We've fixed a bug where abilities that make a champion temporarily untargetable (like Fizz's E - Playful/Trickster) weren't properly cancelling targeted projectiles that were already in-flight.
  • We've also fixed a framerate issue specific to some common video cards. This isn't the be-all and end-all to every performance issue, but a bunch of you should see your FPS go up.
  • LoL Client Updates
  • Repair System
  • With our improved repair system, any 3rd party modifications to the League of Legends client are at risk of being deleted if they cause the game to crash. Be careful!
  • If you crash out of the game due to corrupt or missing data, the League of Legends patcher will automatically fix that bad data the next time you open it (so you don’t crash again)
  • Soft Repair will not delete custom item sets while repairing your install
  • Ticker
  • The League of Legends ticker is an important communications tool for service status, so we’re upgrading it to deliver information better, faster and more clearly.
  • Upgraded the notification box to handle more service status messages while also providing more information where necessary
  • Game invites
  • We’re taking a closer look at game invites and making some general quality of life buffs when it comes to setting up premade games.
  • Updated the layout of the invite, start game, and quit buttons in the team invite lobbies for better clarity
  • Journal of Justice
  • Since the Journal of Justice has been out of publication for a while now, we're removing its link from the client. While the JoJ will be missed, we're exploring future storytelling methods for League of Legends.
  • The lore tab (aka the feather) has been removed from the front of the LoL client
  • Back to top
  • Vision System
  • Improving the in-game vision system is on our current hit-list, so you will see more updates to the vision system in the future.
  • Fixed a bug where units in the same brush would sometimes be invisible even if they were in your line of sight
  • Additionally, we’ve made some progress in our long battle against the minimap visual bug demons. Completely solving the issue is a larger project we’re hoping to tackle, but these changes should significantly improve the situation.
  • Fixed a number of minimap visual bugs. While this isn’t a complete fix, it should improve things overall.
  • Back to top
  • General
  • We’re continually updating the visual fidelity of LoL across the board! In this patch, we’ve buffed up a few icons and spells.
  • Icon Updates
  • The following icons have been updated:
  • Soraka’s ability icons
  • Ashe’s ability icons
  • Particle Updates
  • The following summoner spells have been updated:
  • Flash (particles and sound)
  • Clairvoyance (particles and sound)
  • Ghost (particles)
  • Revive (particles)
  • Back to top
  • Reworks
  • Xerath
  • Xerath is getting a complete overhaul of his kit along with new particle effects, ability icons, VOs and some new animations. Read below for the full details.
  • This rework isn’t driven by a concern for power levels. Instead, like a lot of our reworks, it’s focused on delivering a unique, cohesive champion theme. Xerath’s theme has always been the arcane sniper with huge damage potential. Give him time and the right target, and he can precisely pick off his victims. That said, with Xerath’s old kit, he had so much spell penetration and rapid-fire abilities that players would often just dump all of his damage on the nearest target. We believe his new kit delivers on a better champion fantasy.
  • General
  • Base mana :: 250 (+45 per level) ? 238 (+47 per level)
  • Base mana regen :: 7 per 5 seconds (+0.6 per level) ? 6 per 5 seconds (+0.65 per level)
  • Attack range :: 550 ? 525
  • Visual :: Attack animation has been shortened slightly
  • Passive - Mana Surge
  • Every 10 seconds, your next basic attack restores between 30 and 195 mana. The amount it restores scales with your character level.
  • Effect :: Attacking an enemy champion restores double the amount of mana
  • Q - Arcanopulse
  • First cast :: Begin channeling, gradually increasing the spell's range from 700 to 1400 while slowing down movement speed by up to 50%. Xerath can move while channeling.
  • Second cast :: Damage all enemies in a line for 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage
  • Cooldown :: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
  • Mana cost :: 80/90/100/110/120
  • Range :: Channeling increases the ability's range from 700 to 1400 over 1.5 seconds
  • Effect :: Xerath can hold a full range Arcanopulse for an additional 1.5 seconds
  • Effect :: While channeling this spell, Xerath gradually slows his movement speed by up to 50%
  • W - Eye of Destruction
  • AOE Damage & Slow :: Calls down a ground-targeted blast of energy, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage to all enemies caught within the blast and slowing them by 10%
  • Center of Blast :: Enemies caught in the middle of the blast instead take 90/135/180/225/270 (+0.9 ability power) magic damage and are slowed by 60/65/70/75/80% instead
  • Cooldown :: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • Mana cost :: 70/80/90/100/110
  • Range :: 1000
  • E - Shocking Orb
  • Skillshot Nuke :: Fires an orb of raw magic in a straight line. The first enemy hit takes 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.45 ability power) magic damage and is stunned for between 0.75 and 2 seconds (the stun duration is based on how far the orb traveled)
  • Cooldown :: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds
  • Mana cost :: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Range :: 1000
  • R - Rite of the Arcane
  • Ultimate :: Xerath roots himself in place and gains three shots of Arcane Barrage, a very long range magic artillery that does 190/245/300 (+0.43 ability power) magic damage to all enemies hit. Xerath can cancel this effect early. Half of the cooldown is refunded if no shots of Arcane Barrage were used.
  • Cooldown :: 130/115/100 seconds
  • Mana cost :: 100 at all ranks
  • Range :: 3200/4400/5600
  • Skarner
  • We gave Crystal Slash a stacking attack speed buff and moved its slow over to Fracture, which in turn lost its heal mark mechanic. Crystalline Exoskeleton’s movement speed bonus now ramps up over 3 seconds instead of instantly and Impale will root the target during the windup animation.
  • We’re giving Skarner a moderate rework to bring him slashing and impaling into the modern day. Our goals are to improve his overall counterplay, make Fracture a more useful skill and bring him up to current jungle standards. These changes shouldn't have a dramatic effect on Skarner's overall play pattern but they should make his kit feel more cohesive overall.
  • General
  • Base attack speed :: lowered by 1%
  • Passive - Energize
  • Effect :: Unchanged
  • Q - Crystal Slash
  • Effect :: When a target is hit, Skarner gains an 8/10/12/14/16% attack speed buff that stacks up to 3 times
  • Slow :: No longer slows ? moved to Fracture
  • W - Crystalline Exoskeleton
  • Cooldown :: 18 seconds ? 16 seconds
  • Movement speed bonus :: from 15/17/19/21/23% ? 16/20/24/28/32% (now ramps up over the first 3 seconds)
  • Base shield and ability power ratio :: 70/115/160/205/250 (0.6 ability Power) ? increased to 80/135/190/245/300 (0.8 ability Power)
  • Effect :: No longer provides an Attack speed bonus
  • E - Fracture
  • Cooldown :: 10 seconds ? 14 seconds
  • Effect :: Targets hit are now slowed by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2.5 seconds
  • Missile range :: 800 ? 1000
  • Missile width :: reduced slightly
  • Missile speed :: lowered slightly
  • Effect :: Heal mark removed
  • R - Impale
  • Root Timing :: Impale now roots the target during the windup animation
  • Voice Over :: Skarner will no longer prematurely celebrate with his catch lines ("NOW I’VE GOT YOU!") unless he has successfully grabbed a target
  • Back to top
  • Champions
  • Ashe
  • We reduced Hawkshot’s cooldown at later levels and changed its bonus gold to 3 at all ranks.
  • Basically, we wanted Hawkshot to feel more valuable at rank 1.
  • E - Hawkshot
  • Cooldown :: 60 at all ranks ? 60/55/50/45/40
  • Bonus gold on kill :: 1/2/3/4/5 ? 3 at all ranks
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Mundo’s cleavers got skinnier.
  • Designers keep watch over Mundo with skinny cleaver change. Now Mundo get no corporate bonus for bad cleaver. This separate good Mundo from great Mundo.
  • Q - Infected Cleaver
  • Missile width :: 80 ? 60
  • Evelynn
  • The closer Evelynn is to her target, the faster her Hate Spike projectile travels.
  • We still like the notion behind our last Hate Spike change, but we’re not really happy with how it feels in game. Adjusting the ability’s missile speed still rewards enemies for keeping their distance, but also rewards Evelynn for getting up close and personal.
  • Q - Hate Spike
  • Missile Speed :: Re-adjusted missile speed to more consistently hit close targets (now has a high initial missile speed that rapidly decelerates as it travels)
  • Kayle
  • We lowered Reckoning’s AP ratio while raising the AP ratio of Divine Blessing’s heal. We also added an AP ratio to Divine Blessing’s movement speed bonus and removed Intervention’s mana cost.
  • Once she gets ahead, Kayle's burst damage can be overwhelming to play against. While we're taking away some of Kayle's up-front burst, the utility scaling on Divine Blessing should help her and her team get INTO (and out of) THE FRAY.
  • Q - Reckoning
  • Ability power ratio :: 1.0 ? 0.6
  • W - Divine Blessing
  • Heal/Ability Power Ratio :: 0.35 ? 0.45
  • Movement speed bonus :: now scales with ability power (+7% per 100 ability power)
  • R - Intervention
  • mana cost :: 100/75/50 ? none
  • Riven
  • We lowered Riven’s base health regen and increased the power of Valor’s shield.
  • We’re reinforcing one of Riven’s core philosophies: she's a champion who should rely on mitigating or avoiding damage to be successful. Enemies who harass Riven should feel rewarded for hitting her when her defenses are down, while Riven players can feel better about using her buffed shield to prevent that damage in the first place.
  • General
  • Base health regen :: 5.5 per 5s ? 2.5 per 5s
  • E - Valor
  • Shield :: 70/100/130/160/190 ? 90/120/150/180/210
  • Rumble
  • Flamespitter looks… okay.
  • Rumble now spits real flame instead of meatballs.
  • Q - Flamespitter
  • Visual Update :: Spell effect has been updated
  • Thresh
  • Thresh’s very long range basic attack is a powerful threat in lane, so this change introduces a little more vulnerability to his kit.
  • General
  • Basic attack range :: 475 ? 450
  • Yasuo
  • It now takes more movement to generate flow and Sweeping Blade gives less flow when Yasuo dashes. We also reduced Last Breath’s cast range.
  • We made some general quality of life changes to Yasuo in patch 4.1 , but as players begin to master him, we’ve seen how strong he is when played to maximum effectiveness. We looked at areas where we could reduce some of that power without messing with his core playstyle. We were also unhappy with how Yasuo was using Last Breath to engage in fights by teleporting from thousands (and thousands) of miles away.
  • Passive - Way of the Wanderer
  • Movement to generate a unit of flow :: increased by 15%
  • Q - Steel Tempest
  • Visuals :: Now passively displays a range indicator around Yasuo when Steel Tempest's Whirlwind is available
  • E - Sweeping Blade
  • Passively grants flow when he dashes :: 4/8/12/16/20% ? 3/6/9/12/15%
  • R - Last Breath
  • Cast Range :: 1300 ? 1200
  • Bug Fix :: Fixed a bug where Last Breath could sometimes be used beyond the maximum range
  • Ziggs
  • Hexplosive Minefield will deal less damage to minions as they hit successive mines. Short Fuse’s base damage and AP ratio were both reduced at lower levels.
  • Our changes to Ziggs in patch 3.13 turned him into monster when it comes to pushing and counterpushing. While we like the philosophy behind the change, Hexplosive Minefield is a little too good as a wave clear tool, letting Ziggs play passively without any repercussions. The Short Fuse change has a bunch of numbers, but the TL;DR is that it’s just a small nerf to Zigg’s early game harass.
  • Passive - Short Fuse
  • Base damage :: 20/27/34/41/48/56/64/72/80/88/96/105/114/123/132/141/150/160 (20 +7 at levels 1-5 / +8 at levels 6-11 / +9 at levels 12-17 / +10 at level 18) ? 20/24/28/32/36/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/100/112/124/136/148/160 (20 +4 at levels 1-6 / +8 at levels 7-12 / +12 at levels 13-18)
  • Ratio :: 0.35 at all levels ? 0.25 ability power at levels 1-6, 0.3 at levels 7-12 and 0.35 at levels 13-18
  • E - Hexplosive Minefield
  • Minion Damage :: 100% from all mines ? 40% damage for each mine they hit beyond the first
  • Back to top
  • Minor Changes and Bug Fixes
  • In our ongoing effort to create a more consistent League of Legends viewing experience, we’re standardizing certain elements of our user interface. Players using the old legacy floating combat text prior to this change will be assimilated into the collective player experience. Beep boop.
  • Removed legacy floating combat text
  • Added ticks to Vilemaw's health bar
  • Fixed a bug that stopped the HUD from scaling while the game was paused
  • Akali
  • R - Shadow Dance
  • Clarity :: Akali's Shadow Dance stacks can once again be seen in her buff bar
  • Elise
  • R - Spider Form
  • Collision Size :: Fixed a bug where Elise's spider form size was smaller than intended for gameplay collision purposes.
  • Maokai
  • R - Vengeful Maelstrom
  • Bonus Damage :: Fixed a bug where bonus damage stored was lower than intended (now 25% higher)
  • Sona
  • E - Song of Celerity
  • Tooltip Text :: Fixed a bug where the tooltip improperly showed Song of Celerity as having a .04 AP ratio for both effects - only the slow should have a .04 AP ratio
  • Haste Ratio Bug :: .01 AP Ratio ? .02 AP Ratio
  • Slow Ratio Bug :: .02 AP Ratio ? .04 AP Ratio
  • Teemo
  • Spell effect :: Fixed a bug where Toxic Shot could apply some spell effects like Tribute or Spell Weaving
  • Yorick
  • Ghoul Immunities :: Yorick's ghouls are no longer immune to slows (both Movement and Attack Speed)
  • Back to top
  • Items
  • Statikk Shiv
  • Passive Crit :: Passive now only critically strikes when the associated attack critically strikes
  • Warden’s Mail
  • UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel
  • Slow Bug :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel
  • Slow Bug :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow
  • Back to top
  • Masteries
  • Perseverance
  • Perseverance as a mastery is incredibly powerful in comparison to other equivalent masteries - particularly once you get your first big HP item - so we're bringing it more in line.
  • Health Regen :: 0.7%/1.35%/2% of missing health per 5s ? 0.35%/0.675%/1% of missing health per 5s
  • Back to top
  • Summoner’s Rift
  • The changes affect Summoner’s Rift Only
  • Turrets
  • Back in Patch 4.1 we made this change to directly counter fast push strategies in competitive play. Reducing the timing to 8 minutes from permanent is more in line with what we wanted to accomplish, so we did just that.
  • Top and mid lane outer turrets
  • Flat Damage Reduction against Champions :: permanent ? first 8 minutes
  • Back to top
  • Twisted Treeline
  • These changes affect Twisted Treeline only
  • Kha’Zix
  • Same changes that exist on the Crystal Scar
  • Q - Taste Their Fear
  • Isolation damage bonus :: 45% ? 35%
  • Evolved Enlarged Claws
  • Missing health damage :: 8% ? 6%

New in League of Legends Client 4.2 (Feb 11, 2014)

  • LoL Client Updates:
  • Repair System:
  • With our improved repair system, any 3rd party modifications to the League of Legends client are at risk of being deleted if they cause the game to crash. Be careful!
  • If you crash out of the game due to corrupt or missing data, the League of Legends patcher will automatically fix that bad data the next time you open it (so you don’t crash again)
  • Soft Repair will not delete custom item sets while repairing your install
  • Ticker:
  • The League of Legends ticker is an important communications tool for service status, so we’re upgrading it to deliver information better, faster and more clearly.
  • Upgraded the notification box to handle more service status messages while also providing more information where necessary
  • Game invites:
  • We’re taking a closer look at game invites and making some general quality of life buffs when it comes to setting up premade games.
  • Updated the layout of the invite, start game, and quit buttons in the team invite lobbies for better clarity
  • Journal of Justice:
  • Since the Journal of Justice has been out of publication for a while now, we're removing its link from the client. While the JoJ will be missed, we're exploring future storytelling methods for League of Legends.
  • The lore tab (aka the feather) has been removed from the front of the LoL client
  • Leagues:
  • Pick Order:
  • We’re making pick order more consistent in ranked play. In most cases the skill gap between players on a team is not significant enough to justify granting the top player first pick. Basing pick order on a behind-the-scenes number isn’t a great experience - not to mention there are some odd side effects for duo queue players - so we’re taking a different approach.
  • All players will now have an equal (random) chance of being first pick
  • For players in a duo, if either player is chosen as first pick, the team captain will be assigned first pick and the other member of the duo will get whatever position the captain received from the randomizer
  • Vision System:
  • Improving the in-game vision system is on our current hit-list, so you will see more updates to the vision system in the future.
  • Fixed a bug where units in the same brush would sometimes be invisible even if they were in your line of sight
  • Additionally, we’ve made some progress in our long battle against the minimap visual bug demons. Completely solving the issue is a larger project we’re hoping to tackle, but these changes should significantly improve the situation.
  • Fixed a number of minimap visual bugs. While this isn’t a complete fix, it should improve things overall.
  • General:
  • We’re continually updating the visual fidelity of LoL across the board! In this patch, we’ve buffed up a few icons and spells.
  • Icon Updates:
  • The following icons have been updated:
  • Soraka’s ability icons
  • Ashe’s ability icons
  • Particle Updates:
  • The following summoner spells have been updated:
  • Flash (particles and sound)
  • Clairvoyance (particles and sound)
  • Ghost (particles)
  • Revive (particles)
  • Reworks:
  • Xerath:
  • Xerath is getting a complete overhaul of his kit along with new particle effects, ability icons, VOs and some new animations. Read below for the full details.
  • This rework isn’t driven by a concern for power levels. Instead, like a lot of our reworks, it’s focused on delivering a unique, cohesive champion theme. Xerath’s theme has always been the arcane sniper with huge damage potential. Give him time and the right target, and he can precisely pick off his victims. That said, with Xerath’s old kit, he had so much spell penetration and rapid-fire abilities that players would often just dump all of his damage on the nearest target. We believe his new kit delivers on a better champion fantasy.
  • General:
  • Base mana : 250 (+45 per level) ? 238 (+47 per level)
  • Base mana regen : 7 per 5 seconds (+0.6 per level) ? 6 per 5 seconds (+0.65 per level)
  • Attack range : 550 ? 525
  • Visual : Attack animation has been shortened slightly
  • Passive - Mana Surge
  • Every 10 seconds, your next basic attack restores between 30 and 195 mana. The amount it restores scales with your character level.
  • Effect : Attacking an enemy champion restores double the amount of mana
  • Q - Arcanopulse
  • First cast : Begin channeling, gradually increasing the spell's range from 700 to 1400 while slowing down movement speed by up to 50%. Xerath can move while channeling.
  • Second cast : Damage all enemies in a line for 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage
  • Cooldown : 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
  • Mana cost : 80/90/100/110/120
  • Range : Channeling increases the ability's range from 700 to 1400 over 1.5 seconds
  • Effect : Xerath can hold a full range Arcanopulse for an additional 1.5 seconds
  • Effect : While channeling this spell, Xerath gradually slows his movement speed by up to 50%
  • W - Eye of Destruction
  • AOE Damage & Slow :: Calls down a ground-targeted blast of energy, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage to all enemies caught within the blast and slowing them by 10%
  • Center of Blast :: Enemies caught in the middle of the blast instead take 90/135/180/225/270 (+0.9 ability power) magic damage and are slowed by 60/65/70/75/80% instead
  • Cooldown : 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • Mana cost:: 70/80/90/100/110
  • Range : 1000
  • E - Shocking Orb
  • Skillshot Nuke : Fires an orb of raw magic in a straight line. The first enemy hit takes 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.45 ability power) magic damage and is stunned for between 0.75 and 2 seconds (the stun duration is based on how far the orb traveled)
  • Cooldown : 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds
  • Mana cost : 60/65/70/75/80
  • Range : 1000
  • R - Rite of the Arcane
  • Ultimate : Xerath roots himself in place and gains three shots of Arcane Barrage, a very long range magic artillery that does 190/245/300 (+0.43 ability power) magic damage to all enemies hit. Xerath can cancel this effect early. Half of the cooldown is refunded if no shots of Arcane Barrage were used.
  • Cooldown : 130/115/100 seconds
  • Mana cost : 100 at all ranks
  • Range : 3200/4400/5600
  • Skarner:
  • We gave Crystal Slash a stacking attack speed buff and moved its slow over to Fracture, which in turn lost its heal mark mechanic. Crystalline Exoskeleton’s movement speed bonus now ramps up over 3 seconds instead of instantly and Impale will root the target during the windup animation.
  • We’re giving Skarner a moderate rework to bring him slashing and impaling into the modern day. Our goals are to improve his overall counterplay, make Fracture a more useful skill and bring him up to current jungle standards. These changes shouldn't have a dramatic effect on Skarner's overall play pattern but they should make his kit feel more cohesive overall.
  • General:
  • Base attack speed : lowered by 1%
  • Passive - Energize
  • Effect : Unchanged
  • Q - Crystal Slash
  • Effect : When a target is hit, Skarner gains an 8/10/12/14/16% attack speed buff that stacks up to 3 times
  • Slow : No longer slows ? moved to Fracture
  • W - Crystalline Exoskeleton
  • Cooldown : 18 seconds ? 16 seconds
  • Movement speed bonus :: from 15/17/19/21/23% ? 16/20/24/28/32% (now ramps up over the first 3 seconds)
  • Base shield and ability power ratio :: 70/115/160/205/250 (0.6 ability Power) ? increased to 80/135/190/245/300 (0.8 ability Power)
  • Effect : No longer provides an Attack speed bonus
  • E - Fracture
  • Cooldown : 10 seconds ? 14 seconds
  • Effect : Targets hit are now slowed by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2.5 seconds
  • Missile range : 800 ? 1000
  • Missile width : reduced slightly
  • Missile speed : lowered slightly
  • Effect : Heal mark removed
  • R - Impale
  • Root Timing : Impale now roots the target during the windup animation
  • Voice Over : Skarner will no longer prematurely celebrate with his catch lines ("NOW I’VE GOT YOU!") unless he has successfully grabbed a target
  • Champions:
  • Ashe:
  • We reduced Hawkshot’s cooldown at later levels and changed its bonus gold to 3 at all ranks.
  • Basically, we wanted Hawkshot to feel more valuable at rank 1.
  • E - Hawkshot
  • Cooldown : 60 at all ranks ? 60/55/50/45/40
  • Bonus gold on kill :: 1/2/3/4/5 ? 3 at all ranks
  • Dr. Mundo:
  • Mundo’s cleavers got skinnier.
  • Designers keep watch over Mundo with skinny cleaver change. Now Mundo get no corporate bonus for bad cleaver. This separate good Mundo from great Mundo.
  • Q - Infected Cleaver
  • Missile width:: 80 ? 60
  • Evelynn:
  • The closer Evelynn is to her target, the faster her Hate Spike projectile travels.
  • We still like the notion behind our last Hate Spike change, but we’re not really happy with how it feels in game. Adjusting the ability’s missile speed still rewards enemies for keeping their distance, but also rewards Evelynn for getting up close and personal.
  • Q - Hate Spike
  • Missile Speed :: Re-adjusted missile speed to more consistently hit close targets (now has a high initial missile speed that rapidly decelerates as it travels)
  • Kayle:
  • We lowered Reckoning’s AP ratio while raising the AP ratio of Divine Blessing’s heal. We also added an AP ratio to Divine Blessing’s movement speed bonus and removed Intervention’s mana cost.
  • Once she gets ahead, Kayle's burst damage can be overwhelming to play against. While we're taking away some of Kayle's up-front burst, the utility scaling on Divine Blessing should help her and her team get INTO (and out of) THE FRAY.
  • Q - Reckoning
  • Ability power ratio :: 1.0 ? 0.6
  • W - Divine Blessing
  • Heal/Ability Power Ratio :: 0.35 ? 0.45
  • Movement speed bonus :: now scales with ability power (+7% per 100 ability power)
  • R - Intervention
  • mana cost :: 100/75/50 ? none
  • Riven:
  • We lowered Riven’s base health regen and increased the power of Valor’s shield.
  • We’re reinforcing one of Riven’s core philosophies: she's a champion who should rely on mitigating or avoiding damage to be successful. Enemies who harass Riven should feel rewarded for hitting her when her defenses are down, while Riven players can feel better about using her buffed shield to prevent that damage in the first place.
  • General:
  • Base health regen :: 5.5 per 5s ? 2.5 per 5s
  • E - Valor
  • Shield :: 70/100/130/160/190 ? 90/120/150/180/210
  • Rumble:
  • Flamespitter looks… okay.
  • Rumble now spits real flame instead of meatballs.
  • Q - Flamespitter
  • Visual Update :: Spell effect has been updated
  • Thresh:
  • Thresh’s very long range basic attack is a powerful threat in lane, so this change introduces a little more vulnerability to his kit.
  • General
  • Basic attack range :: 475 ? 450
  • Yasuo:
  • It now takes more movement to generate flow and Sweeping Blade gives less flow when Yasuo dashes. We also reduced Last Breath’s cast range.
  • We made some general quality of life changes to Yasuo in patch 4.1 , but as players begin to master him, we’ve seen how strong he is when played to maximum effectiveness. We looked at areas where we could reduce some of that power without messing with his core playstyle. We were also unhappy with how Yasuo was using Last Breath to engage in fights by teleporting from thousands (and thousands) of miles away.
  • Passive - Way of the Wanderer
  • Movement to generate a unit of flow :: increased by 15%
  • Q - Steel Tempest
  • Visuals :: Now passively displays a range indicator around Yasuo when Steel Tempest's Whirlwind is available
  • E - Sweeping Blade
  • Passively grants flow when he dashes :: 4/8/12/16/20% ? 3/6/9/12/15%
  • R - Last Breath
  • Cast Range :: 1300 ? 1200
  • Bug Fix :: Fixed a bug where Last Breath could sometimes be used beyond the maximum range
  • Ziggs:
  • Hexplosive Minefield will deal less damage to minions as they hit successive mines. Short Fuse’s base damage and AP ratio were both reduced at lower levels.
  • Our changes to Ziggs in patch 3.13 turned him into monster when it comes to pushing and counterpushing. While we like the philosophy behind the change, Hexplosive Minefield is a little too good as a wave clear tool, letting Ziggs play passively without any repercussions. The Short Fuse change has a bunch of numbers, but the TL;DR is that it’s just a small nerf to Zigg’s early game harass.
  • Passive - Short Fuse
  • Base damage :: 20/27/34/41/48/56/64/72/80/88/96/105/114/123/132/141/150/160 (20 +7 at levels 1-5 / +8 at levels 6-11 / +9 at levels 12-17 / +10 at level 18) ? 20/24/28/32/36/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/100/112/124/136/148/160 (20 +4 at levels 1-6 / +8 at levels 7-12 / +12 at levels 13-18)
  • Ratio :: 0.35 at all levels ? 0.25 ability power at levels 1-6, 0.3 at levels 7-12 and 0.35 at levels 13-18
  • E - Hexplosive Minefield
  • Minion Damage :: 100% from all mines ? 40% damage for each mine they hit beyond the first
  • Minor Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • In our ongoing effort to create a more consistent League of Legends viewing experience, we’re standardizing certain elements of our user interface. Players using the old legacy floating combat text prior to this change will be assimilated into the collective player experience. Beep boop.
  • Removed legacy floating combat text
  • Added ticks to Vilemaw's health bar
  • Fixed a bug that stopped the HUD from scaling while the game was paused
  • Akali:
  • R - Shadow Dance
  • Clarity :: Akali's Shadow Dance stacks can once again be seen in her buff bar
  • Elise:
  • R - Spider Form
  • Collision Size :: Fixed a bug where Elise's spider form size was smaller than intended for gameplay collision purposes.
  • Maokai:
  • R - Vengeful Maelstrom
  • Bonus Damage :: Fixed a bug where bonus damage stored was lower than intended (now 25% higher)
  • Sona:
  • E - Song of Celerity
  • Tooltip Text :: Fixed a bug where the tooltip improperly showed Song of Celerity as having a .04 AP ratio for both effects - only the slow should have a .04 AP ratio
  • Haste Ratio Bug :: .01 AP Ratio ? .02 AP Ratio
  • Slow Ratio Bug :: .02 AP Ratio ? .04 AP Ratio
  • Teemo:
  • Spell effect :: Fixed a bug where Toxic Shot could apply some spell effects like Tribute or Spell Weaving
  • Yorick:
  • Ghoul Immunities :: Yorick's ghouls are no longer immune to slows (both Movement and Attack Speed)
  • Items:
  • Statikk Shiv:
  • Passive Crit :: Passive now only critically strikes when the associated attack critically strikes
  • Warden’s Mail:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel
  • Slow Bug :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow
  • Randuin’s Omen:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel
  • Slow Bug :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow
  • Masteries:
  • Perseverance:
  • Perseverance as a mastery is incredibly powerful in comparison to other equivalent masteries - particularly once you get your first big HP item - so we're bringing it more in line.
  • Health Regen :: 0.7%/1.35%/2% of missing health per 5s ? 0.35%/0.675%/1% of missing health per 5s
  • Summoner’s Rift
  • The changes affect Summoner’s Rift Only:
  • Turrets:
  • Back in Patch 4.1 we made this change to directly counter fast push strategies in competitive play. Reducing the timing to 8 minutes from permanent is more in line with what we wanted to accomplish, so we did just that.
  • Top and mid lane outer turrets
  • Flat Damage Reduction against Champions :: permanent ? first 8 minutes
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • These changes affect Twisted Treeline only
  • Kha’Zix:
  • Same changes that exist on the Crystal Scar
  • Q - Taste Their Fear
  • Isolation damage bonus :: 45% ? 35%
  • Evolved Enlarged Claws
  • Missing health damage :: 8% ? 6%

