Wolfenstein looks like a game to try out

Jan 9, 2015 22:03 GMT  ·  By

A new year means that it’s time to shake up the way I tend to spend my free gaming time; in other words, I mainly need to convince myself that I am done with Dragon Age: Inquisition in order to replace it with another major release from 2014 that I have not spent enough time with.

Unfortunately, I promised myself that I would complete as much of the game as possible without moving into obsessive territory before letting go, and that means that I still need to deal with the final battle in my most recent playthrough and with some left over quests in the Hissing Wastes and in the Forbidden Oasis.

Dragon Age: Inquisition has a lot to offer and I still think about different choices I could have made and types of characters that I would like to role-play.

But I feel that the returns I am getting on the time I invest in it are diminishing and I will probably put the title on its virtual Origin shelf until major DLC is released or I find a lot of time to play the entire series from the start once more.

So, this weekend I will wrap up my campaign and I will try a little Wolfenstein: The New Order, one of the big titles of last year that I have not managed to explore in its entirety.

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