Characters have a tendency to dominate the game worlds

Dec 19, 2012 17:31 GMT  ·  By

The leading writer of the recently launched Far Cry 3 has defended the story of the game and, in the process, he has pointed to other titles that could be characterized as having colonialism driven narratives.

Jeffrey Yohalem tells the Penny Arcade Report that, “For example, GTA is a colonization game. You come to New York, you colonize New York. Most open world games function that way. Ezio comes to Rome and colonizes Rome. To take that to its extreme, exaggerating those tropes is how you reveal them.”

The colonial ideas in Far Cry 3 were implemented in order to point them out to players and subvert them using other gameplay mechanics.

Far Cry 3 gives players the role of Jason Brody, an American who needs to learn how to survive and fight on an island filled with natives and enemies.