New in League of Legends Client 4.1 (Jan 15, 2014)

  • Leagues:
  • The 2014 ranked season reset will take place within the next few days. We’ll have a full list of changes in the patch notes when it happens.
  • Vision Code Changes:
  • While these changes won’t be immediately noticeable at first, you should see some positive differences over time with vision becoming more dynamic and responsive. These changes let us do more with vision while tackling larger issues in 2014. No promises for now as to what timelines we’ll be hitting with our updates, but hopefully you’ll be able to see the difference.
  • In-game vision should now be more responsive and dynamic as it interacts with abilities (like Lux’s Lucent Singularity)
  • Ward sweeping abilities will now cause wards to darken the fog of war when they are disabled.
  • Projectiles should register more quickly when a champion casts an ability from the fog of war
  • Champions:
  • Anivia:
  • Summary: We’ve increased the speed of Anivia’s basic attack projectile and brought down the mana cost of Flash Frost and Crystallize. Additionally, Anivia’s ult will now have a warning effect when she is almost out of Glacial Storm’s range.
  • We call these kinds of changes “modernizations,” where we bring a champion up-to-date with the current state of the game. Usually this means mana cost changes (typically reductions), but it also extends to playability improvements, like range indicators or gameplay improvements.
  • General
  • Basic attack projectile speed increased to 1400 (from 1100)
  • Q - Flash Frost
  • Mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 (from 80/100/120/140/160)
  • W – Crystalize
  • Mana reduced to 70 at all ranks (from 70/90/110/130/150)
  • R - Glacial Storm
  • Now displays a warning particle over Anivia that only the Anivia player can see when she is close to the maximum range of her ultimate
  • Annie:
  • Summary: Pyromania’s stun duration is now shorter at earlier levels but Summon: Tibbers’ cooldown has been reduced at later levels to compensate.
  • Annie’s a terrifying kid to play against in the early phases of the game – even before Tibbers joins the party– mostly due to her long duration stun at level 1. With these changes, we want to give Annie’s lane opponents some more room to breathe against her early threat, but we’ve given Tibbers more late game playtime to compensate. This should lessen a bit of Annie’s power without incinerating her overall strengths.
  • Passive - Pyromania
  • Stun duration now scales 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds at levels 1/6/11 (from 1.75 seconds at all levels)
  • R - Summon Tibbers
  • Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 seconds (from 120 at all ranks)
  • Evelynn:
  • Summary: We’ve slowed down Hate Spike’s missile speed, changed Ravage’s damage from magical to physical and Agony’s Embrace now grants its shield instantly.
  • Evelynn’s newfound strength in the preseason is partially a result of our changes to the vision system, but she’s also been blowing up enemy champions during the mid-game when she can stack Magic Penetration. Changing Ravage’s damage to physical will reduce some of Evelynn’s burst, but our core focus is on the Hate Spike change. By reducing its missile speed, Evelynn’s victims should feel more rewarded for keeping her at a distance, especially if they have some speed boosts to outrange her spikes. We also cleaned up the response time of Agony’s Embrace – it feels pretty bad for Evelynn to die before the shield but after the cast.
  • Q - Hate Spike
  • Missile speed reduced to 1250 (from 2000)
  • E - Ravage
  • Damage changed to physical (from magic)
  • R - Agony's Embrace
  • Now grants the shield instantly (instead of 0.5 seconds later after the projectiles return to her)
  • Janna:
  • Summary: Monsoon now channels immediately on activation and the channel duration has been reduced. Additionally, we’re increasing Monsoon’s heal per second and total heal amount.
  • Since we removed a lot of Janna’s invisible power, we can now buff up some of the cooler parts of her kit. Since Monsoon is one of Janna’s big moments in the spotlight, we decided to throw caution to the wind and buff her up with more healing potential and immediate gains.
  • R - Monsoon
  • Now begins channeling immediately upon activation (from an initial 0.25 second cast time)
  • Total channel duration reduced to 3 seconds (from 4 seconds)
  • Heal per second increased to 100/150/200 (+0.6 ability power) (from 70/110/150 (+0.35 ability power)
  • Total heal amount increased to 300/450/600 (+1.8 ability power) (from 280/440/600 (+1.4 ability power))
  • Jinx:
  • Summary: We’ve lowered Jinx’s base health but increased her health per level. We’re also standardizing Flame Chompers! arm time, reduced its damage at earlier levels and fixing a slight bug.
  • Given all of Jinx’s other core strengths; we’re looking to reduce some of her early game laning power.
  • Despite Flame Chompers! taking a little longer to arm – and doing less damage at early levels – Jinx can at least get excited about their increased reliability against champions who could use movement-based abilities to get over them (Vi, Lee Sin, etc).
  • General
  • Base health reduced to 462 (from 500)
  • Health per level increased to 82 (from 80)
  • E - Flame Chompers!
  • Standardized arm time to 0.7 seconds (from 0.5 to 0.74 seconds)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Chompers to sometimes not activate on champions dashing over them
  • Reduced damage at earlier levels to 80/135/190/245/300 (from 100/150/200/250/300)
  • Nasus:
  • Summary: We’re reducing Wither’s range and removing the increased Wither and Spirit Fire range granted through Fury of the Sands.
  • We want to keep Nasus’ core strengths where they are while toning down some of his power. Reducing the cast range of Wither and removing Wither’s bonus cast range from Fury of the Sands means that Nasus must position better and make better decisions about which target to Wither, rather than “sniping” fragile opponents with long-range Withers before eating them.
  • W - Wither
  • Range reduced to 600 (from 700)
  • R - Fury of the Sands
  • No longer increases the cast ranges of Wither and Spirit Fire
  • Rengar:
  • Summary: We fixed a bunch of bugs in Savagery and tweaked Empowered Battle Roar.
  • Rengar’s overall sustain with Empowered Battle Roar is incredibly high, especially because he can transition from a tank in the mid-game to an unseen predator in the late-game. While this is definitely a nerf to Rengar’s overall sustain, we wanted to maintain his ability to survive in a fight, so the scaling heal will remain a good choice when Rengar’s low on health. The Savagery change means that Rengar now has two seconds to pull off his empowered basic attack instead of six seconds.
  • Q – Savagery
  • Savagery basic attack buff (not attack speed buff) reduced to 2 seconds (from 6 seconds)
  • Fixed multiple bugs that allowed Rengar to use Savagery more frequently than intended
  • W - Battle Roar
  • Empowered Battle Roar heal changed to 20 + (10 x level) amplified by a 1% per 1% of Rengar’s missing health (from 40 + (20 x level) health)
  • Riven:
  • Summary: We lowered Riven’s base attack damage but increased her attack damage per level to compensate. Additionally, Broken Wings’ damage has been decreased and Valor’s shield duration was shortened.
  • Riven’s burst damage is just too high at early levels, so we’re dulling her blade. Broken Wings scaling off total AD from bonus AD means that Riven will do better when she’s behind (because she won’t be able to buy so much raw AD), but worse when she’s far ahead. We’re reducing the duration of Valor to hit some of Riven’s flexibility in lane – if she’s going to rely on Valor’s shield to trade damage, she’ll need to commit quickly or risk losing the shield.
  • General
  • Base attack damage reduced to 54 (from 56.7)
  • Attack damage per level increased to 3 (from 2.7)
  • Q - Broken Wings
  • Damage per strike decreased to 10/30/50/70/90 (+40/45/50/55/60% total attack damage) (from 30/55/80/105/130 (+70% bonus attack damage))
  • E - Valor
  • Shield duration reduced to 1.5 seconds (from 2.5 seconds)
  • Shyvana:
  • Summary: We’re lowering Burnout’s overall damage and Flame Breath’s damage at earlier levels. Dragon’s Descent also received a bug fix and the damage now matches the tooltip.
  • Shyvana’s doing a lot of damage in the early to mid-game, even when she builds tanky. It turns out that when Shyvana can push, wave clear and out-trade opponents all at once, things can get a little frustrating. We’re cooling some of that dragon blood down to make her early bullying more manageable.
  • W - Burnout
  • Damage per second reduced to 20/35/50/65/80 (from 25/40/55/70/85)
  • Minimum magic damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 (from 75/120/165/210/255)
  • Maximum magic damage reduced to 140/245/350/455/560 (from 175/280/385/490/595)
  • E - Flame Breath
  • Damage reduced at earlier levels to 60/100/140/180/220 (from 80/115/150/185/220)
  • R - Dragon's Descent
  • Damage now correctly matches the tooltip at 175/300/425 (from 200/300/400)
  • Thresh:
  • Summary: We made it more obvious that Dark Passage is a clickable item and gave it a small collision radius. We’re also slightly increasing the time it takes for The Box to form.
  • Giving Thresh’s lantern a small collision radius means that he can’t cover things like minions or wards to prevent enemies from clicking them. Similarly, this also means that minions can’t accidentally cover up a lantern, and that enemies can’t block Thresh’s lantern with a bunch of wards. Instead, Thresh’s lantern will now slightly push units out of the way when it’s thrown on top of them – or if the unit can’t be moved (ie: wards or champions), Thresh’s lantern will land beside them and champions won’t be able to walk directly on top of it. Click that lantern!
  • The increased delay on The Box’s wall formation is to clarify its use as a trapping ability when Thresh has the right position. Sometimes Thresh will just throw out The Box when walking behind a fleeing opponent to “clip” them on the edge, but Thresh should fail in those situations because he didn’t bother to have the proper positioning.
  • W - Dark Passage
  • Now shows indicator particles to nearby allies to indicate that it is a clickable object
  • Lantern now has a small collision radius
  • R - The Box
  • Delay on wall formation increased to 0.75 seconds (from 0.5 seconds)
  • Yasuo:
  • Summary: We’ve smoothed out Yasuo’s gameplay overall and made Steel Tempest auto-smartcast. Additionally, Last Breath now gives maximum Flow when cast and has a slightly shortened animation.
  • While we’re still keeping an eye on how Yasuo is performing at all levels, we wanted to smooth out his gameplay and give Last Breath more use to turn around a fight when he’s behind.
  • General
  • Now properly applies the 10% critical strike damage reduction to Statikk Shiv critical hits
  • Improved the functionality of his E – Sweeping Blade to Q – Steel Tempest combo
  • Q – Steel Tempest
  • All casts are now automatically smart cast
  • W – Wind Wall
  • No longer blocks friendly Syndra orbs
  • R – Last Breath
  • Now grants maximum Flow on cast
  • Spell animation shortened by 0.1 seconds
  • Now less likely to be teleported out of by enemies spamming flash
  • Now properly alerts spectators and allies when it is on cooldown
  • Minor Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • Caitlyn:
  • R – Ace in the Hole
  • Fixed a bug where Ace in the Hole's visual effects would continue, even after the projectile was destroyed by its target becoming untargetable. Caitlyn players should now have better visual feedback for when their ultimate will not hit its target.
  • Darius:
  • R – Noxian Guillotine
  • Duration after kill when Darius can re-cast Noxian Guillotine increased to 20 seconds (from 12 seconds)
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • This is a change we’re planning to make with more testing, but it went out accidentally and we’re reverting it for now.
  • Q - Terrify
  • Fixed a bug where Terrify would cause enemies to flee in a straight line, rather than in random directions
  • Fiora:
  • R – Blade Waltz
  • Fixed a bug where Fiora could teleport while casting Blade Waltz
  • Hecarim:
  • W – Spirit of Dread
  • Amount healed now correctly matches the tooltip at 20% across all ranks (from 10/15/20/25/30%)
  • Jarvan IV:
  • Passive – Martial Cadence
  • Fixed a bug where Martial Cadence would sometimes trigger on towers
  • Lux:
  • R – Final Spark
  • Now goes on cooldown when it finishes casting, instead of when it begins casting
  • If Lux dies while casting Final Spark, it will no longer go on cooldown
  • Malzahar:
  • R – Nether Grasp
  • Now halts the target's movement if they were being moved by a friendly effect (dashes, jumps, etc.)
  • Nami:
  • R – Tidal Wave
  • Now goes on cooldown when it finishes casting, instead of when it begins casting
  • If Nami dies while casting Tidal Wave, it will no longer go on cooldown
  • Nidalee:
  • W - Bushwhack
  • Fixed a bug where Nidalee's Bushwhack traps could be placed in walls
  • If Nidalee casts a trap that would fall in a wall, the trap will instead be placed in the nearest non-wall position less than or equal to Bushwhack's maximum cast range (900 units)
  • Olaf:
  • Q – Undertow
  • Slow reduced to 29/33/37/41/45% (from 35/40/45/50/55%)
  • Talon:
  • E – Cutthroat
  • Now teleports Talon slightly further behind his target
  • Twisted Fate:
  • Q – Wild Cards
  • Targeting indicator updated to show the individual targeting lines
  • Items:
  • Rabadon's Deathcap:
  • Tooltip now displays the amount of Ability Power gained from its UNIQUE Passive.
  • Spirit Visage:
  • The cooldown reduction for Spirit Visage is to reduce its high gold efficiency for almost all tanky champions, especially since many were just buying Spirit Visage as part of their “core” tank build, regardless of the enemy team composition.
  • Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% (from 20%)
  • Sunfire Cape:
  • This change is to reduce the overwhelming power of early Sunfire Capes.
  • Magic damage changed to 25 + character level (from 40)
  • Jungle Items:
  • We really like Spirit of the Spectral Wraith’s healing passive, so we decided to make it a staple passive on every Spirit item.
  • Spirit Stone
  • Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells)
  • No longer has health or mana regen
  • No longer has Maim passive
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells)
  • No longer has health or mana regen
  • Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells) (from 8% of spell damage for both health and mana)
  • No longer has health or mana regen
  • Now grants 2 ability power for every large monster kill (max: 30)
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells)
  • No longer has health or mana regen
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • These changes are for Summoner’s Rift only
  • With these changes, we want to tackle the 2v1 lane swaps that many competitive teams have adopted in order to shut down enemy laners while also taking quick objectives. Initiating a 2v1 lane swap to shut down an opponent should have inherent risks, like leaving your bottom tower vulnerable to early pushes.
  • Turrets
  • Outer turrets no longer gain bonus armor and magic resist for the first eight minutes of the game.
  • Top and middle lane outer turrets now have 20 damage reduction from champion basic attacks.
  • Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline:
  • These changes are for Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline only
  • Much like when we removed Needlessly Large Rod from Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar (due to its high cost in a faster game mode), we’re doing the same with B.F. Sword while reintroducing items with alternative build paths. Lord Van Damm’s Pillager has the exact same stats and total cost as Infinity Edge, but is easier to build up over time.
  • Blackfire Torch
  • Movement speed reduced to 5% (from 10%)
  • Wicked Hatchet
  • Re-introduced with a new build and effect
  • Builds from a Long Sword and Brawler's Gloves
  • Costs 1200 (440 combine cost)
  • AD and 10% Critical Chance
  • Critical strikes cause your target to bleed 60% of your bonus AD over 3 seconds (physical damage)
  • Lord Van Damm's Pillager
  • Re-introduced with a new build and effect
  • Builds from Wicket Hatchet, Pickaxe, Agility Cloak
  • Costs 3800 (995 combine cost)
  • Stats and effect are identical to Infinity Edge
  • Infinity Edge
  • Removed
  • Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss:
  • These changes are for Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss only
  • Entropy
  • No longer builds out of BF Sword - Now builds out of pickaxe
  • Damage reduced to 55 (from 70)
  • Total cost reduced to 2700 (from 3475)
  • Combine cost reduced to 500 (from 600)
  • Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss, Twisted Treeline:
  • These changes are for Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss and Twisted Treeline only
  • Grez's Spectral Lantern
  • Total cost reduced to 1350 (from 1450)
  • Combine cost reduced to 250 (from 350)
  • The Lightbringer
  • Total cost reduced to 2200 (from 2500)
  • Combine cost reduced to 375 (from 575)
  • Hextech Sweeper
  • Total cost reduced to 2000 (from 2200)
  • Combine cost reduced to 330 (from 530)
  • New Player Experience:
  • We’ve introduced a stable roster of free champions for new players to play. Our goal is to improve the way players learn to play League of Legends when they’re first starting out. These champions were picked because of how easy they can be learned and how enjoyable most new players find them.
  • These changes will be turned on at a later date
  • Players new to League of Legends will now have a static roster of free champions to play during their first few levels; after which, they will use the normal Free to Play rotation

New in League of Legends Client 3.15 (Dec 13, 2013)

  • General:
  • "Long story short, champions with attack speed buffs will now feel the effects quicker."
  • Temporary attack speed buffs now update champion's attack speed immediately, rather than after the first attack
  • Damage amplification abilities no longer work on true damage
  • Abilities affected:
  • Poppy (Diplomatic Immunity)
  • Swain (Torment)
  • Talon (Cutthroat)
  • Champions:
  • Yasuo
  • Yasuo the Unforgiven is in this patch, keep your eye out for upcoming details.
  • Ahri
  • "Ahri's very early laning experience can be unforgiving if she falls behind. These changes are to give her more breathing room before her first shopping trip or blue buff."
  • General
  • Base mana increased to 250 (from 230)
  • Base mana regeneration increased to 7 per 5 seconds (from 6.25 per 5 seconds)
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Summary: We've reduced the duration of Terrify at later ranks and lowered the mana cost of both Terrify and Crowstorm.
  • "Terrify is rather… terrifying at later levels, especially with the current pace of the game. That said, we didn't want to straight nerf Fiddle's power without any compensation. Cutting down his mana costs means that Fiddle can stay out in the field a little longer (especially after team fights), while the slight buff to Terrify's rank 1 duration helps his unstable early game."
  • Q - Terrify
  • Duration reduced at later ranks to 1.25/1.50/1.75/2.00/2.25 seconds (from 1.00/1.50/2.00/2.50/3.00 seconds)
  • Mana cost reduced to 65 at all ranks (from 65/75/85/95/105)
  • R - Crowstorm
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 150/200/250)
  • Janna
  • "Given our recent support changes, Janna could use a mana cost decrease like the other ult cost reductions we've made. We're still keeping an eye on this weather lady, so stay tuned for more change."
  • R - Monsoon
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 100/150/200)
  • Lee Sin
  • Summary: Safeguard no longer shields minions or makes wards invulnerable when Lee Sin dashes to them.
  • "We like that Lee Sin could make cool plays without relying on teammates to Safeguard to, but felt we could trim some of his extraneous power without removing the real ‘fun' of it."
  • W - Safeguard
  • Now only shields the target if the ally is a champion
  • Lucian
  • Summary: We've lowered the base damage of Piercing Light and shortened its cast range.
  • "We're culling some of Lucian's lane dominance – especially when he gets early AD purchases (given Piercing Light's high AD ratios). Rather than relentlessly pursuing a reduction on Lucian's damage, we also shaved some range off Piercing Light, as Lucian was able to poke from just outside of auto-attack range before going in for a strong trade with his passive. I'm sure there's another ability pun to be had in here, but I got nothing."
  • Q - Piercing Light
  • Base damage reduced to 80/110/140/170/200 (from 80/120/160/200/240)
  • Reduced cast range to match Lucian's basic attack range (now 550 from 570)
  • Lulu
  • Summary: Pix, Faerie Companion had its base damage increased, Help, Pix!'s base shield strength was increased and Wild Growth's mana cost was lowered.
  • "Lulu's defensive capabilities were a little low for a traditional support, so we sent her to the gym to get buff. Like most supports, we're keeping an eye on Lulu as the preseason progresses."
  • Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion
  • Base damage increased to 9/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/105 (from 9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81)
  • E - Help, Pix!
  • Base shield strength increased to 80/120/160/200/240 (from 60/105/150/195/240)
  • R - Wild Growth
  • Mana Cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 150 at all ranks)
  • Rammus
  • Summary: We've reduced the duration of Puncturing Taunt at later levels and reduced the mana cost of both Puncturing Taunt and Tremors.
  • "Similar to Fiddlesticks' Terrify, Puncturing Taunt scales to a frustratingly long duration (according to some, it went on forever, so some subjectivity is expected), especially when Rammus has a strong early game. We didn't want to just lower Taunt's durations, so we've made some mana cost reductions to help Rammus recover in games when he has a rough start."
  • W – Defensive Ball Curl
  • Can no longer be deactivated. Instead goes on cooldown when used (total cooldown of Defensive Ball Curl remains unchanged, as deactivating the ability previously did not reduce its cooldown)
  • E - Puncturing Taunt
  • Duration reduced at later ranks to 1.25/1.50/1.75/2.00/2.25 seconds (from 1.00/1.50/2.00/2.50/3.00 seconds)
  • Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks (from 50/60/70/80/90)
  • R - Tremors
  • Mana Cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 120 at all ranks)
  • Sivir
  • Summary: Fleet of Foot's movement speed bonus now scales up to 50 and Spell Shield has had its duration cut in half. On The Hunt also had its duration reduced and its cooldown increased while the enhanced movement speed boost scales up to 4 seconds with each rank.
  • "We like the general direction of Sivir and are now in the process of tuning her power. Currently Sivir has access to a lot of raw mobility (especially in the early game), so we're hitting that to reduce some of her early game snowball potential. We also wanted to give Sivir's opponents more windows of opportunity against her."
  • Passive - Fleet of Foot
  • Movement speed bonus reduced, now scales to 30/35/40/45/50 (at levels 1/6/11/16/18) (from 50 at all ranks)
  • E - Spell Shield
  • Duration reduced to 1.5 seconds (from 3 seconds)
  • R - On The Hunt
  • Total duration reduced to 8 seconds (from 10 seconds)
  • Enhanced movement speed duration now scales to 2/3/4 seconds (from 4 seconds at all ranks)
  • Cooldown increased to 120/100/80 seconds (from 120/90/60 seconds)
  • Soraka
  • "We've got larger plans for Soraka in the long-term but for now, we're giving her some extra survivability and mobility in the laning phase to keep her healthy for the preseason."
  • General
  • Base armor increased to 13 (from 9.4)
  • Base movement speed increased to 340 (from 335)
  • Taric
  • Summary: The armor scaling of Gemcraft has been reduced and Shatter had several changes made to it. Shatter's aura now increases allied champion armor by the correct amount and the armor damage scaling has been reduced. The shred of Shatter has also had its base value and armor scaling reduced.
  • "We're happy with Taric's kit in the preseason, but his burst damage was just too fabulous, especially when he picks up additional armor items to scale off of. Like other supports, we'll be keeping an eye on Taric as the preseason progresses."
  • Passive - Gemcraft
  • Armor scaling reduced to 20% (from 30%)
  • W - Shatter
  • Aura amount bug fixed, will now give correct amount of 12% (from roughly 15%)
  • Armor damage scaling reduced to 20% (from 30%)
  • Shred base values lowered to 5/10/15/20/25 (from 10/15/20/25/30)
  • Shred armor scaling lowered to 5% (from 10%)
  • Minor Changes & Bug Fixes:
  • Anivia
  • Anivia, Eggnivia, and her skins (aside from Blackfrost Anivia) have received a Texture Update!
  • Brand
  • E - Conflagration
  • Fixed a bug where the cast range was longer than intended (625 from 650)
  • Caitlyn
  • We've improved Caitlyn's running animation!
  • Cho'Gath
  • Q – Rupture
  • "Rupture's slow after the knockup has always been 1.5 seconds – the tooltip was just incorrect."
  • Fixed a line within the tooltip to correctly reflect the duration of the slow (the actual value is 1.5 seconds, where the tooltip previously stated 3 seconds)
  • Fiora
  • "If Fiora uses Blade Waltz on a stealth target that's been revealed (through true sight or abilities), she'll now properly deal damage."
  • R – Blade Waltz
  • Fixed a bug where Blade Waltz was not dealing damage to "revealed" stealth targets
  • Garen
  • E - Judgment
  • No longer deals reduced damage to monsters (still reduced vs. minions)
  • Fixed a bug where Judgment was dealing less damage than intended
  • Lissandra
  • R - Frozen Tomb
  • Fixed a bug where the slow would sometimes not reapply properly
  • Maokai
  • R - Vengeful Maelstrom
  • Added a counter showing how much bonus damage Vengeful Maelstrom is storing
  • Pantheon
  • W - Aegis of Zeonia
  • Now can be cast on enemy minions and jungle monsters
  • Riven
  • We've improved Riven's running animation!
  • Shyvana
  • E - Flame Breath
  • Fixed a bug where Flame Breath was shredding armor in Dragon Form
  • Vayne
  • E – Condemn
  • Fixed a bug where, if the target was being moved by a spell when Condemn's projectile hit (dash, knockup, knockback, pull, etc.) Condemn would sometimes not stun on collision with terrain.
  • Items:
  • Vision Items
  • Vision items no longer display their current ward count to your enemies on their tooltip display
  • Jungle Items
  • "Bounty Hunter as a passive was a risky purchase for some junglers, as it either amped up the gold gains from successful team fights or punished junglers who couldn't get assists / kills. Rather than being seen as a niche purchase, we want the "Spirit" line of jungle items to be a core build on most junglers, so Conservation as a passive is a stronger fit."
  • Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • Now has Conservation passive (instead of Bounty Hunter passive)
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • Now has Conservation passive (instead of Bounty Hunter passive)
  • Trinkets
  • "We're looking to enrich the interactions between the three trinkets by highlighting the core strengths of each (yellow's in a good place at the moment). The changes to the blue trinket solidify its role as a scouting tool and in-combat vision trinket. Even if you reveal a champion before they go into stealth, they won't be revealed once stealth takes effect."
  • Sweeping Lens
  • Cooldown reduced to 120 seconds (from 180 seconds)
  • Greater Lens
  • Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (from 90 seconds)
  • Oracle's Lens
  • Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (from 90 seconds)
  • True sight duration reduced to 8 seconds (from 10 seconds)
  • Scrying Orb
  • NEW: Enemy champions hit will be revealed for 5 seconds. This does not affect stealth champions.
  • Cast range increased to 1500 (from 1100)
  • Greater Orb
  • NEW: Enemy champions hit will be revealed for 5 seconds. This does not affect stealth champions.
  • Cast range increased to 2500 (from 1500)
  • Farsight Orb
  • NEW: Enemy champions hit will be revealed for 5 seconds. This does not affect stealth champions.
  • Cast range increased to 3000 (from 2500)
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • The following changes are for Summoner's Rift only
  • Jungle Monsters
  • "We've been watching the jungle closely during preseason and while we're happy with the general speed with which champions are making their way through the jungle, we can afford to make it a little less taxing for the first clear."
  • Ancient Golem
  • Damage reduced to 60 (from 65)
  • Lizard Elder
  • Damage reduced to 60 (from 65)
  • Wight
  • Gold increased to 65 (from 60)
  • Game Flow
  • "Gold income in the preseason is generally high, which can lead to snowballing situations. In addition to clarifying assist gold, we also wanted to remove some of the "untrackable" gold in the mid to late game."
  • Assist gold rewards no longer scale up with game time (now 50% of kill reward from 50-80% of kill reward depending on game time)
  • "We want to better reward players for pushing down inhibitors, and felt that super minions should really live up to their name. Now players will need to be extra vigilant about lanes with a downed inhibitor."
  • Super Minions
  • Damage boost to nearby minions increased to 70% (from 40%)
  • Armor/Magic resistance boost to nearby minions increased to 70 (from 40)
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Everyone will spawn with a Poro-Snax item in their trinket slot
  • Masteries:
  • Offense
  • Martial Mastery
  • Attack damage reduced to +4 (from +5 attack damage)
  • Arcane Mastery
  • Ability power reduced to +6 (from +8 ability power)
  • Defense
  • Perseverance
  • Reduced to restoring 0.7%/1.35%/2% missing health every 5 seconds (from restoring 1/2/3% missing health every 5 seconds)
  • Legendary Guardian (formerly the Tenacious mastery)
  • Fixed a bug where the name had gotten swapped with the Tenacious Mastery
  • Required range to gain bonus armor and magic resistances from enemy champions reduced to 700 (from 900)
  • Summoner Spells:
  • "As a side-note, we do have plans to update Summoner Spells to better reflect the state of the preseason but they will not be coming with patch 3.15. In the meantime, enjoy the new Summoner Spell art!"
  • Clarity, Clairvoyance, Revive, Barrier, Flash, Teleport and Ignite have all had their icons updated

