The next Call of Duty title might arrive on the new platform

Mar 4, 2013 07:47 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Infinity Ward is suggesting that it is testing the recently revealed Xi3 SteamBox and that it might create video games based on the new hardware at some point in the future.

The team working at the studio has posted two images of the Xi3, one to Twitter and one to Facebook, both of them apparently designed to show the size of the new hardware by comparing it to an iPhone.

Infinity Ward did not respond to any inquiries about the images and has not offered any comment.

The team is best known for creating Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 and is probably working on a new title in the series, which will be launched during fall this year.

The Xi3 is one of the first SteamBox type pieces of hardware to be revealed and Valve might create its own version of the device in the coming year.

Infinity Ward Xi3 Images (2 Images)

Call of Duty platform
Size does matter
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