The jury is still out whether this is a bug or a spontaneous feature

Mar 20, 2014 07:24 GMT  ·  By

There's been a lot of crazy stuff going on lately, what with the likes of Goat Simulator, Octodad and even a Bear Simulator making people wonder if games aren't firmly on their way to turning into modern art.

What was sorely missing from the picture was a rodeo simulator, but for fear of not catching on, developer Respawn Entertainment cleverly hid it within another game with much more broad appeal. They even included 20-foot high mechs in order to attract more gullible gamers to their subversive rodeo simulator.

"I just rodeoed another Pilot..." is the phrase that opens up the horror which is the true reason behind Titanfall. The rode simulator is even difficult to reach, as some might call the precise steps that one has to follow in order to be able to ride other pilots a glitch.

The Reddit thread that masks a diabolical advertisement campaign displays the daring feats of a confused young man, flabbergasted after stumbling on to what he calls a "glitch" that allowed him to get attached onto an enemy pilot and then be carried around while the poor fellow kicked and screamed, now knowing what exactly was going on.

Which is exactly what everyone would say if they deviously hid a rodeo simulator inside a first-person shooter, "such bug, much silliness." We're on to you Respawn, but your secret is safe with us.