New in League of Legends Client 3.14 (Nov 21, 2013)

  • General
  • General PVP.net Updates
  • We've fiddled with the client so you can now do things like mass dismiss notifications and suppress notification popups
  • We've also given the friends list and notifications a makeover, and overhauled the way notifications work significantly
  • Group Chat's been reworked and will generally perform faster and smoother across the board
  • Your skin selection will now lock in place a few moments before you enter the loading screen! Previously, you could still flick through your skins up to the last second, only to be met with a friendly “Error: Null” message if you attempted to select a different skin
  • In-Game UI
  • Context: Health bars give vital information in-game but become muddled and difficult to read when you and your team are bunched together. We're updating them to deliver important information at a glance while also allowing for instant identification of your champion, your allies and your enemies.
  • Updated champion health bars
  • Champion health bars now glow when the character is highlighted
  • Updated Smite particle, sound and icon
  • Back to top
  • Champions
  • We're showing ability default hotkeys to more easily identify which abilities are being changed
  • Corki
  • Summary: We've increased the cast range and reduced the mana cost of Phosphorus Bomb while adding in a new mechanic to the ability so that bombs are now lobbed before exploding instead of instantly damaging an area. We've also reduced Gatling Gun's mana cost and increased Missile Barrage's total attack damage ratio at later levels.
  • Context: By adding more gameplay depth to Phosphorous Bomb, we can more effectively balance Corki's abilities, especially his mana costs. Historically, Corki was too dependent on his overpowering early game damage, allowing him to abuse his lane opponents and snowball the game. Now that we've addressed that issue, we have room to make him more competitive in the later parts of the game.
  • Q - Phosphorus Bomb
  • Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 (from 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120)
  • Now lobs a bomb through the air that explodes at the end location, instead of instantly damaging the area
  • Cast range increased to 825 (from 600)
  • Now additionally grants vision while the missile is in the air
  • E - Gatling Gun
  • Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks (from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80)
  • R - Missile Barrage
  • Total Attack Damage ratio increased to 20 / 30 / 40% (from 20%)
  • Gragas
  • Summary: Barrel Roll's cast range has been decreased, but to compensate we've slightly changed the mechanics of the ability. Now, if a player continually presses the hotkey for Barrel Roll just as the barrel reaches its destination, it will immediately explode on arrival. Body Slam now deals full damage to all targets hit and has a longer cooldown that's cut in half whenever Gragas collides with a unit.
  • Context: We want to reward Gragas for fighting strategically in close combat as opposed to sniping opponents with his barrel. The changes to Body Slam encourage Gragas to get into the fight if he wants to hit his full damage potential and maximize his mobility.
  • Q - Barrel Roll
  • Now has a small buffer before the barrel reaches its destination (not when Gragas casts it) where Barrel Roll can be activated again to explode on arrival
  • Cast range reduced to 950 (from 1100)
  • E - Body Slam
  • Now deals full damage to all targets hit (rather than divided amongst them)
  • Cooldown increased to 12 seconds (from 7)
  • Cooldown reduced by half if Gragas collides with a unit
  • Leona
  • Context: We believe Leona has the tools to provide consistent disruption in team fights, but we wanted to bolster her survivability and let her evolve into a full tank as the game progresses.
  • W - Eclipse
  • Changed base bonus Armor / Magic Resistance to 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70)
  • Eclipse gains Armor equal to 20% of Leona's bonus armor
  • Eclipse gains Magic Resistance equal to 20% of Leona's bonus magic resistance
  • Morgana
  • Context: Sometimes we want to adjust a champion's overall power without affecting their balance and functionality, we first look for ways to add gameplay and readability for their opponents. In Morgana's case, that means displaying the radius of Soul Shackles to both Morgana and her victims.
  • R - Soul Shackles
  • Now displays the leash radius to Morgana and her victims for the duration of the effect
  • Nasus
  • Context: Nasus has received a visual update! By hitting Nasus' sustain in the early levels, we're hoping to tone down his ability to indefinitely stay in lanes by playing passively. Opponents should be able to capitalize on harassing Nasus in the early game if they don't want him to become an unstoppable force in the late game.
  • General
  • Nasus has received a visual update! .
  • Passive - Soul Eater
  • Lifesteal rescaled to 10 / 15 / 20% (at levels 1 / 7 / 13) (from 14 / 17 / 20% (at levels 1 / 6 / 11))
  • Nautilus
  • Context: We're buffing Nautilus' late game utility to further define his role in teamfights.
  • Passive - Staggering Blow
  • Root duration increased to 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 seconds (at levels 1 / 6 / 11 / 16 / 18) (from 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 (at levels 1 / 7 / 13))
  • Nidalee
  • Summary: We've changed the mechanics of Javelin Toss so that it now gains bonus “travel” damage only if the ability travels further than Nidalee's human auto attack range. Additionally, we've changed the damage calculations to be based on where the ability was cast from, instead of where Nidalee is when the Javelin hits the target. We’re also reducing Bushwhack’s vision and armor/magic resistance shred duration.
  • Context: We wanted to clarify that the optimal way to play against AP Nidalee is to get up close and personal in order to limit her poke damage. Bushwhack’s old debuff duration was oppressively long given current game flow, so we shortened it.
  • Q - Javelin Toss
  • Now calculates damage based on where the Javelin was initially cast rather than where Nidalee is when the Javelin hits the target
  • No longer gains damage from distance traveled until it exceeds Nidalee's human auto attack range (maximum damage unchanged)
  • W - Bushwhack
  • Vision and Armor / Magic Resistance shred debuff duration reduced to 8 seconds (from 12)
  • Nunu
  • Context: The damage, cooldown, and heal of Consume have all been lowered at early ranks in order to keep the ability in line with new Smite.
  • Q - Consume
  • Cooldown at earlier ranks reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds (from 17 / 15 / 13 / 11 / 9 seconds)
  • Damage at earlier ranks reduced to 400 / 550 / 700 / 850 / 1000 (from 500 / 625 / 750 / 875 / 1000)
  • Heal at earlier ranks reduced to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+0.75 Ability Power) (from 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+.75 Ability Power))
  • Sivir
  • Summary: Boomerang Blade will do less base damage and scales with total attack damage instead of bonus AD. As a tradeoff for stripping some early to midgame power, we're making it so that each target hit by Boomerang Blade will feel it a little more.
  • Context: In the early game, when Sivir gets slightly ahead with attack damage items, she can deal a large amount of burst damage with just one well-placed Boomerang Blade. This allowed her to shut down her opponents and control the lane. We didn't want to simply nerf all of Sivir's numbers, so we approached her changes with two goals in mind. First, reduce Boomerang Blade's burst damage on a single target during the laning phase and midgame. Second, allow Boomerang Blade to remain strong in AoE situations, especially later in the game, to be more in line with Sivir's strengths.
  • Q - Boomerang Blade
  • Now scales with Total Attack Damage rather than Bonus Attack Damage
  • Damage changed to 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 (+0.7 / 0.8 / 0.9 / 1.0 / 1.1 Total Attack Damage) (from 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+1.1 Bonus Attack Damage))
  • Damage falloff per target hit reduced to 10% (from 20%)
  • Vayne
  • Summary: We're taking some of the hidden power away from Vayne's Condemn. The targets she condemns will no longer be unable to act at the end of the effect unless she stuns them against a wall. Additionally, we've removed the ability for Vayne to get a free auto attack on her victims while condemning them away.
  • Context: Similar to our Morgana changes, when we want to reduce some power on a champion without directly reducing their numbers, we first look to introduce more gameplay for opponents or to shave off hidden power. Highly-skilled Vayne players were getting a lot of trading power in lane by landing a free basic attack on a champion after hitting them with Condemn.
  • E - Condemn
  • Vayne can no longer queue up a basic attack on a champion after hitting them with Condemn.
  • Fixed a bug where the target would be briefly unable to act at the end of the effect, even if they did not hit a wall.
  • Condemn now deals all damage after knocking the target back. Wall hits are now displayed as critical strikes.
  • Back to top
  • Support Champion Changes
  • Context: We're making changes to the way abilities scale on champions designed for the support role. Our goal is to emphasize utility and protection over damage output and, with more gold flowing to supports, we had to tweak numbers to ensure certain champions didn't become too oppressively powerful.
  • Check out our microsite for some of the high level changes we're making.
  • Janna
  • Summary: We're removing Janna's global passive and making it a local effect while increasing the movement speed bonus. We've also reduced the overall damage of Howling Gale, but it will scale more with ability power the longer it is charged. The active and passive movement speed affecting portions of Zephyr now also scale with ability power. The ability power ratio of Eye of the Storm's shield has been reduced, but it now has the added benefit of providing additional attack damage based on Janna's AP.
  • Context: We've been saying for a while that we wanted to hit global passives that provide hidden power, and we're using this opportunity to tweak Janna's Tailwind. As for her Tornados, the additional ability power scaling per second means that Janna will need to fully charge her Howling Gale in order to do high damage at end game.
  • Passive - Tailwind
  • Tailwind is now local instead of global (800 range)
  • Tailwind movement speed buff increased to 5% (from 3%)
  • Q - Howling Gale
  • Now gains +0.1 Ability Power ratio per second that Howling Gale is charged before release
  • Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.35 (from 0.75)
  • Charge damage reduced to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (from 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60)
  • W – Zephyr
  • Passive self-movement speed buff now scales at +1% per 50 Ability Power (0.02 AP ratio)
  • Passive self-movement speed buff changed to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12% (+0.02 Ability Power) (from a flat 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16%)
  • Slow debuff now scales at +3% per 50 Ability Power (capped at 80% total)
  • Base slow reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% (from 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48%)
  • Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.6)
  • E - Eye of the Storm
  • Attack Damage buff of the shield now scales at +1 Attack Damage per 10 Ability Power (0.1 AP ratio)
  • Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.7 (from 0.9)
  • Lulu
  • Summary: Several aspects of Lulu's kit are being adjusted to scale with ability power in this patch. The damage of Pix, Faerie Companion, Glitterlance's minimum slow decay and Whimsy's movement speed boost now all scale with AP. However, we did remove the AP bonus from Whimsy and slightly lowered its base movement speed buff.
  • Context: As with the other supports, our goal with Lulu is to focus on utility, not damage. The changes that best demonstrate this philosophy are the buffs to Pix, Faerie Companion and Whimsy. These better highlight Lulu's ability to bolster high attack speed allies and grant large speed boosts where needed. With Glitterlance, we wanted to improve her slow as she gained additional ability power, but didn't want to alter her strong base value.
  • Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion
  • Added a 0.15 Ability Power ratio
  • Base damage reduced to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54 / 63 / 72 / 81 (+0.15 Ability Power) (from 9 / 21 / 33 / 45 / 57 / 69 / 81 / 93 / 105 (+0 Ability Power)
  • Q – Glitterlance
  • Rather than decaying to 0% over a certain duration, the slow now decays to 1% per 7.5 Ability Power over its duration
  • W – Whimsy
  • Movement Speed bonus now scales at +1% per 10 Ability Power (0.1 AP Ratio)
  • Removed the Ability Power boost
  • Base movement speed increase reduced to 30% (from 35%)
  • E - Help Pix!
  • Offensive damage Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.4 (from 0.6)
  • Nami
  • Summary: We've reduced the ability power ratio of Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave but buffed Surging Tides along with Ebb and Flow. The bonus movement speed of Surging Tides and bounce power of Ebb and Flow now both scale with ability power. In fact, with enough AP, subsequent bounces of Ebb and Tide will actually heal and damage more per bounce.
  • Context: While Nami's general scaling is in a good place, we saw opportunities to add additional utility to her movement speed buffs and debuffs. The most unique change with Nami's AP utility scaling is on Ebb and Flow. Additional AP now improves the power of each bounce and can eventually reach positive values where each bounce is more powerful than the last.
  • Passive - Surging Tides
  • Bonus movement speed now scales at +1 bonus movement speed per 10 Ability Power (0.1 AP Ratio)
  • Q - Aqua Prison
  • Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.65)
  • W - Ebb and Flow
  • The percentage power of later bounces now scales. Each bounce gains 0.75% more power per 10 AP.
  • E - Tidecaller's Blessing
  • Slow percentage now scales at +1% slow per 20 Ability Power (0.05 AP Ratio)
  • R - Tidal Wave
  • Reduced Ability Power ratio to 0.6 (from 0.7)
  • Sona
  • Summary: With new gold flowing into Sona's support coffers, it turns out Crescendo and Hymn of Valor would rock just a little too hard. We've reduced the ability power ratio on both, as well as adjusting the base heal amount of Aria of Perseverance at later ranks. She can still hit the high notes with her Power Chords, though, and we've added an AP ratio that'll allow Sona to scale better into the late game. Finally, the base activated speed boost of Song of Celerity has been slightly reduced, as it now scales its speed bonus with ability power.
  • Context: Our core focus with Sona is to take some power from her abilities to shift into her Power Chord and her Song of Celerity, which allows Sona's utility to scale into the late game while also ensuring her choice of Power Chord remains relevant at all stages.
  • Passive - Power Chord
  • Added a 0.2 Ability Power ratio to the damage of Power Chord – Staccato
  • Added a 0.02 Ability Power ratio to the damage reduction of Power Chord - Diminuendo
  • Added a 0.04 Ability Power ratio to the slow amount of Power Chord - Tempo
  • Q - Hymn of Valor
  • Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.7)
  • W - Aria of Perseverance
  • Base heal amount reduced at later ranks to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (from 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120)
  • E - Song of Celerity
  • Active speed boost now scales at +1% movement speed per 50 Ability Power (0.02 AP Ratio)
  • Active speed boost changed to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12% (+0.02 Ability Power) (from a flat 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14%)
  • R - Crescendo
  • Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.8)
  • Soraka
  • Summary: Soraka's base health, health per level and base armor are all being increased and she has a new passive that makes her health/mana restoring abilities more effective when the target is missing more health or mana. Starcall now scales its magic resistance shred with ability power and if Soraka hits at least one champion with it, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced. Astral Blessing has been changed so its armor buff now scales with ability power. We saw an opportunity to add a new mechanic to Infuse, allowing Soraka to use her own mana as either a donation or for additional damage depending on who she targets. Turns out Wishes should probably not ignore untargetable allies, so now Soraka's ultimate affects everyone on your team.
  • Context: Our changes are focused on giving Soraka additional utility scaling and rewarding tactical plays in the middle of combat. We also introduced more gameplay to Soraka's kit that promotes that in-combat healing style rather than being a simple health and mana battery.
  • Base Stats
  • Base health increased to 405 (was 375)
  • Health per level increased to 76 (was 71)
  • Base Armor increased to 9.4 (was 7.4)
  • NEW Passive - Salvation
  • NEW: Soraka's health and mana restoring abilities are 1% more effective for each 2% health or mana the target is missing
  • Q- Starcall
  • Magic Resistance shred now scales at +1 Magic Resistance shred per 100 Ability Power (0.01 AP Ratio)
  • Magic Resistance reduction changed to 6 at all levels (+0.01 Ability Power) (from a flat 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12)
  • If Starcall hits at least one enemy champion, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5% / 6.25% / 7.5% / 8.75% / 10%
  • Mana cost changed to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (was 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80)
  • W - Astral Blessing
  • Bonus armor now scales at +3 Armor per 20 Ability Power (0.15 AP ratio)
  • Bonus armor changed to 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+0.15 Ability Power) (from a flat 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105)
  • Armor duration reduced to 2 seconds (from 3 seconds)
  • Healing reduced to 70 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 270 (+0.35 Ability Power) (from 70 / 140 / 210 / 280 / 350 (+0.45 Ability Power))
  • Mana cost lowered to 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200)
  • E - Infuse
  • Allied cast now gives an ally 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 mana + donates 5% of Soraka's maximum mana (was giving a flat 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 mana for 0 cost)
  • Enemy cast now deals damage equal to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 + 5% of Soraka's max mana (+0.4 Ability Power) (was 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+0.6 Ability Power))
  • Can no longer be cast on allies who do not use mana or are already at max mana
  • R – Wish
  • Now affects untargetable allies
  • Healing reduced to 150 / 250 / 350 (+0.55 Ability Power) (from 200 / 320 / 440 (+0.7 Ability Power))
  • Taric
  • Summary: We're switching up Taric's passive so after each spell cast, his next auto attack is empowered to deal 30% of Taric's armor as magic damage and reduce the cooldown of his abilities. Imbue's AP ratio is lower and now also scales with a percentage of Taric's bonus health. We've also removed the AP scaling of Shatter as well as lowered its base damage. Shatter now scales even more with armor, and the shred scales with a percentage of Taric's armor. Finally, we've lowered the ability power ratios of Dazzle and Radiance, as well as increased their cooldowns.
  • Context: Overall we are adding additional depth and skill differentiation to Taric's gameplay through a rework of his passive. Additionally, as a tanky (and fabulous) support that excels in the middle of a team fight, we've introduced more defensive scaling for Taric to further define his intended role.
  • NEW: Passive - Gemcraft
  • NEW: After casting a spell, Taric gains a buff that deals 30% of his total Armor as bonus Magic Damage his next auto attack
  • Passive empowered attacks reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 2 seconds
  • Imbue
  • Cooldown reduction on auto attacks removed (moved to passive)
  • Base cooldown lowered to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 (from from 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16)
  • AP ratio lowered to 0.3 (from 0.6)
  • Now scales with 5% of Taric's Bonus Health
  • Shatter
  • Base damages reduced to 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 (+30% total Armor) (+0 Ability Power) (from 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+20% total Armor) (+0.6 Ability Power))
  • Armor reduction now scales with 10% of Taric's total Armor
  • Dazzle
  • Ability Power ratio lowered to 0.2 / 0.4 Ability Power (from 0.4 / 0.8 Ability Power)
  • Cooldown increased to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 seconds (from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds)
  • Radiance
  • Ability Power ratio lowered to 0.5 Ability Power (from 0.7 Ability Power)
  • Cooldown increased to 75 seconds (from 60)
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  • Minor Changes and Bug Fixes
  • Kennen
  • Electrical Surge
  • Fixed a bug where Electrical Surge would not properly hit a target if Mark of the Storm wore off or was fully consumed before the casting time of Electrical Surge completed. This fixed two scenarios:
  • Mark of the Storm will no longer wear off in the middle of Kennen casting Electrical Surge
  • If Kennen casts Electrical Surge just as Mark of the Storm is consumed by another ability, he'll still deal damage and add a stack as normal
  • Shen
  • Context: We hit Shen's end collision radius just a little too hard last patch, so we're increasing it a little.
  • Shadow Dash
  • Collision radius at the end-point has been slightly increased
  • Singed
  • Improved Singed's running animation
  • Soraka
  • Improved Soraka's running animation
  • Nocturne
  • Duskbringer
  • Fixed a bug where the trail bonus was applying inconsistently
  • Assault and Battery
  • Fixed a bug where, if Vi's Banshee's Veil is popped at same moment Vi casts Assault and Battery, Assault and Battery would cause Vi to be locked into her charging animation.
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  • Items
  • The term "hat" is now searchable in the item shop. (Finally!)
  • Item Changes
  • Doran’s Blade
  • Cost reduced to 440 Gold (from 475 Gold)
  • Attack Damage reduced to 8 (from 10)
  • Basic attacks now restore 3 health for ranged champions and 5 health for melee champions (from 5 health for all champions)
  • Long Sword
  • Cost reduced to 360 Gold (from 400 Gold)
  • All items building out of Long Sword have had their combine costs increased to accommodate (all items building out of Long Sword should cost the same)
  • Context: Because of our changes to the vision system (ward functionality, ward limits and trinkets), we're removing Oracle's Elixir from the game. We'll continue monitoring the vision system changes and make adjustments as needed.
  • The following items have been removed from the game:
  • Eleisa's Miracle
  • Oracle's Elixir
  • The following items have been remade (see below for details on new items):
  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Kage's Pick
  • Emblem of Valour
  • Support Items
  • Support Item Context: Our core goal with support items in the preseason is to provide more gold generation items that also build into the late game. Players are limited to buying just one gold item though. For more information, check out our preseason website.
  • NEW: Spellthief's Edge
  • Costs 365 Gold
  • 10 Ability Power
  • 3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • 2 Gold per 10 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive – Tribute: Basic attacks against champions grant 4 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.
  • NEW: Frostfang
  • Recipe: Spellthief's Edge + 485 Gold (Total 850 gold)
  • 20 Ability Power
  • 7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • 4 Gold per 10 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive – Tribute: Basic attacks against champions grant 8 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.
  • NEW: Frost Queen's Claim
  • Recipe: Frostfang + Amplifying Tome + 715 Gold (Total 2000 gold)
  • 50 Ability Power
  • 10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • 4 Gold per 10 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive – Tribute: Spells and basic attacks against champions grant 8 Gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.
  • UNIQUE Active – Arctic Embrace: Chills target enemy champion and all nearby enemies, dealing 50 magic damage and reducing Movement Speed by 50% for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown.)
  • NEW: Ancient Coin
  • Costs 365 Gold
  • 5 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • 3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 2 Gold.
  • NEW: Nomad's Medallion
  • Recipe: Ancient Coin + 485 Gold (Total 850 Gold)
  • 8 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • 11 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • 2 Gold per 10 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 4 Gold.
  • NEW: Talisman of Ascension
  • Recipe: Nomad's Medallion + Faerie Charm + 970 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
  • 20% Cooldown Reduction
  • 10 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • 15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • 2 Gold per 10 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 4 Gold.
  • UNIQUE Active: Grants nearby allies +40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).
  • NEW: Relic Shield
  • Costs 365 Gold
  • 50 Health
  • 6 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals the nearest allied champion for 2% of your maximum Health and grants them the bounty plus 5 Gold.
  • These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 2 charges.
  • NEW: Targon's Brace
  • Recipe: Relic Shield + 485 Gold (Total 850 Gold)
  • 175 Health
  • 12 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals the nearest allied champion for 2% of your maximum Health and grants them the bounty plus 10 Gold
  • These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges
  • NEW: Face of the Mountain
  • Recipe: Targon's Brace + Ruby Crystal + 675 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
  • 375 Health
  • 10% Cooldown Reduction
  • 25 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals the nearest allied champion for 2% of your maximum Health and grants them the bounty plus 10 Gold
  • These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.
  • UNIQUE Active - Deadly Phalanx: Consumes 20% of your current Health to shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the target explodes dealing 10% of your maximum Health as AoE magic damage (60 second cooldown)
  • Jungle Items
  • Jungle Item Context: We're adding additional gold generation patterns to several jungle items that complement the intended playstyle of those items. For more information, check out our preseason website.
  • Hunter's Machete
  • Now also grants 3 health on hit versus monsters
  • Spirit Stone
  • Now also grants 3 health on hit versus monsters
  • Madred's Razors
  • Armor reduced to 20 (from 25)
  • REMADE: Wriggle's Lantern
  • Recipe: Madred's Razors + Dagger + Dagger (Total 1800 Gold)
  • 20 Armor
  • 25% Attack Speed
  • UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Deals 100 magic damage and heals 10 on hit against monsters
  • UNIQUE Passive: Gain 40% increased gold from monsters
  • UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • Attack Damage reduced to 30 (from 35)
  • Incinerate passive now procs on physical damage, damage increased to 16-50 (from 7-40)
  • UNIQUE Passive – Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 40 gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus Gold.
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • Health reduced to 350 from 500
  • UNIQUE Passive – Conservation: Gain a stack of Conservation every 1.5 seconds.
  • Lose Conservation stacks and gain equal gold upon killing a large monster.
  • Can gain up to 40 gold for a kill.
  • Maximum stacks 80.
  • REMADE: Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • Recipe: Spirit Stone + Fiendish Codex (Total 2000)
  • 50 Ability Power
  • 10% Cooldown Reduction
  • 14 Health Regen per 5
  • 7 Mana Regen per 5
  • UNIQUE Passive: Returns 8% of spell damage dealt to monsters (half for area-of-effect damage) as Health and Mana
  • UNIQUE Passive – Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 40 gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus Gold.
  • UNIQUE Passive: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%
  • Other Item Changes:
  • Context: We've updated the build paths for items that were previously built from the old gold generation items.
  • Aegis of the Legion
  • NEW Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + Ruby Crystal + Null-Magic Mantle + 595 Gold (Total 1950 Gold)
  • UPDATED: Banner of Command
  • Recipe: Fiendish Codex + Blasting Wand + 720 Gold (Total 2400 Gold)
  • 80 Ability Power
  • 20% Cooldown Reduction
  • UNIQUE Aura - Valor: Nearby allied minions deal 15% increased damage.
  • UNIQUE Active - Promote: Transforms a nearby siege minion into a more powerful unit and grants all gold that the unit earns (180 second cooldown).
  • UPDATED: Mikael's Crucible
  • Recipe: Chalice of Harmony + 720 Gold (Total 1600 Gold)
  • 40 Magic Resist
  • 12 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Increases Mana Regen by 1% for every 1% of missing Mana.
  • UNIQUE Active: Removes all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences, and slows on an allied champion and heals that champion for 150 (+10% of maximum Health) (180 second cooldown).
  • UPDATED: Ohmwrecker
  • Recipe: Ruby Crystal + Blasting Wand + 665 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
  • 350 Health
  • 50 Ability Power
  • UNIQUE Active: Prevents nearby enemy turrets from attacking for 2.5 seconds (120 second cooldown). This effect cannot be used against the same turret more than once every 7.5 seconds.
  • REMADE: Will of the Ancients
  • Recipe: Hextech Revolve + Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 440 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
  • 50 Ability Power
  • 10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
  • 10% Cooldown Reduction
  • UNIQUE Passive: +20% Spell Vamp
  • Twin Shadows
  • NEW Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null-Magic Mantle + 730 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
  • Ability Power increased to 50 (from 40)
  • On Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar this item is 200 Gold cheaper
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  • Vision
  • Wards
  • Context: Support players were often expected to shoulder the warding burden on the map. With these changes, we want to encourage all players on the team to participate in providing vision for their team. We also want to introduce more dynamic gameplay within the vision system and most of our underlying changes reflect this philosophy. You can read more about our changes to the vision system on the microsite.
  • Sight Wards
  • Sight (Green) wards renamed to "Stealth Wards"
  • Sight wards limited to a max of 3 placed per player
  • Ward tooltips display how many stealth wards are currently placed
  • Sightstone / Ruby Sightstone
  • Sightstone no longer have their own restriction, but are restricted by your stealth ward cap
  • Vision Wards
  • Vision (Pink) wards no longer stealthed
  • Vision wards have 5 health
  • Vision wards have infinite duration
  • Vision wards cost reduced to 100 (from 125)
  • Vision wards limited to 1 placed on the map per player
  • General
  • Placing a ward will now display your ward count and the ward that will be destroyed.
  • Vision Trinkets (Summoner's Rift Only)
  • Added a 7th item slot, which can only contain a vision trinket
  • Players can switch their trinkets at the store at any time by selling their trinket, but this puts the new trinket on a 180 second cooldown.
  • Added 3 free vision relics: Warding Totem, Scrying Orb and Sweeping Lens
  • Warding Totem - places a stealth ward for 60 seconds (120 second cooldown)
  • Scrying Orb - reveals a location within 1100 range for 1 second (150 second cooldown)
  • Sweeping Lens - disables and reveals nearby hidden wards, traps or devices for 4 seconds (180 second cooldown, 400 range)
  • These items automatically upgrade at Champion Level 9:
  • Greater Totem – stealth ward timer increased to 120 seconds (120 second cooldown)
  • Greater Orb - cast range increased to 2000 (150 second cooldown)
  • Greater Lens - sweep area of effect increased by 100%, range increased to 600 (150 second cooldown)
  • These items can then be upgraded at the shop for 475 Gold:
  • Greater Stealth Totem - stealth ward timer increased to 180 seconds (120 second cooldown)
  • Greater Vision Totem – upgrades stealth ward to a vision ward (180 second cooldown)
  • Farsight Orb - cast range increased to 2500 (120 second cooldown)
  • Oracle's Lens – active now additionally grants True Sight for 10 seconds after activation (90 second cooldown, 600 range)
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  • Summoner's Rift
  • The following changes are for Summoner's Rift only
  • Brush Changes
  • Context: We've reduced the size and changed the shape of most brush patches in order to encourage more gameplay with warding and brush combat.
  • Generally cleaned up brush configurations that required two or three wards for full coverage
  • Generally reduced the size and wavy nature of each jungle brush
  • Top lane brush has been broken up into three smaller individual brush patches
  • Brush leading into river has been moved back slightly
  • Jungle
  • For more information on our jungle changes, check out our preseason website.
  • Added an extra camp (Wight) near the Blue Golem and Wolves.
  • Smite
  • Cooldown lowered to 40 seconds (from 60)
  • Damage reduced to 390-1000 based on champion level (from 460 + (lvl x30))
  • Context: Gold income for junglers wasn't scaling appropriately for dedicated jungle farmers and jungle difficulty was out of line with what we thought was appropriate. Here we've introduced monster levels that link with jungle difficulty and rewards.
  • Jungle monsters now have levels
  • Jungle monster level is based on the average level of the champions in the game when they spawn (equal to the average of all champion levels, rounded up)
  • Jungle monster level determines their HP / Damage and XP / Gold value
  • Context: Junglers who fall behind had no opportunity to catch up, so now Jungle monsters grant bonus XP to champions who are lower level than the monster they killed.
  • Jungle monsters grant 50% bonus XP per level to lower-level champions, up to a cap
  • Context: With such a wealth of cooldown reduction options available, Crest of the Ancient Golem was causing a greater swing in lane control than we'd like.
  • Crest of the Ancient Golem ('Blue Buff')
  • Cooldown Reduction reduced to 10% (from 20%)
  • Jungle Monster Statistics
  • Summary: Jungle Monsters have been tuned to better fit the revised items and flow of the game
  • Ancient Golem
  • Health increased to 1500 from 1400
  • Gold reduced to 60 from 66
  • Elder Lizard
  • Health increased to 1500 from 1400
  • Gold reduced to 60 from 66
  • Lizard
  • Attack Damage increased to 12 from 11
  • Experience reduced to 20 from 50
  • Gold increased to 7 from 5
  • Giant Wolf
  • Attack Damage increased to 40 from 35
  • Experience reduced to 110 from 170
  • Gold reduced to 40 from 55
  • No longer critically strikes
  • Wolf
  • Attack Damage increased to 14 from 8
  • Experience increased to 25 from 10
  • Gold increased to 8 from 4
  • No longer critically strikes
  • Golem
  • Attack Damage increased to 60 from 59
  • Experience reduced to 140 from 160
  • Small Golem
  • Health increased to 450 from 300
  • Experience increased to 40 from 38
  • Wraith
  • Experience reduced to 90 from 103
  • Gold increased to 35 from 30
  • Lesser Wraith
  • Health increased to 250 from 150
  • Attack Damage increased to 12 from 10
  • Experience increased to 20 from 4
  • Gold increased to 4 from 3
  • Wight (New Camp)
  • 1400 Health
  • 75 Attack Damage
  • 15 Armor
  • 60 Gold
  • 150 Experience
  • Map Objectives
  • For more information on our changes to map objectives, check out our preseason website.
  • Dragon
  • Context: To reduce the early snowball effect of Dragon and to give it mid-game comeback value, Dragon now gives global gold and local experience based on its level while also doling out additional bonus experience for champions who are far behind in level. The Dragon level updates constantly, unlike other jungle monsters who level up when they spawn.
  • Dragon level minimum: 6, maximum: 15
  • Dragon local XP: 150 to 510 based on Dragon's level, divided between nearby allied Champions
  • Dragon global Gold: 125 to 260 based on Dragon's level given to all allied Champions
  • If the killing team is lower average level than their opponents, Dragon grants a bonus XP of +25% per average level difference
  • Bonus XP is sharply increased for the lowest level members of the team, +15% per number of levels behind Dragon squared (max total +200% extra)
  • Turrets
  • Context: Turrets gave equal amounts of global gold when destroyed, despite outer turrets being that's lane's objective. While some of this is beneficial, we don't believe a lane should lose simply because another lane lost their outer turret too early.
  • Outer turrets now grant 100 global gold per player and 150 gold split among the players who participate in destroying the turret
  • Inner turrets now grant 125 global gold per player and 100 gold split among the players who participate in destroying the turret
  • Inhibitor turrets now grant 175 global gold per player
  • Context: The player experience for last hitting under turrets was inconsistent between high attack damage champions and supports or mages. We've adjusted turret base damage and damage against minions to make last hitting under turrets more consistent across all roles.
  • Base damage adjusted to match minion health growth
  • Base damage against minions increased to make last-hitting under turrets consistent
  • Context: Global experience on the outer towers has led to weird cases in lane, like levelling up other lanes accidentally. We're shifting this global experience to a phase of the game where it'll be more appreciated and less likely to cause odd level ups and snowball advantages.
  • Outer turrets no longer give 30 global XP when destroyed
  • Inhibitor turrets now give 100 global XP when destroyed (from 70)
  • Context: Defending against a split pusher is extremely taxing and ultimately unrewarding. We've made this change to help teams defending against extended periods of split pushing. A successful split push needs to do more than inflict light damage to the tower over time.
  • Inhibitor turrets gain 15 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • Inhibitors
  • Context: Losing an inhibitor often puts a team behind for a long period of time with few opportunities for retaliation. This was because a downed inhibitor also granted a global buff to minions in all lanes. We want more comeback opportunities for teams who can capitalize on winning teamfights, even with a downed inhibitor.
  • Inhibitor death timers reduced to 4 minutes (from 5 minutes)
  • Inhibitors no longer grant a global buff to all minions when destroyed
  • Inhibitors now grant a stronger damage and durability buff to minions in their specific lane
  • Game Flow
  • Context: We've made some adjustments to game flow on Summoner's Rift to alleviate some snowballing cases in the early and late game. For more information on our game flow changes, check out our preseason website.
  • Death Timers
  • Context: Early death timers were a little too punishing, especially given the importance of the early game. We've shaved a few seconds from this to help reduce early lane snowballing
  • Early game death timers now start at 7.5 seconds (from 12) and scale to the same values over the course of the game
  • Minion Experience
  • Context: Minions becoming worth more experience over time creates a severe experience discrepancy between champions who can farm and split push late game compared to champions who are forced to siege or participate in objective control. We're removing this discrepancy because it causes the former to spike in levels and gives an unfair advantage. Since this could potentially create some snowballing consequences, we'll be keeping a close eye on this and could make further changes if necessary.
  • Lane Minions are no longer worth more experience based on game time
  • Minions still become worth more gold and gain more statistics over time
  • Lane Minions now have a level equal to the average level of champions in the game
  • Currently this has no effect on the game but will be expanded upon in the future
  • Experience Curve
  • Reduced experience required to level by roughly 10% per level to compensate for the above minion change
  • Bounty Adjustments
  • Context: Echoing our above change with early death timers being too punishing at the early game, we've adjusted gold income to better match how games flow.
  • Kills are worth 60% of the base reward at 2 minutes, scaling to 100% at 4 minutes
  • Assists are worth 50% of the kill value before 20 minutes and then they linearly increase up to 80% at 35 minutes
  • Assist Bonus Gold
  • Context: We're adding an additional reward to players who get a lot of assists. We want these players to feel their contributions to fights, even if they have few opportunities to pick up kills.
  • If players have 2 more assists than kills they earn 30 additional Gold per assist
  • Additional assists increase this bonus by 15 Gold, capping at 60 Gold
  • This gold cannot be more than the original value of the kill
  • Minion Death Spree Reduction
  • Context: Single-minded pushing and proxy farming are fairly destructive methods of playing the game, mostly due to the fact that those champions are not accurately valued for their participation in the game.
  • Every 1000 gold earned from minions / monsters reduces your death spree by 1 death
  • Back to top
  • Masteries
  • Masteries
  • Context: We've added a few new masteries! Masteries are a great way for players to tailor their play experience based on the role they want to fill. We want players to feel like they are committing to a playstyle when they invest heavily in a specific tree, so we're revising masteries to scale as the game grows longer and to have more impact for each role.
  • Masteries have been updated.

