Former players will receive compensation in other online games

Oct 26, 2013 14:01 GMT  ·  By

Rift fans will be sad to find out that the last rift has closed for Russia’s version of the game. An announcement of the shutdown has been made due to Trion Worlds’ refusal to further support the localized version.

Since players will no longer be able to play the game on Russian servers, the company in charge of the localized version, Belver Online, offers former players compensation in some of their other online games.

In order to make the transition as smooth as possible, Trion kept the service running for quite a bit, until October 10, since the shutdown was announced in September.

It seems that Trion provided Massively with an official statement, saying, “We've successfully transferred over thousands of Russian players and will continue to help any others who want to continue playing on the Trion servers. Anyone who was previously on a Russian server and was impacted by this shutdown can reach out to our customer service team and we will assist in any way we can to get them in back into RIFT as quickly as possible. And it won't cost $100.”

Therefore, one can see that they are doing whatever they can to get fans back into Rift.