By replicating the bug, you can explore more of the map

Mar 23, 2015 14:33 GMT  ·  By

The Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae demo that comes packaged with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is a great way to get a taste of the upcoming action in Square Enix's highly anticipated role-playing game.

Among other things, it's also a great way to snoop around some of the areas that aren't yet open to the public. A gamer set out to explore the vast reaches of the starting area, and decided that he wouldn't be deterred by the walls Square Enix put up.

Instead of hitting the invisible barrier, shrugging, and moving along, this player decided that after waiting for several years, he just had to explore more of Final Fantasy XV's world.

Thus, he stumbled upon a bug that lets players go beyond the boundaries of the world map, and even stumbled upon Titan, the hulking behemoth that made a brief appearance in a trailer released a couple of months back.

If you would like to do this yourself, you can see how to replicate the bug in the video below. Be warned though that you shouldn't save your game while beyond the map's initial boundaries, as it corrupts it.

Final Fantasy XV is expected to come out sometime next year, on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One home consoles.