New in League of Legends Client 3.13 (Oct 31, 2013)

  • PvP.net Service / Client
  • We made some changes that allow us to dynamically provide “Loss Forgiven” to servers experiencing hardware or connection issues. Players should see this more often if their game servers are having issues
  • We can now disable in-game items and features on the fly, so if there are new bugs or exploits, we’ll disable things on a more sophisticated level rather than turning off all ranked games
  • Improved Champ Select Timer accuracy and reliability (to be turned on at a later date).
  • The client will now actively sync its timer with the server during every phase. If your original timer is behind, you may see a jump as it syncs up with the server (e.g. jumping from 60 to 50 if you are 10 seconds behind). But you will no longer run into situations like having seconds left on your timer but having your selection window end prematurely.
  • We've also reintroduced the numbers 89 to the beginning timer, and 9 into the post Lock-In timer (did you realize they were missing?).
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the screen to briefly flicker black when selecting a skin in Champ Select
  • Temporary summoner icons for the Season 3 World Championship teams have been removed from the client
  • Fixed an issue where purchased champions or skins would disappear in rare circumstances
  • Friends List
  • Added redundancies to fix corrupted friends lists commonly caused by 3rd party chat clients
  • This will fix the following:
  • Online friends appearing offline
  • Opening the wrong friend when clicking on another
  • Friends appearing to be another friend
  • Fixed an issue where a player with a pending friend request would appear online after sending them a game invite
  • Group Chat Panels received a visual update to match the new updated friends list
  • Game Interface
  • Fixed a bug where some options, such as move camera on respawn, would not save
  • Players who receive messages while scrolling through chat history will no longer have their chat jump to the bottom
  • Attack Speed slows
  • Summary: Attack speed slows (IE: Nasus' Wither) were immune to cleanse or other forms of debuff removal unless attached to a movement impairing effect. Now all attack speed slows can be cleansed and are treated like movement speed slows.
  • Context: We’re updating attack speed slows in order to have more consistent counterplay related to debuff removal. Essentially, we're looking to treat all slows the same, whether they're movement or attack speed based.
  • Attack Speed slows can now be cleansed as if they were movement-impairing crowd control effects
  • Affected champion abilities and items:
  • Gragas’ Barrel Roll
  • Malphite’s Ground Slam
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Warden's Mail
  • Champions with dashes tied to their ultimates
  • Summary: The following champions will now be affected by snaring or stunning crowd control abilities after they complete their dashes. Their spells will still be unstoppable, but most forms of crowd control landed while the champion’s using the ability will be applied after the spell completes. CC duration will tick down while a champion is mid-dash.
  • Context: We're adding more counterplay for champions who have long-range dashes tied to their ultimates by making them susceptible to certain forms of crowd control after they complete a dash - like snares or stuns. Now if a teammate lands a snare in the middle of a champion's dash, the ulting champion will complete their ability, but be snared at the end.
  • Crowd control effects can now be received during "unstoppable" movement ultimates (they previously discarded all crowd control effects), but those ultimates will still finish their movement regardless (crowd control effects can persist after the cast finishes)
  • Affected champions:
  • Jarvan IV's Cataclysm
  • Nocturne's Paranoia
  • Vi's Assault and Battery
  • Malphite's Unstoppable Force
  • Hecarim's Onslaught of Shadows
  • Stealth Champions
  • Stealthing now causes a self-only screen tint visual effect.
  • Affected champions:
  • Akali
  • Kha’zix
  • LeBlanc
  • Shaco
  • Talon
  • Teemo
  • Twitch
  • Vayne
  • Wukong
  • Aatrox
  • Summary: Blood Well’s passive attack speed bonus now scales with character level (lower at earlier levels, higher at max level). Blades of Torment’s damage has been reduced (equal at lower levels, lower at max levels).
  • Context: Any champion can be frustrating to play against when they’re capable of building very tanky while still outputting considerable DPS, so we're lowering some of Aatrox’s innate damage. With this change, Aatrox must build items for damage and won’t be able to simultaneously tank and smash face as easily.
  • Blood Well
  • Passive Attack Speed changed to 30/35/40/45/50/55% (upgrades every 3 champion levels) (from 50% flat)
  • Blades of Torment
  • Damage reduced to 75/110/145/180/215 (from 75/120/165/210/255)
  • Ahri
  • Summary: Charm has had its mana cost changed to a flat amount at all levels but now increases the magic damage Ahri deals to a Charmed target. Essence Theft now heals her for a specific amount based on the number of enemies she hits with her passive-enhanced spell, as opposed to getting straight spell vamp. Fox Fire now deals less damage when multiple wisps hit the same target. Spirit Rush's base damage and AP ratios have been slightly reduced.
  • Context: Ahri is a champion with a lot of strengths and few weaknesses, given her high versatility and reliability, so she can consistently apply a lot of pressure on her opponents from relative safety. Ahri’s strengths should be better defined than they currently are. These changes give Ahri players (and her opponents) clear areas of mastery that differentiate the good Ahris from the great Ahris. Our core focuses are:
  • Make Ahri’s default lane patterns more clear, so both Ahri and her opponents can make plays around them
  • Make Ahri’s “all-in” gameplay more closely tied with landing Charm to establish Charm as Ahri’s “kiss of death” that needs to be avoided, as well as lower her threat/presence while Charm is on cooldown
  • Keep Ahri’s core gameplay intact while trimming away strength from the low-gameplay patterns that don’t feel rewarding
  • Essence Theft
  • Now heals Ahri for 2 (+1 per champion level) (+0.09 Ability Power) each time her passive-enhanced spells hit an enemy (previously 35% Spell Vamp)
  • Fox-Fire
  • Mana cost reduced to 50 (from 60)
  • Diminishing returns effect on same-target hits increased to 70% (from 50%) (best case is now 100% + 30% + 30%)
  • This reduces the same-target damage to 64/104/144/184/224 (+0.64 Ability Power) (from 80/130/180/230/280 (+0.8 Ability Power))
  • Fixed a bug that caused Fox-Fire to sometimes deal reduced damage to a target that should receive the standard damage amount
  • Charm
  • Now increases the magic damage Ahri deals to the target by 20% for 6 seconds
  • Mana cost changed to 85 (from 50/65/80/95/110)
  • Spirit Rush
  • Base damage reduced to 70/110/150 (+0.3 Ability Power) (from 85/125/165 (+0.35 Ability Power))
  • This reduces the max damage per target to 210/330/450 (+0.9 Ability Power) (from 255/375/495 (+1.05 Ability Power))
  • Corki
  • Summary: Corki's base attack speed has been reduced. Missile Barrage's base damage has been reduced at earlier ranks and the cooldown between missile shots has been increased. Additionally, the cooldown between missile shots can no longer be reduced by cooldown reduction, but CDR will still affect how quickly you can gain missile ammo.
  • Context: Overall, we like the direction we pushed Corki toward with Trinity Force, but currently he's too overwhelming to play against. Here we're reducing excess power in a few areas to put him more in line with other similar spell-based ADCs. Ultimately, Missile Barrage should function as a powerful sustained damage tool rather than a source of burst damage.
  • General
  • Base Attack Speed reduced to 0.625 (from 0.658)
  • Missile Barrage
  • Base damage reduced to 100/180/260 (from 120/190/260)
  • Cooldown between missile shots increased to 2 seconds (from 1.2)
  • Cooldown between missile shots can no longer be reduced by Cooldown Reduction (Cooldown Reduction still affects how quickly you gain missile ammo)
  • Fizz
  • Summary: The active ability power ratio of Seastone Trident has been reduced significantly.
  • Context: We’re aiming to reduce some of Fizz’s late game damage so that he has to rely more on successfully landing his ultimate or finding a way to stall until his next set of cooldowns come up in order to successfully assassinate targets in late game fights.
  • Playful / Trickster
  • Fixed a bug where Fizz became targetable while still descending from Playful (he now only becomes targetable after landing, just like Trickster)
  • Seastone Trident
  • Active Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.15 (from 0.35)
  • Heimerdinger
  • Summary: Heimerdinger’s kit has been significantly reworked this patch. Techmaturgical Repair Bots no longer works on friendly turrets. H-28G Evolution Turrets now fire a beam every twelve seconds in a projected line shot in addition to their regular attacks. Additionally, H-28G Evolution Turret will now shut down after a period of time if Heimerdinger leaves the area. Hextech Micro-Rockets have been reworked to unleash a barrage of rockets that converge at your cursor before fanning out. Enemies hit by more than one rocket take reduced magic damage from additional rockets. CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade now travels in an arc.
  • UPGRADE!!! makes Heimerdinger’s next spell free while also applying bonus effects. Upgrading H-28G Evolution Turret transforms it into a giant H-28Q Apex Turret that deals higher damage with a lower cooldown beam. Upgrading Hextech Micro-Rockets transforms it into Hextech Rocket Swarm, where Heimerdinger fires out four waves of rockets that deal damage on impact. Finally, upgrading the CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade transforms it into a CH-3X Lightning Grenade that bounces three times (dealing damage and stunning with each bounce) before disappearing.
  • Context: Heimerdinger’s got some new toys! Our core goal was to give Heimerdinger the tools to differentiate himself in ability use and build optimization. In particular, we focused on diversifying the Heimerdinger experience so that each of Heimer’s abilities comes with its own form of gameplay and interaction – players will need to think carefully about how to use each in an optimal way. Raise your turrets!
  • Passive: Techmaturgical Repair Bots
  • Heimerdinger gives nearby allied champions and H-28G Evolution Turrets 10/15/20/25/30 bonus Health Regen
  • H-28G Evolution Turret
  • Places a Turret at target location. Turret attacks prioritize Heimerdinger’s targets and enemies attacking Heimerdinger
  • Heimerdinger generates a Turret Kit every 24/23/22/21/20 seconds (modified by Cooldown Reduction), and he can hold up to 1/1/2/2/3 Kits at once
  • Cost: 20 Mana and 1 Kit
  • Cooldown: 1s
  • H-28G Evolution Turret Stats
  • Health: 150 (+25 per champion level)
  • Attack - Cannon: 15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 Ability Power) magic damage
  • Attack - Beam: 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage in a line, 12 second cooldown
  • Maximum Turrets: 3
  • Hextech Micro-Rockets
  • Unleashes a barrage of 5 rockets that converge towards your cursor and fan out past it. Each rocket deals 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.45 Ability Power) magic damage
  • Enemies that are hit by more than one rocket take 20% magic damage for each additional rocket (max damage 108/162/216/270/324). Minions take 60% instead
  • Targeting the ability closer to Heimerdinger increases projectile spread
  • Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 Mana
  • Cooldown: 11s
  • CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade
  • Hurls a grenade that deals 60/100/140/180/220 (+0.6 Ability Power) magic damage to enemy units and slows their Movement Speed by 35% for 2 seconds
  • Enemies in the center of the blast are also stunned for 1.25 seconds
  • Cost: 85 Mana
  • Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10
  • Upgrade
  • Heimerdinger's next basic spell is free and has bonus effects
  • H-28Q Apex Turret: Places a Turret that deals 90/110/130 (+0.33 Ability Power) magic damage with its cannon and 225/300/375 (+0.8 Ability Power) magic damage with its beam for 8 seconds
  • Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves that deal 135/180/225 (+0.45 Ability Power) magic damage each. Champions and monsters hit by multiple rockets take reduced damage (max 550/690/865 (+1.83 Ability Power))
  • CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a grenade that discharges three times, dealing 150/200/250 (+0.6 Ability Power) magic damage each time. Both the stun and slow areas are larger, and the slow is improved to 80%
  • Cooldown: 100/85/70
  • Cost: 100 Mana
  • Jinx
  • Summary: Switcheroo!’s Minigun attack speed bonus has been reduced at early ranks. Zap!’s base damage has been reduced at early ranks and its mana cost has been slightly increased. Zap! also no longer reveals stealthed units.
  • Context: We feel that while Jinx's kit has a lot of built-in weakness in the mid and late game, her early lane dominance is so overwhelming that it distorts her overall power across the entire game. The goal here is to address Jinx’s early damage potential while trying to minimize effects on her late game.
  • Switcheroo! - Minigun
  • Total Attack Speed bonus reduced to 30/55/80/105/130% (from 50/70/90/110/130%)
  • Zap!
  • Base damage reduced to 10/60/110/160/210 (from 30/75/120/165/210)
  • Mana cost increased to 50/60/70/80/90 (from 45/55/65/75/85)
  • No longer reveals stealthed units
  • Kassadin
  • Summary: Null Sphere has had its mana cost and damage reduced at later levels. The silence duration of Null Sphere has been increased at lower levels but very slightly lowered at max level. Riftwalk’s base damage and bonus damage per stack has been increased in addition to having a small AP ratio added per stack. Additionally, Riftwalk now refunds 50% of the total mana cost when it damages an enemy champion. Finally, Kassadin no longer gains magic resistance per level.
  • Context: Currently we feel like Kassadin’s play beyond the laning phase is too safe, especially when he gets ahead. He can deal consistently high damage at range with Null Sphere and Force Pulse while holding on to Riftwalk for a safe escape. These changes are focused on forcing Kassadin to use Riftwalk as a significant part of his damage output, which also gives opponents opportunities to capitalize on his mistakes.
  • General
  • Magic Resist per level reduced to 0 (from 1.25)
  • Null Sphere
  • Base damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 (from 80/130/180/230/280)
  • Silence duration changed to 1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25/2.5 seconds (from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6)
  • Mana Cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 (from 70/80/90/100/110)
  • Riftwalk
  • Base damage increased to 80/100/120 (from 60/70/80)
  • Base damage per Riftwalk stack reduced to 50/55/60 (from 60/70/80)
  • Added 0.1 Ability Power ratio per stack
  • Now refunds 50% of the total mana cost when Riftwalk damages an enemy champion
  • Morgana
  • Summary: Morgana’s attack range, base attack speed, and basic attack animation have been improved across the board. Tormented Soil no longer reduces magic resistance per tick, instead it deals additional damage based on an enemy's missing health. Morgana should deal roughly the same amount of overall damage, although there’ll be some variation due to how the new Tormented Soil works.
  • Context: This change is more of a modernization of Morgana and her Tormented Soil by rewarding her for being continuously aggressive with landing her Dark Bindings. Specifically, we wanted to reinforce Morgana's standard damage combo of Dark Binding to Tormented Soil, rather than the "ideal" combo of using Tormented Soil's magic resistance reduction to make Dark Binding deal more damage.
  • General
  • Attack Range increased to 450 (from 425)
  • Base Attack Speed increased to 0.625 (from 0.579)
  • Improved basic attack responsiveness
  • Tormented Soil
  • Damage per second changed to 24/38/52/66/80 (+0.22 Ability Power) (from 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.2 Ability Power))
  • Tormented Soil's damage now increases by up to 50% based on the enemy's missing Health
  • Damage application cadence increased to every 0.5 seconds from every 1 second
  • No longer applies a Magic Resist reduction debuff
  • Olaf
  • Summary: Undertow’s slow duration has been increased and its mana cost changed to a flat cost. Vicious Strikes grants more attack speed at lower levels. Reckless Swing deals slightly less self-damage to Olaf on use.
  • Context: We were overly cautious with our initial rework changes for Olaf, which left him undertuned, but not Old and Busted. However, now that we’ve addressed some of his old core issues, we feel like we can be more aggressive with tweaking his kit balance. These changes are focused on allowing Olaf to better stick to his opponents when he’s landing his skillshots properly, which will, in turn, allow him to better melt face when he’s in the zone.
  • Undertow
  • Slow duration increased to 1.5 - 2.5 seconds (from 1.0 to 2.0)
  • Mana cost changed to 60 (from 55/60/65/70/75)
  • Vicious Strikes
  • Attack Speed increased to 40/50/60/70/80% (from 20/35/50/65/80%)
  • Reckless Swing
  • Self-damage reduced to 30% damage dealt (from 40% damage dealt)
  • Rammus
  • General
  • Rammus received a texture update
  • Sivir
  • Summary: Sivir has received a visual upgrade! Sivir’s Ricochet will now be active for the next three attacks after casting and each attack bounces infinitely, provided it can find new targets to bounce to (it will never hit the same target twice). Additionally, targets hit by a bounce will take a flat percentage amount of damage. Spell Shield no longer costs mana to cast. On The Hunt no longer has a cast time but doesn’t provide a flat bonus attack speed aura. On The Hunt now provides a large movement speed boost that wears off to a smaller, longer lasting movement speed buff. On The Hunt also provides a passive attack speed bonus when Sivir activates Ricochet. Finally, Sivir no longer runs in slow motion (her movement speed remains unaffected).
  • Context: When we approached reworking Sivir, we shied away from homogenizing her as another generic Marksman. Instead we took a route where we wanted to highlight Sivir’s unique traits, like her ability to deal high area-of-effect damage with Ricochet and her large team-wide mobility boost in On the Hunt. Our focus here is to ensure that dedicated Sivir players will still be able to enjoy the core gameplay mechanics they’ve come to appreciate while also bringing Sivir up to our modern gameplay standards and aesthetics.
  • General
  • Sivir has received a visual update! Check out the full details here.
  • Attack Speed per level reduced to 1.6 (from 3.28)
  • Ricochet
  • Now when activated, Sivir's next 3 basic attacks will Ricochet
  • No longer has a maximum number of bounces (each Ricochet can still only strike a target once)
  • Now bounces to the closest target (instead of a random target within the bounce radius)
  • Deals 50/55/60/65/70% damage to all secondary targets
  • No longer has a base damage
  • Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds (from 7/6/5/4/3)
  • Spell Shield
  • Reduced Mana cost to 0 (from 75)
  • Mana return reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 (from 150)
  • On The Hunt
  • No longer has a cast time
  • Active no longer grants Attack Speed
  • Now grants Sivir a new Passive: Sivir gains 40/60/80% bonus Attack Speed while Ricochet is active
  • Movement Speed bonus now begins at 60%, then reduces to 20% after 4 seconds
  • Cooldown changed to 120/90/60 seconds (from 100/90/80)
  • Zed
  • Summary: Living Shadow and Death Mark have had their cast wind-up time increased. Death Mark now spawns the shadow at Zed’s starting position rather than behind the target. Death Mark’s shadow will stay around longer and Zed can switch places with it at any range.
  • Context: Zed’s been a balance pain point for a while, especially at the competitive level. In particular, Zed’s current play patterns – while satisfying for the player – can be executed so quickly that they offer little to no reaction time for his opponents. In its current iteration, Death Mark sets up Zed’s gameplay for free with little execution needed beforehand. Because Zed’s intended gameplay focuses so heavily on manipulating his shadows, we want to force him to actively think about how he’ll use his tools to assassinate his targets.
  • Living Shadow
  • Significantly increased the time it takes for the Living Shadow to reach its destination (missile travel speed reduced to 1500 from 2500)
  • Death Mark
  • Now spawns the Living Shadow at Zed's starting position rather than behind the target
  • Increased the time Zed remains untargetable before dashing to the target to 0.75 seconds (from 0.35)
  • Death Mark shadow duration increased to 6 seconds (from 4)
  • Increased the range at which Zed can switch places with his Death Mark shadow to 2000 (from 1100)
  • Ziggs
  • Summary: We’ve slightly increased the damage on Short Fuse. Bouncing Bomb can now be cast at targets outside of max range but will only travel the set distance. Satchel Charge's radius has been increased. Hexplosive Minefield and Mega Inferno Bomb are both more effective against minions, with minions no longer taking reduced damage from multiple hits of Minefield and Mega Inferno Bomb dealing double damage to minions.
  • Context: We've improved Ziggs in terms of general utility while also trying to more effectively carve out his niche as a pushing /counter-pushing champion. Bombs away!
  • Short Fuse
  • Max damage increased to 150 (from 139) (now scales non-linearly)
  • Bouncing Bomb
  • Bouncing Bomb will now cast when targeted outside of its maximum range (will fire to the maximum range in the targeted direction)
  • Satchel Charge
  • Radius increased to 325 (from 275)
  • Hexplosive Minefield
  • No longer deals reduced damage on multiple hits to minions
  • Damage radius per mine increased to 150 (from 135)
  • Mega Inferno Bomb
  • Now deals double damage to minions
  • Zyra
  • Summary: Deadly Bloom's damage has been reduced overall but her AP ratio has been increased. Rampant Growth's passive cooldown reduction has decreased. The plants spawned from Rampant Growth have had their base damage reduced at lower levels, but increased later on. We’ve also improved Zyra’s overall feel by making seed transformation/enraging plants more intuitive.
  • Context: Our overall strategy here is to tone down Zyra's early level poke damage and, while we are reducing some of her overall power, we also want to improve her ability to fluidly combo cast with seeds. Additionally, reducing the base damage of her spells while increasing the AP ratios is aimed at reducing her power as a support without hurting her capabilities as a mage.
  • Deadly Bloom
  • Range reduced to 800 (from 825)
  • Damage changed to 70/105/140/175/210 (+0.65 Ability Power) (from 75/115/155/195/235 (+0.6 Ability Power))
  • Rampant Growth
  • Passive Cooldown Reduction reduced to 2/4/6/8/10% (from 4/8/12/16/20%)
  • Plant base damage changed to 23 (+6.5 per champion level) (from 26 (+6 per champion level))
  • Reduced the delay before seeds can be stepped on by enemies to 1.5 seconds (from 3)
  • Range increased to 825 (from 800)
  • Fixed a bug where spells would rarely not turn seeds into plants
  • Stranglethorns
  • Stun no longer persists after the knockup ends
  • Now properly enrages plants created within the bramble zone after Stranglethorns has been cast
  • Jarvan IV
  • Context: This change forces Jarvan to be more accurate with his Demacian Standard / Dragon Strike combo while giving opponents some breathing room when trying to dodge it.
  • Dragon Strike / Demacian Standard
  • Jarvan's knockup collision radius reduced to 180 from 260
  • Kha'Zix
  • Void Spike - Evolved Spike Racks
  • Slow increased to 30% from 20%
  • Master Yi
  • Context: Our original reasons for having Meditate's mana cost scale so high no longer exist, as we were primarily concerned with AP Yi bullying lanes or Meditate refreshing multiple times in a fight.
  • Alpha Strike
  • Master Yi will no longer be hit by targeted spells during Alpha Strike
  • Meditate
  • Mana cost reduced to 50 (from 50/65/80/95/110)
  • Nasus
  • Siphoning Strike
  • Fixed a bug where Siphoning Strike ignored Spell Shields
  • Rengar
  • Context: Rengar's leap out of stealth has insufficient warning for his target, so we changed him to de-stealth at the beginning of his leap instead of mid-leap in order to give his target a fighting chance.
  • Thrill of the Hunt
  • Rengar now de-stealths at the beginning of his leap when attacking a target from out of stealth
  • Shen
  • Context: Shadow Dash had a fairly large start and end radius to make the spell more forgiving to land. We no longer believe this is necessary.
  • Shadow Dash
  • Collision radius has been reduced at the start and end points of the dash
  • Swain
  • Context: We saw Carrion Renewal as a place to add strength without significantly impacting the phases of the game where Swain already excels.
  • Carrion Renewal
  • Now additionally restores 9% of maximum Mana on champion kill/assist
  • Syndra
  • Summary: Syndra received a number of usability improvements to her abilities. Scatter the Weak now indicates where a Dark Sphere will travel and Unleashed Power indicates how many Dark Spheres will be fired.
  • Scatter the Weak
  • Range increased to 700 (from 650)
  • Dark Spheres now have arrow indicators to show the direction they will travel if hit by Scatter the Weak
  • Unleashed Power
  • Now displays a counter over the spell icon that tracks the number of Dark Spheres that will be fired
  • Teemo
  • Noxious Trap
  • Fixed a bug where mushrooms gave experience
  • Thresh
  • General
  • Attack Speed per level increased to 3% (from 1%)
