Gamers will get a new Inspire keyword, new creatures

Jul 22, 2015 21:48 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Blizzard is announcing that it is working on a new major expansion for Hearthstone, called The Grand Tournament, which is designed to deliver a range of new cards to the title and to introduce some new mechanics.

The Argent Tournament from World of Warcraft is the inspiration for all the new content that will be added, and gamers will be able to take control of a number of powerful units and spells that can change the balance of any battle.

The official live stream explains that The Grand Tournament is designed to offer a new twist on the familiar mechanics of Hearthstone, introducing more strategies for all the characters.

Blizzard is also saying that an entirely new board has been designed in order to offer more variety and to suit the theme of the expansion.

When it comes to mechanics, The Grand Tournament will introduce a lot of cards that affect the hero powers directly.

Blizzard will offer more information about all the content included in the coming weeks.

The studio is also introducing a new keyword, Inspire, for minions, which means that a card will have a power that's activated when the hero uses his own.

130 new cards will be included by the team and a pre-purchase will start next week.

The Grand Tournament for Hearthstone will be offered in August.

UPDATE: We added images for all the cards that Blizzard revealed so far.

Hearthstone - The Grand Tournament Card Images (8 Images)

The Grand Tournament is coming to Hearthstone
Hearthstone - The Grand Tournament revealHearthstone - The Grand Tournament Maiden power