The team wants to make sure that all the mechanics work

Jan 30, 2013 22:53 GMT  ·  By

Matt Firror, the game director working on The Elder Scrolls Online, says that the beta stage for the ZeniMax Online made MMO will arrive very soon.

The developer tells The Guardian that, “One of the joys of making games like this is that they're on such a massive scale you need to get a whole lot of players into them to kind of see where you are.”

He also explains that Bethesda is willing to run the beta for as long as possible in order to make sure that the entire infrastructure of the game is ready to go and will also use it to test the new Player versus Player mechanics.

The Elder Scrolls Online takes place 1,000 years before the events of the single player titles in the franchise and allows players to join one of three factions that fight over the continent of Tamriel.