  • Thresh's basic attack wind up is reduced by 0.25% per 1% attack speed, rather than the standard 1%
  • Tryndamere
  • Context: We’re trying to reduce the overall map mobility of Tryndamere so it’s harder to safely split push all day, but to do it without hurting his mobility in team fights.
  • Spinning Slash
  • Cooldown refund upon critically striking minions/monsters reduced to 1 second from 2 (refund upon striking champions unchanged)
  • Vladimir
  • Hemoplague
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented casting of Transfusion and Tides of Blood for longer than the spell's 0.5 second cast animation
  • Context: Reiterating our stance on high mana cost ultimates, we want ultimate abilities determined more by cooldown than mana cost. Rather than doing an individual context paragraph for each ultimate (which is what we did originally until someone pointed out how stupid that was), we gave them their own section.
  • Ashe
  • Enchanted Crystal Arrow
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 150)
  • Leona
  • Solar Flare
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 100/150/200)
  • Soraka
  • Wish
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 100/175/250)
  • Varus
  • Chain of Corruption
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 120)
  • Viktor
  • Chaos Storm
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 125/175/225)
  • Back to top
  • Alternate Map Balance
  • Twisted Treeline out of beta
  • Context: With the competitive season almost done, Twisted Treeline is finally ready to emerge from beta! This doesn't mean design iteration will stop – we'll continue with champion balancing, system tweaks, and maybe even a new item or two!
  • Crystal Scar
  • The following changes are for the Crystal Scar only
  • (Crystal Scar) Map-Specific Change: Self-Healing Penalty
  • Context: Dominion has evolved in such a way that this healing restriction no longer serves its original intent of preventing turtling. Instead, it's only hurting champions that rely on regen or healing to be effective, so we’ve removed it.
  • Removed global self-healing reduction buff
  • (Crystal Scar) Map-Specific Change: Speed Shrine Buffs
  • Context: The previous version of speed shrine buff allowed for people ganking bot lane to come in at basically Ghost movement speeds, with the gankee having very little reaction time on a wardless map. This change is meant to alleviate some of the pressure to bot lane while making teams invest more if they want to continually pressure the lane.
  • Speed shrine buff now decays over its duration
  • Teemo
  • Fixed a bug where his Move Quick passive Movement Speed was not being removed by Dominion turrets
  • Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss, and Twisted Treeline
  • The following changes are for Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss, and Twisted Treeline only
  • Grez's Spectral Lantern
  • Summary: Grez’s Spectral Lantern’s combine cost has gone up and the damage has been reduced slightly. The active’s vision duration, cast range, and how long enemy champions stay revealed after exiting the dust have all been reduced significantly.
  • Context: This item was too cost effective for what it offered and these changes are to bring it more in line with other vision items in terms of cost and utility.
  • Combine cost increased to 350 Gold (from 150)
  • Total cost increased to 1450 Gold (from 1250)
  • Damage reduced to 15 (from 20)
  • Vision dust duration decreased to 5 seconds (from 10)
  • Lingering reveal reduced to 3 seconds (from 6)
  • Cast range decreased to 800 (from 1200)
  • The Lightbringer
  • Summary: The Lightbringer’s cost is being increased (partially due to Grez’s Spectral Lantern’s cost increase), and it is gaining additional defensive stats (health / armor / lifesteal) in exchange for a damage reduction. The active’s vision duration, cast range, and how long enemy champions stay revealed after exiting the dust have all been reduced significantly.
  • Context: Lightbringer is a niche item and will still be a niche item, but this build change will open it up to more champions.
  • Combine cost increased to 575 Gold (from 300)
  • Total cost increased to 2500 Gold (from 2425)
  • Now builds from Ruby Crystal instead of Pickaxe
  • Now grants +200 Health
  • Damage reduced to 20 (from 50)
  • Armor increased to 25 (from 20)
  • Lifesteal increased to 15% (from 12%)
  • Vision dust duration decreased to 5 seconds (from 10)
  • Lingering reveal reduced to 3 seconds (from 6)
  • Cast range reduced to 800 (from 1200)
  • Hextech Sweeper
  • Summary: Hextech Sweeper now builds out of a Kindlegem and Fiendish Codex. The overall cost has gone up and most stats have been reduced (health / AP). The movement speed bonus has been removed and the cooldown reduction has been increased. The active’s vision duration, cast range, and how long enemy champions stay revealed after exiting the dust have all been reduced significantly.
  • Context: Hextech Sweeper is a staple item on Twisted Treeline / Dominion and we don't want to change that, but we're making it a little less universally appealing by reducing the stats and removing the movement speed bonus. We're also giving it a cooldown reduction boost to help out with some AP itemization issues.
  • Combine cost increased to 530 Gold (from 200)
  • Total cost increased to 2300 Gold (from 1920)
  • Now builds from Fiendish Codex (from two Amplifying Tomes)
  • Health reduced to 250 (from 300)
  • Ability Power reduced to 40 (from 50)
  • No longer grants Movement Speed
  • Cooldown Reduction increased to 20% (from 10%)
  • Cooldown Reduction is no longer UNIQUE
  • Vision dust duration reduced to 5 seconds (from 10)
  • Lingering reveal reduced to 3 seconds (from 6)
  • Cast range decreased to 800 (from 1200)
  • Sanguine Blade
  • Context: At 50 AD, this item was too cost efficient for what it offered. We’ve reduced some of the stats and raised the cost in order to bring this item more in line.
  • Combine cost increased to 600 Gold (from 500)
  • Total cost increased to 2275 Gold (from 2175)
  • Attack Damage reduced to 40 (from 50)
  • Shaco
  • Jack in the Box
  • Fixed a bug where Shaco boxes were not properly revealed by the passive on Hextech Sweeper and The Lightbringer
  • Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar
  • The following changes are for Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar only
  • General
  • Turrets now have inventory items that describe turret mechanics
  • Blackfire Torch
  • Summary: Blackfire Torch has gained bonus movement speed in exchange for a higher overall cost and a shorter duration on the magic damage amplification active.
  • Context: Blackfire Torch is gaining the movement speed bonus that Hextech Sweeper had because while not everyone who uses AP should get an easily-accessed movement speed item, we do feel that AP casters should have one in smaller maps like Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar.
  • Combine cost increased to 970 Gold (from 720)
  • Total cost increased to 2650 Gold (from 2400)
  • Now grants +10% Movement Speed
  • Magic damage amplification decreased to 4 seconds (from 6)
  • Twin Shadows
  • Summary: Twin Shadows’ overall cost has been reduced and the cooldown on the active has been reduced significantly, however the bonus ability power and magic resistance is being lowered.
  • Context: Twin Shadows is a great item on wardless maps, but the cooldown was too long to really make use of it. It's been made cheaper to increase accessibility, while the stats have been reduced to reflect the new cost.
  • Combine cost reduced to 535 Gold (from 735)
  • Total cost reduced to 1700 Gold (from 1900)
  • Ability Power reduced to 30 (from 40)
  • Magic Resist reduced to 30 (from 40)
  • Cooldown on active reduced to 60 seconds (from 120)
  • Wraiths are now affected by speed shrines
  • Tutorial, Co-op vs. AI, Custom Games with bots
  • The following changes are for bot game modes only
  • Turrets in bot game modes (Tutorial, Co-op vs. AI and custom games with bots) now display an indicator of their attack range and their current attack state. You can disable this feature in the Game menu
  • Back to top
  • League System
  • Players who earned silver in Season 2 will now have silver profile borders until the end of the season

New in League of Legends Client 3.12 (Oct 1, 2013)

  • General:
  • We took Sight and Vision Wards into the shop for a model and texture update. The new wards function in exactly the same way as before, but look much prettier
  • We've also revamped ranged minion attack particles. The new particles have trails that show the direction they're traveling in, giving players more information when quickly looking for minion aggro indicators
  • Skillshots:
  • Context: Skillshot missiles fired from brush or the fog of war sometimes don't register on the receiving player's screen until they've landed, leading to sad and bewildered champions. This fix ensures missiles are registered faster, giving players the chance to react and realize they're being attacked.
  • Skillshots fired from fog of war should appear on the enemy's screen sooner if their champion is in the path of the missile
  • Champions:
  • Jinx:
  • Jinx, the Loose Cannon, is in this build but will be turned on at a later date.
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Context: The cost of Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze is too damn high. To remedy this, we've reduced its mana cost at all levels to bring it more in line with other ultimate abilities.
  • Petrifying Gaze:
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 120/160/200)
  • Garen:
  • General:
  • Garen has received a visual upgrade! Check out the full details here.
  • Katarina:
  • Summary: Death Lotus now deals more damage at later levels, and has been kicked up a notch overall with higher AP and AD ratios. We've increased the channel time of Death Lotus and removed its cast time delay, meaning Katarina's overall damage should remain roughly the same (if not higher) even if interrupted. The slightly reduced cooldown on Death Lotus means that at rank three it will take exactly three kills or assists to reset her ultimate.
  • Context: We wanted to re-focus more power and gameplay into Katarina's Death Lotus by increasing its high-threat damage. Ultimately, we think Katarina is more fun and unique when both she and her opponents are focused on executing or stopping Death Lotus. While the increased channel duration might seem like a nerf if interrupted early (since the ability deals damage over time), we removed the cast time delay to accommodate.
  • Death Lotus:
  • No longer has a cast time delay before channeling (previously had a 0.25 second delay)
  • Total damage increased to 400/575/750 (+2.5 ability power)(+3.75 bonus attack damage) (from 400/500/600 (+2.0 ability power)(+3.0 bonus attack damage))
  • Channel time increased to 2.5 seconds (from 2)
  • Cooldown reduced to 60/52.5/45 seconds (from 60/55/50)
  • Lucian:
  • Summary: Piercing Light's hitbox width has been reduced slightly, but it now leads its target when cast on an enemy champion. When Lucian kills someone with the first shot of Lightslinger, Lucian will always try to find another target, prioritizing the closest enemy unit to the slain target.
  • Context: Lucian's Piercing Light can sometimes be sidestepped by its primary target without them even trying to do so. To help the ability land, we've added a leading mechanic to Lucian's Piercing Light. This means that if the target just keeps moving - oblivious to the ability being cast - Lucian is now practically guaranteed to hit. However, the ability will be slightly easier to juke for players who've got their eye out for incoming abilities.
  • Finally, a bug in Lucian's passive meant that Lightslinger's second shot could sometimes hit a different target! We decided to embrace the bug and properly support it as a feature. Now, if Lucian's target dies before the second Lightslinger round lands, Lucian will always try to find another target, prioritizing the closest enemy unit to the slain target. There are certain filters in place to prevent disrupting Lucian's last hitting or accidentally hitting a champion under the tower.
  • General:
  • Updated Lucian's recommended items
  • Base mana regeneration increased to 7 (from 6)
  • Mana regeneration gained per level increased to 0.7 (from 0.65)
  • Lightslinger:
  • When Lightslinger's target dies before the second shot hits, the second shot will now always attempt to find another target
  • Piercing Light
  • Laser hit box width reduced to 100 units (from 120)
  • Piercing Light now leads its target by 80 units when cast on an enemy champion
  • Olaf:
  • Summary: Olaf's kit has been significantly overhauled, with changes to each of his skills and new opportunities for counterplay, particularly when the Berserker gets ahead. In terms of major alterations, we've given Undertow a minimum throw distance and a reduced slow duration, but increased its slow amount and removed the slow decay to compensate. Vicious Strikes no longer provides attack damage or spell vamp, but instead increases Olaf's attack speed and grants bonus healing based on Olaf's missing health . Next up is Reckless Swing. We've reduced its base damage and increased the cooldown, but given the ability an attack damage ratio and allowed basic attacks to lower its cooldown. Finally, we've added a passive armor and magic resistance bonus to Ragnarok, and made it so that activating the ult converts the defensive bonuses into attack damage. Ragnarok's crowd control immunity has been retained.
  • Context: Old and Busted Olaf circumvented a lot of healthy interactions within the game when played well. When he got ahead, Old and Busted Olaf had everything at his disposal to take out opponents with no opportunity for counterplay, including a permanent slow (when used correctly), crowd control immunity and significant true damage while building tanky. Our core goal with these changes is to create more gameplay interaction with New Hotness Olaf so that players can react and play smart against him even if he gets ahead. We realize that these changes are fairly drastic so, as ever, we'll closely monitor how he performs over the coming days and weeks.
  • General:
  • Base mana reduced to 235 (from 270)
  • Undertow:
  • Base damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 (from 80/125/170/215/260)
  • Slow percent increased to 35/40/45/50/55% (from 24/28/32/36/40%)
  • Slow duration reduced to 1-2 seconds based on distance traveled (from 2.5 seconds flat)
  • Slow no longer decays
  • Minimum distance added (400)
  • Axes now stick in walls and structures only if they would land in impassible terrain
  • Axes now make jungle monsters ignore unit collision (to better enable Olaf's axe pickup play in the jungle)
  • Vicious Strikes:
  • Mana cost reduced to 30 (from 40/45/50/55/60)
  • Now grants 20/35/50/65/80% attack speed
  • Now provides 1% extra healing for every 2.5% health that Olaf is missing
  • Attack damage removed
  • Spellvamp removed
  • Lifesteal retained
  • Reckless Swing:
  • Cooldown increased to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds (from 9/8/7/6/5)
  • Damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 (from 100/160/220/280/340)
  • 0.4 total attack damage ratio added
  • Health cost is equal to 40% of total damage dealt (unchanged ratio)
  • Health cost is now refunded if it kills the target
  • Basic attacks lower the cooldown of Reckless Swing by 1 second
  • Ragnarok:
  • Cooldown changed to 120/100/80 (from 100)
  • Mana cost removed
  • Now provides 10/20/30 armor and magic resist passively
  • Active reworked: now removes the bonus armor and magic resist passive and grants 40/60/80 bonus attack damage while active
  • Olaf now turns red when Ragnarok is active
  • Crowd control immunity retained
  • Ryze:
  • Summary: We've improved the responsiveness of Ryze's basic attacks. Additionally, we've increased his base movement speed along with Desperate Power's movement speed bonus.
  • Context: We like Ryze's current direction as a mid-range, face-melting mobile caster, and these changes represent further iterations on that same path. Having additional base movement speed and a more responsive basic attack will also help out his laning phase.
  • General:
  • Adjusted recommended items to incorporate Spirit Visage instead of Banshee's Veil
  • Base movement speed increased to 340 (from 335)
  • Improved basic attack to be more responsive
  • Desperate Power:
  • Movement speed increased to 80 (from 60/70/80)
  • Shen:
  • Summary: Previously, Shen's Shadow Dash reduced physical damage dealt by his taunted target, whether that damage was from an enemy ability or basic attack. We've altered the skill so that Shadow Dash now only reduces basic attack damage dealt by taunted champions.
  • Context: This is a fairly small tweak we brought in to clarify Shadow Dash. Previously, Shadow Dash would reduce only physical damage dealt by the taunted target, so if he taunted a Garen mid-Judgment, Shen would take reduced damage from Mr. Spin-to-win's trademark ability and his basic attacks. However, if Shen taunted a mid-Defile Karthus, Shen would only take reduced damage from Karthus' basic attacks. This change simplifies Shadow Dash by greatly reducing damage from just the basic attacks of Shen's taunted enemies.
  • Shadow Dash:
  • Shen's damage reduction from taunted enemies now only applies to their basic attacks (previously reduced all physical damage)
  • Thresh:
  • Summary: We've extended Death Sentence's standard cooldown, but added a mechanic that reduces the skill's overall cooldown amount whenever he lands a hook. Additionally, Thresh no longer gains mounting bonus magic damage in between chained auto attacks – he'll need to deliberately stop attacking in order for it to start "winding up" again.
  • Context: Thresh's laning phase can be overbearing when played correctly. We're making these changes to punish speculative hook attempts while also rewarding precise use of Death Sentence. At early levels, landing a hook will still reduce its cooldown to below its prior cooldown level, while at later levels, landing hooks will reduce its cooldown significantly (especially when combined with cooldown reduction). We changed Flay because its passive "wind up" damage was growing even in between Thresh's auto attacks. This reduced the importance of his powerful intermittent auto attack harass as he was still getting a small bonus from Flay's passive even when constantly auto attacking.
  • Death Sentence:
  • Cooldown increased to 20/18/16/14/12 (from 18/16.5/15/13.5/12)
  • Cooldown now reduced by 3 seconds if Death Sentence strikes an enemy
  • Flay:
  • Passive basic attack "wind up" damage now only grows when Thresh's basic attack cooldown completes
  • Minor Changes and Bug Fixes:
  • Heimerdinger:
  • H-28G Evolution Turret:
  • Fixed a bug that caused cooldown values to be extraordinarily high under certain conditions
  • Karthus:
  • Requiem:
  • Warning buff on enemy champions now has a duration that matches the impact delay
  • Nidalee:
  • Takedown:
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed Nidalee to perform Takedown from range.
  • Teemo:
  • General:
  • Noxious Traps are now worth 10 gold (from 0)
  • Yorick:
  • General:
  • Ghouls are now worth 5 gold (from 0)
  • Items:
  • Phage:
  • Combine cost increased to 475 gold (from 375)
  • Total cost increased to 1350 gold (from 1250)
  • UNIQUE Passive – Rage: movement speed bonus now halved for ranged champions
  • Trinity Force:
  • Total cost increased to 3728 gold (from 3628)
  • UNIQUE Passive – Rage: movement speed bonus now halved for ranged champions
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard:
  • Fixed a bug causing the item to deal less damage than intended
  • Maps & Game Modes:
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Context: Turns out towers have some pretty complex mechanics! Instead of forcing players to earn cryptography degrees to figure them out, we decided it might be best to add items to towers that explain their nuances.
  • Towers now have an item inventory that can be seen by clicking on them (no changes to how towers actually work). Each item in the inventory explains a specific tower mechanic.
  • Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar:
  • The following changes are for Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar only
  • Moonflair Spellblade:
  • Total cost increased to 2600 gold (from 2300)
  • Tenacity effect is no longer ranged only
  • Kayle:
  • Context: Kayle naturally builds a lot of cooldown reduction, making her level three Intervention a little too available. Given that Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar games are more focused on frequent skirmishes, increasing the cooldown on Intervention should force Kayle players to be more conscious of when they use their ultimate.
  • Intervention cooldown increased to 100/90/80 seconds (from 90/75/60)
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • The following changes are for Twisted Treeline only
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Context: Cassiopeia's bonus movement speed on Noxious Blast and the high damage of Twin Fang allowed her to effectively kite and dish out damage to opponents with relative safety, particularly on Twisted Treeline. These changes should balance her out a little.
  • Noxious Blast movement speed boost reduced to 16/17/18/19/20% (from 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%)
  • Twin Fang ability power ratio reduced to 45% (from 55%)
  • Lulu:
  • Context: We liked the Crystal Scar changes we made to Lulu's ult in patch 3.11, and are extending Wild Growth's cooldown changes to Twisted Treeline, too.
  • Wild Growth cooldown increased to120/110/100 (from 110/95/80 seconds)
  • Tryndamere:
  • Context: Tryndamere went and spun himself right into our cooldown nerf machine! We've increased the cooldown on Spinning Slash and Undying Rage to help balance the high mobility and value they bring on TT's smaller map.
  • Spinning Slash cooldown increased to 15/14/13/12/11 seconds (from 13/12/11/10/9)
  • Undying Rage cooldown increased to 120/110/100 seconds (from 110/100/90)
  • Wukong:
  • Context: We're extending the Cyclone cooldown and Stoneskin armor/magic resist changes we made to Crystal Scar Wukong in patch 3.11 to Twisted Treeline Wukong.
  • Stoneskin armor and magic resist boost reduced to 2/4/6 (from 4/6/8)
  • Cyclone cooldown increased to 120/110/100 seconds (from 120/105/90)
  • Co-op vs. AI:
  • Zyra:
  • Zyra Bot is now available in the Co-op vs. AI rotation
  • Basic Tutorial:
  • Fixed a target bar bug that was showing incorrect minion health and damage
  • Game Menus:
  • When playing in windowed mode, players can now interact with the game even while the options menu is open
  • While playing in windowed mode your mouse cursor will be constrained to the game window regardless if the options menu is open or not
  • Pressing F9 (default hotkey) releases the mouse from the game window so you can interact with your desktop or other applications
  • League System:
  • Added notification icons in the profile that show players the number of team wins they need to claim season rewards if they're below the threshold
  • Revamped Trade System:
  • Summary: We've rebuilt the champion trade system to be more reliable when attempting a trade and more informative when you cannot complete a trade.
  • Simultaneous trade actions will be resolved automatically without breaking your trades
  • Clearer Messaging:
  • Player 1 is busy trading. Try again when their trade is complete.
  • Player 1 has declined your trade request.
  • Player 1 has canceled the trade.
  • Player 1 no longer has the champion you wanted. Try trading again.
  • You will no longer be able to request a trade with a player who doesn't own your champion
  • Bug Fixes:
  • The following bugs with the trade system have been fixed:
  • Friends list not updating friend's current champion after a trade
  • Players rerolling during a trade and then giving one player a different champion than they expect
  • Trade icon not appearing after refusal of trade request
  • Client denying a trade request
  • Trade system displaying the wrong champion
  • Simultaneous trade requests causing trades to lock and become unavailable
  • Trade window would not time out for either player, leaving those two players unable to trade with anyone else
  • In-Game Options Menu:
  • Summary: The in-game options menu has been rebuilt to be more responsive and intuitive. Keybinds are now organized in a graphical layout by action – after clicking the square you can hit any key to bind the action to it. We’ve renamed “Smart Cast” to “Quick Cast” for clarity purposes, and you can turn Quick Cast on for each hotkey with a simple toggle. Additionally, a few game-affecting options (volume, HUD scale, chat scale, etc) will preview their changes without having to save your changes, and the time to switch resolutions or to window modes has been drastically reduced. Finally, we’ve added an option to disable camera movement on revive (under the game section).
  • Reorganized the menus for clearer navigation
  • Changes are preserved across pages until you hit OK
  • Restore now defaults to a per-screen basis so you don’t clear all of your settings at once
  • You can now scroll through the menu with your mouse wheel
  • Hotkeys:
  • "Smart Cast" has been renamed "Quick Cast"
  • It is now faster and easier to rebind your primary keys and turn Quick Cast on and off for each of them.
  • Interface:
  • Several options such as Sound Volume, Hud Scale, and Chat Scale will preview their changes without having to save your option changes.
  • An option to disable camera movement on revive has been added to the Game section
  • The "More Options" section has been removed and its contents have been re-organized into other, more appropriate sections
  • Video:
  • A new slider has been added to adjust all video and graphical settings to an overall quality level
  • The time required to switch resolutions or window modes has been drastically reduced.
  • Skins:
  • Spirit Guard Udyr:
  • Added extra VO lines triggered by interactions with specific champions

New in League of Legends Client 3.11 (Sep 4, 2013)

  • Champions:
  • Draven:
  • Summary: Draven’s passive will now consume all stacks on kill to grant bonus gold, although the gold granted per stack has been reduced by 1. Additionally, Draven’s passive will grant at least 50 bonus gold per kill.
  • Context: Considering Draven is obviously the greatest champion ever in League of Legends, his new League of Draven passive feels a little flat right now. We’re looking at ways of making his Adoration mechanic more rewarding - both functionally and visually – during late game and multikills.
  • League of Draven:
  • Now grants a base 50 Gold bonus upon killing an enemy champion (from 0)
  • Now consumes all Adoration stacks on kill to reward Draven with Gold (previously only consuming half)
  • Gold per Adoration stack consumed reduced to 2 (from 3)
  • Visuals and sounds for League of Draven play on every Draven kill, instead of only playing on kills which consumed a large number of stacks
  • Fiora:
  • Context: Fiora’s Blade Waltz has been hindered by reliability issues for a while now, so we’re making some quality of life changes to help ensure that her ultimate is suitably satisfying to use.
  • Blade Waltz:
  • Will now choose untargetable and invisible targets if necessary to continue the Blade Waltz. If Fiora needs to jump to such a target to continue Blade Waltz, she will do so, though the ability will not deal damage to untargetable/invisible units. If the target is revealed when Fiora jumps to them (in brush), she’ll deal damage as normal
  • Galio:
  • Summary: We’re reducing Idol of Durand's cooldown at all ranks and fixing the mana cost to a flat number (lower overall) at all ranks.
  • Context: Galio's ultimate has several measures in place to keep it in check, but between the counters and the resource costs (mana and cooldowns), we feel it’s currently too constrained overall. By reducing his ult’s cooldown and mana cost, we should ensure that Galio stays a viable pick at all levels of play.
  • Idol of Durand:
  • Cooldown reduced to 150/135/120 (from 170/150/130)
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 100/150/200)
  • Mordekaiser:
  • Iron Man:
  • Now displays shield amount in segments, similar to health segments
  • Singed:
  • Fling:
  • Fixed a bug where Fling was dealing more damage than the tooltip values indicated
  • Thresh:
  • Death Sentence:
  • If the target cleanses the initial spell or blocks it with a spell shield, the chain will now shatter, preventing Thresh from casting Death Leap
  • Udyr:
  • Phoenix Stance:
  • Phoenix Stance's buff now displays a timer for Udyr's next Phoenix Breath attack
  • Zac:
  • Summary: Zac's chunk drops are now more contestable by opponents.
  • Context: When we first designed Zac, our initial concern was that his chunks would be difficult for Zac players to use if we didn't stack the variables in his favor. So we coded the chunks so Zac would absorb them even when his enemies were closer and should have been able to crush the chunks. Then we launched Zac, who in turn launched himself straight into the “awesome” category over multiple levels of League play. We’re still balancing Zac out, but these changes should give Zac's opponents a fair and equal chance to stomp out the chunks in lane and stop the green goo champ from sustaining so effectively.
  • Cell Division:
  • Adjusted passive chunk drops to be more contestable by enemies
  • If an enemy champion is within 1000 units of Zac, his chunks will spawn in a contestable zone between him and his opponent (this isn’t a change, but is listed for clarification)
  • Increased the range at which champions cause chunks to be contestable (fly away from Zac) to 1000 (from 700)
  • Slightly increased the distance contestable chunks travel from Zac
  • Chunks are now credited to whoever is closest to them in the event that both Zac and an enemy champion are present (rather than automatically going to Zac)
  • Reduced chunk invulnerability time to 0.25 seconds (from 0.75)
  • Chunk invulnerability now applies to both Zac and enemies (previously only applied to enemies – Zac now has to wait 0.25 seconds before he can absorb his chunks)
  • Zac now has an increased chunk pickup range and bypasses the chunk invulnerability delay timer during Let's Bounce
  • Elastic Slingshot:
  • Fixed a bug where the landing point visual effect was not appearing for enemies
  • Items
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade:
  • Fixed a bug where the visual effects included the generic "increased Movement Speed" visual
  • Maps:
  • Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline:
  • The following changes are for Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline only
  • Sanguine Blade:
  • Context: Similar to the removal of Needlessly Large Rod in 3.10, we’re changing the recipe on Sanguine Blade to alleviate frustrations that come with saving for a B.F. Sword.
  • Recipe Changed: Pickaxe + Vampiric Scepter + 500 Gold = 2175 Total Gold (previously: B.F. Sword + Vampiric Scepter + 500g = 2850 Total Gold)
  • Nidalee:
  • Context: Nidalee’s Bushwack traps grant too much vision and zone control on wardless maps. We’ve lowered the trap durations to reflect the shorter games on Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline.
  • Bushwhack reveal and Armor and Magic Resist shred duration reduced to 6 seconds (from 12)
  • Bushwhack trap duration reduced to 2 minutes (from 4)
  • Teemo:
  • Context: Like Nidalee, Teemo's Noxious Traps grant too much vision and control on wardless maps. We've reduced their durations to reflect the shorter games on Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline.
  • Noxious Trap duration reduced to 3 minutes (from 10)
  • Crystal Scar:
  • The following changes are for Crystal Scar only
  • Kassadin:
  • Context: Kassadin is in a much better place after his initial changes, but he's still a little strong. This change to his silence duration should bring him in line while still allowing him to remain competitive.
  • Null Sphere silence duration reduced to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds (from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6)
  • Kha'Zix:
  • Context: Kha'Zix's isolation mechanic is too accessible on Dominion. With these changes, he’ll still have plenty of killing power, but his enemies will have a chance to react and dish some damage back.
  • Taste Their Fear isolation damage reduced to 35% bonus (from 45%)
  • Evolved Enlarged Claws additional missing Health damage reduced to 6% (from 8%)
  • Lulu:
  • Context: Turns out giving Lulu an ult with amazing team utility almost every fight was giving the Fae Sorceress a little too much power. Oops.
  • Wild Growth cooldown increased to 120/110/100 (from 110/95/80)
  • Wukong:
  • Context: Wukong was getting a lot of free tank stats which allowed him to build damage without being too squishy. We've increased the cooldown on Cyclone to help remedy the situation.
  • Stone Skin changed to 2/4/6 Armor and Magic Resist per rank (from 4/6/8)
  • Cyclone cooldown changed to 120/110/100 (from 120/105/90)
  • Yorick:
  • Context: Solo lane Yorick has some strong opponents, but if you don’t specifically counter him, he tends to crush his lane opponent. These changes are meant to reduce some of his harass and sustain.
  • Omen of Famine cast range changed to 500 (from 550)
  • Omen of Famine cooldown changed to 8 (from 10/9/8/7/6)
  • Game Interface
  • Undo Button in the Item Shop:
  • Context: Accidentally bought a B.F. Sword on Swain? We’ve added an undo button to the item shop, giving Runeterra’s most mis-clickiest of players the chance to undo their recent purchases. Purchases can’t be reversed if those items have had an irreversible impact on the game (dealing damage, mitigating damage, healing, providing a bonus that is used by a teammate, etc).
  • Players can now undo recent transactions within the in game item shop
  • Undo history is cleared under certain events such as leaving the shopping area, dealing damage, receiving damage, or casting a spell
  • Items will remove benefits they granted you when undone, such as gold gained from gold over time items
  • Certain items cannot be undone such as Homeguard or Captain's Boot enchantments
  • HUD:
  • Mousing over a champion's passive icon will now show a range indicator if the passive has a range of influence (e.g. Soraka's Consecration)
  • Spectator Mode:
  • Team Fight UI:
  • Context: We’ve developed a new Team Fight UI for spectator mode that minimizes and concentrates the UI so that it’s easier to focus on the action during team fights. With this change we’ve optimized the display of battle information in team fights, including who’s involved in the fight, who’s winning, and how many people have died on either team.
  • While spectating, press 'A' to toggle the Team Fight UI
  • Minimalist UI mode that focuses on presenting information relevant to on-screen conflicts
  • Team health bars communicate the momentum of the fight and impact of AoE damage
  • Crowd control indicators visualize the power of crowd control abilities
  • Pentakill counter tracks progress towards double, triple, quadra and pentakills
  • Automatic Dragon and Baron Timers:
  • Timers will display in the upper left corner of Spectator Mode with a countdown showing Dragon and Baron spawn times
  • League System
  • Loading Screen Reward Borders:
  • Loading screen borders will now show a border from your highest rank achieved in the previous season in any tier (previously displayed your Season 2 rank for the specific game type you’re loading)
  • You guys have spoken - this will be reverted in patch 3.12! Click here for more information regarding end of season rewards
  • General:
  • Fixed the minimap bug showing champions at incorrect locations when emerging from the fog of war
  • Cancelled Auto Attacks will no longer fire a damage-less missile at the target
  • The damage-less missile will no longer consume buffs or passives
  • You may still hear a sound effect without the missile. We are still investigating a fix for this
  • Minions will now disappear from the map sooner after their death
  • Cursors will be set to the center of their window by default, preventing the camera from panning to the far left or right corners of the map at game start
  • Cursors will also be set to the center of their window for a short period of time after player switches full-screen focus (alt-tab)
  • Removed the default key bind for "Show/Hide Summoner Names" (previously, Shift-K). The function can still be bound in the Key Bindings menu if you wish to use it
  • Reduced the amount of time you can spend AFK before being kicked from the game
  • Tower health is now updated even if you've never had the tower out of the fog of war
  • The Champions tab in the Summoner Profile has been updated with a new layout
  • The Champion grid has been widened, allowing more Champions to be seen at once
  • The primary role selector has been changed from a button group to a dropdown in the upper right
  • Friends List:
  • Parts of the friend list view have been rewritten in order to increase stability and performance
  • Fixed a bug causing the friend list to be corrupted with duplicate and missing entries when scrolling
  • Friend Notes are now visible in friend tooltips without needing to hover over the note icon
  • Custom Games:
  • AFK detection reduced to 3 minutes (from 8)
  • The game now kicks you at 5 minutes (previously 12 minutes)
  • The minimum time custom games need to last to be eligible for IP/XP rewards has been increased to 7 minutes (previously 5 minutes)
  • A minimum number of human players must now participate in a custom game to receive IP/XP rewards. The current thresholds are:
  • 5 players minimum for Summoner’s Rift, Crystal Scar, and Howling Abyss
  • 3 players minimum for Twisted Treeline
  • A notification has been added in the end of game results screen to explain why players did not receive IP/XP

New in League of Legends Client 3.10a (Aug 22, 2013)

  • Champions:
  • LeBlanc:
  • Summary: LeBlanc’s base health regeneration and attack damage per level have been slightly increased.
  • Context: With unorthodox skills, unmatched mobility and a supremely squishy face, LeBlanc’s always been a difficult champion to master. While this is intended, the changes we made to her in Patch 3.9 made her even more vulnerable, especially during her laning phase. These minor buffs should improve her play experience and even her out a little.
  • Base health regen increased to 7.05 (from 5.05)
  • Attack damage per level increased to 3.5 (from 3.1)
  • Master Yi:
  • Summary: Highlander now reduces ability cooldowns per kills and assists by a percentage amount rather than a flat second reduction. This means Master Yi will never get a “full reset” to chain Alpha Strikes together even if he kills with his first Alpha Strike. Additionally, Master Yi’s attack speed per level has been reduced, while Meditate’s damage reduction at later levels has been increased. Wuju Style’s passive attack damage bonus is now higher at earlier levels and lower at later levels.
  • Context: New Yi quickly emerged as a powerhouse champion, and while we soon identified the need to reduce his power, we wanted to do it in an intelligent way that created windows of opportunity for both Yi and his opponents, rather than by simply reducing his overall damage. We like Highlander’s reset mechanic, but the flat second reduction on it meant that solid Yi players could effectively chain Alpha Strikes together with no window of vulnerability after scoring a kill. These changes mean Master Yi needs to land a few basic attacks after earning resets in order to Alpha Strike, which should give his opponents opportunities to fight back. Yi’s Meditate buffs give him ways of bridging those cooldown gaps defensively if needed, and offer more viable options when upgrading abilities.
  • General:
  • Attack speed per level decreased to 2% (from 2.75%)
  • Double Strike:
  • Fixed a bug where the second strike would damage targets even when Master Yi was blinded
  • Meditate:
  • Damage reduction increased at later ranks to 50/55/60/65/70% (from 40/45/50/55/60%)
  • Wuju Style:
  • Passive attack damage bonus changed to 10% at all ranks (from 7/9/11/13/15%)
  • Highlander:
  • Now passively reduces the remaining cooldown for Master Yi's basic abilities by 70% on a kill or assist (instead of 18 seconds on kill or 9 seconds on assist)
  • Riven:
  • Summary: Riven can now leap over walls with the third hit of Broken Wings.
  • Context: Riven's Broken Wings started crossing walls on live following a few engine fixes. We looked at this and decided we want to fully support the emergent gameplay while cleaning up the ability’s environmental interactions. This change promotes Riven’s high mobility playstyle and skirmish play pattern, so we’ll balance around it rather than simply remove the change if it affects her power significantly.
  • General:
  • Fixed an issue where several of Riven's particle effects were missing
  • Broken Wings:
  • Third hit now knocks up affected targets rather than knocking them back
  • Only the third cast can now leap over walls
  • Hitbox has been retuned to more closely match the particles
  • Shen:
  • Summary: Shen’s Feint shield has been weakened, while Stand United can now be interrupted by root effects.
  • Context: As a dominant force in the competitive scene, Shen gets just a little too tanky in the late game – to the point where even primary damage dealers have a tough time eating through his shields. This small nerf should reduce some of Shen’s strong dueling potential. Additionally, our Stand United change has been brought in to increase the consistency with which we handle delayed movement abilities. Specifically, Shen’s Stand United channel will be interruptible by root effects, similar to Twisted Fate’s Gate. We’ll continue looking at other cases in the future.
  • Feint:
  • Shield amount reduced to 60/100/140/180/220 (from 70/115/160/205/250)
  • Stand United:
  • Can now be interrupted by root effects
  • Twitch:
  • Summary: Twitch’s Expunge now deals less damage at early to mid levels.
  • Context: Currently Twitch's laning phase trades are too strong, even when he’s forced to pop Expunge before reaching full stacks of Deadly Venom. These changes should balance out the Plague Rat’s early game power without affecting his team fight potential.
  • Expunge:
  • Base damage reduced to 20/35/50/65/80 (from 40/50/60/70/80)
  • Zac:
  • Summary: Zac's passive healing blobs will now be harder to pick up for both him and his opponents. Additionally, Zac’s ult no longer grants him Tenacity while active.
  • Context: Previously, Zac’s pickup range was so large he would sometimes regain health from his blobs even if he stood still after using an ability. The blob radius change creates more potential counterplay in lane, since Zac and his opponents now have to specifically move to blobs to regain or deny health. The tenacity portion of Let’s Bounce has removed to allow for more gameplay in fights, notably by giving enemies the chance to lock Zac down while protecting vulnerable targets.
  • Cell Division:
  • Blob absorption and squish radius reduced to 25 (from 100)
  • Let's Bounce:
  • No longer grants tenacity
  • Fixed the tooltip to state that Zac removes all slows affecting him upon activation
  • Items:
  • NOTE: If an item value or statistic is not mentioned, it is still present on the item.
  • Bilgewater Cutlass:
  • Range reduced to 450 (from 550)
  • Active now takes into account the bounding boxes for each champion
  • Blade of the Ruined King:
  • Range reduced to 450 (from 550)
  • Active cooldown increased to 90 (from 60)
  • Locket of the Iron Solari:
  • Fixed a bug where it was granting more health regen than intended
  • Spirit Visage:
  • Combine cost increased to 500 gold (from 375). Total cost increased to 2750 gold (from 2625)
  • Phage & Trinity Force’s Icy Passive:
  • Summary: Phage and Trinity Force no longer have the “Icy” slow passive. Instead of a percentage chance to slow an enemy champion on hit, these items now grant movement speed for a short duration of time, along with even more movement speed on minion, monster, and champion kills. Frozen Mallet’s function remains unchanged, but its recipe has changed.
  • Context: Following the nerfs to Blade of the Ruined King, we wanted to create more tools to help bruisers stick to their targets. Ultimately we focused on in-skirmish mobility as a valuable and healthy stat for all champions.
  • Phage:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
  • New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
  • Combine cost reduced to 375 gold (from 590). Total cost reduced to 1250 gold (from 1465)
  • Trinity Force:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
  • New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
  • UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade
  • Damage increased to 200% base attack damage (from 150%)
  • Due to Phage's price reduction, total cost is now 3628 gold (from 3843)
  • Frozen Mallet:
  • Recipe Changed: Giant's Belt + Pickaxe + Ruby Crystal + 950 gold = 3300 total gold
  • UNIQUE Passive – Icy retained
  • Maps:
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • Lesser Wraith
  • Fixed a bug where lesser wraiths were granting less experience than intended (4 instead of 15)
  • Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar:
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Now available on the Crystal Scar
  • Entropy
  • UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
  • New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
  • Due to Phage's price reduction, total cost is now 3400 gold (from 3615)
  • Kitae's Bloodrazor
  • Removed from the Crystal Scar
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Poros
  • No change. Still awesome

New in League of Legends Client 3.10 (Aug 1, 2013)

  • Ashe:
  • Summary: While cleaning up Ashe's passive, we found a small bug that had been granting unwarranted Focus stacks. We ordered an orbital strike on the bug, and gave Focus a minor buff to compensate.
  • Focus:
  • Focus stacks per second increased to 4/5/6/7/8 from 3/4/5/6/7
  • Fixed a bug where Focus was granting stacks while on cooldown in certain situations
  • Elise:
  • Summary: Spiderlings are now less tanky overall, particularly against champions who build armor penetration. Spiderlings will also descend from Rappel after Elise, meaning if she Rappels with tower aggro and no friendly minions around, she'll be targeted first once she lands (towers used to target Spiderlings first because they would descend first). Rappel also no longer allows Elise to travel outside of the indicated range.
  • Context: Elise has been a high-value pick in competitive play for some time thanks to the overall strength of her kit. We considered reducing the damage of some of her abilities, but felt like we should target her more frustrating aspects first. Specifically, we wanted to reduce the tankiness of Elise's spiderlings and lower their utility as damage sponges. With these changes we can add a little more counterplay for her opponents, meaning Elise players will need to think more carefully about her Spider Swarm passive.
  • The other ability we targeted was the deceptively long range of Rappel. We initially designed Elise's Rappel to allow for some extra travel space outside of her indicated range, but in retrospect this made the skill extremely frustrating to play against. These changes mean the circular visual indicator will more accurately show who Elise is able to descend upon.
  • Spiderlings:
  • Health reduced to 90-260 from 125-550
  • Armor increased to 30/50/70/90 from 30 (based on Spider Form rank)
  • Magic Resist increased to 50/70/90/110 from 50 (based on Spider Form rank)
  • Multi-target damage reduction adjusted to 25% from 10/20/30/40%
  • Spiderlings no longer continue taking actions before vanishing once Elise shifts into Human Form
  • Spiderlings now group closer together while moving
  • Volatile Spiderling:
  • Movement Speed has been reduced
  • Rappel:
  • Elise can no longer descend outside of the indicated area
  • Fixed a bug where Elise could begin casting spells and attacking as soon as she began her descent while she was still untargetable
  • Spiderlings will now descend from Rappel slightly after Elise instead of descending at the same time
  • Fiddlesticks:
  • Crowstorm:
  • No longer reduces Baron Nashor's, Dragon's or Vilemaw's Magic Resist
  • Fizz:
  • Playful/Trickster:
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused rapid casts to deal no damage
  • Karthus:
  • Lay Waste:
  • Now casts at max range when targeted beyond max range during Death Defied
  • Defile:
  • Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.2 from 0.25
  • Fixed a bug where Cooldown Reduction allowed Defile to be rapidly toggled, increasing its damage output
  • Malzahar:
  • Call of the Void:
  • Missile visibility from fog of war and brush now consistent with other missiles
  • Summon Voidling:
  • Voidlings no longer repeatedly switch targets when more than one unit is affected with Malefic Visions
  • Master Yi (remake):
  • Summary: Master Yi has been reworked with a new model and changes to his kit. For a full rundown of the Wuju Master's changes, click here.
  • General:
  • Health per level increased to 92 from 86
  • Base Mana reduced to 180 from 199
  • Mana per level increased to 42 from 36
  • Base Armor reduced to 15 from 16.3
  • Armor per level reduced to 3 from 3.7
  • Attack Speed per level reduced to 2.75% from 2.98%
  • Double Strike:
  • Every 4th consecutive basic attack, Master Yi will attack twice, dealing 50% damage on the second strike
  • Alpha Strike:
  • Master Yi becomes untargetable and dashes to up to 4 units, dealing 25/60/95/130/165 (+1.0 total Attack Damage) physical damage and 75/100/125/150/175 bonus damage to minions. Alpha Strike can critically strike for 60% of Master Yi's total Attack Damage.
  • Alpha Strike's cooldown is reduced by 1 second each time Master Yi basic attacks
  • Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14
  • Meditate:
  • Master Yi channels for 4 seconds, gaining 40/45/50/55/60% damage reduction and healing for 30/50/70/90/110 (+0.3 Ability Power) per second. This heal is increased by 1% for every 1% Health Master Yi is missing. The damage reduction is halved against turrets
  • Mana Cost: 50/65/80/95/110
  • Cooldown: 35
  • Wuju Style:
  • Passive: Master Yi gains 7/9/11/13/15% Attack Damage
  • Active: Master Yi deals 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.1/0.125/0.15/0.175/0.2 total Attack Damage) true damage on hit for 5 seconds. Wuju Style's passive bonus is lost while the skill is on cooldown
  • Mana Cost: 0
  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14
  • Highlander:
  • Passive: When Master Yi kills a champion, the cooldowns on his basic abilities are reduced by 18 seconds (half for assists)
  • Active: Grants Master Yi 30/55/80% Attack Speed and 25/35/45% Movement Speed for 10 seconds. If Master Yi scores a kill or assist while Highlander is active, Highlander's duration is extended by 4 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 100
  • Cooldown: 75
  • Nami:
  • Aqua Prison:
  • Fixed a bug where the stun sometimes lasted longer than intended
  • Poppy:
  • Heroic Charge:
  • Fixed a bug where Poppy would retain her previous move or attack order after charging
  • Fixed a bug that caused Poppy to stutter briefly after charging
  • Ryze:
  • Summary: The ranges of Ryze's spells are being reduced this patch, but his Desperate Power movement speed buff has been increased to compensate.
  • Context: With his spell range and high late game damage, Ryze could effectively nuke back line squishies from distance while still playing the role of “tanky beast” (when built in that way). We wanted to refocus on Ryze's core identity as a mid-range mage, meaning his positioning and proximity to the enemy team is more important than before, while his increased speed should allow him to get up close to priority targets to melt their delicate little faces.
  • Overload:
  • Cast range reduced to 600 from 650
  • Rune Prison:
  • Cast range reduced to 600 from 625
  • Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 80/90/100/110/120
  • Spell Flux:
  • Cast range reduced to 600 from 675
  • Desperate Power:
  • Movement Speed increased to 60/70/80 from 35/45/55
  • Thresh:
  • Summary: Thresh's reduced base health and armor make him more vulnerable at early levels, but collected souls now grant a flat bonus with no diminishing returns.
  • Context: We wanted to make trading in lanes a little riskier for Thresh as he had a lot of crowd control through Death Sentence and Flay. Additionally, collecting souls, while a vital part of early game Thresh play, had the tendency to become negligible late game due to their diminishing returns. Giving souls a flat bonus means Thresh's passive stays relevant throughout the game.
  • General:
  • Base Health reduced to 500 from 541
  • Base Armor reduced to 12 from 18
  • Damnation:
  • Souls now always grant 0.75 Armor and Ability Power instead of starting at 1.0 and granting diminishing returns per soul collected
  • Twisted Fate:
  • Summary: Loaded Dice no longer grants global bonus gold, but instead gives Twisted Fate between 1-6 gold per kill. Pick a Card has been changed, too, giving TF players a smaller window to throw the card after locking it instead of one long window to both lock and throw the card.
  • Context: Loaded Dice was giving Twisted Fate and his team a lot of hidden power without feeling individually impactful. The change fits more thematically with his kit and allows his passive to feel more noticeable by giving TF more gold on average over the course of the match.
  • The Pick a Card changes are intended to introduce more counterplay to the ability, as many players were locking their card within a second or two of shuffling, then sitting on the locked card for the rest of the duration to intimidate opponents. While these changes mean TF players have more time to utilize Pick a Card, they'll have a smaller window to act once they lock in their card.
  • Loaded Dice (Remade):
  • Upon killing a unit, Twisted Fate rolls his dice, gaining anywhere from 1 to 6 bonus Gold. Naturally, Twisted Fate has a higher chance to receive a larger bonus
  • Pick a Card:
  • Now has 8 seconds to lock the card and 4 seconds to throw it instead of 10 seconds to do both
  • Udyr:
  • Spirit Guard Udyr has new death animations
  • Vayne:
  • Condemn:
  • Fixed a bug where the cast range was longer than intended (650 instead of 550)
  • Final Hour:
  • Cooldown increased to 100/85/70 from 70 seconds
  • Warwick:
  • Infinite Duress
  • Fixed a bug where damage would continue to be dealt after being interrupted by enemy champions
  • Zac:
  • Elastic Slingshot:
  • Damage reduced to 80/120/160/200/240 from 80/130/180/230/280
  • General Champion Changes:
  • Champions with dash abilities will no longer be able to activate them while taunted (Jax's Leap Strike, Katarina's Shunpo, and Shen's Shadow Dash)
  • Champions that waste basic attacks or abilities on damage nullifying shields or absorption shields without breaking the shield (Kayle's Intervention, Poppy's Diplomatic Immunity, Morgana's Black Shield, Barrier, etc) will now be properly granted assists if that champion dies within the appropriate time frame
  • Items:
  • Magic Resistance Items:
  • Summary: A new magic resistance item has been added to the game in the form of a mid-level MR item that builds into Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil.
  • Context: We wanted to reposition Magic Resistance as a personal stat as opposed to an aura-focused stat (see below for our Runic Bulwark updates). With these changes we specifically wanted to create more itemization options against sustained magic damage dealers in the mid game as well as create more options for tanks versus late game poke teams.
  • New Item: Spectre's Cowl
  • Recipe: Ruby Crystal + Negatron Cloak + 205 Gold = 1400 total Gold
  • +200 Health
  • +45 Magic Resist
  • UNIQUE Passive: Grants +15 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion
  • Spirit Visage:
  • Recipe Changed: Spectre's Cowl + Kindlegem + 375 Gold = 2625 total Gold, up from 2200
  • Health increased to 400 from 200
  • Magic Resist increased to 55 from 45
  • Now additionally grants +20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • Banshee's Veil:
  • Recipe Changed: Spectre's Cowl + Ruby Crystal + 875 Gold = 2750 total Gold, up from 2520
  • Health increased to 450 from 400
  • Magic Resist increased to 55 from 45
  • Mana reduced to 0 from 300
  • Additional UNIQUE Passive: Grants +45 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion or when the spell shield breaks
  • Guardian Angel:
  • Recipe Changed: Negatron Cloak + Chain Vest + 1310 Gold = 2750 total Gold, up from 2600
  • Magic Resist increased to 40 from 30
  • Runic Bulwark and Locket of the Iron Solari:
  • Summary: Runic Bulwark has been removed from the game. Aegis of the Legion now builds into Locket of the Iron Solari.
  • Context: We wanted to reduce the burden of buying an Aegis/Bulwark every game. By combining Aegis and Locket, we can more clearly push them into their strategic niche of team fight area-effect damage reduction items.
  • Aegis of the Legion:
  • Combine cost reduced to 375 Gold from 625 (total cost reduced to 1900 Gold from 2150)
  • Health reduced to 200 from 250
  • No longer grants self-only Magic Resist
  • UNIQUE Aura – Legion
  • No longer grants Armor
  • Magic Resist increased to 20 from 15
  • No longer grants additional bonuses to minions
  • Runic Bulwark:
  • Removed from the game
  • Locket of the Iron Solari:
  • New build path: Aegis of the Legion + 600 Gold = 2500 Gold
  • +300 Health
  • +20 Armor
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction
  • UNIQUE Active retained
  • Now grants UNIQUE Aura - Legion
  • Blade of the Ruined King:
  • Active Haste/Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
  • Warden's Mail:
  • Passive Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5
  • Cost reduced to 1000 from 1100
  • Randuin's Omen:
  • Passive Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5
  • Cost reduced to 3000 from 3100 (combine cost unchanged)
  • Frozen Heart:
  • Cost reduced to 2900 from 3000 (combine cost unchanged)
  • New Icons:
  • The following items have received new icons
  • Abyssal Scepter
  • Catalyst the Protector
  • Deathfire Grasp
  • Glacial Shroud
  • Haunting Guise
  • Hextech Revolver
  • Thornmail
  • Vampiric Scepter
  • Maps:
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Jungle Monsters:
  • Summary: All camps outside of buff camps will now spawn later in the game. Some experience has been moved back from the Ancient Golem and Lizard Elder to their Young Lizard spawns meaning junglers will have to fully clear the camp in order to hit level 2, and not just kill the buff monster.
  • Context: Our first jungle modifications in 3.8 were not quite enough to enact the changes we wanted, so we're pushing spawn timers even further to finish the job while fixing some other unintended side effects.
  • Junglers could completely cripple their enemy team counterparts – especially early on – without fully committing to confrontation by smiting the buff and escaping, or killing their opponent with the immediate level advantage. We like the importance of aggressive early game invades, but want to make sure there's an appropriate amount of risk involved.
  • Wraiths:
  • Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
  • Wolves:
  • Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
  • Giant Wolf:
  • Base experience granted increased to 170 from 153
  • Golems:
  • Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
  • Big Golem:
  • Base experience granted increased to 160 from 137
  • Ancient Golem:
  • Base experience granted reduced to 260 from 340
  • Base Health reduced to 1400 from 1500
  • Lizard Elder:
  • Base experience granted reduced to 260 from 340
  • Base Health reduced to 1400 from 1500
  • Young Lizard:
  • Base experience granted increased to 50 from 10
  • Base Health increased to 400 from 300
  • Baron Nashor:
  • Summary: Baron Nashor now takes less physical and magical damage from targets affected by Voracious Corrosion (the single target debuff he applies to whoever's tanking him) as opposed to directly reducing Attack Damage.
  • Context: Soloing Baron with sustained magic damage was too easy for a select few champions. This change makes things more consistent overall. A noted side effect is that teams who start fighting Baron will be at less of a disadvantage when engaged upon by the enemy team due to the fact that Voracious Corrosion no longer alters overall attack damage and instead only reduces damage directed at Baron Nashor. We'll continue to monitor this and act if it seems to be a significant problem.
  • Voracious Corrosion:
  • No longer reduces the target's Attack Damage by 50%
  • Now reduces the physical and magic damage the target deals to Nashor by 50%
  • Turrets:
  • Summary: Turrets are now harder to push down within the very early stages of the game. We've also corrected a minor bug that gave purple side inner turrets slightly more armor than intended.
  • Context: Due to the high global value of map objectives and the ease of taking down turrets in the early game with certain compositions, players – particularly in competitive play – have been entirely bypassing the laning phase. Ultimately we didn't want to completely eliminate this strategy but its prevalence was invalidating many champions who have high potential during the laning phase. These changes should introduce more risk into aggressive early-game objective-focused strategies without eliminating its viability completely.
  • For additional context, while the numbers might initially seem high (in particular the Purple Side Inner Turrets having 10 more armor than intended), Turrets begin the game with much more armor relative to champions so these changes are not as significant as they might first seem.
  • Outer turrets now gain 60 bonus Armor at the start of the game, which starts decaying after 4 minutes have passed and finishes decaying 4 minutes later
  • Outer turret base Armor increased to 60 from 54
  • Outer turrets no longer gain Armor over the first 8 minutes of the game
  • Fixed a bug where purple side inner turrets had 10 more Armor than intended
  • Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar:
  • General Changes:
  • Summary: Needlessly Large Rod and Deathfire Grasp have been removed from these map modes, with more mid-level AP items added in, including Liandry's Torment, Seeker's Armguard, and Moonflair Spellblade – a mid-tier defensive AP item. Blackfire Torch now has the same active ability of Deathfire Grasp.
  • Context: This small-scale AP rework is intended to address AP survivability and viability in Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar. Needlessly Large Rod (and, by extension, Deathfire Grasp) have been removed because it was unreasonably difficult to save up for on these maps. The addition of Moonflair Spellblade and Seeker's Armguard should help with early-mid game survivability.
  • Needlessly Large Rod removed
  • Deathfire Grasp removed
  • Liandry's Torment enabled
  • Seeker's Armguard enabled
  • RETURNING ITEM: Moonflair Spellblade (Ranged Only)
  • Recipe: Seeker's Armguard + Negatron Cloak + 420 Gold = 2300 Total Gold
  • +50 Ability Power
  • +50 Armor
  • +50 Magic Resist
  • UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%
  • Blackfire Torch:
  • Reworked: Blasting Wand + Fiendish Codex + 720 Gold = 2400 Total Gold
  • +80 Ability Power
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction
  • UNIQUE Active: Deals 20% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over 6 seconds and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by 20% (60 second cooldown)
  • Wooglet's Witchcap:
  • New Build Path: Seeker's Armguard + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + 1045 Gold = 3500 Total Gold
  • Armor increased to 45 from 40
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Vilemaw now properly selects his melee attack for melee champions with more than 100 range
  • Vilemaw no longer twitches when players leave his lair
  • Lesser Wraith Health now properly scales with time
  • General:
  • Champion Search Tags
  • Summary: Now, champion search tags more accurately represent the team role each champion plays and better explains the recommended play style for a particular champion to new players. In future releases, we'll continue to refine these tags and how they appear in PvP.net. For more information on our changes, read more here.
  • Champions will now be tagged with a single, primary role from the following:
  • ?Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman, Support, Tank
  • You'll see these changes across PvP.net
  • Ready Check:
  • Summary: In order to get players into games faster, those that habitually fail to accept matched games will be temporarily removed from the queue. This should help players with longer queue times in addition to removing some fringe abuse cases.
  • Players that frequently fail a Ready Check will be given time-outs from re-entering the queue to prevent them from lengthening the queue times of other players
  • Normal play patterns (including missing a Ready Check every once in a while) will not trigger this penalty
  • Chat:
  • Fixed a bug where the /mute chat command did not work
  • Fixed a bug where you could not use the /mute @ChampionName chat command unless the target was on your friends list

New in League of Legends Client 3.9 (Jul 10, 2013)

  • Champions:
  • Brand:
  • Pillar of Flame:
  • Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
  • Conflagration:
  • Mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
  • Pyroclasm:
  • Mana cost reduced to 100/100/100 from 100/150/200
  • Corki:
  • A common Corki complaint is that he feels extremely mana constrained by the cost of Phosphorus Bomb. However, after looking at his abilities, Phosphorus Bomb needs to be expensive to balance out its lack of counterplay. So we instead reduced the cost on some of his other spells to make mana less of a constraint overall.
  • Valkyrie:
  • Mana cost reduced to 50 from 100
  • Missile Barrage:
  • Mana cost reduced to 20 from 30/35/40
  • Draven:
  • We lowered the early game damage output Draven got from his passive since it wasn't adding much in terms of satisfying gameplay. Unfortunately, to get the numbers right, we realized we would need to reduce his passive damage to a point where it would be even less satisfying. We instead opted to rework Draven's passive altogether into something that reinforces his current gameplay, something so… Draven… even his opponents will feel begrudged to applaud: Welcome… to the League of Draven.
  • League of Draven (New Passive):
  • When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, or kills a minion or monster, he gains one stack of Adoration. When Draven kills an enemy champion, he consumes half of his Adoration stacks and gains 3 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses half of his Adoration stacks upon death.
  • Evelynn:
  • Agony's Embrace:
  • Fixed a bug where the Sated buff and visual effect appeared when Evelynn hit only spell-shielded targets (visual change only)
  • Hecarim:
  • Rampage:
  • Mana cost increased to 24/28/32/36/40 from 25
  • Janna:
  • Monsoon:
  • Fixed a bug where the buff icon countdown didn't properly match the 4-second channeling time
  • Jayce:
  • By increasing the cooldown on Jayce's Acceleration Gate, we can keep his Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate combo impactful while toning down his poke and disengage potential. In addition, since later in the game not every Shock Blast will be accelerated, we've increased the base speed of the ability to make it better as a standalone skillshot.
  • Shock Blast:
  • Basic missile speed increased to 1450 from 1350 (Accelerated Shock Blast missile speed remains the same)
  • Acceleration Gate:
  • Cooldown increased to 16 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10
  • Kayle:
  • Righteous Fury
  • AoE effect no longer affects towers
  • Kennen:
  • Yordle-made shurikens seemed a little too sharp and pointy, so we've tuned down some of Kennen's early game lane harass given how much teamfight potential he has.
  • Base Attack Damage at level 1 reduced to 50.5 from 54.6
  • Mark of the Storm:
  • Mark duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8
  • LeBlanc:
  • LeBlanc's Mimic was less a decision point and more of a tool to one-shot someone with Sigil of Silence. These changes aim to make Mimic equally interesting with other skills. For one, Mimicked abilities will now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell. This means players will be able to use Mimic in more creative ways at level 6, rather than saving it for Sigil of Silence. Additionally, Sigil of Silence will now deal less damage up front but more damage on detonation in order to better promote LeBlanc's multi-skill interaction.
  • Mirror Image:
  • The Mirror Image will now attempt to run instead of standing still
  • Sigil of Silence:
  • Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90
  • Damage changed to 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.4 Ability Power) for both initial impact damage and mark detonation damage
  • ?Impact damage was 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.6 Ability Power)
  • ?Mark damage was 20/40/60/80/100 (+0.3 Ability Power)
  • Silence duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
  • Distortion:
  • Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
  • Mana cost increased to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80
  • Fixed a bug where Distortion was visible in the fog of war
  • Ethereal Chains:
  • Slow duration (and time until root) reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
  • Root duration changed to 1.5 seconds from 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2
  • Cooldown increased to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 10
  • Mimic:
  • Mana cost reduced to 0 from 100/50/0
  • All mimicked abilities now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell's damage
  • Mimic: Sigil of Silence:
  • Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the mark is detonated
  • Mimic: Distortion:
  • Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
  • Now deals 150/300/450 (+0.975 Ability Power) damage on impact
  • Mimic: Ethereal Chains:
  • Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the target is rooted
  • Malzahar:
  • Call of the Void:
  • Now correctly grants vision on the entire line path
  • Damaged targets will now always become visible
  • Malefic Visions:
  • Will now jump when active on a zombified champion (i.e. Karthus, Kog'Maw, Zyra, etc.)
  • Master Yi:
  • Double Strike:
  • Fixed a bug where Guinsoo's Rageblade wasn't properly giving 2 stacks
  • Morgana:
  • Dark Binding:
  • Fixed a bug where Dark Binding wasn't properly snaring stealthed Champions
  • Nasus:
  • Siphoning Strike:
  • Bonus damage now displayed as a buff on Nasus
  • Nautilus:
  • Dredge Line:
  • No longer travels through some walls
  • Nunu:
  • We've reduced the overall damage of Consume to prevent it from outsmiting Smite at rank one.
  • Health per level reduced to 96 from 108
  • Consume:
  • Damage reduced to 500/625/750/875/1000 from 600/700/800/900/1000
  • Orianna:
  • Command: Protect
  • Orianna now gains a passive range indicator that shows the range at which The Ball will return to her when attached to an allied Champion.
  • Pantheon:
  • Spear Shot:
  • Fixed a bug where Spear Shot was not scaling with bonus Critical Strike damage when hitting an enemy below 15% Health
  • Riven:
  • Broken Wings:
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to chain more than 3 strikes
  • Shen:
  • Ki Strike:
  • Fixed a bug where the visual effect wasn't properly appearing at the start of the game
  • Shyvana:
  • We're repositioning Flame Breath as a core tool for objective control and faster jungle clear, while also emphasizing its use as a “burn down” ability to be followed up with auto attacks against tankier fighters. We've also fixed a long-standing bug with Shyvana's Burnout where it wasn't scaling with attack damage while in Dragon form. This fix - along with her increased fury gains and reduced fury decay – will help her in late game teamfights. Lastly, we've moved the descriptions of her previous passive effects to their new ability tooltips to help centralize information.
  • Fury of the Dragonborn - Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects have been moved to their respective abilities.
  • Dragonborn - Gains 5/10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.
  • Flame Breath:
  • No longer reduces Armor by 15%
  • Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
  • Debuff duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
  • Damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/125/170/215/260
  • On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to 2% of the target's maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage (12/18.75/25.5/32.25/39 + 0.09 Ability Power).
  • Burnout:
  • Fixed a bug where Burnout wasn't scaling with attack damage when Shyvana was in Dragon form
  • Dragon's Descent:
  • Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
  • Passive Fury Gain increased to 1/2/3 per 1.5 seconds from 1/1/1
  • Fury decay while in Dragon Form reduced to 5 per second from 6 per second
  • Thresh:
  • After initially using Death Sentence the tooltip will now describe his Death Leap ability
  • Twitch:
  • Ambush:
  • Fixed a bug where Twitch could revive in stealth when Guardian Angel or Chrono Shift was active on him
  • Vayne:
  • Final Hour:
  • Stealth from Final Hour will now properly be broken upon launching a basic attack
  • Zac:
  • Elastic Slingshot:
  • Fixed a bug where aiming could preemptively break the targets' spell shields
  • Ziggs:
  • We wanted to make it easier and more rewarding for Ziggs to use Satchel Charge offensively, whether by detonating it immediately or leaving it as a threat on the battlefield to zone opponents. We also wanted to make Satchel Charge noticeably easier to use for players with moderate to high latency.
  • Satchel Charge:
  • Can now be reactivated while in flight, causing the Satchel Charge to detonate on landing
  • Missile speed increased to 1750 from 1600
  • Increased knockback distance to 400 from 350
  • Cooldown now starts when Satchel Charge is cast, not when it detonates
  • General Champion Notes:
  • By constantly shifting between forms as they move about the map, certain champions have been artificially accelerating their access to fully stacked Tear items (Muramana and Seraph's Embrace) without using their mana.
  • The following abilities no longer count as a spellcast for the sake of items like Tear of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.
  • Elise's Spider Form / Human Form
  • Nidalee's Aspect of the Cougar
  • Jayce's Transform: Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon
  • We've normalized the hit delay on a few spells that had slight discrepancies between when the spell was cast and when it would take effect.
  • The following abilities have had their hit delay normalized:
  • Brand's Pillar of Flame hit delay normalized to 0.625 secondsLeona's Solar Flare hit delay normalized to 0.625 seconds
  • Swain's Nevermove hit delay normalized to 0.875 seconds
  • Veigar's Dark Matter hit delay normalized to 1.25 seconds
  • Exhaust:
  • When used on a CC immune champion, it will only display "Can't be slowed"
  • Disconnection:
  • Summoners that disconnect while CCed will now properly run back to base
  • Items:
  • In order to alleviate some of the gold pressure on supports as they push for vision dominance, we've made some changes to how the Oracle's buff works as well reworked the rewards for killing wards. First off, Oracle's Elixir no longer expires upon death, meaning players can be more aggressive with Oracle's, rather than just passively clear warded areas they know to be safe. Secondly, the gold from destroying a ward is now distributed between both the player who kills the ward AND the player who, whether through Oracle's or placing Vision wards, granted vision on that ward.
  • Wards:
  • Vision and Sight Ward are now worth 30 gold, up from 25
  • Wriggle's Lantern Ward is now worth 20 gold, up from 15
  • The reward structure for killing wards has been changed to the following:
  • ?The killer of the ward gains 50% of the ward's base gold value
  • ?Nearby allied champions with Oracle's Elixir, or allied champions that placed Vision Wards nearby, split 50% of the ward's base gold value
  • Sightstone and Ruby Sightstone now display the number of placed Ghost Wards in their inventory tooltips
  • Oracle's Elixir:
  • No longer expires on death
  • Duration reduced to 4 minutes from 5
  • Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
  • Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player
  • Oracle's Extract:
  • Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
  • Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player
  • Tear of the Goddess and Manamune were stacking up far too quickly given their low cost, so we've increased the cooldown per charge. On the other hand, Archangel's Staff is a top tier item and requires a higher gold investment, so we wanted to reward players who choose to invest in charging their Archangel's Staff faster.
  • Tear of the Goddess:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
  • Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
  • Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality
  • Manamune:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
  • Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
  • Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality
  • Archangel's Staff:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
  • Mana gained increased to 8 from 6
  • Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
  • Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality
  • Previously, champions whose attacks applied a secondary source of physical damage (we're looking at you Jarvan), could unintentionally gain additional stacks of Black Cleaver's shred with one hit. Characters like Shyvana or Renekton that can apply multiple basic attacks at the same time will still stack up shreds as normal.
  • Black Cleaver:
  • Can no longer apply more than one stack of Armor Shred in a single basic attack
  • We've made Maw of Malmortius' passive bonus easier to understand at a glance. Now Maw will grant its maximum AD when the shield procs, so players will know exactly when they're at peak power.
  • Maw of Malmortius:
  • Attack Damage increased to 60 from 55
  • Magic Resist increased to 40 from 36
  • Passive now grants 1 Attack Damage for every 2% of missing Health, up from 2.5%
  • Passive now capped at 35 Attack Damage, down from 40
  • Fixed a bug where the cooldown was not properly resetting when upgrading from a Hexdrinker on cooldown
  • Wooglet's Witchcap:
  • Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active
  • Zhonya's Hourglass:
  • Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active
  • Maps:
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • We've made some changes to death streaks in order to address strategies where repeatedly dying to lower your kill bounty could be used to gain an advantage. We know this may affect games where people are not intentionally dying, and we'll continue to monitor this.
  • Death Streak gold values have been reworked to be in line with pre-Season 3 values.
  • Examples:
  • A player killed three times in a row without resetting is now worth 220 gold (previously 182 gold)
  • A player killed six times in a row without resetting is now worth 112 gold (previously 62 gold)
  • Minimum kill value of a champion increased to 50 gold (previously 15 gold)
  • With Patch 3.9, we are setting a new precedent by making separate, map-specific balance changes to certain champions. The intent is not to reach a balancing cadence similar to Summoner's Rift, but to address some egregious balance outliers to improve the overall player experience. In this patch we're toning down Kassadin on Crystal Scar and Singed on Twisted Treeline. If this approach proves successful we'll follow suit with additional tweaks where necessary.
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • Singed:
  • Armor per level reduced to 2 from 3.5 on Twisted Treeline
  • Insanity Potion cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 100 on Twisted Treeline
  • Crystal Scar:
  • Kassadin:
  • Riftwalk cooldown increased to 9/8/7 seconds from 7/6/5 on Crystal Scar
  • Riftwalk range reduced to 600 from 700 on Crystal Scar
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Added new item: Orb of Winter
  • Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + Negatron Cloak
  • Total Gold Cost: 2080 (combine cost: 1180)
  • +70 Magic Resist
  • +20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
  • Unique Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs damage. The shield will refresh after a short period without taking damage.
  • Game InterfaceFixed a long-standing bug where Attack-Move and Move commands could trigger while typing in chat
  • Fixed a keybinding issue where some modifier keys could not be used with certain keys and mouse buttons
  • Significantly improved performance when purchasing item upgrades
  • League SystemAdded the ability to spectate players and teams in challenger tier via an option in the leagues menu
  • When viewing teams in the Leagues tab, clicking on a team will now show a list of the team's top players
  • General:
  • We worked with the Player Behavior team on a smaller change to remove all latency (ping) displays except your own. After looking closely at the data, it seems that showing pings during loading can add toxicity to games before they even begin. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that removing the ping display on champion load screens would lead to a healthier community overall, so we acted on it.
  • The load screen now includes Summoner Icons
  • The progress bar has been removed due to space constraints
  • The ping of other Summoners has been removed
  • The rune page has been significantly reworked to provide a more responsive experience:
  • Filtering out all runes of a given type (such as Marks or Seals) will cause it to turn grey, indicating that it's empty
  • Reverting the changes in the runebook no longer changes which is being edited
  • It's now possible to open more than one rune type at a time in the rune inventory
  • Right clicking or double clicking to rapidly add runes doesn't require waiting for the animation to complete
  • Shifted the rune slots slightly to reduce certain gaps
  • The scrollbars have been made more responsive and easier to click
  • The dividers between effects in the stats pane now scale down when the scrollbar appears
  • Dragging a rune into place no longer highlights slots near the drop target
  • Rune combiner animations are simpler and less CPU intensive
  • Rune combiner filters are now more consistent with rune page filters
  • When Smart Cast Range Indicators are enabled, the keybinding for Self Cast Spell (ALT by default) will activate the ability immediately on key press, rather than on key release. This matches the behavior of abilities which are innately self-cast, such as Sivir’s Spell Shield.
  • Added tooltips and visual indicators in the client to more clearly convey which game modes, maps, and types are locked for new and low level players
  • PVP.net will now automatically scale itself down to 1150x720 or 1024x640, whichever is most appropriate. The most common desktop resolutions that will see their experience impacted are:
  • 1366x768
  • 1280x768
  • 1280x700
  • 1182x864
  • Logitech hardware support can now be disabled by adding "LogitechSupport=0" to the "General" section in your game.cfg

New in League of Legends Client 3.8 (Jun 17, 2013)

  • Champions:
  • Aatrox:
  • Aatrox, the Darkin Blade is in this build but will be turned on at a later date.
  • Annie:
  • We’ve made some changes to Tibbers to make him a tankier and more threatening presence in late game team fights beyond his initial burst damage.
  • Summon: Tibbers:
  • Tibbers’ Health increased to 1200/2100/3000 from 1200/1600/2000
  • Tibbers’ Magic Resist increased to 30/50/70 from 25/45/65
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 125/175/225
  • Ashe:
  • This change allows Ashe players to use her passive in more strategic ways beyond a level one poke or incidental crit.
  • Focus:
  • Ashe now gains 3/4/5/6 Focus stacks every second while not attacking instead of gaining Critical Strike Chance
  • Ashe will critically strike on her next basic attack when she reaches 100 Focus stacks
  • Initial Focus stacks are equal to Ashe's Critical Strike Chance
  • Corki:
  • Missile Barrage:
  • Fixed a bug where Missile Barrage would sometimes fail to deal damage
  • Hecarim:
  • As a strong sustain fighter, Hecarim was blowing up squishy targets with Onslaught of Shadows’ high damage and on-impact fear. To balance the ability out, we’ve taken away the landing damage and shifted it to the riders that travel with Hecarim.
  • The Devastating Charge buff should let Hecarim jump over small walls and ledges to his opponents when he dashes to them. Keep in mind that when we say small ledges, there are only a few in the game like the river ramp ledges and very thin jungle walls.
  • Devastating Charge:
  • If Hecarim's target is beyond narrow terrain, Hecarim will now leap over the terrain to the target
  • Onslaught of Shadows:
  • No longer deals damage at the end location
  • Rider damage increased to 150/250/350 (+1.0 Ability Power) from 100/200/300 (+0.4 Ability Power)
  • Karma:
  • Focused Resolve was impractical because whenever players wanted to use it, they needed the healing up front, not over time. This change still emphasizes the “leash break” gameplay, but now appropriately rewards Karma for using Mantra on her W and keeping her enemies close.
  • Inner Flame:
  • Mana Cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70
  • Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230
  • Focused Resolve:
  • Now correctly gives vision of the unit while rooted
  • Mantra Bonus - Renewal?No longer heals over time for 25% Missing Health
  • ?Now heals Karma for 20% (+1% per 100 Ability Power) of missing Health immediately upon casting and another 20% (+1% per 100 Ability Power) of missing Health if the leash is not broken
  • Inspire:
  • Mantra Bonus - Defiance?Fixed a bug where Defiance's mini-shields weren't applying the Ability Power ratio
  • Kha'Zix:
  • The changes to Kha’Zix are ultimately about giving him more viable choices when picking evolutions. Evolving Void Spikes granted such huge damage, high poke, and great utility that it was crowding out his other evolutions. Now Void Spikes gets a slow as part of the base skill, so its utility is there even at level one. Taste Their Fear’s evolution was previously reliant on having targets isolated. Now it works whether they are isolated or not, but does more damage against isolated targets, making it a more reliable choice. We also increased Void Assault’s damage reduction while in stealth to make it a slightly more enticing choice and to remind players of its additional utility.
  • Taste Their Fear:
  • Isolation bonus now increases damage by 45%
  • Evolution adds 8% missing Health damage (Can be further increased by Isolation)
  • Void Spikes:
  • Now slows targets hit by 20% for 2 seconds
  • Mana cost reduced to 55/60/65/70/75 from 60/70/80/90/100
  • Bonus Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.9
  • Evolution no longer consumes passive to apply effects--instead triples shot
  • Can no longer be cast during Leap
  • Void Assault:
  • Damage reduction while in stealth increased to 50% from 40%
  • Kog'Maw:
  • Void Ooze:
  • Fixed a bug where the slow wasn't reduced by tenacity
  • Lissandra:
  • For a control mage with the kit she has, Lissandra was throwing out a lot of front-loaded damage. The intention of these changes was not only to lower her damage, but to also better highlight her in-fight control as her core strength.
  • Ring of Frost:
  • Cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 18/16/14/12/10
  • Mana cost reduced to 50 from 70
  • Fixed a bug where the root failed to apply if Lissandra died
  • Glacial Path:
  • Cooldown now begins upon initial cast rather than upon recativation or at the end of the missile
  • Frozen Tomb:
  • Self-cast duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.5
  • Slow increased to 20/30/40% from 20/20/20%
  • Damage reduced to 150/250/350 from 150/300/450
  • Nautilus:
  • If Nautilus gets ahead in levels, he ends up with both high damage and high tankiness when leveling Titan’s Wrath first. As a strong initiator tank with high crowd control, we’ve reduced some of that mid-game damage output so he’s less overwhelming when he snowballs.
  • Titan's Wrath:
  • Damage changed to 40/55/70/85/100 from 30/55/80/105/130
  • Fixed a bug where the Ability Power ratio on hits was lower than intended
  • Poppy:
  • Heroic Charge:
  • Spell has been refactored to better detect terrain
  • Sejuani:
  • Sejuani’s rework left her incredibly powerful in terms of overall damage and crowd control potential. We’ve tuned back some of those strengths to bring her more in line with other initiator tanks.
  • Northern Winds:
  • Bonus maximum Health ratio reduced to 10% from 16%
  • Permafrost:
  • Reduced slow duration to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3
  • Glacial Prison:
  • Reduced stun and slow duration to 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds from 1.5/1.75/2
  • Sona:
  • Sona is a consistently strong support, so after we fixed a long-standing bug with Power Chord: Diminuendo we felt she would be a dominant pick without additional balancing. On that note, we’ve reverted some of our older changes to Sona. These changes are designed to maintain her parity with other supports by lowering her early game burst and her late game durability while making her a little more forgiving in the early game.
  • Base Health increased to 450 from 410
  • Base Armor increased to 11.3 from 9.3
  • Power Chord:
  • Base Power Chord damage changed to 13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192 from 8 + (10 x level)
  • Aria of Perseverance:
  • Fixed a bug where Aria of Perseverance's Power Chord: Diminuendo was not decreasing damage dealt
  • Lowered the duration of Aria of Perseverance's Power Chord: Diminuendo to 3 seconds from 4
  • Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to self and healed ally reduced to 6/7/8/9/10 from 8/11/14/17/20
  • Changed aura bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to 6/7/8/9/10 from 3/6/9/12/15
  • Thresh:
  • Death Sentence:
  • Fixed a bug where Thresh could cast Flash while casting Death Sentence
  • Varus:
  • Piercing Arrow:
  • Fixed a bug where casting Piercing Arrow while targeting an enemy would cause Varus to stop moving
  • Vi:
  • Blast Shield:
  • Fixed a bug where Blast Shield's cooldown at higher levels was 1 second longer than intended
  • Vault Breaker:
  • Fixed a bug where casting Vault Breaker while targeting an enemy would cause Vi to stop moving.
  • General Champion Notes:
  • Targeted wall-jump abilities now check both sides of the wall for the closest location of the cursor, so players don't fail-jump into a wall, when the other side was clearly in range.
  • We've added new targeting indicators to show how far the target is knocked back for the following abilities:?Alistar's Headbutt
  • Lee Sin's Dragon's Rage
  • Poppy's Heroic Charge
  • Vayne's Condemn
  • We've improved consistency for abilities that behaved inconsistently when the targeted enemy uses Flash. We’re cleaning up these interactions so that either the ability won’t cast or Flash won’t be used up (it will be one or the other, never both).?Jayce's Thundering Blow
  • Singed's Fling
  • Skarner's Impale
  • Volibear's Rolling Thunder
  • Changes to Slow Zones:
  • All slow zones now update on a quarter-second interval, meaning when you move out of a slow field, the slow will wear off almost immediately unless you’re hit by an ability that applies an individual slow (like Kog’Maw’s Void Ooze). What this means: your champion's movement speed will be restored more quickly when leaving a slow field, but the slow within the fields have not been changed.
  • This change should make interacting with slow zones more intuitive while rewarding players who react quickly (as stepping out of a slow field will reward you faster). This is a small nerf to most of the champions affected, but we will be closely monitoring champions affected by these changes.
  • The following abilities have had their slow refresh rate reduced to 0.25 seconds:?Singed's Mega Adhesive
  • Lux's Lucent Singularity
  • Gangplank's Cannon Barrage
  • Lulu's Wild Growth
  • Miss Fortune's Make It Rain
  • Trundle's Pillar of Ice
  • Varus' Hail of Arrows
  • Viktor's Gravity Field
  • Vladimir's Sanguine Pool
  • Lux's Lucent Singularity also applies a 0.25 second slow to targets hit by the detonation
  • Kog'Maw's Void Ooze missile also applies a 1 second slow to targets struck
  • Items:
  • We’ve lowered the price on a number of starting items to give players more options with consumables and general builds.
  • Boots of Speed:
  • Cost reduced to 325 from 350
  • Items that build out of Boots of Speed have had their recipe costs increased by 25
  • Doran's Ring:
  • Cost reduced to 400 from 475
  • Health reduced to 60 from 80
  • Mana restore on kill reduced to 4 from 5
  • Doran's Shield:
  • Cost reduced to 440 from 475
  • Armor reduced to 0 from 5
  • Health Regen increased to 10 from 8
  • UNIQUE Passive now blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks from 6
  • We’ve removed the randomness on Madred's and Wriggle's to increase consistency while allowing players to plan out their jungle routes better. Wriggle’s wasn’t very enticing so we’ve tuned up its stats to be worthy of a slot later in the game for those who can take advantage of it.
  • All instances of Rend as a passive have been changed to Maim
  • Maim is now the passive that refers to dealing bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
  • Butcher is the passive that refers to dealing percent bonus damage to monsters from all sources
  • Hunter's Machete:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Rend changed to UNIQUE Passive - Maim?Now deals 10 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
  • Spirit Stone:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Rend changed to UNIQUE Passive - Maim
  • Now deals 10 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
  • Madred's Razors:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Maim?Now deals 60 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
  • No longer deals bonus damage to minions
  • Wriggle's Lantern:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Maim?Now deals 100 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
  • No longer deals bonus damage to minions
  • UNIQUE Active?Ward duration reduced to 90 seconds from 180
  • Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds from 180
  • Attack Damage increased to 25 from 15
  • Life Steal increased to 15% from 10%
  • Armor reduced to 25 from 30
  • Combine cost increased to 500 gold from 100 (total cost increased to 2000 gold from 1600)
  • A few patches back we buffed a number of jungle items to make them more enticing for junglers. The changes, however, made these items so efficient that even lane champions were buying them with no regard for the Butcher passive. We still want lane champions to consider these in strategies that center on poaching jungle camps or helping with map objectives, but we ultimately want these to feel like the optimal choice for junglers first.
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem:
  • UNIQUE Passive - Butcher?Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard:
  • Attack Damage reduced to 35 from 45
  • UNIQUE Passive - Butcher?Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%
  • Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • Ability Power reduced to 40 from 50
  • UNIQUE Passive - Butcher-Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%
  • We've moved Malady's passives to the two other Attack Speed on-hit items to further solidify Nashor's Tooth's niche role as an Ability Power focused auto-attacker item, while moving the magic shred onto Wit's End to better synergize with magic damage based fighters (Sunfire Cape combines quite well with Wit’s End even for champions that don’t deal magic damage). Malady has been removed as it has been a poor fit in the current space that it was in.
  • Recurve Bow:
  • Cost reduced to 900 gold from 950
  • Malady:
  • Removed from the game
  • Nashor's Tooth:
  • Combine cost increased to 920 from 500
  • Ability Power reduced to 60 from 65
  • Additional Passive - Basic attacks deal 15 (+15% of Ability Power) as bonus magic damage on hit
  • Wit's End:
  • New Recipe: Recurve Bow + Null Magic Mantle + Dagger + 700 gold = 2400 gold
  • Attack Speed increased to 42% from 40%
  • Revised Passive - Basic attacks steal 5 Magic Resist from the target, stacks up to 5 times
  • Maps:
  • Summoner's Rift:
  • We’ve increased the initial spawn times of jungle creeps to get rid of the frustrating experience advantage players could get by killing certain jungle camps before laning phase. This was a much requested change from a lot of pro teams around the world, as the only real counter was to switch lanes or to try to prevent it altogether.
  • The other changes are to reassure junglers since they won’t be able to start wolves or wraiths before heading to their buffs. Faster spawns will also help some champions who have exceptionally high clear times and want to just stay in the jungle. Overall, this will be a buff for junglers across the board as we’ve opened up additional jungle route options for them.
  • On that note, junglers traditionally have high impact in the early game, so there is some concern that these changes may be making them too strong in that area. We will be closely monitoring the situation to see if we need to balance further.
  • Jungle-Wolves-Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
  • Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
  • Wraiths-Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
  • Golems-Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
  • Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
  • Ancient Golem-Base Experience granted increased to 340 from 220
  • Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to
  • Lizard Elder-Base Experience granted increased to 340 from 220
  • Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to
  • Young Lizard-Base Experience granted reduced to 10 from 40
  • Twisted Treeline:
  • Enabled several items?Hunter's Machete
  • Spirit Stone
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • Crystal Scar:
  • Added Dominion variants of several items?Tear of the Goddess (Crystal Scar)?Mana per charge increased to 5 from 4
  • Manamune (Crystal Scar)-Mana per charge increased to 8 from 4
  • Archangel's Staff (Crystal Scar)-Mana per charge increased to 10 from 6
  • Rod of Ages (Crystal Scar)-Now gains stacks every 40 seconds, down from 60 seconds
  • Howling Abyss:
  • Enabled several items?Hunter's Machete
  • Spirit Stone
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • Shop close distance is now calculated from the spawn, not the shop
  • Shop close distance increased to 1600 from 1400
  • Fixed a bug causing players to become stuck if they wiggled behind blue laser turret
  • Poros have gone through an 80s action movie training montage and now have some resistance to lasers
  • Game Interface:
  • Minimap & HUD:
  • The Player's nameplate will now always be drawn last, causing it to always appear over ally and enemy health plates.
  • Item Shop:
  • The search terms "Spooky Ghosts", "Bork", "Botrk", "AA", "NLR", "SOTO", "SOTD", "dshield", "dblade", and "dring" have been added to the in-game item shop.
  • Custom Item Sets:
  • Item sets will no longer be lost when a player changes their Summoner name.
  • Game Menus:
  • The Key Binding page has been reorganized to be easier to use
  • Gifting Animation:
  • Gifting animation has been updated
  • Custom Game Mini-maps:
  • Custom Game Mini maps updated to include unique mini maps for each map
  • League SystemAdded notifications to inform players when they are close to hitting LP decay for inactivity in ranked queues.
  • Player Behavior:
  • Behavior Alerts:
  • The PVP.net client will display new warning alerts for players with spikes of negative activity, in order to help course-correct them as soon as possible with quick and direct feedback.
  • Players with recently detected unsportsmanlike behavior will see a warning after the End of Game screen.
  • Alerts will not follow every player report; alerts are targeted toward players that exhibit uncharacteristic spikes of highly negative behavior.
  • GeneralThe Loading Screen no longer appears off-center in your monitor after Champ Select, when in Borderless or Windowed mode.
  • Included a possible fix for an issue that would cause LoL to open in the bottom right of the screen on computers under heavy load
  • Logitech monochrome keyboards should no longer clear their display when the last two heads-up buttons are pressed.
  • Logitech keyboards should no longer change their brightness when your champion is dead.

New in League of Legends Client 3.7 (May 16, 2013)

  • Akali:
  • Twilight Shroud:
  • Now grants vision in the area of effect
  • Shadow Dance:
  • Essence of Shadow charge time reduced to 30/22.5/15 seconds from 35/25/15
  • Caitlyn:
  • Base attack speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.668
  • Attack speed per level increased to 4% from 3%
  • Headshot:
  • No longer gains stacks when attacking structures
  • Cassiopeia:
  • Twin Fang:
  • Now counts as a single target spell for the sake of items like Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
  • Diana:
  • Moonsilver Blade:
  • Damage reduced to 20/25/30/35/40/50/60/70/80/90/105/120/135/155/175/200/225/250 (+0.6 Ability Power) from 20/25/30/40/50/65/80/95/110/125/140/155/175/195/215/240/265/290 (+0.6 Ability Power)
  • Range of the cleave behind Diana reduced
  • Pale Cascade:
  • Total damage changed to 66/102/138/174/210 from 60/105/150/195/240
  • Shield reduced to 40/55/70/85/100 (+0.3 Ability Power) from 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.45 Ability Power)
  • The second application of the shield now stacks with the first shield instead of replacing it
  • Elise:
  • Skittering Frenzy:
  • Ability Power ratio increased to 0.04 from 0.02
  • Spider Form:
  • No longer grants bonus Armor and Magic Resist
  • Jarvan IV:
  • Demacian Standard:
  • Vision radius of the Standard reduced to 700 from 850
  • Karma:
  • Inner Flame:
  • Mantra Bonus – Soulflare
  • Slow area now spawns directly under the primary target
  • Miss Fortune:
  • Impure Shots:
  • Passive
  • Max stacks increased to 5 from 4
  • Damage per stack reduced to 4/6/8/10/12 from 6/8/10/12/14
  • Mordekaiser:
  • Recommend items updated
  • Nami:
  • Basic Attack Missile Speed increased to 1500 from 1350
  • Surging Tides:
  • Bonus Movement Speed increased to 40 from 30
  • Aqua Prison:
  • Stun duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1.25
  • Nunu:
  • Consume:
  • Damage increased to 600/700/800/900/1000 from 500/600/700/800/900
  • Healing reduced to 90/130/170/210/250 from 125/180/235/290/345
  • Healing ratio reduced to 0.75 from 1.0
  • Consume now grants bonuses for 120/150/180/210/240 seconds based on the type of monster consume was used on:
  • Golem-type monsters grant 10% increased size and maximum Health
  • Lizard-type monsters grant Nunu’s attacks and spells additional magic damage equal to 1% of Nunu’s maximum Health
  • Wraith or Wolf-type monsters grant 15% movement speed for 3 seconds after Nunu kills a unit
  • Quinn:
  • Vault:
  • Fixed a bug where Vault failed to interrupt targets that were immune to slows
  • Rammus:
  • Puncturing Taunt:
  • Can no longer target minions
  • Rumble:
  • Flamespitter:
  • Damage decreased to 75/135/195/255/315 (+1.0 Ability Power) from 90/160/230/300/370 (+1.35 Ability Power)
  • Danger Zone damage bonus increased to 50% from 25%
  • Electro-Harpoon:
  • Damage decreased to 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4 Ability Power) from 55/85/115/145/175 (+0.5 Ability Power)
  • Syndra:
  • Scatter the Weak:
  • Improved detection of Dark Spheres at longer ranges
  • Twisted Fate:
  • Pick a Card:
  • Blue card now restores 50/75/100/125/150 Mana instead of 26/39/52/65/78 (+0.6 total Attack Damage)
  • Stacked Deck:
  • No longer grants Cooldown Reduction
  • Bonus Attack Speed increased to 10/15/20/25/30% from 3/6/9/12/15%
  • Destiny:
  • Cooldown increased to 180/150/120 seconds from 150/135/120
  • Tooltips updated
  • Udyr:
  • Tiger Stance:
  • Fixed a bug that caused Tiger Strike to only apply in the first 5 seconds of the stance
  • Varus:
  • Base Movement Speed reduced to 330 from 335
  • Piercing Arrow:
  • Minimum damage increased to 10/47/83/120/157 from 10/43/77/110/143
  • Maximum damage increased to 15/70/125/180/235 from 15/65/115/165/215
  • Improved hit detection at the end of the missile
  • Hail of Arrows:
  • Damage reduced to 65/100/135/170/205 from 65/105/145/185/225
  • Chain of Corruption
  • Improved hit detection at the end of the missile
  • Warwick:
  • Infinite Duress:
  • Channel time reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.1 (the target is still suppressed for the full 1.8 seconds)
  • Infinite Duress now always places Warwick in front of the target rather than a random spot around the target
  • Zac:
  • Base Health Regen reduced to 7.0 from 12.5
  • Let’s Bounce!
  • Damage reduced to 140/210/280 from 160/240/320
  • Fixed a bug where Let’s Bounce! was applying a 0.25 Ability Power ratio on every bounce rather than 0.4 on the first bounce, halved on subsequent bounces
  • Tenacity reduced to 50% from 75%
  • Zed:
  • Razor Shuriken:
  • Damage dealt to secondary targets reduced to 45/69/93/117/141 (+0.6 bonus Attack Damage) from 60/92/124/156/188 (+0.8 bonus Attack Damage)
  • Living Shadow:
  • Vision radius of the Shadow reduced to 700 from 1300
  • Shadow Slash:
  • Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3
  • Zyra:
  • Thorn Spitter and Vine Lasher plants now correctly display their bonus damage from Ability Power
  • Thorn Spitter and Vine Lasher plants now benefit from Banner of Command’s minion damage aura
  • Items:
  • Mana Manipulator:
  • Recipe changed: Faerie Charm + 120 gold = 300 total gold
  • Mana Warp Passive Aura reduced to 5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 6
  • Mikael’s Crucible:
  • Recipe changed: Philosopher’s Stone + Chalice of Harmony + 920 gold = 2500 total cost
  • Grants 7 Health Regen per 5 seconds from 0
  • Grants 18 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 9
  • No longer grants Mana
  • Active Heal changed to “Heals for 150 + 10% of the target’s Maximum Health” from “Heals for 150 + 15% of the target’s Missing Health”, Cleanse effect unchanged
  • Active travel time changed to 0.2 seconds from variable with distance
  • Fixed an issue with the hit effect particle
  • Shard of True Ice:
  • Total cost reduced to 1600 gold from 1700
  • Mana Warp Passive Aura reduced to 5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 6
  • Summoner’s Rift:
  • Caster Minions:
  • Base Attack Damage reduced to 23 from 25
  • Howling Abyss:
  • High Winds duration and intervals tweaked to match the pace of the music
  • Statue destruction algorithms tweaked to become more consistent throughout the match
  • Game Interface:
  • Loss of Control UI:
  • Loss of control indicators now appear underneath a player’s nameplate when the player’s champion is afflicted by a crowd control effect
  • A unique icon is displayed for each type of effect, and a shrinking progress bar indicates time remaining on the effect
  • When multiple, unique crowd control effects are active:
  • An additional icon is displayed for each unique effect type
  • The progress bar represents whichever effect has the longest remaining duration
  • Icons are removed as their associated effect type becomes inactive
  • Indicators are visible to the afflicted player, that player’s team and the player who inflicted the crowd control effect
  • Co-op vs. AI:
  • Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award more IP/XP than intended for games under 20 minutes
  • Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award less IP/XP than intended for games over 20 minutes
  • League System:
  • Fixed a number of cases where icons on the league view were not showing up correctly
  • General:
  • Custom Item Sets:
  • Custom item sets can now be created and edited in the summoner profile.
  • Saved item sets appear as an option in the Recommended tab of the in-game item shop
  • Item sets can be associated with a specific champion, multiple champions or all champions
  • Item sets can be associated with a specific map, multiple maps or all maps
  • Silence, Taunt, Stun, Fear and Suppress effects have been updated with a new, consistent visual
  • Karthus’ Requiem should no longer have a major FPS performance hit across all maps.
  • Rerolls in the ARAM queue will now prefer champions not being played by a member of the other team.
  • The ‘Random Champion’ option is no longer available in ranked game champion select.
  • Players who fail to connect to the game will now be granted the same bonus Magic Resistance/Armor that disconnected players receive.
  • Fixed a bug with certain AMD Radeon video cards when playing Dominion.
  • Players may now disable moving their champion via right-clicking on the minimap in the options menu.
  • Logitech G-Key, LED, and LCD technologies are now supported.
  • Fixed: Players joining private custom games in the PvP.net client were not able to submit passwords using the Enter key.
  • Adobe AIR no longer uses the Debug Launcher and has been updated to version 3.7. This should result in increased client stability.